
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Sunday, August 5, 2012



Edited by Rayelan Allan Russbacher

This article is the follow up article to The Short Road to Chaos and Destruction, Gunther's Expose of the Federal Reserve Banking System [BELOW]. "The Art of Global Politics" was written in 1992, while Gunther was in prison in Missouri.


In order to understand and be able to identify the various factions at work in and during the previous administrations, it is desirable to find the common denominator, linking the various factions ... watching as they form a cohesive relationship within the historical framework of the story of panglobalism. The diverse information available for scholars of today is magnificent compared to the sum total of knowledge of the years gone by.
During the course of my research into this subject matter, I received a list, a rather long and extensive list, showing the relationships between the European branches of Secret Societies, and their American counterparts. The list furthered MY understanding that these so called factions actually were not singular units, scattered throughout Europe and America, but rather that these societies all shared a common history, and were therefore, one and the same, regardless of their respective names or agendas. Of course, even within and among these societies, considerable internal differences manifest themselves with regard to ultimate goals or agendas.
The list of members reads like a Who's Who of American leaders, including numerous members of government, private industry, education, most of the press and media, as well as the military, and the cream of the crop of high finance. It included a good many names I had seen earlier, during the research phase of the first segment of this article. There seemed to be a common denominator-everyone on the list was either a member of the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission, with some members belonging to both organizations.
In order to bring these matters into proper perspective, it becomes necessary to bring forth these secret organizations, and shed a little light into their dark and hidden nature. As the organizations had to present a beginning for comprehensive research, I shall choose to begin with the secret order of the "Illuminati."


The Illuminati was a secret order founded and established in Ingolstadt, Baveria (Ingolstadt, landkreis Bayern) on or about May 1, 1776. It was known to be a Luciferic Order. The founder was none other than Mr. Adam Weishaupt, a prominent Freemason of his time. He was a lodge member in Ingolstadt. For the sake of the readers it must be known and most seriously stressed that the name Illuminati, or the Luciferic Order, does NOT (in this case) refer to Satan or Lucifer. It specifically refers to the state of the enlightened membership. The term "Luciferic Lodge" originated in the pre-Christian Egyptian mystery schools. At that time there was a belief in a dualistic material plane comprised of good and evil. Neither was elevated above the other. They were viewed as two sides of the same coin, two paths that must be walked to complete the earth experience. The designation, "Lucerfic Lodge" denoted a group of enlightened beings who came together and attempted to educate and enlighten humanity so that they could take their place in the universe next to their God.
Even though the Illuminati referred to themselves as a "Luciferic Lodge", it will soon be seen that their aims were anything but enlightening. They usurped the label "Luciferic" from the lodges who were genuinely concerned with the education and uplifting of humanity, It will be noted at various times throughout this article, that something which started off having as its purpose, "the good of humanity, " was usurped and perverted by the Illuminati and those who carry their banner in today's world. This was done for several reasons. The first and foremost reason was to hide the nefarious nature of their real purpose, the second reason was to ensnare innocent spiritual seekers and pervert them to their path.
The Illuminati established itself as an extension of high, or Illuminized Freemasonry, existing as a special order within an order. It's operations were closely connected with the powerful Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of France. The order's name translated literally as "the enlightened ones." This signified to all who were familiar with such secret Orders that the members had been initiated into the secret teachings of Lucifer, not to be confused with the Lucifer of the Bible or with Satan. It must be remembered that these teachings came from a time that preceded Jesus and Christianity.
In the Egyptian mystery schools Lucifer was seen as the brightest and best among Gods angels or messengers to earth. Lucifer gave mankind the tools he needed to cast off the dark cloaks of ignorance and climb the ladder to enlightenment and finally return to God. Lucifer, the "light bearer" was seen as the source of enlightenment, according to the early doctrines of Illuminized Freemasonry. His fall from grace came after these teachings.
It must be stated that while the origins of the Masonic Order in the distant Egyptian past were benign, over the centuries the order was taken over by men who perverted its teachings to further their own evil ends. The Illuminati Order was made up of such men. The Illuminati was designed for one purpose--to carry out the plans of High Freemasonry. These plans included creating a New World order which would be ruled by the Masons. In the original concept of five thousand years ago, the only purpose for the World Order was to educate and enlighten. However, down through the ages the true purpose was lost to the masses, and unenlightened Masons innocently flocked to the Illuminati and helped Adam Weishaupt gain a foothold in the key policy making circles of Europeans governments.
From within these circles, Illuminati members were able to influence the decisions of Europe's leaders. This technique has-been carried down to the present time. In reference to the various governmental leaders, which the Illuminati had targeted for subversion, Weishaupt remarked:
"It is therefore our duty to surround them (the leaders) with our (The Illuminati) members, so that the profane may have no access to them. Thus we are able most powerfully to promote its (Illuminati) interests.
"If any person is more disposed to listen to the Princes than to the Order, he is not fit for It (the Illuminati), and must rise no higher. We must do our utmost to procure the advancement of Illuminati in all important civil offices,
"By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions."
For the Order's strategy to succeed, its activities and the many names of its members had to remain absolutely secret. Initiates were therefore ordered and sworn to secrecy, taking bloody oaths which described in detail the brutal and specific, way they would be punished if they ever defected from the order or revealed its plans. As another measure of internal security, the Order and its correspondence, would be conducted exclusively through the use of codes, symbols and pen names. Mr. Weishaupt's alias and pseudonym, for example, was Spartacus.
The Order was given a tremendous boost at the Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad, held on July 16, 1782. This meeting "included representatives of all the Secret Societies--martinists as well as Freemasons and the Illuminati, which now numbered no less than 3,000.000 members all over the world." It enabled the Illuminists to solidify their control over the Lodges of Europe, and to become viewed as the undisputed leaders of the ONE-WORLD movement.
It was decided at this Congress that the Headquarters of the Illuminized Freemasonry should be moved from Bavaria to Frankfurt, as Frankfurt was already becoming the stronghold of the Rothschilds and the international financiers. The ensuing cooperation between the Rothschilds and the Illuminati would prove to be mutually beneficial to each. By cooperating with each other, the two groups were able to geometrically increase their influence throughout all of Europe.
Approximately ten years after the Order's founding, it was discovered and exposed by the Bavarian government as a result of specific tips received from several of the Order's initiates. The leaders of Bavaria moved quickly to confiscate the Order's secret documents. These original writings of the Illuminati were then sent on to all leaders of Europe in order to warn them of the exposed plot. However, some of these leaders had already fallen under the influence of the Order and the warnings fell on indifferent ears. Some of those who had not succumbed to the enchantments of the Illuminati, found its plans to be so outrageous that they didn't take the warnings seriously. These leaders simply could not believe that anything as outrageous and all encompassing as were the Illuminati plans, could possibly be serious.
Their naiveté and disbelief would become their undoing. Disbelief remains as the single biggest factor working in the Illuminati's favor, even today. Decent people tend to find it somewhat difficult to believe that there could be individuals so evil in nature as to actually wish to take control of the whole world under conditions amounting to theft, slavery, brutality and to have as their goal, the imposition of a world totalitarian dictatorship. To the reader this should sound a theme more fitting of a James Bond or George Orwell novel than real life. However, difficult as it may be to believe, this effort at world usurpation and the intent to create a New World order based on enslaving the masses, was and is, for real ... to the point where one could conceivable bet their very life on its strategy and intended outcome.
Although several members of the Order were ultimately persecuted by the Bavarian Government, most of the initiates managed to get away and were taken in by various European leaders. Weishaupt, for example, took up refuge with the Duke of Saxe-Gotha where he remained until his death in 1811.
By the time the Illuminati became exposed, its efforts had already spread into more than a dozen counties, including the fledgling United States. Since 1776, at least three U.S. presidents have warned the public of the Illuminati's activities in this country. One of these presidents was George Washington, himself a Mason, but an early member whose Lodge had not been infiltrated and perverted by the Illuminati. Washington stated and wrote:
"I have heard of the nefarious and dangerous plan and doctrines of the Illuminati. It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread to the United States."
Washington went on to denounce the order in two separate letters written in 1798, and would once again warn the people of the United States of America against foreign influence in his farewell address to the nation. Concerned that the American people might fall under the sway of corrupt powers, Washington stated:
"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens), the jealously of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealously, to be useful, must be impartial, else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a proper defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike for another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts and influence of the other. Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests. The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop."
If only this great country, America, had listened to President Washington's sound advice to a fledgling nation.


Although the Illuminati officially ceased to exist after is exposure in the 1780's, the continuation of its efforts would be ensured through the Grand Orient Lodge of France. Working through the Grand Orient and the network of Illuminized Masonic lodges already put in place by Weishaupt, High Freemasonry would continue with its plans to build a New World Order.
One of the factors working in Freemasonry's favor is that it rarely, if ever, does anything covert or openly evil under its own name. In order to advance its respective agenda, it establishes other organizations, to which it gives its special and oftentimes dangerous assignments. All of which are carried forth in an extremely covet manner. The advantages must appear clear, for in this way, if anything goes wrong and the operation gets exposed, Freemasonry remains relatively unscathed, claiming it had nothing to do with the matter. This technique is one that has been employed numerous times in recent history by groups who have been well schooled in the arts of deception.
Throughout the late 1700's and all of the 18001s, illuminized Freemasonry would continue to operate in this fashion, creating new organizations to carry out the tasks begun by the Illuminati, frequently still collectively referred to as the Illuminati by many Agency Operations Divisions.
The first major "accomplishment" of illuminized Freemasonry was to incite the French Revolution through the Jacobin Society and Napoleon Bonaparte, who was groomed by them to initiate and bring about the beginnings of he New World Order. (The revolution that began in France in 1789, overthrew the French monarchy, and culminated in the start of the Napoleonic era in 1799.) Illuminized Freemasonry would also receive help from Voltaire, Robespierre, Danton and Marat; all of whom were prominent Masons. The Jacobin Society's motives and connections were revealed when it named Weishaupt as its "Grand Patriot."
To continue the presentation of the issues it is imperative to fully understand that the United States had barely declared its independence from England when the same European forces began efforts to bring America's young banking system under their control. Alexander Hamilton, believed by some to have been an Illuminist agent, was at the forefront of this drive. President Thomas Jefferson, all too well aware of the plot to gain control of our banking system argued:
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
During the mid 1800's, illuminized Freemasonry would be partly responsible for inciting the great war between the states. Charleston, South Carolina; where the Secessionist Movement began, also happened to be the American headquarters of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, at the time, a little known fact which Freemasonry has successfully kept from the unsuspecting public. The headquarters of the Scottish Rite were later moved to Washington, D.C., where they remain to this day. Others also spoke out quite strongly, urging the people to resist these coup attempts. Abraham Lincoln strongly resisted efforts by Illuminist forces to establish a privately controlled central bank. His foresight and wisdom (as I choose to call it) would prevent the establishment of such a system for another forty-eight years.
Just days before his assassination, President Lincoln warned:
"As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of --r.11


In 1913, the persistent efforts of illuminized Freemasonry finally paid off with the creation of the Federal Reserve System, insuring European illuminists a permanent role in America's finances, along with giving them more money with which to further their particular cause - Some of this money would eventually go toward financing the Council on Foreign Relations, whose formation was influenced by a man named Edward Mandell House. (House's father, Thomas P. House, was a Rothschild agent who amassed a large fortune during the Civil War by supplying the South with essentials from France and England.)
Colonel House, as he was called, was an Illuminist agent committed to the one-world interests of the Rothschild-Warburg-Rockefeller cartel, serving as their point man in the White House. He apparently gained national prominence in 1912 while working to get Woodrow Wilson nominated as president. After the election, and subsequent win for Wilson, he became the president's most trusted personal advisor. House was to Wilson what Henry Kissinger would later be to President Nixon; he was without question, the dominant figure in the White House, exerting his influence particularly in the areas of banking and foreign policy.
His numerous accomplishments as Wilson's chief advisor were diverse and many. Among some of the things, he successfully persuaded Wilson to support and sign the Federal Reserve Act into law. Later, realizing what he had done, President Wilson remorsefully replied:
"I have unwittingly ruined my country."
During World War I, which began within a year after the Act's passage, Colonel House would undertake secret missions to Europe as Wilson's chief foreign diplomat. It didn't take very long before he managed to drag the United States into the war in Europe (April 1917) . As the war came to an end in 1918, House worked ever so diligently to help plan the League of Nations. Funded in part with Rockefeller money, the League of Nations was to serve as the first political step toward the forming and implementing of a world government.
President Wilson, as a result of House's counsel, would become the leading spokesman for the League of Nations, publicly viewed as the League's chief architect, in spite of the fact that it was House who really was the one who was in charge.
However, much to Wilson's dismay and real embarrassment, he could not even persuade his own country to join the newly founded organization. The American people strongly resisted this move toward globalization, placing increasingly heavy pressures on Congress to reject the absurd treaty thereby keeping the United


In order to properly receive the following information, it would seem prudent to bring forth a little of the actual history of this infamous Council. It is an organization, deeply entrenched into our political system. No one has been spared; no party has been left out, as the greed of a few has forced this organization down the throats of the many Americans who stringently believe that we should not permit ourselves to get involved with monetary and governmental globalism.
Later in this expose, I shall cite a number of articles, verbatim, as they appear in their organizational charter. The following excerpt is taken from the Handbook of the Council on Foreign Relations, and gives a number of details pertinent to their establishment.
"On May 30, 1919, several members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris, France to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs. The United States was represented by General Tasker H. Bliss (Chief of Staff, U.S.Army) , Colonel Edward M. House, Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T. Shotwell, and professor Archibald Coolidge. Great Britain was unofficially represented by Lord Robert Cecil, Lionel Curtis, Lord Eustace Percy, and Harold Temperly. It was decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the Institute of International Affairs. At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequently, they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, also known as the Chatham House Study Group, to advise the British Government. A subsidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, was set up to deal exclusively with Far Eastern Affairs. Other organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg, the Hamburg branch being called the Institut fuer Auswaertige Politik, and -the Paris branch being known as Centre d'Etudes de Politique Etrangere."
Baron Edmond de Rothschild of France dominated the Paris Peace Conference, and each of the founders of the Royal Institute ended up being men who most certainly met Rothschild's approval. The same was true for the Council on Foreign Relations, which was not officially formed until 29 July, 1921.
Money for the founding of the CFR came from J.P. Morgan, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and John D. Rockefeller, among others. Obviously this was one and the same crowd of moneyed men who were instrumental in forming the Federal Reserve. The Council's original board of directors included Isaiah Bowman, Archibald Coolidge, John W. Davis, Norman H. Davis, Stephen Duggan. Otto Kahn, William Shepard, Whitney Shepardson, and Paul Warburg.
It must be mentioned , for the record, that numerous well known American politicians (I shy away from the term Statesman) have served in prominence on the Council's board. Some of the more prominent who have served in the capacity of director, since 1921, include Walter Lippmann (1932-37), Adlai Stevenson (1958-62), Cyrus Vance (1968-76) , Zbigniew Brzinski (1972-77), Robert 0. Anderson (1974-80). Paul Volker (1975-79), Theodore M. Hesburgh (1926-85), Lane Kirkland (1976-86), George H.W. Bush (1977-79), Henry Kissinger (1977-81), David Rockefeller (1949-85) , George Shultz (1980-88), Alan Greenspan (1982-88), Brent Scowcroft (1983-89), Jeane Kirkpatrick (1985-present) , and last but surely not least, Richard B. Cheney who has served from 1987 through 1989. Obviously a number of these people served more than one master!
It must be noted that most of the above mentioned occupied--in some form--Cabinet Posts while actively engaged with the Council on Foreign Relations. Such act is at least questionable, in that it goes beyond the borders of Law and Ethics. However, that is not to infer that the persons mentioned herein are anything but "good, decent and hard working Americans, out to do their very best for their Masters! Please take several deep breaths of air in the event that you feel that you and your country have been sold to foreign interest groups!
No decision as to why, what or how to deal with the issue must be made at this time. We can well not avoid facing the issues which demand to be heard. However, before the reader determines what must be done to protect American interests from Pan-Globalism, it behooves us to know a little more about the nature of the beast with which we must do battle. A little further discourse on the subject appears called for.


The most powerful man in the CFR during the past two decades has been David Rockefeler, the grandson of John D. Rockefeller. Along with being a Council director for thirty-six years, David served as chairman of the board from 1970-85, and remains to this day, the organization's honorary chairman. During this time, David was also the chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank. Such actions surely must reek of collusion and worse.
Permit me to state that in my professional opinion, the Rockefellers are in no great danger of losing control of the CFR any time soon! Another generation of family members are being groomed to continue their tradition. David, Jr.; John D. IV; and Norman C. Rockefeller are all current members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
As mentioned somewhat earlier, the Reece Committee found that the CFR was being financed by both the Rockefeller and the Carnegie foundations and investigated it as well as its sister organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, stating that the CFR "overwhelming propagandizes the globalist concept. "
In order to determine from whence the funding came, it became necessary to call upon my "so-called" ex-associates in Langley, Virginia. The response was overwhelming. I never doubted that they would feed me a morsel or two. However, it soon became quite clear that they intended to inundate me with far more research material than I was capable of dealing with. After sorting through a virtual panacea of secrets, I did determine it to be necessary to divulge the names of many sponsors to the organization. They didn't merely contribute, they matched contributions and grand gifts during the early years of CFR's existence.
The areas of concern are actually a little more recent. We are dealing with contributors, gifts, and matching funds received between the years 1987 and 1991. These were received from leading organization men, corporations and individuals. They are deemed to include, but are not limited to Chemical Bank, Citibank/Citicorp, Morgan Guaranty Trust, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, British Petroleum American, Inc., Newsweek, Inc., Reader's Digest Foundation, Washington Post Company, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Family and associates, the Rockefeller Foundation, and David Rockefeller.
During the same period, the CFR received major grants from other major corporations and foundations, including (partial list) the American Express Philanthropic Program, the Asia Foundation, the Association of Radio and Television News Analysts, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the General Electric Foundation, the General Motors Corporations, the Hewlett Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Xerox Foundation.
Presently, the Council currently numbers 2,670 in active memberships; of whom 952 reside in New York City, 339 in Boston, and 730 in Washington D.C. Its memberships, as you the reader shall see, reads like a Who's Who in America, including most of the nation's top leaders in government, business, education, labor, the military, the media, and of course, in banking. In addition to its headquarters in New York City, the CFR has thirty-eight affiliated organizations, known commonly as Committees on Foreign Relations, located in major cities throughout the United States.


Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former CFR member for sixteen years, issued a decisive warning to the American people as to the organization's intentions. For information purposes I shall cite an excerpt of his warning:
"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common--they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States.
A second clique of international members in the CFR ... comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents.
Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government."
Dan Smoot, a former supervising member of the FBI headquarters staff in the Washington Office, and one of the first and primary researchers into the CFR, summarized the organizations purpose as follows:
"The ultimate aim of the Council on Foreign Relations ... is ... to create a one world socialist system and make the United States an official part of it."
This of course would all be done in the name of democracy.
Congressman John R. Rarick, deeply concerned over the growing influence of the CFR, has been one of the members in Congress making a concerted effort to expose the organization. Rarick warns:
"The Council on Foreign Relations --dedicated to one world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass communication media-should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the U.S. constitution and our free-enterprise system.
"Yet the Nation's "right -to-know-machinery " --the news media--usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members, and their activities. And I find that few university students and graduates have even heard of the Council of Foreign Relations.
"The CFR is "THE ESTABLISHMENT! Not only does it have the influence and power in key decision making positions at the highest levels of. government to apply pressure from above but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the United States from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one world dictatorship."
In the event that I had any doubts remaining over the real intent of the CFR they were removed after becoming aware of the statements made over the years by the CFR itself, advocating world government. For example, on 17 February, 1950, CFR member James Warburg, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated,
"We shall have world government whether or not you like it--by conquest or consent."
On another occasion, in the April 1974 issue of the CFR journal, Foreign Affairs (p.558), Richard Gardner stated that the New World Order "will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great booming, buzzing confusion,'...but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault."
Study Number 7, a CFR position paper, published on or about November 25, 1959, the CFR stated that its purpose was to advocate the "building (of) a new international order (which) may be responsible to world aspirations for peace (and) for social economic change ... An international order ... including states labelling themselves as Socialist (Communist) . 11, (obviously such maneuvering has already taken place among the new republics of Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and the numerous, small but ethnically tormented Balkan States. No one appears willing to embrace this "so-called" New World order!)


The term New World Order (or New International Order--as possauned by the communists since 1917) has been used privately by the CFR since its inception to describe the coming world government. However, since the winter of 1990, and spring of 1991, CFR members have, for the first time, begun using the term publicly to begin the conditioning process in order that the unsuspecting public might brace and prepare themselves for what lies ahead. It is their opinion that if the American people hear the term often enough, on a daily dose basis, that they will be less likely to resist or feel threatened by it when that fateful day arrives.
The New World Order, it should be explained, is an expression that has been used by Illuminized Freemasonry since the days of Adam Weishaupts to signify the coming world government. One of the symbols portraying the message of "New World Order" was placed on the back of our one dollar note during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. It consists of a multipart message. One of the parts of the message is the pyramid, containing the eye of Osiris. Under the pyramid is the writing "Novus Ordo Seculorum" Translated from the Latin text to the English language, it means ... New World Order! It must be mentioned that this symbol was designed by freemasons. or better said.,. Masonic Interests, and became the official reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States in 1782.
To this day, most people have never given a second thought to this Latin phrase or the meaning contained therein. Some unusually astute people did recognize the seal and the meaning contained therein, and began exposing it, in context to what it really represented.
The reader should also note that at the time the seal was designed, the New World Order was a fledgling, in the early stages of being built, and was not yet complete. This is symbolized by the capstone (of the pyramid) being separated from the rest of the pyramid.
However, once the New World Order has been built and the one world government is in place, the capstone will be joined to the rest of the pyramid, symbolizing the completion of the task. One must remember that the Illuminati usurps names, ideas and symbols and perverts them for their own use. There are some who believe that the symbol was created by the Founders of our country as a message of what democracy can do once it has spread throughout the world--educating and enlightening men who will join together and establish a world government based on liberty and justice for all. But from the research I have done, it appears as if the symbol has become a sign--almost a secret codeword--for the domination of the world and the subjugation of her peoples.
As I continued my reading and research, I discovered that the CFR had far more in common with the Illuminati than a mere use of the same terminology. The facts of the conspiratorial plot are known to us. The question in my mind remains unanswered as to whether we can thwart their well placed efforts.
one of the reasons you have heard so little about the Council on Foreign Relations, is because its rules, like those of the Illuminati, require that important meetings of the membership remain an eternal secret! Article II of the organization bylaws contends that :
"It is an express condition of membership in the Council, to which condition every member accedes by virtue of his or her membership, that members will observe such rules and regulations as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors concerning the conduct of the Council meetings or the attribution of statements made therein, and that any disclosure, publication, or other action by a member in contravention thereof may be regarded by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion as ground for termination or suspension of membership pursuant to Article I of the Bylaws."
Page 182 of the CFR's 1991 Annual Report further states that "it would not be in compliance,, with the organization's non-attribution rule for a meeting participant ...
" (i) to publish a speaker; Is statement in attributed form in a newspaper; (ii) to repeat it on television or radio, or on a speaker's platform, or in a classroom; or (iii) to go beyond a memo of limited circulation, by distributing the attributed statement in a company or government agency newsletter ... A meeting participant is forbidden knowingly to transmit the attributed statement to a newspaper reporter or other such person who is likely to publish it in a public medium. The essence of the Rule... is simple enough: participants in Council meetings should not pass along a attributed statement in circumstances where there is substantial risk that it will promptly be widely circulated or published."
Well, so much for the freedom of the press! What could be so important that such secrecy is required if the purpose of the CFR is not to influence U.S. policy in the direction of world government ... a world government that does not take into consideration the welfare of its citizens?
In order to accomplish its mission of leading the American people in a New World Order, the CFR has been using a strategy very similar to the one employed by Adam Weishaupt. It was designed to surround leaders in high places with member of the Council, targeting especially the key advisory positions in the executive branch of the U.S. government, until the Council's members were in absolute and complete control of the nation's presidency. In furtherance of their goals the tactic would also be used and applied to the fields of education, the media, the military and banking, with CFR members eventually becoming the leaders in each of these fields.
The goal of the CFR, quite simply put, was to influence all aspects of society in such a way that one day Americans would awaken to find themselves in the midst of a one-world system whether they liked it or not. Their hope was to get Americans to the point where entering a world government would seem as natural and American as baseball and apple pie. Although this scenario might seem preposterous to many, I respectfully suggest that the reader entertains the scope and concept of how far the CFR's plans have already come. To implement such "Order" does require some time for planning, execution and on line bringing of such new regime.
Using illuministic tactics and with the backing from the major global foundations, the CFR has been able to advance its agenda rapidly and with relative ease. During the 1920's and 30's the organization made significant strides toward control of the Democratic party, and by the 1940's had managed to establish a foothold in the Republican party as well. Since the early 1950's the progress has been more than merely significant. Today, the Republican party is saturated with members of the CFR; members who propagate the idea of a New World Order. It must be stated that there is very little difference between these parties, since the advent of global communications and shortened distances. Both parties are controlled by the XCFR and it various sister factions, all operating for the common goal of the CFR.
Numerous historical antecedents not only exist but have been followed to the letter while building the CFR into a power to be reckoned with. With the start of World War II, the CFR, thanks to the superb help of Franklin D. Roosevelt, managed to gain control of the State Department, and therefore, our foreign policy. Even today, this department as well as others remain firmly under the control of he CFR. Recent foreign policy directives toward the warring factions of the Mid East more than prove this point. The involvement of the United States, the United Nations, and the Arab League in the affairs of Iraq adequately verify the writer's contention that the war waged between the Coalition forces/Kuwait and Iraq show a greater goal was at stake.
It was not merely the issue of Mid East oil. It was one dictator's will against the will of a larger and more powerful one. oil played a significant part but it was not the only cause for the hostile action. The reader must bear in mind that Kuwait, only recently, was a part of the state of Iraq. It was through United Nations Decree that Iraq was forced to give up its territory, and cede political government in the region once known as a province of Iraq. No one considered the will of the Iraqi people. It was done in a covert and underhanded way. All signs point to the infiltrated Department of State. It was a CFR member who voted that such action was compatible with the furtherance of the New World Order.
Rene Wormser, a member of the Reece Committee explained so well how the United States permitted itself to be drawn into and accept the CFR. Such history dates back to the second world war. Wormser stated:
"[The] organization became virtually an agency of the government when World War II broke out. The Rockefeller Foundation had started and financed certain studies known as THE WAR AND PEACE STUDIES, manned largely by associates of the Council; the State Department, in due course, took these studies over, retaining the major personnel which the Council on Foreign Relations had supplied."


CFR control of the State Department would insure U.S. membership in the United Nations following World War II. In fact the Council on Foreign Relations would act through the State Department to establish the U.N. These details, long known by Consular Operations and Central Intelligence personnel, were finally revealed in 1969 during a debate between Lt. Colonel Archibald Roberts and Congressman Richard I. Ottinger, Director, United States Committee on the United Nations. During this somewhat spectacular debate, Col. Roberts testified:
" . . the United Nations was spawned two weeks after Pearl Harbor in the office of Secretary of State, Cordell Hull. In a letter to the President, Franklin Roosevelt, dated 22 December, 1941. Secretary Hull, at the direction of his faceless sponsors ... recommended the founding of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Post War Foreign Policy. This Committee was in fact the planning commission for the United Nations and its charter."
Col. Roberts went on to identify the people who made up the Committee, besides Secretary Hull. The list included various department advisors and staff members, CFR officials, and leaders in education, the media, and foreign policy research.
These are the real founders of the United Nations. Altogether, ten of the fourteen Committee members belonged to the CFR. As Roberts pointed out, "Each member of the Committee ... was without exception, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, or under the control of the Council on Foreign Relations.
In 1945, at the founding conference of the United Nations, forty-seven members of the CFR were in the United States delegation. Included among these were Edward Stettinius, the new Secretary of State; John Foster Dulles; Adlai Stevenson; Nelson Rockefeller; and Alger Hiss, who was the Secretary General of the U.N.'s founding conference.
To make certain that the United States would not back out of joining the United Nations, as it did with the League of Nations, the international body would this time be located on American soil. Such a gesture, it was determined, would make the American public less resistant to the move. The land for the United Nations building was "graciously" donated by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. The land had been a slaughterhouse and the soil where the U.N. buildings now stand had been fully saturated with the blood of the slaughtered animals. Knowing what I do about the purpose of the United Nations, I can think of no place more fitting.
By getting the United States to join the U.N., which represents a limited form of world government, the Council on Foreign Relations had accomplished its first major objective. Using its influence in public education and the media, the CFR would now proceed to cast a favorable image for the United Nations among the American public, eventually leading step-by-step to U.S. participation in a full blown system of world government. This, it was realized, would take some time.
Had the CFR attempted and tried to bring the United States into a world government all at once, the effort would have failed. The American people would have reacted full force against any such attempt. The immediate purpose of the U.N. was therefore merely to warm Americans up to the idea of global government. You may rest assured that it was a well constructed conditioning plan.
Since the United Nations was founded in 1945, two of its main leaders have been guilty of outrageous actions. Alger Hiss, for example, was exposed as a Soviet operative and Spy. Secretary U Thant praised Lenin as a leader whose
"ideals of peace and peaceful coexistence among states have won widespread international acceptance and they are in line with the aims of he U/N. Charter.,,
Secretary General Kurt Waldheim was regretfully and erroneously targeted and smeared by factions who were not able to exercise any degree of control over him. They branded him as a Nazi Foot Soldier, and smeared his honest name throughout the world. It was the largest slime and smear campaign ever undertaken by the United States Department of State and the CFR in its entirety. All America is aware of the atrocities attributed to Waldheim, having heard about them or read about them in the international media.
Yet in spite of these revelations, most Americans today continue to view the U.N. as a "good organization." It is truly amazing what a media publicity campaign can accomplish. It can cover the misdeeds of many and destroy the very honor of the one man who was totally dedicated to promote good will among men. one of the oldest tricks of the Illuminati was to label their enemies as having the black hearts and evil motives that were actually their own. In this way, down through the ages, they have branded and burned their enemies, and turned the gullible public against their adversaries.
Along with being responsible for the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations would go on to serve as a mainspring for numerous spin-off groups, such as the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, and with some error, the Bilderberger society. All but the Bilderbergers were designed to carry out a specific task within the broader mission of establishing a New World Order. The creation of these organizations represents a restructuring of the one-world political hierarchy. This hierarchy is always changing, revising, and adapting itself to current situations. This must be done so that it can more successfully and effectively further its agenda.
The hierarchy, among other things, had called for world government to be achieved in stages through the  forming of world administrative regions. This was in accordance with the U.N. Charter, which encourages the implementation and administration of world government on a regional basis. [According to chapter 8, Article 52 (2-3) and 53 (1) of the Charter, under "Regional Arrangements.]
The strategy was really quite simple. The countries of the world would first be merged into several regions. This would serve to break down the long standing concepts of national sovereignty, then, region by region, they would be merged into a system of world government. The idea was grand, but national politics were not counted upon. All one has to do to understand this is look at Europe as it tries to ratify the Maastricht Treaty or look at the doubt within many American workers as their plants move to Mexico because of NAFTA. (North American Free Trade Agreement.)
However, as previously indicated, with emphasis placed on nationalism, it was soon realized that regional government would be next to impossible to achieve politically because of resistance to the idea from the world's people. That's when the powers-that-be decided to divide the world into primary economic regions first, hoping to pave the way for later political unions based and predicated on the same geopolitical boundaries.


In order to accomplish this feat, several special task organizations were established to oversee the creation of regional trade associations. The society responsible for Europe's economic integration would be the Bilderberg Group, here known better as the Bilderbergers.
At first it was assumed that this society would form a complimentary relationship with the U.N., the CFR. the Club of Rome, the TLC and numerous other sister organizations founded to promote a singular one world order. This was not to be the case as the members of the Bilderbergers Society were (are) members of Europe's old hard line aristocracy. They were more nationalistic than the entire global cabal combined. They began to break away from the CFR gang, and forge their own New World Order, based on freedom and equality for all citizens.
The present day and public name for the group was derived from the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeck, Holland, the site of the a sociationls first meeting in 1954. The present day group consists of approximately one hundred power-elite from the member nations. most of them are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. However, Austria and France were admitted because the organization originally appeared within their respective borders. Many of these Society members have come from a long heritage of Templar Knights. Many of their ancestors served as Knights Templars as well as Crusaders throughout the wars in the Holy lands. Today's leadership is at relative ease with the Council on Foreign Relations.
The express purpose of the Bilderberger Society was to regionalize all of Europe. This goal was revealed by Giovanni Agnelli, the head of Fiat and one of the leaders of the present day Bilderbergers. Agnelli stated:
"European integration is our goal and where the politicians have failed, we, the old world elite, intend to succeed."
The original seat of the prior Bilderbergers was Schoss Bilderberg, in Passau, Germany. Here they met for hundreds of years to promote commerce between the many fiefdoms along the riverways of Austria, Germany and France. These Dukes ruled their lands with fists of iron and wills of steel.
George McGhee, the former U.S. ambassador to Germany, revealed that "the Treaty of Rome, which brought the Common Market into being was nurtured at the Bilderberg meetings." In other words, today's European Economic Community, which is soon to become a political reality, on December 31, 1992, is indeed a product of the Bilderberg Group.
Although the Bilderbergers share some of the goals discussed earlier in this article, they differ considerably as to what the average citizen stands to gain in giving up his nationality to further a United States of Europe. It is common knowledge that most, if not all of Europe, presently has adequate housing, food, clothing, and most important, medical care for all of its citizenry. No one lives in a slum like environment. Children receive free education, only subject to the students obtaining and holding a passing scholastic grade. Although money is an object, or better stated... the piece d1resistance, the food of the buerger is deemed to come first. It is the contention of this writer that the goals expressed by the Bilderbergers merit closer examination.
As my friend Dave Emory puts is so well ... "its food for thought and grounds for further research."
For lack of space, the rank and file of the Bilderbergers shall not be discussed in this article. A larger and more informative expose is being planned for the next installment.
Therefore, the focus of the next installment shall be directed to exposing as well as discussing the negatives and positives of the Bilderberger Society, and its impact on the rest of the here to fore named organizations. As alternate topic the Tri-Lateral Commission, its history, agenda, and opportunists growth patterns shall be scrutinized. Exposure of these organizations can not harm the American Will to survive. It merely gives us the much needed ammunition to fight a war for which, by virtue of our large and demographic landscape, we are ill equipped to wage.


A lone and single thought, nurtured and brought to action on our common behalf is a round fired for freedom. Let us not permit this chapter of history to be written without our input for proposed change. Never give in to these globalists. Remember the battle cry of John Paul Jones ...
"I have not yet begun to fight ...
I urge each and every one of you to shout with me, the new cry for battle ... the pledge we learned in grade school; the Pledge we grew up with, and learned to honor and revere ... Ladies and gentlemen, I am referring to the pledge upon which this country's way of life is based... I am referring to
This short pledge says it far better than I could ever dare. It speaks not for the globalists; it speaks not for a New World order. It speaks of the flag of these United States, and not the flag of a United Nations. It speaks of One Nation under God, with liberty and justice for all. This was the dream of the Founders of the United States of America. While they may have dreamed of taking their dream to the whole of the world, they never in their wildest nightmares imagined a one world government based upon the enslavement of its peoples.
We cannot let this country be lost because her citizenry cannot see what the global masters have in store for us. We must form a figurative chain, interlocking arms to show our national pride and unity. This must be done immediately, before they manage to separate and divide us. Their tactics include clever plans for dividing and conquering a people. If you are made to believe that you are separate and apart from other Americans, you won't mind when their rights are taken from them. And slowly one by one, with the same tactic known in prewar Germany as "the salami tactique", you will suddenly realize that you have given up all your rights and you too will have become a slave of the new world order.
We have a covenant, signed and sealed with the blood of those who came, lived, fought and died for liberty and freedom long before we were born. You live freely because of their commitment to an ideal of self-determination, liberty and justice for all. The thread of their dreams that reach from them to you will surely whither and die if you do not pick up their ideal and carry it to its completion. Fight for your freedom... fight with everything you have. Let 'the united will of the American people preserve our way of life and our ideals for those who shall, God willing, come after US.
Lastly, let us proudly tell the world that we are Americans ... we have a history ... we have a purpose ... we stand as a beacon for the rest of humanity of freedom, liberty and justice. We will not be swallowed up by global masters who wish to exploit us for their own economic gain. we will march forward with our arms interlocked and proclaim to the world that we only pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America ... and we're damned proud of it!
A Final Word of Warning...
If you do not take personal responsibility for your country and your way of life right now ... you will only have yourself to blame as your liberties erode. Get involved ... get informed and then get started informing others. we must reject the one world government, we must reject the U.N. troops on our shores, we must reject NAFTA, GATT, the WTO...
Wake up and take back your country!

An Expose of
The Federal Reserve Banking System

 by Gunther K. Russbacher

Edited by Rayelan Allan Russbacher

Editor's note: Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher is a 29 year veteran of the United States Intelligence Community, (Office of Naval Intelligence, attached to the Central Intelligence Agency). During all of that time he has operated as a deep black covert operative. In 1980 Captain Russbacher flew then vice-presidential candidate George Bush to a secret meeting near Paris in what has become known as "The October Surprise" scandal.
In 1989, Captain Russbacher violated direct orders and married, Rayelan Allan, an investigative researcher who was currently working to expose the October Surprise scandal. Captain Russbacher was arrested two days after their marriage and stayed incarcerated until December of 1993.
It is evident to all who are familiar with the Russbacher case that he was a political prisoner of the Bush administration. The following article was written, in spring of 1992, from his prison cell in the Jefferson City Correctional Center in Missouri.
Captain Russbacher has been called the "Company Banker". Because of this, he had to be knowledgeable about the banking system in the United States. Once he began studying the Federal Reserve, its origins and its global aspirations, he began to understand how three hundred families control the world. This article was written from memory, with a little help from friends at Langley Center.

The One World Monetary Cabal
The story of my investigation into the One-World monetary cabal begins in the elevator at Langley Center, (Headquarters for the Central Intelligence Agency in McLean, Virginia.) I had just finished a field exercise designed to certify me for further operations status. I had narrowly passed.
On the elevator, a friend invited me to join him and three others for dinner. Knowing that my plane wasn't due out until 0800 hours the following morning, I accepted. I needed a shower, so I hurriedly walked to my car and began the drive back to the city. It was a sweltering day in the Capitol. The air appeared to stand still. Mosquitos angrily attacked anything that moved on the hot pavement. Little did I suspect, as I drove back to my hotel, that tonight's dinner was going to be more than just a friendly gathering.
After a shower, shave and fresh clothes, I arrived at the restaurant. I arrived early so I could have a drink and check out the place. I made my way through the restaurant, heading for the bar. Hopefully no one noticed my surprise when I saw the group who had already gathered. It was a weekend, the place should have been empty. But it was filled with high level government types, most of whom I knew. My friend from work was already in the bar. Judging from the half-filled drink in his hand, he had arrived early with the same intent in mind. The three others he mentioned this afternoon were with him.
After exchanging the usual, banal forms of greetings, we were led into the dining room. Over hors d'oeuvres I realized that I was in the midst of a serious meeting. The others who were present (with the exception of one man, who was employed by one of the wire services,) were all top echelon government employees. Together we represented the elite of the investigative and intelligence communities. You didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that something more than dinner was going on here. To slam home the point, a guy from State, (the State Department) read us our evening's agenda. We were apprized that dinner would be brief so we should eat fast. A helicopter would pick us up and take us to a SPECIAL MANUFACTURING plant.
Not knowing when we'd eat again, we followed his suggestion and ate quickly, in studied silence. We were soon told that the helicopters were waiting, ready to take us deep into the Maryland countryside. We left the table and boarded, still not knowing where we were going or why.
The flight was thankfully uneventful and the craft softly deposited us on the lawn in front of the corporate offices of a large manufacturing plant. I offered the guess that the firm was considering an expansion or maybe desired a government contract. Possibly they were looking for government assistance to fund their current projects. At that point, all speculations were pure conjecture.
It was plain to all of us that we were on the scene as representatives of our respective bureaus and agencies. The meeting was to be with various high corporate officials, along with members of a U.S. Senator's office and the mayor's office of a large Maryland metropolis.
After receiving an impressive tour of the facility, one of the members of our group asked why the firm was planning such a major expansion. The corporate official in charge of the tour replied,
"We are one of three companies being considered by the United States Treasury Department to build the printing presses that will print the new U.S. currency."
We all looked at each other. The expressions on our faces said it all. "What new U.S currency?" Not a word was spoken. We were as speechless at that moment as we would have been if we had been lobotomized by the painless methods of chemical ingestion. Here we were, all of us high level government officials, learning about the planned new currency without any warning or introduction. It was almost as if the information had been purposely leaked to us through the grapevine... through a private, non governmental source. The corporate official, when probed about the matter, and unorthodox manner of approach, claimed he didn't know much beyond what he had already told us.
When I returned to my office at Langley the following day, I couldn't help but wonder what last night was all about. I entered the entire proceedings into my Weekly Assessment Report, known within our circles as the "WAR" reports. Over the next several weeks I spent a great deal of time investigating the proposed printing of the new currency and the purpose behind it. I discovered soon enough that others were asking questions as well. (One of those individuals was Congressman Ron Paul of Texas who served on the Congressional committee dealing with the Treasury Department on this particular matter.)
In essence, I had learned that the plans to issue a new currency were international in scope, at least a dozen major countries were planning, or had specific plans, for coming out with new money. They included Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Australia, Brazil and several others.
I engaged my network to gather information on these proposed changes. Soon the information began flowing into my terminal. The picture began to clear. Several of the afore named countries had already issued new currencies, in various denominations. Most of these new currencies had two things in common...they had bare spots, about the size of a fifty cent coin, usually on the left-hand side of the bill. Upon closer inspection of these currencies, it was evident that they also contained metallic filament or element strips, enabling special devices to detect the currencies as they passed through airports or across international boundaries.
If the currencies are held over a light, a three-dimensional image (hologram) becomes apparent in the blank spot. The images, barely visible to the naked eye, are seemingly always of prominent world figures, and cannot be reproduced on copiers. The effort to create the "new money" was internationally coordinated.
Rumor had it that these currencies would later receive a common image linking them together in an international monetary system. Several years have passed since I first learned about the proposed new currency. Although it has been printed, and is stored in Treasury vaults, the actual issuance of the currency has, for some unknown reason, been delayed. Based upon my information as a member of the United States Intelligence community, it seems clear that, if we were to enter into a world government in the near future, the first step, from a monetary standpoint would include the establishment of an international currency system.
It must be stated that due to the rapid advances in electronic banking technology and the proven willingness of consumers to quickly adapt to these changes, the chances of by-passing the new currencies and going directly to an electronic (cashless) system are increasing exponentially. If the powers that be perceive the public to be ready and prepared for such a move, I believe they wouldn't hesitate to make this jump all at once, even in spite of the large investment that has already been made in the new currency.
If this were to be the case, the main focus of international finance would, without doubt, shift toward promoting international debit cards, which already are gaining widespread acceptance because of their convenience. Long time antagonists of these cards, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland, have always believed in a true cash and carry society. They have already, with great regret, lost the battle to the debit card banking schemes.
To make a purchase, the card is passed through a scanning device. After making a positive identification, your bank account or credit account is automatically charged or debited with the amount of the purchase. The willingness of consumers to accept such a single card for worldwide use is already past the test market stage. Even my household has not been spared. We have received the new AT&T card which is being promoted by the intriguing commercial..."One World, One Card." The implications are most clear. Big Brother is at our very door. However, THIS Big Brother, should not be confused with Orwell's; for it is not the Big Brother of our national government, but rather and more ominous...it is BIG BROTHER of world-wide proportions.
Once such debit/credit cards have gained world-wide acceptance, everything would be in place for the next and final step, which would be to force each individual to be tagged with a personal identification code without which he would be unable to buy or sell. The technology for such a worldwide electronic system is already in place, and experiments with such a mark have already been conducted in several countries.
Other developments are underway as well. In the not too distant future, products on our grocery shelves may become labeled with an invisible bar code. The Universal Product Code (UPC), which most of us have complained is an eye sore on product packaging, will no longer be visible. It will still be there, however, only the scanner will be able to read it. Once the transition to an invisible code begins to take place, it will only be a matter of time before humans are tattooed with a similar mark.
Wake up America! The implications to personal freedom are staggering! I emphasize the tattoo in order to bring this discussion down to a personal level. If the globalist cabal has their way, their system will become operational by 1994. To understand how all this fits together, it's important to understand some of the finer points of monetary history.
Recently passed interstate banking laws have made this global centralization possible by allowing strength and swallow mergers. I am saying that many of the smaller banks have been virtually eaten by the big ones...at an alarming rate.
Over a 12 state region stretching from New York to the Carolinas, only three New York superbanks control over 85% of all banking assets. The same can be said for the First Interstate System, which is now in place from the Pacific West to the middle of the heartland of America. The writing is on the wall, surely it is finally going to be read.
I had ample opportunity to study the American banking system while serving as an operative for the Central Intelligence Agency's Proprietary Operations Division. After all, we had not only served as members of boards of directors, but more so, held outright ownership of a number of Savings and Loan institutions. I was well in the know, but even I was shocked to realize that I had merely scratched the surface on the national and international banking plot.
I discovered that the SAME forces behind the big bank mergers, already controlled the American banking industry, via the Federal Reserve System. This has been the case ever since the Fed's establishment in 1913. Contrary to public belief, the Federal Reserve is NOT a government institution. It is a privately held corporation owned by stockholders. Until a few years ago, however, the names of those who owned the Federal Reserve were one of the best kept secrets of international finance, due to a provision of the Federal Reserve Act which stated that the identities of the Fed's Class A stockholders cannot be revealed.
In our circles it became widely known that the Fed's principle owners, or stockholders, as they prefer to be called, were the ROTHSCHILD banks of London and Berlin; LAZARD BROTHERS Banks of Paris; ISRAEL MOSES SEIF Banks of Italy, WARBURG Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; LEHMAN BROTHERS Bank of New York; and GOLDMAN, Sachs Banks of New York; KUHN, Loeb Bank of New York; CHASE MANHATTAN Bank of New York. These interests own and operate the Federal Reserve System through approximately three hundred stockholders, all of whom are very well known to each other, and frequently are related.
This can be understood better by knowing that a great deal of maneuvering and deception accompanied the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. The original proposal, calling for a central bank operated by insiders and private interests, was presented by Nelson Aldrich,(the maternal grandfather of todays Rockefeller brothers,) and was known as the Aldrich Bill. This bill was narrowly put down, but was soon reintroduced and passed as the Federal Reserve Act, (officially known as the Owens Glass Act.)
Because of the way in which the Federal Reserve System was designed by its founder, whoever controlled the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, essentially controlled the entire system. For all practical purposes the Federal Reserve Bank of New York IS the Federal Reserve. Currently, more than ninety of the 100 largest banks in the United States are located within this district.
Class A stockholders control the entire Federal Reserve System by owning the stock of the largest member banks in the New York Federal Reserve Bank. This controlling interest is held by fewer than a dozen international banking establishments, only four of which are factually based in the United States. The rest of the outlaying interests are European, with the most influential of these being the Rothschild family of London.
Each of the American interests are in some way connected to this family. Included among these are the Rockefellers who are by far the most powerful of the Fed's American stockholders. (The Rockefeller holdings in the Federal Reserve are primarily through Chase Manhattan Bank.)
Through their U.S. and European agents, the Rothschilds would go on to finance the Rockefeller Standard Oil dynasty, the Carnegie Steel empire, as well as the Harriman railroad system. The Rockefeller, who later became intermarried with the Carnegies, would go on to finance many of American's leading capitalists, through Chase Manhattan and Citibank, both of which have long been Rockefeller family banks. Many of these families would also become intermarried with the Rockefeller so that by 1937 one could trace "an almost unbroken line of biological relationships from the Rockefeller through one-half of the wealthiest sixty families in the nation."
Owing much of their wealth to the Rockefeller, these families have become loyal allies of the "family". The Rockefeller, on the other hand, owing their enormous fortune to the Rothschild banking empire, have for the most part remained true and loyal to them and to their European interest. As a direct result of this chain, much of America's corporate wealth is ultimately traceable to the old money of Europe and the ONE-WORLD INTERESTS of its members.
In order to bring the reader up to speed, and make the connection between the new currency, the international debit/credit card, the Federal Reserve System and the New World Order, it is imperative to present a little American History within this report.
In 1911, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Standard Oil had in fact, long been in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law. However, the problem goes back all the way to 1890, where Standard Oil of Ohio, owned by John D. Rockefeller was refining more than 90% of all American crude oil and was well on its way to international expansion politics. Although J.D. and his family were the repeated subjects of congressional investigations for anti-trust violations and criminal conspiracy, the investigations had little or no effect on the family's business or progress. They always managed to stay a step ahead of the federal government. The law was not able to thwart such illicit maneuvering. The American peoples' hands were tied.
It is worth noting that the 1911 action did indeed cause the Rockefeller family empire a certain amount of legal difficulties. It brought them into the United States District Courts. A verdict was found in favor of the government. The firm had to be split and many of the peripheral firms sold off. The holding company was dissolved, its shares distributed among thirty three companies in an attempt to break up the monopoly. However, it soon became evident that all of the new companies were owned by the same people (J.D. Rockefeller had 25% of stock in each of the new firms), "and that there wasn't a shred of competition among ANY OF THEM!"
Offshoots of the original Standard Oil Trust included Standard Oil of New Jersey (today EXXON), Standard Oil of New York (today MOBIL), Standard Oil of California (today operates under its name and Chevron), Standard Oil of Indiana (DX-BORON), Standard Oil of Ohio (SOHIO), Standard Oil Company, Phillips 66, and many lesser known others.
In 1966 (data supplied from my "company", as a result of congressional investigation headed by U.S. Representative Wright Patman of Texas,) it was discovered that four of the world's seven largest oil companies were under the direct ownership and/or control of the Rockefeller family. According to an earlier Operations Reports, the largest of these, Standard Oil of New Jersey (EXXON), alone controlled 321 other major corporations, including Humble Oil and Venezuela's OREOLE Petroleum; themselves among the largest oil corporations in the world.
By 1975, the Rockefeller had gained control of the single largest block of stock in Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) and were believed to be in control of TEXACO as well. (Therefore, it must be assumed that the extremely large suit and judgement against Texaco was merely a put-on for the public, and not a true verdict. Consider the true premise of a parent company bringing suit against it's darling daughter.) It was further noted that the Rockefeller were operating major joint ventures with Royal Dutch Shell, which was already in the hands of European one-world interests. I am specifically referring to the Dutch Royal Family. It was Queen Juliana who was the sole owner of Shell. Upon her daughter's (Beatrice) marriage to Klaus (Germany), she divested herself of the interests in Royal Dutch Shell. Substantial interests were offered and sold through Credit Anstalt Bank Verein, as well as Union Bank of Switzerland.
However, our article deals with global strategists from both sides of the Atlantic. It should have seemed obvious to any American that major problems were to be encountered with the continuation of the Fed System. Ever since the founding of the Federal Reserve, consistent efforts have been made by conservatives of both houses of Congress to have their leaders put a stop to the Fed and to the dark forces behind it. With the passing of each decade, there was at least one valiant attempt to expose the already well known conspiracy.
Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr., the father of the famous aviator, was among those who fought the passage of the dark Act and later managed to raise an investigation into the cartel. His life was made extremely difficult as a direct result of crying for such investigation. Lindbergh had openly yelled his warning to Congress and to the American people. It was all to no avail. No one would hear his cry in the wilderness.
It must be noted that Lindbergh's efforts to expose the plot were followed by those of Congressman Louis T. McFadden, who chaired the House Banking and Currency Committee for a ten year period. During his tenure, three attempts were made on his life. First, he was shot in Washington, D.C., then his food was poisoned. The third attempt was unfortunately successful. His mysterious death occurred while on a visit to New York City. The cause of death, as listed on the death certificate, was given as "heart failure", although more than enough evidence pointed to poisoning. It is my proffered opinion that Mr. McFadden was poisoned by members of the cartel. Without proper court orders demanding the exhumation and forensic pathology tests, we shall never know the true story.
During the 1950's, Congressman Carroll Reese of Tennessee headed what became known as the Reese Committee. The Committee was charged with conducting a thorough investigation of the (then) major tax-exempt foundations linked to the international money cartel. The investigation centered on those foundations and trusts actually owned and controlled by the Rockefeller, Fords and Carnegies, and well as the Guggenheim foundations. The findings regarding the wealth and absolute power of these foundations were so traumatically overwhelming that many in Congress found the information difficult to believe. That disbelief, was the door opener for the continuation of the Machiavellian machinations within the money industry.
The disbelief and resultant inaction was also indirectly responsible, for allowing Agency personnel to defrock the already threatened Banking and Savings industry. The implementation of this defrocking, thanks to Congressional Oversight Committees, was easily attained. Please bear in mind, though, that the raping of the American financial institutions began long before the Agency entered the picture.
During the 1960's and 1970's, Congressman Wright Patman of Texas also investigated manipulations by these foundations, trusts and the Federal Reserve. Using his influence as Chairman of the House Banking Committee and later as the Chairman of other important committees, he repeatedly tried to expose the so called "One World Plot" by calling for audits of the Federal Reserve, and even trying to have the Act repealed. However, the findings of each of his committees, for some strange reason, were unable to attract any attention from the media. Patman, and others who have gone after and before him, frequently stated and vented his frustration over this lack of press and media coverage. On one occasion he stated, "our exposes of the Federal Reserve Board are shocking and scandalous, but they are only printed in the daily Congressional Record, which is read by very few people."
In the 1970's and the 1980's, Congressman Larry McDonald was the one who spearheaded the efforts against the Bush version of the New World Order. In 1976 he wrote the introduction to the "Rockefeller File", a book exposing the Rockefeller' financial holdings and secret intentions. The book supposedly revealed that the Rockefeller had as many as two hundred trusts and foundation type organizations, and that the actual number of such foundations controlled by the family might well number into the thousands. Such control IS possible because Rockefeller banks, such as Chase Manhattan, have become the trustees for many other U.S. foundations as well; possessing the right to invest and to vote the capital and common stock of these institutions--through the trust department of the bank.
McDonald did everything in his power to warn the American public. However, as usual, the attempt was to no avail. He stated unequivocally, that the Rockefeller intended to control "--first our own country, and then the world!" He went on to state. "Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, yes I do. I am convinced there is a plot, national and international."
McDonald's warning was written on legal congressional letterhead and was dated November, 1975. During the ensuing years, frustrated by the media's refusal to report his findings, he began, like others and myself, to take his message to the streets by speaking out against these forces publicly to anyone who would listen to him. McDonald's courageous efforts came to an abrupt end on August 31, 1983 when he was killed aboard the Korean Airliner 007 flight, which "accidentally" strayed over Soviet airspace and was "accidentally" shot down.
Today, as with many other true patriots, very little remains of his fight for freedom. Critical information does kill the holder.
The chance of a U.S. Congressman being aboard a commercial airliner shot down by the Soviet military, is less than one in a billion. Depending on the variables entered into the equation, the numbers may very well be higher and greater still. You, the public, are expected to believe that it was pure coincidence, just as we are supposed to believe that the recent (1991) deaths of Senator John Heinz and former Senator John Tower, in two separate crashes were "pure" coincidence as well.
Tower had been an outspoken critic of the "Eastern Establishment" (a euphemism for ONE WORLD ORDER), even though he had himself been associated with such organizations. He had a very strong sense of right and wrong, particularly on matters concerning national security. He was well known for "bucking" the tide. This backfired on him with deadly results when certain members of Congress, loyal to the Regan(Reagan) and Bush faction of the Intelligence Community (Faction #1), banded together against him in a smear campaign which resulted in the denial of Tower's confirmation as U.S. Secretary of Defense.
Outraged over the undocumented allegation made to slander his name, Tower began the book writing process so feared in Washington circles. His controversial book heavily criticizes his old crony pals in Congress. His death in a plane crash on April 5, 1991 came very shortly after the book was released.
One day earlier (April 4, 1991), Senator John Heinz died in a blazing plane crash near Philadelphia. The official reports state that the plane's landing gear had suddenly malfunctioned. A helicopter was sent up to check out the gear, only to end up (allegedly) crashing into the plane itself. We are really stretching the "coincidence theory" when we state that two freak accidents occurred in One! First, the landing gear fails, and then the rescue aircraft slams into the plane. No one should make book as to the veracity of such obviously slanted and untrue reports.
Heinz and Tower had both been members of a prominent One-World society known as the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR. Both had served on powerful Senate banking and finance committees, and had known a great deal about the matters discussed in this article. I suppose the obvious question must read..."could they have known too much?" I submit that they in fact...knew too much! Both were very astute when it came to matters of monetary policy and the implementation of foreign policy. Yes, without doubt, they knew too much. Although accidents do happen, how much longer are we supposed to believe that all of these "so called" accidents are mere coincidence?
Since the earlier death of Congressman Larry McDonald, Senator Jesse Helms has led many efforts to expose the plot. Although Mr. Helms has recently been required to undergo extensive cardiovascular surgery, nothing appears to have happened to him, YET! I am quite certain that Mr. Helms would appreciate the combined prayer of Americans who are concerned for the truth as well as his safety.
The vivid remarks and statements of Senator Helms, like those of his predecessors, have been entered into the Congressional Record, without receiving any network coverage. Regretfully, the only attention Mr. Helms manages to garner in the press is in the form of public ridicule over his conservative voting record. It must be noted here, that the major threat to the American way of life transcends labels like Conservative and Liberal. Those who valiantly try to protect the way of life that Americans love and cherish are the new American patriots. They come from all backgrounds, Republican, Democrat, Liberal and Conservative.
The American people must wake up immediately and realize that the "Labels" applied to them are merely a way of dividing and conquering. One has only to remember the 1992 republican convention and its blatant attempt to divide and conquer the American people with obvious divisive and untrue statements. Wake up America and understand why the "One World Elite" needs to label groups. As an example, when the women's movement began to gain momentum and presented problems to the entrenched elite, a way had to be found to neutralize the power of the women's movement. Women who join together and fight for common causes such as child care, health care and education are a formidable force. To keep such a powerful force from taking over government, the "think tanks" created the solution...divide and conquer. Turn women against each other and they will never be able to become a powerful political force. The method they chose to divide and conquer the growing women's movement was abortion. Other methods are employed in other areas...first label, then divide, then conquer. My lengthy digression can be summed up in one sentence: Forget all the old labels, become American patriots...it's the only way to save America.
* * * * *
During the 1960's and 1970's, thanks to the efforts of Congressman Wright Patman, Larry McDonald, and others, the message of a "One World Conspiracy" had begun to reach the "reading" American people. The usual action groups were formed by various citizens in an urgent attempt to get this information into the hands of the public, However, as usual, without coverage from the major media, their efforts have had only limited results. These groups have had to rely on self-published newsletters and books. Numerous radio appearances also were used to spread the word. The task of educating the American public is not a simple one, but rather and more so, based and predicated upon numerous unpublicized speaking engagements in order to get the word out. Such is the stress associated with an active grassroots campaign.
Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts is one of the individuals who has made significant impact. As Director of the Committee to Restore the Constitution, he began testifying before state legislatures, informing our elected officials, at the state level, about the deception surrounding the Federal Reserve Act. His campaign, urging state legislatures to repeal the Federal Reserve Act was, according to Agency records, launched on March 30, 1971, when he testified before the Wisconsin House of Representatives. The text of Roberts' address was subsequently entered in the Congressional Record on April 19, 1991 by Louisiana Congressman John Rarick.
As a result of Roberts' work, by the mid 1980's, approximately twenty states had taken some form of action to pass legislation, calling either for an audit of the Fed, or for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act. However, there has been virtually no media coverage, and the American public is still largely unaware of the intense battle going on behind the scenes of the Washington Establishment.
During June, 1989, the battle waged at the state level had once again reached Congress. Representative Henry Gonzalez, of Texas, introduced House Resolution 1469, calling for the abolition of the Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System. He also introduced House Resolution 1470, calling for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. During the same session, Representative Phil Crane of Illinois, introduced H.R. 70, calling for an annual audit of the Federal Reserve. However, all of these efforts, like those of others before them, failed.
We have personally come to know that it is far more than merely difficult to get the public behind a legitimate cause or issue, if the media refuses to cover it. Obviously such coverage is necessary in order to get the public to put the kind of pressure on Congress that will lead to action. This is particularly true of a Congress in which One-World interests now hold the upper hand, and own the media.
When I was asked to write this article, I made my way back into the dark corridors and lessor known places inside Agency Headquarters. Some of my old friends and associates were still willing to hear from me, even though several years had passed. They not only talked with me, but were gracious enough to accept my collect calls from prison. We pulled files, read numerous articles, and reviewed stymied legislation. The information you have been made privy to is a result of cooperation with the "so called" unspeakable, and unclean element from the CIA Center. We have come a long way in tracking the specifics of this money trail and how One World money is being used to influence our society. Our distaste must seem obvious to the reader. These one-worlders have invaded every aspect of American life and not only threaten the well being of the nation, but have virtually managed to secure a strangle hold upon the physical bodies of each and every one of us.
It must be stated, for the record, that each year billions of dollars are EARNED by class A stockholders of the Federal Reserve. These profits come at the expense of the U.S. Government and American citizens, who pay interest on bank loans, a portion of which ends up going to the Federal Reserve. Much of this money, along with the annual profits stemming from hundreds of corporations and banks owned and operated by these same interests, is then funneled into tax-exempt foundations--where it is then reinvested into American and foreign corporations, and used to influence our thoughts and our economy. In this fashion, a small group of people, dedicated to the establishment of a strong type of world government, has gained considerable influence over global activity and therefore your life.
It is NO coincidence that the forces responsible for the founding of the Federal Reserve were also responsible for the passage of laws permitting the creation of tax-exempt foundations. Such private foundations were specifically intended to serve as tax shelters to stow and hide the enormous wealth generated by the international banking cartel. It might be significant to note that they have also been most cherished for the purpose of funding major think-tanks, which influence virtually every aspect of American life.

(Personal opinion included)
At the close of research and investigation for this article, the writer must conclude that the influence of one-world foundations in the areas of social science, education and foreign policy has only accelerated; thereby accomplishing great strides due to minimal opposition from opposing foundations.
It must be remembered that it was the One-World cabal, (Rockefeller, Rothschild etc.), who pushed for the legalization of tax-exempt foundations, and were therefore the first to establish them. They were able to successfully get off to a head start. Even if a sizable foundation-sponsored opposition were to develop, it would be on a small scale and of rather insignificant result, compared to the massive efforts exerted by the One-World Cabal's mega-foundations.
The One World Cabal will always have more power in the world because of the devious strategies it is willing to employ in order to accumulate money and manipulate the rest of us with it. Clear cut, and decisive action is required immediately. Otherwise, it is this writer's opinion that we will very quickly lose the freedoms our Constitution guarantees for us. In short, our Constitution will be superceded by a One-World document, in fact it already has.
It is important for the reader to begin to think about what the world will be like if the One-Worlders succeed. Because this is a short article, all the possible ramifications and changes to your lifestyle cannot be covered. But one possible negative outcome could be a return to a feudal system with 98% of the people shackled to some major corporation in the same way that serfs lived by the whim of their overlord. This is just one of many possible scenarios, all equally black.
That being said, the ball is squarely in your court. You are part of a select few who have the education, intelligence and desire to even care about such things. In other words, it is up to you. You are part of the last classically educated free-thinking generation in this nation. If you wish to preserve your country for your grandchildren, then get busy. Write letters, form groups which will inform your family and friends. Buy shortwave radios, and create radio networks which will get together and decide how to create an informed voting block that will take back your country.

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