Can somebody please help me? I seem to be going insane.
We know what happened to the Jews in Germany during WWII. They were
mercilessly hunted down, to the last man woman and child, and, after a
Death March, were killed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz or Belsen or
wherever. In fact wherever the Germans went the same thing happened,
from Paris to Moscow, from Vilnius to Belgrade.
How do we know this? Well everybody knows it, from hundreds of films, thousands of books, dozens of Holocaust museums, millions of church sermons, from every approved history of the period. So that seems clear enough.
But then I come across this, an excerpt from the history of the Rykestrasse Synagogue in Berlin, written by a former Head Rabbi at that institution. (Hermann Simon (Die Synagoge Rykestraße (1904–2004), Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich and Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin / Centrum Judaicum, 2004, (Jüdische Miniaturen; vol. 17)).
“The Jewish school in the front building was forced to close in 1941.
However, the Jewish community formally remained proprietor of the site. In May
1942 the borough of Prenzlauer Berg declared its will to acquire the site paying
the ridiculous sum of reichsmark 191,860 and with effect of 1 September 1944 the
site was conveyanced to the borough. When on 6 May 1943 the Jewish community
applied at the Gestapo for a sale permission, since all its property was under
custodianship as were any sales proceeds, it named the Heeresstandortverwaltung
I Berlin (German Army garrison administration no. I) as the tenant of all the
site, except of two little apartments in the front building still rented out to
residential tenants.”
the Jewish community,
with the Gestapo,
for the sale of their synagogue,
which happens to be down the road from Hitler’s HQ.
How do we know this? Well everybody knows it, from hundreds of films, thousands of books, dozens of Holocaust museums, millions of church sermons, from every approved history of the period. So that seems clear enough.
But then I come across this, an excerpt from the history of the Rykestrasse Synagogue in Berlin, written by a former Head Rabbi at that institution. (Hermann Simon (Die Synagoge Rykestraße (1904–2004), Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich and Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin / Centrum Judaicum, 2004, (Jüdische Miniaturen; vol. 17)).

So here we have, according to the Rabbi of the synagogue in question:
in the middle of World War II,
the Jewish community,
with the Gestapo,
for the sale of their synagogue,
which happens to be down the road from Hitler’s HQ.
Now tell, am I going insane, or have I momentarily stepped outside The
Matrix? And what's that green man with the TV aerial ears doing looking
in my window?
those men are a member of a different species, this is a scientific view. Wisconsin suffers many problems because of the large number of Homo Africani that reside there.
Interestingly enough, the USSR was interested in using Blacks as a biological weapon to bring down the USA, a long-ago weapon which Putin is now using to his advantage to bring down the kikified USA.
" Is the evidence adequate to classify Africans not just as a different race, but as a different species, Homo africanus?
Another way to think about the re-classification of Africans (and primitive Asian aborigines 13) is to imagine that they were extinct and the only evidence we had of them was their bones and their DNA. Then, comparing the differences between them and modern living Eurasians, would their classification as a separate species be justified?"
"Finally, the genetic distance between Homo sapiens and Homo erectus is estimated as 0.170 24 (mean given as 0.19), 25 about the same as the genetic distance between the Bantu Africans and the Eskimos, but the genetic distance between living Africans and Eurasians is 0.23 (Table 7-1, p. 45). Thus, Homo sapiens is more closely related to Homo erectus than Eurasians are to sub-Saharan Africans. Either erectus should be reclassified as Homo sapiens erectus or sub-Saharan Africans should be reclassified as Homo africanus. "
it is shown that blacks alone of the human range have alleles (variety of gene) which are the same as those of the great apes - neither whites nor Eurasians have them. Blacks are intermediate of man (aryan and Eurasian) and ape yet are sufficently close to man to interbreed with its lower elements.
- Assistant State’s Attorney Jennifer Hamelly said the teenager was taking care of her brother that night and went to take out the trash when a black SUV filled with five or six people pulled up.
Hamelly said Aziz Animashuan told the girl to get in, but she refused. The prosecutor said the youngest of the three men hit the girl in the head with a 19th-century style handgun. She said the girl was carried to the car and seated next to Isiaka Animashaun.
Chicago police said the kidnapping happened in the 400 block of E. 83rd Street.
Then the prosecutor said they took the girl to an unknown location where court documents show she was forced to have sex with five or six people. -
So, a 15-year-old girl is at home looking after her brother and takes out the garbage when a bunch of Nigerians abduct her and force her to have sex with 5 – 6 men.
How can 5 or 6 'men' just get together and do this? Can 5 or 6 white men of common intent do such a thing? These are apes attacking humans.
I have not ever considered Negroes to belong to the same species as Caucasians. And Savant - yes - these Negroes are corn syrup, corporate agri-chemical "food", bling consumer American Africans. Super hyped up, entitled, vicious, violent baby-mental/BEAST physique Negros. Biological weapons. They are being imported into Ireland, and the rest of the UK, for the same reason they were weaponized in the USA - to kill YOU and YOURS.
Gary Christian · University of Tennessee, Knoxville
As a father of a daughter that was a victim of a car jacking, countless rapes by multiple people, tortured, beaten and murdered, while another thug was doing all the same to her boyfriend, I for one can say this. the 5 that were responsible are convicted, one on death row, three put away for life , one want get out toll i am gone, and one got 18 years which was one of the two ring leaders, out in about 10 more years. But not to worry about him right now. This is not even close to what they deserved. The victims of this article, will be assaulted many many times by our justice system before they are through. It too 7 years for us to get the 5 that murdered my daughter, We are getting laws changed as fast as the Senate and House will allow us. Here is something for you all to think about, the reason this keeps happening over and over is that our prison system and justice system is so easy on these kinds of thugs that what ever they get will take years to get it, then one they are sentenced they will be out before you know it and they will do it again. the justice system is broken and the prison system is a joke. I have seen it first hand. They have a revolving door. the have all the sex, dope, and what ever they want. the prisons are beautiful inside. Until we stand up and demand that prison be what its supposed to be they will keep turning thugs like these out to pray on you, your wife ,are your children. your choice...If a person takes a life you take them to death row and in a short time they die, less would take a life. Until then, you better have protection for you and your family or they could be next.
This is why the British are being destroyed - they deserve it.
Harsh, but true.
These shameful crimes must be owned up for, otherwise the curse cannot be lifted.
The UK owes Germany the deepest of apologies.