
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Friday, April 6, 2012

Else Löser - Poland and Falsifications of Polish History

The Website of Carlos Whitlock Porter

and Falsifications of
Polish History

Else Löser

Self-published by ELSE LÖSER

(expanded in the form of a brochure)

Held in 1981:
at Aumühle/Hbg., August;
Mannheim, September;
the Steiermark, October.

Further events forthcoming.

“Just have the courage to state the truth openly and without embarrassment! It will introduce doubt into the soul of the person listening. Folly seeks flight when exposed to the air of doubt. You have no idea what can often be achieved by means of a single word.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

GERMAN were the parents and grandparents of
NICHOLAS COPERNICUS, the formulator of the modern concept of the cosmos.
GERMAN was the territorial association which he joined in 1496 as a student in Bologna.
GERMAN (in addition to scientific Latin) was every word he ever bequeathed to the world.
THUS the German people salutes its great son,
500 years after his birth.
[p. 5]
With regards to the theme of my remarks:
Poland and Falsifications of Polish History
I would like to begin with a few remarks about myself personally, for the purpose of explaining why I am so familiar with circumstances in Poland.
I was born and grew up in former Congress Poland, which was, at that time, annexed to Czarist Russia. Both my own experiences, and those of my forefathers, date back to the period prior to the First World War. I learned a great deal from reports from my parents and grandparents, and much from my own experience. My family only settled in Bromberg, West Prussia after the First World War. Many thousands of German families unwilling to live in a Polish state following the restoration of Poland did the same at that time, attempting to reach the German Reich by moving to territory granted to Germany by plebiscite. After the first territories subjected to plebiscites achieved overwhelming majorities of up to 97 and 98%, the Poles prevented all further plebiscites. Upper Silesia, despite a clear German majority, was terrorized by Polish rebellions, during which time German residents were repeatedly attacked for so long that Upper Silesia was partitioned by the League of Nations as the result of French pressure and French extortion. West Prussia was therefore lost without a plebiscite. We were therefore forced to become Polish citizens. I experienced life in Poland and suffered enough there to be well aware of the Polish national character from my own experience. In Germany, people know very little, or absolutely nothing, of the nature and objectives of the Poles; all sorts of lies and slanders are naively accepted as revealed truths. I would therefore like to educate people in this regard, since eventual understanding can only come about as a result of an exact knowledge of the history and development of the Poles. Truth on both sides is a precondition to any reconciliation. As long as one side continues to lie without restraint, and the other is compelled to keep silent, for whatever reasons, there will be no reconciliation and no reparation of injustice. Lies destroy all approach to reconciliation. Only the truth on both sides can exert a healing influence.
I therefore wish to make the Poles comprehensible to you in their cruel reality, in all their doings. In so doing, I must also discuss the historical facts.
An evil proverb referred to the eternal enmity between Poles and Germans and Poles has existed among the Polish people for decades. The proverb states: Póki ś wiat ś wiatem, Polak Niemcowi nie bedzie bratem. In translation, this means: As long as the world exists, a Pole will never be a brother to the Germans -- a truly malicious saying, which has no equivalent in German-speaking regions. This proverb is an expression of the great vehemence of Polish hatred.
What are the origins of this merciless hatred? Is there any historical justification for it? No, not at all.
Such abysmal hatred is foreign to the German soul. On the German side, people have always been prepared to build bridges and help in any way. This is a fact which anyone can repeatedly verify, even today, when the same people who expelled us from our homes and farms, who plundered us and even murdered many of us, seek -- and obtain -- our assistance. The inefficient Polish economy is supported by German assistance in sums running into the billions, while the German population donates thousands of tons of food. Before me is a copy of a document from the "Komisja Charytatywna Episkopatu Polski" from Kattowitz, dated 10 April 1981, in which the auxiliary bishop, Czeslaw Domin, Chairman of the Charitable Committee of the Conference of Polish Bishops, confirms that 700 tons of food had already been received, intended for the people of his homeland. He also confirms that he is aware that he is dependent on assistance from neighboring countries. The assistance received from these neighboring countries, is nevertheless alleged to be but “a drop in the ocean”. What this really means is: “Send more”. And we Germans do send more.
Months have passed since the letter of 10 April 1981, and we Germans have collected money to help Poland all this time. People fall head over heels all over themselves out of pure pity: ecclesiastical institutions collect, schools collect, private persons collect, associations collect, proclamations to contribute are posted in hospitals and banks, a fixed contribution of 25 DM per assistance package is even demanded from church pulpits. Anything less isn’t enough! And the Germans contribute overwhelmingly. Thousands of tons of assistance are sent to Poland in road-trains. Another final proof that the Germans do not hate the Poles, nor have they ever in their long history. But what thanks do we get for all this from Poland? Only renewed hatred, since nothing in the world generates more hatred than when people are repeatedly compelled, as a result of their own incompetence, to accept gifts and assistance, which is, after all, perceived as mere alms, in order to survive.
But Poland is not a charity case. Poland didn’t come into need as a result, for example, of earthquakes, floods, hurricanes or even overpopulation of the territory. No natural catastrophe is responsible for the present situation in Poland, but rather, the proverbial Polish economy, the incompetence of the leadership classes and their corruption in every respect. Poland is not poor, but is on fruitful soil, since with East Prussia, East Pomerania, East Brandenburg, Silesia and Danzig, it came into possession of almost 103,000 square kilometers consisting of territories which had, for the most part, once been the granaries of Germany. The territories of West Prussia and Posen alone should be producing surpluses -- just as they once did. With the takeover of German territories by Polish administration, including the coal and iron ore reserves of Upper Silesia and our flourishing industries and harbors, Poland possessed all the preconditions for a sound economy. But a people which merely distils the thousands of tons of potatoes and wheat in vodka and then simply drinks it, is naturally unprepared, and unable, to work for its living.
Regardless of these considerations, it must be observed that Poland is not suffering from starvation, as is often implied. There are supply difficulties due to poor organization, but there is no starvation. Other forces are at work here, but a new type of plundering of the German economy. And the docile Germans fall for it. They give and give, demanding nothing in return -- for example, not even exit visas for the hundreds of thousands of ethnic Germans compelled to remain in Poland, in violation of their human rights. These ethnic Germans, compelled to remain and work in virtual slavery, while young Poles leave their country in droves expecting a warm welcome in Germany and Austria. These young economic refugees, who come to us with their exit visas in order, are not the slightest bit modest in demanding our assistance; on the contrary, they make arrogant demands – doesn’t that tell us something? Any municipality compelled to accept them can tell you what a headache they are.
The nature of the Poles is revealed by an incident, reported upon by the Deutsche Wochenzeitung of 4 September 1981. While the Poles accept our assistance with both hands, Polish hack writers dare to spit in our faces. Thus, the newspaper "Polnische Perspektiven" took advantage of the Prussian Exhibition to allow Marian Podkowinski to write:
"History has handed down its negative judgement about Prussia. The present attempt at resuscitation should almost be regarded as the desecration of a corpse. It would be more reasonable to allow a broad silence to reign over the Prussian corpse. In the interests of the Germans as well. Tilsit should, in particularly, be of the same significance for the Germans as Poltava for the Swedes, in case anybody is ever interested in archeology."
And while payment of German assistance was running full-tilt and our media were informing us that this had already exceeded the sum of 22 million DM, we read the following under the heading "Television Shows Anti-German War Films" in the daily newspaper "Die Rheinpfalz" of 18 December 1981:
"Almost the only thing broadcast for entertainment consists of war films showing the crimes of the Germans during WWII. TV series about brave young Poles fighting the German Order of the Teutonic Knights are even featured as weekly children’s programs. Almost the only thing you hear on the radio is march music."
The decisive battle against the Teutonic Knights took place in 1410. That was 570 years ago, but the Poles are still inoculating their children with hatred of the Teutonic Knights, even today!
And we thank them for their hatred with foodstuffs worth many millions of marks!
That is the coin with which the Poles have paid for German assistance since the very birth of the Polish state. But when has a debtor ever loved his creditor, especially when there is no possibility of repayment of the debt? We Germans ought finally to take note of this, and act accordingly. The Russians and French have never done anything for the Poles, and -- for this very reason – are not only not hated, but are respected.
We must finally fathom the origins of this hatred in order to understand all the later developments and false attitudes of the Poles for the Germans. We must finally speak of the falsifications of Polish history. When were these committed and to what purpose?
The Poles today are a vain and arrogant people, especially the upper classes. They have few gifts, they are not productive and creative, they have given the world nothing magnificent. Because they were unable to develop for long centuries, they developed negatively. Thus they made demands without being able to produce services, they are greedy for the property of others, they think only of themselves and convince themselves that they are the center of the world. There are no realities for them, they live in daydreams and haughtiness.
The Poles perceive their inferiority as a people but fail to recognize the reasons for it. They think they are entitled to make demands, and these demands are made of the Germans, instead of their real oppressors, who skillfully direct their demands and their hatred.
Since their conversion to Christianity, the people have been subject to a strict clergy, which prevents the development of the personality. They cannot free themselves from this straitjacket. They are kept down so much that they increasingly unload their repressed aggression in unparalleled hatred against the Germans, who are freer and richer. This hatred is once again manipulated by the clergy and since the clergy represents the greatest power among the people, and since the people trusts its Christian church, it also follows its leadership. The Church triumphs in Poland. And the Catholic church was the arch enemy of the German Reich from the very beginning. The Poles were and are exploited as tools to bleed the Germans and the German economy white.
In proof of what I just said, I will reproduce a Catholic Polish battle song, which was sung at the Pan-Slavic Congress in Prague in 1848:
"Brothers, take up your scythes! Let us hurry to war!
Poland's oppression is over, we shall tarry no more.
Gather hordes about yourselves. Our enemy, the German, shall fall!
Loot and rob and burn! Let the enemies die a painful death.
He that hangs the German dogs will gain God's reward.
I, the provost, promise you shall attain Heaven for it.
Every sin will be forgiven, even well-planned murder,
If it promotes Polish freedom everywhere.
But curses on the evil one who dares speak well of Germany to us.
Poland shall and must survive. The Pope and God have promised it.
Russia and Prussia must fall. Hail the Polish banner!
So rejoice ye all: Polzka zyje, great and small!" 9
[Alternate translation:
“Brothers, pick up your sickles! Let’s hurry to battle!
Poland’s serfdom is at an end, we refuse to wait any longer.
Gather hordes all around you all. May our enemy, the German, fall!
Plunder, rob, scorch, burn. Let the enemy die horribly.
Anybody who hangs the German dogs will receive God’s reward.
I, the Provost, firmly promise you the Kingdom of Heaven for it.
I will forgive every sin, even premeditated murder
In support of a free Poland from place to place.
But curse the villain who defends the Germans among us.
Poland should and must exist. The Pope and God promise it to me.
Russian and Prussia must disappear. Hail the Polish banner.
Exult gladly in it: Polzka zyje, large and small!”]
Every reader must feel the blood run cold as such diabolical hatred. Poles nevertheless claim to be tolerant in religious matters, to safeguard human rights and even that they struggle to protect them . Human rights is understood by them to refer exclusively to the realization of their own demands.
This song has come down to us in the German language [Translator’s note: this is undoubtedly true, since it rhymes perfectly in German; for example, “Fluch dem Bösewicht, der vor uns für Deutschland spricht”, i.e., “Curse the villain who defends the Germans among us”] This proves that the Poles, the so-called “original Slavs” with the “Slavic”-Polish past, were still using the German language predominantly in 1848, because their own language was not yet very strongly established at that time. They also wanted to reach all Catholics, since they always claim that Catholics and Poles are one and the same.
At this point, I would like to refer to an event which was just recently rescued from oblivion by German publications—the Polish revolts of 1830 against the Russian oppression. The revolts failed, the Poles fled in great hordes and were lovingly received and cared for—where do you think? Why, in Germany, of course. “Die Rheinpfalz”, a newspaper in Ludwigshafen, on 8 August 1981, commemorated the "German and Polish tears in the wine of the Harz Mountains"; it reports how Germans and Poles fraternized and were one in the struggle for freedom, how they sang Polish songs and how the Germans exulted with the Poles and encouraged the continued life of Poland.
The report repeats the description of a reception of the Poles on 19 January 1832 in Neustadt an den Haardt. It is characteristic for the German mentality of general love of humanity and decisive proof that there is no anti-Polish hatred on the part of the Germans. The report states:
“Hardly was the news received, late on the 18th, that the Poles were arriving in Neustadt the next day and would spend the night with us, than there was great excitement. They consulted on the type of reception they were to be given and the manner in which these highly honored guests were to be welcomed.
.... The Germans were soon cheering the victorious Poles of 29 November, soon German and Polish tears were flowing into the wine of the Harz Mountains, at the quickly awakening memory of the fall of Warsaw. Then a Polish fighter and an enthusiastic German, enthusiastically hoping to avenge him, were soon embracing. There Poles and Germans cried together over the fate of the 80-year old father of the Pole, who had been sent to Siberia as a commutation of the sentence of the absolutists… he had been sentenced because his son was a patriot .....”
To me, what is significant about this report is not only the sincere welcome given the Poles by the tippling Pfalzers, but rather, the fact that they communicated with each other exclusively in the German language, since the Pfalzer could only have sung along if the Polish songs had all had German texts at that time. To me, this is further indication that the hateful Polish Catholic battle song of 1848 was written in German. The German friendship and sympathy with which the Poles were received were repaid by the Poles, only a few years later, with abysmal hatred. But that was nothing new. Efforts had already been made to wipe out everything German on earlier occasions as well. Thus, even in the 18th century, Catholic Bambergers who had immigrated after the Black Plague, following their bishop, were Polonized by force: they were refused religious services and catechism in German and were re-educated as Poles. By the time of the First World War, these Bambergers were so Polonized that they could no longer speak German -- despite their German Bamberger costumes, which they still wore, and as a result of which they were still called “Bamberki”.
This was the Polish religious tolerance, to which the Poles so proudly refer whenever they can. The Catholic Polish battle song of 1848 is not the only example of clerical hatred. These existed, and continue to exist, in such great numbers that one cannot list them all. I only wish to quote a few. From the text "Poland’s Guilt for the Second World War" by Rudolf Trenkel from Thorn an den Weichsel.
“On 26 August 1920, the Polish priest in Adelnau said in an address: ‘All Germans in Poland must be hanged.’
“On 27 December 1921, the cathedral canon of Posen Pryndzinski, in a hateful sermon against everything German, said: ‘Our job isn’t finished yet. The interior must be secured, Vilna and Lemberg must still be secured, we must seize Danzig by force’".
And Peter Aurich, in his book, "German-Polish September, 1939" wrote as follows:
"... after the Cracow newspaper ‘Czas’ had gone so far as to announce that ‘Poland’s artillery is aimed at Danzig to protect Poland’s honor’, not a single Sunday went by without ‘holy war against German neo-paganism’ being preached from the pulpits, and prayers were said for the victory of Polish arms."
And on page 47 he says:
“Colonel of the General Staff Switalski, in the name of the Polish army in Graudenz, gave a speech at a reception for bishops Dominik and Dr. Okoniewsld, concluding with the words: ‘Pray with us today .... so that our brothers may hold out, that their probationary period may be shortened, and so that a great deed – a second Grunwald, may liberate us from lack of freedom and ensure us a corresponding peace.’"
Grunwald is what the Poles call the Battle of Tannenberg, which broke the power of the Teutonic Knights in 1410. In this regard, you need to know that there is no place called Grunwald. The battle took place in the vicinity of the village of Grünefelde near Tannenberg. The Poles not only link Grunwald with the defeat of the Teutonic Knights, but also, the future victory in the Grunewald of Berlin [Translator’s note: Grunewald is a suburb of Berlin, by far the most expensive residential area of the city, even today]. As I said, these are not the only proofs of the guilt of the Polish clergy for the atrocities against the Germans. Only this systematic education in hatred, which had its origins in the Polish churches and Polish intellectualism, could lead to Bromberg “Bloody Sunday”, which was, however, not the first incident of its kind.
There was also an earlier massacre at Bromberg, on 22 April 1654, when all the Evangelicals in the city were massacred. When Polish priests preach from the pulpit: "The Germans are your enemies – the enemies of Catholic Poland", when murder weapons are blessed and distributed in churches, one need not search far for the guilty parties.
The peak of hatred however was reached by the cathedral canon, Prelate Kos, who, during a victory celebration of the Polish National Democratic Party at the triumph of Versailles, presented a song of hatred, which he had taken from a drama written by a certain Lucjan Rydel, "Jeńcy" (The Prisoners) in 1902:
“Wherever the Germans sets his foot, the earth bleeds for 100 years. Wherever the Germans carry water and drink, the wells putrefy for 100 years.
“Wherever the Germans breathe, the Black Plague rages for 100 years. Wherever the Germans extend their hand, peace goes down in ruins. And if you were 100 years old, the Germans would be ready to deny it.
“He deceives the strong, robs and dominates the weak, and if there were a road straight to Heaven, he would not hesitate to dethrone God. And we would then have the experience of seeing the Germans stealing the sun from the sky.”
This can only have been written by somebody whose nature bears hatred inside, whose entire life is eaten up by hate and envy. If he were not such a sick-minded hater himself, how could he generate such inhuman thoughts? A normal person doesn’t think this way. But that a cathedral canon, a worthy prelate, should repeat this song of hatred against the Germans at a victory celebration 20 years after it was first poured out by this “poet” is monstrous and proves most effectively that the outbreak of hatred of the people was controlled by the Polish church. The song of 1848 “Brothers, Pick Up Your Sickles, etc.”, is, after all, of “Christian” origin, and was sung well into Korfanty’s time, i.e., the 1920s.
Let us now investigate the testimonies of hatred of the Polish intellectual classes, which are a result of this ecclesiastical incitement since 1848. Local historian and scholar in Polish matters, Alexander Treiche, in his book, “History of German Culture of Rippin [Poland] and the Surrounding Regions”, wrote:
“In the years of revolution, 1904 to 1906, we were always hearing that all Germans ought to be slaughtered in a single night. To slaughter the Germans from the cradle upwards was the slogan of the Poles at that time. But even in the time when our parents and grandparents were still children, during the 19th century, they often heard this horrible slogan about the slaughter of all the Germans, with which the Poles had obviously been indoctrinated for generations."
And then there are the publications from the year 1929 in the Polish newspaper "League for Great Power", third edition:
“In war against the Germans, there will be no prisoners and no room for human feelings. We will astonish the world with the unusual, the bloody victims exceeding human proportions with which we will wash away the shame of the insults which we have had to endure from the Germans. In the Polish army, we must bear the spirit of an irreconcilable struggle rising to the point of cruelty."
And on 3 October 1937, the same newspaper for Polish megalomania, according to the Neueste Nachrichten of Munich:
“The struggle between Poles and Germans is inevitable. We must prepare ourselves for it systematically. Our aim is a new Grunwald, but this time a Grunwald in the suburbs of Berlin, i.e., the defeat of Germany must be carried by Polish troops to the center of the territory, in order to strike Germany in the heart. Our ideal is a Poland in the West, with the Oder and Neiße as border.
“Prussia must be re-conquered for the Poles, and we mean Prussia on the Spree [a river in eastern Germany, running through the states of Saxony, Brandenburg and Berlin]. The world must tremble before the German-Polish war. In the ranks of our soldiers we must carry the spirit of merciless hatred.
“From this very day onwards, every issue of this paper will be dedicated to the coming Grunwald in Berlin.”
In March 1939, my brother, in a night club in Bromberg, heard Polish officers talking to each other about how they would “wade through German blood” in the event of a war with Germany. The lists with addresses of the Germans were already prepared. He had no idea that he himself would fall victim to this murder lust.
And in January 1945, when the Russian advance was approaching Litzmannstadt (where I was staying at the time) the Polish slogan was:
“Reich Germans, pack your bags,
Ethnic Germans, prepare your coffins!”
And my family paid for these blood-thirsty words with their lives. Except that they were no longer alive to buy any coffins.
The Poles weren’t just anxious to shed blood in 1939 and 1945, they began immediately after the creation of their new state. The bloodiest rebellions raged in West Prussia, in the region of Posen and Upper Silesia. The Korfanty bands terrorized German Upper Silesia since August 1919 until the division of the territory in violation of international law in 1922. In Posen, in 1921, it was possible to read the following on posters and in leaflets:
“With this broom we will sweep the last Germans from Poland!
Any that are still there in July 1921 is German trash and will be slaughtered to a man, and the biggest Hakatists [ethnic German Catholics] will be covered with petroleum and tar, set on fire and burned… .
Now they’ll all going to get it... all doctors, pastors, lawyers, leaseholders, settlers, property owners of all kinds, whether German or Jewish.”
There are also enough admissions of endless Polish covetousness. I only wish to quote a few:
On 13 June 1926, the Gazeta Gdanska wrote:
“The safest tanks in Pomerelia [region of eastern Pomerania, along the Baltic coast, historically including the city of Danzig] are the millions of Polish settlers. All land still in possession of the Germans must be torn from German hands.”
On 19 June 1929, the "Straznia baltycka" announced:
“Danzig, too, is a Polish city and will be ours. Your duty is to conquer Danzig, that tiny piece of Polish land waiting impatiently for you.”
In 1937, the [Polish] General Staff officer [Hendry] Baginski, states as follows, among other things, in his book, which is constantly being republished:
“Until peace reigns in Europe, until the name of Prussia, which is after all already the name of a people which has long since disappeared from the map of Europe, has been wiped out, until the Germans have shifted their capital city Berlin further to the West.”
A Polish General Staff officer reveals quite clearly here the Polish lust for war and the objective of that war: the incorporation of Prussia into Poland and the extinction of the name of Prussia! Later we will see the same Polish objective from the mouths of the highest dignitaries of the Polish Church.
In reply, we must ask: on the German side, did anybody ever express any desire or demand to shift Cracow or Warsaw further to the East?
The Pan-Slavic Youth Association on 4 May 1929 incited the people with the following publication:
“In 1410, the Germans were defeated at Tannenberg. But now we will smash them at Berlin. Danzig, East Prussia, Silesia, are minimum demands. Through this gigantic victory Poland will rule all of Europe.”
The Polish Professor, Limanowski, from Vilna, was right when he said of his countrymen:
“It lies in the nature of the Poles that they cannot remain in the realms of the real; their fantasy reaches further; whenever they get this hands on a piece of land, they want more. They want the whole world.”
In fact, they do want the whole world. In June 1929, they gave further proof of it:
"The hour of freedom will soon ring for the historically Polish territories. The ‘Pax Polonica’ will cause Europe to tremble. Fate has given Poland the historical task of forming the life of Central Europe."
The manner in which Central Europe was to be shaped after the war was announced by the Polish Minister of Industry, Hilary Hinc, when he announced as follows regarding the theft of German land and wealth:
".... We have carried out territorial gains in the West in a previously unprecedented manner – the easiest and most favorable: we have acquired territories in which streets, railways and waterways were already available as well as cities, which only await settlement, industrial installations, which only await activation , and coal mines. There are also a few residues of the German population which will be liquidated in a short time, in the manner that suits us, as we are morally and legally entitled to do under international law."
Next to megalomania, what is recklessly revealed here is the Polish lust for robbery and murder, which breaks out in this people over and over again. The most shocking thing is that this Minister of Industry, the same one who wants to liquidate the residues of the remaining German population at whim and who constantly brags that they are entitled to do so under morals and international law, bears a German name.
He is obviously a German, “re-educated” for centuries, as in many other cases as well. The Poles call that "a German having risen in the Polish culture". An old proverb, a few centuries old, confirms this over and over, that men of our blood who leave their country [and] apply their strength and skill to another people, are lost to us. They not only become loyal citizens of their new country. Vanity and a need for validity drives them to become our bitterest enemies in two or three generations – sometimes even faster. For the most part, they do valuable cultural work, which the host peoples benefit by, but they themselves become renegades, culturally enriching other nations. Renegades always carry the poison sting of treason, and precisely for this reason, they become worse haters of their ancestry than if it were truly foreign to them. There are endless examples of this turncoat attitude in all countries of the world. The best known deniers of their German blood were after all, Catherine the Great of Russia, the princess from Darmstadt, and the American, General Eisenhower - Eisenhauer.
Let us now turn to the history of the origins of Poland and the Polish people.
The Poles are a very young people without origins of their own, created, as it were, in a test tube. They received their land from the Germans, their language from Glagolitic monks [followers of the Greek monk St. Cyril, inventor of an alphabet for the Christian conversion of Slavic tribes], working on behalf of Rome. They have hardly anything of their own to show. They are Germans reeducated on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church for centuries, mixed with Eastern and Turkish-Mongolian tribes. They not only derived their folk costumes from the Turks, they learned their way of waging war from the Tatars. They testify to this themselves.
We should not ignore or underestimate this Polish reference to their own race, since here the Poles themselves give an indication of their origins of the Polish people.
We already know that the Glagolitic church language of the bishop of Cracow, Vinzenz Kadlubek (Wolf Gottlobonis) was used as the basis for his artificial "Chronica polonorum" and that the purpose was to eradicate the direct connection between the settlers with their old country. That was only the first step, which has remained completely unnoticed by outsiders. Only 200 years later did the opportunity arise for the second step, when the Lithuanian prince Jagiello, with the approval of his Christian bishops, recruited hordes of Mongols for a war against German Teutonic Knights. With this assistance, and the cruel Asiatic methods of fighting, German culture was to be defeated and erased. The Teutonic Knights were beaten and never recovered from this bloodletting. Asiatic hordes, spiritual intrigue and German stupidity, flourishing to the point of treason, did the work.
From the present situation, we know that victors never withdraw immediately after the end of the struggle. They remain in the land to enjoy the fruits of their victory and especially the women, in order to rape them and destroy their racial integrity. The hordes of robbers at that time did the same as they did in 1945, when they fell upon us and our people, especially our women. This was just as calculated, as it is today in the Pan-European idea of Count Coudenhove-Calergi [a racial mongrel who became famous in the 1920s]: a mishmash people that can more easily be ruled.
When the Poles, in their official history books, openly admit that they learned their lust for war from the Tatars and took their costumes from the Turks, then they are admitting that they are also racially related to the Turkish Mongols. Because only somebody of related blood could adopt a cruel, bloodthirsty method of fighting as his own and even brag about it. Only when it reflects one’s inner nature, can one say: plunder, rob, scorch, murder, let the enemies die horribly! There is not a single example of this type, down through the centuries to the present day, of German soldiers and priests talking this way, because it does not reflect their nature. On the other hand, we have many such Polish admissions. This shows the late consequences of this mixture of blood with Asians, which was introduced by the anti-German clergy with their policy of de-Germanization. This reveals the time of the origins of the Polish people. It reveals itself so clearly and in history that we must ask with astonishment why it even required these Polish admissions to be able to recognize these facts clearly. We are grateful to the Poles for opening our eyes in this manner.
The seed of the bishop Kadlubek nevertheless did not grow so quickly as intended, because, until well into the 15th century, the new artificial language was unable to prevail. Precisely the citizens of Cracow, the place of origin of the former inventor of the artificial language, resisted the longest against the adoption of Polish as a lingua franca. It has been historically proven by the later Polish historian Ptaśnik that Cracow remained almost completely German until well into the 15th century. There is a large proportion of German blood in the Polish people today, since all through the centuries the most hardworking forces from the Reich went to the East and were called there, as may be seen from the names of people as well as for cities and village. Always when German people were decisive in the leadership of the land, the land flourished. As soon as the Asian blood mixture became dominant with the help of clerical intrigue, there was devastation and pogroms. More and more Germans became subject to these methods of compulsion, but only after the rise of Pan-Slavism, since about 1848, this Asiatic hatred broke out into the open. Since then, Poland is no longer a European country. It has erased itself from European culture through endless hatred and blind chauvinism.
But the German East never belonged to the Asians, it is clearly a German settlement area, even if Turks and Asians temporarily flocked there and left traces. They contributed nothing to construction or culture. All attempts of the Poles and their foolish or treasonable German helpers, to refer to the German areas occupied by the Poles at that time as “originally Slavic settlement territories", must be decisively rejected, since they are obvious falsifications.
The Poles have represented the thousand-year celebration of the Christian conversion of the regions on the Weichsel, Warthe and Oder as the time of birth of their thousand-year old identity as a state, but that is a falsification. At the time of Christian conversion, there was neither Polish land nor a Polish people, nor any Polish princes. The Poles, of course, still believe that in the meantime, because it is brainwashed into them by their clergy, but just the same, it is not true. Unfortunately, the Germans believe it, too, because history has been so completely falsified. And I will attempt to prove this based on history.
Richard Suchenwirth, in his work, The German East, reports on the development of the German Eastern territories. These are excellent reports.
But the author makes false assumptions based on the notion that there were both a Polish land and people, without ever asking where they came from and what their origins were. He describes the whole process of settlement as having been carried out by Germans, with great displays of erudition, and repeatedly says that there is no proof that the wars fought at that time were between the two peoples, but were, on the contrary, purely religious struggles and wars of Christian conversion, but nevertheless assumes the existence of a Polish people without offering any proof of it. This is how stubbornly historical falsifications have become established among us. Suchenwirth’s book isn’t the only one on the subject. To learn how much has been falsified, erased, omitted and added, you have to read "The Falsification of German History" by Wilhelm Kammeier and the "Slavic Legend" by Lothar Greil. They really open your eyes.
First I’d like to describe what we were taught about early Polish history when we learned it in school. They begin with the Christian conversion. Today, the Poles give an entirely different date for it. But let’s begin with [one of] the early rulers of Poland, Mieszko I, who underwent Christian baptism and founded the Polish kingdom, which bordered on Prussian territory. As is well known, the pagan Prussians resisted Christian conversion for the longest time. We learned that the cruel orders of knighthood subjugated the Prussians with fire and sword. This is described very vividly by the Polish poet Henryk Sienkiewicz. At the same time, the Poles were naturally innocent victims.
This novel, "With Fire and Sword" plays the most important role in the lives of all Poles who base their knowledge of history of the people and the intellectuals on this chauvinistic novel. Furthermore, the orders of knighthood are equated with the Germans.
In truth, however, the orders were never subordinate to the German Reich or Emperor; it was an independent body in the service of the Pope. Members were exclusively Germans from the Reich, but their sole function was to protect the interests of the Catholic Church, as demanded by the Catholic faith generally at that time. Their wars were wars of Christian conversion and not wars between Germans and Poles, which didn’t exist at the time.
The Poles are always talking about their victory at Grunwald in 1410 against the orders of knighthood, in which they are said to have been the conquering heroes. In fact, they only achieved their victory through the unparalleled and unscrupulous treachery in the ranks of the order itself.
[This section was problematic, as it was difficult to understand the nature of the claims being made. Deletion of text quoted by Else Loeser; substitution of text by Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen and Robert Reinhold Oheim :
“Their [the Teutonic Knights’] heroic struggle against superior numbers was weakened by treachery and treason at the decisive moment. The “Union of the Lizards”, mentioned above, fighting as a closed, armed company, within the Order of the Knights, by the Polish baron Mikolaj z Rynowa, a knight of the nobility of Chelm, disguised under the name of “Nickel von Renys”, violated their oaths, together with the companies of the knights from the local Prussian landed nobility, by betraying the Knights at the decisive moment, lowering their banners as a sign of surrender, and deserting to the Poles en masse. On the other hand, many Poles remained with the Knights and fought faithfully, such as, for example, Konrad von Oels, who ended up as a Polish prisoner.”
—From p. 132, POLENS TRAUM VOM GROSSREICH, by Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen and Robert Reinhold Oheim, reproduced as volume 1 of the 3-volume set, DIE POLNISCHE LEGENDE, Arndt-Verlag, 2001, D-24035 Kiel, Postfach 3603.] 
[According to Wikipedia: “A pivotal role in triggering the Teutonic retreat is attributed to the leader of the banner of Culm, [1][2]Nikolaus von Renys (Mikołaj of Ryńsk), born in Prussia (identified by Longinus as Swabia, a name used by Poles for Germany). The founder and leader of the Lizard Union, a group of Order Knights sympathetic to Poland, refused to fight the Polish, lowering the banner he was carrying was taken as a signal of surrender by the Teutonic troops. Accused of treason, ultimately von Renys was beheaded by his order, along with all of his male descendants.”]
A shocking example of treason, envy and desire for revenge, which is unfortunately not unique in German history, leading, then as now, to such devastating disaster for Germany. At that time, as today, there was no victorious hero as the victor, only bigmouthed arrogance.
But the highest Polish “Christian" dignitaries always talk about this "Grunwald", which is however called Grünefelde, which gives them more glory but which they turn into the opposite with lies, in order to portray themselves as innocent martyrs.
The so-called offer of reconciliation of the German bishops of 18 November 1965 contains the following accusations against Germany:
"...His theses were directed against the German Orders of knighthood, the so-called ‘Crusaders’, which at that time, in the Slavic North and in the Prussian and Baltic countries converted the original local inhabitants with fire and sword for European Christianity and for its symbol, the cross, and for the church, in whose name they appeared, over the course of centuries became a fearful and extremely compromising burden. Even today, after many generations, the designation ‘Krzyzak’ (Crusader) is an insult and bogie man for every Pole and is unfortunately all too often identified with German culture. From the settlement areas later came those Prussians who brought everything German into ill fame in the Polish lands. They are in represented in the historical development represented by the following names: the same Albrecht of Prussia; Friedrich, the so-called ‘Great’; Bismarck and finally Hitler, as the end point of Friedrich II have always been viewed by the entire Polish people as the chief originators of the division of Poland and without doubt not without reason."
In their hatred of the Germans, the pious gentlemen even forget that they are accusing their own Roman Church and Popery by stating that the conversion of the original inhabitants in the Prussian and Baltic lands with fire and sword was a compromising burden for European Christianity and its symbol, the Cross. This type of conversion at the time was quite common and occurred with the knowledge and approval of the See of St. Peter, in this case at the special wish of the Duke of Masovia, of whom the claim is still made, by Poles, that he was a Polish Prince. He called upon the knights because he had too little “fire and sword” to subjugate the Prussians. This illustrates the manner in which hatred makes people so blind that they can no longer think logically. But these remarks of the Polish bishops also reveal something else, namely, that hatred against the German orders of knighthood was unleashed by the Poles and is carefully cultivated by them. History is deliberately twisted into its opposite, because people want to ensure endless hatred. Because this so-called "Message of Reconciliation" was not only directed at the German recipients, it was also intended for their own people as proof of the kind of monstrous and shameless language which may be safely indulged in, against the Germans of the same rank, by their brothers in the faith. This shows quite clearly who is responsible for the education in hatred. There are endless examples in this, as well as other, additional, letters from Polish bishops to German bishops, revealing the lack of truthfulness in relation to past and present. At the same time, the Christian priesthood in particular had reason enough to extend the mantle of forgetfulness about the atrocities committed during the Christian conversion of Europe – and not only Europe. For example, was Lower Saxony peacefully converted to Christianity? Didn’t a German Emperor exterminate the entire ruling class of the territory in the name of the new faith – naturally with the approval of the top shepherds of the Holy See of St. Peter? And what about the Crusades of the Christian armies from all the nations of Christendom? Were they just friendly visits paid to neighboring countries? What did the most fervent bearers of Christian culture, the Spaniards, do when they arrived in Mexico, although they had no common border with the country? How many millions of innocent people fell victim to the bloody persecutions in the witchcraft mania of the Middle Ages? If the descendents of all these murder victims attempted to preserve their hatred and thirst for revenge the way the Poles have, with the help of their clergy, for 150 years, humanity would have perished from the earth long ago.
These examples show clearly that behind the stubborn clinging to historical lies stand special objectives which can been glimpsed over and over again, like a red thread.
At this point I would like to add some remarks on the effects of such historical falsifications down to the present day. In May 1981, the ZDF broadcast a three-part series under the title “Scars”, which was billed as an attempt at German-Polish reconciliation. The content was one single distortion of the actual circumstances. Extensive detail was given on the final discussion between the German participants Philipp von Bismarck and Countess Dönhoff on the one hand and the Polish professor Wladyslaw Markiewicz and the journalist from the Warsaw popular newspaper Polityka, Henryk Zdanowksi, on the other side. The Polish gentlemen did their best to conceal the truth entirely. Delicate questions were not even answered. But the first sentence of Prof. Markiewicz’s, who is well-known in Germany as a member of the notorious school book commission, was revealing. Here it is:
“The historical consciousness of the Polish people is not formed by historians and scholars, but by their great poets and writers, Adam Mickiewicz and Henryk Sienkiewicz.”
And it was easy to see that he was proud of this. He was so proud of his poets and his own cleverness that he forget how he himself, as an historian, is damaging his own reputation and that of his people. This is just another example of what Prof. Limanowski once said about his countrymen, that they cannot remain in the real of the real. Historical reality is not reality at all for them, but rather, the Polish daydreams of their own greatness and infallibility and German brutality and the cruel oppression of the poor, helpless Poles, who are supposed to be so proud.
This also shows how nonsensical it is, to sit down and negotiate with such people on a school book commission. What is this supposed to accomplish? Certainly not historical truth. Neither the professors nor the Polish cardinals have any knowledge of these things, and, accordingly, neither do the Polish people. The only purpose of the Polish school book commission is to establish the Polish version of events for all time, just like the historical falsifications that were spread about in the past. And this is a question of billions of marks, which are to be extorted by means of German admissions of guilt.
But back to Mieszko I. Who was he? Was he a Pole? No, although the Polish cardinals claim he was, in their so-called Message of Reconciliation, falsifying history from the very first page:
“It has been irrefutably proven that, in the year 966, the Polish prince duke Mieszko I, as a result of the influence of his wife, the Czech princess Dombrowka, received the Holy Sacrament of baptism with his royal household, as the first prince.”
Historically, the truth is quite different, and the pious gentlemen are lying. The name Mieszko is derived from the surname Mesico, of the Norman prince Dago, from the very highly respected family of the Daglingers, from the Kingdom of Norway. Dago-Mesico was the ambassador of Scandinavian princes, who had come as scouts and traders in the land on the Weichsel and Warthe. His wife was a Germanic princess from Bohemia and not a “Czech princess Dombrowka”. There wasn’t any Czech king at that time. The history of the Czechs has been falsified just as much as that of the Poles. In the year 966, there was a Dukedom of Bohemia, which was just as much a tribal dukedom of the German core land, like Swabia, Lorraine or Bavaria. The "alleged Czech princess Dombrowka" was the daughter of Prince Boleslaf I, who came from the Germanic tribe of the Varangians, Pramysil, and bore the name Domberta.
Prince Boleslaf of Bohemia – who was not a Czech – was a liege man of the German Emperor and remained true to him. His daughter, Domberta, was married, in a first marriage, to the Margrave Gerold von Meißen. (Franz Wolff: “Ostgermanien” [Eastern Germany]).
Dago’s son, Bolsleib the Clever, married the daughter of a Viking prince. The Poles turned him into the “first Polish king”, Boleslaw Chrobry. Neither the Norman prince Dago-Mesico nor his son, Bolsleib the Clever, was a Pole. Dago-Mesico founded his new empire in the thickly settled Germanic territory on the Weichsel and Warthe, documentary records of which exist as the Mesico-Reich. He ruled from 960 to 992. Despite indisputable research findings, the past of West Prussia, the Warthe district and Silesia have been falsely called “Poland” in later centuries, right down to the present day, whenever they were talking about the old Mesico-Reich. Polish repetition has managed to achieve this. But at that time there were no Poles, the name “Pole” was simply unknown to contemporary chroniclers. Only the ecclesiastical propaganda of the 13th century lead deliberately to the falsification of history, and thus, only in the chronicles written in the [Polish] language very much later, retroactively, the Norman prince Dago-Mesico was turned into the Pole, Mieszko I. The name Mieszko is derived from the name Mieczyslaw. With this in mind, they invented a tribe called the “Piasts”, to whom this Mieszko was attributed. But this tribe of the Piasts never existed. This is the way it is with all of Polish history. The names were changed, retroactively, in order to give the newly invented people and land their old past, in order to make demands and be able to demand rights. Why was this?
After the incorporation into the territory on the Weichsel and Warthe, Dago-Mesico attempted to expand his kingdom through conquest. But he suffered defeats at the hands of the Vandals in Pomerania, and the Heruler, at Usedom, near Stettin. This caused him to submit voluntarily to the German Emperor Otto I the Great. This again called the Roman curie on the plan which saw in this a strengthening of the German empire of power. The Pope’s office, which had plans for world conquest at that time, sent his spiritual representative to the court of the Norman princes. They were lucky enough to be able to persuade Dago to undergo baptism in 996 and joined the mission sent out by Rome in 967. He began his crusades against the Vandals of Pomerania; Vandal is equivalent to Wends. A people of the Wends has never existed. Only in later centuries did one use the word Wend, in order to make “Slavs” out of them.
When the Polish bishops indicate in their text "We Offer Forgiveness - We Ask For Forgiveness" of the Polish hierarchy with the first archbishoprics in Gniezno and three assistant bishoprics of Crakow, Wroclaw, Kolobrzeg – however Cracow, Breslau and Kolberg might be called – we must object that they are telling untruths and are falsifying history. There was a Polish hierarchy, but all bishops, all members of the orders, and all monks were Germans from the Reich territories. Where is any Polish hierarchy supposed to have come from? The bishopric of Gnesen was entrusted to the German bishops Jordan and Unger and were dedicated to the holy Adalbert of Prague. So who founded the Polish hierarchy?
Towards the end of the reign of the Daglingers in 990, Dago gave his empire to the Pope and withdrew as a fief against the payment of tributes. From this point onwards begins the evil development which was to lead to the formation of the anti-German basis of Poland. On the German side, people weren’t suspicious of the Pope. Germans are rarely suspicious, because they can’t imagine how evil our adversaries can be.
We can skip the intrigues and struggles between the sons and nephews of the Norman princes of Dago-Mesico and the Roman Church, no matter how they may be in themselves. The Roman church reinforced itself through the Christian conversion of the remaining areas of the Mesico Empire. This did not of course take place as a result of the voluntary submission of the Germanic tribes, but through violence and war. For the inhabitants, there was only one choice: baptism or death. There were struggles between pagans and Christians, but never between Germans and Poles.
The pagans were called “sclavi” at that time, i.e., because they were considered the “slaves” of a pagan god. After they underwent baptism, they were Christians. The word “sclavi” lost its meaning and was forgotten. Only in later centuries during the translation of Latin texts did people stumble across this word and forgetting its original meaning they removed the “c” from the word “sclavi”, because the deprecatory word “sclavi”, which reminded them of ordinary slaves, was perceived as an insult by the persons concerned.
At this point, I would like to insert what D. Skobnol says on this topic:
“Only at the end of the 18th century did German outsiders invent the more refined concept of Slaven. By omitting the refined "c" – or "k" – they retroactively falsified sclavi (from monkish Latin), as well as Sklabenoi (from late Greek). As ‘sklavi’ = servants, Gotzdiener, and worshippers of Satan was a word used by theologists, scholars and chroniclers of the West Roman, and, later German Reich, from the 9th to the 11th century to refer to all remaining masses of not-yet Christianized Germans serving ‘pagan’, nature or polytheistic cults, on the other side of the Christian West Reich; i.e., (more or less) about east of the Elba and north of the Danube, and, of course, deep in later ‘Poland’ referred to as the Easter territory, and as far as the Baltic. The word ‘Sklabenoi’ = i.e., Götzendiener, devil worshippers, was understood to mean, during the same period – from Byzantium, Constantinople, i.e., to the Eastern Empire (Greek Empire), all the many ‘pagan’ Germanic and related Indo-Germanic peoples dependent on not-yet Christianized [people] of Turkish origin in huge areas east of the borders of the Christian German Eastern Reich; i.e., (more or less) the central and eastern regions of the Balkans and, in particular, the land mass from the Black Sea to the Urals and Baltic (later, the Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania). Paid historians of the 19th century did not hesitate to falsify documents from the ground up, by erasing the tell-tale ‘c’ from the documents made available to them with special tools and artificially changing the sequence of the letters.”
How magnificently they did their work is described by Wilhelm Kammeier in “The Falsifications of German History”. Something similar happened with the name “Poland”. Until well until the 13th century the concept of “Poland” was unknown. The word "polani" is derived from the late Latin Po-lani, Residents of a Feild (farmers) and is derived, first, from "po" = near, and, secondly, from the Germanic "lan" = fief, field, land. Therefore the correct term should be “Poland” – as in English – and not Polen [the German name]. There is no convincing evidence for the purely Germanic derivation of what is supposed to have been called Polen, Latinized Polonia, and in Slavic, Polska.
The same applies to Pomerania or Pommerellen, which is derived from late Latin "pomerani", i.e., Po-mer-ani = those who live by the sea = Meer-Anrainer [= neighbors to the sea]. During the Middle Ages, this referred to all the late Germanic tribes, mostly of Vandal origins, residing along the entire south coast region of the Baltic, roughly from Greifswald to the peninsula of Hela.
After these inserted scholarly concurrent remarks of all present researchers in this field, I would like to continue with my prior remarks.

This map was the object of mass distribution both inside and outside Poland during the 1930s as a propaganda postcard, with the support of the Polish governmental authorities. This was Poland’s thanks for the fact that Germany, through its victory over Russian in 1917, enabled the creation of a Polish state for the first time in 100 years.
The map shows the insane chauvinism with which the Poles demand their “historically Polish western border”, even today. According to the map, entire regions of what are today Slovakia and the Czech Republic, not to mention German territories all the way to Dresden and Berlin-Baltic, in addition to all of Silesia, Pomerania, West and East Prussia, are Polish! Not only that, but the Polish eagle (vulture?) is “protectively” spreading his wings far into ethnically German and Russian territory.
Polish chauvinists, emigrants and Bolsheviks all share this megalomania. The map shows, as a motto, the slogan of the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz: "And every one of you, in your soul, bears a seed of future rights and a measurement of future borders!"
They thought they could conquer the German Reich all by themselves.
This Polish propaganda photo shows Marshall Edward Rydz-Smigly in a victorious pose. He thought he could conquer German all by himself and then march on to Berlin. Assistance from the Soviet Union was strictly refused. The aircraft squadron in the sky is a photomontage, inserted into the background. The planes actually show a training formation of the German Air Force taken at the 1937 Nuremberg Rally...
Another piece of fake photographic "documentation" intended to convince the Poles themselves that they were all-powerful.
The wars of Christian conversion decimated the Germanic population. But the monks wanted support points, i.e., they needed to built cloisters, but there was no work force. Prior to the Christian conversion there were flourishing landscapes, but afterwards, they fell into ruin: ruined fortifications, settlements and courts overgrown with grass, hay and trees. Churches and nobility sucked the blood of the lower folk. Artisanship no longer existed, nor did merchants. The mass of the "local population" sank in numbers from year to year, while the rest were reduced to slaves, or serfs.
In order to be able to build cloisters, the Cistercians had to procure a suitable supply of people, and they came exclusively from the territories of the German Reich. The monks assured the new settlers of privileges of all kinds and gave them German laws. This brought the desired success. German villages soon surrounded the cloisters. Christian immigrants reinforced Christian power. The Reich, on the other hand, allowed its citizens to be drawn out and did nothing to ensure possible rights for them. They made no attempt to incorporate the settled and cultivated areas, which were now settled exclusively by Germans from the Reich, into the Reich, in contrast to Rome, which arrogated the now Christian areas to itself.
The work of the settlers bore rich fruit. For the most part, they brought money with them, they gave the land order and right, custom and education. In the desolated land, after the construction of the cloisters, the swamps were drained, forests cleared. Wasteland and moors were made cultivable. Dams were built, moats dug, canals and bridges built. Instead of the old huts of mud, houses were built with baked brick and mortar. The German farmers brought their mouldboard plows and introduced crop rotation. The wealth of the land grew steadily. There arose gradually the granaries of Germany, which nevertheless became desolate and overgrown when the Germans were bullied and expelled, and when the gentry, who had become Polish, gradually took power after Polish wars and rebellions.
That these areas had once achieved a high level of culture in every respect, is the best proof that they were German, and that they could not have been Polish, since they would never have achieved such a flourishing level of prosperity after the repeatedly provided proofs of Polish incompetence.
With the assistance of the Cistercians, artisans also settled the Mesico-Reich. First in the field were cloisters, then also outside the cloisters as well. Thus arose the villages and cities, the guilds. There followed the patricians and great merchants from the Reich, trade flourished in the land on the Weichsel and Warthe. Until well into the 15th century, Germans represented the largest part of the nobility and prince bishops, the settlements were subject to them, they founded not only cloisters, but trade centers as well. German was the lingua franca and the writing was German and the names were German, the laws were German. The Cistercians also possessed the privilege of only accepting citizens of Cologne into their orders. Only in exceptional cases could members of sponsor families gain entry to the orders.
The Poles have never, for example, contributed to the construction of this territory on the Weichsel and Warthe, since, first of all, there were no Poles yet, and secondly, when there were Poles, they were never capable of doing so. The Poles are not a creative people, but a people oppressed and held down by the clergy which cannot develop or even maintain land which has been given to them or which they have conquered. We are experiencing this problem at the present time, and not only agriculture in the former German eastern territories, but in industry, mining and trade as well, which were totally run into the ground in only 35 years, that which took centuries to build up. The reason for this lies not in Soviet oppression, but in the incompetence of the Polish leadership classes.
The areas on the Weichsel and Warthe were legal possessions of the German orders of knighthood. In the struggles for the Christian conversion of the Prussians, who resisted bitterly, Duke Conrad of Masovia obtained the assistance of the orders. After initial hesitation, the order was prepared but only upon promises of return payment. This return payment consisted of expropriation by the Duke of all of the territory of Chelm and all future territories still to be conquered for all time. This expropriation was sealed by Pope Gregory IX in the Golden Bull signed at Rimini in 1234.
The Poles however completely distort all this land expropriation. Otherwise they would have to admit that – if they had even existed at that time – they broke this treaty, when they expropriated this land by violence. Without this expropriation treaty, they describe the German orders as violent invaders, against whom they defended themselves as they had a right to do. Already this false description of history, even in German history books, shows the evil effects of historical falsifications. That struggles between pagans and Christians could be represented as struggles between two peoples and legally executed land gains could be passed over in silence, has made formerly racially related people into deadly enemies over the centuries. Was this intentional? Unfortunately we must answer yes. Why was this?
In all marks of the struggling princes people spoke German in the various German patois and dialects, since all princes and kings and their wives were of German origin, all bishops of the Beneficiation Churches of Gnesen were German too. The Pre-Monstratensian and Cistercian monks were all recruited out of the Reich, and to a man, the upper classes were all German and all settlers were German. But the Pope in Rome was not and he saw his power limited by the Germans. He feared the encroachment of German influence, both worldly and spiritual.
Thus he looked for ways to prevent this. In so doing, the bishops from Engelsburg offered the necessary assistance, while they, for their part, could count on the following of the monks and lower clergy. They found the way and they found the tool.
At this point I would like to quote a paragraph from the "Slavic Legend" by Lothar Greil, describing the birth of the Polish people and country. It was really a test tube baby type of situation:
“The most important objective was to erase the connection between the settlers and the former country. But because there was absolutely no cohesiveness in the provinces of the Mesico Empire, with its fragmented leadership, which was only held together by force, they set out to lay the basis for a unifying national and patriotic idea. Anybody who lived in the border areas of the territory of sovereignty of the senior council gentlemen of Cracow, a claim which is still made today, was to be taught that there was no national, political or ecclesiastical commonality with the other Germans living in German culture. With the approval of the Curia, Vinzenz Kadlubek – since 1208 Bischop of Cracow – in 1218 in the enclosure of a cell in the Cistercian cloister of Klein-Morimund (Andreöw) and wrote there his ‘Chronica Polonorum’ in the Latin language. This man, who, as a German, was really called Wolf Gottlobonis (i.e., Wolf, Son of Gottlob), invented the concept of ‘Poland’ as well as the saga of the ‘Lechs’, the so-called ‘original Poles’, and their ‘Piast’ family of princes. This imaginative work is chock-full of inventions and statements in contradiction to the facts, but this does not prevent it from being of enormous importance as propaganda. Of course, later, nobody dared to call a Christian bishop a swindler and a liar. And because a ‘Man of God’ always tells the truth, not even educated intelligent men thought of attacking the credibility of this ‘testimony’. In this manner, one of the most astonishing historical lies became a historical taboo. Although long since relegated to the status of a fable by all serious researchers as a result of the absurdity of its content, Kadlubek’s text still forms the basis, not only for all Polish, and even German, historical writing in this regard. Everybody repeats the fairy tales and blabs about the ‘Pole’ who didn’t exist at that time, any more than any concept of a Polish state, the ‘Piasts’, when people talk about Dago or his descendents, and, of course, about the ‘Slavs’, who are supposed to have resided there, instead of the actual Germans who were there on the spot, in what is called Poland today. That exclusively German dialects were spoken in all provinces of the Mesico Empire, even in Vinzenz Kadlubek’s lifetime, which could even be understood by anybody from western Germany, is ignored and therefore largely unknown.
It nevertheless took a long time for the new language to be accepted and recognized by the people and nobility. Until well into the 15th century, it was unable to take root. It is an undeniable historical fact, that, for example, the city of Cracow was completely German until well into the 15th century, as was Warsaw.
These are the biggest cities in Poland and nevertheless they were predominantly German, despite all Polish claims to the contrary. And until the end of the 18th century, neither the profane nor the ecclesiastical historiography mentions the popular contrasts of the area between the Rhine and the Weichsel during the Middle Ages.
Although there is no historical proof at all, the Poles represent their history as if they could look back on a thousand years of existence of a Polish state. And the otherwise serious Germans help them in so doing, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally. The first falsifier, as we have heard, was the German, Wolf Gottlobonis, active as bishop in Cracow. But these falsifications alone wouldn’t have had the devastating consequences, if other Germans had not attempted to resurrect the otherwise forgotten Wends as Slavs in the 18th century. Basic to the next swindle was the German theologian August Schlözer (1738 - 1809), who, in the service of the Russians as historical and philological expert in St. Petersburg, to please the Czar, is said to have invented the word “Slav” while investigating and systematizing the Glagolitic church language. Schlözer’s invention influenced the theologist Johann Gottfried Herder, who made a name for himself by digging up old folksongs of various peoples, but especially those of the “Slavs”. He found the Wends and the Sorbs and a culture of the "Slavs". The Poles know that they owe him, since they show their gratitude to him – the only example of Polish gratitude in history – by maintaining his monument in Mohrungen/East Prussia, the city of his birth.
The Poles naturally need to fill out their alleged thousand-year history with great events and great men. Since no such great events or great men ever existed, they simply allocate to themselves all the great Germans they can find, and describe them as Poles. I will only mention a few, the most outstanding, those that the whole world knows were German; the Poles nevertheless dare to list them as Polish. The Poles prefer to make themselves ridiculous than admit the truth. As long as they can brag, they figure sometimes they will be believed.
Nicholas Copernicus! Because this great man was born in Thorn on the Weichsel and Thorn is called Toruń in Polish, then he must necessarily have been a Pole. He was a great man of Polish science. And because there is no proof of this, they replace the proof very simply with the following sort of statement:
Greece and Rome are no more, they only exist through Homer and Virgil, so let Poland exist through Copernicus. Copernicus is the honor of the nation, the glory of the Poles!
I took this documented megalomania of the Poles and arrogance from the brochure by Rudolf Trenkel, my countryman from Thorn, called "Poland’s Guilt for the Second World War". Does anyone believe it, in Germany or elsewhere? Can a scholar who remained ignorant of the Polish language until the end of his life, who is not known ever to have written or spoken a single word of Polish, be a Pole?
The German astronomer, Johannes Hevelius, too, because he was born in Danzig, is incorporated and included in a pictorial table depicting various Poles.
Same thing with the sculptor, Veit Stoß, from Nuremberg. The Poles call him Wit Stwosz, because at the time when he created the great sculptures for the royal castle at Cracow, he naturally lived at Cracow. Even the highest representatives of the Church, the late Primate of Poland, Stefan Wyszynski and the present Pope, Karol Wojtyla, were not ashamed to call him Wit Stwosz, alleging that Stoß had "received his strength and inspiration from the Polish environment, the Polish culture and landscape". And this, although they had just said, a few lines above, that they left the Germans their names and customs, that nothing was taken away from them.
Poland received everything from the Germans and this is the reason for their limitless hatred. They have an inferiority complex and don’t realize it. That’s why they take over everything that seems desirable to them, but they don’t want to admit that they have so much to thank the Germans for, that without German help they would be nothing. Even their epoch-making dictionary of the Polish language didn’t come from them, but from the German professor and resident of Thorn, Samuel Gottlieb Linde, a philologist who was a praeses and head of the Warsaw Lyceum (1771 - 1847) and who only learned Polish as an adult.
But there were also Poles who knew full well what they owed Germany. The former Polish head of state Josef Pilsudski once told his countrymen in anger that the new Poland wasn’t the result of the work of the Poles, but of the blood of German soldiers fallen in battle. So they hated him, too. Trenkel quotes Pilsudski’s words from 1922 in "Poland’s Guilt for the Second World War 1920 - 1939":
“My pride is completely silent when I think that not we, not the Poles and not our efforts led to this gigantic upset. People are able to greet me with cannon salvos today in Cracow, Vilna or Posen, playing the national anthem and with Polish soldiers standing at attention.”
Later he even told them once:
"What have you done with this state? You’ve made it an object of ridicule ."
We must remember that the Kingdom of Poland was restored by Germany in 1916, in the midst of the First World War with all magnificence and glory.
In order to understand the connections, the historical developments must be recalled from forgetfulness.
Poland (Congress Poland) was part of Czarist Russia, divided into ten Russian “gouvernements”. As early as 1915, the German and Austrian troops were fighting Russia and had reached the borders of Congress Poland. The German Reichs chancellor, von Bethmann-Hollweg, in his speech in the Reichstag on 19 August 1915, offered the Poles a happy future, when he remarked:
"...Our troops, and those of Austria-Hungary, have reached the borders of Congress Poland to the East, and both are responsible for administering the country.
“...I hope that the present occupation of the Polish borders to the East will be the beginning of a development which will eliminate the old conflicts between Germans and Poles and lead the country from the Russian yoke into a happy future, in which the nature of its national life will be cared for and able to develop..."
And the solemn proclamation in the old royal palace at Warsaw was read out by the German Governor General, the infantry general von Beseler on 5 November 1916.
Even the telegram of thanks to Kaiser Wilhelm II and Kaiser Franz Josef I dated 5 November 1916 has been preserved. I quote:
"On this day, when the Polish people declares, that it is free and will receive an independent state with its own king and government, the breast of every freedom-loving Pole is filled with a feeling of gratitude towards those who freed the country with their blood and led it to the renewal of its independent life...
“We are therefore sending our thanks and our assurance that the Polish people will be able to maintain the faith with its allies..."
(Quoted from "Enduring Hypocrisy" by Kurt Relle.)
Polish gratitude evaporated so quickly that in 1922 Pilsudski was compelled to remind the Poles that it wasn’t the Poles that brought about this tremendous development. Gratitude and faith to those who purchased Poland’s freedom from Russian serfdom with their blood are things the Poles do not understand.
The bloody terror in Upper Silesia under the Korfanty bands raged from 1919 to 1923. At that time, as today, the Poles kept silent about German generosity, without which they would never have obtained a free state, but would instead have remained under the Russian yoke. But the following is how Polish historians describe the events in 1915-16 today.
"The outbreak of the First World War awakened the hopes of the Poles... in 1915, German and Austrian-Hungarian troops occupied the areas annexed by Russia. The war, which was dragging on, and the resulting lack of reserves, were the reasons why the Central Powers, in November 1916, issued an act of the planned creation of a Polish Kingdom, dependent on them. They convened the bodies of the future state, initially, the Provisional State Council, then the Council of Regents. But the plan to gain recruits in this manner for the planned army didn’t pan out. Moreover, the imperialistic plans of the new masters over these Polish territories became increasingly clear. The partial taking into consideration of the Polish postulates (the language question, creation of a Polish school system) did not prevent them from systematically plundering the country, stealing its food and raw materials, and destroying its industry. The brutal methods and the kidnapping of hundreds of thousands for forced work led to more and more resistance ...
“On 7 November 1917, the capitalistic government in Russia was overthrown by revolutionary workers and farmers. A new stage in human history began ...A party came to power which had formulated the solution of the right to independence and without reservation of Poland’s right to independence…
“A few days after the formation of the government, partly through armed struggle, the Germans were driven out of Warsaw and from the other parts of the Kingdom. In the capital city, the central leadership of the independent state arose. At its head stood, as provisional head of state, Josef Pilsudski, who was freed from a German prison. The liberated areas were surrounded by a German army of more than a million men, who still formed a strong military power in Eastern Europe. For this reason, the liberation of the western regions of Poland was achieved through heavy fighting.
“In the final phase of the war, seven well-trained and well-armed Polish divisions were fighting against the Germans on the Western front under the command-in-chief of General Josef Haller."
This description is a lie from beginning to end. Neither the Central Powers nor Lenin did anything for the resurrection of the Polish state. Neither the Central Powers nor the other new masters (!) of the Polish areas plundered or robbed, or destroyed industries or kidnapped hundreds of thousands of Poles for forced work. And Josef Pilsudski was never in a German prison, and therefore could not have been freed from one. Pilsudski spent time in Russian prisons and in Siberia. He never lived in the German eastern provinces, but rather, in then Congress Poland, which was under Russian rule. He fought in the underground against the Czarist oppression of Poland and was therefore repeatedly interned by the Russians. At the beginning of the war, he fought on the German side for an independent Poland. But the Polish gratitude, and announcement of faith of 1916 was quickly forgotten, since as early as 1917 the Reichs government was compelled to take Pilsudski into custody as a prisoner of war. He was treated as an officer with full honors in the fortress of Magdeburg, which was customary on the German side. Did the Poles get him out of there and free him? Oh, the magnificent Poles!
In the confusion of the collapse in 1918 the Germans brought him back to Poland. But without Polish acts of heroism, there would be no Polish history. You can also call them Polish lies.
Nor did the Germans have any reason to destroy Polish industry, since they wanted an independent Poland. For the same reasons, the Germans didn’t need to be driven out of the country after heavy fighting. But the Polish heroes would, at least subsequently, like to have been victorious over a German army of over a million men. In their daydreams, and in their hatred of everything German, they invent the most contemptible slanders, in which there is not the slightest shred of truth. Hundreds of thousands of German soldiers shed their blood for the freedom of Poland, but these ungrateful people lie so cheekily that they claim to owe their independence to Lenin!
This pack of lies also mentions “well-armed Polish divisions”, alleged to have fought against the Germans at the final phases of the war, under the command-in-chief of General Josef Haller. In reply I would like to cite the periodical "Waffenjournal", to show who this general really was. The periodical reports that in 1918, after the restoration of Poland, the Polish officer corps consisted 90% of the former officers of the Austrian and German army. The Polish cavalry also consisted almost exclusively of former Austrian-Galician cavalry regiments of the Austrian Imperial Army. Initially, there were still German commands, until a Polish command language was formed. Thus, here as well, the Poles have nothing of their own to show for themselves, but rather, took over their state and even their officers from the Germans. And how old can a people really be, if, in 1920, it possessed no firmly established language and had to take over foreign officers in their own service? And these officers from the Austrian Imperial army also included the later Polish general, General Josef Haller, offspring of an aristocratic Austrian family (Edler von Haller). As I well remember, he later became an adversary of Pilsudskis.
At this point I would like to mention other Generals of German ancestry, for example, General Anders, who formed an elite troop of large numbers of locally resident Poles in Alsace in 1939 and fought against Germany on the French side. The French used this Polish legion in the most dangerous positions, so that after the war, the only Poles left in Alsace were widows and orphans. And there was a specially famous German name in the Polish army who has been forgotten among us – the former the former Austrian Imperial Ulanenrittmeister [Austrian Captain of Lancers] Julian Rommel, after 1920 and 1939, commander of the military district of Posen. Julian Rommel belonged to the South-German branch of the Rommel family, who went to Poland with August the Strong. The Polish Rommel is supposed to have been rather similar to the German Field Marshal Rommel. There was also a Polish Admiral von Unruh, whose family was of German origin, and many others. With this listing of Polish patriots, we mustn’t forget the Foreign Minister Josef Beck, who was also of German descent, as indicated by his name.
The periodical "Waffenarsenal" also reports, that at the outbreak of the war in 1939, in Poland there was a stock of approximately 300,000 M12 pistols, as was discovered after the occupation of Warsaw as a result of an examination of [Polish] records by the German army. These 300,000 army pistols consisted 50% of Austrian M12 army pistols manufactured in the Austrian Steyr Works, which pistols came into the possession of the Poles after 1918. It will easily be seen that the Germans were even too kind-hearted as to arm their future enemies. Germans were always ready to fight for the rights, or alleged rights, of other peoples. The Poles thank us with abysmal hatred; they incorporate the men they need and hate and persecute their brothers. Will the Germans ever realize this? Or is this blind altruism simply in our blood? If so, we are doomed to perish in the long term, since foreign people are sucking our blood and marrow out.
The Poles ignore everything favorable to Germany, because they have so little of their own that they can be proud of. So they invent the most unbelievable fairy tales and slanders. In 1977, a 700-page book was published by the Interpress Verlag in Warsaw, entitled POLAND. For connoisseurs in the matter, it is a gold mine of Polish lies. The book is [also in the form of] a governmentally approved translation in Germany, in which the names, however, are all given in Polish. This is supposed to suggest that these names existed even thousands of years ago.
In this book, all the work of construction, all the services of the Germans are attributed to the Poles, since they happened, after all, under Polish kings. And still they brag about a very high level of culture. They lie so openly, as in the case of Linde or Veit Stoss, they just camouflage it a little, by saying “the three-field system was introduced under King Kazimierz Wielki and the first stone houses were built”. Kazimierz Wielki is said to have taken over a wooden Poland and left a Poland of stone. This is why he’s called Kazimierz Wielki, i.e., Casimir the Great. And this isn’t even a lie, that was really the case. But they forget that the “Poland of Stone”, which didn’t even yet exist at that time, was built up by the hard-working German settlers, who also introduced the three-field system and brought the first iron plows with them. The Germans are only mentioned in passing, so to speak, and even so, as if they had contributed very little to the urbanization of the country.
Precisely that which affects Poland, will be blamed on the Germans. This can only happen because they refuse to recognize or admit their own inferiority complex.
That’s why this 700-page tome is not as harmless as one may perhaps assume. Because only people with a very good knowledge of Polish history can recognize all these lies and distortions. The lay person of good will, especially the gullible Germans, who cannot imagine the extent to which their enemies lie, for example, in this book, will not perceive the fabrications. Even the translation is intended for foreigners, without any real knowledge of Poland. The original, in Polish, however, conveys the same fabrications and lies to the Poles, especially, the young, who have no way of judging the facts. And this is the worst thing about it, since here, the basis is laid for new untruths, new historical falsifications, which are peddled to future generations as irrefutable truths. The younger generation “learns” from this book not a single good deed of the Germans, regardless of which century we’re talking about, they only learn, what a magnificent, heroic, noble, human, scholarly, and highly educated people the Poles have been since the beginning of their existence as a nation and have also remained. The greatest artists, the greatest architects, the greatest scientists in all fields, are claimed as their own. For example, the first heart transplant operation on a human being is said to have been performed in Warsaw, the greatest architects are said to have created “Polish” Gothic architecture, the famous schools of archeology produced the most magnificent and world-famous archeologists, and they carried out the most interesting and most valuable excavations in the world. In the present age, the Poles have never brought forth great achievements, they have invariably failed and wrecked their country, but in the past, they were always way ahead of everybody else. There are no limits to this kind of fantasy.
And in this 700-page tome there is so much room, so much paper to print, that even the most obvious daydreams are vividly depicted as historical fact. They don’t stop to think that they are making themselves look ridiculous. I only wish to quote a few examples. Right at the beginning of the following story we learn:
"Even before the creation of the Polish state, traces of human habitation were found on Polish soil. 50,000 years ago, a central-Polish glacier already existed. After it withdrew, the first settlements of the Neanderthals appeared in the caves near Zawiercie and Ojców (the salt mines in the Beskids). During the withdrawal of the Ice Age, settlements of the earlier Paleolithic hunter culture extended into the northern Malopolska. On the sand hills of Mazowsze are traces of hunter camps which existed 14,000 years ago. The inhabitants of the settlements of the earlier Stone Age founded the culture of the embellishment of clay vessels, which was called strip ceramics. They resided above all in the loess soils of Southern Poland, Slask, Malopolska and the region of Lublin. Gradually, the settlements drove forward those of the cattle raisers, thus, for example, to Kujawy and the region around Pyrzyce in Pomorze Zachodnie. In Malopolska, flintstone ditches arose. The biggest of the ditches was the Untertagebau in Krzemioni Opatowskie. The flintstone tools from these ditches and out of the quarries of Dolny Slask and at the foot of the Sleza mountains spread over the mid-Polish lowlands, etc.
I think that’s enough nonsense for now.
Yes, they can’t remain in the realm of the real, their fantasy demands more, says the Polish Professor Limanowski. If they have one piece of land in their hands, they want the whole world. And now they are even trying to get it.
But what’s strange is that no matter how crazy and arrogant they are, there are always enough influential people ready to repeat these fairy tales. Articles appear in German newspapers, reporting on Polish band ceramics. The invention of the Glagolitic Church language as the new Polish lingua franca took almost 300 years, until it actually became a linguistic reality to some extent. I am afraid that it won’t take as long for the knowledge of the Polish band ceramics and the Polish Neanderthals to become a generally accepted myth.
Now let’s look at a second example:
The sudden attack of the Bohemian Duke Bretislav I in 1038 or 1039, on Wielkopolska, led to the plundering of the most important cities of the Polish state (Gniezno, Poznań and others). Śląsk was predominantly occupied by Bohemians. Through the loss of Pomorze, the then Polish state was cut off from the Baltic. The reconstruction of the weakened state began in Malopolska. The rulers’ seat was shifted from the cities of the Polanen to Cracow. Cracow was more closely related to the active political life of Western and Eastern Europe.
Now, it is a historical fact that Cracow was occupied by Germans before the invasion of the Mongol hordes in 1241 and was only a small castle and market town, which was destroyed and burnt down by the Mongols. The Germans rebuilt Cracow and received the privilege from the rules of the country in 1257 of only accepting Germans as citizens. In 1259, it was again conquered by the Mongols. The Polish historian Ptaśnik states that Cracow was still “almost completely German” into well into the 15th century.
The Poles however spread the fairy tale that the seat of the rulers was shifted to Cracow from the cities of the “Polanen” as early as 1039 after a Bohemian attack. In 1039, there was neither a Wielkopolska nor a Malopolska nor the city of Cracow, since these only began to develop from insignificant market towns into the largest cities in the region after the invasion of the Mongol hordes in 1241, with the added privilege of only accepting Germans as citizens. The Polish fairy tale and the historical reality are still 200 years apart.
And what are we to think of the
"...famous Polish excavations, which became some of the most important centers of archeology in the world, led by the ‘most important scholars’ of the 20th century, from Josef Kostrrewski’s ‘famous’ school of archeology. His excavations proved the original and uninterrupted presence of Slavic tribes in the hinterlands of the Oder und Weichsel as well as in Pomorre. He conducted significant studies of the ancient culture of the Slavs - among other things, the famous defensive settlement at Biskupin, proof of the culture of Lausitz from the earliest Iron Age – and throughout his entire lifetime combated the chauvinistic conception of a few German archeologists (when Poland was liberated from the Hitler fascists, his name therefore stood on the list of persons especially wanted by the Gestapo.)
Josef Kostrzewski undertook and produced an extensive synthesis of the results of archeology, philology and ethnography and proved that the culture of Lausitz (from the Iron Age) belonged to the ancient Slavs. ... Simultaneous, and subsequent, investigations by Kostrzewski’s students as well as by other archeologists... confirmed the historical rights of the Poles to the regions on the Oder, Lausitzer Neiße and Baltic, and simultaneously proved that the statements of a few German historians of the allegedly decisive role of German colonization in the economic development of medieval Poland was false.
History is one of the sciences of which the Poles are very fond. 19th century Poland produced a whole series of excellent historical scholars. Polish interest in history was always particularly keen. In the times of the defeat of the Polish state the Poles gladly created courage and hope out of history, in which they made themselves familiar with the greatness and culture of the Polish republic of the nobles. And in history, the Poles sought lessons for the future."
I am compelled to quote at such length in order to be able to answer with historical facts. The Poles deny the decisive role of German services in the construction of the country, because naturally the land can only belong to those who made it cultivable and fruitful for over 900 years, who cleared the forests, built fields, bridges and roads, dug canals, built cities and villages and the most magnificent cathedrals and universities. If they admit that they themselves failed to participate in this cultivation of the land and life, then they have no right to its possession. This is why they so conscientiously restore the old structures, because at least then they can base the appearance of a right of possession on them. And in order to make it all a bit more impressive, they attempt to prove the existence of an ancient Slavic culture. They invent so many hordes of “magnificent scholars and archeologists” that one must really ask how many of them ever really existed. No other people can produce such long lists of names of great scientists in every field, not even the people of poets and thinkers, otherwise known as the Germans. They really need to prove to the Germans that the ancient Slavs not only date back to the Iron and Bronze Ages, but that they inhabited central Polish glaciers as far back as 50,000 years. On the greatness and culture of the Polish Republic of the Nobles, to which they refer so proudly in order to create courage and hope for the future. Just a few years ago, there was a Polish TV broadcast in which the Polish speakers reported on the corruption and venality of the nobles and the serfdom and oppression of the people and made bitter accusations. There is an interesting acknowledgement of the former candidate for the Polish Crown Throne, Stanislaw Leszczynski, from the year 1733, confirming these accusations:
"I cannot recall with a shudder the law that fined a nobleman no more than 50 Franks for killing a peasant. In our nation, for this price, people purchase freedom from the restraints of the law. Poland is the only country in which the population is losing all human rights to speak."
And the French Colonel Dumouriez, who was able to study the conditions very closely during a mission in 1770:
"The Poles fought for their constitution, for their freedom; they should have started out by destroying them. The Polish constitution is a pure aristocracy, in which the nobles can rule but never the people. It is impossible to apply this name to 7 or 8 million serfs, attached to the soil, without any rights or dignity, who are sold, traded, inherited as slaves, and who have to put up with all these changes in ownership like domestic animals. The social bodies of the Poles are monsters. Its government has only heads and stomachs, but no arms and legs, and its laws are like those of a sugar colony, which for the same reasons cannot lay claim to any independence. "
Both quotes from the “Slavic Legend”.
History is not erased so easily, as the editors of the new fairy tale book on Poland’s past might have thought. There are still in the archives many proofs to the contrary. Even Professor Markiewicz’s only recently announced position on the film “Scars” clearly contradicts the inventions of the literati of the great interest of the entire people in the history of Poland. If this were so, he would have not have been able to say:
"The historical consciousness of the Polish people is not formed by historians and historical scholars, but rather by their great poets and writers Adam Mickiewicz and Henryk Sienkiewicz."
Anybody who lies too much, no longer knows what lies have already been told by other peoples. The 19th century didn’t produce a whole series of excellent Polish historical scholars but a whole series of chauvinistic hacks, that spat on everything German and laid the basis for the later endless hatred. This hatred didn’t exist in Polish literature until around 1820; even during the time of the Christian conversion by the Crusaders they didn’t lie so bloodthirstily and disgustingly.
Thus the novel "With Fire and Sword" has no claim to be historical, but rather, as in this new fairy tale book, note should be taken according to the intention of Henryk Sienkiewicz "to fortify Polish hearts". But the effects are such that it is perceived as truth by all strata of the population, including the highest clergy, as he proves in his so-called "Offer of Reconciliation". These historical writers are now elevated to the level of historical scholars, "further strengthening Polish hearts". History is that simple.
The following is another example from the fairy tale book in the field of “Theater Culture”. On page 476, the “Traditions of Polish Art” are explained and it says literally:
"Upon the first appearance of the Dynasty of the Piasts, there sojourned there, in the form of two young angels, as guests, who, according to the Slavic custom, were greeted with mead and milk. The good-natured devil Bomta, who haunted the crossroads, was educated according to the manner of the Schlachta aristocracy, the ‘cosmopolitan’; Satan, by contrast, who leads men to evil, wore the German costume."
Can Polish culture be better revealed than during this admitted hatred? What a flood of lies is released into the world merely to avoid admitting that really they have the Germans to thank for everything. There is not a single piece of truth in this whole lie rag. Thus, for example, even the above mentioned Professor Linde, who only learned Polish as an adult and mastered it so well that he gave the Poles their first dictionary and grammar book, is described in this book as a Pole born in Sweden.
The same thing happens with the magnificent structures dating back to the 12th century. Nor are the Germans even mentioned as the people who designed and built them. The Poles make themselves look so ridiculous, that they take flight in an imaginary "Polish Gothic Art". Or at the most, they mention the Cistercian monks as the builders of the subsidiary branch of the Morimond Cloister (Burgund) - "an expression of the immediate relations with France." The "Polish Gothic Art" built the most beautiful buildings in every city, the Poles endlessly repeat. If one were to destroy everything in the country that was built by Germans or Italians, if one left only those structures built by Poles, there would be nothing left in the cities except rental high-rises, boring brick houses shaped like children’s building blocks, from the turn of the century and a few modern residential areas, which have nothing special with which to delight the eye. But this Polish “history book“ has to prove the contrary and therefore they have to lie.
I stumbled upon another especially wicked distortion and slander in the above mentioned “history book”, which I cannot leave unmentioned. Every resident of Poland was aware of the all-pervasive anti-Semitism which permeated all strata of Polish society. The Jews were hated and persecuted just as much as the Germans, perhaps more than the Germans. Over and over again, boycotts were proclaimed against Jewish shops, and signs reading "Nie kupuj u zyda" (Don’t Buy From Jews) could be seen in most Polish shop windows. There were times when the Jews were as unsafe on the streets as the Germans. When I was in Warsaw in 1943-44 after a fairly long time away, I heard many Poles say they were grateful to Hitler for freeing the country from the Jews, but that Poland wasn’t as “free from the Jews” as they would have hoped, so the Poles soon organized their own pogroms. There are many Jewish writers and politicians who reported on this, so many newspapers reported on these pogroms. There is no doubt about this.
Now listen to the way Polish historical writers exploit these facts. I quote from page 104:
"In the German’s view, the Jews were dying too slowly in the ghettoes, so they went over to their final liquidation, whether through murder on the spot, or by means of special camps. Of more than 3 million Jews, only a few tens of thousands survived. They owed their lives to the Polish population. Although helping Jews was punishable by the death penalty, the Poles smuggled food into the ghettoes and hid those who successfully escaped from the ghettoes. There was a special organization which combined many Polish organizations and brought help to the Jewish population – the Assistance Council for Jews."
This is so perfidious, that it takes one’s breath away. The Poles, who would never have given the Jews as much as a glass of water, claim to have created an organization to help them! What a generous and selfless people, that risks its lives to help Jews! This is the way the Poles write history now-a-days, and this is the way they wrote it hundreds of years ago.
The same lie techniques are employed with regards to Blomberg Bloody Sunday, just not as obviously. Briefly, they say:
"Immediately after termination of combat, they (the Germans) murdered tens of thousands of Poles in Bydgoszcz."
I would now like to speak about why these enormous historical falsifications are dished up on such a huge scale. First, the Poles naturally want to reduce their inferiority complex, which is why they describe themselves as such a noble people, so completely without defect or fault. But they are pursuing much more distant objectives, than merely that of enhancing their own value in their own eyes. That which becomes known here and there ought really to shake the Germans out of their slumbers.
For several years now, the various newspapers in Northern Germany have been carrying reports by German academics, who are supposed to have stumbled upon records in the old church books and personal records, referring to “original ancient Slavic” rights and settlements in the areas of Kiel and Braunschweig and Kassel all the way down to Nuremberg and east of Munich. You also need to know that ethnic Polish officers and non-commissioned officers have, for years, been drilled into thinking that Lübeck, Lauenburg and Ratzeburg are "original ancient Slavic territory", with a resulting historical claim on the part of the “Slavic family of peoples” to all of Schleswig-Holstein.
In the 1930s, both in Poland and abroad, Poland published a propaganda postcard with the support of the governmental authorities. This postcard was distributed as representing “historical truth”. Poland’s borders are drawn in with the white eagle of prey, while all of Slovakia, Czechia, the German territories all the way to Dresden-Berlin-Baltic, all of Silesia, Pomerania, West Prussia and East Prussia are included. The map was distributed with these added comments. Poland was already striving for these borders even before it obtained the British guarantee declaration. Poland was convinced that it could obtain this expansion of their territory by war, which is why they prayed in the churches for the great War of the Peoples:
O wielką wojnę ludów prosimy Cię, Panie! (For the Great War of the Peoples We Pray to You, Lord !)
After England decided upon war against Germany and Poland was prepared to start the war against Germany in exchange for the English guarantee declaration, the newspaper "Dziennik Poznański", in its edition of 26 June 1939, published a new map, in which the borders had been expanded far beyond those shown in the 1930s. The map is also attached. It shows the course of the borders as follows: the entire Baltic as far as Kiel, straight across Schleswig-Holstein to Bremen, down to Hannover, Göttingen, Kassel, Fulda, Frankfurt/Main, Nuremberg. We are grateful to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for publishing this Poland territorial claim in their issue of 31 August 1979.
And since Germans are already attempting to confirm the territories of Lower Saxony, including Luneburg and Luneburg Heide, demanded as “land of the Wends”, as Slavic, these territories will no doubt be “given back” at some time in the not-so-distant future. Silesia has already been “given back”, since Cardinal Wyszynski expressly stated as follows in Breslau:
When we look around at these places of worship, we know that we have not taken over any German heritage. It was not the German soul, but the Polish soul, that speaks from these stones. We waited for these buildings until they returned to our hands.
The Cardinal knew that he was lying and that everybody in the world must have known it. Nevertheless, he lied, and there was no outcry, either in ecclesiastical or governmental circles, for a rectification of this lie. Doesn’t this prove that the Polish Church considers every lie and every falsification to be justified if it simply brings the Church closer to its goals? Didn’t it also tell loads of whoppers in its so-called “Offer of Reconciliation”? I remember the infamous insults against the King of Prussia by the highest representatives of the Polish Church, when Frederick the so-called Great was made responsible for the first partition of Poland, although Poland had been under Russian rule since the time of Peter the Great, i.e., since about 1700, and a free Poland no longer existed for Frederick to “partition”. In the so-called First Partition, Russia retained 82%, Austria 10% and Prussia only 8% of the country, in which case it was simply regaining control of ancient Prussian territory? Doesn’t this figure of 82% for Russia make obvious who was really responsible for the partition?
When Frederick the Great regained ancient German territory which had only partially been subject to the Polish King, he liberated a poor, miserable people from the serfdom and oppression of a power-hungry and degenerate clique of the nobility. The land that Frederick regained control of, had been desolate and uncultivated since an outbreak of the Black Death in 1709 until the partition in 1772, and the people were so bullied and exploited by the arrogant and inhuman nobility that one could hardly call them “people” any more, so that the change in rule and order was greeted with joy.

THAT is the reality that the Polish bishops wish to turn into an accusation against Germany today by claiming that:
"The laws of economics, history and religion demand justice, as well as historical justice, demand that the Western territories now regained should remain forever Polish.”
This is a quotation from the former bishop of Cracow, Karol Wojtyla!
Just what the Polish Church was really after is revealed by another quotation from the Cardinals und Primate of Poland, Stefan Wyszynski, in 1965:
In regaining the Polish Western territories, with the destruction of the Prussian State and the destruction of the German Reich, the Counter-Reformation has achieved its goal.
Here, the Primate really lets the cat out of the bag. And he’s not just the head of the Polish Church, who pursues this goal. The entire Polish clergy lends assistance in so doing.
This quotation is both proof that Poland had a hidden war objective and therefore pushed for war.
The Cardinal gave an interview long ago on Austrian television. In so doing, the reproach was made against him that the Polish clergy had not done enough for Poland. In reply, he insisted that during the war, there was not a single Polish priest that did not fight with weapons in his hand. Does this require any comment?
One must keep all this in mind when the question is raised, on the German side, of who bears responsibility for the outbreak of the Second World War. Our gullible Germans are unable to conceive of the means employed by our adversaries to achieve their goals. In Germany, we even help them massively by further smashing the Third Reich as much as we can. In all public media, the abettors occupy all positions. How else would it be possible for so many lie films to be inserted in the television programming?
I have already mentioned the three-part film Scars, which is supposed to contribute to better understanding between German and Polish residents of Danzig. But it was nothing but one long libel against the Germans and a whitewashing of the Poles.
Revealingly, two quotations from the Poles were nevertheless brought up during the concluding discussion. I have already mentioned the first one, from Prof. Markiewicz. I would nevertheless like to repeat it here, since we must not forget it and should recall it back into the memory of the school book commission:
“The historical consciousness of the Polish people is not formed by historians and scholars, but by their great poets and writers, Adam Mickiewicz and Henryk Sienkiewicz.”
Isn’t that clear proof of what I have said, that Poles are not concerned with the truth, but rather, solely and exclusively, with establishing their own daydreams, so that their interpretation of history may be cemented for all time? This interpretation could, in turn, then be linked to financial and economic demands and extortion. In view of the gullibility of the Germans and their lack of endurance in the struggle for their own rights, the Poles hope to achieve their goals, as they have already announced the achievement of their goals, through the destruction of Prussia and the destruction of the German Reich .
But even the reporter Zdanowski let the cat out of the bag and revealed the Polish objectives and the Polish character, when he declared:
This sentence should be read several times and should not be forgotten, since this is an announcement of the next objective of the Poles. The former Pope Karol Wojtyla has already spoken of the restoration of a new God’s State on Earth. According to his own admission, this can only be a Catholic state. But according to the Polish view, Catholic is synonymous with Polish. If a German Catholic cannot be a true Catholic, then logically, he can only be a Pole. Just like how the Bamberg Catholics were completely and by force deprived of the Sacraments and were Polonized by force and other means, so the Counter-Reformation will not call a halt with the present situation of the destruction of the German Reich and the destruction of Prussia. The objectives could not be expressed more clearly. The public maps no only confirm the megalomania of the Poles but also that the Poles are exploited by powers in the background. A people that prays for a great War of the Peoples in its church services, can very easily be turned into torches. All the more so, when a son of this people, raised to the Chair of St. Peter, forgets himself to such an extent that during a visit by his countrymen in Castel Gandolfo, when the latter full of enthusiasm and ardour sang their infamous "Rota", sang along with them into the microphone. Perhaps this was the answer to demands from the environment of the Vatican to stop the perceptible favoritism granted to Polish pilgrims. The German pilgrims present listened in disgust when they heard the Pope singing the “Rota” along the Polish pilgrims. Every Pole must have felt confirmed in their demands and objectives. The following is the text of the "Rota":
Nie rzucim ziemi skąd nasz ród,
Nie damy pogrześć mowy,
Polski my naród, polski lud,
Królewski szczep piastowy.
Nie damy by nas zniemczył wróg!
     Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
     Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

Do krwi ostatniej kropli z żył
Bronić będziemy ducha,
Aż się rozpadnie w proch i w pył
Krzyżacka zawierucha.
Twierdzą nam będzie każdy próg.
     Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
     Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

Nie damy miana polski zgnieść,
Nie pójdziem żywo w trumnę
W Ojczyzny imię i w jej cześć
Podnosim czoła dumne.
Odzyska ziemię dziadów wnuk.
     Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
     Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

Nie będzie Niemiec pluł nam w twarz,
Ni dzieci nam germanił!
Orężny wstanie hufiec nasz,
Duch będzie nam hetmanił.
Pójdziem, gdy zabrzmi złoty róg.
     Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
     Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

We won't abandon the land whence our kin.
We won't let our native tongue be buried,
Polish people we are, Polish folk,
We are of the Royal Piast clan.
We won't let the enemy Germanize us!
     So help us God!
     So help us God!

To the last drop of blood in our veins
We'll defend our spirit,
Till dissipates into powder and dust
The Teutonic gale.
Every threshold will be a stronghold for us.
     So help us God!
     So help us God!

We won't let Poland's name be trampled,
We won't alive into a coffin go
In Motherland's name and her glory
We raise our foreheads proudly.
The grandparents' land the grandson will regain.
     So help us God!
     So help us God!

The German won't spit in our face,
Nor Germanize our kids!
Our phalanx armed will arise,
The spirit will command us.
We'll go when the golden horn calls.
     So help us God!
     So help us God!
[Alternate translation]:

Polish text: English translation:
Nie rzucim ziemi, skąd nasz ród. We will not abandon the land whence our folk come.
Nie damy pogrześć mowy. We will not allow our language be buried.
Polski my naród, polski lud, We are the Polish nation, the Polish people,
Królewski szczep Piastowy. From the royal line of Piast.
Nie damy, by nas zgnębił wróg. We will not allow the foe to hold us down.

Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! So help us God!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! So help us God!

Do krwi ostatniej kropli z żył To the last drop of blood in our veins
Bronić będziemy ducha, We will defend our spirit
Aż się rozpadnie w proch i w pył Until unto dust and ash
Krzyżacka zawierucha. Falls the Teutonic whirlwind.
Twierdzą nam będzie każdy próg. Every doorsill will be our fortress.

Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! So help us God!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! So help us God!

Nie będzie Niemiec pluł nam w twarz The German will not spit in our face
Ni dzieci nam germanił, Nor Germanize our children,
Orężny wstanie hufiec nasz, Our host will rise up in arms,
Duch będzie nam hetmanił. Our spirit will lead the way.
Pójdziem, gdy zabrzmi złoty róg. We'll go forth when sounds the golden horn.

Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! So help us God!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! So help us God!

Nie damy miana Polski zgnieść We won't let Poland's name be crushed
Nie pójdziem żywo w trumnę. We won't go, living, to the grave.
W Ojczyzny imię i w jej cześć In our country's name and its honor
Podnosim czoła dumne, We lift our heads proudly,
Odzyska ziemię dziadów wnuk. His forefathers' land the grandson will regain.

Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! So help us God!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! So help us God!

See also: http://info-poland.buffalo.edu/web/arts_culture/music/hymns/rota/link.shtml
For music, click here (with English translation) or here or here.
The musical quality of the last two examples would appear to indicate that the reputation of the Poles as "musically gifted" is somewhat exaggerated. At any rate, they seem to have an inexhaustible appetite for this sort of thing. - C.P.

No poem ever attained such popularity as the “Rota” (the Oath), which is still sung today. The original edition was not directed against the Germans, but rather against the Russians. Maria Konopnicka composed it in about 1908. Through rewording, it was redirected against the Germans and sung at the dedication of the Grunwald Monument in Cracow for the first time in 1910. After that, it became the combat song of the Pilsudski Legions. And now, in the Year of Our Lord 1981, it was sung with enthusiasm in Castell Gandolfo with the aiding and abetting of Pope John Paul II.
What a strange Christianity is revealed here. Songs of hate are sung at the See of the Representative of Christ on Earth and the Pontifix Maximus personally joins in, even over the microphone, so that the whole world can hear. A whole people conserves the un-Christian hatred for centuries, and lives off it. It considers the expulsion of almost 15 million human beings from their centuries-old homeland and the murder of more than 2 million more, after the war, to be justified and announces the additional theft of further territories, i.e., further expulsions. At the same time, these “Christian” expellers demand assistance from those whom they have expelled and claim that they hunger for the richest and most fruitful soil, while vodka instead of food is made from potatoes, while begging letters are sent to everybody possible and even to completely unknown private addresses, while one demands understanding, pity and Christian love of one’s neighbor, and they repay all this with hatred and insults from the domicile of the Pontifex Maximus. Christianity, Polish-style!
Isn’t it about time for the Germans to start to understand all this?
For all those who have already forgotten the cruel expulsion of 12 million people from their homes and even claim that it was all a “humane resettlement”, I will, at the end of this brochure, provide proof of the biggest crime of this century. It is the Special Order, bearing the Polish eagle of the Polish government, for the expulsion of the population of the city of Salzbrunn, one of many similar cases.
This proof should be shown to former Minister of State Dr. von Dohnanyi, who was not ashamed to tell his fellow citizens who had been expelled and were refugees, in the face of all the truth, that nobody was preventing them living there. He should be told that in the reverse case, not one single Pole would have debased himself so much as to speak to the dehumanized refugees about a “humane shifting and exchange of populations“.
All Germans should be reminded of the statement of Pius XII who was at any rate no Pole, on the annexation of German territories by Poland. The papal opinion states:
"It is the greatest crime to rob 12 million refugees and 3 million dead."
One can only add that this opinion remains valid until the injustice is righted and repaired.
Freda Utley, an Englishwoman by birth, lecturer and newspaper correspondent with academic honors from the London University in history, spent a long time in Germany after 1945, observing the conditions. In her book, “The High Cost of Vengeance”, on page 162 [orig. English ed. Henry Regnery Co., Chicago, 1949, p. 143], she found a statement about the Germans, which deserves to be recalled to memory by all Germans:
"War propaganda has obscured the true facts of history, otherwise Americans might realize that the German record is no more aggressive, if as aggressive, as that of the French, British, and Dutch who conquered huge empires in Asia and Africa while the Germans stayed at home composing music, studying philosophy, and listening to their poets. Not so long ago the Germans were, in fact, among the most “peace-loving” peoples of the world and might become so again, given a world in which it is possible to live in peace.
Mistaken as the Boeklers of Germany may be in believing that concessions can be won from the Western powers by negotiation, their attitude proves the willingness of many Germans to trust to peaceful means to obtain their ends."
This peacefulness should not go so far that we all abandon all our rights and no longer defend ourselves, when greedy neighbors show an ever-increasing hunger for our country and falsify history so much at the same time as if the Germans did nothing for a thousand years and simply attacked and murdered the poor, noble “slavs” over and again. Let us defend ourselves against these lies instead of always helping our worst enemies get on their feet again so that they can insult us and spit on us all over again. We Germans have no reason to wear sackcloth and ashes and lie on the ground in humiliation; we can be proud of our past, since there is no people on this earth which has given so much to the world.
We have been learning how history is falsified, almost every day since 1945. Just as now, it was also falsified earlier. We have experience and suffered the devastating results of this falsification upon people of the same origins and the same blood . If it is ever to come to a peaceful way to understanding between Germans and Poles, the past must be completely clarified and borne in all strata of the population. Not only among us, but among our neighbors as well over there. The Poles, who are ruled exclusively by feeling, must finally take cognizance of history and not look at everything one-sidedly and in their favor and blame the Germans for everything. Every people needs its history and no man flourishes without a country. The German people are therefore under an obligation not to allow their history to be falsified by foreigners. It is time to put an end to the Polish falsification of history; it must be annulled in order to vanquish hatred. Only the truth can vanquish hatred. No matter how bitter it might be, it is the only way to win the future.
* * *

Festen Mut in schweren Leiden,
Hilfe, wo die Unschuld weint,
Ewigkeit geschworen Eiden,
Wahrheit gegen Freund und Feind,
Männerstolz vor Königsthronen. -

Brüder, gält es Gut und Blut:
Dem Verdienste seine Kronen,
Untergang der Lügenbrut!
Friedrich von Schiller

[p. 51]


The fact of the expulsion is of course generally known, but I have received a photocopy of an original of an original expulsion order, which is only one of many.

I would like to bring it to public attention.
Else Löser
for translation click here

Wilhelm Kammeier: Die Fälschungen der deutschen Geschichte
Lothar Greil: Slawenlegende
Franz Wolff: Ostgermanien
Richard Suchenwirth: Der Deutsche Osten
Rudolf Trenkel: Der Bromberger Blutsonntag
Rudolf Trenkel: Polens Marsch in den 2.ten Weltkrieg
Peter Aurich: Der deutsch-polnische September 1939
Walther Steller: Grundlagen der deutschen Geschichtsforschung
Kurt Relle: Die unbewältigte Heuchelei
Freda Utley: The High Cost of Vengeance
Wydawnyctwo Interpress: POLEN

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