
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Sunday, July 22, 2012

Who Owns the Environmentalist Movement?

Who pulls the strings of environmental groups? The establishment figures who fund and control it -- from England's Prince Phillip and the Netherlands' Prince Bernhard, to U.S. corporate funders like Robert O. Anderson.

Who Owns the Environmentalist Movement?

Far from a grass roots movement, envronmentalism is a big business, funded and directed by the leading families of the U.S. and European establishments

By Rogelio A. Maduro and Ralf Schauerhammer

This article is adapted from Chapter 10 of the Holes in the Ozone Scare: The Scientific Evidence That the Sky Isn't Falling, published in June 1992 by 21st Century and now in its second printing.
Twenty-five years ago, those who believed that Mother Nature comes first and humankind second were part of an insignificant fringe, considered radical by most Americans. These environmentalists were visible mostly at the level of the antinuclear street demonstration, where marijuana smoke wafted around "Back To Nature" posters on display. Today, however, what used to be extremist "environmentalist" ideology has become mainstream, permeating American institutions at every level, from corporate boardrooms to the Federal Reserve, the Congress, the White House, the churches, homes and schools.
Official lore from the environmental movement's publications asserts that the movement emerged from the grass roots. The truth, however, is that funding and policy lines comes from the most prestigious institutions of the Eastern Liberal Establishment, centered around the New York Council on Foreign Relations, and including the Trilateral commission, the Aspen Institute, and a host of private family foundations.
This network of foundations created environmentalism, moving it from a radical fringe movement into a mass movement to support the institutionalization of antiscience, no-growth policies at all levels of government and public life. As prescribed in the Council on Foreign Relations 1980s Project book series, environmentalism has been used against America's economy, against such targets as high-technology agriculture and the nuclear power industry. This movement is fundamentally a green pagan religion in its outlook. Unless defeated, it will destroy not only the economy, but also the Judeo-Christian culture of the United States, and has in fact come perilously close to accomplishing this objective already.
The vast wealth of the environmentalist groups may come as a shock to most readers who believe that these groups are made up of "public interest", "nonprofit" organizations that are making great sacrifices to save the Earth from a looming doomsday caused by man's activities. In fact, the environmental movement is one of the most powerful and lucrative businesses in the world today.
Funding from the Foundations
There are several thousand groups in the United States today involved in "saving the Earth". Although all share a common philosophy, these groups are of four general types: those concerned, respectively with environmental problems, population control, animal rights, and land trusts. Most of these groups are very secretive about their finances, but there is enough evidence on the public record to determine what they are up to.
Table 1 lists the annual revenues of a sampling of 30 environmental groups. These few groups alone had revenues of more than $1.17 billion in 1990. This list, it must be emphasized, by no means includes all of these envirobusinesses. It is estimated that there are more than 3,000 so-called nonprofit environmental groups in the United States today, and most of them take in more than a million dollars a year.
The Global Tomorrow Coalition, for example, is made up of 110 environmental and population-control groups, few of which have revenues less than $3 million per year and land holdings of more than 6 million acres worth billions of dollars, is just the best known of more than 900 land trusts now operating in the United States.
Table 2, lists the grants of 35 foundations to two heavily funded and powerful environmentalist groups -- the Environmental Defense Fund and the Natural Resources Defense Council -- for the year 1988.
The data available from public sources show that the total revenues of the environmentalist movement are more than $8.5 billion per year. If the revenues of law firms involved in environmental litigation and of university environmental programs were added on, this figure would easily double to more than $16 billion a year. This point is emphasized in Table 3, which lists the top 15 environmental groups receiving grants for environmental lawsuits and protection and education programs.
To get an idea of how much money this is, the reader should consider that this income is larger than the Gross National Product (GNP) of 56 underdeveloped nations (Table 4). The 48 nations for which the latest GNP figures were available have a total population of more than 360 million human beings. Ethiopia, for example, with a population of 47.4 million human beings, many starving, has a GNP of only $5.7 billion per year. Somalia, with 5.9 million inhabitants, has a GNP that is lower than the revenues of those groups listed in Table 1. Not a single nation in Central America or the Caribbean has a GNP greater than the revenues of the U.S. environmental movement.
With these massive resources under its control, it is no surprise that the environmentalist movement has been able to set the national policy agenda. There is no trade association in the world with the financial resources and power to match the vast resources of the environmental lobby. In addition, it has the support of most of the news media. Opposing views and scientific refutations of environmental scares are most often simply blacked out.
Where do the environmental groups get their money? Dues from members represent an average of 50 percent of the income of most groups; most of the rest of the income comes from foundation grants, corporate contributions, and U.S. government funds. Almost every one of today's land-trust, environmental, animal-rights, and population-control groups was created with grants from one of the elite foundations, like the Ford foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. These "seed grants" enable the radical groups to become established and start their own fundraising operations. These grants are also a seal-of-approval for the other foundations.
The foundations also provide funding for special projects. For example, the Worldwatch Institute received $825,000 in foundation grants in 1988. Almost all of that money was earmarked specifically for the launching of a magazine, World Watch, which has become influential among policy-makers, promoting the group's antiscience and antipopulation views. The Worldwatch Institute's brochures report that it was created by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to "alert policy makers and the general public to emerging global trends in the availability and management of resources -- both human and natural".
Foundation grants in the range of $20 to $50 million for the environmental cause are no longer a novelty. In July 1990, the Rockefeller Foundation announced a $50 million global environmental program. The specific purpose of the program is to create an elite group of individuals in each country whose role is to implement and enforce the international environmental treaties now being negotiated.
Kathleen Teltsch reported in the New York times (July 24, 1990):
"As an initial step, the five-year program will assist hundreds of young scientists and policy makers in developing countries to create a worldwide network of trained environmental leaders, who will meet regularly at workshops, sharing information and discussing strategy."Through the international network, the foundation wants to encourage efforts to build environmental protection into governments' long-range economic planning. Other major elements would promote the drafting of international treaties to deal with forest, land, and water preservation, and hazardous waste disposal"
The foundations are run by America's top patrician families. These families channel billions of dollars into the organizations and causes they wish to support every year, and thereby exert enormous political clout. By deciding who and what gets funded, they determine the political issues up front in Washington, which are then voted on by Congress. It is all tax free, since the foundations are tax-exempt. The boards of directors of the large foundations are made up of some of the most powerful individuals in this country, and they always overlap with power brokers in government and industry.
One such individual was Thornton F. Bradshaw, who, until his recent death, was chairman and program director of the MacArthur foundation and a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Conservation Foundation. At the same time, Bradshaw was chairman of the RCA Corporation and a director of NBC, the Atlantic Richfield corp., Champion International, and first Boston, Inc. Bradshaw was also a member of the Malthusian Club of Rome and director of the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies, organizations that have played a critical role in spreading the "limits to growth" ideology of the environmental movement.
Another individual perhaps better known to readers is Henry A. Kissinger, former U.s. secretary of state and a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. For years Kissinger was the director of the fund's special Studies Project, which was in charge of special operations.
Corporate Contributions
Another huge source of contributions to the environmental movement is private corporations. Unlike tax-exempt foundations, however, corporations are not required by law to report what they do with their money, so it is difficult for an independent researcher to estimate the level of funding for the environmentalist movement from business and industry. There are watchdog groups, however, that have investigated these money flows and come up with startlingly large figures.
For example, the April 1991 newsletter of the Capital Research Center in Washington, D.C., which monitors trends in corporate giving, scathingly denounces those corporations it has discovered financing the environmentalists. The newsletter states that oil companies "are heavy financial supporters of the very advocacy groups which oppose activities essential to their ability to meet consumer needs".
Further, it reports, "The Nature Conservancy's 1990 report reflects contributions of over $1,000,000 from Amoco, over $135,000 from Arco, over 4100,000 from BP Exploration and BP Oil, more than $3,200,000 (in real estate) from Chevron, over $10,000 from Conoco and Phillips Petroleum and over $260,000 from Exxon".
From the scant information publicly available (largely annual reports from the major environmental groups), one can conservatively estimate that corporations contribute more than $200 million a year to the environmentalist movement.
This should come as no surprise. Over the past 20 years, giant corporations have discovered that by using environmental regulations they can bankrupt their competition, the small- and medium-sized firms that are the most active and technologically innovative part of the U.S. economy.
Compliance with environmental regulations is also big business. According to official figures from the federal government's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it costs the U.S. economy $131 billion today to comply with environmental regulations. That figure will have risen to more than $300 billion a year by the year 2000. The expenditures are a net drain on the economy, but while the nation is bankrupted, someone is profiting from the services and equipment sold. A look at classified advertisements in the papers today reveals that companies involved in environmental compliance are growing fast. Many of these corporations are contributing to the environmental movement.
Funds from the U.S. Government
There is a third area of funding for the environmental movement: the U.S. government itself. As reported in detail by Peter Metzger, former science editor of the Rocky Mountain News, there are now thousands of professional environmentalists ensconced in the U.S. government. These environmentalists channel hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and favors to environmentalists and environmental groups under all kinds of guises. In a 1991 newspaper series, columnist Warren Brookes exposed how the federal Bureau of Land Management [BLM] used the Nature Conservancy as a land broker, giving the antigrowth organization handsome profits.
The EPA doles out huge amounts of money to environmental groups to conduct "studies" of the impact of global warming and ozone depletion. President Bush has made the Global Climate Change program a priority, so while the Space Station, vaccinations for children, and other crucial projects have been virtually eliminated from the budget, $1.3 billion is available for studies of how man is fouling the Earth. Similarly, scientists who challenge global warming and ozone depletion as hoaxes do not receive a penny in funding, while those who scream doomsday receive tens of millions in research grants from the "climate change" program.
How much funding do the environmentalists receive from the federal government? Officially, the U.S. government gives away more than $3 billion a year in grants to support environmental groups and projects. The actual total, however, is impossible to estimate. A top-ranking official of the department of Energy who spent two years attempting to cut off tens of millions of dollars in "pork barrel" grants going to environmentalist groups, discovered that for each grant she was eliminating, environmentalist moles in the department added several new ones. The official resigned in disgust.
The environmentalist capture of Washington, which was consolidated during the Carter administration, produced radical changes in the Washington, D.C. establishment. This process of subversion was described by [Peter] Metzger in a speech given in 1980, titled "Government-funded Activism: Hiding Behind the Public Interest."
"For the first time in history, a presidential administration is funding a political movement dedicated to destroying many of the institutions and principles of American society. Activist organizations, created, trained, and funded at taxpayers' expense, and claiming to represent the public interest, are attacking our economic system and advocating its replacement by a new form of government. Not only is this being done by means already adjudicated as being unconstitutional, but it is being done without the consent of Congress, the knowledge of the public, or the attention of the press.It all began when President Carter hired individuals prominently identified with the protest or adversary culture… the appointment [by the Carter administration] of several hundred leading activists to key regulatory and policy-making positions in Washington resulted in their use of the federal regulatory bureaucracy in order to achieve their personal and ideological goals.
Already accomplished is the virtual paralysis of new federal coal leasing, conventional electric generating plant licensing in many areas, federal minerals land leasing and water development, industrial exporting without complex environmental hearings, and the halting of new nuclear power plant construction…
The consequences of those sub-cabinet appointees having then made their own appointments, and those having then made theirs, so that now, there are thousands of [environmentalist] representatives in government…"
According to Metzger, this new class,
"enshrined in the universities, the news media, and especially the federal bureaucracy, has become one of the most powerful of the special interests."
Two Case Studies
Let us consider two case studies of how foundation-funded environmentalist organizations have virtually taken over national policy.
The Washington, D.C.-based Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) was created in 1969. The cover story is that it sprang from America's grass roots, after a group of Long Island citizens began having coffee clatches to discuss the threat of toxic chemicals. The truth is that EDF was created by grants from the leading Eastern Establishment foundations and these foundations have continued to support it.
The Ford Foundation gave EDF its seed money in 1969. In 1988, EDF received $500,000 from the ford Foundation, $1,000,000 from the William Bingham Foundation, $75,000 from the Joyce Foundation, $150,000 from the Mott Foundation, and $25,000 from the Carnegie Foundation, among others. Today, EDF has seven offices nationwide, more than 150,000 members, and an annual operating budget of $17 million.
The EDF made its name in the fight to ban DDT, which it accomplished with the help of Natural Resources Defense Council litigation in 1972 -- and with the cooperation of the EPA's administrator, William Ruckelshaus. Ruckelshaus ignored the scientific evidence presented during seven months of EPA hearings on DDT, and he ignored the decision of the EPA's hearing examiner not to ban DDT; instead, for what he admitted were political reasons, he banned this life-saving insecticide that was turning the tide on malaria. Thus "public perception" became established as more important than scientific evidence in environmental decisions.
In 1986, EDF helped to draft California's first sweeping environmental regulations in the form of the ballot initiative known as Proposition 65, which restricted the use of dozens of chemicals in industry and agriculture and has cost the California economy billions.
EDF's goals for the 1990s include: defending against the so-called greenhouse effect; saving sea turtles and porpoises by shutting down the fishing industry; banning CFCs worldwide by the year 2000; saving the world's rain forests; passing legislation to prevent so-called acid rain; setting aside Antarctica as a permanent wildlife reserve; extending the chemical bans in California's Proposition 65 to the entire nation; and recycling all household and industrial waste material.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), one of several of the legal arms of the environmentalist movement, was founded in 1970 with a massive infusion of funds from the Ford Foundation. Together with the Legal Defense Fund of the Sierra Club and the National Audobon Society, the NRDC took to the courts, filing dozens of lawsuits to block dams, shut down nuclear power-plant construction, and derail highway development projects.
The NRDC and its cohorts also targeted federal regulators in the Environmental Protection Agency and other offices, forcing tightened controls on pollution and demanding the enforcement of statutory rules for clean air and rivers. The Clean Air Act of 1970 was a first fruit of these efforts.
Who funds these multi-million-dollar court battles? In 1988, the NRDC received grants of $75,000 from the Educational Foundation of America, $600,000 from the MacArthur Foundation, $165,000 from the W. Alton Jones Foundation, and $850,000 from the Beinecke Foundation.
A good chunk of this money ends up in the expense accounts and salaries of the Eastern Establishment bigwigs who run the environmentalist advocacy groups -- or in the pockets of their lawyers. A 1990 cover story in Forbes magazine reports that the organizational network of consumer and environmentalist activist Ralph Nader is worth close to $10 million and receives ardent support in its anti-industry lawsuits from a circle of plaintiff attorneys with multi-million-dollar annual incomes (see Brimelow and Spencer 1990)
Nader himself lives very well off the publicity stirred up from court cases. "Oh, God, limousines and nothing but the best hotels", Forbes quotes a former state Trial Lawyers Association official. "We got quite a bill when he [Nader] was in town". Nader lives in a $1.5 million townhouse in Washington, D.C. (owned by his sister) and commands up to five-figure fees each for between 50 and 100 speaking appearances per year.
(Photo caption) The National Wildlife Federation's Jay Hair, like other leaders of environmental empires, commands a six-figure salary -- $200,000. However, his actual income is much higher because it includes earnings from his membership on the boards of corporations and other environmental groups. On average, environmental executives have salaries in the range of $150,000 to $200,000 a year, excluding benefits and income from other sources.
Other environmentalist organization leaders also maintain an expensive lifestyle. In August 1983, reporter Nancy Shute gave a colorful description of the environmentalists-turned-establishment who had taken over Washington. Under the headline "Bambi Goes to Washington", Shute writes in National Review:
"On December 1, 1982, barely two years after Ronald Reagan's election, hundreds of Washington lawyers and lobbyists munched pears and cheese and sipped Bloody Marys under the sparkling crystal chandeliers at the Organization of the American States (oas.org) headquarters, just two blocks from the White House. The conversation turned to politics, as do all Washington cocktail-party conversations."But the women in pearls and men in dark suits who shouted to be heard over the seven piece dance band represented not Exxon or U.S. Steel or General Motors, but the nations' environmental lobby, celebrating the tenth birthday of the Environmental Policy Center, an influential Washington lobbying group and research institute.
"In the 13 years since Earth Day, the environmental presence in the capital has grown from a ragtag band dedicated to saving trees and whales to a formidable Washington institution.
"Much of the environmental windfall has been spent on sleek new offices, on high-profile lobbyists like former senator Gaylord Nelson and Carter Administration Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus… on high-priced economists and lawyers, and on millions of direct-mail pleas for more cash…" [p.924]
These environmentalists are unabashed about their affluence. Their conferences have become notorious for their plush locales (Switzerland, Beverly Hills, Sundance and Aspen, for example).
The Campaign against CFCs
Both the EDF and NRDC played a leading role in the propaganda and legal campaign to ban CFCs.
In June 1974, Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina's doomsday paper claiming CFCs would deplete the ozone layer was published in Nature. At that moment, however, the hottest topic in the news media was that chlorine emissions from the Space Shuttle would wipe out the ozone layer. It was not until September 1974, that articles on the CFCs threat started to appear.
In November 1974, the Natural Resources Defense Council joined the ozone debate, calling for an immediate ban on CFCs. In June 1975, the NRDC sued the Consumer Products Safety Commission for a ban on CFCs used in aerosol spray cans. The lawsuit was rejected by the commission in July 1975, on grounds that there was insufficient evidence that CFCs harm the atmosphere.
At that point, EPA administrator Russell E. Train intervened on behalf of the NRDC and proponents of the ozone depletion theory, calling for all nations to cooperate in establishing worldwide guidelines on CFCs to avoid environmental disaster. Today Russell E. Train is head of the World Wildlife Fund/Conservation Foundation, a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and a top-ranking member of both the Trilateral Commission and the New York Council on Foreign Relations.
For the next two years, debate raged on the future of CFCs, with the NRDC, lavishly funded by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, playing a major role. While President Ford's top science advisers said the evidence was still not strong enough for an immediate ban on CFCs, other members of the administration moved to implement such a ban. Once of them was Russell W. Peterson, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, who worked for a ban on the use of CFCs in aerosol cans as a first step toward the total banning of CFCs. Peterson made it clear that it did not matter that there was no scientific evidence against CFCs. According to Sharon Roan in Ozone Crisis, Peterson told the press:
"I believe firmly that we cannot afford to give chemicals the same constitutional rights that we enjoy under the law. Chemicals are not innocent until proven guilty" (p. 83).
Peterson today is the head of the National Audubon Society.
In October 1978, CFCs used as propellants in aerosol cans were banned in the United States.
The CFCs issue lay dormant for the next several years, until November 1984, when the NRDC started a new phase on the assault on CFCs with a suit against the EPA. The suit sought to force the EPA to place a cap on overall CFC production, as mandated under the EPA's Phase Two proposals. The NRDC argued that under the Clean Air Act, the EPA was required to regulate CFCs if they were deemed harmful to the environment. The group claimed the EPA had acknowledged this in its 1980 proposed regulations, which had not been implemented during the first four years of the Reagan administration.
As the NRDC relaunched its campaign against CFCs, a major political change was taking place in Washington, D.C. The leading proponents of technology, the space program, and economic development in the Reagan administration had been ousted by a series of media-orchestrated scandals == Interior Secretary James Watt, NASA Administrator James Beggs, and EPA Chief Anne Burford. Burford was replaced by the multimillionaire corporate environmentalist, William Ruckelshaus, his second term as EPA administration.
There was still no credible scientific evidence against CFCs; supposedly this changed in May 1985 with the publication of Joseph Farman's doomsday ozone-hole paper in Nature magazine. This article enabled the environmental lobby to start creating hysteria about CFCs once more, which set the wheels into motion that led to the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987.
In September 1986, the DuPont Company announced its support for the banning of CFCs. By summer 1987, the environmental onslaught against CFCs was in full gear under the leadership of the well-funded NRDC. It was at that moment that the World Resources Institute received a $25 million grant from the MacArthur Foundation. According to Sharon Roan's book, Ozone Crisis (page 204):
"Economist Daniel J. Dudek of the Environmental Defense Fund provided a study on the cost of reducing ozone depletion… At the World Resources Institute and Worldwatch Institute, studies were completed to alert Americans to the effects of various ozone control policies. The Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, and Sierra Club initiated public education campaigns and began pressuring industry to own up to its responsibility."
In September 1987, the Montreal Protocol was signed, calling for a 50 percent ban on CFCs by the year 2000.
[CDR Note: In 1995 Arizona State Legislature passed a bill (HB 2236) -- a one pager -- which allowed the possession, use, manufacture, purchase, installation, transportation and sale of chloroflurocarbons (namely freon), while prohibiting any penalty, fine or retaliatory action against any person or political subdivision (local government) of the state who or which did any of the above. Governor Fife Symington signed the bill into law on April 15, 1995 and very shortly thereafter was out of office on alleged charges of misuse of campaign funds, or some silly nonsense.
According to a report we've obtained, scientific studies have debunked the theory that CFC's from freon were responsible for the hole in the ozone layer. The hole is caused from lack of sunlight at the polar areas during the long-night season. When the sun returns, the hole repairs itself. It is a repetitive process. The studies claim that CFCs from volcanoes and other natural phenomena are released into the atmosphere at a much higher rate than those [CFCs] released by freon.
It is most probable that since DuPont's patent on freon was about to expire -- at which time any company could manufacture freon -- the timed release of the ozone-hole scare played a two-fold role; that is, forwarding the environmentalist movement and catering to the interests of the transnational DuPont company. We understand that the new coolant approved for use is also a DuPont patented product; was never tested for environmental safety; is much less efficient; uses more electricity to cool; is caustic to equipment, reducing the life of equipment; and cannot be used in present equipment so will ultimately cost homeowners and businesses billions to modify or change out equipment.]
The First Earth Day
First demonstrators who put spotted owls first, environmentalists define people as the enemy.
At the same time that the environmental organizations were becoming a well-funded big business, their propaganda output was used to create popular support for the environmentalist cause in the United States. A turning point in the transformation of the environmentalist fringe into a radicalized mass movement was Earth Day 1970.
On April 22, 1970, thousands of college students and curious onlookers turned out to participate in the widely publicized Earth Day festivities in dozens of major U.S. cities. Fold music, antinuclear slogans, "Love Your Mother Planet Earth" posters and college students were everywhere. On the surface it appeared to most observers that the nationwide rallies represented a grass roots movement to protest "the destruction of the environment". Nothing could be further from the truth. The Earth Day publicity stunt was part of a highly coordinated effort to create a climate of sympathy for Malthusian zero growth, where none yet existed in the United States.
Earth Day was partly bankrolled by a $200,000 personal grant from Robert O. Anderson, at the time the president of Atlantic Richfield Oil Corporation, the president of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and a personal protégé of University of Chicago zero-growth ideologue Robert Maynard Hutchins. Anderson and the Aspen Institute played a crucial role in the launching of a worldwide environmentalist movement, and Earth Day was a big step along the way.
Coincident with the Earth Day effort, The Progressive, a 70-year-old publication of the U.S. branch of the Fabian socialist movement of H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, and Julian and Aldous Huxley, devoted its entire issue to a special report on "The Crisis of Survival". Among the environmentalist ideologues who contributed to this special issue were Ralph Nader and Paul Ehrlich. Denis Hayes, a Stanford University graduate who would later become the environmentalist-in-residence at the Worldwatch Institute, wrote the keynote article on Earth Day. He stated:
"April 22 is a tool -- something that can be used to focus the attention of society on where we are heading. It's a chance to start getting a handle on it all; a rejection of the silly idea that bigger is better, and faster is better, world without limits, amen."This has never been true. It presumes a mastery by Man over nature, and over Nature's laws. Instead of seeking harmony, man has sought to subdue the whole world. The consequences of this are beginning to come home. And time is running out."
In 1970, most Americans would have summarily rejected this pessimistic view. But, by the time the organizers of Earth Day 1970 were planning 20th anniversary celebrations of the event for 1990, the environmentalist hoax had been sold to the population of the United States. In the months before Earth Day 1990, every elementary and secondary school in the nation was provided with a special Earth Day preparation curriculum from the environmental Protection Agency. EPA spokesmen toured the nation. Television, magazines, and newspapers from the national to local level reported and editorialized on the event. State and town governments promoted it with public funds.
On Earth Day 1990, according to a spokesman for Friends of the Earth (a leading arm of the environmentalist lobby also financed by Robert O. Anderson), "one of the largest demonstrations ever" was held in Washington, D.C. and tens of thousands of people, representing "all types of environmental groups from all over the United States and internationally" were there. Smaller celebrations were held in literally thousands of state capitals, towns, and cities across the United States. A mass movement against science, technology, and economic growth had been consolidated in the United States.
Next Comes Genocide
In 1989, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak estimated that 500 million people in the Third World had starved to death in the decade of the 1980's; current estimates by the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) are that 40,000 children under the age of five starve to death every day. Most of these deaths can be attributed directly or indirectly to debt service and "technological apartheid", policies that prevent modern technologies -- such as water treatment plants, nuclear energy, refrigeration, mechanized agriculture, pesticides, and fertilizers -- from being used in Third World countries. These policies were considered colonialist in past decades; today, they are promoted by environmental groups in industrialized nations, under the guise of saving the Earth from pollution.
[CDR Note: See related article: Toxic Wastes 'Recycled' As Fertilizer Threaten U.S. Farms - Food Supply
Many environmentalists have no idea of the consequences of their belief system for the people of the Third World, but it is clear that those at the top of the environmentalist movement are witting in their advocacy of policies that ultimately kill people. We know this is the case because many of the environmentalist policy-makers say so publicly. It is not simply that the ban on CFCs will kill people and that the top environmentalists know that it will kill people.
The fact is that the top ozone depletion propagandists at the World Wildlife Fund, the Club of Rome, the Population Crisis Committee/Draper Fund, and other elite bodies want it to kill people. Depopulation is one of the reasons they devised the ozone hoax in the first place. By scaring the general population with stories of imminent catastrophe, these policy-makers intend to justify adoption of stringent measures that will curtail economic growth and population. The ozone hole is just one of several such scare stories.
On July 24, 1980, the U.S. State Department unveiled the Global 2000 Report to the President. It had been in preparation by the White House Council on environmental Quality and the State Department, employing scores of government personnel and hundreds of outside consultants since the early days of the Carter administration -- an administration dominated by elite members of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. The report was a long-inded proposal that "population control" -- a euphemism for killing people -- be made the cornerstone of the policies of all U.S. presidents from that time forward.
Pervading the report and several companion documents were lurid predictions: crises in water resources, severe energy shortages, shortfalls in strategically vital raw materials -- all blamed on "population growth".
The report argued that without countervailing action, by the year 2000 there will be 2 to 4 billion people too many. Therefore, the report said, it is required that government implicitly direct all policies domestic and foreign toward the elimination of 2 to 4 billion people by the year 2000.
The rationale for proposing a crime of such great magnitude is the simple -- and totally wrong -- Malthusian ideology that claims population growth inherently exhausts "natural resources" and there are, therefore, "limits to growth", as the Club of Rome has insisted.
In the real world of human production of the means of human existence, there is no correlation between "natural resources" and human population potential, for the simple reason that resources are not really "natural". The resources for human existence are defined by human science and technology, and the development of science and technology defines whole new arrays of "resources" for the societies that avail themselves of such progress. For example, oil was there "naturally", but if did not exist as a resource for humankind until the technology -- combustion engines, and so on -- existed to make it a resource. Before that, it was a black mud that usually meant ruination of farm fields.
This means two things. First, there are no "limits to growth". There are only limits within the confines of a given array of technology. So, unless scientific and technological progress were stopped dead, there could never be an absolute limit to "resources" for human life. There can never be such a thing as absolute "overpopulation" of the human species.
Second, were modern agricultural and industrial capabilities, even as they exist in industrialized nations today, diffused throughout the Third World, we would discover that not only do we have ample resources for year-2000 population levels, but we also have too few people to operate advanced agroindustrial facilities at optimum capacity. If we took account of in-sight technological advances, we would discover thatunderpopulation is the main problem we face.
The Global 2000 Report, however, assumed no diffusion of modern agroindustrial capabilities to the Third World. Instead, it assumed that the Third World would be denied even available forms of technology.
In addition, it assumed no progress beyond existing scientific and technological arsenals. The over population forecast follows neatly from these assumptions: The report assumes that science and technology have been forced to come to a stop, in order to assert that by the year 2000, there will be 2 to 4 billion more people than the world economy can sustain. The report neglects to point out that if science and technology were not to be forced into stagnation, the globe's population would have much brighter prospects.
In other words, the Global 2000 Report is simply a statement of policy intent for genocide, not a scientific forecast at all. It reveals in a unique way the depopulation aims of those also behind the ozone-depletion hoax.
By the time Global 2000 was issued, whole sections of the U.S. government existed solely to implement its recommendation: depopulation. The role of Richard Elliott Benedick, who negotiated the Montreal Protocol for the United States, must be emphasized again. Benedick has spent most of his government career as head of the State Department Population Office, promoting policies to reduce the size of the world's population.
Lest the skeptical reader think we exaggerate, listen to Thomas Ferguson, a Benedick colleague and head of the Latin American desk at Benedick's Office of Population Affairs. Ferguson made these comments on State Department policy toward the civil war in El Salvado (as reported by Executive Intelligence Review, 1981, p. 43):
"Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it. The professionals are not interested in lowering population for humanitarian reasons… In El Salvador, there is no place for these people -- period. No place."Look at Vietnam. We studied the thing. That area was also overpopulated and a problem. We thought that the war would lower rates, and we were wrong. To really reduce population quickly, you have to pull all the males into the fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile age females. You know, as long as you have a large number of fertile females, you will have a problem…
"In El Salvador, you are killing a small number of males and not enough females to do the job on the population. The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through disease., like the Black Death.
"What might happen in El Salvador is that the war might disrupt the distribution of food: The population could weaken itself, you could have disease and starvation. Then you can successfully create a tendency for population rates to decline rapidly… but otherwise, people breed like animals."
Ferguson's level of moral depravity is not unique among government policy-makers. Listen to William Paddock, an adviser to the State Department under both Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance. In spring 1981, Paddock told a Georgetown University seminar that 3.5 million of El Salvador's 4 million people should be eliminated, and would be, provided that there was "continuous turmoil and civil strife, which is the only solution to the overpopulation problem."
Paddock continued:
"The United States should support the current military dictatorship, because that is what is required… But we should also open up contacts with the opposition, because they will eventually come to power. As we do that, we should work with their opposition, because we will need to bring them to power. That is what our policy is, that is what it must be… an endless cycle."
Readers are encouraged to seek out and read the documentation for themselves in official government documents. For example, National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, a recently declassified memo written by National Security Advisers Brent Scowcroft and Henry Kissinger in 1974, states specifically that population growth in the developing sector is a national security threat to the United States, and must be curtailed as a matter of America's foreign policy. Under the rubric of this document, the United States has worked internationally to cut the growth and overall size of the darker-skinned peoples of the Third World -- an explicitly racist policy.*
This policy against the Third World and "less advantaged populations" is being implemented on a scale never seen before but, in fact, it is nothing new. Historian Anton Chaitkin documented recently that the policy-makers gathered around George Bush, the family of the President, and the Anglo-American financial establishment behind the Bush administration, are the same group of people who put the racist Adolf Hitler into power and copied his eugenics policies in practice in the United States. The continue to promulgate the policy of Hitlerite "eugenics" or race purification under the new label of population control and in the name of "saving the environment".
Bush's work for population control goes back to the 1960s, when he was the first congressman to introduce national population-control legislation. Bush was also a conspicuous activist for population reduction when he was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from 1971 to 1972. In 1972, prodded by Bush and others, the U. S. Agency for International Development (AID) began funding the Serilization League of America to sterilize nonwhites.
In his introduction to the 1973 book The World Population Crisis: The U.S. Response, by Phyllis Piotrow, Bush wrote that "one of the major challenges of the 1970s… will be to curb the world's fertility".
In 1988, U.S. AID made a new contract with the Sterilization League, committing the U.S. government to spend $80 million over five years. This contract is not listed in the public U.S. AID budgetary literature, yet the group says that 87 percent of its foreign operations are funded by the U.S. government.
The sterilization program is based on deception.
The U. S. AID tells Congress and the public, that since the Reagan and Bush administrations have been opposed to abortions, tax money that would have funded abortions in foreign countries has been diverted to "family planning activities". They fail to explain that in addition to buying 7 billion condoms, the program funds surgical sterilization of growing numbers of the Third World Population.
Peter Brimelow and Leslie Spencer, 1990. "Ralph Nader, Inc.", Forbes (9-17) pp 117-122 (cover story)
Anton chaitkin and Webster Tarpley, 1992. George Bush; The Unauthorized Biography. In Press.
Council on Environmental Quality, 1980. "The Global 2000 Report to the President: Entering the Twenty-first Century", Washington D.C.
Executive Intelligence Review, 1981. The Conspiracy Behind the Trilateral Commission, New York.
Joseph Farman et al. 1985. "Large losses of total ozone in Antartica reveal seasonal CLOx/NOx Interaction", Nature, Vol. 315 (Jan 24), pp 207-210.
Peter Metzger, 1980. "Government-Funded Activism: Hiding behind the Public Interest". Present at the 47th Annual Conference of the Southwestern Electric Exchange in Boca Raton, Florida (March 26).
Mario J. Molina and F.S. Rowland, 1974. "Stratospheric sink for chlorfluromethanes: chlorine atomic-atalysed {sic} destruction of ozone", Nature, Vol. 249 (June 28), pp 810-812.
Kathleen Murphy, 1979. "The 1980s Project: Blueprint for 'Controlled Disintegration' ", Fusion (October), pp. 36-47.
National Security Study Memorandum 20, 1974, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, Washington, D.C.
William Paddock, 1981. "The Demographic and National Security Inplications of the Salvado Revolution". Washington, D.C.; Georgetown Center for Strategic and International Studies Seminar (Feb. 27).
Sharon Road. 1989. Ozone Crisis: The 15-Year Evolution of a Sudden Global Emergency. New York; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Lydia Schulman, 1981. "Global 2000: Will the Zero-Growthers capture the White House?" Fusion Magazine (May), pp. 18-19.
"The State Department's Office of Population Affairs: Depopulating by 'War and Famine' ", 1981. Fusion magazine (June), pp. 20-23.
Nancy Shute, 1983. "The Greening of James Watt", National Review (Aug 5), pp 924-928
Kathleen Teltsch, 1990. "Rockefeller Foundation Starts Ecology Effort", The New York Times, July 24.

Table 1
Environmental Groups
(U.S. dollars, 1990, 1991)
Organization Revenues
African Wildlife Foundation $ 4,676,000
American Humane Association 3,000,000
Center for Marine Conservation 3,600,000
Clean Water Action 9,000,000
Conservation International 8,288,216
The Cousteau Society 14,576,328
Defenders of Wildlife 6,454,240
Earth Island Institute 1,300,000
Environmental Defense Fund 16,900,000
Greenpeace International 100,000,000
Humane society 19,237,791
Inform 1,500,000
International Fund for Animal Welfare 4,916,491
National Arbor Day Foundation 14,700,000
National Audobon Society 37,000,000
National Parks Conservation Assoc. 8,717,104
National Wildlife Federation 77,180,104
Natural Resources Defense Council 16,926,305
Nature Conservancy 254,251,717
North Shore animal League 26,125,383
Planned Parenthood 383,000,000
Population Crisis Committee 4,000,000
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy 1,544,293
Sierra club 40,659,100
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund 8,783,902
Student Conservation Association, inc. 3,800,000
Trust for Public Land 23,516,506
Wilderness Society 17,903,091
Wildlife Conservation International 4,500,000
WWF/Conservation Foundation 60,000,000
Zero Population Growth 1,600,000
Total $1,177,656,571
Sources: Buzzwork, September/October 1991- Chronicle of Philanthropy March, 13, 1992

(U.S. dollars, 1988)
Foundation EDF NRDC
Beinecke foundation, Inc. 850,000
Carnegie Corporation of New York 25,000
Clark Foundation 150,000
Columbia Foundation 30,000
Cox Charitable Trust 38,000
Diamond Foundation 50,000
Dodge Foundation, Geraldine 75,000 10,000
Educational Foundation of America 30,000 75,000
Ford Foundation 500,000
Gerbode Foundation 50,000 40,000
Gund Foundation 85,000 40,000
Harder Foundation 200,000
Joyce Foundation 75,000 30,000
MacArthur Foundation 600,000
Mertz-Gilmore Foundation 75,000 80,000
Milbank Memorial Fund 50,000
Morgan guaranty charitable Trust 5,000 6,000
Mott Foundation, Charles Stewart 150,000 40,000
New Hope Foundation, Inc. 45,000
New York Community Trust 35,000
Noble foundation, Inc. 20,000 35,000
Northwest Area foundation 100,000
Packard Foundation 50,000 37,000
Prospect Hill Foundation 45,000
Public Welfare Foundation 150,000
Robert Sterling Clark Foundation 50,000 40,000
Rockefeller Brothers Fund 75,000
San Francisco Foundation 50,000
Scherman Foundation 40,000 50,000
Schumann foundation 50,000
Steele-Reese Foundation 100,000
Victoria Foundation 35,000 35,000
Virginia Environmental Endowment 25,000
W. Alton Jones Foundation 100,000 165,000
Wallace Genetic Foundation 80,000 65,000
William Bingham Foundation 1,000,000 150,000
Total* 2,885,000 3,236,000
*The total includes some smaller foundation grants not listed here.
Source: The Foundation Grants Index -- 1989, 1990

Recipient Foundation Grant in $

World Resources Institute MacArthur Foundation 15,000,000World Resources Institute MacArthur Foundation 10,000,000
Nature Conservancy R.K. Mellon Foundation 4,050,000
Nature Conservancy Champlin Foundations 2,000,000
Oregon Coast Aquarium Fred Meyer Charitable Trust 1,500,000 International Irrigation Mgmt Inst. Ford Foundation 1,500,000
Open Space Institute R.K. Mellon Foundation 1,400,000
Internat'l Irrigation Mgmt. Inst. Rockefeller Foundation 1,200,000
Chicago Zoological society MacArthur Foundation 1,000,000
Native American Rights Foundation Ford foundation 1,000,000
Wilderness Society R.K. Mellon Foundation 800,000
World Resources Institute A.W. Mellon Foundation 800,000
University of Arkansas W.K. Kellogg Foundation 764,060
National Park Service Pillsbury Co. Foundation 750,000
National Audobon society A.W. Mellon Foundation 750,000
SOURCE: Environmental Grant Association Directory, 1989

Underdeveloped Nations Whose Gross National Product (GNP) Is Less Than
The Annual Revenues of U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS (1990)

Country GNP (billions $ Population

Bhutan 0.25 1.4
Laos 0.70 3.9
Lesotho 0.71 1.7
Chad 0.86 5.4
Mauritania 0.91 1.9
Somalia 1.00 5.9
Yemen 1.03 2.4
Central African Republic 1.10 2.9
Botswana 1.21 1.2
Burundi 1.22 5.1
Togo 1.26 3.4
Malawi 1.36 8.0
Mozambique 1.49 14.9
Benin 1.72 4.4
Burkina Faso 1.70 8.5
Mali 1.84 8.0
Congo 1.91 2.1
Madagascar 1.96 10.9
Maurilius 1.96 1.1
Rwanda 2.14 6.7
Niger 2.19 7.3
Zambia 2.20 7.6
Guinea 2.32 5.4
Haiti 2.39 6.3
Jamaica 2.57 2.4
Papua New Guinea 3.00 3.7
Nepal 3.24 18.0
Gabon 3.27 1.1
Bolivia 3.03 6.9
Tanzania 3.95 24.7
Trinidad and Tobago 4.02 1.2
Honduras 4.13 4.8
Uganda 4.54 16.2
Senegal 4.55 7.0
Costa Rica 4.56 2.7
El Salvador 4.70 5.0
Paraguay 4.72 4.0
Panama 4.88 2.3
Dominican Republic 4.97 6.9
Ghana 5.60 14.0
Ethiopia 5.69 47.4
Jordan 5.85 3.9
Sri Lanka 6.97 16.6
Oman 7.00 1.4
Uruguay 7.66 3.1
Guatemala 7.83 8.7
Kenya 8.29 22.4
Ivory Coast 8.62 11.2
Total 362.0
Figures were not available for Afghanistan, Kampuchea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Lebanon, Nicaragua and Vietnam. SourceWorld Development Report 1990: Poverty, The World Bank (New York, London, Oxford University Press, 1990

Who Silenced the Outcry?

Who Silenced the Outcry?

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
- a.k.a. Phony Conservatives,
Christian Conservatives

Back in the early 1980's, as a business owner experiencing the insanity of bureaucratic control and governmental interference in our ability to operate a business using our God-given common sense, it became apparent that "something is drastically wrong here." Shortly after being introduced to the Spotlight Newspaper and becoming a subscriber, political mail began arriving by the buckets from unfamiliar organizations / individuals . Each letter had its own brand of shock and horror stories about "our government." Seldom could I read a piece of mail without getting out the check-book, writing a healthy check/donation and always thanking our heavenly Father for His blessings – the financial success of the business – so that I could "do my part to help save America." It’s called ignorance and naivete’, folks.
If you subscribe to the Spotlight Newspaper, or have ever sent a donation to even one of the organizations in question, it would be safe to assume you’ve had similar experiences.... an overwhelming onslaught of mail detailing the corruption in the U.S. Government; legislation which MUST be blocked; corruption in our Courts; government land grabs; and the tragic consequences which will befall us if we don’t "sign the petition and SEND MONEY". The money part is so the particular organization or individual can reach millions more and if they don’t receive enough. . . woe unto all of us!
The organizations and individuals of which and of whom I speak are ALL phony conservative and so-called Christian-conservative, including ‘ministers’ ... every single one of them. Some that come to mind were the Young Americans for Freedom, National Taxpayers Union, Heritage Foundation, Republican National Committee, and members of the U.S. Congress... even N. Carolina U.S. Senator, Jesse Helms (I lived in Illinois). The very common denominator was – and still is – the fact that 90% of them are members of the Council for National Policy - CNP.
Because Jesse Helms was promoted as the "only" U.S. Senator guarding our freedom in D.C., and of course the ‘bad guys’ were out to get him, he received several sizeable campaign donations from my budget, which resulted in an invitation to a "luncheon in Washington, D.C." I passed, thank you. It is now known that Helms is a 33rd degree Mason, a long-time CNP member and a traitor to America.
monthly pledge went out like clock-work to the Heritage Foundation - which was established with the help of Paul Weyrich -- because they claimed to have a ‘hot line’ to Congress so they could warn our over-worked and under-staffed Congress critters of dangerous bills of which they should be aware. And of course their letters were always very graphic and detailed as to the treachery we (receivers of the mail) would be averting with our donations.
The beginning of my awakening was a letter from Ed Feulner, President of Heritage. It began, "Dear Jacquelyn... I was thinking about you on my way home from work the other evening... ". The tactic was an ego stroke-job; a reminder about the wonderful work they could do because of my donations, and what a "great American" am I. Ed Feulner did me a great favor with his b.s. A heated note was scribbled, sent back to Feulner with instructions to scratch my name from their list of donors. Then, came the realization that the donations (thousands of dollars) to all of these organizations over so many years had made no difference; the decline of America was escalating. From that point, in order to resist the temptation of continuing to feed the monster, their unopened mail was tossed into the trash.
One of our listeners recently suggested that we who receive their mail should send letters and documents back to them in their self-addressed envelopes. Not to worry if it’s ten or more pages because they pay the return postage.
In 1992, meeting Betty J. Mills, a brilliant and dedicated American who could write a book – a primer for beginners – was the real beginning of my education. There were endless hours spent in conversation together and more endless hours reading information and reviewing documents Betty sent. Betty became a cherished friend, mentor and one of my few heroes.
When she first mentioned Paul Weyrich, I asked, "who’s Paul Weyrich?". Betty describes Weyrich like this: "As I see it, Paul Weyrich is one of the most dangerous men in America because he has such power and influence over the hundreds of phony conservative / Christian-conservative leaders." That is when I learned about the CNP -- the COUNCIL FOR NATIONAL POLICY. When I shared my experience with her she laughed for days, each time apologizing and empathizing with my naivete’ and explaining that mine was a classic example of what has happened to millions of caring Americans over the past 30 years.
Betty experienced the results of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. In the 1950's, soon after the UN Treaty was ratified by the U.S. Senate, many intelligent and patriotic Americans were exposing and opposing what they could see would be the demise of America... Federal / State Regionalism, the LEAA, (soft on criminals to increase crime and open the door for gun control), a general Constitutional Convention proposal by then V.P. Nelson Rockefeller in the mid-70's which was quashed and Constitutional Convention calls from the several States, etc. Betty explains that at that time it was still possible for a husband to support the family, so many of the fearless warriors for America were stay-at-home wives, Moms and Grandmothers.
In the midst of all that effective activity.... EAGLE FORUM (Phyllis Schlafley) came on the scene. Betty tells it like this: "One-by-one and then hundreds-by-hundreds most of those wonderful and sincere women began to join Eagle Forum, and the OUTCRY WAS SILENCED."
Betty attempted to sound the alarm, along with some very good Americans who stood with her, all to no avail. Over the years there were many who discovered, from their own experiences that Betty Mills was right.
What did Betty Mills mean when she said, "THE OUTCRY WAS SILENCED"? Around the same time Eagle Forum was founded, dozens of other groups appeared... all professing to be Conservative and most claiming to be Christian-Conservatives. Today there are hundreds of these individuals and groups and if you stop to think, each of them has an "issue" which will appeal to "somebody". An issue for everybody’s hot-button, whatever that may be. In addition to the many groups, organizations, ministers, U.S. Congressmen and U.S. Senators from whom we receive mail, we’ve noticed today many of the Republican State Legislators are into the same business... sending the warning, asking for petitions to be signed and begging donations. They sound really good! Watch them! Don’t be fooled!
To sum it up best... Paul Weyrich was quoted as saying on a PBS broadcast that they – the Conservative New Right – "had trouble gaining control of the conservative movement until they began speaking on moral issues."
The Reverend Austin Miles who was a guest on Sweet Liberty several times, told it this way: He had been invited to join the CNP and felt honored to be among such a prestigious group of people. After attending only three or four meetings he told his wife that he believed these people (CNP members) who are purporting to be working against the New World Order would be sitting on the board of the World Government one day.
Reverend Miles’ short experience with the CNP was a nightmare and a rude awakening for him. When asked, on air, what he thought of Phyllis Schlafley, his answer: "I really don’t know her that well, but I do know she is not sincere. In one meeting she made a statement that, ‘the right-to-life issue is our only hook. It’s the only issue we have to hang our hat on".
When asked about Paul Weyrich he also admitted to not knowing much about him. However, he said of Weyrich, "He must be pretty powerful. I remember one meeting when Paul Weyrich was screaming at the top of his lungs at these people and they were all cringing and almost bowing to him".
Why are the phony conservatives dangerous to America? Think about it. They speak on moral issues, gun issues, land rights issues, education and our children... all issues that reach into the very hearts of Americans who care – people who want to be involved and help their country and countrymen and women. These people are led down a yellow-brick road which leads to NO WHERE. Or maybe more aptly expressed – down a cow-path and over a cliff. At the bottom of that cliff, folks is the deep abyss of the New World Order.
You’ll notice that, even though these organizations have existed for thirty years now; millions of Americans have sent hundreds of millions of dollars and signed their petitions and made calls to U.S. Congress; America is on the brink of collapsing into the arms of the International elite. You must ask yourself, "WHY ?".
Betty J. Mills said it most succinctly, "With their millions of dedicated followers / supporters and hundreds of millions of dollars coming in annually, they could have changed all of this. Are they One-Worlders or are they unqualified"?
Charlotte Iserbyt seconded Betty’s conclusion. Iserbyt said on Sweet Liberty, speaking particularly of the CNP members: "With their money and the millions who support them and follow their lead, the few-hundred of them (CNP members) could – by concerted action – have us out of the United Nations in thirty days." Now, ask yourself, "Are they One-Worlders or are they unqualified?"
You will also notice, if you listen closely, what the phony conservatives will NOT talk about, and THIS, dear friends, is the key to theirsuccess... our demise. And they KNOW it!
The Phony Conservatives will never talk about Regional Governance, which is the key to global control of the billions of people on planet earth. If Regionalism were stopped now, and dismantled COG by COG and Watershed by Watershed the globalists’ plan will crumble.
The Phony Conservatives will never talk about States Rights, and the fact that people should be working on a local and state level; contacting, working with and educating local and state elected officials who have the power to say HELL, NO! to the One-Worlders. Instead, local and state officials are falling prey to the Delphi Technique, (Total Quality Management, Group Dynamics... pick a name. It’s all one and the same – the Hegelian Dialectic), while our attention is diverted by the Phony Conservatives to the D.C. arena where we, the American people, have no voice.
The Phony Conservatives WILL lead you to believe that unless we can somehow get the U.S. Congress to vote a particular way, we are doomed. The sham is... they are ALL well aware the Congress is and has been under control of the Shadow Government / International Zionists by bribery and blackmail for eons. It appears, they are too.
The Phony Conservatives WILL lead you to believe that presidential executive orders mean something – like LAW. They WILL lead you to believe that treaties take precedence over the Constitution; in fact, that appears to be Phyllis Schlafely’s forte... leading people to believe that treaties take precedence over the Constitution.
The Phony Conservatives will never talk about a Republican president, governor, congress person, state legislator, etc. – UNLESS one of those people steps outside of the planned agenda. In those cases they eat their own.
A classic example of the above comment was the railroading of Oregon Congressman, Wes Cooley, who was elected by grass-roots activists – NOT by the Republican/Conservative political machine. As a freshman in D.C., Wes wouldn’t play games with either side and he rebuffed the overtures of Paul Weyrich. He did not tremble before the liberals, the environmentalists, NOR the phony conservatives. According to Cooley, Ed Feulner (Heritage Foundation) attempted to seduce him by hinting of seats on committees, etc., if he would just cooperate. When he did not capitulate, Wes Cooley found himself charged with "falsifying information on his campaign pamphlets".
On the pamphlet in question, where his personal data was listed, following the word ‘Military’ was printed simply: U.S. Army; Korea. Because of this it was claimed he presented himself as a war hero and was accused of never having served in Korea. Wes was in Special Forces, which at that time was not a recognized part of the U.S. Armed Forces. All orders were given verbally, and there was no way he could "prove" his assertion.
During lengthy conversations with Wes, and pages of faxes - including letters from the Department of Army, I was convinced that Wes was telling the truth. The Army admitted that: he was stationed at the Fort where Special Forces were quartered; their orders were verbal; most of his records had been "burned in a fire in St. Louis"; they could not prove he WAS in SF, and they could not prove he wasn’t.
Paul Weyrich circulated a letter in which he stated that Wes Cooley embarrassed the conservatives because he and his wife lived together for a period of time before they married. She (the wife) was a military widow with a pension which she gave up – permanently – when they married, as if that’s ANYBODY’S business but the Cooley’s. Did not Christ Jesus tell us to "judge not, lest ye be judged"? And also, "He that is without sin, cast the first stone".
Wes, in his mid-sixties at the time, faced double charges because he used the same pamphlet in the primary race as in the regular election... $250,000 in fines and/or up to 10 years in prison. He beat the rap and we all know that in today’s legal system the winner never wins because of the vultures in the American Bar Association. THIS is what was meant by the statement: The Phony Conservatives will never talk against a Republican UNLESS they step outside the planned agenda. This narrative was not a digression; the intent was to make the point that there is nothing Christ-like about the Phony "Christian Conservatives" and that Conservative-Republicans in Congress – who are allowed to stay – should be in question regardless the ‘appearance’ and ‘rhetoric’ put forth.
In essence... the phony conservatives are nothing more than CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. They appear to be opposing the New World Order so therefore, people like me and you will heave a sigh of relief, send in our checks and say, "thank God, somebody is doing something". They are apparently working for the global elite and we have all been too trusting and too naive and too lazy to notice. "BUT..." , you say, "they sound so sincere and caring and they tell us so much." Yes, they do. They HAVE to, or else how would we have become so trusting of them?
Consider this. The phony conservatives are like RAT POISON. 90% of the ingredients in RAT POISON are actually nutritious for the rat. It’s that small amount... just 10% of the ingredients that KILL THE RAT. They are the POISON, we are the RATS that have been caught in their traps and they are in fact, KILLING US.
It would be inappropriate here NOT to mention one of the first and very effective Phony Conservative organizations: The JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY. Founded in the ‘50's as "controlled opposition" to Communism and the United Nations, the JBS pulled in and rendered ineffective, thousands of Americans who were not asleep at the switch and who knew the dangers of the United Nations. From a book exposing the Society, titled "The John Birch Society – AN ENIGMA", the author, James E. Braddock – a former "Bircher" begins a paragraph with the heading: THE DESTRUCTION OF PATRIOTS A GOAL OF JBS. Braddock states in this paragraph:
"Keep always in mind, and it is quite clear, that the specific aim of the JBS and its controlling backers was and is the diversion and divestiture of the members from the truth and from their money. Bluntly put, get their minds on a subject that will be common to all and at the same time milk them of their money with the reasoning that their donations will help defeat communism! What better targets than the patriotic, freely giving, middle class."
One last tid-bit to bring the point home. Here is an excerpt from the article Merchant of Fear, about Allen Gottlieb, founder of Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; the Second Amendment Committee; AND long-time member of the CNP. Gottlieb brags about how he gets millions of $$’s from people like us: (Merchant of Fear authored by Paul deArmond and Jim Halpin.)
" In Trashing the Economy, the 1993 book he and his co-author, CDFE Vice President Ron Arnold write with startling frankness that:
‘The message of the direct mail letter must appeal to three base emotions; Fear, Hate and Revenge... The fund raising mailer must present you with a crisis -- a problem won't do... That crisis must frighten you... If you are not frightened, you won't send money... Then the direct mail letter must present you with a bogeyman against whom to focus your anger... Once you've been frightened and made to hate the bogeyman, the successful direct mail appeal must offer you a way to get revenge against the bogeyman -- the payoff for your contribution. The more soul-satisfying the revenge, the better the letter pulls. All this must be dressed up in an appeal that appears to have a high moral tone, but which -- without you realizing it -- works on your lower emotions...’ Gottlieb may have had these figures in mind the time he told a reporter that, ‘All I have to do is turn the spigot on and the money just flows’. "
NOW, think about the letters you receive and see if they fit this mold.
Jackie Patru
P.S. As mentioned, most probably 90% of the Phony Conservatives are CNP members. Not every phony conservative (individual or organization) is a CNP member, so be alert and pray for discernment. Most of the non-CNP-member Phony Conservatives are in cahoots with those who ARE CNP-ers. Keep your eyes and ears open. SEE, rather than merely look; HEAR, rather than merely listen.


The following information on what really happened at Pearl Harbor, was e-mailed to us a year ago and filed to a folder on WWII. After spending hours copying, pasting and formatting for posting, I decided to trace the geocities link. The entire report is there in full (as below).  Rather than link to the page directly, we decided to post it as formatted with the relevant link's URLs for your further information in case the original site should come up missing.
Hull's Ultimatum is an important one. You'll want to be sure to read that.
The information in this report is excerpted from the book titled Pearl Harbor, Mother of All Conspiracies. Ordering info can be found at the URL below the author's name. The author has painstakingly documented and sourced his revelations.
I see the book is available at major (controlled) book sellers, so we must presume that certain critical information would be missing.  Maybe it is as simple as the author's insinuations that FDR acted on his own in his betrayal of America. Not having read the book, I wouldn't know if the connection is made to the Talmudic Zionists who were then, as now, the writers, producers and directors of the infamous plot.
The danger there, to uninformed readers, would be to leave them believing it was FDR's plan; they wouldn't have a clue that today's neverendingwar is merely an extension of the world revolution. That is the common link between every war in which Americans have been embroiled. In using the word "Communist" to describe the culprits, it also gives an impression of a dangerous enemy now extinct, for it has been forged into the minds of the uninformed that 'Communism is dead'.  Russia is now our 'friend and ally'.
What you're about to read will leave no room for doubt that not only did FDR and his 'handlers' know the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, theyinstigated the attack in order to drag American soldiers into another of their planned wars.  WWII was planned as WWI was ending, and along with that plan, WWIII was on the drafting board. We are now in the third and final phase believed by the planners to be necessary and sufficient to fully implement their long-laid plan for World Dominion.
Who are the 'planners'?  (long pause) The thought that comes to mind is from Ephesians 6. . . "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. . . "     
And exactly what does THAT mean?  That the planners are 'other-worldly'? From another dimension? Maybe. . . and if they are, they have plenty of helpers in this world, don't they?  'Rulers of the darkness of this world', and 'spiritual wickedness in high places'.  As above, so below.  
What would 'spiritual wickedness be? Highly evolved beings who have chosen the dark side? Who have access to the minds of those of us here who believe that money and power and influence -- and maybe physical beauty -- make us something 'special'? Possibly. Any of us who fall into that trap do so only because we've lost touch with reality -- the reality of our true being.  
The inane thought that just flashed its way through my mind was: shopping at Walmart is part of it (thank you, Chuck, darling). And so it is, since Walmart is a Rockefeller enterprise. The priesthood of the churches, temples and synagogues (regardless the denomination) are lost to their wiles, as well as the flocks who attend the churches. The other part of the flock that doesn't attend church worships at the stadiums and arenas and in front of the tele-screen. And their innocentchildren are brought up by the brain-washed teachers in government indoctrination centers (schools?) being educated to the "international mind". . . ALL of it just as they've planned.  
So we help them in various and sundry ways to destroy the economic, social and cultural foundation of America, staining our souls and disconnecting from our true nature -- which is spirit. Meanwhile the atheist / Talmudic / Zionist-controlled U.S. Government, Inc. rampages the globe, pulling down, rooting out and utterly destroying whatever gets in its path (as commanded by the lord god Jehovah/Jove) with its mercenary army (American men and women and boys and girls) who actually believe they are "in the service of their country".
There does seem to be a particular 'blood-line' that rules the darkness of this world. They're called in turn the Illuminati, Jesuits, Freemasons (high degree), Priory of Sion, Elders of Zion, etc. Then there are the twigs on the family tree, the inner core of such 'elite' groups as the Round Table, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones, Dog and Pony (oops).
The prominent, out front group call themselves 'Jews', whose religion is purported to be 'Judaism'. There is no religion called Judaism. It is Pharisaism or Talmudism, and the 'lesser brethren' who were born into that so-called religion have been as duped as those of us born into 'Christianity'. The antics of their atheist 'Elders', however, create hatred and divisiveness in the masses of humanity, and the negative energy produces the fuel that drives their engine.
It's an elusive shadow which maybe one day we'll understand completely.  Until then, maybe what we need to know is simply this: "we wrestle not against flesh and blood. . ." and make no mistake about it, the wrestling goes on within each and every one of us.  It isn't 'out there somewhere'.    
As we sow, so shall we reap.  Every jot and tittle will be answered for on an individual basis, because it is after all, individuals who either do or don't. Our harvest is commensurate with our sowing, returned ten-fold. As all miracles are maximal (there are no big or little miracles), so also are our transgressions and/or our 'works which glorify our Father'.
And I do digress. As you read the following account of Pearl Harbor, keep in mind the callousness with which they planned the deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers, without a mere shrug. Collateral damage is all it is to them, folks. They are not nice.
-- Jackie -- May 24th, 2003   
By Mark Emerson Willey
"...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..." ARMY BOARD, 1944.
President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.
FDR blinded the commanders at Pearl Harbor and set them up by -
1. denying intelligence to Hawaii (HI)
2. on Nov 27, misleading the commanders into thinking negotiations with Japan were continuing
3. having false information sent to HI about the location of the Japanese carrier fleet.
1904 - The Japanese destroyed the Russian navy in a surprise  attack in undeclared war.
1932 - In The Grand Joint Army Navy Exercises the attacker, Admiral Yarnell, attacked with 152 planes a half-hour before dawn 40 miles NE of Kahuku Point and caught the defenders of Pearl Harbor completely by surprise. It was a Sunday.
1938 - Admiral Ernst King led a carrier-born airstrike from the USS Saratoga successfully against Pearl Harbor in another exercise.
1940 - FDR ordered the fleet transferred from the West Coast to its exposed position in Hawaii and ordered the fleet remain stationed at Pearl Harbor over complaints by its commander Admiral Richardson that there was inadequate protection from air attack and no protection from torpedo attack. Richardson felt so strongly that he twice disobeyed orders to berth his fleet there and he raised the issue personally with FDR in October and he was soon after replaced. His successor, Admiral Kimmel, also brought up the same issues with FDR in June 1941.
7 Oct 1940 - Navy IQ analyst McCollum wrote an 8 point memo on how to force Japan into war with US. Beginning the next day FDR began to put them into effect and all 8 were eventually accomplished.
11 November 1940 - 21 aged British planes destroyed the Italian fleet, including 3 battleships, at their homeport in the harbor of Taranto in Southern Italy by using technically innovative shallow-draft torpedoes.
11 February 1941 - FDR proposed sacrificing 6 cruisers and 2 carriers at Manila to get into war. Navy Chief Stark objected: "I have previously opposed this and you have concurred as to its unwisdom. Particularly do I recall your remark in a previous conference when Mr. Hull suggested (more forces to Manila) and the question arose as to getting them out and your 100% reply, from my standpoint, was that you might not mind losing one or two cruisers, but that you did not want to take a chance on losing 5 or 6." (Charles Beard PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND THE COMING OF WAR 1941, p 424)
March 1941 - FDR sold munitions and convoyed them to belligerents in Europe -- both acts of war and both violations of international law -- the Lend-Lease Act.
23 Jun 1941 - Advisor Harold Ickes wrote FDR a memo the day after Germany invaded the Soviet Union,
"There might develop from the embargoing of oil to Japan such a situation as would make it not only possible but easy to get into this war in an effective way. And if we should thus indirectly be brought in, we would avoid the criticism that we had gone in as an ally of communistic Russia."
FDR was pleased with Admiral Richmond Turner's report read July 22:
"It is generally believed that shutting off the American supply of petroleum will lead promptly to the invasion of Netherland East Indies. . . it seems certain she would also include military action against the Philippine Islands, which would immediately involve us in a Pacific war."
On July 24 FDR told the Volunteer Participation Committee,
"If we had cut off the oil off, they probably would have gone down to the Dutch East Indies a year ago, and you would have had war." ftp://ftp.purdue.edu/pub/Liberal-Arts/History/pha/pearl.harbor/misc/fdr_1.txt 
The next day FDR froze all Japanese assets in US cutting off their main supply of oil and forcing them into war with the US. Intelligence information was withheld from Hawaii from this point forward.
14 August - After the Atlantic Conference, Churchill noted the "astonishing depth of Roosevelt's intense desire for war."  Churchill cabled his cabinet "(FDR) obviously was very determined that they should come in.".
18 October - diary entry by Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes: "For a long time I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan."
Purple Code - the top Japanese diplomatic machine cipher which used automatic telephone switches to separately and differently encipher each character sent. It was cracked by the Army Signal Intelligence Service (331 men).
J-19 was the main Japanese diplomatic code book. This columnar code was cracked.
JN-25 - The Japanese Fleet's Cryptographic System, a.k.a. 5 number code (Sample). http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/jn25b.gif JN stands for Japanese Navy, introduced 1 June 1939.
This was a very simple old-type code book system used by the American Army and Navy in 1898 and abandoned in 1917 because it was insecure. Version A has a dictionary of 5,600 numbers, words and phrases, each given as a five figure number. These were super-enciphered by addition to random numbers contained in a second code book.
The dictionary was only changed once before PH on Dec 1, 1940, to a slightly larger version B but the random book was changed every 3 to 6 months- last on Aug 1. The Japanese blundered away the code when they introduced JN25-B by continuing to use, for 2 months, random books that had been previously solved by the Allies. That was the equivalent of handing over the JN-25B codebook.
It was child's play for the Navy group OP-20-G (738 men whose primary responsibility was Japanese naval codes) to reconstruct the exposed dictionary. We recovered the whole thing immediately - in 1994 the NSA published that JN-25B was completely cracked in December 1940. In January 1941 the US gave Britain two JN-25B code books with keys and techniques for deciphering. The entire Pearl Harbor scheme was laid out in this code.
The official US Navy statement on JN-25B is the NAVAL SECURITY
GROUP HISTORY TO WORLD WAR II prepared by Captain J. Holtwick in June 1971 who quotes Captain Safford, the chief of OP-20-G, on page 398:
"By 1 December 1941 we had the code solved to a readable extent."
Churchill wrote
"From the end of 1940 the Americans had pierced the vital Japanese ciphers, and were decoding large numbers of their military and diplomatic telegrams."(GRAND ALLIANCE p 598)
Safford reported that during 1941
"The Navy COMINT team did a thorough job on the Japanese Navy with no help from the Army."(SRH-149)" ... many pattern messages could be read practically entire with as few as 1500 meanings." (NSA).
In 1979 the NSA released 2,413 JN-25 orders of the 26,581 intercepted by US between Sept 1 and Dec 4, 1941. The NSA says
"We know now that they contained important details concerning the existence, organization, objective, and even the whereabouts of the Pearl Harbor Strike Force."
(Parker p 21) Of the over thousand radio messages sent by Tokyo to the attack fleet, only 20 are in the National Archives. All messages to the attack fleet were sent several times, at least one message was sent every odd hour of the day and each had a special serial number. Starting in early November 1941 when the attack fleet assembled and started receiving radio messages, OP-20-G stayed open 24 hours a day and the "First Team" of codebreakers worked on JN-25.
In November and early December 1941, OP-20-G spent 85 percent of its effort reading Japanese Navy traffic, 12 percent on Japanese diplomatic traffic and 3 percent on German naval codes. FDR was personally briefed twice a day on JN-25 traffic by his aide, Captain John Beardell, and demanded to see the original raw messages in English. The US Government refuses to identify or declassify any pre-Dec 7, 1941 decrypts of JN-25 on the basis of national security, a half-century after the war.
AD or Administrative Code wrongly called Admiralty Code was an old four character transposition code used for personnel matters. No important messages were sent in this weak code. Introduced Nov 1938, it was seldom used after Dec 1940.
Magic the security designation given to all decoded Japanese diplomatic messages. It's hard not to conclude with historians like Charles Bateson that:
"Magic standing alone points so irresistibly to the Pearl Harbor attack that it is inconceivable anybody could have failed to forecast the Japanese move."http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/magic.html
The NSA reached the same conclusion in 1955.
Ultra - the security designation for military codes. No Pearl Harbor investigation discussed Ultra even though on June 7, 1942 the Chicago Tribune and six other newspapers betrayed the fact we were reading JN-25.
Warnings do no harm and might do inexpressible good 27 January 1941, Dr. Ricardo Shreiber, the Peruvian envoy in Tokyo told Max Bishop, third secretary of the US embassy that he had just learned from his intelligence sources that there was a war plan involving a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. This information was sent to the State Department and Naval Intelligence and to Admiral Kimmel at Hawaii.
31 March 1941 - A Navy report by Bellinger and Martin predicted that if Japan made war on the US, they would strike Pearl Harbor without warning at dawn with aircraft from a maximum of 6 carriers. For years Navy planners had assumed that Japan, on the outbreak of war, would strike the American fleet wherever it was. The fleet was the only threat to Japan's plans.
Logically, Japan couldn't engage in any major operation with the American fleet on its flank. The strategic options for the Japanese were not unlimited.
10 July - US Military Attache Smith-Hutton at Tokyo reported Japanese Navy secretly practicing aircraft torpedo attacks against capital ships in Ariake Bay. The bay closely resembles Pearl Harbor.
July - The US Military Attache in Mexico forwarded a report that the Japanese were constructing special small submarines for attacking the American fleet in Pearl Harbor, and that a training program then under way included towing them from Japan to positions off the Hawaiian Islands, where they practiced surfacing and submerging.
10 August 1941, the top British agent, code named "Tricycle", Dusko Popov, told the FBI of the planned attack on Pearl Harbor and that it would be soon. The FBI told him that his information was
"too precise, too complete to be believed. The questionnaire plus the other information you brought spell out  in detail exactly where, when, how, and by whom we are to be attacked. If anything, it sounds like a trap."
He also reported that a senior Japanese naval person had gone to Taranto to collect all secret data on the attack there and that it was of utmost importance to them. The info was given to Naval IQ.
Early in the Fall, Kilsoo Haan, an agent for the Sino-Korean People's League, told Eric Severeid of CBS that the Korean underground in Korea and Japan had positive proof that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor before Christmas. Among other things, one Korean had actually seen the plans. In late October, Haan finally convinced US Senator Guy Gillette that the Japanese were planning to attack in December or January. Gillette alerted the State Department, Army and Navy Intelligence and FDR personally.
24 September 1941, the " bomb plot" message in J-19 code from Japan Naval Intelligence to Japan' s consul general in Honolulu requesting grid of exact locations of ships pinpointed for the benefit of bombardiers and torpedo pilots was deciphered. There was no reason to know the EXACT location of ships in harbor, unless to attack them - it was a dead giveaway.
Chief of War Plans Turner and Chief of Naval Operations Stark repeatedly kept it and warnings based on it prepared by Safford and others from being passed to Hawaii.
The chief of Naval Intelligence Captain Kirk was replaced because he insisted on warning HI.
It was lack of information like this that lead to the exoneration of the Hawaii commanders and the blaming of Washington for unpreparedness for the attack by the Army Board and Navy Court.
At no time did the Japanese ever ask for a similar bomb plot for any other American military installation.
Why the Roosevelt administration allowed flagrant Japanese spying on PH has never been explained, but they blocked 2 Congressional investigations in the fall of 1941 to allow it to continue.
The bomb plots were addressed to "Chief of 3rd Bureau, Naval General Staff", marked Secret Intelligence message, and given special serial numbers, so their significance couldn't be missed. There were about 95 ships in port. The text was:
"Strictly secret."Henceforth, we would like to have you make reports concerning vessels along the following lines insofar as possible:
"1. The waters (of Pearl Harbor) are to be divided roughly into five subareas (We have no objections to your abbreviating as much as you like.)
"Area A. Waters between Ford Island and the Arsenal."Area B. Waters adjacent to the Island south and west of Ford Island. (This area is on the opposite side of the Island from Area A.)
"Area C. East Loch.
"Area D. Middle Loch.
"Area E. West Loch and the communication water routes.
"2. With regard to warships and aircraft carriers, we would like to have you report on those at anchor (these are not so important) tied up at wharves, buoys and in docks. (Designate types and classes briefly. If possible we would like to have you make mention of the fact when there are two or more vessels along side the same wharf.)"
Simple traffic analysis of the accelerated frequency of messages from various Japanese consuls gave another identification of war preparations. From Aug-Dec there were 6 messages from Seattle, 18 from Panama, 55 from Manila and 68 from Hawaii.
Oct. - Soviet top spy Richard Sorge, the greatest spy in history, informed Kremlin that Pearl Harbor would be attacked within 60 days. Moscow informed him that this was passed to the US. Interestingly, all references to Pearl Harbor in the War Department's copy of Sorge's 32,000 word confession to the Japanese were deleted. NY Daily News, 17 May 1951.
16 Oct. - FDR grossly humiliated Japan's Ambassador and refused to meet with Premier Konoye to engineer the war party, lead by General Tojo, into power in Japan.
1 Nov. - JN-25 Order to continue drills against anchored capital ships to prepare to
"ambush and completely destroy the US enemy."
The message included references to armor-piercing bombs and 'near surface torpedoes.'
13 Nov. - The German Ambassador to US, Dr. Thomsen an anti-Nazi, told OSS that Pearl Harbor would be attacked.
14 Nov. - Japanese Merchant Marine was alerted that wartime recognition signals would be in effect Dec 1.
22 Nov. - Tokyo said to Ambassador Nomura in Washington about extending the deadline for negotiations to November 29:
"...this time we mean it, that the deadline absolutely cannot be changed. After that things are automatically going to happen."
CIA Director Allen Dulles told people that US was warned in mid-November that the Japanese Fleet had sailed east past Tokyo Bay and was going to attack Pearl Harbor. FOIA #F-1998-00977.
23 Nov. - JN25 order -
"The first air attack has been set for 0330 hours on X-day." (Tokyo time or 8 A.M. Honolulu time)
25 Nov. - British decrypted the Winds setup message sent Nov. 19. The US decoded it Nov. 28. It was a J-19 Code message that there would be an attack and that the signal would come over Radio Tokyo as a weather report - 'rain' meaning 'war'; 'east' (Higashi) meaning 'US'.
25 Nov. - Secretary of War Stimson noted in his diary:
"FDR stated that we were likely to be attacked perhaps as soon as next Monday."
FDR asked:
"the question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without too much danger to ourselves.In spite of the risk involved, however, in letting the Japanese fire the first shot, we realized that in order to have the full support of the American people it was desirable to make sure that the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt in anyone's mind as to who were the aggressors."
25 Nov. - Navy Department ordered all US trans-Pacific shipping to take the southern route. PHH 12:317 ADM Turner testified:
"We sent the traffic down to the Torres Straight, so that the track of the Japanese task force would be clear of any traffic." PHH 4:1942
25 Nov. - Yamamoto gave this order in JN-25:
"(a) The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters and upon the very opening of hostilities, shall attack the main force of the United States Fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow. The raid is planned for dawn on X-day -- exact date to be given by later order.(b) Should the negotiations with the US prove successful, the task force shall hold itself in readiness forthwith to return and reassemble.
(c) The task force will move out of Hitokappu Wan on the morning of 26 November and advance to the standing-by position on the afternoon of 4 December and speedily complete refueling." (Order to sail - scan from the PHA Congressional Hearings Report, vol 1 p 180, transcript p 437-8)  (Order to sale URL http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/sail.gif
This was decoded by the British on November 25 and the Dutch on November 27. When it was decoded by the US is a national secret, however, on November 26 Naval Intelligence reported the concentration of units of the Japanese fleet at an unknown port ready for offensive action.
26 Nov. 3 A.M. - Churchill sent an urgent secret message to FDR, probably containing above message. This message caused the greatest agitation in DC. Of Churchill's voluminous correspondence with FDR, this is the only message that has not been released (on the grounds that it would damage national security). Stark testified that
"On November 26 there was received specific evidence of the Japanese intention to wage offensive war against Great Britain and the United States."
C.I.A. Director William Casey, who was in the OSS in 1941, in his book THE SECRET WAR AGAINST HITLER, p 7, wrote
"The British had sent word that a Japanese fleet was steaming east toward Hawaii."
Washington, in an order of Nov 26, ordered both US aircraft carriers, the Enterprise and the Lexington out of Pearl Harbor "as soon as possible". This order included stripping Pearl of 50 planes or 40 percent of its already inadequate fighter protection.
In response to Churchill's message, FDR secretly cabled him that afternoon -
"Negotiations off. Services expect action within two weeks."
Note that the only way FDR could have linked negotiations with service action, let alone have known the timing of the action, was if he had the message to sail. In other words, the only service action contingent on negotiations was Pearl Harbor.
26 Nov. - the "most fateful document " was Hull's ultimatum that Japan must withdraw from Indochina and all China. FDR's Ambassador to Japan called this
"The document that touched the button that started the war."
27 Nov. - Secretary of War Stimson sent a confused and confusing hostile action possible or DO-DON'T warning. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/warnings.html
The Navy Court found this message directed attention away from Pearl Harbor, rather than toward it. One purpose of the message was to mislead HI into believing negotiations were continuing.
The Army which could not do recon was ordered to, and the Navy which could was ordered not to.
The Army was ordered on sabotage alert, which specifically precluded attention to outside threat. Navy attention was misdirected 5000 miles from HI. DC repeated, no less than three times as a direct instruction of the President,
"The US desires that Japan commit the first overt act. Period."
It was unusual that FDR directed this warning, a routine matter, to Hawaii which is proof that he knew other warnings were not sent.
A simple question -- what Japanese "overt act" was FDR expecting at Pearl Harbor? He ordered sabotage prevented and subs couldn't enter, that leaves air attack.
The words "overt act" disclose FDR's intent -- not just that Japan be allowed to attack but that they inflict damage on the fleet.
This FDR order to allow a Japanese attack was aid to the enemy -- explicit treason.
29 Nov.- Hull sat in Layfayette Park across from the White House with ace United Press reporter Joe Leib and showed him a message stating that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on December 7. This could well have been the Nov. 26 message from Churchill.
The New York Times in its 12/8/41 PH report on page 13 under the headline "Attack Was Expected" stated the US had known that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked the week before. Perhaps Leib wasn't the only reporter Hull told.
29 Nov. - U.S. made a telephone intercept of an uncoded plain-text Japanese conversation in which an Embassy functionary  (Kurusu) asked 'Tell me, what zero hour is. Otherwise, I won't be able to carry on diplomacy.' The voice from Tokyo (K. Yamamoto) said softly, 'Well then, I will tell you. Zero hour is December 8 (Tokyo time, ie, December 7 US time) at Pearl Harbor'.
30 Nov. US Time (or 1 Dec. Tokyo time) - The Japanese fleet was radioed this Imperial Naval Order (JN-25):
US ally China also recovered it in plain text from a shot-down Japanese Army plane near Canton that evening. This caused an emergency Imperial Conference because they knew the Chinese would give the information to GB and US. In a related J-19 message the next day, the US translated elaborate instructions from Japan dealing in precise detail with the method of internment of American and British nationals in Asia "on the outbreak of war with England and the United States"
1 Dec. - Office of Naval Intelligence, ONI, Twelfth Naval District in San Francisco found the missing Japanese fleet by correlating reports from the four wireless news services and several shipping companies that they were getting strange signals west of Hawaii. The Soviet Union also knew the exact location of the Japanese fleet because they asked the Japanese in advance to let one of their ships pass (Layton p 261). This info was most likely given to them by US because Sorge's spy ring was rolled up November 14. All long-range PBY patrols from the Aleutians were ordered stopped on Dec 6 to prevent contact.
1 Dec. - Foreign Minister Togo cabled Washington Ambassador Nomura to continue negotiations,
"to prevent the U.S. from becoming unduly suspicious."
1 Dec. - The tanker Shiriya, which had been added to the Striking Force in an order intercepted Nov 14, radioed:
"proceeding to a position 30.00 N, 154.20 E. Expect to arrive at that point on 3 December."  (near HI)
The fact that this message is in the National Archives destroys the myth that the attack fleet maintained radio silence. They were not ordered to (Order 820). Serial numbers prove that the Striking Force sent over 663 radio messages between Nov 16 and Dec 7 or about 1 per hour.
The NSA has not released any raw intercepts because the headers would prove that the Striking Force did not maintain radio silence.
On Nov 29 the Hiyei sent one message to the Commander of the 3rd fleet; on Nov 30 the Akagi sent several messages to its tankers - see page 474 of the Hewitt Report. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/warnings.html
Stinnett in DAY OF DECEIT (p 209) found over 100 messages from the Striking Force in the National Archives. All Direction Finding reports from HI have been crudely cut out. Reports from Dec 5 show messages sent from the Striking Force picked up by Station Cast, P.I.
From traffic analysis, HI reported that the carrier force was at sea and in the North.
THE MOST AMAZING FACT is that in reply to that report, MacArthur's command sent a series of three messages, Nov 26, 29, Dec 2, to HI lying about the location of the carrier fleet - saying it was in the South China Sea.
This false information, which the NSA calls inexplicable, was the true reason that HI was caught unawares. Duane Whitlock, who is still alive in Iowa, sent those messages. There were a large number of other messages that gave the location of the Striking Force by alluding to the Aleutians, the North Pacific and various weather systems near HI.
1 Dec. - FDR cut short his scheduled ten day vacation after 1 day to meet with Hull and Stark. The result of this meeting was reported on 2 Dec. by the Washington Post:
"President Roosevelt yesterday assumed direct command of diplomatic and military moves relating to Japan."
This politically damaging move was necessary to prevent the mutiny of conspirators.
1 Dec. 3:30 P.M. FDR read Foreign Minister Togo's message to his ambassador to Germany:
"Say very secretly to them that there is extreme danger between Japan & Anglo-Saxon nations through some clash of arms, add that the time of this war may come quicker than anyone dreams."
This was in response to extreme German pressure on November 29 for Japan to strike the US and promises to join with Japan in war against the US.
The second of its three parts has never been released. The message says it contains the plan of campaign. This is 1 of only 3 known DIPLOMATIC intercepts that specified PH as target. It was so interesting, FDR kept a copy.
[Note: The U.S. was already secretly at war with Germany, in violation of Geneva conventions. See Congressman Book's comments, and correlating remarks in Hitler's speech declaring war on U.S., Dec. 11th, 1941]
2 Dec. 2200 Tokyo time- Here is a typical JN-25 ships-in-harbor report sent to attack fleet, words in parenthesis were in the original:
"Striking Force telegram No. 994. Two battleships (Oklahoma, Nevada), 1 aircraft carrier (Enterprise), 2 heavy cruisers, 12 destroyers sailed.The force that sailed on 22 November returned to port. Ships at anchor Pearl Harbor p.m. 28 November were 6 battleships (2 Maryland class, 2 California class, 2 Pennsylvania class), 1 aircraft carrier (Lexington), 9 heavy cruisers (5 San Fransisco class, 3 Chicago class, 1 Salt Lake class), 5 light cruisers (4 Honolulu class, 1 Omaha class)"
2 Dec. - Commander of the Combined Imperial Fleet Yamamoto radioed the attack fleet in plain (uncoded),
"Japanese Climb Niitakayama 1208" (Dec 8 Japanese time, Dec 7 our time).
Thus the US knew EXACTLY when the war would start. Even HI knew. Mount Niitaka was the highest mountain in the Japanese Empire - 13,113 feet.
2 Dec. - General Hein Ter Poorten, the commander of the Netherlands East Indies Army gave the Winds setup message to the US War Department. The Dutch intercept station was Kamer 14 on Java.
The Dutch, British and Americans all had liaison officers at each others' Far Eastern code centers and secret radio contact with each other (British FECB at Singapore; and US at Station Cast, Philippines) throughout 1941.
These centers helped each other. The Australians had a center in Melbourne and the Chinese also broke JN-25. A Dutch sub had visually tracked the attack fleet to the Kurile Islands in early November and this info was passed to DC, but DC did not give it to HI. The intercepts the Dutch gave the US are still classified in RG 38, Box 792.
2 Dec - Japanese order No. 902 specified that old JN-25 additive tables version 7 would continue to be used alongside version 8 when the latter was introduced on December 4th. This means the US read all messages to the Striking Force through the attack.
4 Dec. - In the early hours, Ralph Briggs at the Navy's East Coast Intercept station, received the
"East Winds, Rain"
message, the 'Winds Execute', which meant war. He put it on the TWX circuit immediately and called his commander. This message was deleted from the files.
One of the main coverups of Pearl Harbor was to make this message disappear. Japanese Dispatch # 7001.
In response to the 'Winds Execute', the Office of US Naval IQ had all Far Eastern stations (Hawaii not informed) destroy their codes and classified documents including the Tokyo Embassy.
4 Dec. - Kilsoo Haan called Maxwell Hamilton at the State Department and told him that the Korean underground had information that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor the coming weekend.
4 Dec. - The Dutch invoked the ADB joint defense agreement when the Japanese crossed the magic line of 100 East and 10 North. The U.S. was at war with Japan 3 days before they were at war with us.
4 Dec. - General Ter Poorten sent all the details of the Winds Execute command to Colonel Weijerman, the Dutch military attache' in Washington to pass on to the highest military circles. Weijerman personally gave it to Marshall, Chief of Staff of the War Department.
4 Dec - US General Thorpe at Java sent four messages warning of the PH attack. DC ordered him to stop sending warnings.
5 Dec. - All Japanese international shipping had returned to home port.
5 December - In the morning FDR dictated a letter to Wendell Wilkie for the Australian Prime Minister,
"There is always the Japanese to consider. The situation is definitely serious and there might be an armed clash at any moment. . .Perhaps the next four or five days will decide the matters."
5 Dec. - At a Cabinet meeting, Secretary of the Navy Knox said,
"Well, you know Mr. President, we know where the Japanese fleet is?"
FDR said:
"Yes, I know. I think we ought to tell everybody just how ticklish the situation is. We have information as Knox just mentioned. . . Well, you tell them what it is, Frank."
Knox became very excited and said,
"Well, we have very secret information that the Japanese fleet is out at sea. Our information is. . ."
and then a scowling FDR cut him off. (Infamy, Toland, 1982, ch 14 sec 5)
5 Dec. - Washington Star reporter Constantine Brown quotes a friend in his book The Coming of the Whirlwind p 291,
"This is it! The Japs are ready to attack. We've broken their code, and we've read their ORDERS."
5 Dec. - Lt. Howard Brown of Station Cast in the Philippines received urgent request from Washington to listen for a short message from Tokyo which ended with the English word "stop".
He heard the message at 11:30 PM Hawaiian time Dec 6. This is the hidden Word Code set up in a message of November 27 (e.g. in code, Roosevelt=Miss Kimiko). The message was:
"Relations between Japan and the following countries are on the brink of catastrophe: Britain and the United States."
6 December - This 18 November 19 message was translated by the Army:
"1. The warships at anchor in the Harbor on the 15th were as I told you in my No.219 on that day. Area A -- A battleship of the Oklahoma class entered and one tanker left port. Area C - - 3 warships of the heavy cruiser class were at anchor.2. On the 17th the Saratoga was not in harbor. The carrier Enterprise, or some other vessel was in Area C. Two heavy cruisers of the Chicago class, one of the Pensacola class were tied up at docks 'KS'. 4 merchant vessels were at anchor in area D.
3. At 10:00 A.M. on the morning of the 17th, 8 destroyers were observed entering the Harbor..."
Of course this information was not passed to HI.
6 Dec. - A Dec 2 request from Tokyo to HI for information about the absence of barrage balloons, anti-torpedo nets and air recon was translated by the Army.
6 Dec. - at 9:30 P.M FDR read the first 13 parts of the decoded Japanese diplomatic declaration of war and said
"This means war."
What kind of President would do nothing? When he returned to his 34 dinner guests he said,
"The war starts tomorrow."
6 Dec. - the war cabinet: FDR, top advisor Hopkins, Stimson, Marshall, Secretary of the Navy Knox, with aides John McCrea and Frank Beatty
"deliberately sat through the night of 6 December 1941 waiting for the Japs to strike." (Infamy ch 16 sec 2)
7 December - A message from the Japanese Consul in Budapest to Tokyo:
"On the 6th, the American Minister presented to the Government of this country a British Government communique to the effect that a state of war would break out on the 7th."
The communique was the Dec 5th war alert from the British Admiralty. It has disappeared. This triple priority alert was delivered to FDR personally.
The Mid-East British Air Marshall told Col. Bonner Fellers on Saturday that he had received a secret signal that America was coming into the war in 24 hours.
Churchill summarized the message in GRAND ALLIANCE page 601 as listing the two fleets attacking British targets and
"Other Japanese fleets...also at sea on other tasks."
There only were three other fleets -- for Guam, the Philippines and HI.
Two paragraphs of the alert, British targets only, are printed in AT DAWN WE SLEPT, Prange, p 464. There is no innocent purpose for our government to hide this document.
7 December 1941 very early Washington time, there were two Marines, an emergency special detail, stationed outside the Japanese Naval Attache's door.
9:30 AM Aides begged Stark to send a warning to Hawaii. He did not.
10 AM FDR read the 14th part.
11 A.M. FDR read the 15th part setting the time for the declaration of war to be delivered to the State Department at 1 PM, about dawn Pearl Harbor time, and did nothing.
Navy Secretary Knox was given the 15th part at 11:15 A.M. with this note from the Office of Naval IQ:
"This means a sunrise attack on Pearl Harbor today."
Naval IQ also transmitted this prediction to Hull and about 8 others, including the White House (PHH 36:532).
At 10:30 AM Bratton informed Marshall that he had a most important message (the 15th part) and would bring it to Marshall's quarters but Marshall said he would take it at his office.
At 11:25 Marshall reached his office according to Bratton. Marshall testified that he had been riding horses that morning but he was contradicted by Harrison, McCollum, and Deane. Marshall who had read the first 13 parts by 10 PM the prior night, perjured himself by denying that he had even received them. Marshall, in the face of his aides' urgent supplications that he warn Hawaii, made strange delays including reading and re-reading all of the 10 minute long 14 Part Message (and some parts several times) which took an hour.
ftp://ftp.purdue.edu/pub/Liberal-Arts/History/pha/pearl.harbor/congress/appendix .d/annex_e.txt
He refused to use the scrambler phone on his desk, refused to send a warning by the fast, more secure Navy system but sent Bratton three times to inquire how long it would take to send his watered down warning.
When informed it would take 30 or 40 minutes by Army radio, he was satisfied (that meant he had delayed enough so the warning wouldn't reach Pearl Harbor until after the 1 PM Washington time deadline).
The warning was in fact sent commercial without priority identification and arrived 6 hours late. This message reached all other addressees, like the Philippines and Canal Zone, in a timely manner.
7 December - 7:55 A.M. Hawaii time
7 December - 1:50 P.M. Washington time. Harry Hopkins, who was the only person with FDR when he received the news of the attack by telephone from Knox, wrote that FDR was unsurprised and expressed "great relief."
Eleanor Roosevelt wrote about December 7th in This I Remember p 233, that FDR became "in a way more serene."
In the NY Times Magazine of October 8, 1944 she wrote:
"Dec. 7 was...far from the shock it proved to the country in general. We had expected something of the sort for a long time."
7 December - 3:00 PM
"The (war cabinet) conference met in not too tense an too tense an atmosphere because I think that all of us believed that in the last analysis the enemy was Hitler...and that Japanhad given us an opportunity." Harry Hopkins, Dec. 7 Memo (Roosevelt and Hopkins R Sherwood, p. 431)
7 December - 9 hours later, MacArthur's entire air force was caught by surprise and wiped out in the Philippines.
His reaction to the news of Pearl Harbor was quite unusual -- he locked himself in his room all morning and refused to meet with his air commander General Brereton, and refused to attack Japanese forces on Formosa even under orders from the War Department.
MacArthur gave three conflicting orders that ensured the planes were on the ground most of the morning. MacArthur used radar tracking of the Japanese planes at 140, 100, 80, 60, down to 20 miles to time his final order and ensure his planes were on the ground.
Strategically, the destruction of half of all US heavy bombers in the world was more important than naval damage in Pearl Harbor. Either MacArthur had committed the greatest blunder in military history or he was under orders to allow his forces to be destroyed.
If it were the greatest blunder in history, it is remarkable how he escaped any reprimand, kept his command and got his fourth star and Congressional Medal of Honor shortly later. Prange argued,
"How could the President ensure a successful Japanese attack unless he confided in the commanders and persuaded them to allow the enemy to proceed unhindered?"
7 December - 8:30 PM, FDR said to his cabinet,
"We have reason to believe that the Germans have told the Japanese that if Japan declares war, they will too. In other words, a declaration of war by Japan automatically brings..."
at which point he was interrupted, but his expectation and focus is clear. Mrs. Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, observed later about FDR:
"I had a deep emotional feeling that something was wrong, that this situation was not all it appeared to be."
Mrs. Perkins was obsessed by Roosevelt's strange reactions that night and remarked particularly on the expression he had:
"In other words, there have been times when I associated that expression with a kind of evasiveness."
FDR met with CBS newsman Edward R. Murrow at midnight. Murrow, who had seen many statesmen in crises, was surprised at FDR's calm reaction. After chatting about London, they reviewed the latest news from PH and then FDR tested Murrow's news instincts with these two bizarre giveaway questions:
"Did this surprise you?"
Murrow said yes. FDR:
"Maybe you think it didn't surprise us?"
FDR gave the impression that the attack itself was not unwelcome.
This is the same high-strung FDR that got polio when convicted of perjury; the same FDR that was bedridden for a month when he learned Russia was to be attacked; the same FDR who couldn't eat or drink when he got the Japanese order to sail.
8 December - In a conversation with his speechwriter Rosenman, FDR
"emphasized that Hitler was still the first target, but he feared that a great many Americans would insist that we make the war in the Pacific at least equally important with the war against Hitler."
Later, Jonathan Daniels, administrative assistant and press secretary to FDR said,
"The blow was heavier than he had hoped it would necessarily be...But the risks paid off; even the loss was worth the price..."
FDR reminisced with Stalin at Tehran on November 30, 1943, saying,
"if the Japanese had not attacked the US he doubted very much if it would have been possible to send any American forces to Europe."
Compare this statement with what FDR said at the Atlantic Conference four months before Pearl:
"Everything was to be done to force an 'incident' to justify hostitlities."
Given that a Japanese attack was the only possible incident, then FDR had said he would do it.
Information Known in Washington and Hawaii October 9-December 7, 1941:
Date Item Washington Kimmel Short Oct. 9 "Bombplot" message X Nov. 26-28 "Winds" setup message X X[1] Nov. 26 Location of carriers X Dec. 1 Japanese declaration of war X Dec. 2-6 Code destruction X
[2] X X Dec. 4 "Winds execute" message X X
[3] Dec. 4 US at war with Japan via ADB X Dec. 5 British Admiralty Alert X
Dec. 6-7 "14 Part" message X Dec. 7 "One o'clock" message X
[1] Admiral Kimmel learned of the "winds" code in a Nov. 28th dispatch to him from the US Asiatic Fleet. JCC, p. 470.
[2] DC informed HI that codes were being burned world-wide so when they learned the local consulate burned codes they would not go on alert.
[3] General Short was given the Winds Execute by British IQ.
Note that none of the 3 diplomatic messages or the many naval messages identifying Pearl as the target were forwarded (not to mention HUMINT). Only 5 of the 74 Navy IQ packets delivered to FDR in the 2 weeks before Dec 7 can be found.
The issue of whether FDR and Washington were responsible for Pearl Harbor was decided in two courts of law in 1944. Both the Navy Court and the Army Board found Washington guilty.
NAVY Court of Inquiry !!! ftp://ftp.purdue.edu/pub/Liberal-Arts/History/pha/pearl.harbor/navy.court/ Top Secret ARMY Board Report!!!
(30K) ftp://ftp.purdue.edu/pub/Liberal-Arts/History/pha/pearl.harbor/misc/army_1.txt
Oct, 1944,
"Now let us turn to the fateful period between November 27 and December 6, 1941. In this period numerous pieces of information came to our State, War, and Navy Departments in all of their Top ranks indicating precisely the intentions of the Japanese including the probable exact hour and date of the attack. "
In response to this report, Marshall offered his resignation - the sign of a guilty conscience. Marshall testified at the MacArthur hearings that he considered loyalty to his chief superior to loyalty to his country.
JOINT CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE ftp://ftp.purdue.edu/pub/Liberal-Arts/History/pha/pearl.harbor/misc/army_1.txt on the
Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, Nov 15, 1945 to May 31, 1946, proved that there had been so much reversion of testimony, coverup and outright lies that the truth would have to wait until all Pearl Harbor records were declassified.
Most of the conspirators were military men, all men of FDR's own choice, men who only followed orders and FDR never delegated authority.
Stark, in answer to charges that he denied IQ to Hawaii, said publicly in August 1945 that everything he did pre-Dec 7, 1941 was on FDR's orders.
The handfull of military men in DC responsible for the disaster at Pearl Harbor were directly under the control of FDR and were later promoted and protected from investigation; promoted with FDR's full knowledge that they were responsible for not warning Hawaii.
On the record, Intelligence tried to warn HI scores of times but were prevented by FDR's men.
American Deaths: 2,403; Wounded 1,178.
Eighteen ships were sunk or seriously damaged including 5 battleships (USS Arizona photo). 188 planes were destroyed and 162 were damaged.
Japanese -- Out of an attack force of 31 ships and 353 raiding planes the Japanese lost: 64 deaths, 29 planes, 5 midget submarines.
The US was warned by, at least, the governments of Britain, Netherlands, Australia, Peru, Korea and the Soviet Union that a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was coming.
Most, if not all, Japanese codes were broken.
FDR and Marshall and others knew the attack was coming, allowed it and covered up their knowledge.
It's significant that both the the chief of OP-20-G Safford, and Friedman of Army SIS -- the two people in the world that knew what we decoded -- said that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked.
Pearl Harbor was not about war with Japan. Pearl Harbor was about war with GERMANY. HITLER WOULD NOT DECLARE WAR IF U.S. UNBEATABLE
1. OBJECTIVE: War with Germany. How do you bait Hitler to declare war on you? You don't get it by looking unbeatable!
2. Direct provocation in Atlantic had failed - Hitler didn't bite.
3. FDR knew from magic that if Japan attacked, Germany would declare war.
4. Therefore: the problem was how to maneuver Japan into firing the first shot or make the first overt act.
5. Japan must succeed or Hitler would renege. War with Japan was a given because they had to attack the Philippines. If Japan's fleet were destroyed, it would defeat the purpose. It would have been obvious suicide for Hitler to declare war if Japan were crippled - it would allow the US to attack him without even the possibility of a two-front war.
That was what he had just been avoiding for months. The plan could only work if Japan's attack succeeded. The lure of a weakened US in a two-front war focused on Japan seemed to make a German war declaration cost-free.
But it was all a trap - FDR was always going to ignore Japan and go after Hitler, for his ultimate goal was to save his beloved Soviet Communism.
[Note: See the out-of-print book, From Major Jordan's Diaries, to discover the lengths to which FDR went to 'save his beloved Soviet Communism'.]
In November FDR ordered the Red Cross Disaster Relief director to secretly prepare for massive casualties at Pearl Harbor because he was going to let it be attacked. When the director protested to the President, President Roosevelt told him that
"the American people would never agree to enter the war in Europe unless they were attack [sic] within their own borders."
See U.S. Naval Institute - Naval History - Advance Warning? The Red Cross Connection by Daryl S. Borgquist http://www.usni.org/Naval_History/Articles99/NHborgquist.htm
Did FDR know that Pearl Harbor was a Japanese target? Answer: FDR planned Pearl Harbor to be their target. He ordered the ships in and the carriers out. Churchill wrote about Pearl Harbor that FDR and his top advisors
"knew the full and immediate purpose of their enemy." (GRAND ALLIANCE p 603)
Churchill's entire discussion of Pearl Harbor was a justification of treason, e.g.:
"A Japanese attack upon the U.S. was a vast simplification of (FDR's and advisors') problems and their duty. How can we wonder that they regarded the actual form of the attack, or even its scale, as incomparably less important than the fact that the whole American nation would be united...?"
J. Edgar Hoover told his friends in early 1942 that FDR had known about the Pearl Harbor plan since the early fall. It was totally in character for FDR to concoct such a plan. Not only had the US Senate already censured FDR for utterly lacking moral perspective, but as Walter Lippmann wrote:
"his purposes are not simple and his methods are not direct."
To get into the war, FDR used the Atlantic Fleet as bait to be shot up; Pearl Harbor was the same thing in the Pacific. US Admiral Bloch testified
"The Japanese only destroyed a lot of old hardware. In a sense they did us a favor."
This was obviously FDR's view as well, because on 7 December at 2:15, minutes after hearing of the attack and before any damage reports were in, FDR called Lord Halifax at the British Embassy and told him
"Most of the fleet was at sea. . . none of their newer ships were in harbour."
Why does the government refuse to release all the messages to the attack fleet, or any JN-25 messages decoded before Dec 7?
There is absolutely nothing about national security to hide in JN-25. It is a trivial and worthless 19th century code. The techniques for cracking it had been published world-wide in 1931.
The US government has proudly showed how they used JN-25 decrypts after December 8 to win the Battle of Midway which occurred 7 months after Pearl Harbor. Therefore, there is nothing intrinsic about the code itself, the means of cracking it, or the fact that we cracked it, that has any national security implications of any nature.
What is the difference between decrypts from the Purple machine and decrypts from JN- 25? The answer is simply that the JN-25 messages contained the final operational details of the Pearl Harbor attack, whereas the Purple did not.
Why won't they let the truth out? Such secrecy breeds mistrust in government. The only thing that is left to hide are JN-25 decrypts and worksheets showing that the US and Britain monitored the Japanese attack fleet all the way to Pearl Harbor.
That is the scandal. That is the big secret. It raises the issue of whether the NSA is accessory after the fact to treason.
However, the secrecy and misdirection by the NSA about our capabilities with JN-25B and pre-war messages proves there is something very wrong. The NSA has systematically lied about the size of the JN25 books by a factor of four and about how many codebreakers worked on the code in 1941 by a factor of twenty-two.
The NSA is an evil Gestapo that is committed neither to truth nor open government nor the rule of law. We live an Orwellian history in which treason is honored, in which FDR's murder of thousands of young innocent men is good. In a word, we are no different from the tyranny we decry. A self-governing people must have truth to make proper decisions. By subverting the truth, the National Security Agency is subverting our Democracy.
[Note: Under the Constitution, America is a Republican form of government. America is a Republic, as in: ". . . and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". jackie] 
He who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the present, controls the past. - Orwell
Tokyo had to send the daily bomb-plots, cabled from its Honolulu consulate, to the attack fleet by JN-25 radio messages. The pilots had to get their target information.
"The news of the position of enemy ships in Pearl Harbor comes again and again." - Lt. Cmdr. Chigusa, executive officer of the attack fleet's Akigumo in his diary, December 4, 1941 (At Dawn We Slept, G. Prange, page 453).
FDR got it, too. FDR knew the Japanese pilots' targets as well as they did, because he got their bomb-plots when they did. He had their specific targets, ship by ship, in his hands at the White House. These messages would prove absolutely that FDR knew that the attack fleet's target was Pearl Harbor and therefore are not released.
The unnecessary and illogical secrecy about pre-December 7, 1941, JN-25 decoding is conclusive evidence that there was wrongdoing at the highest levels.
FDR was a traitor for maneuvering Japan into war with US -- and that is known and admitted.
FDR was a traitor for sacrificing American lives, for putting America in danger, for usurping the Constitutional power of Congress to make war.
Day of infamy, indeed; he chose his words precisely with a hidden double-meaning. Four days before the attack, FDR could have sent telegrams of condolence to the families of the sailors he was going to allow to be killed.
Even today there is a coverup, based on a transparently bogus excuse of national security, that shows that our government cannot face the truth about what happened a half-century ago.
Truth we owe the men of Pearl Harbor.
Until we tell the full truth, we dishonor them and every soldier and sailor who gave their life for their country. Should their lives have been sacrificed for treason and no one know, they had died in vain? If their honor cover treason - we are not a nation of law.
The Air Corps in the Philippines and the Navy at Pearl were FDR's bait, the oil embargo was his stick, the end of negotiations was the tripwire in FDR's game of shame - a game of death for so many.
Roosevelt aided and abetted the murder of thousands of Americans.