The Jewish Question
Ask not whether I am antisemitic -- ask only whether I am right. --John 'Birdman' Bryant
If you want to know where the power lies, then ask whom you cannot criticize. --Kevin Strom
'Antisemite' used to mean someone who hates Jews. Now it means someone whom the Jews hate. --LA Rollins
Antisemitism is a disease. You catch it from Jews. --Edgar J Steele
Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish group.
The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world...
the root cause is their use of enemies they create in order to keep solidarity...
--- Albert Einstein, quoted in Collier's Magazine, November 26, 1938
The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world...
the root cause is their use of enemies they create in order to keep solidarity...
--- Albert Einstein, quoted in Collier's Magazine, November 26, 1938
Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
"I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to the Jews. They always get what they want. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms."— Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1970-74
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races...and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..." --Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574
"When the National Socialists and their friends cry or whisper that this [the war] is brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right." --The Jewish magazine Sentinal (Chicago), 8 Oct 1940
"Decent, ordinary Americans are forced to begin to question whether Jews are bad for this country. I realize how inflammatory this statement is ... I do know that I am not alone in this concern ... -- Rabbi Daniel Lapin, "America's Real War," Multnomah Publishers, Oregon, 1999: 41
One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]
The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog. --US President Harry Truman, who presided over the end of WWII and its aftermath: From Truman's personal diary, 1947
They [Organized Jewry] use every dirty trick in the book, pull wires behind the scenes, smear people left, right and centre, and employ violent thugs and agents provocateurs at street level with the rationale that in the struggle against eternal anti-Semitism, anything goes. Their definition of an anti-Semite is of course far broader than yours or mine, namely anyone they don't like, or anyone who is in the least bit [un]sympathetic to their aspirations to ride roughshod over the rest of mankind. They keep up this pressure until their victim accuses 'the Jews' of being out to get them, or of conspiring against them. And as soon as you use the words 'conspiracy' and 'Jew' in the same sentence, you can be dismissed as a lunatic fringe nutter or conspiracy crank. This is what they have done to most people on the extreme right and on the anti-Zionist left; even the likes of Noam Chomsky have claimed this, and surely he can't be an anti-Semite. I didn't realize it at the time, of course, but I'm older and far wiser now. --Alexander Baron, The Churchill Papers: Revising the Revisionists, Unmasking Irving, London: Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, 1994: 71"Israelis and American Jews fully agree that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon -- one that must be used relentlessly against their common enemy ... Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. In America, the perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a $100-million-a-year enterprise, part of which is government-funded." --Israeli author Moshe Leshem, Balaam's Curse, p. 228
Much of the literature on Hitler's Final Solution is worthless as scholarship. Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not sheer fraud. ... Given the nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics. --Norman Finklestein, The Holocaust Industry, pp 55 & 68
Hitler's worst mistake is that he did NOT gas the Jews. --James von Braunn,
"I do not believe that telling the truth about Jews -- even the ugly truths -- is something that 'promotes hatred' of Jews -- at least not among intelligent people. If, for example, we point out that most Jews believe in and promote the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust, we are not claiming that they are evil any more than the many non-Jews who believe and promote the same story -- we are only saying that they are misguided and need to be properly informed. This, of course, does not keep believers in the Orthodox Jewish Version -- whether Jews or gentiles -- from hating US when we point out its falsity, and indeed, this is what they often do; but that only means that the worst we could be accused of is that, in telling the truth, we promote hatred of OURSELVES." --JBR Yant
"Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate-healthy, virile hate-for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German." -- Jewish Nobel Peace Prize Recipient ELIE WIESEL, Legends of Our Time, Chap. 12: "Appointment with Hate,"Avon Books, New York, 1968, pp.177-178
The Holocaust may be the biggest single tool that the Jews have used to rob, roust and ruin the gentiles, but it is also the biggest single weapon that gentiles have to use against the Jews. What I mean is that the Holocaust is a provable lie, and the more that people become educated about this fact, the deeper it will dig the Jewish grave. The Jews will try to survive it, but they simply cannot. I say this not merely because it is such a powerful weapon, but also -- and especially -- because it cuts to the heart of what the Jews think of themselves. It absolutely kills the notion that they are morally superior, and it kills this notion in the very place where it does the most harm, namely, in the Jewish soul. Oscar Wilde said that each one kills the thing he loves, and we see that Jews are killing the thing they love most -- themselves. More power to them! --JBR Yant, Mortal Words v 12
Every writer, who, like yourself, is oppressed by the subject of the present and embarrassed by his anxiety for the future, MUST try to elucidate the Jewish Question and its bearing upon our Age.
For the question of the Jews and their influence on the world - past and present - cuts to the root of all things, and should be discussed by every honest thinker, however bristling with difficulties it is, however complex the subject as well as the individuals of this Race may be. ...
There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that cannot be traced back to the Jews. ...
There is no doubt that the Jews regularly go one better or worse than the Gentile in whatever they do, there is no further doubt that their influence today justifies a very careful scrutiny, and cannot possibly be viewed without serious alarm.
The great question, however, is whether the Jews are conscious or unconscious malefactors. I myself am firmly convinced that they are unconscious ones, but please do not think that I wish to exonerate them on that account. ...
We (Jews) have erred, my friend; we have most grievously erred. And if there was truth in our error 3,000, 2,000, nay, 100 years ago, there is now nothing but falseness and madness... a madness that will produce an even greater misery and an even wider anarchy.
I confess it to you, openly and sincerely, and with a sorrow whose depth and pain an ancient Psalmist, and only he, could moan into this burning universe of ours. . .
We who have posed as the saviours of the world; we who have even boasted of having given it "the" Saviour; we are today nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners.
We who have promised to lead you to a new Heaven, we have finally succeeded in leading you into a new Hell. . .
There has been no progress, least of all moral progress. . . And it is just our Morality, which has prohibited all real progress, and -- what is worse -- which even stands in the way of every future and natural reconstruction in this ruined world of ours. . .
I look at this world, and I shudder at its ghastliness; I shudder all the more as I know the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness. . .
--Dr Oscar Levy, Dearborn Independent, 30 April 1921;
They are all of them born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people [Jews] some day became deadly to the human race. --Voltaire
There’s a Jewish cabal, you know, running through this, working with people like [Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur] Burns and the rest. And they all—they all only talk to Jews. --Richard M Nixon, July 24, 1971
"These Holocaust deniers are very slick people," says Steven Some, Chairman of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, "They justify everything they say with facts and figures."(Newark Star-Ledger, Oct 23, 1996, p 15; quoted in Journal of Historical Review, July/August 1997)
In spite of their shortcomings, the Jews have one important virtue: Their exploitation of whites has shown white men their vulnerabilities. Accordingly, the removal of Jews from the white racial sphere will not solve the fundamental problem besetting whites: It will only open the field to white men who wish to exploit the very same vulnerabilities. The solution, then, is to stop blaming Jews for the white man's problems, and instead to strengthen ourselves so we will not be vulnerable to exploitation by either Jew or gentile. As I have said before, "Our fault, dear Brutes, lies not in our Jews, but in ourselves". --Birdman
The purpose of this lengthy section on Jews is not merely to raise the reader's consciousness about the danger of establishment Jewry, but to fill an important gap in the treatment which this subject receives on the Net. In particular, while the bulk of the websites critical of Jews are devoted to the Holocaust controversy (eg, the Zundelsite, CODOH and IHR), and while there are a few others devoted to digging up the ugly facts on Jews (eg, jewwatch, adlwatch), there is no page -- at least to my knowledge -- which has attempted to view Jewish behavior from the perspective of an overall assault on America and the West in the context of both history and current events; and it is this latter perspective which we attempt to give here. The material on the Mensa Flap is included not merely for the edification of Mensans and to show how high-IQ people can be royally stupid when their preconceptions are challenged, but as a very palpable demonstration of the corruption of Jewry and its liberal allies and their determination to suppress criticism.
Why Criticize the Jews?
I've spent a good deal of time in life criticizing others -- most of them badly need the criticism, and I am always happy to give it. More than that, I've been pretty much an equal-opportunity criticizer -- I attack whoever I consider to be guilty of error, and do not pull my punches on the basis of race, religion or any other form of invidious distinction. Jews, like any other group, have always been in my sights, but I had never really given them that much attention until I published an essay critical of Jews in the Tampa Bay Sounding, the local Mensa magazine for which I had written a column for almost two years. While the full story of this episode is told in my book Political Correctness, Censorship and Liberal-Jewish Strongarm Tactics in High-IQ/Low-Morals Mensa, the bottom line was my personal discovery that Jews are not just another ethnic group, but form a powerful network ready -- among other things -- to clobber criticism wherever it may arise.But don't get me wrong -- I grew up with Jews, have had Jews as best friends and lovers, and in general have learned to cherish and respect these beautiful and talented people. There's no way I can put that behind me, nor is there the least reason to do so. That's because 'Jews' aren't the problem -- or at least I don't believe in my heart of hearts that they are. The problem is rather the chauvinistic, paranoid, aggressive, ugly and overwealthy Jewish establishment, which is not only the bane of America and Western civilization, but of ordinary Jews, whose arms they continually twist for contributions, and whom they are very much endangering by their policies and pursuits.
But being justified in my criticism, and having been the victim of Jewish thuggery, are not the only reasons I criticize Jews. Another reason is that the Jewish assault on American and Western culture is not merely serious, but life-threatening. While this may have the sound of overblown alarmist rhetoric, I can assure you that the cold hard facts -- many of which have come to light in only the last few years -- are sufficient to more than bear me out. Many of these facts are discussed in the essays on this webpage.
Another of my reasons for criticizing Jews is that it is forbidden, and I am ineluctably drawn to doing what is forbidden. I believe this attraction is based on a certain macho element -- by standing up to the Jewish establishment, I show people that I have the cojones that a lot of other folks do not. Or to put it another way, standing up to the Jewish establishment requires both honesty and courage -- the honesty to recognize the truth, and the courage to support it with your John Hancock. So maybe I'm just egotistical, but I want to be seen as honest and courageous; and I take special pride in what I am doing when I see everyone else running for cover while I and only a small number of others are standing alone against the Jewish onslaught.
Another reason for criticizing Jews is that it is an intellectual and moral challenge -- the former, because it presents a phenomenon which is multifaceted and difficult to comprehend (to say nothing of resolve); and the latter because it involves important ethical issues that few appreciate or understand.
Yet another reason for criticizing Jews is that I see it as my responsibility. If everyone else is dishonest or cowardly or ignorant, that gives me the obligation to stand up and be counted. I have had a good life, and I have an obligation to give back some of the good that I have received.
My final reason for criticizing Jews is that, while there are many other political and social problems which might seem to be far more pressing than anything relating to Jews, the strange and ugly fact is that a careful examination of these problems leads to but a single conclusion: Most of them have an intimate relation to Jews.
The War That Dare Not Speak Its Name:
The Jewish War Against Gentiles
Tora! Tora! Tora! --The Japanese war cry during the WWII attack on Pearl Harbor
Torah and Talmud -- The most sacred scriptures of Judaism, which are notable for their chauvinism and their many expressions of extreme hatred for gentiles
The last half-century has been witness to one of the most deadly wars in history -- a war for the soul of Western civilization. It is deadly not because it is a shooting war -- it isn't, or at least not yet -- but rather because it is a war whose purpose is the destruction of Western culture and the genocide of the white race. It is a war ostensibly being waged by the various racial, ethnic and sexual minorities of the planet which are overrunning national boundaries and cultural institutions and are outbreeding and downbreeding the white genome, but -- while these groups may supply the front-line troops -- the war is being directed and fueled by a single political minority, namely, the supporters of political liberalism, and more specifically by the ethnic group which -- itself almost entirely liberal -- funds and has significant control over this political minority, to wit, the Jews. This must be qualified, however, by saying that it is not the body of the Jewish people who are waging this war -- most Jews, indeed, are probably not aware of it -- but rather the 'head' which directs this body, namely, the Jewish establishment; that is, the worldwide collection of Jewish organizations which acts in concert to promote liberal/Jewish goals worldwide.The unique thing about this war -- what I shall call the Jewish War Against Gentiles, or JWAG for short -- is that it is rarely recognized; and in the few cases where it is recognized, it is rarely spoken of for fear of encountering the 'usual epithets' ('racist', antisemite', 'bigot', etc) and other similar forms of condemnation normally reserved for flat-earthers, conspiracy theorists, pedophiles and other outcasts. This is not really surprising, however -- after all, it is the 'Jewsmedia' which controls what is regarded as true or false, good or bad, hip or halt; and it is not in the Jewish interest that the war be named (much less discussed), because as long as gentiles cannot name it, they cannot fight back.
But there is another reason the gentiles cannot name this war, and that is because its battles are presented to us as morality plays, with white- hatted Jewish-fueled liberalism contending -- not against the white race or Western civilization directly -- but rather indirectly against 'bigotry', 'racism', 'antisemitism', 'sexism', 'discrimination', 'homophobia', 'xenophobia', 'handicappism', 'lookism', 'weightism', and other similar isms, tions, and phobias which represent one of the most amazing collections of alleged evils ever assembled, not merely because no one ever thought of opposing them until recently, but because anyone seriously thinking of championing an opposition to them before the present day would have been regarded as out of his mind.
A third reason the JWAG cannot be named is because people intuitively understand that it makes an unfair generalization about Jews by seeming to hold all Jews responsible for the offenses of the few -- the ADL, the SWC, the AJC and others of a similar bent. This is an important point because so few seem to understand its full implications. To illustrate, consider the fact that Germany and Japan were our "enemies" in WWII, but that, once the hostilities were over, both rapidly became our allies. The reason for this is not because we suddenly changed from hating Germans and Japanese to loving them, but rather that we never hated them in the first place. Instead, what we "hated" -- or at least attempted to destroy -- was not the Germans or Japanese as people, but rather the organizations which determined their behavior, namely, their governments. It is true, of course, that some Germans and Japanese were killed in the process of doing this, but this was only a means to an end, and not an end in itself.
In identifying the JWAG, three questions naturally arise: First, why are the Jews such enthusiastic adherents of liberalism; second, what is the evidence demonstrating Jewish responsibility for a war against gentiles, and third, what motives do Jews have for wishing to destroy the white race and the civilization established by that race? We will attempt in the paragraphs below to answer each of these questions in turn:
Explanation of Jewish liberalism:
The reasons for Jewish liberalism are at least three in number: First, Jews have been outcasts for many centuries in all parts of the world, and this has undoubtedly given Jews a sympathy with minorities who, simply by being minorities, have generally been underdogs. Second, because Jews have generally experienced an outstanding level of financial success -- a likely source of envy among gentiles, and thus a factor in causing Jews to be outcasts -- this success has led to a feeling of guilt, particularly in regards to the minorities whom they champion, thereby leading Jews to support liberal policies. A third reason for Jewish liberalism, at least in the sense of explaining their support for leftist governments, is that the centralization of power which is an intrinsic part of such governments is a means of realizing power for Jews generally and Jewish leaders in particular.While it could be argued that liberalism is as legitimate as any of a great many other political positions -- conservatism, monarchism, fascism, populism, technocracy, etc -- the fact remains that liberalism is contrary to the most basic principle of the American Constitution -- limited government -- a principle which has been at the root of the Western democratic ideal. In fact, 'limited government' is essentially a synonym for 'political freedom'; for virtually all the freedoms Americans supposedly enjoy under the Constitution -- free speech, freedom of religion, a free market, property rights, freedom of association, equality under the law, the right to keep and bear arms, protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to a speedy trial by a jury of one's peers, and so forth -- are essentially limitations on government power. But almost every liberal program is an attack on political freedom thru an enhancement of government power: Affirmative action and welfare give the government power to suspend the free market and equality before the law by making some groups (minorities and 'the poor') more equal than others; 'hate speech' laws and their ilk give the government power to attack freedom of speech; minimum wage laws, sexual harassment laws, 'workplace safety' regulations and affirmative action give the government power to regulate the (formerly) free market; 'gun control' gives the government power to restrict the right to keep and bear arms; forced bussing and 'anti-discrimination' laws give the government power to violate freedom of association; and in general the pro-tax-and-spend policies of liberals give the government power to spend 40% of our incomes, and in the process to do virtually anything it wants, from scrutinizing our bank accounts and telling us how to use our sexual organs to prescribing what medicines we may use and what substances we can enjoy.
But even if liberalism and its more extreme variants of communism and socialism are in fact contrary to the Western democratic ideal, the question remains as to whether Jewish support of liberalism is not simply a manifestation of Jewish idealism which is innocent of any intent to destroy Western culture or the white race. While virtually anything is possible in this crazy world of ours, the likelihood that liberalism is merely 'innocent Jewish idealism' seems unlikely in the extreme. To begin, according to Prof Kevin Macdonald, Jewish intelligence is significantly above the white, (about 15 IQ points), and in fact is as far above the white as white is above the black. Thus even granting the possibility that the Jewish hoi polloi are idealistic liberals with no intent of trashing whites or Western civilization, the fact that liberalism has been a failure in every instance where it has been tried -- from the numerous communist and socialist regimes around the world (the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, North Korea, and so on) to every particular program where it has been tried in the West (welfare, government health care, social security, farm subsidies, urban renewal, public housing, VA hospitals, plus all the other programs we have already mentioned, plus zillions of others) -- can only mean that Jewish leaders -- the most intelligent men of an outstandingly- intelligent race -- know perfectly well the effects of liberalism, and continue to promote it precisely because they approve of its effects. And while it is true that Israel itself adheres to liberalism in the economic sphere (but not in the racial, ethnic or sexual!), this is not a refutation of our position, but could be explained in various ways, eg, as a need on the part of Jewish leaders to showcase their liberalism to the gentiles in order to be better able to use it against them; or as an experiment in command and control of their own people in order to facilitate using it against the West; or as merely the effect of the Jewish hoi polloi believing in liberalism without their leaders believing in it.
Evidence for Jewish responsibility:
The evidence of Jewish responsibility for the intentional destruction of Western civilization and the white race consists of two parts: (1) the Jewish support of liberalism, which we have already noted is contrary to the basic principles of Western life, and (2) the negative attitudes and motives which Jews hold toward whites and Western culture. The evidence for (1) is summarized in the starred paragraphs below; the evidence for (2) is discussed in Motives for Jewish behavior which follows the starred paragraphs:- Jews as a people are overwhelmingly liberal politically, and the goals of the major Jewish organizations worldwide reflect this liberalism in their policies and political activism.
- Virtually all of the liberal social movements have been initiated and led by Jews -- communism, civil rights, feminism, open immigration, gun control, 'hate crime' laws, the labor movement, etc.
- The major media -- newspapers, television and movies -- has an overwhelmingly liberal bias (for example, about 90% of the senior media staffers voted for Clinton in 1992), and Jewish influence is dominant in the media, as has been conclusively demonstrated by Dr William Pierce in his essay "Who Rules America", which may be found on the National Vanguard website. The result of this control is that, in only half a century, the people of the West have been persuaded to abandon ideas which they had held for centuries in favor of precisely the opposite ideas -- those of liberalism. And the fact that this abandonment has happened all over the Western world simultaneously is further evidence that the international network of Jews, by their media influence, has brought it about.
- Jewish contributions and fundraising have a major impact on the political process, and with this control goes tremendous political clout. (Popular columnist and presidential candidate Pat Buchanan once characterized Congress as Israeli-occupied territory.) This clout does much to explain the emergence of liberalism as a formidable political force, even tho liberalism is unpopular among the American people (it has been estimated that only 17% of Americans consider themselves liberals.)
Motives for Jewish behavior:
Besides the love of all things liberal, Jews have certain motives and attitudes which make hostility to Western culture and the white race understandable, if not exactly justified:- The Talmud, central book of the Jewish religion, veritably bristles with hatred for gentiles; and while the majority of Jews are not religious, there is little doubt that this hatred -- nurtured by centuries of persecution and refreshed with memories of Nazism -- is a significant part of the Jewish psyche.
- Their past persecution has given Jews not only a negative attitude toward white gentiles, but a desire to protect themselves from further persecution and -- in conjunction with their 'eye for an eye' and 'never forgive, never forget' mentality -- a taste for revenge. The destruction of the white race and its culture ostensibly serves both these purposes.
- Jews as a people regard themselves as competing with gentiles, at least in the sense of preferring their own people rather than gentiles to succeed and hold power. And since whites are their major competition, what better way to foster the desired success than to literally destroy the white race and its culture?
What I am getting at is that there are basically two approaches to dealing with the JWAG: The hard-line approach of forcible separation of Jews and gentiles (or worse), or the moderate approach of neutralizing hostile Jewish organizations and their leadership while leaving 'the Jew in the street' alone. Those who favor the hard-line approach regard Jewish hatred as likely to be intractable, and are thus eager to encourage hatred of Jews while being likely to hate Jews themselves; while moderates may feel no hostility to Jews, and may indeed like and admire individual Jews, as I do. It is of course easy to imagine that such widely differing viewpoints could spark conflict in spite of shared goals, since hard-liners will see moderates as impotent or worse, while moderates will view hardliners as not only unnecessarily extreme, but as acting to alienate whites' most important ally -- the Jewish people themselves -- who, if they only understood how their leaders were endangering them, would not hesitate to elevate those leaders in the only way they deserve to be elevated -- by hanging from a lamppost.
The argument in favor of the hardliners is historical -- according to the Jewish report card, Jews 'do not get along well with others', as demonstrated by the fact that they have been expelled from almost every Western country at some time or other. The argument against the hardline position -- imperfect, but not without force -- is that religion has been a primary source of hostility to Jews, and that now that the Western world is largely secular, religious antipathies no longer function to divide Jews from gentiles.
The argument in favor of the moderate position -- besides appealing to the view of most people that Jews are 'just folk' rather than 'evil' -- is that no other means of dealing with the 'Jewish question' is really practicable, and should at least be pursued until the point where it shows itself unworkable. Visions of gas chambers may dance in hardliners' heads, and Catonian and Voltarian echoes of Juda delenda est and Ecrasez l'infame! may ring in their ears, but unless there are some really big changes in the world, such fantasies are at best useless, and at least of dubious morality.
A final question which needs to be considered is whether a focus on the evils of liberalism rather than on 'Jews the destroyers' (to use the phrase of the Jewish author Samuels in his book You Gentiles) might not be a more effective 'war strategy', if for no other reason than that it would be more acceptable to the population at large. I admit this possibility, but reject it not only because it is less honest, but because, in the long run, I think it is less effective: We cannot fight a war when we cannot identify the enemy. In this regard it should be noted that the John Birch Society seems to have taken this approach: While their excellent scholarship has given considerable credibility to their conspiracy theory of liberal 'Insiders', they stay an arm's length and a country mile away from anything sounding like Jewish conspiracy, with the result that the JBS, as 'the king of conspiracy theory', may not exactly be parading around naked, but has certainly been caught with its pants down. Indeed, an important deficiency of the 'Insider' theory is that blood is thicker than power hunger, the latter of which is the supposed motive for the 'Insiders' banding together to create a New World Order. That is, an organized effort generally requires individual sacrifice for the 'common good', and men who are bound by blood, like the Jews, are far more likely to make such sacrifices than are men acting from purely selfish motives, as the 'Insiders' supposedly are. Worse than this, however, is that the JBS has apparently been co- opted by establishment Jewry, a fact unearthed by one of the JBS founders, Prof Revilo Oliver, who determined that the principal founder, Robert Welch, was secretly controlled by Jews (and who could therefore be said, no doubt, to have 'Welched' on his supporters). The importance of this in the present context is that, by making no objection to the Birchers' very able promotion of the 'Insider' conspiracy theory, establishment Jewry regards such an attack as sufficiently off-target to be largely harmless to the real enemy -- themselves.
In conclusion, let me state plainly that, in spite of the arguments I have given here, I could be wrong about Jewish intentions. I am not sure, however, that it really matters much; for whether it is the intention of the Jewish establishment to impose a totalitarian New World Order on the rest of us for their own power and profit, or whether they believe that liberalism is just a prescription for a better world, the fact remains that the end result is the same: the abolition of human freedom. The facts of thoroughgoing Jewish liberalism, formidable Jewish political power, and overwhelming Jewish media influence cannot be reasonably disputed; nor can it be disputed that these three things have combined in a successful worldwide effort over the last century to turn the world's thinking topsy- turvy. Thus the only way to save Western civilization and the white race is to stop liberalism, and the only way to stop liberalism is to neutralize Jewish power. The intentions of Jews may be good, or they may be evil; but the only difference is that, if they are good, then Jews will be just that much harder to stop because of their zeal in pursuing a 'righteous cause' in which they provide 'a light unto the nations'. But of course the Jews have already provided 'a light unto the nations'; for their support and encouragement of liberalism from the Bolshevik revolution onward has made it possible for the rest of us to see what horrible and unforgivable things men will do when animated by good intentions.
In sum, now that the Jewish War Against Gentiles has been named, perhaps men will arise who have the courage to fight it. How about you?
The Holocaust Is a Jewish Big Lie:
Birdman's Not-Quite-95 Theses on the Holocaust
Note: Recently there has been an essay making the rounds of the Net entitled '95 Theses on the Holocaust'. As JBR Yant remarked, there is nothing so inspiring as to see a good thing done poorly, and for this reason I have created my own list of Holocaust Theses, tho I have chosen not to bore the reader by trying to round out a count of 95 by digging up a bunch of marginal ones. In spite of this, however, I believe that the 55-or-over theses that are found here will keep the reader sufficiently entertained to justify his lucubrative effort during that period while he is trying to get the prunes and bran muffins to work.
Jews accuse Hitler of using, if not inventing, the Big Lie technique, but what Hitler actually did (in Mein Kampf) was to accuse the JEWS of using it. And of course Hitler was right: Not only did the Jews tell a Big Lie when they accused Hitler of doing so, but they told another one when they invented the Holocaust.
Reason 1 the JBL (Jewish Big Lie) continues: The Holocaust is a cash cow for Jews and Israel. False sympathy for Jews has given Israel hundreds of billions of dollars from Germany and the US, and has provided large incomes to individual Jews who have capitalized on the Holocaust with their novels, 'memoirs', films, plays, speaking tours and the like. It may be truly said that the Holocaust is the golden calf on the gentile leg that the Jews have been pulling for more than 60 years.
Reason 2 the JBL continues: Many countries in Europe, as well as Canada and Australia, have laws against denying the OJV (Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust). There can be only one reason for these laws: Supporting a lie that is a cash cow for Jews, and preventing criticism of Jews. If the OJV were true, it would not need legislative support. Only lies need such support.
Reason 3 the JBL continues: The Holocaust is a secular religion in a secular age that keeps Jews drawn together and makes them easier for the Big Jews to manipulate.
Reason 4 the JBL continues: Once you start lying, you can't stop without admitting that you were lying, and if the Big Jews do that, then Jew-Deism -- the worship of The Chosen -- actually The SELF-Chosen -- by Jews and Christian idiots will collapse, and instead of the Chosen People, the Jews will become the Frozen People.
Reason 5 the JBL continues: Jewish scholars such as Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem, Israel's national Holocaust museum, have admitted that some of the most important features of the OJV are false, including the story that soap was made from the fat of Jewish bodies, and lampshades from Jewish skin. And yet in spite of these grudging admissions, the falsehoods remain firmly in place because Jews suppress the findings of Holocaust revisionists.
The notion that Auschwitz was a 'death camp' is ludicrous #1: You don't build swimming pools, organize orchestras, have a camp hospital, print camp currency and establish a brothel for inmates who are going to be killed.
The notion that Auschwitz was a 'death camp' is ludicrous #2: You don't hang guards for abusing prisoners who are going to be killed, as the nazis did.
The notion that Auschwitz was a 'death camp' is ludicrous #3: High nazi muckamucks don't send around memos, as Himmler did, declaring that the death rate in the camps 'absolutely' must be reduced when the inmates are there to be killed.
The notion that Auschwitz was a 'death camp' is ludicrous #4: Auschwitz was a huge industrial center which manufactured products critical to the German war effort. Shipping people to an industrial center in order to kill them is the height of absurdity.
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #1: The nazis were desperate for labor, so why would they kill the very thing they were desperate for?
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #2: The ashes from such a huge collection of bodies would have inundated the surrounding countryside.
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #3: A calculation of how long it would take to incinerate such a mass of bodies would have made the operation last well into the next century.
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #4: There weren't even 6 million Jews in Europe at the time.
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #5: The World Almanac gives Jewish population figures over the war years which show an INCREASE OF JEWISH NUMBERS. Hey, but it's an old Jewish trick, like the one Jeezez did with the loaves and fishes, right?
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #6: In 1995, the plaque outside Auschwitz was changed to read 1.1 million deaths rather than 4 million, but according to Jewish mathematicians, 6 million minus 3 million is still 6 million. Hey, those big numbers can be tricky!
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #7: On two different occasions long prior to WW2, Organized Jewry claimed that '6 million Jews' had perished due to 'evil gentiles'. Clearly, the Six Million is a notion originating in Jewish mystical texts which has no basis in reality.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #1: Zyklon B could not possibly have been used to gas anyone in the slow-evaporating form that it came in. It would have taken HOURS.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #2: Zyklon B was in a form intended for use in clothing de-lousing chambers. Lice spread typhus, a big killer in war, and this de-lousing saved the lives of many lousy Jews. (Did I say that? I must be an ANTI-SEMITE! Forgive me, O Yahweh!)
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #3: Zyklon B could not possibly have been used safely to gas Jews -- it is an explosive gas, and the spark from a match or cigaret would have blown the 'gas chamber' to smithereens.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #4: The idea that Jewish 'trusties' pulled Jewish bodies apart after gassing is ludicrous -- the gas trapped in the clothing would have killed the trusties in about 30 seconds.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #5: The 'gas chambers' which have been shown to tourists for years were built by the Soviets, and the head of the Auschwitz museum admitted this.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #6: Nothing about 'gas chambers' was ever mentioned in the memoirs of any of the participants in WW2, including Eisenhower, De Gaulle and Churchill.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #7: Arno Mayer, generally accepted by establishment historians as the premier historian of the Holocaust, declared in his book Why Did the Heavens Not Darken that evidence for the existence of gas chambers was both 'rare and unreliable'.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #8: The pictures of emaciated corpses which we have all seen are not products of gassing, but STARVATION -- starvation which occurred because there was no food for the laborers toward the end of the war. In this context it is notable that, when the camps were 'liberated', Eisenhower insisted that the liberators 'get it all on film' because 'someone in the future would deny that all this happened'. Needless to say, nobody denies the existence of 'all this', namely, the walking (and non-walking) skeletons that populated the Camps -- the revisionists just deny that 'all this' proves that the nazis were in the extermination business. In fact, 'all this' proves that the nazis WEREN'T in the extermination business -- if you are going to exterminate people, you don't build housing for them and then wait for them to starve to death -- instead, you do like Eisenhower did to the surrendered German soldiers, and put them in an open enclosure with no food or water. (Did somebody say that Ike was a war criminal? Why, that's heresy!!!)
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #1: The Nuremberg laws were ex post facto laws, but ex post facto law is not only grossly unfair, but it is specifically banned by the US Constitution, and yet an American Supreme Court justice (Jackson) was the chief prosecutor.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #2: Nazis were treated brutally and often tortured to get 'confessions'. They were not allowed reasonable legal counsel, access to documents, or any of the other amenities that are standard in Anglo-American law. And yet, even in such strained circumstances, they were still sometimes able to put American prosecutors to shame, as Goering did.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #3: Following the trials, the transcripts of the proceedings were often doctored to cover up embarrassments, as proved by the inconsistency of the audiotapes with the transcripts.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #4: A trial is supposed to be unbiased, but there was nothing unbiased about the Nuremberg trials. Most of the 'Americans' were actually European Jews who had gained American citizenship, but returned to Germany in order to get revenge on the nazis.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #5: The nazis were condemned, and many hanged, for acts for which the allies were also guilty, yet no one other than nazis were tried for 'war crimes'. Furthermore, the nazis were not allowed the 'tu quoque' defense, ie, not allowed to defend themselves by bringing up the fact that they did nothing more than what the Allies did.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #6: Julius Streicher was condemned to hang by the Nuremberg tribunal, and yet Streicher was not even a participant in the nazi government. His 'crime' was to publish a crude antisemitic newspaper and be an early supporter of Hitler. But hey, I guess all those cartoons of big noses really get to the Jews after awhile...
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #7: Wood, the hangman who dispatched the condemned nazis and a probable Jew, insured that the hanging would be brutal. Not only did he make the ropes short so that the condemned men would strangle rather than dying by neck-break, but he made the holes in the floor so small that the faces of the hanged men would be mauled as they dropped thru.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #8: No Hitler order or anything of the kind has ever been found for extermination of the Jews, altho it is well-documented that Hitler said that the final solution to the Jewish Question should be postponed till after the war. The result is that Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg has claimed that there was a 'meeting of the minds' on the Holocaust without there ever being any specific declaration, ie, the Third Reich accomplished its alleged 'extermination' via TELEPATHY!
Jews denounce the presumed genocide of Jews by the nazis, and yet are busy doing exactly that to the Palestinians. It is a psychological truism that guilty parties often accuse others of exactly what they (the guilty) are guilty of. If anyone deserves to be gassed, it is the Jews.
Jews denounce the presumed genocide of Jews by the nazis, and yet Jews practiced genocide on the Germans, as detailed by James Bacque in his chronicle of Jew Eisenhower's postwar internment camps. They also advocated it in the book 'Germany Must Perish', a book written in the WW2 period by a Jew named Kaufman, and popularized by the sycophantic praise of Jewish book reviewers.
Jews denounce the brutality of the nazis, and yet the major acts of brutality in the Camps were carried out by kapos -- Jewish trusties whose position gave them the power of life and death over inmates.
Jews denounce the brutality of the nazis, and yet Israel is the only 'Western' country that permits torture, altho the influence of the Jewish lobby and such 'legal experts' as Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz has virtually legalized it in America.
Jews denounce the brutality of the nazis, but deaths among American POWs held by Germany in WW2 occurred at a lower rate than in the American population as a whole. Hey, a break from all that fatty American food was just what Our Boys needed!
Jews denounce the brutality of the nazis, yet during WW2, Jewish guerrillas sunk a ship which was full of Jews bound for Palestine in order to blame it on the British and create more sympathy for Jewish immigration to Palestine, an area which was then under British control. Several similar cases of Jews killing their own for political purposes in WW2 have been reported.
Jews make much of the 'blood libel' which accuses Jews of killing gentile children and using their blood for cooking -- an accusation which is not without evidence; but Jews have in fact engaged in the greatest of all blood libels by accusing Germany of the Holocaust.
One of the greatest Jewish Holocaust legends of WW2 was the story of Anne Frank, the scion of a rich Dutch Jewish family. As it happens, however, her 'diary' upon which the legend was based was of questionable authenticity -- it was at least partly written by her father -- and in particular disguised the fact that -- far from 'hiding' from the nazis -- Anne's father was actually making a good living by supplying the nazis with food goods. For her part, Anne died in a concentration camp of typhus -- probably one of those lousy Jews.
The books of Elie 'The Weasel' Wiesel provide much of the fodder for the OJV, and yet this slick Jew, whose speaking fee is $25,000 a pop plus limo, is a notorious liar. For example, he claimed to have been liberated from more than one concentration camp, to have walked around Babi Yar where he saw the ground spurt 'geysers of blood', and to have been knocked a full city block by a NY taxicab.
Elie the Weasel denounces the Germans for their behavior, and yet when he was liberated from confinement in a concentration camp, he chose not to wait for the Soviets, but rather to go west in the company of his captors. I guess he must have really loved all that torture.
Elie the Weasel was responsible for the 'Holocaust' moniker as a result of his claim that he saw Jews being thrown into pits and burned alive. Somehow, this story has now been quietly forgotten, along with others about boiling and electrocution, in favor of 'gas chambers'.
Jews are never ending in their condemnation of 'hate', particularly as represented by the Holocaust, and yet Elie the Weasel has claimed in one of his books that every Jew must hate the Germans.
The Third Reich cooperated with Jews to get them to emigrate to Israel. Zionist newspapers were allowed to be published, and under the Ha'avara, or Transfer Agreement, special areas were set aside in Germany to train Jews in the skills they would need in Israel, and Jews were given special financial privileges in the matter of taking their wealth out of Germany.
Jewish zionist guerrillas offered the Third Reich a military alliance during WW2.
Many Jews fought for the Third Reich, including 70 generals and many lesser types. Hitler himself was one-quarter Jewish, and in fact the grandson of a Rothschild.
The Third Reich was the recipient of significant financing by Jews.
The notorious Yellow Star, which Jews were required to wear in Germany, and which supposedly identified Jews for extermination, was actually something proposed to the nazi authorities by the Chief Rabbi of Berlin.
The only nation which has forbidden marriage between Jews and gentiles besides nazi Germany is Israel.
Jews had a significant role in building the atomic bomb, which was then used to create a genuine holocaust of Japenese victims. Isn't it funny that we never hear much about this very real holocaust, but we are subjected to a never-ending stream of weeping and wailing over a false one?
The only real holocaust in Germany was the firebombing of German cities by the British. In particular, 'Bomber' Harris incinerated Dresden, a city of no military importance, but one filled with civilian refugees, which killed upwards of a quarter million people.
Hitler made a good offer of peace to Britain in 1940. If Jew Churchill had accepted, the Holocaust couldn't have happened -- not that it did.
It is essential that the truth about the Holocaust be known, because the Holocaust is both the key and the Achilles heel of Jewish power over gentiles. If the Holocaust Lie collapses, then so does Jewish power.
Gentiles will stop telling unpleasant truths about Jews when Jews stop telling unpleasant lies about gentiles.
History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number
As everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows, six million is the number of Jews supposedly killed by the nazis in 'gas chambers' during WW2. As it happens, however, this is false, and not merely false, but a deliberate lie, as indeed are all of the essential components of the generally accepted version of the Holocaust, which I refer to as the Orthodox Jewish Verson, or OJV for short. The falsity of the OJV in general, and the six million claim in particular, has been so thoroughly proved by historical and forensic investigation as to barely deserve mention; but for those who are interested, copious discussion of virtually every aspect of this matter is found in the several collections of articles on the Holocaust posted on this website, particularly in the Articles of Others section under the subcategory Jews. Additionally, a good overview of the falsity of the OJV is found HERE. The purpose of the present article, however, is not to review this information, but is rather to investigate the probable origin of the six million number with a view to understanding how and why it became a key point of the Holocaust Big Lie. In particular, we shall show that the origin of this number is probably scriptural, and in fact must have been chosen as a way of seeming to fulfill a prophecy of the Jewish scriptures in order to justify the existence of Israel. The most important point to be understood here, however, is that -- completely apart from, and independent of, other historical and forensic considerations -- the material in this essay demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that the Six Million number is a lie, and thus so is the OJV.
But there is more to the matter than this, because the Holocaust and its 'Six Million' victims has become the central organizing feature of Jewish life in the modern world, in which the Jews are depicted as the Eternal Victims, and where anyone who opposes Jews or the Jewish Establishment becomes identified as a vector of what has come to be regarded as the ultimate evil, 'antisemitism'. In fact, as many have pointed out, the Holocaust has actually become a sort of civil religion, in which heretics -- those who dare to question any aspect of the OJV -- are either shunned as kooks and crazies, anathematized as 'antisemites', or else -- as in most Western countries except America -- simply sent to jail.
But this is still only half the story, because the Holocaust is not merely a religious dogma intended to weld the Jewish community together in much the same way that the old-time Judaic religion once did, but it is also a fabulous cash cow which has placed billions upon billions of guilt-money into the hands of both the Jewish Establishment and individual Jews. ("There's no business like Shoah [Holocaust] business" is a common saying among the Jewish set.) In particular, even 60 years after the end of WW2, the German government is still paying 'reparations' to Jews -- this for a calamity that never happened to a state that did not even exist at the time -- and the United States, whose entry into WW2 sealed Germany's defeat, and whose highest legislative body has often been referred to as 'Israeli-occupied territory' -- has been equally generous to the Jewish state, if not moreso. In short, therefore, the Holocaust lie has been both the spiritual and financial wellspring of modern Jewish power, and for this reason it is clear why the Jewish Establishment holds onto this lie with a tenacity bordering on insanity.
Our proof that the Six Million number is a deliberate lie consists of two parts: First, an explanation of how this number originated in Jewish scripture, and second, a citation of the several places prior to WW2 where the Jewish Establishment claimed that there were 'six million' Jewish victims. To these points will be added observations about several related matters, including (a) the many holocausts for which Jews themselves have been responsible, (b) how Jews themselves were responsible for the Holocaust, and (c) how various historical accounts of attacks on Jews have been wildly exaggerated by Jewish writers -- in fact, exaggerated to the point of ludicrousness -- all of which serve to establish that the leitmotif of 'Jews as Eternal Victims' is really a sort of bizarre comic opera of Wagnerian proportions that has gone on thruout Jewish history.
The quotes below are from unpublished sources whose content I have tried -- so far unsuccessfully -- to have verified by rabbinical scholars. I suspect that their ultimate source is the bookThe Holocaust Dogma of Judaism by Ben Weintraub, which is discussed HERE. The meaning of these quotes is made clearer if one understands something about Gematria, the Kabbalistic practice of interpreting texts by associating words and numbers, and which is described as follows:
"In Jewish mysticism, [gematria] is a traditional system of associating numbers with Hebrew letters for the purpose of discovering hidden meanings in words. This is accomplished by systematically associating letters with numbers and then finding other words with similar numbers. These latter words are regarded as comments on the original words. Systems related to the Hebrew implementation of gematria are still used." --
Here are the relevant quotes:
[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must "vanish" before the state of Israel can be formed. "You shall return minus 6 million." That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the "6 million" is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in "burning ovens", which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: ". . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State." A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the "burning ovens" (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been "fulfilled" and Israel can become a "legitimate state". --Unknown
[Quote 2] Regarding the 'six million' number you should know the following: In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read "you shall return". In the text the letter "V" or "VAU" is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is '6 million'. The prophesy then reads: You will return, but with 6 million less. See Ben Weintraub: "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism", Cosmo Publishing, Washington 1995, page 3. The missing 6 million must be so before the Jews can return to the Promised Land. Jahweh sees this as a cleaning of the souls of the sinful people. The Jews must, on the return to the Promised Land, be clean -- the cleaning shall be done in burning stokes. --A Correspondent
In short, it appears that the six million number is some kind of scriptural or kabbalistic justification for the establishment of the state of Israel. This is a matter of some importance, because religious Jews are deeply divided on the scriptural legitimacy of Israel, and in fact there are many religious Jews who actively oppose the Israeli state. Obviously the Zionists, whose work in establishing Israel began in earnest at the end of the 19th century, felt a need to attract orthodox Jews to their cause, and perhaps this was the reason why the earliest reference to the 'six million' which has so far been discovered appeared around that time.

Orthodox Jews burning the Israeli flag

Orthodox Jews protesting in Jerusalem

Jews Against Zionism
3. FOUR EARLIER REFERENCES TO 'SIX MILLION'A. On page 482 of the article on 'Antisemitism' in the the 10th Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica (1902) is found the words: "While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded...". As the reader can see, these words appear in the last paragraph of the left hand column of the image reproduced HERE (it takes a while for this file to come up). This reference preceeds references to the Six Million of WW2 by approximately 40 years.
B. In the American Hebrew Magazine of October 31, 1919, p 582, there appeared an article entitled "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!" (note the Christian symbolism) by Martin H Glynn, former governor of the state of New York. This article begins, "From across the sea, six million men and women call to us for help ..." and subsequently tells us that "six million human beings are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate". The article was published approximately 20 years before the outbreak of WW2. An image of the complete article is HERE.
C. The remaining two pre-WW2 references to Six Million are referred to in the following quote, and consist of references to (1) the Herzl diaries, and (2) British and Bolshevik propaganda in WW1. We do not have first-hand references, but we expect that scholars familiar with the literature would have little trouble digging them up:
As a gentile European I may not ask these questions [ie, question
the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust] without penalty,
but Rabbi Moishe Arye Friedman, chief Rabbi of the Orthodox
anti-Zionist Jewish Community in Vienna, Austria, did not prostrate
before the God of Zion and did not hesitate to attend the [2006] Tehran
conference decried by the Muslim American Society as immoral and
motivated by racial hatred. In his address to the conference he
stated that the founder of the Zionism, Theodor Herzl, already spoke
in his first diaries of a number of six million Jews who were
allegedly threatened in Europe and that, according to Herzl, the
so-called Jewish state would only have a chance if there was a
disaster for these six million European Jews, as well as that the
Bolshevists and the British government already used the six million
figure in their war propaganda against Germany during the first
world war. He further talked about the collaboration between the
Nazis and the Zionists, and added that he was sure that the last
word about the real or actual number of the victims had not yet been
spoken, mentioning that in 1990 the number originally specified of
four million victims of Auschwitz had been reduced to approximately
900,000 to 1.1 million whilst the six million figure remained
--Dr. Sahib M. Bleher, "Iran Revolution ends the 'Holocult'",
Mathaba organization, 2006/12/17
Rabbi Friedman's address is also described at, where it is additionally noted that the Bolshevists and the British government already used the six million figure in their war propaganda against Germany during the first world war.
Now in case the logical implications of the above material have managed to escape the reader, let me put it bluntly: If there is a seemingly-factual claim of 'six million Jewish deaths' (or near-deaths) in four entirely different historical contexts, then this is simply too big a coincidence to be believable -- four events within a half century, each of which involves six million Jewish deaths (or near deaths) is wildly improbable; and in fact, even ONE event involving as many as six million deaths is itself difficult to believe without extraordinary proof. Thus it is clear that what we have in the 'six million' claims are not four factual reports of historical events, but rather four cases of people 'crying wolf' in order to gain attention and sympathy. And that, if I may be so bold as to say so, is irrefutable proof of the fact that the 'Six Million' is a lie.
In his book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Prof Arthur Butz cites several victimological exaggerations of Jewish scholars. An article with this material is found HERE.
On my website there is an entire subsction of the section on Jews in Articles of Others devoted to Holocausts Caused By Jews. This is more than simply ironic, because it is a psychological fact that those who make accusations are often guilty of the very crimes of which they accuse others. Perhaps the mechanism at work here is that the accuser is attempting to make himself seem less guilty in the eyes of others; or perhaps he is trying to place on others the blame for his own crimes; but whatever is happening in the case of Jews, it is clear from the historical record that they carry a considerable burden of guilt.
Many commentators have noted that antisemitism does not exist in a vacuum, but instead is a result of the behavior of Jews themselves. This is reinforced by the fact that, at one time or another, Jews have been expelled from virtually every western city, country, state and principality. This, then, suggests strongly -- without consideration of any other historical facts -- that Jews themselves were responsible for the Holocaust. This theme has been elaborated upon by Canadian Jewish Professor Henry Makow, who has argued that the Zionists -- that great cheerleading squad for the promotion of Israel -- were themselves responsible for the Holocaust. Makow's article is HERE (to make the type visible, do an Edit/Select All in Internet Explorer).
From the above considerations, the conclusion is obvious: While the Jewish Establishment spends millions and billions of dollars promoting the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust, the ugly fact is that the Holocaust story is a lie used to promote Jewish interests and pick gentile pockets, and to cover up the fact that -- far from being Eternal Victims -- the Jews are actually ETERNAL VICTIMIZERS.
There is a curious theological aspect to the OJV, which we can only appreciate if we know that religious Jews regard their best rabbis as able to outsmart Yahweh. As Ed Steele put it in one of his essays, 'You really must have a glimmering of the true extent of Jewish hubris in order to appreciate their belief that, if they got the whole world to repeat their 6-million lie, then God would be fooled into allowing them to enter the "Promised Land."' Or in other words, the Jews had no compunctions about pedaling the Six Million lie because it was all for the noble cause of fooling their stupid God. Fooling the stupid Goyim was only a side issue.
The Case Against the Jews:
A Documented Critique of Contemporary and Recent Historical Jewish Behavior
The question is not whether I am antisemitic. The question is only whether I am right. --JBR Yant, Mortal Words v 8
America needs more Holocaust museums. But instead of museums depicting false atrocities perpetrated against Jews, it needs museums depicting the real atrocities perpetrated by Jews. --JBR Yant,Mortal Words v 8
In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. ... This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany) and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs [Nesta] Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. --Winston Churchill, "Bolshevism, A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People", London Illustrated Herald, 8 Feb 1920
The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into Jewish hands. Private property will then be strangled by the Jewish directors, who will administer the state patrimony everywhere. Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is, the promise that the Jews, at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess the key to the wealth of all the peoples of the earth. --Baruch Levy, in a letter to Karl Marx, published in the Rothschild-controlled La Revue de Paris, 1 June 1928
You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not only the latest great war, but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone. --Marcus Eli Ravage, Jewish writer,Century Magazine, Feb 1928
The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people. --Le Peuple Juif, 8 Feb 1919
The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism. --Chicago Jewish Sentinel, 8 Oct 1942
We intend to remake the Gentiles by doing what the communists are doing in Russia. --Rabbi Lewis Browne in his book How Odd of God
We must hate. Hate is the essence of communism. --Vladimir Lenin
2. Prologue
The essay which follows was sent to a highly-intelligent friend of long standing. He refused to read it, saying only that he was "content to remain ignorant of that topic [Jews], as on 99% of the things in this world", in spite of conceding that "tho of course it must contain much truth". Unfortunately, there is nothing at all unusual in my friend's behavior. It is what I call the HITS (Head-In-The-Sand) reaction -- the hope that all will be well if the problem at issue can just manage to be ignored. And it is to be conceded that this approach sometimes works -- my friend is getting on in years, and he may well end up as food for worms before the Jewish Question -- ie, the question of what dangers are posed by Jews to America and to Western (gentile) civilization generally, if any -- ever substantively arises in his life. For those of us without one foot in the grave, however, the ugly fact is that the Jewish Question is one of the most important issues of the day, and it is precisely this fact which the present essay seeks to demonstrate. The Jewish Question is important, however, in a way in which other vital problems are not, because of the Great Taboo on even discussing it. In fact, the Jewish Question has become a sort of a benchmark of intellectual freedom: Whenever there is an inability to fully and freely discuss this issue, intellectual freedom has been severely compromised.
Now most people don't give a tinker's damn about intellectual freedom, which is hardly surprising since most people don't have much of an intellect to be free with -- after all, half the population -- and 85% of blacks -- have an IQ below 100. But even for most of the more cerebral types, intellectual freedom doesn't usually mean much because their minds are so fossilized with conventional ideas that the chance of a new one finding an entree is about as likely as the chance of finding a negro competent in brain surgery. For the small remainder of us, however, intellectual freedom is almost as vital as breathing. For us, truth is the goal, no matter whose ox gets gored, whose ass gets kicked, or whose sacred cow gets turned into shishkebob. Truth-seeking, it is to be admitted, can be a risky business -- the history of mankind is littered with the corpses of dissenters and heretics, and there is only the thin blue line of civilization which stands between the truth-seeker and the barbarity of most other men.
Lest I be misunderstood, I do not wish to excessively denigrate those who are unwilling to break the Great Taboo -- it is simply too frightening for most men to risk jobs or social disapproval over an issue which seems so far removed from their everyday concerns. Nor, for that matter, do I wish to excessively denigrate those who break the Great Taboo out of hatred, even tho I am not one to share that hate: It takes guts to break a taboo, and when all the pasty-faced intellectuals have run for cover, the only ones left to join in battle are those who think with their abdominal structures. And make no mistake: The usual epithets applied to those who break the Great Taboo -- "hater", "bigot", "antisemite" and the like -- are powerful anathemas which only the strong can endure, in spite of the fact that those who hurl such epithets are usually far better described as bigots and haters than those whom they seek to harm.
Besides the issue of intellectual freedom, the importance of the Jewish Question is significantly similar to intellectual conundrums like the Paradox of Irrelevant Information, which I have recently spent much time discussing with a gaggle of Mensans and other high-IQ types. This importance is due to the fact that the investigations of both the Jewish Question and intellectual conundrums such as the PII represent explorations at the frontier of man's capacities -- an intellectual frontier in the case of the intellectual conundrums, and an emotional and social frontier in the case of the Jewish Question. Explorations at such frontiers often demonstrate interesting and unanticipated things, and offer the possibility of opening up entirely new vistas and perspectives. But at the very least such explorations separate the scientific from the sciolistic, and the rational from the rationalizers.
The tragedy of those who, like my friend, are comfortable with the HITS posture, is that they will never have the chance to evaluate material which -- even if only partially true -- implies quite simply that we are all immersed in an ocean of lies which significantly skew our perspective and leave us out of touch in a major way with what is really happening in the world. And while in some sense the effect of the present essay will be to unmask the hidden activity of organized Jewry, in a more important sense the effect will be to unmask the extent of our own sordid and egregious ignorance.
You can run from this essay, but you cannot run from the truth it represents -- you can only hope, like my friend, that it does not catch up with you.
3. The Essay: J'Accuse!
Note: One of the most famous cases of antisemitism (tho it was not actually antisemitism, according to Oliver (1981), but was made to seem so as a pretext for an attack on French culture by social revolutionaries) was the so-called Dreyfus affair which occurred in the latter part of the 19th century in France. Capt Dreyfus, a Jew and member of the French General Staff, was wrongly accused of crimes by fellow officers allegedly jealous of his success. The writer Emile Zola made the case a cause celebre by publicly defending Dreyfus with a series of articles entitled "J'Accuse!" ("I accuse"). If the reader detects a bit of table-turning here, he may be right.
Jews and gentiles have been in a state of conflict for the last 2000 years -- an understandable if unfortunate circumstance, since brothers in religion or other ideology, like brothers in a family, have a more intense rivalry among themselves than they do with others more alien. But if religion provided the basis for most of the Jew-gentile conflict in historical times, it no longer does so, if for no other reason than that religion has simply ceased to play a major role in a society in which only a century ago it was the dominant force. Instead, the Jew-gentile conflict -- the "Jewish Question" as it is sometimes termed -- has now become a problem of the overweening influence if not virtual dominance by Jews of gentile institutions and culture. In the sense of the evolutionary struggle for "survival of the fittest" there is nothing obviously wrong with such a conflict; but when the details of this conflict are given a careful inspection, there seems to be a great deal which is wrong. The purpose of the present essay is to make just such an inspection; but rather than attempting to present detailed research (which would require at least a book) I have chosen rather to highlight a number of major points in a rather summary -- but I believe revealing -- fashion. While I have provided documentation for many of my assertions, as well as an extensive bibliography where a great deal more information along these lines may be found, the assertions of this essay will still be difficult for many to believe because the material is generally terra incognito to most people, including well-educated ones. The reason for this, of course, is that -- as mentioned earlier -- there is no greater taboo in American society (and for that matter, Western society) than the criticism of Jews, with the result that there is not only a profound ignorance concerning the Jewish Question, but a profound unwillingness to believe that there could possibly be anything worthwhile to learn. While I obviously cannot pry open those minds which are closed on this subject, for those individuals with at least a rudimentary curiosity I hope I will at minimum stimulate a desire to verify or refute the assertions of this essay. In my view there is simply no issue more important to Americans or white men generally than the Jewish Question, as those who dare to read this essay will shortly understand. I hasten to add, however, that there are no easy answers to the problems which are raised here, and those who believe differently have simply failed to grasp the complexity of the issues.
While Jews and their critics are often in disagreement, there is one point on which many on both sides agree, to wit, that Jews and gentiles should live separately because of their mutual incompatibility. This, it may be noted, was the theory behind the ghetto of historic times, which was sometimes imposed on Jews, but often embraced by them. And it was the theory advanced by the original Zionists, who saw Jew-gentile incompatibility as the principal wellspring of antisemitism and sought to solve the problem by creating a Jewish homeland.
While I am not an adherent of the incompatibility theory, an objective consideration of the facts demonstrate that a strong case can be made for it, particularly from the gentile side. Or to put it slightly differently, it may be said that gentiles have some very good reasons for being unhappy with Jewish behavior. I should hasten to add, however, that this is not to argue that such behavior cannot in some wise be "justified", since the conflict between Jew and gentile is a very ancient one, and thus -- much as in the famous feud of the Hatfields and McCoys -- to say what is "justified" or not in such a conflict is probably quite impossible. But "justified" or not, and ill-intended or not, the question remains as to whether or not Jewish behavior is so contrary to gentile interests as to be intolerable to them. The remainder of this essay is devoted to outlining some major aspects of this behavior. These are discussed in the starred paragraphs below:
* Communism was an essentially Jewish phenomenon. Not merely did the Jew Karl Marx develop the ideas, but the founders of the seminal Russian variety were practically all Jews (this is amply documented by Britton (nd)), as were most of the major figures in communism everywhere in the West. Furthermore, the Russian revolution was financed primarily by Jewish bankers in New York, and specifically by Kuhn Loeb & Co, one of whose partners, Jacob Schiff, was said by his son to have spent the then- inconceivable-sum of $20 million for this purpose (see Sutton (1974)). Schiff was apparently acting out of enmity to the tsar, an antisemite, whom he had also attempted to overthrow by financing the Japanese in the Russo- Japanese war of 1906; and from this it is no surprise that the very first law passed by the Bolsheviks when they took power was a law against "antisemitism". Bolshevism was responsible for more than 50 million deaths, many of them caused by the most fiendish tortures. Worldwide, Jewish-inspired communism has been responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million people. "Jewish bolshevism", as it was frequently called in its early days, came close to achieving world hegemony, and -- in its more subtle forms of liberalism and socialism -- may still do so.
* Most Jews are liberals, and Jews have been prime movers in all of the major liberal social phenomena in America (Dershowitz (1997: 269), MacDonald (1998)). For example, Jews were founders of the NAACP and have served almost continuously as its principal directors and legal counsel; Jews founded and dominate the ACLU; most of the major feminists have been Jewish women (eg, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem); the civil rights movement -- including SNCC and Martin Luther King -- was dominated by Jews and/or communists; Jews comprise more than 50% of all appointed positions in the flamingly-liberal Clinton administration; Jewish senators and representatives have been the major forces behind gun control legislation (Schumer, Metzenbaum, Feinstein, etc), and so on virtually ad infinitum. What goes unstated in all this Jewish liberal activity, however, is that, as early as the late 1920s the (Jewish) leaders of international communism seized on the race issue as a means of tearing apart the world center of individual liberty -- and thus their mortal enemy -- America; and the subsequent Jewish/communist promotion of "civil rights" -- a notion which has now spilled over into feminism, gay rights, children's rights and all sorts of other Balkanization schemes to set groups against one another -- has been so successful that many Americans are now talking openly of racial warfare and the breakup of the country.
* The Jewish role in South Africa is notable, and contains a chilling lesson for the societies of the West where the liberal/Jewish establishment is promoting immigration and exalting the multicult. During the apartheid era, South Africa was wealthy and flourishing -- unlike black Africa, which was backward and poor -- and as a result, blacks poured into South Africa seeking economic opportunity (so much for the 'horrors' of apartheid). But, with the success of 'civil rights' in America, liberals and their Jewish masters took up the anti-apartheid 'cause', the major effect of which was -- by means of boycotts and other forms of economic pressure -- to cause a near-collapse of the South African economy (so much for the principle of self-determination), and was the major reason why South African whites committed cultural suicide at the ballot box by voting in one-man-one-vote 'democracy'. But it was not just the effects of a Jewish- dominated liberal crusade against apartheid which put South Africa six feet under: The African National Congress, whose political agitation, murder and brutality was a major problem for the white-dominated South African government, was a communist terrorist organization, and the communist party in South Africa was headed by Joe Slovo, an immigrant Jew and intimate of communist terrorist Nelson Mandela.
Since the arrival of 'democracy', South Africa has virtually collapsed into a state of chaos: Corruption is rampant (overseen by a police force in which corruption is now the norm), utilities and other government services are virtually nonexistent, white areas have been turned into fortresses, the once-beautiful city of Johannesburg has become the rape capital of the world, one in every three South African white women are now victims of rape by blacks, farmers and their families are killed on a regular basis by marauding blacks, and things are so dangerous that it is common for cars to be equipped with devices which can spray fire on anyone who tries to gain access to a car without the driver's permission.
But the Jewish role in the destabilization of white South Africa goes back at least to the Boer War, which was instigated over South African minerals, and which resulted in Jewish domination of South African mineral industries. As put by H. H. Beamish in a speech given October 30, 1937 in New York,
"The Boer War occurred 37 years ago. Boer means farmer. Many criticized a great power like Britain for trying to wipe out the Boers. Upon making inquiry, I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa were owned by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold; Samuels controlled silver, Baum controlled other mining, and Moses controlled base metals."
It has become a cliche, but only because it is so true: Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. And, I might add, regret it.
* Jews were responsible for getting the US to enter WWI on the side of Britain, which they did in exchange for the promise of a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine, which Britain then controlled. This promise was rendered in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, supposedly written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to the chief representative of the Jewish community in Britain and head of the famous banking family, Lord Rothschild, but actually written collectively by major Jewish world leaders. (It may be noted that the interest in Palestine of Lord Rothschild and the other Zionists was not purely nationalistic; for a report prepared for Lord Rothschild in 1917 estimated the value of potash and other minerals in Palestine's Dead Sea to be in the order of "several thousand billion dollars" (John (1997): 10).) Beyond this, the Jews may have had a hand in actually beginning WWI, inasmuch as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, which set off the war, was carried out by men which two sources I am now unable to locate claimed were Jews, but in any event were members of the Freemasons, an organization which "has long been linked to international political manipulation, and has been alleged to be the conduit for the intentions of a number of elitist interests, including the (Jewish) House of Rothschild and their international banking connections." (Keith (1999): 30)
* Jews played a crucial role in getting the US involved in WWII. For one thing, the treaty of Versailles was heavily influenced by the Jewish advisors of the major participants at the conference (Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd George); and because the treaty was so abusive to Germany, many historians believe that this treaty made WWII a virtual certainty. Just as important as Versailles, however, was the attempted takeover of Germany after WWI by Soviet-financed Jews (the best known are Kurt Eisner and Rosa Luxemburg), whose social disruptions, violence and mass murder during the 1918-19 period left a lasting impression on a young soldier named Adolf Hitler (Barnes Review, March 95: 25-8). Another Jewish connection to the cause of WWII is our Jewish-descended president, Franklin Roosevelt (whose name is derived from the earlier family name Rosenveldt), along with his advisors (52 of 72 were Jews (Marshalko (1958): 236)), who was itching to get into the war, with the result that he placed extraordinary economic pressure on Japan in hopes that it would attack the US, which it did. Beyond this, when Hitler came to power in 1933, the world Jewish community under the direction of Samuel Untermeyer declared war on Germany by means of a worldwide economic boycott, an event which transpired a full six years before any military aggression by Hitler (After such a declaration, as Carl Hottelet (Barnes Review, Dec 94: 23) has pointed out, is it any wonder why German Jews ended up in concentration camps?) While the ostensible motive for this boycott was Hitler's antisemitism, it has been alleged that the real momentum of the boycott -- and the war that followed -- was Hitler's use of barter in international trade, something necessitated because Germany had no gold (it had been taken as reparations under the Versailles treaty), but an act which infuriated the world's (largely-Jewish) banking elite because it bypassed the need for bankers' gold (and thus the need for paying the bankers interest) with the result that Germany rapidly became economically prosperous.
* While Jewish scientists were prominent in developing the atomic bomb, some of these scientists (particularly the communist-associated J Robert Oppenheimer) along with other Jews -- eg, Martin Sobell, Harry Gold, Theodore Hall, Klaus Fuchs and Julius & Ethel Rosenberg -- were responsible for passing on American atomic secrets to the Soviets (Lorden (1997): 9). This, however, was only the beginning, for Jewish spying has been such a continuing problem -- witness, for example, the Jonathan Pollard case -- as to cause the recent release of a widely-reported official statement from the Pentagon (soon afterward hushed up) concerning the untrustworthiness of Jewish scientists and technicians in handling classified information. In fact, the CIA identified Israel to the Senate Intelligence Committee as "one of six foreign countries with a government-directed or -orchestrated clandestine effort to collect US economic intelligence" (Mann (1997). Beyond this, Israel has aggrandized itself by selling secret American technology -- given to it as America's "ally" -- to China and other unauthorized governments. And yet, at this writing, the chairman of the National Security Council, which oversees all national security matters, is Sandy Berger, a Jew.
* In spite of the tension between nazi Germany and the Jews, Jewish organizations and the nazi government actually cooperated with one another in helping Jews immigrate to Palestine under the Ha'avara, or Transfer Agreement of May 1933. Specifically, Germany allowed the setting up of camps on German soil for the training of Jews in agricultural and other skills needed for emigration, and what is now the Israeli flag was the only national symbol besides the hakenkruz which was allowed to fly within the German Reich. More than this, many articles appeared in the German press praising Zionism, and Propaganda Minister Dr Joseph Goebbels even commissioned a special medallion commemorating Zionism (Nevers (1997): 9). The nazi-Zionist collaboration was so close that one of the Jewish underground military organizations in Palestine (the Irgun), whose leader, Menachem Begin, later became Prime Minister of Israel, actually made a formal proposal to the nazi government to fight on the side of Germany in exchange for German cooperation in forcing German Jews to immigrate to Palestine.
* What I have called the "Orthodox Jewish Version" of the Holocaust (OJV) was set in legal and historical cement at the Nuremberg trials after WWII. These trials were not a legal proceeding, but an act of Jewish revenge in which a large majority of the participants on the American side were Jews, in which the Germans on trial were treated with great brutality and often tortured (dozens had their testicles crushed, for example) in order to obtain "confessions", in which lies which persist to the present day were presented as evidence-supported "truth", and which was so inescapably Jewish that the death sentences of the defendants were carried out on the great annual celebration day of Jewish revenge, Purim (16 Oct 1946). In particular, the Nuremberg trials put the official seal of approval on the greatest of Jewish Big Lies, the Holocaust "genocide" (While it is commonly believed that Hitler developed the "Big Lie" technique, what he actually did (in Mein Kampf) was to accuse the Jews of using it). Not only has there never been any good evidence for nazi genocide (tho there was mass killing on the Eastern Front for reasons other than genocide), but the (in)famous story of the "six million" Jews supposedly killed by the nazis was in fact an anti-German propaganda story originating in the First World War (The "six million" story was actually impossible, because there were not even six million Jews in Europe during the WWII period. The true number of Jews who died in the camps -- most from typhus and other diseases -- has now been shown from the complete file of the German concentration camp system recently released from the former Soviet Archives to have been approximately 400,000 (Douglas (1997): 28). As to the notorious "gas chambers", the story was not only another case of wartime propaganda, but was actually a reversal of what actually happened: At all concentration camps there were "gas chambers" in which cyanide gas was used to decontaminate the clothing of new inmates which often contained lice, these insects being the principal vector of typhus which was the major killer in the camps. Or to put it another way, the camps' "gas chambers" were actually intended to save Jewish lives. The Holocaust lies continue to crumble in the face of revisionist scholarship -- the story of soap made from Jewish fat and lampshades made from Jewish skin have been acknowledged as fabrications, for example, tho there are still occasional stories in the media of Jews holding burial ceremonies for ancient bars of soap; and even the fabled "six million" Jewish deaths has now officially (if indirectly) been acknowledged as false, since -- with the publication by Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum of Franciszek Piper's research in 1991 -- the supposed death toll at Auschwitz has been reduced from 4 to 1.1 million, tho the real figure is actually much less (Barnes Review, August 1996: Editorial), and where is old lefty Pete Seeger to sing us a song about "Where Have All the Bodies Gone?". Worse than this, the lies of the ignoble prizewinner and greatest of all Shoah (Holocaust) business promoters Elie "The Weasel" Wiesel are beginning to come home to haunt him in a big way -- on 6 May 1996, when Wiesel spoke at the University of Washington at Seattle, students handed out or posted hundreds of leaflets containing 15 "interesting questions" about Wiesel's activities, including whether he still maintains that "geysers of blood 'spurted'" from mass graves at Babi Yar in Ukraine (Wiesel didn't actually maintain this, but quoted 'eyewitness accounts' concerning which he apparently exhibited no skepticism), and whether he still believes that "Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate -- healthy, virile hate -- for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German" (Smith, 1996: 4f). Too bad they didn't ask him how he managed to get liberated from two concentration camps, as an account published in the Christian News states he has maintained, or how he managed to survive after supposedly being knocked a full city block by a NY cabbie, as discussed in a recent Smith Report; but in any event, it seems clear that the OJV is not so much a Big Lie as it is a Big Joke.
* The claim that the nazis were guilty of a "holocaust" and "genocide" against Jews has a special irony. The reason is that, while Jews have whined incessantly about being "victimized", the reality is that they have far more often been the victimizers; and that all the song and dance about the Holocaust has been a superb disguise for this fact, and an excellent medium for carrying the whine -- which might perhaps be said to be a sort of nonstop Grateful Dead concert, since the Jewish dead would surely be grateful that their racial brethren could make so much hoopla and moolah out of it. The numerous holocausts and genocides of which the communists and/or Jews have been responsible include the WWII Katyn massacre in Poland (which eliminated 15,000 members of Poland's military and intellectual elite), the post-WWII Polish Office of State Security massacres of German civilians (60-80,000 deaths, described in Sack (1993)), the massacre of the Christian Russian kulaks of 1924-30 (15 million killed), the Ukranian holocaust of 1930-33 (7 million starved to death), the holocaust of Russian political dissidents of 1919-49 (12 million dead), the Spanish Civil War massacre of Spanish Christians, the various massacres of Palestinians (Deir Yassin, Qana and others), and so on (Fields (nd)). Needless to say, not a single Jew has ever been prosecuted for any of these massacres. Furthermore, it is testament to Jewish media influence that references to "the Holocaust" and "the six million" are an almost-daily occurrence, while there is never a reference to Jewish Bolshevism's 50 million, or the larger communist movement's 100 million. Significant in this context is the 1941 book Germany Must Perish by Jewish writer Theodore Kaufman -- widely publicized at the time -- which advocated sterilization of all Germans and the parcelling out of Germany to neighboring states (Weber (1996): 33). This mirror-image of nazi ideology which was published before the US entered the war may have inspired the post WWII Morgenthau Plan, which bore the name of FDR's Jewish Secretary of the Treasury Robert Morgenthau (tho it was actually written by Jewish communist spy and Treasury undersecretary Harry Dexter White), a plan which -- in the words of Secretary of State Cordell Hull -- was "aimed at the massacre, enslavement and liquidation of the [post-WWII] German people" (Marshalko (1958): 111). One might even argue that the various racial policies (immigration, integration, "civil rights", affirmative action, welfare, etc) instituted by liberals (among which Jews are the most influential component) are actually acts of genocide against American whites, since the result of these policies is that whites are now projected to be a minority in their own country in only 50 years.
* Since Nuremberg, Jews have made a virtual industry out of prosecuting (or rather persecuting) old men as "war criminals", irrespective of whether they are guilty of anything, by havingex post facto ("after the fact") laws passed which allow such prosecutions. Such "prosecutions" have been carried out in several countries, including Canada, France, Italy, and of course Israel; and the US, while not carrying out any such prosecutions, has allowed several extraditions of accused persons. The total corruption of Jewish-inspired activities in this area is nothing less than scandalous, as the John Demjanjuk case so amply demonstrated: The "nazi-hunting" US Office of Special Investigations facilitated Demjanjuk's extradition to Israel by withholding exonerating evidence, suborning perjury and manipulating proceedings to such an extent that the Supreme Court of Israel -- under tremendous pressure to convict -- felt obligated to set Demjanjuk free (New American (1996): 12f). But "war crimes" are not the only false allegations to which Jews are habituated; for, as Laird Wilcox has amply documented in his 1994 bookCrying Wolf: Hate Crime Hoaxes in America, the "attacks" on Jewish facilities and individual Jews which are periodically reported in the media often turn out to be perpetrated by the "victims" themselves. But if demanding ex post facto prosecutions and falsely accusing others is not sufficient, Jews have allowed Israel to become a haven for Jewish criminals escaping justice in other countries, a fact which has attracted considerable public attention in the US in several notorious cases, and which sends a clear message that -- at least from the Jewish point of view -- it is OK for Jews to pass judgment on gentiles, but not the other way around.
* The author of the United Nations Charter, Leon Pasvolsky, was Jewish, and the Charter itself was a word-for-word copy of the Soviet constitution (Marshalko (1958): 229). Altho the UN "sponsored" the anti-communist Korean war, the commander of the UN forces, Gen Douglas MacArthur, was constrained from taking the necessary measures to win the war (Stormer (1964): 205) -- he was forbidden, for example, from bombing the bridges between China and North Korea over which the Korean army was being supplied -- and in addition, all his strategic decisions were known in advance by the North Koreans because this information was passed on to the communists by the UN Undersecretary for Political and Security Council Affairs, Constantin Zinchinko or Zinkovich -- a Jew and communist appointee -- who was MacArthur's superior (Marshalko (1958), ibid). (The no-win Korean war was an eerie precursor of another war fought against the communists only a few years later in Vietnam, and brought to a similar no-win conclusion under a Jewish Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger.) In the present day, the UN has provided leftist nations with a propaganda podium for bashing the US and subverting democratic ideals. It has conferred respectability to a host of radical leftist nonsense, including world government (ie, world dictatorship), environmental radicalism (and the totalitarian measures necessary to implement it), world gun control, world press censorship, world taxation, and the stamping out of national cultures and differences, particularly such dangerous phenomena as the American Constitution and the ideas of individual freedom and limited government which it embodies.
* The state of Israel -- center of world Jewry -- is a virtual textbook case of social sickness and political malfeasance. Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid, which amounts to approximately three billion dollars annually (equivalent to a subsidy of about $1000 for every Jewish family in Israel), and total direct and indirect US aid since Israel's founding in 1948 is approximately $200 billion (Barnes Review, March 1995: Editorial). (The reason for this largesse, as columnist Pat Buchanan observed, is that the US congress is "Israeli-occupied territory"; for any senator or representative daring to take a stand against Israeli "aid" is targeted by Jewish PACs for removal at the next election -- and almost always is.) Israel has also received billions more from Germany as "war reparations" -- payments which continue more than half a century after the war, which was fought before Israel even came into existence, and in spite of the fact that Germany and the World Zionist Congress signed an agreement on 10 Sep 1952, known as the Luxembourg Agreement, which covered all Jewish war claims and which was paid by Germany long ago (Truth at Last #397: 9). Yet Israel is a socialist state in which taxes are sky-high, labor unions are politically and economically dominant, and -- as in any socialist state -- the economy is stagnant. This stagnation, incidentally, embraces many of the famed kibbutzes (collective farms), which are able to survive only because of government handouts. What is more, Israel is the only state besides nazi Germany to forbid Jew-gentile marriages (mixed couples usually get married in Cyprus). As is well-known, Israel uses torture (so-called 'moderate pressure') and bone-breaking as an instrument of state policy. In addition, there is a large public monument in Israel to Baruch Goldstein, who machine-gunned to death some 30 arabs at prayer before he himself was killed.
* The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith is a sort of American Jewish secret police which maintains files on some 12,000 organizations and individuals, liaisons with many police departments, and has an annual budget of $40 million. Its contributors' list "is like a rogue's gallery of the [Jewish] criminal underworld" (Piper (1997)). Since the 1930s the ADL "has systematically defamed, libeled and smeared anybody who gained public prominence as an anti-Communist" (Editorial, Resister, v 3 #1&2: 5; Otero (1988): 642). Its long-range goal is "to make 'hate' a federal crime" (ibid) -- except, of course, for the kinds of hate it approves of. Several years ago it was convicted in San Francisco of various crimes in conjunction with its spying activities, but received only the lightest of penalties and continues its operations apparently unabated. It is currently the defendant in a lawsuit over its spying operations brought by former congressman Pete McClosky.
* Jews hold dominant and controlling positions in all the major media including motion pictures, a fact which has been extensively and conclusively documented by Dr William Pierce in his essay "Who Rules America?" which may be found on the National Vanguard Internet website ( Beyond this, Jews have made major efforts worldwide to censor any information of which they do not approve. These include laws in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, France, England and Australia against questioning the OJV -- a law which in Germany has resulted in the jailing of almost 7000 people, including two American citizens (Gerhard Lauck and Hans Schmidt) who incurred the wrath of the German authorities by mailing material to Germany which is legal in America. For the last ten years in Canada Jews have been attempting to use laws enforcing "ethnic sensitivity" to silence OJV skeptic Ernst Zundel, a case which continues in spite of two Jewish losses in the Canadian Supreme Court. In America, censorship takes the form of non-mention -- a task made much easier with America's heavy Jewish media influence -- or accusations of "antisemitism" (an effective measure for shutting most people up), combined with constant repetition of the Jew-as- victim-of-the-Holocaust theme (there have been more than 400 movies to date on this topic, according to scholar Michael Hoffman II) plus "Holocaust education" programs in Florida and several other states, plus the ever- mushrooming crop of "Holocaust museums", one of which is having an opening celebration in my own city (St Petersburg FL) on the very night of this writing (February 21, 1998). My own personal experiences with Jewish censorship are described in my book (Bryant (1997)).
* Of all the malignant influences on gentile society in which Jews have participated, financial manipulation -- particularly by means of banking -- may have had the most profound effect, tho it is difficult to judge to what degree the abuses of finance are due to Jews. We have already noted the deep involvement of Jews in financing the Bolshevik Revolution, the involvement of the House of Rothschild with the Balfour Declaration, the wholesale purchase of the US Congress by Jewish PACs, and the attempt to reduce Germany to economic ruin by means of the Versailles Treaty after WWI and the Morgenthau Plan after WWII. To these abuses must at least be added the creation of the Federal Reserve, an essentially private organization whose charter was written in secrecy by New York Jewish banker Paul Warburg in conjunction with other mostly-Jewish bankers, which has been controlled by Rothschild interests since its inception, which holds economic life-and- death power over the American economy, and which is a cash cow for its stockholders with the privilege of both making its own money and profiting from the economic policies which it formulates (The story of the Federal Reserve is told in great detail in Mullins (1991).) Other abuses of Jewish financial manipulation include (or have been alleged by researchers to include) the Panic of 1837 (intentionally caused by the Rothschild interests as retribution for President Andrew Jackson's failure to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States in the previous year), the Panic of 1907 (apparently intended to spur adoption of legislation which eventually took the form of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913), the depression of 1920-21 and the Great Depression (both caused by an intentional contraction of the money supply), the American Revolutionary War (which, according to Benjamin Franklin, was principally spurred by the English Parliament's retraction -- under pressure from the Rothschild- controlled Bank of England -- of the right of the colonies to issue their own currency (Coogan: 181-5)), and the American Civil War (planned, so it is said, by the Rothschild banking interests in 1857), tho documentation in some of these cases is incomplete and motives are not always obvious. While it would be impossible to even begin to document these obviously- startling claims in such a brief essay as this one, the reader is referred to the Bibliography below and to the works to which they refer as a starting point for digging out the appropriate information. It seems worthwhile in the present context, however, to recall the French writer Jean Drault's assertion of what Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 18th century eponymous founder of the world's most prominent family of Jewish bankers, used to say to his customers in reference to the family shield depicted on a flag outside his door: "One day this flag will rule the world!" (Marshalko (1958): 51).
What we have said in the paragraphs above may be thought by some as unfair because we have made no mention of the Jews' many positive contributions to our culture -- for example, while only a small minority worldwide, Jews have won more than a quarter of all Nobel prizes. The "Jewish Question", then, is not one of deciding whether Jews are "good" or "evil", since they obviously possess both good and bad qualities; it is rather one of deciding how gentiles can protect themselves from the types of abuse which have been discussed in the present essay. To my mind, there is no clear solution to this problem for the immediate future save that of education: As gentiles are made aware of the facts, they will be in a position to defend themselves; and as Jews themselves are made aware of these same facts, they will be less inclined to be abusive -- if not from guilt, then at least from shame -- and fear, perhaps, of ending up hanging from a lamppost.
In conclusion, let me say that while some will consider the present essay to be antisemitic because it calls attention to various contemptible behaviors associated with Jews, it is equally possible to consider this essay pro-semitic in the sense that, by calling attention to contemptible Jewish behavior, it will help Jews to mend their ways, make their peace with the overwhelming gentile majority among whom they live, and thereby avoid gentile resentment and possible retaliation engendered by their activities. Another way to put the matter is to recognize that those who view this essay as antisemitic are those who take a short-term view of Jewish good: Lies and other immoral behavior are often easier in the short term, but are generally devastating in the long term. The difference between the short-term and long-term views, of course, is the difference between the view of the (immature) child and the view of the (mature) adult. And there are some people in this world who desperately need to grow up.
4. Epilog: The Final Solution?
Whatever may be the sins of Jews against gentiles, I am not an adherent of the theory that Jews are "evil" (or, if you prefer, "bad"), since this constitutes a facile and simple-minded dismissal of a people, most of whom are successful and law-abiding, and many of whose members have made significant contributions to society. Nor do I believe that the Jews have acted because of peculiar genetic or even cultural predispositions, but rather as a result of historical circumstances which have caused them to evolve into what they are today. In particular, I believe that the persecution of Jews, which has been a continuing problem for them over much of their history, has molded and winnowed them into a people of high intelligence with a strong ethnic consciousness and group orientation, since these are precisely the qualities necessary for a group to survive intact under such circumstances. Furthermore, while the generally- acknowledged financial acumen of Jews may derive from their high intelligence and survival abilities, it may also be a product of the fact that many occupations have historically been forbidden to them, and that money-lending -- in spite of being denounced by Christians for so many centuries as "usury" -- was one of the few things left for them to do. And while there are many undesirable acts and behaviors attributable to Jews, the bulk of them amount to one or both of the two basic Jewish "sins" -- the domination of gentile culture and the promotion of liberalism -- both of which can be seen as a direct product of the historical forces which have shaped Jews. In particular, dominance of gentiles is an obvious Jewish response to a (well-founded) fear of persecution, and liberalism -- whose basic idea is tolerance (and ultimately embrace) of minorities -- is an obvious attempt to make (minority) Jews acceptable to the host populations. What we are seeing from the Jew, then, is a visitation of the sins of the persecutors (ie, gentiles) unto the fourth and fifth generation of them that hate Jews, to quote the Second Commandment. The situation with the Jews is a lot like today's hospitals -- the overuse of antibiotics has created "super-germs" which cannot be killed, but which kill a lot of the people stupid or unfortunate enuf to go to hospitals.
But in spite of the problems which Jews pose for gentile culture, a kind of final solution of a somewhat more benign nature than attributed to the Nazis is nonetheless visible at the end of the tunnel. As I put the matter in Mortal Words v 8:
The "final solution" to the "Jewish question" will most likely be a combination of the effects of liberalism and Holocaust worship, both of which the Jews have ardently promoted: Liberalism's anti-racism theology has caused mostly-liberal Jews to abandon their centuries-old racial exclusivity, with the result that Jewish intermarriage has jumped from 6% to 50% in a generation, meaning that the Jewish gene pool is rapidly evaporating; while the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust -- the most successful and remunerative Big Lie in history -- has been so set in cement that, once it has been a bit better exposed (as is rapidly happening thanks to the revisionists), Jews will be too embarrassed to be associated with it, and will abandon altogether any pretense of being Jewish.
As William Cowper might have said, evolution works in mysterious ways, its wonders (and blunders) to perform.
5. References and Bibliography
Most of the books and periodicals listed below are excellent sources of information. Documentation for many of the undocumented assertions of the present essay will be found in them. Many also provide references to further important material. Out-of-print books can usually be found thru the interlibrary loan service provided by most public libraries, or thru search facilities provided by Internet retailers such as
Bernstein, Jack, The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel, Noontide Press, 1984
Bryant, John, Political Correctness, Censorship and Liberal-Jewish Strongarm Tactics in High-IQ/Low-Morals Mensa, Socratic Press, 1997
-----, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Jews But Were Afraid to Ask Because You Thought You'd Be Called "Antisemitic", Socratic Press, 1995
Britton, Frank L, Behind Communism, nd, obtainable from The Truth At Last, PO Box 1211, Marietta GA 30061
Butz, Arthur, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, Institute for Historical Review, 1976
Coogan, Gertrude, The Money Creators, Sound Money Press, 1935. See chapters on "Cooperation" and "The Historical Facts".
Dershowitz, Alan M, The Vanishing American Jew, Little, Brown & Co, 1997
Douglas, Gregory, "The Browning Version: Hitler, Genocide and an Examination of Sources", Barnes Review, May 1997: 27ff
Editorial, "The Auschwitz Anniversary -- An Occasion for Historical Revision", Barnes Review, March 1995
Editorial, "The Cheka", The Resister, v 3 #1&2: 5f
Editorial, "The Goldhagen Tour de Farce: Racial Guilt", Barnes Review, August 1996
Fields, Dr ER, Was There Really a Holocaust?, Truth at Last, nd
Hale, Matt, Facts that the Government and the Media Don't Want You to Know, Creativity Movement, PO Box 2002, East Peoria IL 61611
John, Robert, Behind the Balfour Declaration, The Hidden Origins of Today's Mideast Crisis, Institute for Historical Review, 1988
-----, "Britain's Balfour Declaration of 1917", Barnes Review, January 1997: 3ff
Keith, Jim, Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3, Illuminet Press, 1999
Liberty Lobby, The Garbage Man -- The Strange World of Roy Edward Bullock, The Bizarre Story of the Number One Investigator for the ADL's International Spy Network, 1993
Lorden, Peter J, "Tips From a Trojan Horse", Instauration, April 1997: 8ff.
MacDonald, Kevin, The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, Praeger, 1998
Mann, Martin, "There's Trouble in Paradise As Israeli Factions Do Battle", Spotlight, 26 May 97: 6
Marshalko, Louis, The World Conquerers, The Real War Criminals, Christian Book Club, 1958 (repr 1983)
Mullins, Eustace, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Bankers Research Institute, 1991
Nevers, Lawrence, The Fraud of Zionism, privately published, 1997
New American, "Behind the Demjanjuk Case", 5 August 1996: 12f
Oliver, Revilo P, America's Decline: The Education of a Conservative, Londoninium Press, 1981: Ch V
Otero, CP, Language and Politics, Black Rose Books, 1988
Piper, Michael Collins, "Drug Mob Enriched 'Civil Rights' Group", Spotlight, 27 Jan 97: 7
Reed, Douglas, The Controversy of Zion, Noontide Press, 1985
Sack, John, An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945, Basic Books, 1993
Sheiber, Haviv, Holy Land Betrayed, Emissary Publications, nd
Smith, Bradley, "Some interesting questions for Professor Elie Wiesel", Smith Report, June 1996: 4f
Simpson, William Gayley, Which Way Western Man?, Yeoman Press, 1978. See the section on Jews (599-728).
Stormer, John A, None Dare Call It Treason, Liberty Bell Press, 1964
Sutton, Antony, America's Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones, Liberty House Press, 1986. This is Sutton's magnum opus.
---, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Arlington House, 1974 Truth at Last, "Germans Paid Jews in Full", #397: 9
Weber, Charles E, "Goldhagen's 'Evil' Indictment of Germans", Journal of Historical Review, March/April 1996: 31ff
6. Additional Reading
The following books, which I have not read, have been recommended by historical scholar Lawrence Nevers, whose work inspired this essay and who has provided me with invaluable guidance in its preparation.
***** Books on communism:
Churchill, Winston, "Zionism v Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People, Illustrated Sunday Herald, 8 Feb 1920
Greife, Herman, Jewish Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, Christian Defense League, c 1933
Grimstad, William, The Six Million Reconsidered, Noontide Press, 1979
Tenney, Jack B, Jews and Communism, Christian Defense League
-----, Zionist Network, Standard Publications, 1953
-----, Zion's Fifth Column, Standard Publications, 1961
-----, Zion's Trojan Horse, Sons of Liberty, 1990
Vaksberg, Arkady, Stalin Against the Jews, Knopf, 1994
***** Books on Liberalism
Stang, Alan, It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, Boston: Western Islands, 1965
Kulaszka, Barbara, Did Six Million Really Die? Report of the Evidence in the Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zundel, 1988, Samisdat, 1992
***** Books on WWI and WWII
Poncins, Count Leon de, State Secrets, Sons of Liberty, 1975
Jensen, Borge, The Palestine Plot, Omni, 1987
Sanning, Walter, The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry, Institute For Historical Review, 1983
***** Books on Zionism and Nazism
Brenner, Lenni, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, Laurence Hill, 1983
Nicosia, Francis, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, Univ of Texas Press, 1985
Schoenman, Ralph, The Hidden History of Zionism, Veritas Press, 1988
***** Books on FDR
Barnes, Harry Elmer, Pearl Harbor After a Quarter of a Century, Ayer, 1972
-----, ed, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, Revisionist Press, (1953) 1982
Beard, Charles Austin, President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941: A Study in Appearances and Reality (1948), Yale Univ Press, 1962
Morgenstern, George, Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War, Institute for Historical Review, 1987
Tansill, Charles Callan, Back Door to War, Greenwood, 1975
***** Books on Israel
Davis, Uri, Israel: An Apartheid State, Zed Books, 1987
Jeffries, Joseph M, Palestine: The Reality (The Rise of Jewish Nationalism in the Middle East), Hyperion, 1975
***** Books on Jewish Influence
Ginsberg, Benjamin, The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, Univ of Chicago Press, 1993
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