
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Monday, April 26, 2010

HELMUT SCHMIDT-The Strange Properties of Psychokinesis*

The Strange Properties of Psychokinesis* 

Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 103-1 18, 1987 
Pergamon Press plc Printed in the USA. 0892-33 10187 $3.00+.00 0 1988 Society for Scientific Exploration 

Mind Science Foundation, 8301 Broadway, Sun Antonio, TX 78209

Abstract-This paper discusses evidence for a psychokinetic effect acting on 
chance events. Emphasis is laid on psychokinetic action on pre-recorded 
random processes and its interpretation in terms of two general hypotheses, 
the weak violation hypothesis, and the equivalence hypothesis. These hy- 
potheses imply that psychokinesis can act on the outcome of indeterministic 
quantum events only, and that, basically, all such events are affected to the 
same degree.

1 Introduction 
Most of this paper will emphasize the interesting, challenging aspects of para- 
psychology, pointing out how a study of psychic effects may lead to a more 
fundamental understanding of nature, and perhaps of quantum theory. Indeed, 
parapsychology appears as a dynamically progressing field of research. Good 
statistical methods for observing the effects in the laboratory have been de- 
veloped. Modern electronics has been utilized to gather data efficiently and 
reliably, and even though there is not yet a final theory, there are theoretical 
models to provide a lively interaction between ongoing experiments and theo- 
, retical ideas. 
And yet, there are a number of disquieting questions, ranging from very 
practical matters to basic conceptual issues. Most perplexing for the experi- 
menter is the elusive nature of the phenomena. Although the results are too 
persistent and statistically too significant to be seen as mere flukes of chance, 
it is often difficult to replicate previous results on demand (Edge, Morris, 
Palmer, & Rush, 1986). 
One may argue that psychic performance, like creativity, depends on subtle 
psychological factors that are difficult to identify and to control; and one may 
expect progress from ongoing experiments using motivational techniques, 
meditation methods or electronic feedback devices to help the subject's mental 
On the other hand, the replicability problem may be deeply rooted in the 
exotic nature of the psychic mechanism. The experiments to be discussed will 
use the psychokinetic effect (PK) as an example to emphasize these concep- 
tually perplexing features. 
* This is an expanded version of a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for 
Scientific Exploration in 1985. 
104 H. Schmidt 
The psychokinesis experiments to be discussed developed out of Rhine's 
experiments with dice (Rhine, 1970; Rhine & Rhine, 1943). Rhine reported 
that some people could mentally influence the outcome of dice falls even 
when they had no physical contact with the dice. In this context, it does not 
matter whether Rhine's experiments were good or bad. What matters is that 
subsequent work with improved methods and new ideas has confirmed the 
existence of PK. 
A great surprise of the early work was that PK affected only rolling dice, 
but could not be measured as a force acting on a stationary die on a sensitive 
scale. PK seemed to act only where chance processes were involved. This 
suggested that PK could not be considered as a force, comparable to electric 
or magnetic forces. 
At the early stages of psychical research it seemed appropriate to introduce 
labels like telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psychokinesis to distin- 
guish different psychic "mechanisms." Today, such a clear distinction between 
different psychic mechanisms seems impossible, experimentally as well as 
conceptually, because all our naive intuitive notions about the underlying 
mechanism seem misleading. It is still convenient to use some labels to specify 
experimental test arrangements. We will use the term psychokinesis, for ex- 
ample, to describe a setting where a subject mentally tries to affect the outcome 
of some random process. If there is an anomalous, persistent correlation be- 
tween the subject's effort and the random events, then we will call this a PK 
effect. But it might be meaningless to argue whether the observed correlation 
was "really" produced by psychokinesis or some other psychic mechanism. 
PK Effects on Quantum Processes 
With PK acting on the outcome of dice falls, it seemed natural to explore 
PK action on other chance events, and in particular on the outcome of in- 
deterministic quantum jumps. 
Beloff and Evans (1 96 1) were the first to look for a PK effect on radioactive 
decays, without success. But a few years later Chauvin and Genthon (1 965) 
reported success in a similar experiment, where the participants tried to speed 
up or slow down the counting rate of a Geiger tube. 
Subsequently, a more stable and more convenient PK test arrangement 
came into use (Schmidt, 1970), based on a digital random generator. To 
obtain such an "electronic coinflipper," we can program a computer to count 
upward at a high rate of 100,000 or more steps per second, and make an 
arrangement such that the counting process is stopped whenever a signal from 
a Geiger tube is registered. With these signals arriving at truly random times, 
there is an equal probability for the computer counter to stop at an even or 
an odd number. Therefore, we obtain a truly random decision for evenlodd 
or headltail. This and similar devices have been used in much of the recent 
PK work. 
Psychokinesis 105 
Figure 1 shows the setup for a typical PK experiment. The box at the left 
contains the basic electronic coinflipper in combination with counters for the 
heads and tails. When a pushbutton is pressed, the system generates 128 
binary decisions at the rate of one per second. The decisions are internally 
counted and transmitted through two output lines to an external recorder. A 
most simple display can be provided by a red and a green lamp, indicating 
the generated heads and tails respectively. 
For a PK test, one instructs the subjects to concentrate, for example, on 
the red lamp, trying to make this lamp flash more often than the green one. 
This goal corresponds to an increased generation rate of heads. At the end, 
one can assess the success from the two counters and from the detailed external 
For my own experiments, I found it inefficient to gather data from a very 
large number of unselected people, because the poor scores of the majority 
tend to dilute the effect of the successful performers. Therefore, I pre-selected 
promising subjects, and then used these subjects immediately in a subsequent 
formal experiment with a previously specified number of trials. Unfortunately, 
the process of locating and pre-selecting promising subjects is time consuming 
and often frustrating. 
Table 1 shows the result of my first experiment (Schmidt, 1971) with a 
group of 15 selected subjects. We see that 50.9% of the electronic coinflips 
went in the expected direction. With the large number of binary decisions 
involved, this small effect is statistically significant with odds against chance 
of 1000: 1. 
For my second experiment, I had found two unusually promising perform- 
ers. The subsequent formal experiment could confirm their strange ability. 
With a scoring rate of 52.4% hits, the result is statistically significant with 
odds against chance of 10 million to one. 
These results confirm the existence of PK as a weak but real effect. More 
Random Generator 
m Displa 
Recorder rrl 
0 start 
Counters 0 
I 0 
Fig. I.  Test arrangement for a psychokinesis experiment. 
T ~ T ~  
H. Schmidt 
PK tests with binary random generators 
First experiment (Schmidt, 197 1) 
50.9% success on the 32768 bits in 256 runs of 128 decisions each z = 3.3 (1000: 1) 
Second experiment (Schmidt, 197 1 ) 
52.4% success on the 12800 bits in 100 runs of 128 decisions each = 5.3 (lo7:l) 
Total for 27 other researchers (Radin et al., 1985) 
Dean Radin at Bell Labs (Radin, 198 1) 
Princeton Group (Nelson et al., 1984) 
details, including the precautions taken against errors are described in the 
So far, 27 other researchers at many different institutions have published 
PK studies with binary random generators (Radin, May, & Thomson, 1985). 
The overall significance of these data appears high, but there may be a bias 
insofar as researchers with negative results might be less likely to publish their 
findings. Two of the studies may appear particularly interesting because they 
were conducted at well known laboratories. 
Dean Radin (1 98 1) at Bell Labs reported highly significant PK effects, using 
my equipment, which he had re-tested for randomness and reliability. 
A large scale approach to PK was started by Robert Jahn at Princeton 
University (Nelson, Dunne, & Jahn, 1984). Working with a limited number 
of unselected subjects, his group studies personal patterns in PK performance. 
The overall positive results suggest that, with psychologically skilled experi- 
menters and sufficient patience, PK can be produced in a routine manner. 
These results and the results to be discussed later leave, I think, no doubt 
that a PK effect exists, in discord to currently accepted laws of physics. 
Certainly, the observed effects are disappointingly weak, so that it still takes 
many man-hours to merely confirm the existence of PK. 
This makes precise quantitative comparisons often impractical. If we want 
to compare, for example, the PK action in two different settings, then the 
number N of trials required to establish the existence of PK under one con- 
dition is already unpleasantly large. But if there were only a small, say 1096, 
difference in the PK action on the two systems, then we would need about 
100 times N trials to establish this difference. 
It remains to be seen whether, with increased research effort and growing 
theoretical understanding, the PK effects could be raised to a practically use- 
ful level. 
For the moment, it seems best to postpone some detailed questions. If we 
find, for example, that PK works approximately equally well over large and 
short distances, we might bypass the enormous effort required for a high 
precision comparison and tentatively assume the simple hypothesis that PK 
is distance independent. 
Psychokinesis 107 
Similarly, I will introduce in the following two hypotheses that, so far, seem 
consistent with experimental results, but are open to future scrutiny by more 
precise measurements. These hypotheses stand out through their conceptual 
simplicity and their far reaching implications. 
The "Weak Violation" Hypothesis 
Laboratory experiments suggest that PK might violate the conventional 
laws of physics only in the weak sense, in that only the outcome of chance 
processes is affected, whereas the non-statistical laws of physics like the con- 
servation laws for energy, momentum, symmetry, etc. are upheld. 
This hypothesis of such a weak violation of conventional physics has great 
intellectual appeal; and it is a practically fruitful working hypothesis in stim- 
ulating new experiments. 
If our world were governed by classical physics, with the motion of all 
atoms ruled by deterministic laws, then an element of randomness, and with 
it psychic effects, might enter only through the statistical initial conditions. 
We will not pursue this possibility, however, because, in the real world, quan- 
tum effects provide a new source of randomness. In the framework of quantum 
theory, the weak violation hypothesis can be interpreted in the sense that PK 
affect only the outcome of the random quantum jumps for which quantum 
theory makes no unique prediction. Such a hypothesis provides a specific link 
between PK effects and quantum theory, and leads to rather exotic impli- 
Consider as example a situation, often discussed in connection with the 
Einstein-Podolski-Rosen experiment, where we have two systems A and B 
that are quantum-correlated but spatially far apart. In the framework of quan- 
tum theory, the correlation between observations at A and B can not be used 
for information transmission. Assuming, however, that we have a PK subject 
at A, able to bias the outcomes of the A measurement on demand, the situation 
changes. According to the weak violation hypothesis, the correlation between 
the observations at A and B (which is given by a conservation law rather than 
a statistical law) is not affected by PK. Therefore, a PK induced bias in the 
events at A is instantly observable in a corresponding bias of the events at B. 
If the PK subject could still perform in such a setting, we would have an 
instant telegraph. 
The beauty and also the technical difficulties of an EPR experiment lie in 
the fact that, before the measurement, the branches at A and B are still simply 
correlated (if we want, we can still observe interference effects). Barring non- 
local interactions, this supports the interpretation that the decision for the 
outcome of the A-measurement occurs only at the time of the observation, 
when the subject makes the PK effort. 
One might wonder, however, whether the full EPR arrangement is necessary 
for PK success. If we need only quantum correlated and spatially far separated 
108 H. Schmidt 
systems, we can provide that very easily. Consider the following nearly triv- 
ial case: 
Let a quantum mechanical random generator make a decision to light a 
red or a green lamp, and let an automatic polaroid camera take two (identical) 
pictures of the resulting color. Without looking, insert the pictures into two 
envelopes to be mailed to distant locations A and B. Then the pictures at A 
and B are correlated: they both show a red or a green lamp. 
The vital difference to the EPR situation is that, with the outcome of the 
random event macroscopically recorded on film, we can no longer observe 
an interference between the red and the green state. The previous argument 
that nature decides for the outcome only at the observation at A is no longer 
valid. But neither do we have solid support for the counter hypothesis that 
the decision for red or green is made before the human observation. If, there- 
fore, we instruct a subject at A to open the envelope while wishing for a red 
color, this PK effort might still succeed. This kind of PK test, being technically 
much simpler, seemed as a reasonable beginning. Before going into specific 
experiments, however, let me present a different approach that leads to the 
same end. 
The Equivalence Hypothesis 
Experiments with different types of "electronic coinflippers" as well as ex- 
periments with dice report PK effects of the same order of magnitude. In 
particular, nobody has been able to produce a random generator that is no- 
ticeably more sensitive to mental efforts than other generators. 
For a systematic comparison of PK action on different random generators, 
one has to present the generators so that the subject and the experimenter 
cannot tell them apart, because we want the comparison made under psy- 
chologically identical conditions. Such studies (Schmidt, 1974) suggest (within 
the limited power of comparison tests mentioned earlier) that the nature of 
the random generator does not affect the PK scores. (Psychological factors 
like the subject's motivation, the form of display, and the rate at which the 
random events are presented may make a great difference for the scores.) 
This leads us, tentatively, to the following "Equivalence Hypothesis": 
If we have two truly random binary generators, operating such that the generators are 
from the outside physically indistinguishable, then a PK effort affects the systems to 
the same degree, i.e., the systems are also undistinguishable in their response to a PK 
This hypothesis appears particularly appealing because, like the earlier hy- 
pothesis about the weak violation of physics, it is very simple and universal. 
And no matter whether or not these hypotheses will finally turn out to be 
quite correct, they can stimulate novel and provocative experiments. 
Psychokinesis 109 
Causality Violation 
Most participants in PK experiments use, subjectively, a goal oriented ap- 
proach, focusing on the desired outcome like the lighting of a red lamp rather 
than on the internal operation of the random generator. The finding that the 
success rate is rather independent of the physical structure of the generator, 
furthermore, suggests that goal orientation may be a feature of the underlying 
mechanism rather than a matter of mere psychological attitude. It appears as 
if the subject, by concentrating on the final outcome, could induce nature to 
let the previous random events properly fall into place such as to lead to the 
desired outcome. This suggests an element of non-causality in the sense that 
the subject's present mental effort could affect the previous decisions of the 
random generator. 
To study this explicitly, consider the two "black boxes" in Figure 2. The 
boxes contain similar internal random generators, producing continuous 
streams of binary decisions. The difference is that the left system displays 
these decisions immediately, whereas the right system displays each decision 
only after a 24-hour delay. 
Both boxes with their continuously randomly flashing lights being physically 
undistinguishable from the outside, the equivalence hypothesis implies that 
a PK effort should affect the right box as well as the left one. This is, indeed, 
confirmed by the experiments to be discussed below. But success of a PK 
effort on the right box seems to violate our common concept of causality. 
We feel that the subject's effort at the time of the display, 24 hours after the 
random events, comes too late to be effective. 
On the other hand, physicists have toyed occasionally with non-causal sys- 
tems (Schmidt, 1966, 198 1 ; Wheeler & Feynman, 1945) and shown that cau- 
sality is not a logical necessity. Perhaps, physicists were just lucky in that 
Red Green Red Green 
Direct Display Delayed Display 
Fig. 2. PK effect on pre-recorded random events. Each of these "black boxes" displays two lamps, 
flashing in random sequence. For the physicist, the boxes are from the outside indistin- 
guishable. The equivalence hypothesis requires that the two systems are also undistinguish- 
able in their response to PK efforts. 
110 H. Schmidt 
most of this world can be described in terms of causal mechanisms so that 
the conceptual and mathematical complexities of non-causal systems could 
be avoided. And perhaps non-causality is the feature that makes psychic effects 
appear so intuitively implausible and "unphysical." 
Let us look next at the experimental evidence that PK efforts can still 
succeed in a setting similar to the right side of Figure 2, where the random 
events are generated and recorded long before the subject makes a PK effort. 
PK Effects with Pre-Recorded Random Events 
Consider the following test arrangement (Schmidt, 1976). A binary generator 
produces blocks of 20 1 random decisions. These are recorded simultaneously 
on two cassette tapes, with the heads and tails as signals in the right or left 
stereo channels respectively. At the generation speed of 20 signals per second, 
the tapes can hold typically 140 data blocks, with 20 second pauses between 
the blocks. 
When the recording is completed, one of the identical tapes is placed into 
a safe, while the other tape is used in the PK sessions. During these sessions, 
the subject listens through headphones to the tape, perceiving the signals as 
clicks in the right or left ear. The subject's PK goal is an increased rate of 
clicks in the right ear, corresponding to an excess of generated heads. Whenever 
the subject gets tired, he can stop at any of the 20 second pauses on the tape 
and adjourn the test. 
For the experiment, six tape pairs were pre-recorded in this manner, with 
a total of 832 blocks of 20 1 signals each. After the subject had worked on all 
tapes, the tapes were evaluated to see whether there was, indeed, a bias towards 
heads as aimed for by the subject. The simple but reliable evaluation method 
counted the number of successful blocks with more heads than tails and the 
number of unsuccessful blocks. The result showed that 54.6% of the 832 
blocks were successful. This is statistically significant with odds against chance 
of 100:l. 
A series of subsequent similar experiments (Schmidt 1976; Schmidt, Morris, 
& Rudolph, 1986) confirmed the PK effect with pre-recorded events, at high 
levels of statistical significance (2-value of 3.1, 4.2, 2.0, and 2.7). 
To complete our discussion, remember that the initially generated random 
events were identically recorded on two cassette tapes, with one tape given 
to the subject and the other one kept locked in a safe. The correspondence 
of the two tape copies was guaranteed by a macroscopic recording process 
not subject to chance factors. According to our weak violation hypothesis, 
the PK effort should not alter the correspondence between the two records. 
This was, indeed, verified: the two records still agreed at the end, both showing 
the same bias towards heads. 
Thus, the results suggest a non-local interaction in the sense that a PK 
effort on one tape is observable on the other tape also. This may remind us 
of the quantum correlations between far separated systems as discussed in 
Psychokinesis 111 
connection with the Eistein-Podolski-Rosen paradox. But there is the vital 
difference that the quantum correlation alone, no matter how puzzling and 
exotic it may appear, cannot be practically used for information transmission. 
The exotic features of PK, on the other hand, can be made practically 
useful. As a side benefit, we can make PK testing particularly convenient and 
safe. We can let the subject work with the tape unsupervised at his home. We 
do not have to worry about the possibility of fraud, because we can evaluate 
the experiment from the tape in the safe, which never was near the subject. 
We can carry this one step further and make the experiment safe even 
against errors and fraud by the experimenter, by channeling first hand evidence 
for psychic effects to an outsider, as follows. 
First, we prepare a pair of tapes with identical sequences of random num- 
bers. Next, we give one sealed tape copy to the outsider, letting the outsider 
decide whether he wants an excess of signals in the right or the left tape 
channel. We communicate this target assignment to the subject, who can now 
start the test sessions, playing the tape back while trying to get more signals 
in the specified channel. At the end, the outsider counts the numbers of right 
and left signals on his tape. And if the PK subject was successful, the outsider 
finds that, indeed, there are more signals in the channel he specified. If we 
repeat this procedure with a sufficient number of tapes, the outsider cannot 
but acknowledge the anomalous correlation between what he specified and 
what he later found on his tape. 
We have used this basic method, with minor modifications, for an actual 
experiment, with myself as the experimenter and Bob Morris and Lu Rudolph 
at Syracuse University in the role of outsiders (Schmidt et al., 1986). Morris 
is an active parapsychology researcher and Rudolph a professor in commu- 
nication engineering. Both felt rather skeptical with regard to PK effects on 
pre-recorded events. We used two outside observers supervising each other, 
because we also wanted to minimize the possibility of fraud by the outsiders. 
The whole experiment was structured into ten sections, with each section 
to be evaluated by its z-value (the observed deviation in units of one standard 
deviation), positive values indicating success and negative values indicating 
failure. Figure 3 shows that only one of the ten sections gave a negative score. 
The total result, as seen by the outsiders, is significant with odds against chance 
of 100:l (z = 2.7). 
The Problem of Interpretation 
Psychic phenomena being at odds with current physics as well as with naive 
intuition, we cannot explain the effects in terms of more familiar concepts. 
For the theorist, the ultimate "explanation" might consist of an abstract for- 
malism that, like the formalisms of quantum theory or relativity theory, de- 
scribes the observed phenomena consistently, teaching us to adjust our in- 
tuition accordingly. For the more practically inclined experimenter, "under- 
112 H. Schmidt 
The figure plots the Z-scores for the ten 
sections of the experiment. Positive values 
indicate scoring in the desired direction. 
Fig. 3. Results of an experiment in channeling PK to outsiders. The figure plots the z-score 
obtained for the ten sections of the experiment. Positive values indicate scoring in the 
desired direction. Under the chance hypothesis, positive and negative z-values are equally 
standing" might be equivalent to sufficient hand's on experience and full 
information on what psychic mechanisms can and can not do. 
The two hypothesis we have introduced might, if confirmed, serve as step- 
ping stones for a future theory. The results of the experiments with pre-recorded 
random events were consistent with the hypotheses. But there are details that 
one might want to check more thoroughly. 
The most basic question is whether it was really the subject in his time 
delayed PK effort that produced the effects. Let us consider some alternatives. 
In view of the goal oriented operation of PK, the experimenter might have 
sensed the outsider's future target assignments and might have (unwittingly) 
activated his PK powers accordingly, at the time the random events were 
generated. While such a possibility cannot yet be ruled out completely, earlier 
experiments (Schmidt, 1976) in which subjects selected by their high success 
in regular PK experiment performed also particularly well in tests with pre- 
recorded PK targets point strongly to the subject as the PK source. 
More information on this question of whether the subject's effort, indeed, 
is the source of the PK effect might come from experiments comparing the 
subject's mental state (during the PK session) with the resulting scores. 
Psychokinesis 113 
Another possibility to consider is that the outsider who generated the ran- 
dom target assignments could have been the source of the success. The outsider 
might have sensed the previously generated random numbers and influenced 
the generator for the random assignments accordingly. This argument would 
apply, however, only to the last experiment, because the earlier tests with pre- 
recorded targets did not involve such an outsider. 
The weak violation hypothesis and the equivalence hypothesis agree in 
suggesting that PK tests with pre-recorded events should work as well as other 
PK tests. The weak violation hypothesis with its specific reference to quantum 
theory, however, introduces an additional element that we should discuss in 
some detail. 
The Reality Problem and the Observer in Physics 
Quantum theory brought changes in our view of physical reality and the 
role of the observer in physics. These changes may be relevant for the inter- 
pretation of PK tests with pre-recorded events. 
The reality problem appears most directly at the microscopic level. Con- 
sidering an electron or a photon, for example, we can measure the position 
of the particle, but we must not conclude that the particle always has a well 
specified position. Otherwise we get into conflict with the results of interference 
experiments. Thus, the location of a particle before a measurement does not 
have the kind of absolute physical reality that we customarily assign to the 
outside world. With quantum theory making no basic distinction between 
large and small systems, however, a reality question arises also for the mac- 
roscopic realm. This has been emphasized by recent experimental work related 
to Bell's theorem and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox (d'Espagnat, 
1976, 1979). 
Consider, for example, the case where a decision from a binary random 
generator is recorded as a signal in the right or left channel of a cassette 
recorder. Then, prior to any observation of the outcome, quantum theory 
represents the state vector of the system as a superposition 
of two macroscopically different physical states, where I R-STATE) corre- 
sponds to a situation with a "head" generated and signals recorded in the 
right channels of each tape, while I L-STATE) corresponds to the other pos- 
sibility that a "tail" was generated and signals were recorded in the left channels 
of the two tapes. 
Intuitively, we feel that nature, at this stage, must have decided on one or 
the other outcome. But the formalism of quantum theory contains no param- 
eter which could tell us when such a decision is "really" made. Rather, the 
formalism suggests that the appearance of a head or a tail remains as unreal 
as the position of a particle until the outcome has been observed. 
114 H. Schmidt 
This leaves the question of the nature of the mechanism that transforms 
the ISTATE) of equation (1) into either one of the macroscopically un- 
ambiguous states, I L-STATE) or I R-STATE). 
Conventional quantum theory answers this question very simply by inter- 
preting the state vector not as a measure for some absolute physical reality 
but only as a measure of the observer's information about the system. Then 
the macroscopically ambiguous state of equation (I) reflects only the observers 
ignorance. And the sudden change of the observer's knowledge during a mea- 
surement is naturally accompanied by a sudden jump of the state vector (the 
collapse of the state vector) into the I L-STATE) or the I R-STATE). 
The mathematical elegance and logical consistency of quantum theory in 
this interpretation has suggested to many physicists that quantum theory has 
universal validity, giving the best possible description of nature, for small and 
large systems, and even for systems that include human subjects. 
From the described experiments we can conclude, however, that such an 
universality claim must be wrong. Systems that contain a human subject can 
show features, like the discussed anomalous correlation between the subject's 
wish and an external random event, that are inconsistent with quantum theory. 
Independent of the results of parapsychology, the early pioneers of quantum 
theory had already felt uneasy about this theory which admits reality only 
with regard to an observer, but does not explain if or in which respect the 
human observer is special (London & Bauer, 1939; von Neumann, 1932/ 
1955; Wigner, 1962). This has led to many attempts at modifying or re-in- 
terpreting quantum theory. Let me mention only a few of these attempts, not 
because they should be taken particularly seriously, but because they might 
stimulate PK experimenters. 
Eugene Wigner suggested that current quantum theory is not quite complete, 
that it lacks a specific description of the role of the experimenter. Wigner 
proposes that in the absence of an observer the state vector follows Schroe- 
dinger's equation, but that in the act of observation, some still unknown 
mechanism takes over, transforming the state of Eq. (I) into either the I R- 
STATE) or the I L-STATE). Thus, the collapse of the state vector assumes 
some physical reality of its own. 
The active role played the observer in collapsing the state vector might 
provide an opening for PK effects to enter. This possibility and its experimental 
implications have been pursued by the author (Schmidt, 198 l), and a specific 
model for the underlying mechanism, based on a hidden variable model by 
Bohm and Bub, has been studied by Mattuck and Walker (1979). Walker 
has also proposed several other interesting original ideas on the relationship 
between parapsychology and quantum theory. (Walker, 1 979). 
Wigner's model provides for minimal modifications quantum theory; only 
at the last stage where the observer (with his elusive element of consciousness) 
enters. In this model, there can still occur macroscopically ambiguous states 
like the one of Eq. (I), such as if physical reality before an observation could 
consist of two branches of reality, with nature still undecided. 
Psychokinesis 115 
As an alternative, one could consider modifications of quantum theory 
that provide for an automatic reduction of the state vector at some lower 
level, such that macroscopically ambiguous states could not arise. Such a 
model could still be consistent with all obtainable laboratory evidence, and, 
nevertheless, permit the concept of a macroscopically absolutely real world 
in which the observer is not basically different from other recording and com- 
puting equipment. 
A New Look at PK Tests with Pre-Recorded Events 
In our previous discussion of PK tests with pre-recorded events, we had 
implicitly assumed that macroscopic phenomena have an absolute reality, 
independent of any observation. From this viewpoint, nature made a final 
decision on the outcome of a random event, the event "really" happened, 
when the outcome was recorded on the cassette tapes. This led us to talk 
about causality violation in the sense that the subject's later mental effort 
affected the outcome of a previous random event. 
Quantum theory, in the conventional form or in Wigner's version, however, 
permits a different interpretation: With the outcome of the random decision 
not observed before the PK session, nature had made no previous decision 
yet. The PK subject encountered a physical reality composed of two equally 
real potential branches. Therefore, the subject's PK effort did not have to 
reach into the past. Rather, the subject's observation transformed the still 
ambiguous reality into one of the macroscopically unique branches; and in 
this process of state vector collapse the subject also produced a PK effect, a 
slight change in the conventional transition probabilities. 
From this viewpoint, the PK mechanism should no longer work if the 
outcome of the random decisions were observed by someone else before the 
subject made the PK effort. The previous observation should collapse the 
state vector, forcing nature into a final decision, so that there would be nothing 
left to change for the PK subject. 
The only experiment in this direction done so far (Schmidt, 1985), indicates, 
indeed, such an inhibition of the PK effect by previous observation. 
For this experiment, 80 sequences of 128 random bits were initially pre- 
recorded. Each bit sequence could be displayed in a one minute test run by 
a pendulum swinging at a computer screen with slowly varying amplitude. 
(Basically a "1" in the bit sequence increased and a "0" decreased the am- 
plitude of the next cycle). 
At the start of each run, according to a fixed schedule, the subject was 
instructed either to aim for a high or a low pendulum amplitude. The resulting 
score measured the deviation (from chance expectancy) of the average am- 
plitude in the specified direction. 
Each sequence was displayed subsequently to two subjects, a test subject 
with a record of good PK performance, and a control subject with no de- 
monstrable PK ability. 
116 H. Schmidt 
The sessions were timed such that in half of the runs the PK subject was 
the first to make the PK effort and in the other half the control subject. 
Furthermore, for each condition, the subjects aimed in half of the runs in the 
same and in the other half in opposite directions. The subjects were kept 
ignorant of these conditions. 
Figure 4 shows that the PK test subject was successful only when being the 
first to see the random events in a run (2 = 3.1), whereas the previous ob- 
servation by the control subject brought the score of the PK test subjects close 
to chance (2 = -0.7). The control subject did not show a significant PK 
effect, even when acting as the first observer. 
With only one experiment of this kind available, one might not want to 
draw a final conclusion but rather wait for future confirmations. And if, indeed, 
an initial human observation can block a subsequent PK effort, then we would 
want to know whether observation by a cat or even some lower animal might 
have the same effect. We might even be able to operationally define a "con- 
scious observation" in terms of its effect on a subsequent PK effort. 
2500 -- 
2000 -- 
1500 -- 
-- -- A 
Fig. 4. Result of an experiment in which a PK subject (with a history of PK success) and a control 
subject (with no apparent PK ability) made consecutive PK efforts on the same pre-recorded 
events. In the half of the runs where the PK subject made the first effort, his cumulative 
score (upper curve) reached a significant level. But in the other half of the runs, where the 
control subject had seen the outcome of the random events first, the PK subject's effort 
was no longer successful (lower curve). 
Psychokinesis 117


Quantum theory has raised some still puzzling questions with regard to the 
role of the observer and the nature of reality. At the same time, the mathe- 
matical elegance and the logical consistency of quantum theory has suggested 
that the theory may have universal validity, being applicable even to systems 
that include human subjects. And with conventional quantum theory appar- 
ently experimentally correct, there seemed little demand for modifications 
with their inherent mathematical complications. 
The results of parapsychology, on the other hand, indicate that quantum 
theory can be experimentally wrong when applied to systems that include a 
human subject. Experiments like the reported ones, point to specific links 
between the quantum formalism and psychic effects, suggesting a wealth of 
further interesting experiments. It remains to be seen whether the results will 
lead to a new quantum theory that includes psychic effects within its math- 
ematical formalism, or whether they will merely outline some final limitation 
of the quantum formalism.

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