
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Thursday, April 12, 2012

Auschwitz Notebook

Tell-tale documents and photos from Auschwitz


Jean-Claude Pressac's book, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers,
is the first serious and detailed response to the revisionist critique of the generally accepted Auschwitz extermination story. This 564-page work is itself evidence that Holocaust Revisionism can no longer be dismissed as a temporary or frivolous phenomenon, but is a formidable challenge that must be taken seriously.

As Robert Faurisson and Mark Weber have pointed out in their reviews of his book, Pressac fails to prove his case. But in his ultimately unsuccessful effort to shore up the crumbling "exterminationist" view, Pressac is obliged to make many highly significant concessions to the revisionist position. Both explicitly and implicitly, he discredits countless Holocaust claims, "testimonies" and interpretations.

His book features hundreds of valuable illustrations, including many good-quality reproductions of previously unpublished original diagrams and documents that simply cannot be reconciled with the generally accepted Holocaust extermination story. Reproduced on the following pages are a few of these illustrations, which were selected from Pressac's book by Mark Weber, who also provided the captions. (See also Weber's review of Pressac's book in the summer 1990 Journal of Historical Review.)

"One Louse, Your Death!" This bilingual (German-Polish) poster graphically warned Auschwitz inmates of the danger of typhus bearing lice. (p. 54) Other measures taken by camp authorities to combat typhus included camp quarantines, routine delousings of barracks and clothes with "Zyklon" gas, quarantine of newly arriving prisoners, disinfection baths for inmates, and inspections of barracks. The dread disease claimed the lives of many tens of thousands of inmates. German camp personnel also fell victim, including SS garrison physician Dr. Siegfried Schwela and other high-level SS officers.

"Zyklon" (hydrocyanic acid gas), a widely available commercial insecticide and rodent killer, was used extensively at Auschwitz to kill typhus-bearing lice. It was used, for example, to fumigate clothes in delousing gas chambers, and to kill vermin in barracks and other buildings.

Commandant Rudolf Höss emphasized its deadliness when not used properly in this "special order" of August 12, 1942. (p. 201) Forty copies were distributed to officials throughout the camp. Höss warned:

Today there was a case of illness due to slight symptoms of poisoning with Prussic acid [Zyklon]. This makes it necessary to warn all those involved with gassings, as well as all other SS personnel, that especially when opening gassed rooms, SS personnel not wearing gas masks must wait at least five hours and keep a distance of 15 meters from the chamber. In this regard, particular attention should be paid to the wind direction.

The gas now being used contains less [protective] odor additive, and is therefore especially dangerous.

The SS garrison physician refuses to accept responsibility for accidents that may occur in cases where SS personnel do not obey these guidelines.

Shown on this March 1944 Auschwitz construction department diagram of the Birkenau camp are crematory buildings II and III (at upper left), and IV and V (at upper center). Between them is the"Disinfection and disinfestation facility" ("Desinfektions u. Entwesungsanlage"), which was also known as the "Central Sauna" ("Zentralsauna"). (p. 514.)

This August 1942 architectural diagram of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, supposedly the Third Reich's main "extermination" center, shows that German authorities planned to enlarge the camp so that it would eventually hold 200,000 inmates. (p. 203) The "Mexiko" section at the top, which would hold 60,000 people, was only partially completed, and the comparable section at the bottom was never begun. This document cannot be reconciled with the camp's alleged function as a top secret extermination center.

Auschwitz-Birkenau was greatly enlarged in 1943 and 1944 to accommodate the arrival of more and more Jews. Accordingly, plans were made for more extensive hospital and quarantine facilities.

This plan for a new "Prisoner hospital and quarantine section" ("Haftlings-Lazarett u. quarant ane-Abt.") in the Birkenau camp's"Mexiko" section was prepared in June 1943 by the WVHA agency in Berlin that administered the concentration camp system. It was quickly approved by the Auschwitz camp construction department. This "hospital and quarantine" section for 16,596 inmates included surgery, x-ray, delousing, and laundry facilities, as well as barracks for severely ill inmates.

Pressac acknowledges (p. 512) the difficulty of reconciling these plans with the camp's alleged function as an extermination facility:

There is incompatibility in the creation of a health camp a few hundred yards from four Krematorien [crematory facilities] where, according to official history, people were exterminated on a large scale ... It is obvious that KGL [concentration camp] Birkenau cannot have had at one and the same time two opposing functions: health care and extermination. The plan for building a very large hospital section in BA III ["Mexiko" section of Birkenau] thus shows that the Krematorien [facilities] were built purely for incineration, without any homicidal gassings, because the SS wanted to "maintain" its concentration camp labor force.

The "Mexiko" section was only partially completed and "became a transit camp in May-June 1944 for the Hungarian transports," Pressac reports.

Architectural diagram of an Auschwitz "barracks for sick inmates." (p. 513) The barracks has 144 beds, large wash and toilet rooms, and a room for medical staff. (This June 1943 diagram is also Nuremberg document NO-4470.) Photos of hospital facilities for inmates are also reproduced in Pressac's book. (pp. 510-511)

At no time were any of Auschwitz-Birkenau's four crematory buildings ever hidden, concealed or "camouflaged." They were in plain view, and even newly arriving Jews could easily see them. Crematory buildings II and III were particularly visible. In this photograph, taken in May or June 1944, crematory building (Krema) III can be plainly seen in the background. (p. 251) In the foreground are Jews who have just arrived at Birkenau from Hungary.

Auschwitz-Birkenau crematory building (Krema) IV shortly after its completion in late March 1943. (p. 418) This building, supposedly one of the principal extermination gassing centers, was actually built very hastily in response to the terrible typhus epidemic that raged during the summer of 1942. (pp. 392, 398) This facility was so quickly and so poorly constructed that it could be used only intermittently for a short time, and was shut down for good in May 1943. (pp. 413, 420)

Were thousands of Jews murdered here? This is the inside of the alleged extermination gas chamber in the Auschwitz I main camp. (p. 155) German camp authorities never bothered to obliterate the incriminating "evidence" by destroying this structure. As Pressac acknowledges in his book (pp. 123, 133), there is no hard evidence that this room was ever an extermination facility.

Not long after the Allied liberation of Auschwitz in January 1945, Soviet and Polish officials organized a dance on the roof of the supposed extermination gas chamber in the main camp. Apparently they did not regard it as a mass extermination facility. In his book about Auschwitz (p. 149), Pressac expresses astonishment and regret over this incident:

Above the stage, dominated by a red star with the hammer and sickle, fly the flags of Poland (left) and the Soviet Union (right), with lamps mounted above them. This photograph proves that a dance was organized in 1945 on the roof of Krematorium I, and that people actually danced above the homicidal gas chamber. This episode appears almost unbelievable and sadly regrettable today, and the motives for it are not known. This photo also proves that the present covering of roofing felt and zinc surround [sic] of the roof are not original.

Eating hall for inmates at the Auschwitz III (Monowitz)camp. (p. 506) Inmates from Birkenau and the rest of the camp complex were routinely transferred to and from Monowitz, which hardly makes sense if Auschwitz had been an extermination center.

Ukrainian women's choir at the Auschwitz III (Monowitz) camp. (p. 506) A surprisingly wide range of free-time activities, including entertainment, was available to forced-labor inmates.

Partial overview of the extensive"Buna" industrial works at Auschwitz III (Monowitz) camp, where gasoline was produced from coal. (p. 506). This photo, as well as the two previous ones, are from the Duerrfeld document file in the National Archives (Washington, DC).
Important [Auschwitz] Documents Found in Moscow Archives

Searching in Russian archives through tens of thousands of long-suppressed documents, two revisionist historians have dug up revealing German documents confiscated by the Soviets and kept secret for decades. Swiss educator Jürgen Graf and Italian author Carlo Mattogno together made two lengthy research visits in Russia in 1995, the second lasting four weeks. Each is the author of several revisionist works dealing with the Holocaust issue, and both spoke at the 12th (1994) IHR Conference.

In the Archives of the Russian Federation, Graf and Mattogno found voluminous records about Auschwitz and other German concentration camps liberated 50 years ago by Soviet forces. These include Russian-language eyewitness reports and investigative documents, and reports by Soviet investigative commissions, as well as some German documents confiscated from various camps (but not Auschwitz). Graf and Mattogno photocopied about 1,000 pages of documents from these Moscow archives, which are now being evaluated and translated.

70,000 Pages Screened

The team carried out much more extensive research at the Central State Special Archives on Viborg street, located in an outer area of the Russian capital. Among the voluminous original German records stored there are tens of thousands of pages from Auschwitz camp alone. Here Graf and Mattogno spent nearly every day of their visit screening an estimated 70,000 pages of Auschwitz records.

Less than five percent of these documents are of relevant interest, Graf estimates. They spent little time, for example, going through the 100-page file of construction records of horse stables at Auschwitz, or the 300 pages concerning the payroll of camp gardeners.

At a cost of one dollar per page, Graf and Mattogno photocopied more than 3,000 pages of Auschwitz documents from these Archives. Their investigations are far more extensive than the modest researches there by Prof. Gerald Fleming and Jean-Claude Pressac, two major anti-revisionist Holocaust researchers. As their signatures on the control sheets show, they saw perhaps 50 of the 650 dossiers there. (It was in this same Viborg street archives where British historian David Irving located the handwritten diaries of Minister Joseph Goebbels for his new biography of the wartime propaganda minister. See "Revelations from Goebbels' Diary," in the Jan.-Feb. 1995 Journal.)

A Preliminary Evaluation

From the outset Graf and Mattogno assumed that they would probably not find anything of really sensational importance.

Any documents confirming gas chamber killings or an extermination program certainly would have long ago been triumphantly heralded. Similarly, any documents showing clearly that no prisoners were killed in gas chambers, or which disprove the existence of a wartime German extermination program, would probably have been removed or destroyed.

All the same, they did find documents that conflict with the orthodox extermination story. One refers specifically to a "delousing chamber for crematory II" ("Entlausungskammer für ein Krematorium") in Birkenau. This document apparently clarifies the real meaning of one or more of Pressac's so-called "criminal traces," as well as of the widely-cited letter of Jan. 29, 1943 that refers to a "gassing cellar" ("Vergasungskeller") in Birkenau crematory II. It is often claimed that this must be a reference to a homicidal gas chamber. (See A. Butz' "Some Thoughts on Pressac's Opus," in the May-June 1993 Journal, pp. 27-31, 35 [n. 23].) This long-suppressed German document, which was overlooked by Fleming and Pressac, suggests instead that this "gassing cellar" was installed to save life, by killing typhus-bearing lice.

Also found were documents showing the roster of sick and chronically sick people at Birkenau over extended periods. According to the extermination story, of course, all such persons were immediately put to death as unfit for work. Other documents confirm the strict rules that prohibited SS camp personnel from mistreating Auschwitz prisoners.

Additional documents unearthed by Graf and Mattogno establish that remarkably large numbers of prisoners were released from Auschwitz. (This is in addition to prisoners who were transferred to other camps.) During just a few days in June and July 1944 alone, 186 short-term prisoners were set free. (Over the entire period of the camp's existence, there must have been thousands.) Most of these were Poles who had been sentenced to "re-education by labor" at Birkenau for terms of four to ten weeks for breaking employment contracts. After serving their sentences, says Graf, these prisoners returned to their factories. Nothing has so far been published anywhere about these large-scale prisoner releases. As Graf notes, if many tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews were actually killed in Auschwitz in May-June 1944, as alleged, the released prisoners could easily have told the world about it.

Numerous valuable documents relating to the Auschwitz crematories were also found, says Mattogno, who is sorting out and evaluating them.

Incidentally, an enormous quantity of confiscated German documents dealing with other areas are also held in the Central State Special Archives. These include, for example, about 9,000 pages of records of the wartime Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories. Such documents may shed new light on key aspects of Second World War history. Unfortunately, the future of these archival treasures is uncertain.

Not Found

Graf and Mattogno searched in vain for Soviet wartime aerial reconnaissance photographs of the Auschwitz area, including research at the former Soviet military archives in Podolsk, east of Moscow. They similarly failed to turn up records detailing deliveries of coke to the Auschwitz crematories in 1944 -- documents that would finally nail down the maximum number of corpses that could have been cremated in the facilities there. Perhaps these records are located in one of the ten or twelve other archives in Europe where scattered Auschwitz documents are stored.

As a result of these two 1995 research visits (which were financed by sympathetic friends), says Graf, "we now know not only what documents are in these two archives, but also what documents are not there. That's also important." Carlo Mattogno is working on a detailed study of the German camp crematories, to be published in 1996 in Italy, as well as on a specialized treatment of the "gas chambers," which he hopes to publish in 1997.
Auschwitz Notebook

Doors and Portholes


As I illustrated with my slide presentation at the 1980 Revisionist Convention at Pomona College, Claremont, California, one of the most blatant examples of Holocaust forgery is in the access to the "gas chambers."

Auschwitz I

At Auschwitz I there are no less than five doors or doorways giving access to the "gas chamber." There are double doors (Le with a small lobby) at each end of the room, and one doorway off to the inside, which leads into the crematory area. However, this latter doorway has no door and shows no sign of ever having borne one. This alone would seem to rule out the possibility of the room being used to gas people. Either the people would have escaped through the (doorless) doorway, or the gas would have flowed out the same way and either gassed the crematory workers and/or exploded with the heat.

At the end facing the gallows (where Rudolf Höss met his end after "confessing" to all kinds of atrocities at Auschwitz) the outside door is rather strange. It is made of light masonite board and tin-plate, and the locking or barring mechanism is on the inside. This would seem to indicate that the gassees locked themselves in. The door is so flimsy that a child could knock a fist through it. The porthole in the door (whose glass was broken when we visited) gives a very fine view, not of the interior of the room, but of the lobby wall about one meter away from the door. In no way could this door be described as "hermetically-sealed."

Likewise, the inner door of this lobby is incredibly flimsy. The doorhandle and lock look as if they came out of a Polish farmhouse. This door is made entirely of wood.

We guessed that these two doors had been added or altered after the war, and our discussions with the camp staff in 1979 confirmed this.

Standing inside the room, we can see another door at the far end. The doorposts are made of wood, and the door itself is made of wood and glass. The handle and lock are so weak that they keep falling apart. The door opens inwards, into the "gas chamber." When we asked Mr. T. Szymanski, the (now retired) curator, how it was that the gassees did not just smash the window in this door and escape, he advised us that he had never investigated this door so he could not give us a definite answer!

The outside door at this far end is a definite fake. It is made of masonite, unlike the other three doors, it opens outwards, and has a round porthole. We know that this door has been altered three times by referring to various Auschwitz guide books over the years. The first door appeared in Oswiecim (10, p197) and seems to be the original 1946 door. There are nine horizontal wooden slats in this original door, and no porthole. The second door appears in We Have Not Forgotten (6, p88), which was published in 196 1. This door had an iron bar added to the upper part of the door, plus a square porthole.

Birkenau (Auschwitz II)

Confusion reigns here again. A model of Birkenau which is on display at Auschwitz a couple of miles away transposes many of the rooms. Un/dressing rooms become the gas chamber, and vice versa. Likewise, the book Oswiecim (10, p200) blatantly makes the transposition. Unfortunately, it is not possible to totally check these allegations forensically, since the Germans are supposed to have blown up the business part of all the Birkenau gas chambers shortly before the camp was evacuated in 1945. The four installations are numbered 2 through 5 (with 1 being the number given to the gas chamber/ crematorium at nearby Auschwitz proper). The entire building of Crematory 4 has disappeared except for the foundations. Crematory 5, its "mirror image" next to it, has also been damaged somewhat. Crematories 2 and 3 are partly destroyed, but there still remain a couple of buildings which I was able to explore inside. My report was published in the previous issue of THE JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL REVIEW.

An exhibit on display in front of Crematory 2 shows a plan of the alleged building, with a text in Polish, English, French and Russian (but not German). The English text reads:



The plan on this display often transposes the rooms in contradiction to the model over at Auschwitz I. There is no trace whatsoever of any furnaces, chimneys, sliding doors, screwlids, perforated sheetmetal columns, electric lifts, or any other Holocaust props. The original German construction plans are kept under lock and key, so there is no way of knowing for sure if these were ordinary crematoria, or whether they were air-raid shelters or potato storage bunkers. My guess is that they were indeed ordinary crematoria, and that they were dismantled and then partly demolished by the Soviet liberators.

The only one of these four structures which has walls still standing is Crematory 2. The Exterminationists allege that the victims would descend a few steps into the un/dressing room and then they would be gassed next door and burned. However, the "gas chamber" section does not have a door! The gassees would appear to have been spirited through brick and concrete walls. Such are the magickal possibilities in the Holocaust pantomime.


At the Majdanek "gas chamber" we find two sturdy metal doors, each resting on three hinges, fastened onto the metal frame. Both doors have a porthole. There is a bluish color around the door frame, which we shall discuss further below. By comparing pictures of this structure in 76, p48 and 88, p30 it is quite evident that the building has been altered. In both these pictures the roof above the doors is missing.

When we visited Majdanek (Lublin) we discovered that the bluish color around the doorposts had been artificially applied. We discovered this by examining the total area of blue coloration. We found that not only were the walls of the "gas chamber" colored blue, but so too were the legs of a modem signpost adjacent to the doorway. We took a scraping of this coloring for forensic examination in Sweden.


It is important to bear in mind that we cannot in the least depend on the present appearance of Stutthof's "gas chamber." It may be that the entire building has been erected post-war, but in any case we do have definite evidence of alteration at least. There are two main sources for this:

First we have the 1960 photo in the book We Have Not Forgotten (2, pp108-109). This is quite different from the 1969 picture of the same "gas chamber" in Stutthof Guide Informateur (72, p68). The brickwork is entirely different from one book to the other; and what is more, both are different again from the present day structure. Over the years, the doors have been made more and more heavy, in an effort to create some "gas chamber" window-dressing. There are no portholes.

Paradoxically, the Polish government's 12 book tells us on page 70 that "Stutthof had no gas chambers."


Despite recurrent claims in the popular newspapers, not even the Exterminationists maintain that anyone was gassed at Dachau. The guru of Exterminationist adherents, Simon Wiesenthal, wrote to Books & Bookmen (April 1975) to state that there were no extermination camps on German soil. Martin Broszat, enigmatic head of the IHR's look-alike in Munich, the Institute for Contemporary History, wrote to Die Zeit on 26 August 1960 to say the same thing.

The installations on display at Dachau today are quite obviously fumigation closets for clothing. A photo appears in both Butz's definitive opus (109) and in Richard Harwood's marvelously readable Nuremberg Trials (130). The inscription on the door about "Gassing Times...." and "Deadly Danger!" would seem to so obviously disprove the extermination function that one wonders at any of the American liberators ever being taken in -- even taking into account the Americans' renowned lack of linguistic ability.

Needless to say, fumigation closets do not need peepholes or "screw-tight mushroom lids" on the roof, and the "liberated" West Germans have not shown the same "poetic license" that their Polish counterparts have, in adding little bits here and there to "help educate backward people" about the "gas chambers."


2. Mazur, et al., 1939-1945 We Have Not Forgotten, Warsaw, 1960.
6. Mazur, et al., 1939-1945 We Have Not Forgotten, Warsaw, 1961, (abridged edition: 160pp).
10. Michalek, Oswiecim, Warsaw, 1977.
12. Datner, et al., Genocide 1939-1945, Warsaw, 1962.
72. Deregowski, Stutthof Guide Informateur, Stutthof, 1969.
76. Gryn, et al., Camp de Concentration de Majdanek, Lublin, 1966.
88. Marsalek, et al., Majdanek, Lublin, 1971.
109. Arthur Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, IHR, 1980.
130. Richard Harwood, Nuremberg & Other War Crimes Trials, IHR, 1978.

Auschwitz Notebook

Lids and openings

by Ditlieb Felderer

Let us now examine the various claims made about the "lids and openings" in the ceilings of the "gas chambers" and compare the allegations with the forensic reality, and with each other.

We notice first of all that here, as with other such matters, an evolutionary process is in progress. At first the allegations were vague and simple, and it was only later on that the descriptions became twisted and elaborated.

The earliest reference I can trace to lids is in Rudolf Höss' affidavit at Nurnberg of 5 April 1946, where he grunted his agreement to the following:

so when I set up the extermination building at Auschwitz, I used Zyklon B, which was crystallized Prussic Acid which we dropped into the death chamber from a small opening.

Note here that the very "architect of death" refers to Auschwitz (not Birkenau) and one small opening (not several). I will deal with these remarks in greater depth later. but just let me point out that today the Auschwitz "gas chamber" has not one hole in the ceiling, but several.

The next "testimony" we ought to examine is that of Kurt Gerstein, the sanitation officer who allegedly made several confessions about gassing before disappearing and/or killing himself, depending on which source one refers to. His "confessions" were introduced at the Nurnberg Trial, despite the fact that Gerstein himself could not be produced to attest to the authenticity of his affidavit, nor to be crossexamined. This gross infringement of normal jurisprudence and rules of evidence does not seem to bother the Exterminationist lobby, who delight in vaunting the Gerstein document as "proof" of gassings. Both the Revisionist Rassinier, and the Exterminationist Reitlinger are mistaken when they say that the Gerstein document was thrown out by the Niirnberg court. Butz reproduces it in his appendix A, and it is truly a wonder to behold. This "sanitation engineer" gives no description whatever of the actual mechanics of gassing operations.

Next, we turn back to Höss to see how he elaborated on his "small opening" in his supposed "autobiography" which was written in a Polish prison during the time of his own trial. The English version was translated by the Exterminationist Constantine FitzGibbon, the half-brother of the Revisionist Louis FitzGibbon.

Höss relates how the Auschwitz gas chamber was relocated from the basement of Block 11 to the mortuary of the crematorium adjacent to the hospital. (As Dr. Robert Faurisson points out, the so-called "Auschwitz gas chamber" is only a mortuary, with a few bits added to fool gullible tourists.) The reason for the re-location, we are told, is because the whole of Block 11 had to be ventilated after a gassing. We are not told by Höss why the whole of the mortuary-crematorium-hospital complex did not have to ventilated after a gassing. Auschwitz guides claim that this was because there was mechanical ventilation at the new location, but there is no evidence of any such fixtures today.

Höss tells us now that "some holes had been pierced in the ceiling through which the gas could be discharged" (93: p 209). In other words, from the singular, small opening, we now have "some holes."

Now, there are so many discrepancies between the various language editions of Höss's "Autobiography" that we now have to refer to the German edition to get to the root of this next problem. On page 50 of the 1978 German edition, published by the Auschwitz Museum, Höss attempts to describe the gassing operation. He says "dann wurden die Tiiren schnell verschraubt" {"then the doors were quickly screwed tight"). It is not clear whether he is talking about Auschwitz or Birkenau at this point; there is only one door at each of the two Birkenau "gas chambers," while that at Auschwitz proper does have several, plus one doorway to the crematoria with no door. {We are still trying to find out why the gassees did not just run out of this doorless doorway into the crematory and escape! Not to mention how come the gas did not just flow out and gas the crematory workers, or explode with the crematory heat!) None of the doors -- either at Auschwitz or at Birkenau -- exhibit facilities for "screwing tight."

He goes on to describe the "Offnungen in die Decke" ("holes in the ceiling") which were "mit einem Fallrohr verbunden" ("connected to a pipe/tube/shaft") "dass das Gas bis den Boden fiel" ("which allowed the gas (sic) to fall to the floor").

Here we have one of the few actual descriptions of the mechanics of the gassing operation. Needless to say, we could find no such tubes, pipes or shafts at any of the locations cited, nor any trace that such had been there.

Höss also tells us that the gas chambers were "furnished with showers and water pipes and gave a realistic impression of a bath house" (93, p 223). But again, none of the installations we have inspected have such dummy plumbing.

Höss's allegation about the plumbing is echoed by Eugen Kogon in The Theory and Practice of Hell (58), but with the variation that the shower-heads issued forth with the gas. It is not quite clear whether or not he means that the showerheads also sometimes functioned as real showers.

From the dressing-rooms the way led directly to the "bath" where hydrocyanic gas was admitted through the shower heads and ventilator outlets as soon as the doors had been closed. (58; p 237)

We will deal with this question of fake shower-heads in a later article. Bishop Neuhäusler of Munich has even alleged that Dachau had fake shower-heads, even though all the Exterminationists agree that no gassings occurred at Dachau

According to the so-called Holocaust expert (and wealthy art-dealer) Gerald Reitlinger (91), the "super gas chambers of Auschwitz" had openings on the roof with "mushroom-like concrete objects" spaced "at regular intervals." Inside there were "shafts" made of "sheetmetal" which looked like "columns" which were "perforated."Afier unscrewing the mushrooms on the roof, the Germans would tip the "amethystblue crystals" down the shafts, and the gas "escaped from the perforations in the sheetmetal." Filip Mailer describes basically the same structure inside the gas chamber.

Yet our own thorough investigations at both Auschwitz and Birkenau have produced no such "perforated sheetmetal columns" nor any trace that there had ever been such objects there.

Another interesting problem which confronts us is that we are told that the whole process went on in secret, and that the gassees were tricked into the gas chambers. But it is evident both from the models on display at the Auschwitz Museum, and from the physical layout of Birkenau itself, that the people entering the dressing rooms would have caught in full view the frightening sight of men wearing gas masks and rubber boots emptying the Zyklon B into the openings on the roof, where the "mushroom-like lids" had to be "methodically unscrewed."

The next "expert" we turn to is Edward Crankshaw (pseudonym?), who relates in Gestapo Instrument of Tyranny that:

Naked and shorn, the prisoners were marched to the gas-chambers. some of which were sunk in the ground, others on the same level as the crematoria which disposed of the corpses. It was all very clean and tidy. with a neat lawn all around, broken only by what might have been ventilation shafts, but which, in fact. were the orifices through which the blue crystals of Zyklon B were dropped into hollow columns of perforated sheet metal, which ran down to the floor of the chamber. There were douches in the ceiling to maintain the impression of a bath-house, but these were dummies. and there were no drainage channels in the floor. which was level and not sloped. it was through these perforated columns that the gas made its way into the chamber ... (5: p 200)

This excerpt opens up a whole new can of worms. If Crankshaw is correct that the hair was cut prior to the victims entering the gas chambers, then the Sonderkommando teams which processed the bodies afterward must have been shaving already bald heads! Furthermore, if the place had level floors with no drainage runnels (Martin Gray says the opposite in For Those I Loved) then it must have been nearly impossible to hose the place down. What about all the blood, vomit, excrement and menstrual fluid which many writers tell us was present after a gassing? How was this veritable cess pit cleaned out so that it looked "clean and tidy" and just like aspic and span "bath-house" in time for the next batch of victims?

Another "expert" in such matters is the American-Jewish newspaper reporter William L. Shirer who relates to us:

Up above where the well-groomed lawn and flower beds almost concealed the mushroom-shaped lids of vents that ran up from the hall of death, orderlies stood ready to drop into them the amethystblue crystals of hydro-cyanic acid, or Zyklon B ...

Moll ... would laugh, and the crystals would be poured through the openings, which were then sealed.

... but soon the inmates became aware that it was issuing from the perforations in the vents. It was then that they usually panicked, crowding away from the pipes and finally stampeding toward the huge metal door... (4: p 1263)

Here again, the fixtures just seem to crop up like... mushrooms, and disappear again, for there is no evidence today of mushrooms, perforated vents, pipes, or huge metal doors.

As for the official Auschwitz Museum line, they tell us that

We are able to reconstruct the process of extermination thoroughly, owing to the fact that the plans of the gas chambers and crematoria were saved from destruction, also thanks to the ruins of the buildings, used for exterminating and to the explanation proffered by ex-commandant Höss. (25: p 29)

This does not help us any at all, however, because the "ruins" and the surviving facilities contradict almost every single allegation at every stage. As for the "plans of gas chambers" these are not made available to the visitor at Auschwitz. They are exhibited, high up on a wall where one would need a ladder to examine them. Professor Faurisson did manage to obtain a copy, through impressing on one of the guards his gratitude, and found that he had been given a blueprint copy of... a mortuary!

The Auschwitz guide-book referred to also describes the same elusive door which was "screwed-up" and the gas being discharged through "special vents" (25: p 30).

In another Auschwitz Museum epic, AdoIf Gawalewicz relates:

In June 1941, the Camp Commandant Rudolf Höss was ordered by Himmler to undertake mass extermination of Jews, and instructed him to present within four weeks a detailed plan for building suitable installation ...

After the test already referred to as being carried out in September 1941 of Zyklon B gas as a means for killing, the next gassings were performed in the mother camp mortuary of crematorium No. 1, adapted for use as a gas chamber. At both ends were fitted gas-tight doors, and the Zykion B was thrown in through openings in the ceiling ...

After the gas-tight doors were shut, the Zyklon B, giving off Prussic acid. was thrown in through openings in the ceiling. When some 15 to 20 minutes had elapsed, by which time victims in the gas chamber were suffocated, ventilators were turned on to clear the poisoned atmosphere ...

After the liberation, there were found in the camp stores several untouched boxes of Zyklon B and piles of tins which had contained the poison. Chemical experts reported the presence of Prussic acid in hair cut from women in the gas chambers, in zinc lids of the gas chamber ventilation holes, in metal hair pins and clasps. (3: insert pages 7-8)

It is questionable if A. Gawalewicz has ever been around his own museum. How can he speak about "gas-tight doors" at "both ends?" There are no such doors. At Auschwitz there is no door at all at one end; at the other end is a tacky wooden and glass door. At Birkenau there is only one door per chamber, hardly fitting the description of "both ends." Neither at Auschwitz nor at Birkenau are there any "zinc lids of gas chamber ventilation holes" so we wonder how it is possible to find any traces of Zyklon B there.

The supposedly definitive seven volume report of the International Auschwitz Committee (21) likewise is very unhelpful. There is next to no description of the actual construction, method, and administration of the gas chambers. A mysterious Professor Jan Olbrycht does make a few cursory references to "the pouring in of the poison into the chambers" which makes it sound like the Zyklon B was a liquefied gas! Even more strange is the confession given by one Johann Paul Kremer (21: p 229). We are told that he originally made this report before an examining magistrate "Judge S." who was representing the Extraordinary State Committee for the Investigation of the Crimes of the German Fascist Aggressors and their Allies, at the Supreme National Court in Cracow. The Kremer "confessions" are riddied with contradictions. He claims to be in Prague when he was also in Auschwitz. He claims to have administered at the gassings, but to have been nowhere near them. He claims that the victims were loaded onto trucks and taken to the "gassing huts," and yet there were "gas chambers" right next to the railroad ramp. He claims that the Zyldon B was thrown "through an opening in the side wall" of the gas chamber, whereas everyone else says it was dropped in through the roof. In any case, where is this side hole today?

Later in the same series we read another description of the gas chambers from a Dr. Antoni Kepinski of Cracow. Needless to say, his report presents a totally different description altogether. This time the victims know they are to be gassed (most writers say they had no idea; they had to be tricked); that the gas chamber was an "alleged bathroom" (whatever happened to Kremer's "gassing huts" and why bother with camouflage if the victims knew anyway?); that a head wearing a gas mask could be seen through the opening in the ceiling (what about those metal shafts that went frown ceiling to floor?) and so on and so on.

Let us now turn our attention to the actual forensic, tangible evidence at the camps today. Unfortunately, there is not a lot we can say about the alleged camps at Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor and Treblinka. There is nothing there today except green fields, usually with a hideous "monument" of communist origin.


At Dachau, there is a row of disinfection chambers which after the war were dubbed "gas chambers" but nobody today claims that they were other than disinfection chambers. A picture of one chamber is shown in Dr. Butz's book (109 ), and also in Richard Harwood's excellent Nurnberg book (130),. The inscription on the metal door reads in German: "Caution! Gas! Mortal Danger! Do Not Open! Gassing times from 7.30 to 10.00."

Another room is labelled "Brausebad" ("Showerbath") above the door, and a modern sign beside it reads "This gas chamber whose construction had been started in 1943, was still not completed in 1945 when the camp was liberated. No one could have been gassed in it." The room does appear to have shower-heads, although recent visitors have reported that these have been partially torn out of the ceiling by persons unknown.


Stutthof, near Danzig (not to be confused with Struthof-Natzweiler in France) has a "gas chamber" on partial display, and it does appear to have a single opening in the ceiling. However, any further analysis is not possible because both entrance doors are sealed off from visitors by coils of barbed wire. The mystery deepens even further when we read one of the Polish government guides Genocide 19391945, (12), which tells us on page 70 that "owing to the fact that Stutthof had no gas chambers installations (sic) they were generally liquidated by bringing them in the shortest possible time to a 'natural' death." Stutthof does not feature prominently in the Exterminationists' litany.

Auschwitz I

If we stand on the roof of what is variously called the "gas chamber and crematorium 1" (25: inside front flap) and "the mortuary of crematorium I in Auschwitz" (same book; page 38), we can see 8 projections with lids sticking out of the roof. Two of them, the larger ones on the right, do not actually belong to the "gas chamber/mortuary" but to the crematorium room next door. These appear to be little chimneys or vents, and do appear to be genuine ventilation ducts, to evacuate excess smoke or heat from the vicinity of the crematory ovens.

Two of the other six vents open into the "gas chamber/ mortuary" near the glass door at the far end. They are about 10 cm x 10 cm, and appear to be genuine ventilators again.

But the remaining four openings are a different case altogether. These four are claimed to be the openings through which the Zyklon B was introduced. Their lids are made of wood, with wooden handles also. There is no provision for screwing tight, and they are anything but airtight. Needless to say, there are no "sheet-metal perforated shafts" connected to them underneath. When one lifts one of the lids, one can see visitors walking around in the "gas chamber/ mortuary" down below. My conclusion is that these four holes were made later -- and by a very clumsy craftsman -- so as to make the structure conform, at least a little, to the legend.

Auschwitz II -- Birkenau

There are two symmetrical structures at Birkenau which are variously termed "crematory/gas chamber 2 and 3." There are ante-rooms called "dressing/undressing rooms" which are frequently transposed by the Exterminationist "experts" who cannot agree which room served which function. Some books (25, and 10) put the gas chamber in one room, and the un/dressing room in another. Yet the models on display outside "gas chamber 2" and at the main Auschwitz museum put the rooms the other way around!

In a later article we shall look at the confusion surrounding the "dressing room"/"undressing room" debate, but for now let us just note that in many photographs on display at Auschwitz and elsewhere, the "gassed" victims are fully dressed, which would seem to indicate that the Sonderkommandos put the clothes back on the corpses after gassing!

To those who have read survivor tales of sliding doors, hermetically-sealed lids, portholes, perforated columns, and so on, gas chambers 2 and 3 will come as something of a shock. The structures resemble a basement storage for potatoes more than anything else. There are no such paraphernalia there.

Obviously the hoaxers have paid token heed to the legend here, and have chiseled out two holes in the roof of gas chamber 2. But the larger hole is so rough and sloppy that the reinforced steel bars at the concrete are visibly trajecting, and the mortar has obviously been chiseled. The "lid" appears to be an old manhole cover which has been drafted into this new role.

Gas chamber 2 is not open to the public, so I had to take a great risk and climb down into the "gas chamber" through the chiseled opening in the roof. I found none of the apparatus described in the various testimonies. I took many extremely valuable flashlight pictures in there to prove the point.

At gas chamber 3 next door, there was no opening in the roof, and no other access, yet the two structures are "identical" we are told.

In later articles we shall look at more Exterminationist confusion surrounding the doors to the various structures.


3. Marcinek (editor), Bujak, Gawalewicz, Auschwitz-Birkenau,Warsaw, 128 pp plus an appendix insert of 43 photo pages.
4. William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Faw-cett, New York, 1968, 1600 pp.
5. Edward Crankshaw, Gestapo: Instrument of Tyranny, Put-nam, London, 1956, 275 pp.
10. Michalak, Oswiecim, Warsaw, 1977, 256 pp.
21. International Auschwitz Committee, Seven Volumes of De-scription (various titles), Warsaw 1970/72.
25. Smolen, Auschwitz 1940-1945;Guide-Book, Through theMuseum, Oswiecim, 1976, 120 pp.
58. Eugen Kogon, The Theory and Practice of Hell, Berkley, 1971,332 pp.
71. Bishop Johann Neuhäusler,What Was it Like in the Concent-ration Camp at Dachau?, Dachau, 19737, 80 pp.
91. Gerald Reitlinger, The Final Solution, Valentine-Mitchell,London, 1953, 622 pp.
93. Rudolf Höss, Commandant of Auschwitz, Pan, London, 1974,288 pp.
109. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, IHR,Torrance, 1979, 314 pp.
130. Richard Herwood, Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials,IHR, Torrance, 1978, 70 pp.
Auschwitz Notebook

'Gerstein Statement' Impossibilities

By Ditlieb Felderer

Throughout all these years, the Exterminationists have continued to peddle the claim that there was a definite attempt by National Socialist Germany to exterminate all Jews and so they proffer the "Gerstein Statement" in support of their theory which popularly has been dubbed the "Holocaust." The "Gerstein Statement" was supposedly written by Kurt Gerstein, a person who was not in the least inhibited from making pretentious claims about himself and his technical know-how.

The Statement asserts that Gerstein had passed a "certified engineer's examination" in 1931 and a "mining surveyor's examination" in 1935. Gerstein's "twin studies" were "technology and medicine" and with these proficiencies backing him up, it was not difficult for him, "with the help of two references written by... two Gestapo employees who had dealt with ... [his] case... to enter the Waffen SS." Due to his "successes" he was "declared sincere and indispensable" (109:251-2; compare 142:253).

However, we are not impressed, for if we examine Gerstein's technical skill, judging it by the "Gerstein Statement," we wonder whether he would have passed an examination in elementary mathematics!

Let us here examine one example of Gerstein's mathematical proficiency. According to the "Gerstein Statement," Gerstein is supposed to have seen, while on a brief visit to Treblinka, 8 gas chambers and "whole mountains of clothes and underwear about 35-40 meters high" (109:254). Observe here, that he did not see one such high mountain of clothes, but "mountains" -- just how many he does not state. We will now examine this matter about the 35-40 meters high clothes mountains more closely, basing our figures on a height of 40 meters (131.2 ft).

If we assume each storey of a house is 2.66m we gather some vision of how high 40 meters really is. That would mean that the heap of clothes would be as high as a 15-storey building (40/2.66 = 15.04).

It should be apparent that no human being, even if he happens to be an Exterminationist, can throw clothes that high up, so that leads us to the question of how the clothes got to the top. We shall not examine here how such mountains of clothes could have got to Treblinka in the first place.

There is no record that the clothes were brought 40 meters up by means of high cranes; were thrown from airplanes; brought to the top by means of balloons, then parachuted; or blown up by huge, powerful blowers. We must not forget that the Exterminationists keep reminding us that the Germans were highly technically skilled and they used their know-how in executing the Extermination Program. Judging from pictures from other places of the collecting of clothes and articles (10:205, page unnumbered; 23:64 opp.; 25:3640; 29:53)[1] we can only assume they were brought to the top by human hands. The only way we can see they were brought to the top was by people climbing up the huge mountains of clothes.

Let us now out of curiosity find out about the area that ONE such mountain of clothes may have taken at Treblinka. We know the height of the mountain of clothes: some 40 meters. Assuming the heap of clothes to be a right triangle (90) what would the angle have been at the base? We feel that if we were to allow 30 at the base this would be too steep of a climb, and from what the Exterminationists claim -- that the victims at Treblinka were half dead even before their arrival at the camp -- a 30 angle seems out of the question. For even a person in good condition, a climb of 40 meters, with a 30 angle, would be quite a task and many a person would faint before even getting half way to the top. For the sake of the argument let us however start off with an angle of 30 and find out what measurements we would get.

First we must find out the measurement of the base in FIG.1 which we have represented with X.
(Figure 1)
Our object is now to find out the "tangent" or "tan" of the angle which we have assumed to be 30.


tan 30 = .577
then X = 40/.577
40 = 69.32

The measurement of X=69.32m is only the radius. The diameter or total length would be 138.64 (2 69.32). If we take the mountain of clothes to be a square we get:

138.64 138.64 = 19,221m2

A mountain of clothes that size would thus take up an area of 19,221 square meters or almost 2 hectares.

Let us suppose that the clothes would be spread around at the base in a circle. Then the area of the circle at the base whose radius is 69.32m would be:

area Pi r< = 3.1416 69.32<
                 = 4805 m<

However, not only would it be difficult to climb up a mountain of clothes 40m high having an angle of 30, but it would also be quite windy at the top and the wind would spread the clothes around. Besides, we wonder how such a mountain could be climbed in winter time. Gerstein claims it was "winter" while he was at Treblinka.[2] It is indeed a wonder that no Exterminationist has come up with the suggestion the slope was used for skiing down by the Germans, or to push victims down to their death, thus sparing them the gassing procedure. Think of all the Zyklon B they would have saved!

A 30 climb would be far too steep even under normal conditions. Let us therefore find out what the area in square meters would be if the angles were 20 or 10.

SOLUTION: tan 20 = .364
                     then  X = 40/.364
                             X = 109.89 m
        area 109.89 2 = 219.78 m
     219.78 219.78 = 4,8303 m<

The total area of such a mountain of clothes would be almost 5 hectares. Our next task is to find out the area of a 10:

SOLUTION: tan 10 = .176
                      then X = 40/.176
                             X = 227.27 m
        area 227.27 2 = 454.54 m
     454.54 454.54 = 20,6607 m<

This mountain of clothes would have taken over 20 hectares. Now, where was this immense mountain of clothes located at Treblinka and what about the rest of the 40 m high mountains? What about the shoes? What about the belongings the prisoners took with them? What about the suitcases, examples of which are displayed at Auschwitz? If there were several mountains of clothes as high as 40 meters at Treblinka, how many other mountains of other articles would have been there?[2]

Although the Exterminationists orgy in throwing the "Gerstein Statement" into the faces of their opponents and doubters, they never want, for obvious reasons, to go into the details about their cherished proof, which makes one wonder just how much trust they really put on their most valuable "evidence."

The interesting part comes, however, when we try to investigate how large the Treblinka camp was -- that is, if there was a camp at the place. The very existence of a concentration camp at Treblinka hinges on mere hearsay and flimsy evidence. It is highly doubtful if there ever was a concentration camp at Treblinka. There are no reliable records available which show this, and even Exterminationists themselves inform us that the whereabouts of the camp could not be determined after the Soviets took over the place.

As years have passed, the Exterminationists have rigged up[3] various locations purporting to be the location of the camps. In an endeavor to uphold the Extermination theory they have apparently divided Treblinka into two camps, one for labor, the other for extermination. These places are then called Treblinka 1 and Treblinka 2. There is no agreement on which place is which and it all seems to hinge on who asks the question.

The place furthest away from the railroad tracks (one source claims it is located about 1.5 km away, see 1, vol. 15:1366), by some indicated as Treblinka 2, can be dismissed, that is, if any credence can be placed on the present site. Today the place has the foundation of what purports to be 8 barracks besides two other foundations, one of which was fairly well built and which has a basement. It is not certain however whether the foundations of the 8 barracks were built by the Germans or not. They may just as well, as in the case of Chelmno, have been put there by the "liberators" after the war.

It is apparent, however, that if there was a camp there, not even one such clothes mountain could have been accommodated at the place. The area is far too small and the presence of the 8 barracks and the other buildings exclude such a huge mountain. Besides, the site of the so-called "gas chambers" which were located near the mountains of clothes is supposed to have been near the railroad tracks, about 1.5 km away.

It must be admitted, however, that this place which is located nearer the railroad tracks looks even more suspicious than the former. From evidence we could gather at the location, there was no proof of such a place at this location.[4]

One (of several) official figures the Exterminationists have given us of the total area for the "death camp" is 13.5 hectares, or 135,000 square meters (33.4 acres). If the camp was in a square the measurements would thus have been 367.4 m 367.4 m ( sqr(135,000) = 367.4 -- see FIG. 3). It may be readily seen that the camp could hardly have contained even one such mountain of clothes even if we were to allow an angle of 30. This camp is also supposed to have contained numerous buildings. A model of it is presented in Encyclopaedia Judaica (Vol. 15:1368) which is likely based on conjecture. It does illustrate the point, however, that the camp had numerous buildings. The mere presence of such a high mountain of clothes would have made it most difficult for the guards to keep an eye on the prisoners, besides, it would necessitate that a fence be built that was even higher than the mountain of clothes, for had the mountain of clothes been close to the fence (in the case of 10 angle it would of course go beyond it), the prisoners could have readily escaped over the fence unless it was higher than the clothes mountain. An angle of 10 would require that the fence surrounding the Treblinka camp would be over 34.3 meters. The whole notion of such a high fence is staggering, to say the least (see FIG. 3). To get the correct measurement of the entire fence, the length of the fence going above the base where the mountain of clothes is meeting, should be added to 34.3 m.

    The below circle graphs can be used to illustrate the total area which one such mountain of clothes would have taken of a camp having 13.5 hectares. An angle of 30 would require 14.2% of the circle.

If we take the 10 angle, the area for such a mountain of clothes would have extended the mountain beyond the camp, some 53 % or 194.7 meters and require a fence over 34.3 meters. The following graph will illustrate this point nicely if we assume the camp to be in the shape of a square.

FIG. 5 is based on a measurement that the Treblinka "death camp" had an area of 13.5 hectares (367.4 367.4). With an angle of 10 the mountain of clothes would reach 53% beyond the area of the camp. The fence surrounding the camp would have to be over 34.3 meters.
Similar experiments with measurements can be made on the others camps where the sizes of the camps have been given. Admittedly these figures are for the most times taken out of a clear blue sky, such as in the cases of Treblinka and Sobibor, but the Exterminationists inform us that the methods of procedure and the killing of the victims resembled each other at such places as Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka.

It is claimed that Sobibor "had an area of 60 hectares" (12:84; 774.6 774.6 m<, or 148.3 acres). This measurement, given to us by the Polish authorities, is a mystery of its own for when we investigated the area in 1978 we could not even determine if there was a camp there and what is shown to us today is a place having an area even less than that of Treblinka. Many of the trees at Sobibor were clearly older than the camp and while we were there they were cutting down the wood all around the place. Quite possibly the area which was cleared had been cleared of trees after the liberation, a method which has been used at such places as Chelmno.[5] The unsuspecting tourist learns nothing about this unless he is determined to make a thorough investigation of his own. As far as we know there never was an extermination or prison camp of any sort at Sobibor and what was there was likely nothing more than a small German military post. There is no evidence whatsoever of an extermination camp at Sobibor and a figure of about 100 x 100 meters should be more than adequate for the present site in making the experiment. Even if the clothes mountain had an angle of 30 it would have reached beyond the "camp."

The Exterminationist Leon Poliakov reports from the Jerusalem Tribunal in 1961 that the method of extermination at Belzec, as reported by Gerstein, "very much resembled the one at Treblinka" (142:411). We are told this also was true in the case of Sobibor, a place Gerstein had not "visited" nor did he "exactly" know where it was located, but which, according to him, had a daily death toll of 20,000 persons, some 5000 less per day than at Treblinka. (109:252; 142:412).

Two Polish "authorities" maintain a death rate for Sobibor which almost equals the alleged figure for Treblinka, some 600,000 (7:248; 12:84). As we are on a guessing journey we may as well speculate that Sobibor also had mountains of clothes. Gerstein had been instructed that one of his duties was to "disinfect a very large quantity of clothing" (142:412).

At Belzec the victims were instructed to "Take all clothing off" (142:414). Likely also here there were mountains of clothes. One Polish authority tells us that this camp "occupied a relatively small area rectangular in shape with sides measuring 275 and 263 metres respectively" (12:81; 7.2 hectares or 17.8 acres). Anyone who has visited Belzec and examined it, recognizes at once how ridiculously small the "death camp" really is and it is a wonder why the Exterminationists would bring this place up in evidence as one of the most elaborate places for extermination ever invented by man.

At the time the Germans were running Belzec the area inside was "camouflaged with branches and young trees," and at the center there was "a clump of trees" (12:81). When we examined the place in 1978, about half of it was forested. It would be interesting to know where even one mountain of clothes could be put in this camp.

In none of these alleged camps do mountains of clothes, 40 m high, fit in.

And here are some further observations. If we were to allow one set of underwear to each person, a liberal estimate counted on the basis of a 30 angle would be that one mountain of clothes 40m high would contain the underwear of at least 190 million people! The counting of one set of underwear per person cannot be considered to be too little as Exterminationists sometimes tell us the victims were put naked onto the trains, and if so, then the victims did not have any clothing with them on their arrival at the camps (compare 161:299; RH 17).

It should be evident from the above examples that no person with a sound mind can put any credence to such arrant nonsense as the Exterminationists are repeatedly dishing out to an uncritical public. The Extermination Theory should be placed where it really belongs: in the realms of fantasy. Viewed in this light the whole Theory will unfold as a fiction; a mental derangement foisted upon man on a mass scale in this era of "technology and enlightenment."


It should be recognized that none of the pictures presented in these sources have any resemblance to such a high mountain of clothes. Some of the pictures are purported to have been taken at Auschwitz-Birkenau. But if the mountains of clothes at Treblinka, a camp which the Exterminationists consider to be a small camp, were 40m high, how high must not the mountains of clothes have been at Auschwitz and Birkenau?
Apparently Gerstein was so confused that he did not know that August was not "in winter."
A good example of a camp being rigged is Stutthof. In a major Polish Exterminationist authority, published in 1962, it states: "Owing to the fact that Stutthof had no gas chamber installations they [the victims] were generally liquidated by bringing them in the shortest possible time to a 'natural' death." See 12:70. Today at Stutthof, however, they do show a gas chamber to the visitors. By comparing various photographs of this building it is apparent the building has been altered. Likely the "gas chamber" was rigged up in order to attract tourists. Concentration Camp tourism is now a valuable source of foreign exchange for Poland. There is now a Holiday Inn at Auschwitz, besides numerous smaller hotels and youth hostels.
The area has obviously been cleared of trees. The ones still standing at or near the "Extermination" place are much older than the camp. We are also told the extermination camp was located beside the railroad track. This is not so, at least not today. The best we can say of this place is that the whole area looks suspicious.
When we were at Chelmno in 1978 we talked to one of the men who had helped in cutting down the trees after the liberation. When we asked him if this cutting down of trees was not a deliberate attempt to fool the people, seeing books tell us this was an extermination camp, the man smiled, and said: "You know -- in books everything can be written!" According to his wife, the only thing which was there at the time of the Soviets taking over the place were two barracks. The place was then cleared of trees by the "liberators," foundations were set, all built to give a semblance of a former camp.


1. Encyclopedia judaica, Keter (Jerusalem), 1971/2.
7. Scenes of Fighting & Martyrdom Guide, Sports & Tourism Publications (Warsaw), 1968.
10. Oswiecim (Auschwitz), Michalak, Interpress (Warsaw), 1977.
12. Genocide 1939-1945, Datnet et al., Wydawnictwo Zachodnie (Warsaw), 1962.
23. From the History of KZ-Auschwitz, Smolem, Auschwitz
25. Auschwitz 1940-1945, Smolem, Auschwitz Museum, 1976.
29. Ausgewhlte Probleme aus der Geschichte des KL Auschwitz, Smolem, Auschwitz Museum, 1978.
109. The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Butz, IHR, 1976.
142. Debunking the Genocide Myth, Rassinier, IHR, 1978.

The complete Bible Researcher bibliography contains nearly 200 Exterminationist and Revisionist references, and is available from the author.

Auschwitz Notebook

'Gerstein Statement', More impossibilities

Ditlieb Felderer

The so-called "Gerstein Statement" continues to be the main evidence for the "Holocaust." The book Holocaust (New York, 1978) written by Gerald Green- on which the TV series of the same name was based-used the "Gerstein Statement" indirectly. The statement was also featured in evidence at both the Nuremberg Trials and the Jerusalem trial of Adolf Eichmann. Two different versions were used, which are reproduced in Paul Rassinier's Debunking the Genocide Myth (142: pp. 410-423). The Nuremberg version is also reproduced in Professor Butz's book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (109: pp. 251-258). Both these excellent authors deal with the mystery surrounding the identity and death of Kurt Gerstein, and the discrepancies between the various statements attributed to him. But here, let us instead concentrate our attention on some of the contents.

Amongst other things, Gerstein states that a train with 45 cars which had arrived at Belzec contained "6,700 persons; 1,450 of whom were already dead on their arrival."

If so, each car must have held 148.9 persons on average (6,700 / 45); for simplicity's sake let us say 150. As these 6,700 persons were prisoners, the number of guards and staff accompanying the train should be added, which would decrease the area per person even further; so much so, in fact, that one wonders if cramming people together like this would not be sufficient to kill all of them, thus saving the Germans the trouble of shipping them to the " death camps. "

Is it in fact possible to squeeze over 150 people into one railroad car? We should not forget that the prisoners often carried big bundles with them, and we are told that on occasions even furniture went along (compare 142: pp. 200-2 and pp. 360-6). In Encyclopedia Judaica under the heading "Belzec" a picture is presented which purports to show "Jews in Zaniosc waiting for deportation to the Belzec extermination camp" (1, Vol. 4; p. 454). Observe here the bundles of belongings the Jews carry with them. At Treblinka, Gerstein claims there were mountains of clothes and underwear up to 40 meters high (see my analysis in Journal Of Historical Review, Spring 1980). A lot of wagons would have been needed just to transport all these belongings.

Gerstein is very confused. At first he claims that the Belzec "gas chambers" numbered "three garage-like rooms on each side, 4 x 5 meters large and 1.90 meters high." That would make a total of 6 "gas chambers" each having an area of 20 square meters. Further on he suggests that there were only 4 "gas chambers" at Belzec and that the area of each chamber was "25 square meters" or "45 cubic meters." Gerstein's mathematical skill reaches its usual low grade, for it is obvious that if the chambers measured 4 x 5 meters, the area would not be 25 square meters, but 20. And the cubic capacity would have been 38 cubicmeters, not 45. Evenif thearea was "25 square meters" it still does not work out at "45 cubic meters" in capacity, but 47.5 (25 x 1.90).

What is even more amazing however, is the number of people who supposedly went into each chamber to be exterminated. A total of 700 to 800 people are supposed to have been placed in each chamber. The following table will illustrate what this literally means, using the wide range of figures for dimensions, which Gerstein uses throughout his "statement." From this table, we can truly agree with Gerstein that the people were literally "crushed together" which in reality should have made the gassing by Diesel fumes entirely unnecessary. (See table below).

As can be seen from this table, the number of persons allotted to one square meter ranges from 30 to 40 people; that is, if we could mold each person into a square, allowing no space in between. From a practical viewpoint, it would be quite a job to get even six standing grown-ups into one square meter. The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that the room was only 1.90 meters (6'3") high. Any tall person, especially any still wearing shoes, would have to stoop. Even though six people would be the limit in these circumstances, Gerstein's know-how managed to cram in up to 40 people per square meter. He does admit that it was rather crowded in the chamber, but this remark is certainly a real exercise in understatement! And these calculations are all figured on the basis of people being a regular shape, and with no allowance for space in between!

Another curious observation we make with the "Gerstein Statement" is his mentioning how he could observe the victims dying and know when they had died. He writes: "Many of the people, it is true, are dead at that point. One can see this through the little window when the electric lamp reveals, for a moment, the inside of the chamber."

One wonders how it was that anything at all was visible through the "little window" considering so many people were crammed in there? All that would be visible would be somebody's back or chest squashed up against the window. The point about the electric light is so absurd that it makes the whole thing a complete nonsense.

Gerstein writes that "like stone statues, the dead are still standing, there having been no room to fall or bend over." Obviously if any person was taller than 1.90m (6'3") he would have had to bend over or stoop in order to get in! it would indeed be curious to know how Gerstein (with a stop-watch in hand, take note) could have possibly known whether or not the victims were dead, seeing as he is telling us they were all still standing! There is no way that a central light could have been seen from the window, or anything at all except the skin of the person nearest the door!

Let us finally return to the 5,250 people who survived the train ride from Lvov (6,700 less 1,450 = 5,250). We note that Gerstein claims only (!) 750 people were put into each chamber; despite the fact that they could hold up to 800, according to his previous assertions. That would mean that 3,000 people (750 x 4) were put into each of the four chambers. But what then happened to the rest; some 2,250 people? If it was possible to crush 750 people into one chamber, then why not 1,313 people into each chamber (5,250 -- 4 = 1312.5)? If Gerstein is going to allege that the chamber was crammed with 40 people per square meter, then 75-odd people per square meter should not present too much of a problem to such a magician, should it?

In spite of all the absurdities, impossibilities, erroneous and contradictory figures, the "Gerstein Statement" continues to maintain its supremacy in Exterminationist lore. Perhaps this is just as well, from a cynical Revisionist viewpoint, for few things could better illustrate the mythical nature of the "Holocaust" than this very item.


The numbers used refer to the author's Revisionist Bibliography of almost 200 Revisionist and Exterminationist titles, which is available direct from the author. Those titles mentioned in this text axe as follows:

1 Encyclopedia Judaica, Jerusalem, 16 volumes, 1971/2.
109 Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, IHR, 1979.
142 Paul Rassinier, Debunking the Genocide Myth, IFIR, 1979.

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