
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Irish Savant : Dinosaurs and the Jewish Question

Dinosaurs and the Jewish Question

The Irish Savant


Saturday, 14 March 2020

Ok, that's a facetious headline. My point being that Jews make everything about themselves. A more solipsistic people does not exist and probably never has. Though a strength in many way this self-absorption also carries downsides in that it makes you tone-deaf to the interests and sensibilities of those around you. This is why they continually shoot themselves in the foot by deeming anti-Semitic any animosity towards common hate figures such as Soros, banksters and 'Hollywood'. It goes a long way towards explaining why Jews never ever ever consider the possibility that at least a tiny part of the historical animosity they attract could be down to them.

Psychologists will tell you that solipsism and paranoia are two sides of the same coin. Now here's paranoia on steroids, to the point of derangement. From Aviya Kushner (any relation to YKW?) in the Jewish Forward: "President Trump’s speech on what he called a “foreign virus” left the overwhelming impression that foreigners are the virus. The President’s disturbing phrasing echoed centuries of dangerous anti-Semitic rhetoric blaming Jews for widespread disease. Let’s unpack that.

Foreign. Virus.

The idea that outsiders or foreigners are both dangerous — and dangerous to health — is straight out of the Nazi playbook. “A key part of Nazi ideology was to define the enemy and those who posed a threat to the so-called ‘Aryan race’” the Holocaust Museum states on its website. “Nazi propaganda was essential in promoting the myth of the “national community” and identifying who should be excluded. Jews were considered the main enemy.”  The long intertwining of “outsiders” and “national health” is why the word “foreign” sent shivers down my spine."

Trump referring to a foreign virus sent shivers down her spine!!!
People have been locked up in lunatic asylums for evincing lesser levels of psychosis. How does she think, at a time when we're close to hearing 'bring out your dead' ringing in the streets of Italy, her conclusion would go down with the  rest of us? "History suggests that the term “foreign virus” and its hateful implications may be as dangerous — and perhaps more dangerous — than the coronavirus itself."

And this from the Daily Stormer: "This is Englewood, New Jersey Mayor Michael Wildes telling Fox News this week that the real threat of the Coronavirus is people getting stressed out and taking that stress out on the Jews in the form of anti-Semitism. It is just so fantastic that Jews are able to take a plague that is affecting the entire world and somehow make it entirely about them, and somehow specifically the threat that people will be mean to them, and then claim that it is actually the entire world’s problem that people might be mean to them, and thus the duty of the entire world to prevent people from being mean to them.

And then when you realize that they then have the nerve to go on TV and say this. It is truly staggering. When you get over the abrasive shock of Jewish behavior and rhetoric, you are left with a kind of awe."

Indeed you are. Actually I have some sympathy with Jews on this. It can't be easy being tormented by these archetypes of their collective unconscious and having them reinforced every day by your own people. I'm serious when I say that. Sympathy aside, the main conclusion I draw is that a people with such an unhinged suspicion of their host populations shouldn't be left near the levers of power. Let alone actually control them as they now do.

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