
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Monday, July 23, 2012

The Balfour Declaration et other WWI machinations

The Balfour Declaration
November 2, 1917
During the First World War, British policy became gradually committed to the idea of establishing a Jewish home in Palestine (Eretz Yisrael). After discussions in the British Cabinet, and consultation with Zionist leaders, the decision was made known in the form of a letter by Arthur James Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The letter represents the first political recognition of Zionist aims by a Great Power.
You can read a short chapter from Doug Reed's book, Controversy of Zion, which gives a background on how this came about. You'll also notice how they so casually tossed Theodore Herzl aside, like a piece of rotten meat when he was no longer 'useful' (as in 'useful idiot'). As you're reading about Weizmann, bear in mind he was also cast aside and died a destitute and forlorn and forgotten person, as did Colonel Mandel House, Woodrow Wilson's alter ego and pawn to the Zionist elite.
Anyone who believes that they will escape the same treatment has grossly deluded themselves, including elected officials and appointed bureaucrats who trade their souls for a scrap of bread from their masters.  
Jackie -- April 11th, 2003
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour
Details of behind-the-scenes machinations which dragged Americans into World War I (the Great War) were taken from the book "The Lusitania", written in 1972 by Colin Simpson. ISBN #0-345-25145-8-195. The following is excerpted from Section 3 of the work-in-progress titled Jewish Persecution.

The Aberration of Mr. Balfour
The following 'Aberration of Mr. Balfour' is a chapter from Douglas Reed's book, the Controversy of Zion. The book can be purchased from Omni Christian Bookclub. Their link can be found at the bottom of the page in the Resources section.
Doug Reed could speak volumes in one sentence. Controversy of Zion is, in my opinion, a foundational work upon which we can build to bring the lies we've been told about the past into focus.
There is other information that confirms the pre-planning of WWI years before it actually started. Here is a short excerpt from a testimony by Norman Dodd before an Illinois special legislative committee established to study the effects of Regional Governance on the state. Executive Director of the Reese Congressional Committee which held hearings in 1953 to investigate the power and influence of the tax-exempt foundations, and in particular, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie Foundations.
Now, we are back in the period of 1908, and these minutes reported the following: The Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment bring up a single question; namely, if it is desirable to alter the life of an entire people, is there any means more efficient than war to gain that end? And they discuss this question at a very high academic and scholarly level for a year, and they come up with an answer-- there are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire people.
That leads, then, to a question: How do we involve the United States in a war?
This was in 1909. I doubt if there was any question more removed, or any idea more removed from the minds of us, as a people, at that time than war. There were certain of what we call "intermittent shows" in the Balkans, and I also doubt if very many of us knew, really, where the Balkans was, or their relation or possible effect on us.
We jump, then, to the time when we are in a war, and these Trustees. . . oh, before that, the Trustees then answered the question of how to involve us in a war by saying, "We must control the diplomatic machinery of the United States"; and then that brings up the question of how to secure that control, and the answer is we must control the State Department.
You can read the entire testimony here.  There's much more.  It has also been claimed by other researchers that the planners of the first Great War decided to wait until the U.S. Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act so the American people could pay for the cost of the war.  The Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23, 1913 and WWI commenced in 1914, although it took until 1917 to finally receive the 'mandate' from the American people.
-- Jackie -- April 11th, 2003.
Begin transcript of Chapter from Controversy of Zion, by Douglas Reed
     As the first decade of the 20th Century grew older the signs of the coming storms multiplied.  
     In 1903 the British Government had offered Uganda to Zionism and Max Nordau had publicly foretold "the future world war", in the sequence to which England would procure Palestine for Zionism.  
     In 1905 the Protocols prophetically revealed the destructive orgy of Communism.  
     Then in 1906 one Mr. Arthur James Balfour, Prime Minister of England, met Dr. Weizmann in a hotel room and was captivated by the notion of presenting Palestine, which was not his to give, to "the Jews".
     The shape which "the future world war" would take was then determined.  Mr. Balfour stood guard over the new century and yielded the pass.  A different man, in his place, might have saved it; or another might have done the same, for by 1906 the hidden mechanism for exerting "irresistible pressure on the international affairs of the present" (Leon Pinsker, 1882) had evidently been perfected.  
     Rabbi Elmer Berger says of that time,
"that group of Jews which committed itself to Zionism. . . entered a peripatetic kind of diplomacy which took it into many chancelleries and parliaments, exploiting the labyrinthine and devious ways of international politics in a part of the world where political intrigue and secret deals were a byword. Jews began to play the game of 'practical politics'."
The era of the malleable 'administrators' and compliant 'premier-dictators', all furthering the great plan, was beginning.  Therefore any other politician, put in Mr. Balfour's place at that time, might have acted similarly.  However, his name attaches to the initial misdeed.
     His actions are almost unaccountable in a man of such birth, training and type.  Research cannot discover evidence of any other motive than an infatuation, of the 'liberal' sort, for an enterprise which he did not even examine in the light of duty and wisdom.
     'Hard-boiled' considerations of 'practical politics' (that is, a cold calculation that money or votes might be gained by supporting Zionism) can hardly be suspected in him.  He and his colleagues belonged to the oldest families of England, which carried on a long tradition of public service.  Statesmanship was in their blood; understanding of government and knowledge of foreign affairs were instinctive in them; they represented the most successful ruling class in recorded history; and they were wealthy.
     Why, then, did instinct, tradition and wisdom suddenly desert them in this one question, at the moment when their Conservative Party, in its old form, for the last time governed England, and their families still guided the country's fortunes from great houses in Piccadilly and Mayfair and from country abbeys?  
     Were they alarmed by the menace that 'the mob' would be incited against them if they did not comply? They realized that birth and privilege alone would not continue to qualify for the function of governing. The world had changed much in the the century before, and they knew that the process would go on.  
     In the British tradition they worked to ensure continuity, unbroken by violence and eased by conciliation. They were too wise to resist change; they aimed at guiding change.  Perhaps they were too eager on that account to shake hands with Progress, when it knocked, without examining the emissaries' credentials.
     Mr. Balfour, their leader, was a tall, aloof and scholarly bachelor, impassive and pessimistic; he was of chilly mien but his intimates contend that his heart was warm. His middle-aged love affair with Zionism might be a symptom of unwilling celibacy.  In youth he delayed asking his ladylove until she became affianced to another; before they could marry her lover died; and as Mr. Balfour was about to make good his earlier tardiness she died.  He then resolved to remain unmarried.
     Women may not be good judges of a distinguished bachelor who wears a broken heart on his sleeve, but many of the contemporary comments about him come from women, and I quote the opinions of two of the most beautiful women of that day. Consuelo Vanderbilt (an American, later the Duchess of Marlborough) wrote,
"The opinions he expressed and the doctrines he held seemed to be the products of pure logic. . . he was gifted with a breadth of comprehension I have never seen equalled";
     and Lady Cynthia Asquith said,
"As for his being devoid of moral indignation, I often saw him white with anger; any personal injustice enraged him".
     The italicized words could not more completely misportray Mr. Balfour, if the result of his actions is any test.  The one thought-process which cannot have guided him, in pledging his country to Zionism, was logic, for no logical good could come of this for any of the parties concerned, his own country, the native inhabitants of Palestine, or (in my opinion) the mass of Jews who had no intention of going there.
     As for injustice (unless Lady Cynthia intended to distinguish between 'personal' and mass injustice), the million innocent beings who today have been driven into the Arabian wilderness (in the manner of the Levitical 'scapegoat') offer the obvious answer.
     Anyway, there he was, Prime Minister of England, having succeeded 'dear Uncle Robert' (Lord Salisbury, of the great house of Cecil) in 1902.  Clearly he cannot at that instant have conceived, from nowhere, the notion of giving Uganda to the Zionists, so that 'irresistible pressure' must have been at work before he took office.  
     What went on in that earlier period is all mystery or, in truth, conspiracy ('labyrinthine intrigue').  When he became prime minister the mine was already laid, and to the end of his days Mr. Balfour apparently never realized that it was the mine of which all are today aware.
For that matter, the successors of the Czars were of just the same opinion.  Lenin in 1903 wrote:
'This Zionist idea is entirely false and reactionary in its essence.  The idea of a separate Jewish nation, which is utterly untenable scientifically, is reactionary in its political implications. . . The Jewish question is assimilation or separateness? And the idea of a Jewish people is manifestly reactionary'.
And in 1913 Stalin reaffirmed this dictum.  The destiny of the Jews, he said, was assimilation (in a Communist world, of course, in this opinion).
     Dr. Herzl, despairing of the Czar, the Kaiser and the Sultan (the three potentates had been amiable but prudent and non-committal; they knew, what Mr. Balfour never learned, that Zionism was dynamite) had declared:
"England, great England, free England, England commanding the seas will understand our aims"
     The reader will perceive for what purpose, in this view, england had become great, free, and commander of the seas).  when the Uganda offer showed the Talmudic directorate in Russia that Dr. Herzl was wrong in thinking that England would "understand" their needs, Dr. Weizmann was sent to London.  He was preparing to overthrow Dr. Herzl and now becomes our chief witness to the hidden events of that time.
     A young Englishman, with some modest petition, would have great trouble even today in penetrating the janitorial and secretarial defences of a Cabinet minister's private room.  Young Dr. Weizmann from Russia, who wanted Palestine, was quickly ushered into that of Lord Percy ('in charge of African affairs').
     Lord Percy was another scion of a great ruling family with an ancient tradition of public service and wise administration.  According to Dr. Weizmann, he
"Expressed boundless astonishment that the Jews should ever so much as have considered the Uganda proposal, which he regarded as impractical on the one hand, and, on the other, a denial of the Jewish religion.        Himself deeply religious, he was bewildered by the thought that Jews could even entertain the idea of any other country than Palestine as the centre of their revival; and he was delighted to learn from me that there were so many Jews who had emphatically refused.  He added, 'If I were a Jew, I would not give a halfpenny for the proposition'."
     Presumably Dr. Weizmann did not inform Lord Percy of the unanimous longing of the Jews in Palestine to remove to Uganda.  
     What he had heard, if his record is correct, was virtually an invitation to get rid of Dr. Herzl and a promise to support the claim to Palestine.  He went away to prepare Dr. Herzl's discomfiture.  He did not go empty-handed.
     Possibly, in the fifty years that have elapsed, British ministers have learned that official notepaper should be kept where only those authorized may use it.  On leaving Lord Percy's room Dr. Weizmann took some Foreign Office notepayer and on it wrote a report of the conversation, which he sent to Russia (where under the Romanoffs and the Communist Czars alike, government stationery is not left lying around).  
     In Russia, this document, written on official Foreign Office paper, must have aroused feelings akin to those which a holy ikon would cause in a Moujik.  clearly it meant that the British Government had no further use for Dr. Herzl and would procure Palestine for the Zionists in Russia.  Lord Percy, in today's idiom, had started something.
     All else followed as if arranged by Greek gods:  the triumph of the Zionists from Russia over Dr. Herzl, his collapse and death, the rejection of the Uganda offer.  Then Dr. Weizmann moved to England, "the one country which seemed likely to show a genuine sympathy for a movement like ours", and where he could "live and work without let or hindrance, at least theoretically" (any compilation of classical understatements might include this passage in first place).
     Dr. Weizmann chose Manchester for his residence.  He says "by chance", but credulity balks.  Manchester held Mr. Balfour's constituency; Manchester was the Zionist headquarters in England; the chairman of Mr. Balfour's party in Manchester was a Zionist (today the British Conservative Party is still enmeshed in these toils).
     The Greek drama continued.  Mr. Balfour's prime-ministership ended in a fiasco for his party when in the 1906 election eight out of nine Manchester seats were lost to it. He then faded temporarily from office.  
     At that moment another personage entered the present narrative.  Among the triumphant Liberal candidates was a rising young man with a keen nose for political winds, a Mr. Winston Churchill. He also sought election in Manchester and commended himself to the Zionist headquarters there, first by attacking the Balfour government's Aliens Bill (which set a brake on large-scale immigration from such places as Russia) and next by supporting Zionism.
     Thereon "the Manchester Jews promptly fell into line behind him as though he were a kind of latterday Moses; one of their leaders got up at an all-Jewish-meeting and announced that 'any Jew who votes against Churchill is a traitor to the common cause' " (Mr. R.C. Taylor).  
     Mr. churchill, elected, became Under Secretary for the Colonies.  His public espousal of Zionism was simply a significant episode at that time; three decades later, when Mr. Balfour was dead, it was to have consequences as fateful as Mr. Balfour's own aberration.
     To return to Mr. Balfour: his private thoughts were much with Zionism.  At no time, as far as the annals disclose, did he give thought to the native inhabitants of Palestine, whose expulsion into the wilderness he was to cause.
     By coincidence, the election was being mainly fought around the question of the allegedly cruel treatment of some humble beings far away (this is an instance of the method of stirring up the passions of 'the mob', recommended by Dr. Herzl and the Protocols).  The electors knew nothing of Zionism and when they later became acquainted with it felt no concern for the menaced Arabs, because that side of the matter was not put before them by a press then 'submissive'.
     However, in 1906 their feelings were being inflamed about "Chinese slavery" and (Manchester being Manchester) they were highly indignant about it.  At that time chinese Coolies were being indentured for three years work in the South African gold mines.  Those chosen counted themselves fortunate, but for electoral and 'rabble-rousing' purposes in Manchester this was "slavery" and the battle was fought and won on that score.  The victorious Liberals forgot "Chinese slavery" immediately after the counting of the votes, (and when their turn in office came outdid the Conservatives in their enthusiasm for Zionism).
     Thus, while shouts of "Chinese slavery" resounded outside his windows, Mr. Balfour, closeted with a Zionist emissary from Russia, prepared something worse than slavery for the Arabs of Palestine.  His captivation was complete before the interview began, as his niece and lifelong confidante (Mrs. Dugdale) shows:
"His interest in the subject was whetted. . . by the refusal of the Zionist Jews to accept the Uganda offer. . . The opposition aroused in him a curiosity which he found no means to satisfy. . . He had asked his chairman in Manchester to fathom the reasons for the Zionist attitude. . .
Balfour's interest in the Jews and their history. . . originated in the Old Testament training of his mother and in his Scottish upbringing.  As he grew up his intellectual admiration and sympathy for certain aspects of the Jews in the modern world seemed to him of immense importance.  I remember in childhood imbibing from him the idea that Christian religion and civilization owed to Judaism an immeasurable debt, ill repaid."
     Such was Mr. Balfour's frame of mind when he received Dr. Weizmann in a room of the old Queen's Hotel in dank and foggy Manchester in 1906.  The proposition before him, if accepted, meant adding Turkey, in 1906, to England's enemies in any "future world war" and, if Turkey were defeated in it, engaging in perpetual warfare thereafter with the Arab world.
     But calculations of national interest, moral principle and statesmanship, if the above quotations are the test, had deserted Mr. Balfour's mind.
     He was in the grip of a "whetted" interest and an unsatisfied "curiosity"; it sounds like a young girl's romantic feeling about love.  He had not been elected to decide what 'debt' Christianity owed to Judaism, or if he decided that one was owing, to effect its repayment, from a third party's funds, to some canvasser professing title to collect.  
     If there were any identifiable debt and any rational cause to link his country with it, and he could convince the country of this, he might have had a case.  Instead, he decided privately that there was a debt, and that he was entitled to choose between claimants in favour of a caller from Russia, when the mass of Jews in England repudiated any notion of such a debt.  History does not tell of a stranger thing.
     Dr. Weizmann, forty years later, recorded that the Mr. Balfour whom he met "had only the most naive and rudimentary notion of the movement"; he did not even know Dr. Herzl's name, the nearest he could get to it being "Dr. Herz".  Mr. Balfour was already carried away by his enthusiasm for the unknown cause.  He posed formal objections, but apparently only for the pleasure of hearing them overborne, as might a girl object to the elopement she secretly desire.
     He was much impressed (as Dr. Weizmann says) when his visitor said,
"Mr. Balfour, supposing I were to offer you Paris instead of London, would you take it?"
"But, Dr. Weizmann, we have london", he answered.  
Dr. Weizmann retorted, "But we had Jerusalem when London was a marsh".
     Mr. Balfour apparently felt this to be a conclusive reason why the Ashkenazic Jews from russia should be removed to Palestine.  However, the only body of Jews whose interest he had any right to consider, those of England, had been working hard to dissuade him from getting entangled in Zionism, and he made a last feeble objection: "It is curious, Dr. Weizmann, the Jews I meet are quite different". Dr. Weizmann replied, "Mr. Balfour, you meet the wrong kind of Jew".
     Mr. Balfour never again questioned the claim of the Zionists from Russia to be the right kind of Jews.  
"It was from that talk with Weizmann that I saw that the Jewish form of patriotism was unique.  It was Weizmann's absolute refusal even to look at it (the Uganda proposition) which impressed me".
     To these words Mrs. Dugdale adds the comment,
"The more Balfour thought about Zionism, the more his respect for it and his belief in its importance grew.  His convictions took shape before the defeat of Turkey in the Great War, transforming the whole future for the Zionists".
     He also transformed the whole future for the entire West and for two generations of its sons.  In this hotel-room meeting of 1906, Max Nordau's prophecy of 1903 about the shape of 'the future world war' was given fulfillment.
     As that war approached, the number of leading public men who privily espoused Zionism grew apace.  They made themselves in fact co-conspirators, for they did not inform the public masses of any intention about Palestine.  None outside the inner circle of 'labyrinthine intrigue' knew that one was in their minds and would be carried out in the confusion of a great war, when parliamentary and popular scrutiny of acts of State policy was in suspense.  The secrecy observed stamps the process as a conspiratorial one, originating in Russia, and it bore fruit in 1917.
     The next meeting between Dr. Weizmann and Mr. Balfour was on december 14, 1914.
[foot note] As instance of the difficulty of eliciting facts in this matter, Mrs. Dugdale quoted Dr. Weizmann as saying, "I did not see him again until 1916", but contradicts this statement by another of her own. "On December 14, 1914, Dr. Weizmann had an appointment to see Balfour".  The implicit mention of a second meeting on that date appears to be confirmed by Dr. Weizmann's own statement, that after seeing Mr. Lloyd George on December 3, 1914, he "followed up at once Lloyd George's suggestion about seeing Mr. Balfour".
     Then the First World War had just begun.  The standing British army had been almost wiped out in France, and France itself faced catastrophe, while only the British Navy stood between England and the gravest dangers.  A war, costing Britain and France some three million lives, lay ahead, and the youth of Britain was rushing to join in the battle.  The great cause was supposed to be that of overthrowing 'Prussian militarism', liberating 'small nations', and restoring 'freedom and democracy'.
     Mr. Balfour was soon to be restored to office.  His thoughts, when he met Dr. Weizmann again, were apparently far from the great battle in France.  His mind was not with his country or his people.  It was with Zionism and Palestine.  He began his talk with Dr. Weizmann by saying,
"I was thinking about that conversation of ours (in 1906) and I believe that when the guns stop firing you may get your Jerusalem".
     People who lived at that time may recall the moment and see how far from anything which they supposed to be at stake were these thoughts of Mr. Balfour.  In the person of Mr. Balfour the Prophet Monk reappeared, but this time armed with power to shape the destiny of nations.  
     Obviously 'irresistible pressure' behind the scenes had gained great power and was already most effective in 1914.
     By that time the American people were equally enmeshed in this web of 'labyrinthine intrigue', hidden from the general view, though they did not suspect it. They feared 'foreign entanglements'; they wished to keep out of the war and had a president who promised he would keep them out of it.  In fact, they were virtually in it, for 'irresistible pressure' by that time was working as effectively in Washington as in London.  [end of chapter] 

Machinations behind our entry into WWI

Mr. Reed did not mention the machinations behind our entry into WWI which should be included here in order to give credence to the assertion that every war in which American soldiers have been used, has been a plan to further the goals of the World Revolution.
When Europe became embroiled in the first 'great war', it has been written that nine of every ten Americans opposed U.S. intervention. They would not be aroused by all the propaganda of the controlled press and passionate speeches of Zionist lackeys in the government. Neither could the U.S. Congress be persuaded. For this reason, a hostile act had to be committed by the enemy -- namely Germany.
Without going into all the truly ugly details, of which books have been written, suffice it to say that: Woodrow Wilson, Mandel House, J .P. Morgan (a Rothschild agent) and Winston Churchill (First Lord of the Admiralty at the time) conspired together to ensure that the passenger ship, Lusitania -- carrying 1,195  passengers, 195 of which were Americans -- would be sunk by a German U-boat.
Part of the British Cunard line, the Lusitania had been restructured, armored and armed for combat. Along with her unsuspecting passengers, she was known to be carrying tons of ammunition and other war materials from the U.S. to England in violation of the protocols of war by 'neutral' powers.
We use the phrase 'neutral powers' facetiously in this case, because the real history of WWI proves that not only was the war discussed as far back as 1906, it was decided that the U.S. would be brought in on the side of the Allies. However, it is probable that the method whereby the U.S. would be entangled was not formulated until later.
In the case of the Lusitania, the German government had pre-paid for adds to be placed in fifty newspapers, mostly on the east coast, warning Americans not to sail on the Lusitania. Of all the papers, only the Des Moines Register published the warning on the requested date. The U.S. State Department frightened publishers by raising the possibility of liable suites if they published without prior clearance from State Department attorneys.
Following is a transcript of the text of that ad from G. Edward Griffin's book, The Creature From Jekyll Island:
TRAVELERS intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travelers sailing in the war zone on the ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk.  
IMPERIAL GERMAN EMBASSY  Washington, D.C. April 22, 1915
Mr. Griffin also explains how the German navy had been goaded into a position of 'shoot first, ask questions later'. On May, 7th, 1915 the Lusitania set sail without protection; her course was charted for a known German submarine nest. As expected, the hit from a single German torpedo caused an explosion so great (from the explosives on board ship) that the Lusitania went down in only 18 minutes, carrying nearly a thousand men, women, children and infants to their death.
Later, at the American Embassy, because he was under the impression that all passengers had survived, Ambassador Page went ahead with a planned dinner, during which the telegrams began arriving detailing the events of the tragedy. Mr. Page read each of them aloud to his guests. It is said that when the full details of the tragedy were known, Mandel House informed all present that the U.S. would enter the war within the month.
Even after the deaths of nearly 100 American citizens, it took almost two years for the press, along with constant pressure from President Wilson, to arouse the people and finally persuade the U.S. Congress to declare war against Germany. Obviously, Americans then were not quite so easily inspired to war as they are today. However, on April 16, 1917 Americans were pressed into war, believing they were fighting for God and country.
To accomplish this feat over a thousand innocent lives were lost, military career men left their offices, William Jennings Bryan resigned as Secretary of State, the Lusitania's Captain Turner became a scapegoat, and in defense of the World Order U.S. soldiers left their families, wives, and children to kill and die. Just as they are doing today.
The influence of the press at that time was a result of the Morgan-Rockefeller scheme in buying up the major newspapers, in order to 'press' them into the service of the Internationalists.
In Griffin's book mentioned above, Griffin explained that:
"When the ship was sunk off the coast of Ireland with 195 Americans aboard, it became the center of a national campaign to generate emotional support for coming into the war."
On page 262 of The Creature From Jekyll Island there is a reproduction of one of the campaign ads designed most effectively to reach into the very depths of one's heart. A painting depicts a young woman at the bottom of the ocean, holding an infant tightly in her arms, her hair and gossamer gown drifting in the current. The painting says it all. The single commanding word, in large, bold letters says simply: ENLIST
Those same unconscionable methods are being used today, to sustain the hurt, anger and desire for revenge of the WTC tragedy, in the minds and hearts of Americans. HBO is just now airing a memorial to the victims of the heinous act of evil, renewing, refreshing, and re-energizing the gamut of emotions that had begun to heal.
We are dealing here with cold, calculating devils who have either lost, or they've never had so much as a glimmer, of either compassion for another human being or remorse for their deeds. If it should happen that any of them would suddenly awaken to the terror they've caused and committed, they would surely lose their minds with relentless grief.
The United States' entry into the Great War filled the needs of both the British and the Zionists. England needed U.S. military power - including American men and boys - and the Zionists wanted the 'Holy Land' for themselves. It is for themselves and their ruthless plan for World Dominion, not for their lesser brethren. In exchange for the Zionists' promise to bring the U.S. into the war, the British government promised a 'homeland' in Palestine for the Jews.
This promise was made via a letter from Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild on November 2, 1917, that became known as the Balfour Declaration (appendix B). Incidentally, the Declaration did not promise a Jewish State for the Jews; it promised a homeland, along with certain and specific conditions, to wit:
". . . it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".
The snag accompanying the promise was the fact that Palestine was not England's to give; at that time Turkey ruled Palestine under a sort of home rule government. For nearly twenty years the Zionists had been wrangling for a homeland for the Jews, and they turned down offers made for other territory. It had to be Palestine!
According to Doug Reed:
"As the first decade of the 20th Century grew older the signs of the coming storms multiplied. In 1903 the British Government had offered Uganda to Zionism and Max Nordau had publicly foretold 'the future world war', in the sequence to which England would procure Palestine for Zionism. In 1905 the Protocols prophetically revealed the destructive orgy of Communism.
Then in 1906 one Mr. Arthur James Balfour, Prime Minister of England, met Dr. Weizmann in a hotel room and was captivated by the notion of presenting Palestine, which was not his to give to 'the Jews". Rabbi Elmer Berger says of that time,
"that group of Jews which committed itself to Zionism . . . entered a peripatetic kind of diplomacy which took it into many chancelleries and parliaments, exploring the labyrinth and devious ways of international politics in a part of the world where political intrigue and secret deals were a byword. Jews began to play the game of 'practical politics'."
It was arranged well ahead of the planned first Great War, that England would declare Turkey its enemy, gain control of Palestine, and hand it over to the Jews. It happened as planned. During the war British leaders beholden to Zionist powers diverted men, weapons and planes from France to Palestine just prior to the German invasion of France, endangering the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and the possible outcome of the war. . . except they knew the U.S. would come to their rescue.
Why did the Zionists specifically want Palestine?
First, it served to fulfill the mandates of Jehovah that his 'chosen' would be given this territory as their reward for obeying all his bloody statutes. In their arguments to get what they wanted, Zionist leaders claimed that, "the Bible is our mandate". In fact, for the Jews, their mandate is the Torah and the Talmud, not the Bible.
Secondly, the land in that area contains rich natural resources beyond comprehension. According to George W. Armstrong, in his book, The Zionists:
"The value of the minerals of the Dead Sea is estimated at five trillion dollars. This estimate appears to be optimistic but it is supported in part by the report of the Crown Agents of the British Colonies entitled "Production of Minerals From the Waters of the Dead Sea" (page 2).
It is alleged that all copies of this booklet containing this report have been destroyed except those in the British Museum, Colonial Office, and House of Commons.
This official report estimates the minerals, except oil, in 1925 as follows: Magnesium Chloride, 22,000 tons, value 600 billion dollars; Potassium Chloride, 20,000 tons, value 75 billion dollars; other minerals valued at 1,200 billion dollars; or a total of about three trillion dollars, exclusive of oil.
This enormous value staggers the imagination. I am unable to appraise the effect on the human race if the Zionists gain undisputed title to it, or if it should be devoted to public use. "
Mr. Armstrong did not mention the mineral and oil wealth of the Negev area, which was also included in the partitioning process. The Rothschilds were well aware of these facts. The land stolen from the Arab Palestinians by the Zionists is considered veritably the Jewel Box of the world. (Appendix C ).
It boggles the mind to realize the wealth controlled by virtue of those natural resources alone, and to be aware of the fact that Americans have supported Israel to the tune of $10 billion a year, plus, since its very inception. Then there's the over-$100 billion Germans have paid in reparations, plus all the hundreds of millions of dollars bilked out of the lesser brethren for the cause.
To confirm the early pre-planning of that first world war, Norman Dodd, Executive Director of the Reese Congressional Committee that was formed in 1953 to investigate tax exempt foundations, explains that: When he visited the Carnegie Endowment he was told that his request to view their records would be difficult because
"with the ratification by the Senate of the United States of the UN Treaty, our job was finished",
...so therefore, all records were in a warehouse.
(The fact is there exists no 'treaty' with the UN Organization since the Constitution provides for the U.S. to enter into treaties only with other nations. We must keep firmly in mind that the U.S. is merely a dues-paying member of that Organization and owes it no allegiance nor duty to obey its mandates. Other treaties and entangling alliances that are destructive to the peace, safety and wellbeing of Americans can and should be terminated.)
Mr. Dodd was invited to go to the warehouse and view the minutes of past meetings of the trustees of the Carnegie Endowment if he wished. In his testimony before an Illinois Senate Committee in 1978, Mr. Dodd told the state legislators - among other discoveries in the Carnegie meeting minutes - that:
"Now, we are back in the period of 1908, and these minutes reported the following: The Trustees . . . bring up a single question; namely, if it is desirable to alter the life of an entire people, is there any means more efficient than war to gain that end? And they discuss this question. . . and they come up with an answer-- there are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire people.
That leads, then, to a question: How do we involve the United States in a war?
This was in 1909. I doubt if there was any question more removed, or any idea more removed from the minds of us, as a people, at that time than war. There were certain of what we call 'intermittent shows' in the Balkans, and I also doubt if very many of us knew, really, where the Balkans was, or their relation or possible effect on us.
. . . oh, before that, the Trustees then answered the question of how to involve us in a war by saying, 'we must control the diplomatic machinery of the United States'; and . . . the answer is 'we must control the State Department'.
Now, at that point, research discloses a relationship between the effort to control the State Department and an entity which the Carnegie Endowment set up – namely, the Council of Learned Societies. And through that entity are cleared all of the appointments – high appointments in the State Department, and they have continued to be cleared that way since then.
Now, finally, we are in a war. Eventually, the war is over, and the Trustees turn their attention, then, to seeing to it that life does not revert in this country to what it was prior to 1914; and they hit upon the idea that in order to prevent that reversion, they must control education in this country. They realized that that is a perfectly tremendous, really stupendous and complex task – much too great for them alone. So they approached the Rockefeller Foundation, with the suggestion that the task be divided between the two of them."
The Council of Learned Societies that Mr. Dodd mentions, undoubtedly became or was replaced by the Council on Foreign Relations which members have dominated the U.S. State Department since before World War II. Think about the alleged 'cause' of that first great war. Where did it begin? The Archduke of Austria was assassinated by a Jew in Sarajevo; Austria declared war. In 1909, five years earlier, the world troublemakers planned it that way.
It has also been written by historical researchers that the reason the war was held off until 1914 was that the same group that orchestrates and executes wars -- the International Zionist Bankers - first wanted the U.S. to pass the Federal Reserve Act so the American people could pay for the costs of the war. The Federal Reserve Act passed in December, 1913, The Great War broke out in 1914, as planned. We've paid and paid and paid. 

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