
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Anthony Migchels - Yes, the Money Power is Jewish

April 3, 2012

Yes, the Money Power is Jewish

Anthony Migchels – Real Currencies

Every researcher, author and reformer concerned with the monetary is confronted with the politically incorrect fact that the Money Power is Jewish. Should we circumvent the issue to avoid scaring people away from the all important monetary issue?
Probably not. Let’s stay as close to truth as possible. It ultimately brings the greatest chance of success.
Keith Gardner of the highly informative Liberty Revival Blog recently penned a short and forceful article titled ‘Zero Tolerance for Hate Speech‘. In it he basically states his position on ‘antisemitism’: the notion that the world is ruled by Jewish people. Gardner says for him this ‘antisemitism’ is unacceptable and unnecessary, even damaging to monetary reform.
Since I’m quite certain he had me amongst others in mind when writing the article and since he actually touches upon an important subject, I’ll respond to this. I know Gardner respects Real Currencies, but he does not want to associate himself with the rather direct approach. I have absolutely no problems with his statement, understand where he is coming from and continue to appreciate his powerful work.
I would like to suggest that Gardner is struggling with the issue himself. Of course it is not wise to speculate on the intentions or inner feelings of others, but in this case I fear not doing so because I’ve struggled with the same thing for ever. Henry Makow also needed years to admit the Illuminati are basically Jewish Supremacism, co-opting gentile competitors for World Power through Freemasonry and intermarriage. Just read his pre 2008, 2009 work, you’ll see he named the conspiracy in just about every way possible, before eventually settling for the ‘Illuminati Jews’ mode.
Gardner even goes as far to say he won’t allow ‘antisemitic’ comments on his site. That’s his good right of course, but his original position seemed more logical to me: just state you don’t agree, but allow ‘antisemitic’ comments. In this way he would not alienate people who would greatly benefit from his thinking, but who have advanced beyond the basic political correct mind control.
Gardner is aware of Jewish over-representation within what he calls the New World Order, but he’s concerned about two things:
1. Does naming them by their real name actually help monetary reform, or does it damage the cause because it scares of people not ready to face these issues yet?
2. The problem that far from all Jews are involved and that naming them ‘the Jews’ does injustice to those not part of the plan.
To begin with point 2: it’s not very complicated.
When we see a few hundred thousand American soldiers, under the orders of the US Federal Government invade some tiny country in the Middle East, we say:  America, or Americans have invaded this or that place. Do we blame all Americans? No.
Are all Americans partly responsible? If you look closely, you’ll find that 99% or more of Americans are in some way partly responsible for the invasion, even though it would be close to impossible to disentangle themselves from this responsibility. The problem is: we are highly connected and karmically linked to our nation.
So if we have a massive credit crunch and most of the main players are Jewish, is it strange or ‘antisemitic’ to say so? Clearly not. Do we blame all Jews by doing so? Clearly not. But a close look will show that many Jews are in some way in support of the Money Power: through the ‘schule’, the many Zionist organizations or other Jewish groups. Jews cling to the Money Power because they were heavily brainwashed to fear ‘antisemitism’.
Should we allow the Jews a special treatment in avoiding naming their ethnic background when they commit heinous crimes? I don’t see why.
And then the other problem, scaring away the hapless masses when discussing these things. Well, there is a case to be made that some outlets should provide less confrontational material. A gatekeeper like Alex Jones is actually helpful in that respect.
But I write for the initiated, that’s a choice I’ve made when starting this blog. I assume my readers are at least fairly well versed in the ways of the world. Makow tries to reach more people, but the point is: with his level of reporting it is impossible to reach more than the best and brightest individual thinkers out there. People just can’t stomach it until they’re ready themselves.
Another issue is credibility: we may reach the masses, but Alex Jones himself is widely criticized for avoiding the Jewish Question by people who have quit considering the New York Times as a serious outlet.
Another issue is that when more voices break through the Political Correct blanket covering our eyes, it becomes progressively easier for the next to do so too. The peer pressure to support the status quo lessens and a little less isolation is threatened for the brave soul crossing the divide.
By not speaking out, we help contain the masses from the truth. We basically let down our brethren at the forefront of the struggle who do speak out.
It’s difficult to say what’s best. I understand Gardner’s position and suspect he is still struggling with the conflicting data.
Interestingly, Makow just published an excellent article showing how the Jewish Question was a normal topic in the 1920′s. Churchill, for instance, wrote a famous article called ‘Zionism vs Bolshevism’, explaining the Jewish ‘conspiracy’. It was posted on the front page of a leading outlet in 1920.
The Second World War ended this. Just like with Interest Free Currency, ‘antisemitism’ was badly damaged through guilt by association. To me it is obvious that this was a crucial part of the Money Power’s calculations in instigating the war.
It seems likely they rest assured the Jewish Question as a political theme will be put to rest again after the next.
Perhaps this is the most pressing reason to stop ignoring the truth that the Money Power is Jewish.
Understand that the Banking System is One
Is Anti Usury Activism Antisemitic?

Understand that the Banking System is One

March 7, 2012
“Whosoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce… And when you realise that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”
James Garfield 1881, a few weeks before he was shot!

Far too much energy is wasted on analyzing the banking system to death. The key to understanding its machinations is seeing that it is one global system, controlled and directed from the top down. Shifting blame from Government to Central Banks to Wall Street is just a distraction.

Endless analyses of exactly who is to blame for what is filling the columns of both the mainstream- and alternative media. Is it Wall Street, the Central Banks, derivatives, politicians, economists, greed?
This article by the Daily Bell is a typical example. In the article the Daily Bell correctly analyzes that the Central Banks are trying to generate a world wide depression. However, they present the Central Banks as a statist operation, messing up the operations of free market players, which would be the banks.
The problem with this is, that the Central Banks and the commercial banks are owned by the same people.
The banking system must be seen as a whole. It includes all the Central Banks, all major commercial banks, BIS, the academic world ‘studying’ economics and finance and the financial press.
The Daily Bell is right to say that they are engineering a depression. They are wrong to suggest that the CB’s are responsible for this while the banks are not. Yes the banks are on the receiving end of the CB’s, but they’re all just mere links in the chain of command and control.
Central Banks were created by the banking community as lenders of last resort because they went bust so often. They needed the CB’s to maintain a certain stability within the system, otherwise they would not have been able to maintain their monopoly on currency.
Nowadays CB’s are all powerful financial juggernauts allowing the Money Power full control always. They don’t care about some of their banks going bust occasionally, because they are just the vehicles dividing the market among them. Their market control remains 100%.
When the CB’s do things to hurt creditors (the big banks) they do so to damage their balances and their ability to lend. In this way the illusion of real forces creating a depression is created. It’s the same thing with the BIS raising capital reserve requirements. They know this means depression, but their sell is ‘stability’. The instability they created by purposefully allowing the banks to leverage ever more only a decade ago is conveniently forgotten by well paid academics and journalists who most people think are on the lookout for these kind of things.
Stagflation is easily created by combining the deflationary bust with rising prices for commodities through speculation. These price rises then eventually attack the whole economy already strapped for cash.
In earlier times bankers just published an advertizement in their Banker Magazine telling their members at what date to start calling in loans. In this way contracting the money supply and creating a deflationary depression allowing them to buy everything up for pennies on the dollar. Nowadays things are a little more convoluted.
But for the few men controlling the system it is not. They just order: ‘create depression now’. Their executives push the buttons and voila.
And yes, it’s a gigantic control grid and very complicated and it is very difficult for them to maintain control. But it still is a system, being worked. And those that work it are the most powerful men in the world.

A ‘Free Gold Market’

When we realize how the system is controlled in this way, it is also easy to understand that a ‘free currency market’ is also easily controlled top down.
Massive funding for Gold based currency, support from the media, the academics, political pressure. A real onslaught that will quickly conquer the maiden ‘free market’. Then the easy contraction of the money supply at will by controlling world Gold reserves.


The Banking System is One. It is controlled top down. Those that control it are the Money Power. It’s global and it rules finance. It dominates every Government on the planet through it.
Its basic operations are simple: maintain monopolistic control of the money supply. Provide credit at interest. Create a boom/bust cycle by inflation and deflation. Finance those under control or to be brought under control and starve the rest. Translate this financial omnipotence to Global Despotism.
The implementation of these basic policies have become more complex during the last century. But for the controllers little has changed.
This is basically all we need to know about the problem. There is no need to endlessly analyze what the CB’s are up to now or what Goldman Sachs is doing next. They’re busy doing what they’ve always done.
We should be busy deserting the system and building new, really free and independent currencies instead.

Is Anti Usury Activism Antisemitic?

Obviously not.
But the question is warranted, because it is an unfortunate fact of life for every dedicated activist for an interest free economy that throughout history Jewry has been intimately linked to usury.
Hundreds of the most brilliant Gentile minds throughout the ages have denounced Jewish usury.
God Himself had this to say through the Holy Q’uran:
‘That they (the Jews) took usury, though they were forbidden; and that they devoured men’s substance wrongfully;- we have prepared for those among them who reject faith a grievous punishment.’ (sura 4.161)
Please remember the Q’uran orders Muslims to read the Torah and accept it as from the same Source as the Q’uran.
The simple fact of the matter is: not all usurers are Jews and not all Jews are usurers.
So we resist not Jews, or Jewry, but ‘those among them who reject faith’.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that Nazism was motivated to a high extent by anti usury activism. I despise Hitler’s notion of ‘Ubermenschen’ looking for ‘Lebensraum’. It smacks a little bit too much of Zionism.
The Money Power’s agents will equate anti usury activism with Nazism.
It is called ‘Guilt by Association’.
The number of Jews in powerful financial positions certainly merits the conclusion that Jewish interests are heavily overrepresented in finance. However, the Jewish Lobby, which is dominated by the Money Power and thus does not represent the Jewish People equates this statement with antisemitism.
They call it the ‘old canard of Jewish International Bankers’.
Zionism regularly denounces its enemies as ‘antisemites’. However, disagreement about ideas (like Zionism) or actions (like plundering someone else’s land without compensation) is clearly not the same as hating the perpetrator. As Christ recommended: we hate sin, we love the sinner.
Israelis themselves are on record admitting the ‘antisemite’ smear is just a trick.
Jewish elites, nor the Money Power care about Jews. Simple proof of this is the inequitable wealth distribution in Israel, which is one of the worst in the world.
Anti Usury Activism seeks liberation of all those exploited through usury, Gentile and Jewish alike.
The Jewish people are part of the 99%. It is their elites that deserve weariness. We are also weary of Anglo-American elites, Eurocratic elites, Chinese elites and Russian elites, to name just a few.
As it has been said:
“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
We’ll leave it for the reader to decide.

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