
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Irish Savant : One third of new British babies born to non-nationals

One third of new British babies born to non-nationals

Saw that headline of the Daily Mail today.  Horrific, of course. Demography is destiny and as such the British people, those who created an Empire on which the sun never set and whose language has become the global standard are about to disappear within a few generations. There will of course still be a ‘British people’ but they’ll be British in name only. Instead they’ll be a hotch-potch of mutually hostile tribal and religious groupings, with the less intelligent ones breeding like flies, while the country becomes more like Pakistan or Nigeria every year.

Great work, nation-wreckers. Your evil deeds are creating what you wanted. White nations deracinated and dumbed down, cast adrift from the culture that made them masters of the universe, the institutions which underpinned their civilisation debased, while the nation slides into the abyss. The British people will eventually be as dead as the proverbial dodo.  The only difference being that the dodo was killed off due to wilful ignorance, selfishness, stupidity and short-sightedness whereas……….eh, maybe not such a difference after all.
Karl Marx said, 
 a people without a heritage are easily persuaded.” 
 That race of  stupified, debased, degenerate mulattoed orcs, set to make up the new Britain, will be easy meat for their (our) new masters. 
And that’s what it’s all about.   
Historians will write about this era for centuries to come, just as they write of Rome today.

PS: If you check that article you’ll see that the presstitutes provide photographic representations of the ‘typical new Briton’. All are lily white. Not a black brown or Muslim in sight despite the primary sources of birthing units being Nigeria, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Poland.
Good doggies.

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