Chapter 20 [--------]
Chapter 21
When one compares the tireless activity of the child with the aches and restriction on motion as age advances, it is evident that the exchanges between the tissue parenchyma and blood stream of the child have no impediment so that waste products get out as fast as formed, and oxygen fuel and food enter as freely as is required for full combustion and tissue construction. There is no separating fibrosis between the parenchyma and the blood supply. In old age, the separation reaches the limit where the exchanges are practically abolished and finally where life is no longer supported. One organ or other as habits and heredity have determined has suffered most at the hands of the fibrogenic agent, and cerebral paralysis or heart or kidney failure may be the immediate cause of death.
We have identified the initiating factor as an activated amine, which causes a gellation of the plasma and cellular colloids and this gellation blocks the trans port of oxygen causing a local hypoxia or anoxia. In addition to producing the gellation as we have observed results from the guanidin poisoning in our parathyroidectomy work, the amine condenses firmly with the tissue function Carbonyl groups so as to block its initiation of energy producing oxidation chains. Incompletely burned metabolites of tissue cell origin or of germs caught in the anoxic area, then may be dehydrogenated so as to become free radicals but under the anoxic state cannot be burned. Since the amount of dehydro genation accomplished under such circumstances is small, at any time, a slow polymerization of the metabolite can proceed. This is especially true where scarring has reduced the oxygen transportation. The free radicals, be they of tissue cell or germ origin, may also co-polymerize with each other or with the collagenous material that is produced by fibroblasts, in response to the irritant effects of the incompletely combusted state. Thus they are incorporated into the fibroblastic tissue intended to dispose of the toxicity. Cancer cells likewise, we hold, take up the toxic products into their structure in the same way and thus serve as detoxication agents. (Koch, Cancer and Its Allied Disease, 1926, Koch,Cancer Journal, October, 1924). As the fibers increase by added deposition of collagenous and toxin co-polymers, the last depositions must present the highest molecular weight and as such, each group produces a characteristic set of disease symptoms because each fiber carries a history of the intoxica tion from the inception of the anoxia. The same appears to be the case for each cancer cell, as well. If the cancer cell could complete the combustion of the toxin, it would offer protection and serve the immunity mechanism, which we feel is its intended goal (Koch, Cancer Journal, October, 1924) in antitoxic hormone evolution.
Our observations showed that the flu epidemics of the first world war gave cancer a boost, and its symptomatology was much more uniform after this event.As a rule, the pre-growth symptoms were found to exist five to twenty years before the growth came and the longer they existed in the parent with cancer, the shorter their appearance in the offspring that developed the disease. Thus the pre-growth toxic period became shorter and the growth appeared earlier in life, by some five to ten years as a rule, in each successive generation that showed it, — quite a virus characteristic.
The symptoms are generally a neuritis, which may be rather violent and exist in the arm or shoulder in cases that develop gastro-intestinal neoplasms. It may show up as sciatica, dizziness, epilepsy, headaches or visual disturbances, etc. The nervous tissues seem to be the favorite site for the toxic action but there may be psoriasis, some other form of skin allergy, or a compulsory neurosis, while the lymphatic reticulo-endothelial system undergoes some atrophy. Before the growth appears, for some six years or so, there may be a gain in useless fat, of a watery variety and weakness develop concomitantly. After the growth appears, the symptoms disappear, wholly or in part, only to return again if the growth is removed and then again disappear with the recurrence of the growth. Depending upon the rate at which the toxin is produced, as compared with the rate of growth of the neoplasm and its adsorbing and co-polymerizing with the toxin, the latter is stored, out of the way more or less, and the symptoms will disappear proportionately. (Koch, Cancer Journal, October, 1924; Koch, Cancer and Its Allied Diseases, 1926).
To illustrate this situation, included is a letter received in Brazil from Pasadena, California. It runs as follows:
“In 1932, I brought my mother to you from La Crosse, Wisconsin, with cancer of the stomach. She was an advanced case, and the symptoms that she had suffered for years before the tumor was discovered are being repeated through me. I am asking your advice about an exploratory operation to see if I have what my mother had, and the doctor’s examinations here indicate that I have, and only time will give the full proofs - your Treatment was given my mother and she got well and lived fifteen years longer and died of a heart attack . . . I started out with a terrible neuritis in my left arm, and could not raise it above my head. It increased in severity until I had to carry it in a sling for months. It gradually left there and went to my sciatic nerve, I also fell and hurt my knee. Tetanus antitoxic serum was given me and I developed a terrible urticaria that nothing helped except Cortisone. Then my body became covered with boils and I am taking an antibiotic for that, but have to keep it up. Before the trouble located in my abdomen, I began to take on weight and dieting has not helped a bit. Obstructive symptoms in the abdomen are the trouble now, and the neuritis has improved a great deal. This is the way my mother’s cancer developed.”
Such reports are the rule, with slight variations. But there are exceptions also. In this case the pre-growth toxic symptoms were easily con trasted with the symptoms of the neoplasm.
The fact that the toxin causing the symptoms can add to the structure of a developing fibrosis or of developing cancer cells, shows that it presents either highly polar double bonds or free radicals and hence, exists as a sub-oxidized residue of some sort of metabolism, tissue cell, germ or virus, in the sense offered below and operates as we diagram, later. This incompletely combusted state and the anoxia that governs it, are the important factors we must consider in order to secure a correction of the pathology.
So long as fibrogenesis can absorb the pathogen, there will be no neoplastic response. But when this defense of the mesoderm fails, and the reticulo endothelial cells of the spleen and lymph glands become exhausted, the way is open for the pathogen to attack epithelia and cause cancer. This defense of the fibroblastic mechanism is a physiological hyperplasia to combine and wall off irritants and germ products. On the other hand, the neoplastic hyperplasia, as seen in spindle cell sarcoma, lacks the FCG needed to keep the activity under control. In the malignant situation, the FCG is inactivated and requires liberation in order to resume its correct behavior. In the protective hyperplasia situation, the SSR is needed to burn up all combined and circulating toxin, including that in the germ that is its producer. Then the fibrogenesis is obsolete and involutes. So in both situations, the SSR is required to remove the cause.
Arterial sclerosis and the thickening of the interstitial connective tissues are all protective attempts to: dispose of a toxin, an imperfectly burned metabolic product of the tissues or of some germ hidden in an old scarred-in focus of infection, where anoxic conditions prevent the full combustion of its products. They then have the chance to polymerize thereby passing through stages that are different pathogenically, temporarily resulting in various diseases, in route to the production of cancer. The fact that the cancer patient gives a history of a series of disease states before the growth appears, which after the growth is made to disappear, repeat their appearance briefly in the reverse order to their coming, is observed very regularly and indicates a de-polymerization of the toxin from the cancer producing stage, down through each disease producing form until finally the monomeric form is reproduced, which was the initial disease form produced by the acute infection. Indeed in cancer of the breast, after the tumor is absorbed, one observes a sudden acute swelling of the tonsil area of the same side, and a sore throat that lasts a week or so and then clears up with the disappearance of any scar tissue or hardened lymph nodes in the area. A breast case may get a final reaction in an old scar in some other part of the body, after the growth is absorbed. Thus, we link cancer and its allied conditions with germ toxins or viruses developed in anoxic areas.
One of the pre-growth symptoms is vascular sclerosis in general, or in some organ as the brain, kidney or heart and is accompanied by an interstitial fibrosis. The toxin integrates with the developing fibroblasts that come to give protection against the poison or its co-polymer with an incompletely combusted tissue metabolite. It may be taken as a rule that fibrosis protects against cancer so long as the tissues show the ability to produce the necessary fibroblasts, but when this ability fades away, the toxin can keep on polymerizing until it either produces cancer or, let us say, the fibrotic protection is lost before it achieves that property, and for this to occur, an hypoxic focus is necessary as in a scarred-in tonsilar crypt or focus of infection. Then one must agree, with our first experiences, that the carcinogenic agent was primarily fibrogenic.
In Case No. 55, the fibrosis with all its tissue accompaniments of depressed oxidations, such as cholesterol deposits, calcified plaques, parenchy matous hypoxia, malnutrition and blocked elimination, had reached the limit. Still, the restoration of FCG function cleared up the whole pathology in a progressive undoing of the pathogenesis. The “disease building” was torn down starting at the “roof,” and new tissue was healed in where the repair was needed. In the Coronary Cases, however, besides the diseased arterial walls and interstitial hyperplasia, there was the element of blood gellation that caused the acute attack. The gelled blood, as in the parathyroidectomy situation, blocked the circulation, but true coagulation would not have taken place for a while anyway, though it was inevitable, had not the Survival Oxidations been restored. Therefore, the recovery was just as fast as the restored oxidations could charge the blood colloids and restore their correct dispersion. In acute apoplexy, this has only taken a few hours at times. The Coronary Cases thus picture the acute action of the toxin along side the chronic action and the Senile Sclerotic Case and the Bright’s Disease Case expose the chronic action, with the reversal of the pathology.
Here we see in the polymerization tendency, the action of the free radical and the double bond. This free radical, when it gets a chance, can add to a double bond of fibroblasts and cause the sclerosis or the free radical can add to the FCG system of the parenchyma and cause various allergies or other disease pictures, like pityriasis rosea, or psoriasis. And when it polymerizes to the point where it has reached the correct steric advantage, it can add to the FCG of the mitotic mechanism of cells to cause cancer. It is our opinion that wherever it has integrated with a tissue FCG system and interfered with function, it stays there undisturbed. But it undergoes destructive oxidations as fast as exposure permits at the same rate no matter where it is lodged. Thus the orderly reversal of the pre-growth symptomatology is possible.
Chapter 22
With Senile Dementia
CASE No. 55
Mr. P., age 93. He was treated in April 1933, with an injection of the serially arranged Carbonyl groups. He was a painter by trade and for some years was experiencing the effects of advancing arteriosclerosis. I had personally observed this change as I saw him at long intervals when I checked up on his wife, who was one of my first cured cancer patients. This woman had had a complete obstruction of the pylorus to involve the liver and other organs. She made her recovery on two injections of the Carbonyl Catalysts in 1918, and remained well thereafter. It was at a call to check her condition that she showed me her husband lying in bed on his right side with knees bent some and unable to move at all. All the muscles were spastic. He could not speak and had to be fed and cared for like a baby. The heart was dilated and palpation of the radial artery showed a high blood pressure.
He presented a marked arcus senilis and heavy tortuous nodulated pipe stem blood vessels. In the previous year he had had several “strokes” and passed into senile dementia. The whole condition was an extreme senile change. The skin elasticity was completely lost.
A dose of the Carbonyl SSR was given and in a month a definite improvement took place. In seven months, he was able to dress himself and walk about. He was rational and discussed political matters expertly. In a year, he was able to lay a small cement sidewalk in front of his home and do other work. At that time the blood vessels had lost 80% of their sclerosis and all nodulations and the extreme tortuosity. The skin had lost its cyanosis and had regained its elasticity. The blood pressure had fallen to a high normal range for his age, 180 over 110. He remained well for three years longer and then died suddenly.
In this case, the reversal of sclerosis depended upon the oxidation chains that converted toxin into its antitoxic type of structure and so the recovery was progressive to its limit even after it was well established. Upon the removal of years of accumulated, incompletely oxidized metabolites of tissue cell and/or germ origin, the sclerosis’s function, which was their absorption and inactivation, no longer had any utility and subsided as the toxic factors were burned to completion.
CASE No. 56
Dr. H. B. Mueller
Mr. L. E. had been under the care of Dr. H. B. Mueller for only minor complaints for some two years before the present complaint developed, on January 16, 1944. After a short, easy walk on January 16, 1944, a numbness accompanied by pain occurred in the left arm from the elbow down to the wrist. Almost immediately afterwards, pain developed in the epigastrium and extended up into the throat. It was in the arm and precordial area. He never had suffered such severe pain before in his life and he was frightened. The pain passed within a few minutes and he went home. But in twenty minutes, the pain recurred with full severity and did not respond to nitroglycerin until two hypodermic injections of morphia were given (½ grain).
Family history: shows that his mother died of senility at 89, and his father was still in good health at 86 years of age.
The past history: showed three or four years of occasional attacks of “palpitation.” They were transient after he remained quiet for a few minutes and so were soon forgotten. Bowel action was regular with no nocturia, except once during the past month. Sleeps well for more than 8 hours out of 24. Has a mild cough, slightly productive, smoked a package of cigarettes per day but recently reduced to three per day. Can do considerable work ordinarily without undue fatigue. No dyspnea. Weight remains regular at 157 pounds. Height: five feet, ten and a half inches. Age 47 years.
Physical examination: at the time of the attack, showed a man in complete collapse, snow white, heavy cold perspiration, almost pulseless, shallow gasping breathing — in a dying condition. He was given two micro-micrograms of the SSR system of Carbonyl groups on January 20, 1944. He responded dramatically within the next half hour, but was held at complete bed rest on a light vegetable diet and without any medication, whatsoever. He was kept in bed for eight weeks and after an additional month had passed, he was well enough to climb daily, without any discomfort, three flights of stairs up to his apartment. He was fully active and back to work within six months.
On April 15, 1944, his physical examination showed the heart apex to be in the 5th interspace one inch inside the M.C.L., the sounds were not well heard, no murmurs, pulse Mod. Vol., regular in force and rhythm, 85 per minute. Blood pressure 96/68, right, reclining after rest.
Electrocardiogram: on this date showed rhythm regular at rate 85, P and PR intervals are normal throughout, T1 shows a late sharp dip. T2 and T3 are upright and normal. T4 is deeply inverted. QRS complexes show low amplitude. QRS1 — + ½—i; QRS2— —3; QRS:3— —5. There is absence of the R wave in lead IV.
Conclusions: Low amplitude of QRS complexes, inversion of T1, absence of R4, suggest healed infarction at apex of left ventricle.
(signed) R. A.


Electrocardiogram: taken two years later, March 27, 1946 by the same expert reads as follows and is submitted. Regular rhythm at rate 75, P, and PR intervals normal. Amplitude of QRS1 — 1½. Low T1, Inversion of T4.
Clinical interpretation: Low amplitude of QRS complexes and inversion of T4 indicate healed lesion — probably posterior infarction. There is improve ment over previous tracing.
Remarks: On this date, patient appears well clinically. Blood pressure is 110/70. The pulse is regular at 76. The heart shows no enlargement, and there are no murmurs.
(signed) R. A. Bagley
Dr. Mueller last saw this patient on June 27, 1951. The patient felt so good at the time that he thought medical observation was no longer needed. This was over seven years after Treatment. He continued in good health until the fall of 1955 when he had, what was reported as, a subsequent attack of coronary thrombosis and died. This was over eleven years after Treatment, which was a long period of good health.
We attribute this subsequent attack of coronary thrombosis to a return to the living conditions that were etiologic in producing the disease in the first place. It took over eleven years, during which no further Treatments were given, to restore sufficient pathology to again cause another coronary infraction. Had this patient remained under medical observation by his physician, followed the recommended dietary living and received subsequent Treatments, if and when advisable, we feel that he would be living today. Thus this case also illustrates the importance to the patient of continuing under proper medical observation and healthful living.
CASE No. 57
Dr. David Arnott
Dr. A., age 64, brisk and active habits, was taken with a mild attack while walking on December 2nd, 1936. This passed within a few minutes, after resting. Two days later an extremely severe attack followed, while he was resting. Repeated heavy doses of morphia hypodermically influenced the pain only when sufficient to stupefy him profoundly. The slightest lengthening of the intervals between injections was followed by severe pain. On December 8th, 1936, the SSR was given subcutaneously in a dose of two cc. of the 12X dilution. Considerable relief was had in one hour. Eighty-four hours later, another dose was given after which the pain soon disappeared entirely and has not returned. The opiate was discontinued after the first injection of the Catalysts and none has been required since. A careful convalescence was followed with strict observation of the diet and of good bowel hygiene.

Electrocardiogram I, taken as soon as possible after Treatment,
shows profound pathology.

Electrocardiogram II, taken eight weeks after the first cardiogram, shows good recovery. This was taken three months after Treatment.
Effort was reduced to a minimum until the repair of the lesion was satisfactory for ordinary activity.
An electrocardiograph could not be taken during the first attack. Cardiogram I, reproduced here, was made five weeks later. It still shows a profound pathology. The tracing taken eight weeks later, Cardiogram II, shows a good return to normal. He remained active and well for nearly fifteen years and died at the age of 79, years from a prostate operation sequel.
CASE No. 58
Mr. C. L., lawyer, age 40, let his insurance payments lapse and to be readmitted was required to pass a physical examination. The urinary findings showed advanced chronic Bright’s disease in harmony with symptoms of elevated blood pressure and severe migraine headaches, which lasted three days to a week at a time. He was given 2 cc’s of SSR in March 1925, and made a steady recovery so that the headaches ceased after the sixth week. One year later the urinary findings were normal so he applied for readmission for life insurance. The company physicians examined him on surprise occasions and secured urine specimens by catheterization. After a year of such tests they concluded that he was cured, and accepted him on the usual basis of a healthy man of his age. He lived in good health, free from nephritis and migraines, for twenty-three years and died from an abdominal injury.
Chapter 23
CASE No. 59
Dr. E. Klaveness
This “incurable” disease recovered after two doses of the Carbonyl Catalysts. In this case a 58-year-old man, who was treated on February 25 and again in April 1950, had been suffering, since October 1948, from a skin disease that answered the von Hebra description perfectly and was diagnosed as Pityriasis Rubra by all available skin specialists along with Dr. Klaveness. While at St. Joseph’s Hospital from December 16 to February 23, he lost 20 pounds, suffered daily from a terrific loss of scales and had a steady deterioration in all respects. Normal weight was193 pounds; on Feb. 25, 1950 was down to 172 pounds showing pronounced erythema of skin from the top of his scalp to the soles of his feet, no papules, no blebs, no marked infiltration of skin which was richly covered by small thin scales, curled up from the periphery on itself, along with moderate itching. Inguinal glands enormously enlarged, felt chilly even when heavily clothed. The urine showed albumen 2.5 grains per liter.
Recovery set in promptly after the SSR injection with no loss of weight. The scaling stopped, first on the scalp and then on the trunk following the first Treatment. Scaling stopped on the extremities after the second injection, along with a change to normal color, a gain in strength, weight and a clearing of the urine of albumen, so that by July 22 he was discharged as cured. Found in good recovery also August 26, and September 9th. Examination then showed the whole situation normalized with the inguinal glands very much smaller, possibly normal.
CASE No. 60
While psoriasis is generally slow to recover and the results are often disappointing, some cases do recover rapidly and permanently. This is especially true in acute cases. An example is Miss N., age 32 (Her brother also suffered with chronic and severe psoriasis). The psoriasis came a month after an attack of tonsillitis with an acute tachycardia on changing posture as a sequel. She was much sicker than a case of psoriasis usually is. The lesions first appeared on the left thigh and spread rapidly in spite of the best attention of the experts until it covered the entire body affecting the hair and nails in usual fashion. Some of the lesions were deeper than we generally see and especially those between the head and ears. She was given the Carbonyl Catalysts by the writer on April 2, 1926 and a reaction followed on the fourth day with chills, fever, a general achiness along with an inflammatory reaction localized in the tonsils. Thereafter, improvement began to show in the usual cyclical sequence with the most recent lesions responding first. This improvement continued with slight aggravations in the congestions of the lesions during the third, sixth, and ninth weeks. In between, the whole condition improved so rapidly that by the twelfth week only a very few small spots were observed and these were absent at the fourteenth week. She remained well, thereafter. The tachycardia recovered right along with the psoriasis. The photographs were taken at the time of Treatment and again at the fourteenth week. She remains well to last report in 1946 when she offered to testify at the Court Trial.
Photograph I, taken at the time of Treatment. (bottom)
Photograph II, showing patient after recovery. (top)
As in this case, we have offered numerous examples of toxin-host cell integra tion where both structural and functional changes resulted in different tissues. The psoriasis cellular defect and the neuromuscular control of cardiac rhythm both responded to correction at the same time with the withdrawal of the toxin through the agency of the same molecule. Here again, is an indication that the type of toxin ligation with the host cell in both instances is the same. And after all, the structural changes in psoriasis may be considered as a functional matter for epithelial cells of the dermis function by reproduction to afford protection. Both phenomena present hyperfunction beyond physio logical control and thus conform to our definition of allergy. (Koch, Cancer and Its Allied Diseases, 1927) (Koch, The Chemistry of Natural Immunity, 1936)* Neoplasia falls into the same classification, so the clinical evidence in humans on a wide front elucidates a simple pathogenic process to be met clinically, simply and with complete success, in correctly managed cases. If pathology were always interpreted physiologically there would be very few serious defeats for the clinician. We will see that this is true for animal diseases as well.
* The above texts are included in the Table of Contents on this web site.
CASE No. 61
Dr. Chester Dove
In this case of Mr. C., age 64, when treated in July 1934, showed universal redness from the top of his head to the soles of his feet with terrific amount of silvery scaling, both large and small, leaving a bleeding base with loss of hair, eye lashes, and finger and toe nails. The soles of his feet separated off as foul, gangrenous sloughs. He suffered day and night without the least relief even with the best medical attention, available.
The photos show the situation before and after Treatment.
He received two injections, each containing two micro mgms of the SSR; the first on July 17, 1934 and the second in October 1934. He made a complete recovery. In February 1957, he told Dr. Dove that there had been no recurrence of the psoriasis since his recovery in 1935.
Photograph I, of Mr. C. taken at the time of Treatment.
Photograph II, of Mr. C. taken after recovery.
CASE No. 62
Mrs. R., was 45 years old at the time of examination and Treatment in May, 1934. For a year and a half she had continuous intensive hay fever and asthma along with burning, watering eyes and a running nose. She was found at the University of Michigan Hospital to be sensitive to 60 different items including fur, feather, and most foods. These she was able to avoid but still suffered as badly. Continuous nasal sinusitis for years.
There was a continuous urticaria of the hemorrhagic type that added to her misery. There was also a disturbance of the bowel that expanded with gas after every eating along with an incontinence of urine. This was seriously troublesome.
We gave her two micro micrograms of the SSR serial arrangements of Carbonyl groups with free radical terminals. Within three weeks, she was much improved in all symptoms and was able to sleep on a feather pillow, keep a dog and eat whatever she pleased. The recovery was complete in nine weeks and has so remained. The sinus infection became well also but was not fully cured until the twelfth week had passed. Here, too, the first condition to appear, the sinus infection that supplied the allergenic toxin, was the last to completely heal. However, the toxins produced there were in large part immediately induced to undergo oxidation and were made harmless.
While in this case, the allergy affected the secreting and involuntary muscle contractile fibrillae, it often affects the nerve impulse generating mechanism or the conductile fibrillae, in other cases. The following two cases show that the toxemia may be expressed by a cerebral allergy, in various ways. Psychic suggestion may have an instigating effect in nervous cases like pollen has in the hay fever type, but we believe the fundamental pathology in all is the block in the oxidation process which has to be corrected.
On Infectious Basis
CASE No. 63
This patient is representative of the most serious cases of the common allergies. A less frequent type, which illustrates the response of the psychic section of the nervous system, is, also submitted.
The patient was the Rev. A., age 52. He came in December 1938, for a serious sinusitis that involved the left maxillary sinus most severely. He had this infection for over five years and nothing he used helped at all. He reported that for the past few years he suffered from a compulsion neurosis that did not yield to treatment of any kind. When hearing a train whistle, he was forced to let out a yell at the top of his voice. We did not go into psychoanalysis or ask whether or not he had a shock or fright associated with the sounds of a train. No matter what such shock might be, the toxin at the base of the trouble made the synapses hyperactive so contact was extraordinarily easy and impulse transmission easier than normal. Hence, removing the toxin should restore normalcy of function. Or we may say, the nerve cell bodies were under higher energy evolvement because of the energy poured into their mechanism, toxically. Thus only a slight impulse received would set off a maximum response that could travel a whole neuron system with a force much stronger than the inhibiting impulses could manage. He was given but one dose of Benzoquinone, 2 cc. of the 6X homeopathic solution and the sinus infection and the compulsory neurosis both cleared up in three months. He has reported no trouble since.
It is noteworthy that the nervous symptoms stopped immediately even before the infection was all cleared away. Thus the toxic state was first corrected and as in the other cases reported here, the bacteria can be considered non-toxic after the Oxidation Catalysis has accomplished its work.
On Neoplastic Basis
Dual Personality
CASE No. 64
Another case of cerebral allergy is that of a woman of sixty with a massive carcinoma of the stomach. For two years she suffered a delusion that the air was full of needles and pins that she was inhaling as she breathed. Any drink brought her was full of the same sharp objects and her husband put them there. She recovered both from the cancer of the stomach and from the delusions. Even though the delusion of seeing the air full of needles was excited by hearing a phonograph play in the neighborhood, the delusions existed on a toxic basis as was demonstrated by the complete cure of both conditions, at the same time, as the result of the use of the oxidation Catalysts. One dose was given of the serial system of Carbonyl Groups with free radical terminals on July 20th, 1924. She remained well until 1943 when last seen. At this time, she explained that she knew the “crazy notions” she had suffered form were not true, yet she could not help but believe them. Indicating the existence of a dual personality in a state of conflict. Thus the toxin affected one section of the brain, while the other sections were not. Therefore the basis for Freud’s hypothesis of abnormal psychic states falls flat, since he does not consider the oedematous effects of toxins on the synapses that take part in any concept. Nor does he consider the transfer of energy to the nerve impulse generating mechanisms in the brain cells that result from fluorescent toxins, as we are dealing with in this case and in the previous one. His whole system must be altered to meet this newer information on the subject.
CASE No. 65
This case demonstrates that an allergy may involve motor coordinating centers and manifest itself by continuous repetition of the same motion without ceasing, as a phase of a highly toxic insanity that failed to respond to all known therapies, even with 1500 doses of metrozole and cardiozole, the course progressed steadily towards death. Prof. Roxo, the renowned professor of nervous diseases at the University of Brazil, gave such a case to Prof. Renato Souza Lopes and the writer in 1941. This was to be a test case because the prognosis was fatality within two weeks. Therefore, if after taking the Benzoquinone injection the patient survived for at least three weeks, it would be seen as an indicator of favorable action obtained by the Treatment, according to Prof. Roxo.
The patient was a young man of about 23 years of age. He had been ill for months without significant remissions, but each forward step of the disease was more severe than its preceding state. The man was raving, swinging both arms in the same order of motion with constant repetition, just as the secretory cells of the mucous membranes keep on acting in hay fever, or the bronchial musculature keeps on contracting in asthma. We gave him two cubic centimeters of the 6X homeopathic dilution of Benzoquinone. He started to improve within twelve hours and was sent home on the fifth day as cured.
In the acute infections, especially the severe type, there is no diet problem, as the patient is not able to take food and has generally vomited what he had. Intestinal lavage tends to the rest and the injection is given in greater concen tration. The recoveries have been quick with clean tissue repair. Even after the best antibiotics have failed and the nurse advises the doctor his patient will not live till morning, an ampoule of the Survival Reagent has changed the trend immediately to recovery and in a few days the double pneumonia is a thing of the past. The etiological factor is out of the way before the patient is tempted to violate the regime.
In all chronic cases it is different. Where the eating and drinking habits of the past rule the mind, recovery may go on so long as the patient is under control, but when he is well enough to go free, he falls into the way of life that led to his illness. In cancer cases the etiological factor is not gotten out of the way entirely, until the growth is completely absorbed and the focus of infection that gave rise to the toxin is cleaned out and absorbed by a late reaction. Even then some old scars as from an early syphilis may still hold malignant cells that happened to drop in that way, and a still later reaction may be needed to clean these foci out, although they generally clear up before the original focus of infection has been cleared away.
Breaking the regime before one is fully cured, and the cure is “seasoned,” permits Carbonyl group antagonists to develop and possibly wipe out the defense. Amines produced from meat in the colon, the harmful nitrogenous derivative in coffee or tea, the tars of smoke and coffee, sulphides in coffee or sulphides developed in the intestinal tract by bacterial action on eggs and meat and sulphides in the drinking water, these all hinder or wipe out Carbonyl activity and block the activating power of the conjugated double bond systems. Patients are usually grateful that there is a regime worked out that helps them get well, but all are not, and perhaps 30% will desert the regime as soon as they think they are well, which is always too early and then there may be a slow reversal from the recovery status. Perhaps thirty percent of our patients waste their chance to get well because of gluttony. Others have been ruined by irradiation and while they may improve so they think they are well even for as long as ten years, they are not truly cured and never can be. Ultimately an irradiation anemia will conquer the corrected chemistry. In other cases, where extensive explorations or exposure of the abdomen to seeding of the malignant cells during a corrective operation, the healing following absorption of the neoplastic tissue may cause widespread adhesions which on contraction compress the viscera and prevent their function. Gall bladder and intestinal obstruction may thus take place or the pylorus may heal shut. At times the adhesions are so dense it is impossible to correct the situation surgically. Embolism is an occasional cause of defeat in rapidly recovering cases. Thus, in some series of cases of far advanced type, only 46% are reported cured by experts with this Treatment. In some series where most cases are not in the terminal stage, and one would look for a high percent of recovery, only 72% have recovered. And among the failures, some were not caused by giving up the regime too soon, but something in the system destroyed the Reagent, so it had no effect.
Chapter 25
We are indebted to Dr. David Arnott for development of the use of the Carbonyl Catalysts in the diseases of dairy cattle. The enormous amount of data meticulously built up by the scientists of the Ministry of Agriculture and the University of British Columbia, Canada, showed the basic place of this Therapy in the tissue oxidation processes that use sugar. Thus some 95 to 100% of cases of acetonemia are quickly cured by a single injection per animal in both the acute and the chronic cases. The hundreds of cases treated for infectious mastitis show a rapid cure in the acute cases with hemolytic streptococcus and staphylococcus cases approaching 90% while the chronic cases, with much fibrosis, showed something like an 80% cure rate with restoration of function and replacement of the fibrosis with normal gland tissue. This is the only Therapy that has ever demonstrated this result. In Brazil, we showed that the fibrosis that completely invaded the udder and closed the teats after local treatments with various antibiotics could be completely cured by this Therapy, too. The fibrosis and the infection it contained were eliminated by replacement with normal functioning gland tissue.
However, the Reports of the Minister of Agriculture of British Columbia to the Parliament in the Official Bulletins of years 1944 through 1949 inclusive not only verify our working Hypothesis, in general, but also supplied bacteriological counts before and after Treatment, which indicated the pathogenic germs of highest virulence before Treatment may rapidly drop in numbers a few days after Treatment, while the udders are undergoing healing. Also, where the injury was found to be most severe, the bacteria at times increased in number during the healing process, during the time the toxicity in the animal was rapidly disappearing. Our interpre tation of this often observed affair, especially in gangrenous mastitis, is that the germ became no longer toxic, as we see in huge tuberculous cavitations in man, and indeed appear to help in the clean-up process. As soon as the tissue debris is eliminated, they rapidly disappear, even before the cavity or lesion is healed by tissue reconstruction They thus appear to have shared in the benefits from the Carbonyl Catalysts and become normal useful members of the biological economy, and help clean up the mess they formerly caused.
It was the cure of dairy farmers suffering with Brucellosis that gave start to the Treatment of this disease in cattle in Canada, by Dr. Arnott. The cure percentage ran somewhat over 80% in dairy cows and this is what was recorded in the Michigan experiments, as well as, those conducted in a small number of cows in Brazil. In the latter cases which I treated for the Ministry of Agriculture, the cases were far advanced and often the broken down type. One had a severe infection of the udder with the diphtheria bacillus that completely involved three quarters (3/4 of one udder) and half of the other quarter (1/2 of the other udder). It was resistant to all forms of treatment and pronounced entirely hopeless by the University Pathologist who had supervised this case. They were all cachectic with "moth-eaten” fur or with arthritis, ulceration, infertility or some other complication. Of five* such cases, four gave birth to normal calves at normal term, and the placenta in each case was found to be structurally and bacterio logically normal and free from the Brucella germ. The other case, aborted within three months of receiving the Treatment, but no follow-up was had to determine if the cure came after the third month, which is usually the case. The cow with both Brucellosis and Corynebacterium mastitis was fully cured of both infections — a surprise to all observers. She gave birth to a normal calf and the placenta was proven normal and free from infection. No Brucella germs were found and the udder normalized completely without fibrosis, with return of full lactation.
Absorption of the fetus no longer occurred after the Treatment and thus the normal reproductive physiology was restored whether the interference was a matter of: dietary insufficiency, selenium in the plants, soil or water, or a possible injury from the Brucellosis germ. High potency Oxidation Catalysis removed the interference and restored tissue function energy production so normal behavior could be resumed. Dr. Bruce Richardson treats the subject of infertility in cattle in his graduation thesis from the University of British Columbia and by Dr. Wood, the Professor of Pathology. Their recovery percentages were about 72% while those in Michigan ran much higher. Thus the environmental features deserve consideration and these are vastly different in the two places.
Infertility in cattle, as in man, may have a complex origin and many factors may be determinative. Thus imperfections in food, toxins of various origins, such as selenium coming from the soil are definite causes. Yet the poison of Brucellosis is most important. Correction of the feeding may be somewhat helpful but in the confirmed cases, a basic boost to the metabolism able to burn the hindering toxin out of the way is needed.
For accuracy’s sake a few words of review on Arthritis should be welcome. Several types of Arthritis have been classified. Anderson’s Pathology, page 1255, 3rd edition, and Karsner, 7th edition, page 809, give the main characteristics in a simple practical way that disposes of any uncertainty.
Rheumatoid Arthritis goes by the following synonyms: Atrophic and Prolif erative Arthritis in adults. In children, it is known as Still’s Disease. If dominant in the spine, the sacroiliac and hip areas, it is called Strumpell- Marie Spondilitis. It is a systemic disease of unknown etiology and is characterized by chronic andprogressive inflammatory involvement of the articulations and by atrophy and rarefaction of the bones and muscles. Eighty percent of cases are between 20 and 50 years of age. It may show an insidious or violent onset, pain, swelling, stiffness, redness, early in the disease with a warmth and thickening of the soft tissues about the joints. This swelling goes with muscle atrophy, causing spindle shaped digits. A striking feature is exacerbation and remission irregularly for months or years. There is early inflammatory cell infiltration, but no suppuration. As it progresses, granulation tissue at the perichondrial margins grow in and cover the articular surface. Concomitantly, cartilage is invaded and replaced by well-vascularized connective tissue showing moderate inflammation on both sides causing fibrous adhesion (fibrous ankylosis). Articular cartilage is destroyed causing permanently stiffened joints. There is a twisting and bone atrophy from disuse, muscle and skin atrophy, and nodules, somewhat resembling the gumma, are common changes. Others than Anderson, state that fibrous ankylosis may ossify to make the ankylosis permanent. This is regarded as certainly irreversible. There is a general systemic degeneration present that shows a toxic or infectious basis. The tissue degenerations do not improve but get worse with each inflammatory aggravation.
Osteoarthritis, also called Degenerative Arthritis, or Hypertrophic Arthritis and Chronic Senescent Arthritis, come mostly after the third or fourth decade. The primary pathology is in the cartilage. The large weight bearing joints are affected first, Heberden’s nodes appear on the finger joints.
The gross and microscopic changes in all stages indicate regressive cartilage changes, that progress continuously, but at various rates, throughout the life of the individual (Anderson, page 1263). The cartilages undergo: reduction, fragmentation, splitting in the vertical plane, become softened and mossy in appearance, break loose and disappear in smaller or larger areas leaving denuded bone that may become polished and grooved. Marginal perichondrial cartilage forms and breaks down causing “lipping.” It is associated with stress and nutritional handicaps. This description from Anderson will help understand the pathogenesis and the corrective process or reversal that takes place during the recovery reactions. This disease, by the way, as Anderson emphasizes, hasNO REMISSIONS, but is continuously progressive at varying rates of speed throughout life, but there are no remissions as in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
It is well known that in this disease acute aggravation of pain and acute difficulty in using a joint is due to a piece of cartilage breaking loose and locking the joint causing pain, etc. This goes with the advance of the disease, as progress of the structural degeneration. This is not an inflammatory affair. Should an exacerbation subside it means that other pieces of cartilage have broken loose and take positions that relieve the impediment, or that the pieces are pulverized. This is also a part of the progressive degenerative change in the joint structure as the disease progresses. This is not an inflammatory disease, but a progressive degenerative disease leading to thickening of the joints and their ankylosis. There is no remission in the advance of the structural degenerative changes, and the progress of its effects — ankylosis. No treatment in scientific medicine is known that will halt the continuing advance of its structural degenerative changes, much less reverse them.
From the Federal Court Records and Federal Trade Commission Testimony, a case of Osteoarthritis will serve as a factually uncontradictable demonstration of the reversal of this disease when the FCG is put back in commission. We will also give one cure of Rheumatoid Arthritis of the most advanced type —one showing bony ankylosis where remission never takes place. The reactions in such cases might be compared with those in acute Rheumatic fever, an example of which will be submitted.
CASE No. 66
Dr. Mantor
Mrs. M. M. was 52 years of age when her trouble started in 1938. She went to the Mayo Clinic, where nothing was done but make the diagnosis. They gave her no medicine or treatment. She was steadily becoming worse. In June 1943, she went to Dr. Mantor for treatment. The trouble was pain, enlargement and stiffening of the joints, mostly of the right knee. She testified, “The joints kept getting worse and worse until I was not able to walk without a chair or something.” She had to discontinue work and hire help to run her rooming house, from which she had her support. There were no remissions, but steady “worsening” in all respects. Her arms were somewhat affected, but mostly her legs and feet — five years of continuous increasing misery. The pretreatment period was one of steady progress of the disease, and steady loss in her health.
Treatment and Post-Treatment Progress-
After Dr. Mantor’s examination of Mrs. M. M., he gave her two micromicrograms of the Synthetic Survival Reagent (SSR) on June 15, 1943. There was no change visible until the ninth week. The joints were enlarged, hard, and nodular, with increase in the bony structure. This all remained stationary after the Treatment until the ninth week, so he repeated the dose on August the 14th, nine weeks from the first dose. Her reactions were severe. She testified to the swelling of her feet beyond the usual enlargement, soreness of her flesh, and “every bone in my body ached; chills, right knee swollen, stiff, pains like lumbago, pains in right leg and muscles, pain under right shoulder blade, and dizziness.” This lasted pretty well from August to December, when she began to get better. She continued to improve and on April 8, 1944, she took a job working at the local country club. The improvement was steady after December, and included the decrease in the bony enlargements of the joints, especially the right knee. Thus, the structural pathology was normalized, and with it, function returned to what may be considered normal. When she gave her testimony three years later she walked up the high court house steps as easily as any normal person, could stoop and pick up things from the floor like a normal person. The restoration of normal structure of the right knee was demonstrated so any one could see it.
She kept a record of her symptoms and reactions, which, on study, are typical of the recovery course followed after this Treatment, thus proving the mechanism by which the recovery was accomplished. She has remained well, the last report having been received in 1949.
Pretreatment Control Period
CASE No, 67
Prof. R. S. L.
Major O. M. N. was age 49 years, physician in the Brazilian Army. His condition started three years previously with pain and stiffness of the neck and right shoulder. This progressed until it had involved all the joints of the body and each progressed to complete ankylosis including the jaws and there was a narrowing of the optic foramena, causing restriction in vision.
When seen in October 1941, the muscles were markedly atrophied. He had been bedfast for a year without the ability to move his arms, legs or head more than a half inch. The joints were atrophied and deformed and the articulations fixed by bony unions demonstrated by the X-Ray and by simple palpation. He had to be fed through a tube, as he could not move his jaws. Coronary Sclerosis was identified by his experts as part of the pathology. At this stage remissions never take place spontaneously. The damage is done. He also suffered with constant migraine.
Diagnosis — Marie-Strumpell Syndrome, with universal atrophic, Ankylosed Poly-Arthritis.
Treatment — He had received the classical efforts without any improve ment. His natural resistance was diminishing and he was developing a dangerous anemia. The fever was constant and the pain severe. On October 1941, he received two micrograms of Parabenzoquinone in two cc. of water.
Post-Treatment Progress- In thirty days there was improvement. The temperature became normal, the headache disappeared, the appetite improved and he felt stronger. In six months, he could sit up in bed by his own efforts. In nine months, he was able to stand up a few minutes and walk a little. At the end of twelve months he left the hospital. His diuresis returned to normal. His articulations returned to about 90% of normal. He could get about freely and felt fairly well. He returned to active army duty and remained well until 1947 when he contracted pneumonia, in the wilds of the highlands of Parana during a campaign with severe exposure, and died as a result. In this case the reversal was complete, even of the Osseous Ankylosis, and it was permanent.
Several other extreme cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis have been encountered and the recovery course and results were the same, thus establishing a pattern.
Discussion- In all of the cases of Arthritis treated so far, whether Rheumatoid or Hypertrophic Arthrosis, the recovery reactions are characteristic for the type of disease. In the Rheumatoid form the reactions are cyclic and repeat the former symptoms he exhibited from the very inception of the trouble. The last reaction is generally a sudden red inflammation of the joints with considerable pain as if he were attacked with acute rheumatic fever. This happens even though the onset in such cases is insidious. One has the impression that if the patient had a frank, full attack of acute Rheumatic Fever, the condition would have ended there and not dragged along as a chronic progression of degenerative changes. In Osteoarthrosis (Hypertrophic), with some large joints mostly affected, the reaction after once starting stays right with the pathology, and the joint is ankylosed until the whole pathology is corrected. Then it is ready to function normally. In one case the right hip was enlarged and hard like a medium-sized pumpkin. He was bedfast for some time before Treatment —many months — but after Treatment the reaction took hold and in six months the hip was normal. He rapidly gained his strength back so that by the ninth month he could climb a mountain with ease, and was back to steady work. Thus, the pattern of recovery is characteristic for each type. The etiology is different as demonstrated by the different recovery course in each of the two types.
Nevertheless, in both types the pathogen, whether of bacterial origin or some un-oxidized metabolic product or virus, had the means of integrating with the fibrogenic tissues of the joint and changing its properties so the specific pathology for each condition was carried out. All that was necessary to restore the normal was to burn away the integrated pathogen. The excessive fibrous tissue in the form of cartilage or bone or highly vascular fibrosis was then in the way and obsolete and subject to digestive autolysis, and removal, and the deficient tissues reconstructed to normal. Nothing was left to hinder such correction for the pathogen was removed. It is the same story as with neoplasia. The results are the same when the pathogen is oxidatively removed.
In the acute toxic stage of Rheumatic Fever, the Arthritis is entirely inflam matory, but can lead to structural changes. Quick restoration of the normal follows the oxidative removal of the pathogen whatever it is. The following case from the court records illustrates:
CASE No. 68
Dr. Wendell Hendricks
E. N., female, age 11 years, showed a pretreatment observation period of five days. During this period her knees became fixed, flexed and contracted so she could not move them for they were greatly swollen and acutely painful. Other joints were hot, swollen, painful and flexed. Her finger joints, elbows and hip joints could be straightened out, but would “pop” right back to the flexed position. This was painful as was her effort to move them. The heart showed a murmur. The pulse rate was 120, temperature 102°F. There was a severely inflamed throat with swollen tonsils and adenoiditis.
Recovery Course- On July 3, 1942, she was given two micrograms of Parabenzoquinone dissolved in water by injection. On July 4th the throat and knees were better, the temperature 100°, and the pulse 108. On July 6th all joints were better, temperature 99.2°, pulse 100, and the throat clear. On July 9th all joints were normal with normal function, no pain or swelling, temperature 98.6°, pulse 78. The throat was normal and the adenoiditis and the heart murmur had disappeared. On August 20, there had been no recurrence of any of the symptoms. Here again the FCG’s had to be rescued by using a superior dehydrogenator Carbonyl group with correct steric advantage. Two micrograms of Benzoquinone were sufficient. The serial systems of Carbonyl groups have shown better action, however.
One of the greatest problems the invalid has to face is to get rid of the debris left over from the digestive procedure before germs are able to convert it into food material for their own prosperity while at the same time converting it into the very poisons that are making the person sick. The amount and condition of the debris will depend upon the thoroughness of the digestion process and this will depend upon how it was started in the first place. Therefore, thorough mastication of the food is required, and the time allowed for eating should be generous in proportion to the amount taken. The food intake, we have shown, must be the minimum amount and not the maximum as is the usual habit. When the work of the stomach and small intestine have been the best, the amount of debris to support bacteria will not be greater than the bowel can get rid of in good order. If under these circumstances there is hindrance to the elimination, one must find out what it is and correct it.
Worries, nervous tension, and the habit of not heeding the call of the bowels to evacuate, may set up a stubborn constipation. The obvious cure anyone can figure out. But to make sure, let us say that attention to the call must be practiced liberally even if a cathartic is needed to get things going again. The enema may be used to the best advantage here as is required until the habit is re-established, and to do this the scheduled trips to the toilet are required as were taken before the neglect was permitted. The enema must not displace the effort to move the bowels naturally, but should supplement it.
Intestinal spasms, especially at the several sphincter muscles tend to block the onward progress of the bolus. At the same time a paralytic sort of relaxation of the musculature of the body of the viscus makes matters worse. Both features unite to constitute a reflex that is normally designed to keep the organ quiet so as to accommodate healing, as when our cancer cases with bowel involvement are undergoing healing. The situation is troublesome until the healing is finished, and the enema at this time may be a daily necessity for a while at least.
So when the patient blows up with gas after a meal, there is some reason for the bowel to relax. It may be the need for a rest to survive from too hard a task, that is, too much has been eaten day after day. It may be that an obstruction has made the bowel tired in trying to force the material through. It may be that the undigested food material is offering the germs the chance to produce so much toxic amines that these act on the muscle cells to paralyze them by blocking their oxidations as we described above. The sensible thing to do is give the bowel a rest, by a fast or by eating very lightly or just going on fresh vegetable or fruit juices for a few days and washing the bowel out with a mild soda solution. One must also look for an obstruction if the condition persists. It may be due to adhesions causing a kink, or due to a tumor. Some times an ulcer will cause the reflex to give the part a rest to accommodate healing. But when the bowels do not empty completely and the retained material accumulates until a cathartic must be taken, gluttony is the general cause for the constipation. A radiograph may show what is wrong and if the poison is coming from material retained in a diverticulosis or a kinked appendix.
The choice of a cathartic is a serious matter as is its use. When necessity demands it there is no sense in putting it off. But after the evacuation is obtained, the cause must be corrected. Milk of Magnesia is an easily available and good remedy, as is sodium citrate or sodium sulphate. In cases of heart disease, the magnesium ion may be a disadvantage and sodium citrate or the sulfate should be used. The amount taken should be large enough to do a thorough job of clearing out the debris and the cathartic as well. Castor Oil of the olden days was as injurious as the taste threatened it must be. It blistered the bowel inside after it reached an alkaline intestinal medium where it was split into its blistering components. All the other irritant affairs like cascara, aloes, and senna act the same way. They ruin the bowel.
The enema taken with patience is the best procedure. The water should be warm as one has during a high fever, about 42° Centigrade or 108° Fahrenheit. This temperature relaxes the spasms that may otherwise make the entrance of the fluid difficult. The pressure must not be too high either as it can excite a reflex to expel it. Therefore the position of the body, the height of the water bag, and the most favorable temperature need to be ascertained and adapted to each patient for the most comfortable and easy passage of the water into the colon and through it over into the caecum, where the worst putrefaction generally is found. To aid this process and provide more comfort and less spasm one may use a tampon about the tube that is inserted into the anus. This tampon should surround the tube about four centimeters below its tip so it can be pressed against the external sphincter in a way that prevents the loss of fluid. Thus, the muscle does not have to be contracted to retain the water, and the effect of this relaxation is felt throughout the whole bowel, and lessens the tendency to other spasms throughout its length. The tampon can be made from a cork. A hole is bored through it to accommodate the tube, and it can be rounded off so as to not prove painful. A solid small rubber ball could be used if one can secure a cork bore to cut the passage through it. Before inserting the tube into the anus, it should be lubricated with some oil as olive oil, or one of the vegetable fats used for cooking. Vaseline should not he used as mineral oil products are sometimes carcinogenic. This has even been demonstrated for mineral oil sold as a laxative.
Repetition of the Dose
In chronic disease where exhaustion or cachexia stand in the way of the work that must be done to absorb a malignant growth and restore the broken down tissues in general, one does not always have the data to know how big a load a patient can carry in his fight for recovery. In early cases this difficulty is not encountered, and one runs no chance of overloading the patient — that is within reason. But in patients for example who cannot even handle a few blood transfusions, and are not able to destroy and digest the blood received and turn it into living blood, the exhaustion must be handled with expertness. One cannot give a bigger dose or repeat it beyond the ability of the patient to use it.
In most advanced cases of cancer, the reticulo-endothelial system is exhausted. It was so before the cancer took hold, in fact, when fibrogenesis started to fail. And it is more so as the disease advances. Likewise the oxygen carrying power of the blood may be very poor. The hemoglobin may have been changed to a methemoglobin that is worthless and gives a false color index, that is, an index that does not tell the amount of oxygen carrying hemoglobin. The recovery depends on the use of oxygen, so a limitation is imposed by blood injury of this type. Aspirin and other coal-tar drugs, and any situation that causes cyanosis will hinder. Thus with a poor or deceptive blood count, there may be the greatest need for speed in changing the situation that exists, yet the supply of oxygen to the tissues may be restricted so one must go slowly. It takes material to build up the blood capillaries that absorb the growth. That means the metabolism of the food by all the important organs must be sufficient to meet the needs of the case. So many things must be considered before one can decide on how often a patient must be treated, and how big a dose to give. The dose is never repeated so long as improvement is observed.
Endocrine deficiency adds other difficulties. And in spite of medicinal support, a lowered metabolism rate, in more respects than the conventional meaning of the word, may hinder progress greatly in response to a boost. One must not overload. The homely analogy to the mule, that was overloaded and sunk to the ground and was never able to get up, may give the picture accurately. Hence, the doctor must never overdo his job. Since endocrine and general tissue cell deficiency results from radioactive materials, treatments and environment, food and water, these interferences must be removed. It is even necessary at times to take the patient to a different district. At any rate, all interferences must be gotten out of the way, and then all the aids given that are required. After that, an adequate dose is given, and the situation held favorable to its action. If this is done ideally, no repetition of the dose will be necessary. It often does happen so. But more often interferences within the patient, or coming from without, block the progress of recovery. We mention them under diet and management.
The correct dose of Benzoquinone is the one to a million solution, given in two cubic centimeters under the skin or in the muscle. The correct dose of the serial system of Carbonyl groups, cyclic or linear, is either, as for Benzo quinone, two micrograms in two cc. of water, or a dose of two millimicrograms in two cc. of water which, by the way, is the active dose for vitamin B12, or it should be just one thousandth as much, one part to a trillion of water. Higher dilutions are active but are as a rule not required to meet the state of depletion of any patient, though at times they may be needed. Repeat-doses are of higher dilution. It is our good fortune to have a blood test that tells much about the state of depletion. It is the crenation test, and is very simple, but must be done expertly and accurately.
The Crenation Test
If one makes up an accurate one percent solution of pure sodium chloride and keeps it well stoppered in stock and then draws off a small bottle for daily use, thus protecting the stock solution from being opened too often, he has all that is needed, plus a hemocytometer pipette, glass slide, cover slip and microscope. One draws the measuring tube one-half full or less than half full, of blood from a fresh cut on CLEAN, DRY skin, quickly drawing up the salt solution to fill the chamber, mix, and puts a drop of the mixture on the slide and makes an estimate of the cells that crenate (shrivel up) within the first minute, the number that do not shrivel, and those that not only stay round but swell up instead. Speed is essential, as in time, they may all crenate so by being slow one gets a false count. The theory is this: the red cell offers a semi-permeable membrane. The salt solution is correctly hypertonic for the test. When water is drawn into the cell it swells up. When it is drawn out by the 1% salt solution, it shrivels. Normally it should shrivel as the 1 % salt solution is hypertonic to the 0.85% normal osmotic pressure of the blood and inside of the red cell. Therefore, when the cell refuses to shrivel, and more so when it swells up, the osmotic pressure inside is too high. This means that the large protein molecules are split to many smaller molecules. It also means that food molecules are present that are not built up into the normal structures. The picture of the gross error is presented.
Lytic changes manifested by failure to crenate and their counterpart, the failure to build up the correct cell structure, point to a lack of energy production of the high efficiency type by the FCG. These changes mean that the FCG is blocked, and hence the Super FCG (the SSR) is needed to release it. This is a straight indication that either the Survival Super FCG (the SSR) administered has not finished its work to a safe point or that there is none working. One must decide between the two. If there is reason to believe the Synthetic Survival Reagent was blocked right at the start, the Treatment can be repeated right away three days to two weeks after the first dose. Also, after the third week reaction is passed, failure of an improvement in the crenation test and in other changes in the patient indicate the need to repeat the dose. If the curative chemistry is started it must be allowed to go as far as it can before the dose is repeated. It may even be good policy to give a second dose at the end of the second week as a routine if no heavy febrile reaction was had 24 hours, 36, 72 or 84 hours after the Treatment. Repeating on the 14th or 15th day is good policy even if the crenation test shows only slight change. In that length of time it will not be much and there is much room for more. This is a different matter from repeating the dose at the sixth week or later since the improvement in the crenation test may be definite, but not 100%. But it may be the maximum for the patient at the time. So repeating the dose would then overload him. Therefore, never repeat if the patient is improving.
Repeating the dose in the first few days or at the end of the second week is more like giving a double dose at the start. It is better than that, as in these two weeks interferences may have neutralized or destroyed a big part of the Remedy, and repeating at the end of the second week would restore the lost part so the second dose would have cleaner ground to work on. Nevertheless, one must balance up all the factors, the crenation test, the reduction in the size of the growth, the color change in the patient, that is, the loss of the hemo lytic color, the gain in red cells and hemoglobin, improvement in the sedimenta tion test, etc. The appetite and gain in strength may be the best indicators as they speak for many specific changes such as those just mentioned. The quality of the pulse and respirations are also most valuable as is the ability to have a refreshing sleep. The improvements in taste, smell, and even in hearing, have the greatest significance. The old-fashioned doctor who knew how to observe his patient as a physiological complex knows what to look for. When such data is balanced with the crenation of the red cells, a correct decision on the need for dose-repetition can be reached. It is better to take one’s time and think.
Diet, Medication, Hygienic Aids
Diet, medication and the environment are all factors that influence the success or failure of the Therapy; for any influence that will hinder the recovery reaction cycles or block them, can bring defeat. The following agencies must be considered. They have to do with the soil and the food that comes from it.
Radiological Hindrance
There are radiological influences of the soil in certain districts that are revealed by the Geiger Counter that should be watched. Some areas do not have enough irradiation to interfere seriously with the recovery program, or with the Survival chemistry. In such regions the death rate from cancer is less and here the recoveries from cancer are much more satisfactory in their course and percentages. Detroit and the shores of the Great Lakes have proved gratifying, while farther into Michigan as west of Ypsilanti, patients do not do so well and the Geiger Counter registers higher rates. The difference is perceptible to patients traveling from western Michigan to Detroit. So many have reported feeling better after they came east of Ypsilanti, that their reports had to be recorded. Those who leave the high irradiation districts to come to Detroit for care soon became homesick and had to return. At home they were retarded in their recoveries and even when food and water was shipped to them from Detroit, they still lost out. It seems that they are habituated to the irradiations much like a drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction. The evil effects of the irradiations are quite understandable when one considers the harm done by even slight exposures to the X-Ray or Radium. It is now the consensus of the experts that no amount of irradiation is too small to have a measurably bad effect on the individual’s longevity, health, well-being and the development of their offspring. For this reason, frequent unnecessary radiographs are to be avoided and irradiation by Radium, X-Rays and Cobalt are scorned as overdone and extremely dangerous experiments. They have never shown a favorable record in true cancer, but on the contrary, they stimulate the neoplastic state and even give rise to new cancers deep below the lesion that is being treated. That the Survival chemistry is destroyed by irradiation is seen in the hereditary defects in the offspring of radiologists. This shows in 10,000 children of radiologists, twice the incidence of cancer, and more defects in eyes, heart and blood, than in children of physicians not exposed to irradiation. Eight to ten times more radiologists die of leukemia than general practitioners. (Am. Roentgen Ray Soc. Trans. 1954). Certainly this sacrifice of the radiologist in the conquest of cancer has never been appreciated in full.
It must be recalled that the Survival chemistry operates in the outer electron shells of the atom, the field of physiological reactions and their pathological variations as provided by nature. The irradiations that operate on the nucleus of the atom produce a type of change the Survival Reagent is not built to combat. For the same reason, X-Rays and Radium and the isotopes have no chance to ever cure cancer.
The destructive action of irradiation can be concentrated to kill the superficial layers of a tissue, and for that reason the basal cell cancers of the skin that do not penetrate deeper than a few millimeters, can be destroyed by irradiation in a way that is comparable to the action of the Percy cautery with the hot iron or the escharotic actions of Zinc Chloride and other destructive chemicals. The destructive action is not limited to the superficial layer only, but extends deep enough to only partially kill the tissue underneath and thus conforms to Warburg’s Postulate on carcinogenesis. The fibrosis set up is also a cause of anoxia that falls in line with Warburg’s conclusions on the cause of cancer. The highly malignant cancers that spring up under the cancers being irradiated therapeutically are an example of this destructive effect. In like manner, strands of cancer cells that have penetrated deeply below the surface are stimulated to reproduce more vigorously and cause death earlier, in line with the statistics that are now being carefully assembled.
Highly Polar Double Bonds
Highly polar double bonds can add free radicals of the high efficiency oxidation process, especially those developed during the Survival oxidations, which block the recovery process before it even gets a good start. Illuminating gas, exhaust gases from combustion engines, chimney smoke from oil burners, paint solvents, floor wax solvents, various terpenoid substances, as those in the skins of citrus fruits, perfumes (natural or synthetic) and even too much carotene in the food are to be avoided. The cancer patient, for example, is somewhat night-blind, simply because he cannot oxidize carotene to vitamin A, as efficiently as he should. He should receive his vitamin A, in the form of fish liver oil, and not as the pre-vitamin sold as vitamin A.
Free Radicals
Chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and the oxides of nitrogen, all offer free radicals that can add to and inactivate the free radicals of the Survival oxidations. The most dangerous are those from nitrous oxide used as an anesthetic. If any surgery is to be done to a patient contemplating Treatment, it should be done first. All tooth extractions or repairs or other attentions should be anticipated, searched for and taken care of before the Treatment is given. In cases where a heavy, general anesthetic has been used, time should be given for its waste products to clear out of the system before the Treatment is given. Arsenic is also an antagonist under this heading. If, however, during the course of Treatment an emergency operation must be done, preferably cocaine or Novocain, as a local anesthetic, should be used if at all possible. Years of experience have proven this the best course.
Steric Hindrance
The steric setup of the normal cell is one thing. Addition of each different pathogen to the FCG system changes this set-up differently, in accord with the structure of the pathogen. Some pathogens cannot add to the cell because of steric hindrance, the cell is immune for this reason. The addition of an antibiotic and even of the toxic amines developed in the colon can so change the steric setup of a host-cell pathogen integrate that the Survival Remedy is hindered in its attack. It will be recalled that the Survival Reagent must attack perpendicularly to the plane of conjugation of the double bond and the carbon atom that carries the hydrogen atom to be removed. The additions of altering reagents are to be avoided. Hence, we give no antibiotics, we maintain a clean colon, and follow a careful diet with careful selection of medications during this Treatment.
Acrolein and the polymerized acrylic aldehydes produced in the frying pan or roasting ovens, interfere in every possible way. They offer highly polar double bonds and free radicals during their polymerizations. These not only inactivate the free radicals of the oxidation service, but also can add to the double bonds that activate the FCG. Fried or roasted foods where fats are used must be avoided.
Interferences With Oxygen Transport and Use
Amines gel the tissue colloids, prevent their flow and reduce their surface carrying power of oxygen and other materials. Salicylates and aspirin and their analogues change the hemoglobin so it does not carry oxygen. They produce cyanosis and asphyxia, and in a fight where molecular oxygen is the first consideration, one sees that all coal tar products are to be avoided. This includes the creosols and other bug-killers. The subject of insecticides is most important; and the selection of foods to avoid contamination by them is a critical problem. For example, the corn is sprayed and later is pressed to extract the oil. The resulting cake is fed to cattle. The cattle are killed and the people who eat the meat get sick and sometimes fatally. Spraying airplanes with the passengers aboard accomplishes nothing except to poison them uselessly. This custom must be stopped, for the insect can stand a far bigger dose than the passenger. Much of the lung cancer gets its boost that way. Aramite, a recently used insecticide, was found to be strongly carcinogenic even in the minutest traces. It was used in spraying fruits and vegetables, but is now stopped by recommendation of its manufacturers, the U.S. Rubber Co. Colorings and other agents used to beautify preserved foods have been proven carcinogenic by direct action on the cell. Nevertheless, they all act adversely in other ways, as in their effects on the blood forming organs and in their blocking the use of iron by the reticulo-endothelial system. Therefore, the protection of foods, which should be taken care of by the Food and Drug Administration, is not done efficiently!
There are some special poisons against which the public has no protection but are not added artificially, but are contributed by the soil itself. One of these isSelenium. It is picked out of the soil by corn, peas and lentils, and even by wheat. Corn is grown in the middle west where selenium carrying soil abounds, likewise peas are grown there, canned and shipped nation wide.
Canned peas made more than one of our patients fatally sick without any infection being present. Analysis showed it was the high content of selenium.
Selenium poisoning of cattle was first encountered in the western plains and was thought to be due to the high alkalinity of the water encountered in these regions. Of course, the surface water was poisoned by it. But later it was found that the vegetation carried toxic quantities — over 4 parts to a million. Some plants, notably the aspergillus thrives on it while others are killed by it. Farmers find that wheat grown on selenium-rich soils is toxic to their cattle and chickens, so they sell this wheat and buy grain grown on a healthy soil. Toxic effects are shown when the food contains four parts per million. There are two types, the chronic and the acute. The latter is quickly fatal and comes when the food carries 20 parts per million. The chronic effects are loss of hair, and hoofs or fingernails, a general malnutrition, impotency and infertility. Eggs do not hatch, or the chickens may not even lay eggs.
Tissue studies in the Warburg Chamber show that after being exposed to toxic amounts, the oxidations of glucose, succinate, lactate and citrate are all blocked, but the oxidation of para-phenylene diamine is not hindered. This holds for all tissue examined as muscle, brain, kidney, liver and tumor slices. Thus, from our standpoint, it seriously inhibits the recovery and it supports the pathogenesis of cancer and all other diseases for that matter.
The selenium exists in two forms: inorganic and within organic combination. The former is more easily eliminated from the system, but it is the amount that kills, not the particular form in which it is taken. Fortunately, it is known that selenium exists in heavy clay-like soils, while sandy and coral reef soils do not contain it. Therefore, foods like rye that are grown on sand are free from this poison. This is one reason rye should be eaten instead of wheat, which is grown mostly on the heavy soils where selenium abounds.
Sulfides, in the drinking water or produced in the intestine by putrefying bacteria, are also highly toxic. This is another reason for avoiding animal foods, for as we have explained, sulfides and sulfhydryl, in many forms, can add to the double bonds that activate the FCG and thus paralyze the tissue oxidations. Their action on the bowel wall is like that of the toxic amines. They paralyze the musculature and the secretion of ferments and of mucous causing diverticu losis and ultimately a gangrenous degeneration with prolonged exposure.
Our parathyroid experiments showed that the guanidine bases cause a gellation of the tissue colloids that hinder oxygen transport, even in the large veins. The other amines produced in the intestine by the bacteria that decar boxylate amino acids, have the same action. For this action, which is the vanguard of disease of all kinds, three factors are needed: First, the bacteria must be there. Second, the amino acids must be there in excess. And third, the reaction of the medium must be acid. The Streptococcus fecalis, for example, decarboxylates arginine to become agmatin, an amine that is oxidized by diamine oxidase only in dilute solution, but it inactivates diamine oxidase in more concentrated solution. The reaction of the medium where it is most active is from pH 3.5 to pH 5. In the same way, lysine is changed to cadaverine, histidine to histamine, ornithin to putrescine, tyrosine to tyramine, by such bacteria as B Cadaveris, E. Coli, Cl. Welchi, S. Fecalis, etc. Some bacteria like S. Fecalis require an exogenous source of vitamin B6 in order to form their decarboxy lase. Lactic acid bacilli consume pyridoxal phosphate greedily and thus may prevent the S. Fecalis and the others that require this vitamin, from producing their enzymes. Only histidine decarboxylase appears to not require B6 as a coenzyme. Thus, there are four ways of trying to control the production of the toxic amines in the colon.1) keep the bowels moving. 2) do not eat an excess of protein foods; eat no animal foods to supply the B6, for too much bacterial action keep the colon from being alkaline in reaction, as it should be NORMALLY. Lactic acid bacilli, however, create a favorable medium for amine production and this more than counterbalances their action in using up pyridoxal phosphate. The S. Fecalis even produces its own lactic acid to activate its decarboxylases, and make a sure job of it. 3) the food must be well chewed, not too much liquid taken at the meal, and as small a volume of food as is serviceable for nutrition. Thus the natural secretion of the intestinal wall, which is pH 8 or so, will have a chance to dominate the field. When the bolus is solid and supports germ action, the bolus is found to be alkaline on the outside only, and acid inside, where the toxins are being brewed. 4) the vegetarian diet tends to avoid this distribution and to hold the whole bolus alkaline, as it should be.
The other dangerous source of toxic amines is the antibiotic therapy, which of course, must be controlled by the physician to be safe.
Food Preparation
The food should be eaten raw as far as possible. The cooking should be gentle, and not overdone, and steaming in a well-covered kettle is best. The utensils should be stainless steel or Pyrex glass, so far as possible, and granite or porcelain maybe the best of all. Copper kettles are good for some uses, especially for preparing fruits for preservation. It has some antiseptic action. Aluminum has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the latter is its easy solubility in acids and alkalies and even in distilled water.
Some observers have classified Aluminum as a trace element essential to the body chemistry, but in such minute doses, that no worry need be had that the amount taken in, needs help from such sources as cooking utensils. The Government issued a comprehensive report on aluminum poisoning. This book gave a splendid review of laboratory and clinical fatality records caused by this metal when improperly used in the kitchen.
The fruits and vegetables must be cleaned before using. This is evident from what was said before. Soap and water and a brush to really clean what is to be eaten need little elaboration. The pits where the stems are placed and at the reverse end of the fruit should also be cut out to remove the insecticide that accumulates there. It may be healthier to buy wormy fruit than that which is so perfect, as the soil of orchards that have been long in use is so saturated with arsenic that the fruit, therefore, carries this poison too. It is one of the very worst. If copper would be used as an insecticide, we would all be better off. Arsenic, of course, is an uncoupler. It prevents the energy of oxidation being stored in high phosphate bonds from being usable. It is carcinogenic, too.
There should be no foods fried or baked with fat, because of the acrolein produced by dehydration of glycerin of the fat. This aids carcinogenesis and other diseases. The polymerizing acrylic aldehydes so produced boost carcino genic action a million fold. I have seen the results in practice many times.
Spoiled foods should not be eaten. They should be ripe, however.
Food Quantity and Quality
Common sense here is all that is needed. Not too much bulk so as to not dilute the digestive juices too much, not too much weight to tire the intestinal muscles and permit easy passage of the refuse away from the body without any accumulations to form diverticulous sacs along the wall of the colon.
Dietary Recommendations
Tea and coffee are drugs and have no place on our diet. The Brazilian Mate is also excluded, because of its caffeine or theobromine content. Warm water and honey make a good healthy drink, and the readily available fruit and vegetable juices offer all one can desire. If orange or lemon juices are to be allowed, the skins should be trimmed off first and they should be washed before being crushed to extract the juices. This is to get rid of the terpenoid oils of the skin.
The foods—fruits and vegetables—nature offers have enough sodium and potassium without additions, for the best service, so salting need not be done for nutritional needs. Sometimes high potassium diets are helpful, and lists are available. Beans and peas are rich in potassium as well as all fruits and vegetables. They are superior to meats, therefore. Attention should be given to the special concoctions, the contents of which are not known, as the artificial ice creams and soft drinks. These should be avoided, as well as the poorly brewed beers and caffeinated soft drinks on sale. For our patients, however, no artificial drinks are to be used. Arsenic poisoning has been produced in mass by bad brews more than once. Since vinegar is a completed fermentation product, if it is made from clean apples, it is a valuable article in the diet. A little on the salad helps digestion, and offers ferments that are also very useful. On the other hand, lactic acid products are to be avoided as they give support to the decarboxylating germs in the colon. In this connection, the food could also be examined with reference to the amino acids they offer that might be good only in small quantity. Peanuts are such a food. They should be eaten raw only, as roasting produces acrolein. The rich supply of arginine they carry is easily changed in agmatin, the very toxic guanidine derivative, through decarboxylation by bacteria in the colon.
Iron in organic form, as contained in rye- the whole grain ground fine, or in wheat germ and not as a salt, should be used. Iodine is generally deficient and some potassium iodide or better still some kelp every day is a great help, in such communities where the soil is iodine deficient. The unsaturated fats and oils promote oxidation of themselves more than the saturated fats and should be selected. Olive oil is a healthy fat whereas lard is carcinogenic. Carefully kept peanut oil and other unsaturated oils require exclusion of air to be serviceable. Oxidation destroys their un-saturation and makes them rancid, unfit for use. But taken un-oxidized into the body, they promote oxidation within.
Cholesterol is produced from short chain un-oxidized fatty residues. These come from poorly combusted, saturated fatty acids. To prevent their presence one must not eat too much fat and select the fats that are unsaturated since, the double bond activates the hydrogen of the carbon atom alpha thereto, and aids its removal so oxygen can make its addition. This probably is a free radical affair as we have described before and results in cleavage into short chains of two carbon atoms each. Peroxide free radical formation by molecular oxygen addition to the free radical would result in cleavage with Carbonyl group terminals to the chains produced, and these would activate further dehydrogenations, and tend to continue the process. Thus, the unsaturated fatty acids promote their own oxidations and tend to induce the oxidation of the saturated fatty acids. This explanation is a chip off of our Postulate, and is beginning to be adopted now.
The snow-white fats bought in cans that never develop a bad taste by going rancid, have been reduced by nickel catalysts to become fully saturated and hence, they are the very fats that are difficult to burn and would tend to support the production of cholesterol. The conclusions are obvious. Fresh olive oil is best for all purposes, and can be used instead of butter on one’s bread.
Natural foods, not prettified or poisoned by additives, should be chosen. Rye is the best grain. It can be bought whole and washed well and dried, ground at home by a small mill and cooked into a porridge or baked muffins or bread. The finer it is ground the better. One should know the soil on which his food is grown, but that is not practical, certainly not for most people. But if one knows the soil is selenium free and without radioactivity, anything that grows on it should be good to eat in line with what was said previously.
The question then arises as to how to eat it? This is determined by the nature of the digestion process. The stomach does not churn the food like a cement mixer, as was taught for so long. The food arrives and forms in layers and as the pepsin and HCI are formed in the glands of the fundus and pre-pyloris, so proteins should be eaten first, carbohydrates last, but better still the meals should be either carbohydrate or protein, so the digestion will be done by one enzyme system at a time, though provision is made for a mixed digestion. These simple statements cover the choice of foods, the best fat, the best cereal, and the fruits and vegetables that supply the rest. How to eat it, —the mono-diet being best and to avoid overloading the digestive tract, the best way to eat is as nature provides. The baby, for example, does not want its three square meals a day for the convenience of the kitchen. Children fall into the habit of snacking. If one adds up the quantity taken in snacks, and compares what would be eaten on the three square meal system, the economy on the food and metabolism will readily become apparent and better digestion and sleep will soon be realized, too. It is far better to abolish the dining room table, and go on the “pick-a-bit” system to avoid heart lesions, big bellies, and big doctor bills. This is the solution to the cholesterol danger.
One should discuss the metabolism of fats to show how carefully these substances are broken down and then built up to suit the species architecture, and how cholesterol is really a by-product of value in certain directions and amounts. It, however, is no problem when the oxidations are efficient and the diet sensible. In all our observations high values drop soon after the FCG gets back to work in normal fashion, the disease in question makes no difference, and the erratic character of the curve plotted out from its estimates may be the worst, as is seen in cancer. Yet, it steadies to a good normal when the oxidations are re-established to normal — and one of the easiest ways to avoid over-eating is to develop the snack habit and stay away from the table. This paragraph covers the problem in a “nut-shell.”
Food need not be hot to be eaten. Better cool, in fact, though not cold so as to insult the stomach, and the snack conforms here, too. One thinks vegetables are supposed to be eaten hot. But this is not always true. A whole rye bread-lettuce-tomato, or bean sandwich, or asparagus or whatnot sandwich can be made and be found delicious even cold, and be very satisfying. A slice of melon, an apple, peach, or other fruit, and especially the banana, a raw vegetable, carrot, onion, or chunk of cabbage, makes a good snack, and so does a raw vegetable salad. There is no need to worry that there is nothing to eat on this system. Its value lies in the opportunity it offers to not eat too much. At the same time the tyranny of the kitchen is abolished, and there are very few dishes to wash.
Sufficiency in the meatless diet is readily understood when one observes what the cow can get out of grass. Most people would let themselves starve to death if marooned in a rich pasture, but not the cow. She would manufacture enough milk to supply herself, her calf and the neighborhood children with protein, fat and carbohydrates and all the tissue salts, having enough left over to make some cheese besides. The grass, like every other vegetable and fruit, has a perfect proportion of protein. Some as peas, lentils and beans, have too much. In the bean-eating countries like Brazil, the beans are mixed with rice and Mandioca powder to raise the carbohydrate content. This is an adopted custom, not built on the chemical analysis of the bean, but on the survival analysis basis, and is found wise by trial in a natural instinctive way. A few analyses of foods will prove helpful.
Protein Food Selection
Let us compare the protein contents of meats and vegetables and fruits. One pound of raw boneless beef or 453 grams contains 84.5 grams of protein. Beef with bone offers 73.5 grams of protein, and beef ground into hamburger contains 73 grams. One cup of rye flour, 80 grams contains 7.5 grams of protein or about 43 grams per pound. This is about half the protein content of average meat. Nuts carry 9 to 10% protein, milk contains only 3.5%, liver 20% and dry lentils 25%. Lettuce and cabbage about 1.5%. One hundred grams of peanut butter has 26.1 grams of protein, breads run about 2% protein, Brussels sprouts about 4%, broccoli 4%, potatoes 2.4%, peas about 23%, and beans 21.4%.
Thus, since the daily requirements of an average sized man doing light work is only 0.3 grams per day per kilo body weight, or for 80 kilos (170 pounds), 24 grams per day, a good bowl of pea or bean soup and a slice or two of bread and a few greens cooked or in salad, would supply all he needs. But one also needs the salts, vitamins, the unsaturated fats, and carbohydrates. Bran or wheat offers: 12.4% protein, 3.4% fat, 4.2% carbohydrates, 7.8% ash, and for each 100 grams: 94 mgms Calcium, 1.312 mgms Phosphorous, 10.3 mgms Iron, 0.37 mgms Thiamine, 0.39 mgms Riboflavin and no Ascorbic Acid. Meat, likewise, has no Ascorbic Acid, but apples carry 5 mgms %, bananas 10 mgms %, and cabbage 50 mgms %. Thus a mixed diet, according to taste without any animal product, will give all the nutrition one cares for or needs, and some articles as beans, peas and nuts should be eaten sparingly, especially peanuts with its high arginine content. Yeasts, the richest sources of vitamins, are taboo because of their high diamine toxin content.
The practical meaning of the vegetarian diet is seen in the cases of the leukemia blood depletion where 50 blood transfusions could not keep the blood up to normal or even half of normal, but without even one transfusion, each of these cases gained a normal blood count only on the vegetables, fruits and cereals without any medications whatever. Their gain took a few months, but it was observable within one month after the Treatment was given and the diet put into action. Mr. J. K. gained two pounds a day for a month. Mrs. Mac A. did as well and so have countless others.
On this same diet, over weight patients have reduced to more appropriate proportions after the Treatment gave the oxidations their needed help. So diet and oxidation capacity determine tissue efficiency and health. Nature is always beautiful when unimpeded. It is joyous and rewards one for dietary care.
This whole text has developed the Thesis of Prevention and Cure of these conditions and some others not classified with exactness. One might give a brief summary as a reminder, however.
The role of suppressed or buried infection in causing chronic diseases has been exposed in detail. It is only logical that such foci should be removed if at all possible. Most of them can, if they are discovered in time. They are dead teeth, infected teeth roots, the scarred-in buried tonsil and associated hardened lymph glands, the infected appendix that gave an acute attack years earlier, and the infected gall bladder. Most of these sources of suffering and death can be removed by expert surgery without real inconvenience to the patient, and a good surgeon can diagnose their presence without error.
The gastrointestinal tract as a source of the toxic amines and of viruses living in symbiosis with various germs, requires all the attention spoken of under diet and intestinal hygiene. To this end the enema should be used freely and intelligently to strengthen the bowel wall by washing away the toxins that paralyze it and cause diverticulosis. Special lavage systems are available most everywhere, but when this is not convenient, one can learn to use the enema at home with good results as well. It is discussed in Chapter 27, Case Management. Correct eating, as to quality and quantity are discussed sufficiently in the text. But some factors need emphasis.
The choice of foods calls for the avoidance of selenium containing wheat, peas, corn, etc. and the avoidance of foods poisoned with insecticides. It is within the power of the Food and Drug Administration to correct the whole food poisoning situation, and just now the public’s worry over insecticide and carcinogenic contaminations of our foods is calling for some protective action. But this action is even now as stingy as it can be and no protections against Selenium contaminations are offered as yet. If such neglect continues, it will be necessary for those who are able to organize their own farming services and see to it that the ground is fertilized scientifically by organic procedures so the plants are correctly nourished, healthy and resistant to insect attack. In fact, it is demonstrated that insects attack the sickly plants rather than good healthy stock. Selenium-free soil will be used, and crops rotated wisely.
Whole rye is the superior grain, and the whole grain should be bought, washed, dried and ground fine for baking the bread and muffins at home, and for making porridge. Freshly ground grain is preferred.
Whenever possible, honey should be used instead of sugar, and olive oil in preference to other fats. Foods should not be fried or roasted with fat and, of course, no animal proteins should be taken at all.
Sufficient exercise to meet the personal needs must be taken, especially such exercises that massage the abdominal contents. Each day the muscles need to be fatigued a little.
Plenty of sleep, free from worries or fears, a clear conscience, forgetting oneself with a healthy interest in the welfare of others so that constructive attitudes dominate, have good effects on the circulation, and prevent harmful mental influences from dominating the body chemistry. This is particularly true with reference to the harmful secretion of adrenaline, adreno chrome, etc., that are thrown into the circulation by anguish, anxiety, fear and insecurity. Many amines possess high reduction potentials and can inactivate the FCG of the tissue cells, laying them open to other pathogens, just as the toxic amines absorbed from the toxic intestines do. In this respect toxic amines were found, in recent psychiatric research, to disturb brain function in line with our Thesis. The stabilizing influence of religion is seen in our ancestors. Bureaucracies tried to serve the national welfare, instead of betraying it, as is happening to the knowledge of every thinking citizen today. In those days the vote counted and there was “something one could do about it” to keep one calm. Today, it is just the opposite and people are worried over their own fates and the future of their dependents. Terror is gripping the world and with it the two great killers, heart disease and cancer are increasing their toll.
The mental influence over the reflexes that govern digestion and intestinal movements is to be considered here. Spastic bowels with dry walls, the failure to empty the rapidly increasing bacterial poisons, add to the mental instability that brings these conditions about. Calm joy serves otherwise.
In the prevention of cancer it is important to consider the structure and behavior of the lower end of the large bowel, namely the descending colon, the sigmoid sphincter, the sigmoid cavity that ends with the inner anal sphincter, the short rectal canal and the external anal sphincter muscle. Much cancer of the bowel is located in this region and much intoxication is developed in the sigmoid cavity that poisons the body generally and gives rise to cancer in other parts that are disposed to anoxic effects. One must give attention then to the causes of anoxia in any particular tissue. Much information is given on this matter that is unreliable. It is stated that one blow on the breast will not cause cancer. Many times this is true, but anyone with long experience in medical practice knows better and can recall specific instances where the broom handle was to blame. It depends upon the deep injury to blood vessels and resultant block to the circulation. Then the anoxia, plus the intestinal diamines, the virus or some other carcinogen from the food or from an old scar with a buried infection, are the other elements that are needed. The blow may not be avoided, the scar may be identified and removed and the bowel can be trained to not produce the diamines that serve as a vanguard to the neoplastic change.
Cancer of the bowel, the sigmoid flexure and cavity, most noticeably develops in patients who neglect the emptying of the bowel once or more times a day including their failure to completely empty the sigmoid cavity at each movement. The accumulation of material in the sigmoid area can prove most disastrous. It has lost its parastaltic wave that normally strips the contents out through the anus without leaving any residue. In many, only the “overflow” gets out so a big portion is retained. Here the bacteria have their chance to continually re-infect all material that is admitted which keeps the intoxication going at its highest rate. The bowel wall gets poisoned so it cannot produce the energy necessary to make the muscle fibers contract. The pressure developed inside by accumulation and gas production, causes the wall to dilate and form sacs or diverticulae that hold the feces indefinitely thereby, poisoning the wall more, making it dilate still more, resulting in a vicious circle.
Obviously, the obligation is to wash out the accumulated feces and keep on washing them out twice a day or oftener depending on the case, but at least keep the cavity clean and free of the paralyzing poisons. Then the system that has been poisoned generally from the fecal toxins needs a boost in its oxidation advantage so as to defend any poisoned tissues and particularly the bowel wall itself. It should be understood, too, that not only the sigmoid is injured by the constipation, but the whole colon and particularly the caecum at the beginning of the colon. A constitutional aid is required to give the wall enough freedom from FCG inactivation so it can start to have muscle contrac tions and abundant secretions again. However, the daily lavage as often as required will give the bowel a rest as well as remove the source of poisoning. The diet will also help in removing the substances that produce poisons at the hands of the bacteria.
When this procedure is carried on long enough the bowel will regain its normal parastaltic habits and the parastaltic wave will progress forward right through the two sphincters of the anus and to the outside. It is an error to state that intestinal lavage carried out scientifically causes a habit that one must depend upon ever after. Indeed, the best possible aid to cure is to be had via the lavage system. This will result in the complete emptying of the bowel as one observes in healthy children. The heart, bowel, and all other tissues will then benefit and have the advantage of remaining healthy.
This book has presented and substantiated several new scientific facts worth noting by the medical and scientific professions:
The oxidative separation of the host cell-pathogen integration is achievable whether the pathogen is a virus, a carcinogen, a bacterial toxin, or an incompletely burned tissue metabolite. The host cell is left reconstructed in good functional status in the first instance by the return of energy to the host cell as the virus is burned away in the reverse sequence of its synthesis. In the other instances, any reconstruction is compensatory and not hindered by the presence of scar tissue or toxins.
The Reagent initiates a basic cyclic recovery process, which follows a reverse pattern from the evolution of the disease state. This recovery process is a continuing progression, cleaning out the last manifestations first and the first manifestations last.
The important discovery that suppressed infections buried in old scars, where hypoxia favors polymerization of germ toxins into toxins of increasing molecular weight with differing pathogenic properties, cause the manifestation of different disease states.
The position of the activated amine group, the free radical, the double bond and the Carbonyl group are significant in pathogenesis and in its correction.
The place of blockage in energy production and in its acceptance by functional units, in the cause and the cure of disease.
Proof that the Citric Acid Cycle is not the main process of sugar oxida tion, but that a high efficiency dehydrogenator system exists.
Enhanced explanations for the Pasteur Effect, antimitotic action, and other Biochemical Puzzles as explained by the functions of the activated Carbonyl group.
The reversibility of carcinogenesis through the action of the Carbonyl group.
Affirmation of the KOCH Postulate by evidence showing the conversion of pathogenic germs into harmless and possibly useful members of the Great Biological Economy, and the cure of antibiotic resistance germ diseases.
Documentation that the identification and synthetic reproduction of the Survival Factor with sufficient potency has at will and in accord with the known laws of chemistry, produced cures of viral and neoplastic diseases.
The incorporation of the foregoing principles in case management provides for the best success in difficult clinical problems, such as far advanced widely metastasized cancer of the vital organs. Numerous complete and lasting cures of such cases have been documented through the use of one or two doses of the SSR Reagent.
Although specific enzymes play a part in all metabolic reactions, it is also possible that non-enzymatic reactions play an equally important role in cer tain positions. There is no harm in visualizing a non-enzymatic factor in sugar oxidation. Fructose is much more easily oxidized than glucose so the enzymatic conversion of glucose to fructose is assumed. The non-enzymatic condensation of the Carbonyl group of fructose with the amine group of the cell’s oxidation mechanism to form an azomethine double bond offers the advantage of holding the fuel and receiving the energy produced by the first oxidative steps. The diagrams picture the process. When cleavage takes place and the Amadori rearrangement is reversed, an acetyl free radical is formed which adds to the phosphoric acid residue of the cell and further oxidation steps pass their energy on to the cell via this union. This happens so long as molecular oxygen is at hand. When it is not, the end products are lactic acid under the reduction flux of the medium and the fermentation system takes over. The free radical and peroxide free radical intermediaries, in the presence of adequate oxygen, lead to such unstable oxidation-inviting fragments, that they can never be trapped.
It must also be recalled that though the carbon hydrogen bond strength equals 58.6 Kg-calories per molecule and the 0-H bond- 110.2 Kg-calories, the set-up in sugar gives the hydroxyl hydrogen great freedom, so that when sugar is placed in heavy water, the deuterium replaces the hydrogen atoms at random and here the bond strength is so greatly reduced that dehydrogenation of the hydroxyl group virtually leaves an oxygen free radical. The very structure of fructose invites dehydrogenations of the carbon atoms and the hydroxyl groups, which gives specific and non-specific dehydrogenators the preference over any agencies involved in the Krebs’s Cycle. If the progress would follow the scheme outlined above, no free degradation products would be at hand to be isolated. However, if the above process is crippled, the last steps would require known dehydrases and the latter products would be identifiable. The removal of hydroxyl hydrogen would take place very early, however, even before the carbon chain is broken and thus the process requires more facts for clarification. One therefore sees how futile it is to outline such mechanism as the Citric Acid Cycle or any other mechanism, in view of the facts stated above, and in view of the lack of further directive data.
Zeller’s idea of the action of diamine Oxidase, as published in “The Enzymes” edited by Sumner and Myrbaeck, 1951, p 554, may be condensed as follows, using putrescine as substrate.

The products are hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, oxygen being the ulti mate electron acceptor, and Flavin-Adenine dinucleotide, the electron carrier. The Carbonyl group of the Diamine Oxidase (DO) serves as a dehydrogenator removing the hydrogen atoms from the carbon atoms alpha and beta to the amine group that is to be removed. A double bond is thus produced. The other amine group is not attacked. When the hydrogen atoms so removed are taken up by the dinucleotide, the DO Carbonyl group is ready to start another cycle of detoxication. The steps are oxidation, a reversed Amadori shift, so to speak, and then hydrolysis removing the amine group as ammonia, as shown in the diagrams.
Oxidative Separation of the Integrated Pathogen
Our Postulate proposes oxidation all the way through. Dehydrogenation alpha to a double bond of the pathogen that is integrated with the FCG, by an azomethine condensation. This may take place close to or far from the point of integration. The free radical produced adds molecular oxygen, becomes a peroxide free radical, and splits producing two terminal Carbonyl groups. The double bonds of the Carbonyl groups activate the alpha placed hydrogen atoms facilitating further dehydrogenations by the SSR Carbonyl group. Thus, whether the azomethine double bond yields an oxide of nitrogen in the pathogen and a Carbonyl group, as was originally present in the host cell as its FCG right at the start, or as the end reaction of a stepwise oxidative progression starting at a distance, the results are the same; restoration of the host cell FCG and destruction of the pathogen with the production of energy. The diagrams illustrate.
If oxidation starts at a distant position, more energy is produced and this may be the way viruses are separated with return of the energy to the host cell, which was taken up by the viral colony during its vegetation. The same holds for the separation as in (D) to follow.

Integration of the Pathogen with the Host Cell Energy Producing Mechanism by a Free Radical Addition to the Double Bonds that Activate the F.C.G.
Host Cell Energy Producing Pathogen (P)
System FCG and Double Bonds.

When the Pathogen (P) is dehydrogenated during anoxia a free radical is formed at position (H1) which adds to one pole of the host cell’s ethylene linkage that activates its FCG, thus, —

As the pathogen adds to one pole of the activating double bond of the FCG, the other pole of this double bond becomes a free radical which makes an addition to whatever group it has the most attraction for, is represented by R”, thus, —


+SSR and OXYGEN to form a free radical and then a peroxide free radical at position (2)

Cleavage then takes place leaving the host cell FCG conjugated with a Carbonyl group replacing the former ethylene linkage that activated it.

The residue left by the cleavage at the activating position is a free radical that adds molecular O (2) to undergo further oxidation.
If the H (3) is the most exposed and activated hydrogen atom, it will invite removal by the SSR, and the free radical formed there, in the presence of molecular oxygen, becomes a peroxide free radical and splits the molecule with the production of two terminal Carbonyl groups, as in the former instance. Each Carbonyl group double bond serves as activator of the hydrogen atom in the alpha position to it, and the process is repeated step-by-step until the FCG is reached where a Carbonyl group is formed and the electrons, it can contribute, go to the FCG to activate it as the ethylenic linkage had done previously. The FCG is activated to a higher O/R potential than formerly, as the Carbonyl group is a better electron donor than the ethylene linkage. Also, the Carbonyl group does not add free radicals so readily as does the ethylenic linkage and hence, the FCG system is protected from inactivating additions, therefore, a higher degree of immunity is gained than what existed before. This Hypothesis seems to answer the fact that our cured patients are more resistant to disease than they formerly were and in fact more resistant than others usually are. Since viruses are built up of similar units, as a co-polymerization process, the last monomer added is most exposed and oxidation would start at this position. The energy liberated would then pass on to the host cell and support its reconstruction, so that when the paralysis as in Rabies and Polio has disappeared, one knows that not only the virus is separated out of the way, but the host cell’s functional mechanism has been restored. Since so long as the virus is integrated with the host cell, the function is blocked and the functional mechanism is progressively destroyed to support viral vegetation; the reversal of the process, with recon struction of the host cell so function has returned, means that the energy for this reconstruction must have come from the oxidative destruction of the virus, as there is no other source for such energy while the FCG is blocked. The facts have been demonstrated. The explanation, of course, is a matter of choice as limited by the facts.
The parathyroidectomy experiments emphasized another matter of the greatest clinical importance. It is the relation of the balance of divalent and monovalent cations to cell irritability. Ordinarily, the normal cell presents a disposition of the cations, adsorbed and un-adsorbed, by the cell colloids so that a water in lipoid phase is maintained. The lipoids thus diffuse to the periphery of the cell forming a concentration of lipoid there, which serves as a limiting membrane and tends to shut out water-soluble materials, while water and its soluble materials tend to concentrate in the center. The effect is reversed by an excess of monovalent cations and accentuated by divalent cations. The mono valent cations thus tend to cause a lipoid in water phase with the lipoids concentrated at the center and the water-soluble materials and water at the periphery. This tends to increase the entrance of water-soluble substances into the cell. Sodium and potassium thus tend to increase the cell’s exchanges and the entrance of water-soluble toxins. Calcium, magnesium and strontium tend to reverse this situation. Calcium is important with magnesium in lessening the cell irritability, while sodium and potassium increase it. Variations play their roles in functional activities of all cells and will be apparent also in the functions of heart muscle.
After parathyroidectomy, the increase in irritability of the nervous system followed the loss of calcium from the tissues. The entrance of guanidine toxins gave convulsions of greater severity, the more the calcium was lost. Calcium transfusions reduced the convulsions for a time, that is so long as the kidney function was maintained. Other solutions as of potassium and sodium and even distilled water did the same for a time; so diluting the blood and washing the toxic element out via the kidneys showed that calcium metabolism was not the whole problem after parathyroidectomy. However calcium, magnesium and strontium had a greater depressing effect than the monovalent cation solutions, and the suppression was greater in the order of the divalent cations named. Indeed strontium put the cells to “sleep” as it were by its excessive effect. It was such facts as these that convinced the writer that the function of the parathyroids was not just a matter of calcium metabolism as Carlson and his school claimed. As soon as the hemorrhagic glomerular nephritis after parathyroidectomy prevented the washing of the guanidines out of the blood, no amount of calcium or any other solution could prevent or hinder the convulsions and deaths of the animals. Thus it was evident that a toxic element existed, and the writer set out to find it.
A complicating factor is the normal place of calcium in activating ATP -ase for the transfer of energy into the working mechanism of the cell. Here is a chance for energy transfer also to the surfaces of the tissue colloids that aids their dispersion and oxygen transport, in order to get rid of toxic materials and preserve a better colloidal structure in the cell throughout its contents. Normal cell excitability and response to stimulus is thus maintained by this other function of calcium.
When one sees exaggerated reflexes or persistent excitability of a tissue, one therefore thinks of the dispersions of the lipoids to or from the cell surface and also the disposition of the monovalent and divalent cations. In cases of high irritability, one would not give transfusions of solutions that would increase the monovalent salt content. Isotonic salt solutions made with sodium chloride would not be used unless the sodium is balanced by calcium and some sort of a Ringer’s solution should be used. Even the sera of the blood banks could be taken from individuals with high sodium chloride blood content. These matters deserve consideration.
Our diet calls for calcium in plentiful amount, as crude calcium carbonate. We also give the potentized calcium as carbonate to cancer patients. This is to diminish the nutrition of the sodium rich cancer cells and to reduce the pain caused by the ever present incompletely combusted metabolites that enter the nerve endings in the affected areas. Calcium and good intestinal lavage and a well-chosen diet go a long way in abolishing the pain in cancer. Likewise the Carbonyl Reagents tend to burn the incompletely combusted metabolites out of the way so they cause no more pain. The cancer cells also under good calcium supply do not tend to swell up so much and cause so much pressure, for the reasons just mentioned. All of these factors enter the treatment of the neuroses and psychotic states.
An illustration of the parallel run of toxins with failure of the use of calcium is seen in the treatment of dairy cattle that were badly diseased by hemolytic Staph Aureus infections of the mammary glands. After the Carbonyl (SSR) Therapy was used, both the hemolysins disappeared and the calcium content of the blood and milk increased. The lactiferous cells were able to use the calcium for cell building and for milk production, and the germ no longer produced the hemolysins. This work was done at the University of British Columbia and by the scientists of the Ministry of Agriculture. Thus the toxic inhibition of the use of calcium must be removed to obtain its full biological effect.
There is a problem bound up in the activation of atomic groups by electron shifts as determined by the character of a substituent for hydrogen at a carbon terminal of a double bond. This is the steric arrangement of the groups concerned. It is observed that the groups taking part must lie in the same plane. We took data on this matter in our earliest observations. Com parison of the action of fumaric acid, maleic acid and maleic anhydride were made on the course of glandular tuberculosis where the enlargements were easily measurable — the cervical and supraclavicular glands. It was found that fumaric acid had no action, maleic acid showed some, and maleic anhydride gave a satisfactory response. This response was not continuous longer than a few months and the dose had to be repeated. This is not what we were looking for. We desired a continuous curative action that kept up until the patient was fully cured. Never the less the observations showed the effect of steric influence. Reference to these early experiments was made in our Court Trial in 1943, where comparison was made with Benzoquinone.
In Benzoquinone one finds the Carbonyl groups activated by conjugation with two ethylenic linkages where no hindering substitutions of the hydrogens are had. They all lie in the same plane. High-grade continuous curative action was had in a wide field. In fumaric acid, which is the trans-isomere of maleic acid, only one Carbonyl at a time is coplanar with the ethylenic linkage, while in maleic acid which is the cis-isomere, all are double bonds, Carbonyl and ethylenic both lie in the same plane. Here, however, the hydroxyl in the carboxyl group acts as a substituent of a dampening nature against Carbonyl activity. In maleic anhy dride, the two hydroxyls are removed and this offers an advantage, but not one that would equal the advantage given by the presence of hydrogen. Indeed in such an ideal molecule, the energy content is too high to let it exist as such. So as such it was not practical.
The energy content of maleic acid is 7 large calories higher than that of fumaric acid and hence, it is more reactive. The ionizing power of maleic acid is increased by electron shift from the ethylenic linkage and also from the other unsaturated (Carbonyl) group, tending to liberate one hydrogen as a proton. Other properties show this increase in energy content due to all double bonds lying in the same plane so far as the hydroxyl groups allow. This example of steric influence on reactivity must be helpful in understanding the change in reactivity of atomic groups concerned in the mitotic act — that is, the shift of energy that forces cell division. For example observations on fumaric acid by Friedman et al. show that fumaric acid has no influence on mitotic rates while maleic acid and its two methyl derivatives, all showed strong antimitotic effects. Friedman, Marrian, and Simon-Reuss, (Brit. J. Pharmacol., 3 (1948a) pg.263, attempted to learn if the antimitotic action was due to sulphydryl addition, (Biesele p. 34. Mitotic Poisons and the Cancer Problem, Elsevier, 1958). But it was found that the addition products were not active. The chlormaleic acid and chlormaleimide added sulfhydryl in the same way as if non-chlorinated, but were inactive as mitotic inhibitors. Activation of Carbonyl by electron drift from the other double bonds was not considered by these gentlemen, even though the quality of the influence of the chlorine substituent on the distribution of electrons to the Carbonyl groups both in the cis-acid and anhydride forms was to withdraw them and decrease the all around electron density. This shows that the antimitotic effect is due to Carbonyl action, as this writer has interpreted it to depend upon electronic activation throughout his whole Pos tulate. Due to the presence of a conjugated ethylenic linkage, sulfhydryl can be added where such an ethylenic linkage can contribute electrons to the Car bonyl group, but that the addition of sulfhydryl has nothing to do with the antimitotic act, is right in line with this Postulate. This is just another of the antimitotic agent puzzles this Postulate has solved long before antimitotic work was ever undertaken. The unheeded data in the hands of the investigators showed that the antimitotic effect was due to Carbonyl activity enhanced by electron contributions from the other conjugated systems of double bonds lying in the same plane. Thus the steric effect of a virus or carcinogenic chemical that becomes integrated with the host cell must be viewed, in the light of its effect, on energy distribution and reactivity. This Thesis calls for an oxidative separation of the pathogen from the host cell where a hydrolytic effort could never bring its release, is in line with this Postulate. Indeed, it is a practical application of the idea.
A variety of cases with fuller discussion than Case I, the exophthalmic goitre case, showed how the basic pathology was the block in energy production and utilization in the functional mechanism. The Carbonyl group of function was combined with the pathogen or its activating double bonds; it could neither dehydrogenate nor form an azomethine bridge for energy pas sage in frank infection, allergy or neoplasia. Many conditions that were observed to support our Thesis, were not touched upon. So to make the report more complete we will show how the two obvious metabolic disturbances, epilepsy and sugar diabetes, also conform to the same pattern.
In this disorder, which is a symptom of a number of diseases, there is the suppression of function of the islets of Langerhans, even though microscopically the cells may appear normal in number and structure. They may be diseases that destroy the islets and thus cause failure of insulin production. But in the vast majority of cases the trouble is functional and correctable in line with our Postulate. Enough clinical proofs were given before the Federal Court and the Federal Trade Commission to establish this fact. Two recent cases are presented here to illustrate two facts, which explain two different forms of response. In one, the high blood sugar was reduced to below normal indicating that new islets of Langerhans were formed to compensate for the loss of insulin. But even these were blocked by the inhibitor toxin, and when they were all liberated, there was an excess of insulin poured into the blood. The other extreme is the reduction of the high blood sugar slowly and gradually, showing that the islets were deficient in number and had to be repaired or increased to accommo date the demand for their product. In both, the general health was restored and thus the basic or constitutional cause was removed. In both the high protein diet was changed for an unrestricted carbohydrate diet of fruits, vegetables, cereals, bread, fats, honey and molasses. No proteins of animal origin were allowed and coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco were forbidden. No insulin or other anti -diabetic drugs are given; the patient is left under the influence of a returning islet function as its cells are liberated from the paralyzing toxin. The blood sugar then comes toward normal as fast as the islet cells are relieved. Sometimes the blood sugar goes below normal as the compensatory hyperplasia of islet cells are also liberated from the toxin and go to work. Where the toxin has been integrated with the islet cells longer than the life cycle period of any of these cells, they naturally die off and are not replaced and so a deficit of islet tissue is observed in the blood sugar level that is above normal after all of the toxin is removed. To replace these islet cells takes time, as we will show by cases examined at this particular period. One must remember that the islet tissue produces insulin and hence no great deficit of this material is ever present in normal islet cells to stimulate a compensatory hyperplasia as occurs in muscle cells that are exhausted by work and call for more tissue reconstruction.
Therefore compensatory hyperplasia in islet tissue is comparatively slow and the time to reach the usual normal level varies with the length of time the diabetogenic poison had been active. The recovery of the islets from the integrated toxin that had simply inhibited their function is rather rapid, and is accompanied by systemic reaction in which the tissues are generally cleared of toxic effects. The overweight and weakness is soon overcome and other disturbances leave, — allergies, etc. The recovery of the destroyed and deficient islets to a normal quota is slow as was just explained. However, the whole picture of diabetes changes with this exposition. These cases again show that the work of the SSR is to start an oxidation progression in the toxin that is integrated with the tissue cell and blocking its function. The difference between such a toxin integration and the viral integration will be seen by comparing the recoveries of diabetics with paralytic nerve infections in which paralytic dog distemper, Chapter 17, serves as a good example.
The cases submitted here are only to show that the SSR is not a substitute for insulin in the oxidation of sugar but is given to remove the pathogen that blocks the production of insulin.
I. Case of Sr. L. S., 53 years old
Dr. Jayme Treiger
He had a rich venereal past, malaria at 21 years of age, and was operated for varices in 1941. He complained of vertigo, edema of the lower extremities, grade 2, small varicosities. Aorta palpable, Fundus oculi, — veins with second grade manifestations (Wagner), Blood pressure *24/13, Pulse 96, Glycemia 112 mgm %, was placed on hyposodic diet, did not tolerate CIK, received Clor tiazamide because of the edema. This reduced his blood pressure to 20/10, 18.5/11, and 2 1/11 with vertigo.
On January 19, 1960, there was dyspnoea and B.P. 20/11. On February 14, B.P. 22/12, pulse 84. Rauwolfia, Clortiazamide, Naturetin K, Mecanil, were given, April 10. On May 16, vertigo, tachycardia, and dyspnoea, after lying down, B.P. 25/13, pulse 90/m received more energetic hypertensive drugs and Alca chofre tincture, B.P. 22/11, pulse 84. On August 18, epistaxis, B.P. 26/12, dyspnoea, — Reserpine, Alcachofra, weight 85 kgms. Constrictive feeling in the neck, Blood sugar 320 mgms. %, Urea normal.
Treatment was given on September 24th, 1960, only a few drops intra muscularly of the serial system of Carbonyl groups, one-tenth of a microgram. He had a reaction on the next day; the edema and constrictive feeling in the neck disappeared quickly and three weeks after the Treatment he felt very well. Weight 82 kilos, blood pressure 17/10. Blood sugar 75 mgms. %. He has remained in good health. The clearing up of the basic cause is evident in the normalization of the other evidences of disease, to which the diabetes was part and parcel. “All anti-diabetic drugs including insulin were stopped before the SSR was given.”
II. Case of Sra. M.P. 51 years of age, was given the same dose of the SSR within the same hour as the preceding case, so as to facilitate comparisons chronologically in their recovery processes — the depth of the pathogenesis with the recovery rate.
She had been diabetic since 1955, but was first seen by Dr. Treiger on August 24, 1959. The first complaints were articular pains, thirst and excess weight, 95.6 kgms., height 1.58 meters, blood pressure 17.5/9, edema grade 2 in both feet. Glycemia Aug. 1959, 240 mgms. %. Folin-Wu. Urine S.G.1.036, glucose 4x. As she did not accept very well the new anti-glycemiant, Diabenase, she started to receive insulin and Protamin during the whole of 1959 and 1960. But the blood sugar stayed always at higher than normal levels even though the insulin was taken always with 40 U PZI, running generally around 220 and 240. In June 1960, the blood sugar was 340 mgms. %, while receiving 60 U PZI, and by September 15, it rose to 398 mgms. % while receiving 60 U PZI. Before being given the SSR, she was taken off of insulin completely and all medication was stopped.
Treatment—On September 24th, 1960, her weight was 94.5 kilos. She was given a few drops of the same solution as the other case. In five days the sugar dropped to 210 mgms. %. In two months her weight dropped to 89.5 kilos even though she was taken off of proteins and given a liberal vegetable, fruit, cereal diet. The edema of the legs was leaving within a week of the Treat ment, and she had a splendid reaction of a few days of fever and aching in her legs and bones generally. Her whole health aspect changed for the better. The blood sugar on November 30, 1960 was 160 mgms. %, and she is taking no insulin or other drugs. Her appetite is good and she feels the best she has ever felt. The blood sugar is not expected to reach normal until islet tissue is recon structed to normal. It is expected that this will require from three to six months.
One would ordinarily think that the rich carbohydrate diet after the Treat ment would precipitate a sugar crisis. However, the relief of the islet cells was fast enough to prevent that as these cases show. Further our diet regime that cuts out animal proteins also reduces the production of the pathogen in the bowel. It will be seen that the whole aspect of diabetes comes up in a new light, as these and so many other cases show. Reduction of the blood sugar as observed in these cases of diabetes while on a non-protein, high carbohydrate, liberal diet, without taking insulin has but one interpretation and that is the islets have again resumed their function. In other words, the inhibitant has been removed. How rapidly injured islets can be restored depends upon the situation at hand, and the management of the case is directed accordingly, including the withdrawal of insulin. Epilepsy is definitely a metabolic disorder that may be subject to the same corrective Therapy as the following case shows.
It must be emphasized sufficiently that while severe diabetes can recover after the SSR is given, this recovery is part and parcel to the removal of the pathogen and its effects generally. Moreover, while in an early mild case the islet cells can be liberated from their integrated toxin so as to fully restore islet function, in the long standing heavily intoxicated cases, the islet cells that remain as functional structures may be reduced in number and the blood sugar will not return to normal until more islet cells are reconstructed. The amount of reconstruction required in such cases will be proportionate to the length and severity of the toxic period of injury. A few more cases should be scanned to observe these points in their varying aspects.
The toxic injury may be dominantly cardiovascular.
III. J.M., age 61 years in June 1960. She complained of pains in the limbs, dyspnoea after effort, constant cough, precordial pains intermittently, edema of the right ankle, and cholecystectomatized because of lithiasis. Physical examination revealed a blood pressure of 170/90; pulse 90; systolic murmur at A2; fundus oculi, hypertensive angiosclerotic retinopathy, grade 2; KWV, urine with traces of sugar. She was first given homeopathic remedies with improvement in the blood pressure. On 8/16/60 her B.P. was 140/80, but there was no improvement in the pains in the chest or limbs. Salicylates were given. On 9/14/60, glycemia was 190 mgms %. She was given a dose of the SSR and no other medication was given. She was given a rich carbohydrate diet and all animal foods denied. On 11/14/60, glycemia was 145 mgms %. On 12/2/60, glycemia 100 mgms % and she was entirely symptom free. Her blood pressure was normal. All the conditions cleared up at the same time on the unrestricted fruit, vegetable and cereal diet.
The toxic injury may be dominantly those of an old focal infection with allergic symptoms and lack of tolerance to anti-diabetic drugs and a failure of large doses of insulin to reduce the blood sugar notably with loss of resistance to infection.
In these cases the disappearance of all toxic effects comes quickly and the blood sugar drops to a level (without medication and on an unrestricted carbohydrate diet without animal foods) to a point that indicates how much of the islet tissue still remains undestroyed by the pathogen. Then the reconstruction of islet tissue goes on slowly as was shown above, and the rate will depend on the length of time the pathogen was active. In this way one illus trates that the SSR is a liberator of the functional mechanism, restoring it to normal action on a broad or maybe on all functional planes and not simply an agent to oxidize sugar. It demonstrates itself to be an oxidizer of all inte grated toxins, we have investigated so far, with the widest possible symptoma tology. The following two cases are selected to illustrate a variety of tissue injuries that a diabetes-producing toxin can cause and the degree to which the islet tissue may be paralyzed and also destroyed.
IV. Mrs. P. S., age 50, in August 1956, started with diabetic symptoms after a hysterectomy. Her blood sugar was found to be 430 mgms %. With insulin it came down to 173 mgms %. After August 1956, she did fairly well, using Insulin 20 U, and Nadisan, 3 tablets daily. After May 1958, she started taking Diabenase in varying amounts. On September 2, 1959, her blood sugar was 195 mgms %. In November 1959, it was 240 mgms %. In January 1960, the blood sugar was 300 mgms % with Rastonin, 2 daily. It stayed about the same until August when Rastonin had become intolerable due to toxic effects and was stopped on September 29, 1960. Her blood sugar was 325 mgms %. On October 4, 1960, she was given the SSR. She had a strong reaction on the third day that lasted a week with general achiness, fever, chills, etc. The reaction focalized as a heavy inflammation about an old tooth root, which opened and cleaned out with a good hemorrhage and then cleared up. Her weight dropped from 75 to 66 kilos by the middle of December, 1960, her blood sugar was 260 mgms % and she felt very well without any anti-diabetic medication, and on a diet of unlimited carbohydrates and fats and without animal proteins. This improvement is expected to follow the pattern of other cases with decrease in the blood sugar as fast as islet tissue is restored. At this stage the case differentiates between inactivation and destruction of islet cells.
V. Mrs. G. S., age 38, in October, 1958, showed a different type of toxicity in which she could not use insulin without toxic injury and she was unable to heal any wound or furuncle. This all cleared up concomitant with the correction of the injury to the pancreas. In this case as in the former case a strong systemic reaction ushered in the improvement. The insulin poisoning showed as an ecchymosis and general itchiness and rheumatic symptoms.
She was diagnosed as diabetic in 1957 since the wound from a Cholecystec tomy done 2 years earlier would not heal and the blood sugar was 248 mgms %.She was given classical treatment and diet like the rest, first 40 U PZI, then 60 U, then 70 U, and then 80 U on November 6, 1959, as the blood sugar increased to 440 mgms %. On 80 U daily, it dropped to 300 mgms %, but ecchymosis and itching resulted. Two months later she presented an eruption similar to the leutic roseola, but the blood tests were all negative for syphilis. The insulin was reduced to 50 U, PZI, and was fortified with Rastonin, 2 tablets daily. The blood sugar was 380 mgms % on August 18, 1960, and she was put on Diabinese, 2 tablets and then 1 tablet per day when the blood sugar rose to 394 mgms %, September 17, 1960. She was given the SSR on October 19, 1960, with one Diabinese tablet and the blood sugar jumped to 360 mgms %, as part of a strong reaction. The Diabinese was stopped and a half dose of the SSR was given on November 18, 1960. On December 13, 1960, she was feeling very well, her furuncle healed without help, and the blood sugar was 265 mgms % on an unrestricted carbohydrate diet without any medication or animal proteins. The break in the Survival chemistry showed in more than one direction in this case, and showed not only a paralysis of the islet cells, but their actual destruction which is not yet fully repaired. The job of repairing the islets is not a function of the SSR, but is made possible by the removal of the toxin that was integrated with the islet cells and destroyed them. With this toxin out of the way reconstruction can take place as in other cases.
That the pattern of integration of the inhibiting toxin with the FCG is the same in islet cell block, as it is in the hindrance of other cell functions, has been thoroughly demonstrated already. Moreover, no matter how symptomatology of nerve cell hindrance may vary, the architecture of the block is the same. The severity of the symptoms does not determine the length of time required for recovery, but the length of time the tissue has been occupied by the pathogen does determine the time required for restoration to normal.
Another case must be sketched in brief to illustrate this point and to show that sleep is an active function involving energy generation and use. This case could not use the energy because of FCG block. There was also an islet block of moderate degree, the blood sugar being only 161 mgms %.
VI. Mrs. M. S., age 42 years, came to Dr. Treiger in December 1960, in a highly nervous state. She was without thyroid symptoms, complained of utter inability to sleep for over six months and had been placed on the whole list of depressant drugs by different specialists. These drugs did not help her in the least, but even as their dosage was increased to the limit of her tolerance, she became steadily worse. She developed into a melancholia with a compulsion that she wished to die becoming ever constant. She was in terror and could stand it no longer. Dr. Treiger removed all drugs and the condition remained the same, fat and all, presenting a perfect homeopathic picture of treatment with Alum. He gave her Alum in carefully selected potencies, but it had no effect. He then gave her 2 millimicrograms of the SSR intra muscularly. At the time of Treatment, the blood sugar was 161 mgms %. The change for the better was rapid so that her whole physical status improved, the high excitement state left and she calmed down so that in less than a month she was sleeping soundly three nights a week, and the other nights were improving steadily. The desire to die faded away and the melancholia changed to a habitual cheerfulness. The blood sugar dropped to 100 mgms % within the month while on a meatless, high carbohydrate, honey, molasses diet. Here the clinical facts teach something that laboratory research has not fully settled about the physiology of sleep and its functional mechanism, namely that energy production and utilization are essential features and that the Carbonyl group is concerned in mediating both features of the function just as in any other tissue function, islet cells, thyroid cells and all the rest.
VII. It is pretty well demonstrated now that the SSR does not do the work of the insulin, but removes the disease. This is seen in Varicella, a viral disease with a natural collateral control. Two brothers are concerned. M. M. P., age 11 years, had fever and Varicella. The SSR was given to him on 12/3/60. The next day the fever increased to 39°C. On 12/5/60, the second day after Treatment, the pustules stopped coming and all of the lesions started to improve. He was feeling well and in a few days was all healed. His brother, age 6 years, refused the injection when he developed Varicella on Dec. 15, 1960. Four days later, 12/19/60, the Varicella showed the classical development with new pustules coming in waves. He ultimately got well, but the involution did not start within 48 hours as in the SSR treated case, but was still developing in the classical fashion as is usual for days afterwards.
To further define the position of the Functional Carbonyl Group and its activating double bonds of the Koch Postulate a review of a case of anti biotic resistant Gonococcus infection will help.
VIII. Mr. J. V., age 25 years, presented an annual venereal infection. Finally the antibiotics were not effective and he did not do well on homeopathic drugs either. On August 28, 1959, after an additional exposure, he presented an acute Blennorrhagia confirmed by bacteriological examinations. He was energetically treated with Penicillin, Terramycin and Tetracycline without the least effect. On October 23, 1959, he was given a dose of Benzoquinone, 6X dilution, when the bacterio logical examination showed the infection was the same, a rich flow of intracel lular and extracellular Gonococci laden pus. Examination one week later showed no improvement so he was given a dose of the SSR, 9X dilution on October 31, 1959. One week later, November 7th, he was feeling much better, including the prostate pain that had disturbed the passage of feces through the rectum. On the 9th day he had a reaction and on the 16th the urinary sediment still showed some intracellular diplococci. He was given a dose of the SSR, lOX, one-tenth as much as the former dose, on the 16th of December 1959. Three days later no more intracellular diplococci were found in the urinary sediment, but some extracellular germs were still present. Three weeks later he had a general systemic reaction of grippiness. He felt well thereafter, but there were still extracellular diplococci until the middle of March 1960, when the dose was again repeated. Ten days later a systemic reaction occurred and no more secretion was to be found. His health improved in every way. On May 30, 1960, the urinary sediment still showed some extra cellular pleomorphic germs.
On June 7, 1960, he showed a gain of 10 kilos in weight, the best of health, no longer any signs or symptoms of the old or lasting infections, the prostate was normal and the urinary sediment entirely negative. He has so remained.
Here we see the hangover of the earlier Gonococci infection as extra cellular diplococci that required three injections of the SSR and six months to be cleared away after the acute infection was gone. This shows also that the SSR is not an antibiotic affair at all, but works on an entirely different principle. This point must be emphasized here. This final review shows that viral infections, which do not respond to antibiotics, are correctable immediately by the high potency dehydrogenations secured by the SSR and the free radical and peroxide free radical carriers of the oxidations that continue the separation of the pathogen from the host cell’s functional mechanism.
In the proceeding diabetes cases, it was shown that the longer the pathogen is integrated with the islet cells — not only is the inhibition of function proportional, but the amount of destruction of islet cells is also proportional. This is not a similar destruction to that which accompanies viral host cell integration, but one that blocks the formation of new islet cells after the integration is established a long time, longer than the life of the islet cell would be. Then no reproduction would take place in such cells and the amount of islet tissue would decrease. In viral integration there is the active destruction of the host cell as its energy is drawn off by the parasite and its structural material is also removed to support the viral vegetation. However, we have demonstrated in paralytic viral infections, that the toxin is destroyed when the virus undergoes a step-by-step removal by the oxidation process leaving a fully restored tissue cell once the virus is fully burned away. Reconstruction in diabetes recovery must be carried forward by the liberated cells and, as there is no utilization or depletion of insulin in the islet cells themselves, the shock for a compensatory hypertrophy is very weak as compared with that taking place in muscle when put under increased activity. Here the muscle fibrillae that do the hypertrophying are directly stimulated by work, while the stimulus to the islet cells is mostly a lowered partial pressure of the insulin at the cell’s periphery and possibly some hormonal influence, if such exists. Therefore the restoration of islet cells is a slow process that succeeds only with time.

The contrast can be seen in the case of paralytic Distemper in a dog. In such a case there is no chance to error by way of hysteria. In this case within two weeks a full restoration of nerve function was re-established, whereas in diabetes, the islet reconstruction goes on for months before it is completed. Only the toxic inhibition of function is removed in weeks or rather a few months.
IX. Singo, a 10-year-old pointer dog, one month before receiving the SSR Treatment, became sad and trembling. He ran away and returned with bowel and urinary bladder paralysis. He was lavaged and received Nujol that helped the bowel movements. He also received Penicillin, Alcachofra, Terramycin, etc., which was prescribed by the veterinarian who made the diagnosis of distemper of the nervous system since there were chills, fever, then a lowering of the temperature with paralysis of the muscles of the left costal region, causing a curve of the spine and difficult breathing. These muscles also showed atrophy. There was also a paralysis of the left posterior quarter so that the leg would give no support and he could not use the paw, raise or lower it. The photographs show his condition before and after Treatment. Photographs 1-3 show this paralysis of the left posterior quarter when the dog is supported by his upper half and the right foot posterior is allowed to take some pressure for his support. The left posterior quarter was useless. The muscles of this limb were also atrophied. As none of the medication helped, he was given two ampoules of the Cinamose serum. It did not help him either. The integration of the virus with the nerve cells was thus established in a symbiotic way.
The SSR was given October 14, 1960, to save the dog, as the veterinarian decided he must be sacrificed. The recovery took two weeks to be completed. The atrophied muscles soon became redeveloped and full normalcy was established.
I. Under the heading of “Allergies Of The Nervous System”, we gave a case of Psychomotor Epilepsy. This patient had taken thousands of dollars worth of suppressing drugs without suppression and steadily went on toward fatality. At the time that the experts agreed he could not live more than a few weeks, he was given two micrograms of Parabenzoquinone in two milliliters of water intramuscularly and was sent home as cured in five days. The experts who decided he was cured are the same men who gave the fatal prognosis after months of unsuccessful drugging. This was in 1941, at the famous government mental disease hospital of Rio de Janeiro. The Reagent that freed the tissues of their energy-producing and energy-utilizing impediment was a Carbonyl group activated by conjugation with the double bonds of an ethylene linkage. In the case to be given here, the Reagent carried a series of Carbonyl groups that contributed electrons to the Carbonyl group that did the dehydrogenating and thus started the oxidative removal of the pathogen. The following case also shows the constitutional nature of the disease.
II. E. A., 17 years old, first seen on August 13, 1958, had Diphtheria in child hood. Started periods of petit mal with loss of consciousness in crises of from 5 to 10 minutes, getting more frequent, once or twice monthly, without convul sions. He suffered severe headaches since childhood. Blood pressure 14/5 cms. of mercury, Systolic murmur, grade 3 at apex, 2 cms., outside of the left mid-clavicular line 5th interspace also a diastolic murmur grade 1, at the same place. Pulse 86 per minute. There was a diagnosis also of persistence of the Ductus Arteriosus.
The Electro-encephalogram on August 22, 1958, showed:
“The basic sequence is several times disturbed by the interference of abrupt and irregular slow waves with 6-7, 5 c/s. of high voltage, diffuse and bilateral, predominating in the frontal-temporal areas. The hyperphase did not reveal any new fact.”
“Conclusion: Abnormal electro-encephalogram, paroxistic cerebral Dysryth mia, diffuse and bilateral, predominating in the frontal-temporal areas.”
“Signed, Dr. A. A. G.”
Thereafter the boy was kept from work because of the losses of conscious ness that occurred while under the regular treatment receiving constant doses of Trilafen and Mezantoine. The blood pressure came to normal levels, but recurred at times with the crises of loss of consciousness. Since December 1959, the epileptic attacks became more frequent in spite of regular doses of Mezan toine, Equanil and Promazionon.
In June 1960, this treatment was interrupted so that the SSR could be given.
Results—After three weeks there were no more attacks, sleeps well, eats well, is no longer tired and without headaches. The Electro-encephalogram was repeated by the same expert. The report was dated, September 30, 1960:
“Electro-encephalogram presents no evidence of abnormality.”
The patient is ready to go back to work but this will be deferred until the EEG is repeated after a couple more months. However, it is established that normal function has returned, and the energy production and use is not interfered with any more. In these cases two different means of activating the dehydrogenator Carbonyl group were used. Hence the correction of the pathology depends upon adequate dehydrogenation in the presence of mole cular oxygen. The correction is constitutional evidently here too.
Case No. 49
To demonstrate the permanency of the cure of Tuberculosis by restoring the cell functional mechanism, we give Dr. Paul V. O’Rourke’s description of the status of both lungs which was made on August 1, 1960 from the latest X-Rays. This leading Roentgenologist states:
“Mrs. M. H.---- was seen by me on July 1, 1960. Her chest X-Ray at that time showed the bony thorax to be intact, with the heart in normal position and contour. The left hemidiaphragm is normal in position and contour. The right hemidiaphragm is elevated because of a Phrenic nerve paralysis done some 30 years ago. The left lung showed some increased markings, most of which are vascular, and a small amount of calcific deposits. The right lung is greatly reduced in volume because of the extreme elevation of the right hemi diaphragm to the level of the third anterior rib. At the extreme apex, there are numerous small-calcified areas, which are the result, undoubtedly, of her previous tuberculosis of some thirty years ago. No active lesion of tuberculosis or rarefactions resembling cavities can be seen.”
Mrs. M. H. was treated in the terminal stage of this disease and at a time when her state of exhaustion was so desperate that even taking a radiograph would not be risked.
This recovery was obtained while at work after the active attack was subdued by the SSR and a few weeks of bed rest until the fever abated. It speaks for the curing of the tuberculosis germ and the ability of her metabolism to keep tuberculosis germs cured, and harmless, even perhaps useful.
Enough exercise to fatigue the muscles a little each day is wise, but the heart must not be pushed too hard during such diversion. Walking on level ground serves well and there are plenty of games that stimulate the spirits as well as the muscles that are helpful. Common sense is the guide. As for quality sleeping, a neat bed with the patient laid out like a mummy is an atrocity. There must be freedom so that relaxation is possible. Stupid bed provisions call for narcotics, and narcotics defeat recovery. Such care must be avoided with our patients.
As the work progressed it was deemed advisable to obtain data on the curative action of molar peroxides and their unsaturated precursors. For an investigation of this importance the best talent available was necessary. The American research institutions were examined carefully and found wanting. Europe was likewise scanned until Professor Joseph Maisin was selected as the best prepared for a task of this type. Cancer was induced in many hundreds of mice and rats by the usual carcinogens and tumor transplants and treated with the peroxides of formaldehyde and formic acid and with unsaturated substances prepared at the time of their use. These latter substances were pre-peroxides by virtue of their high double bond content. The tables appended show the results of their use. These observations were made at Louvain in between 1934-35.
The protective action was found on further investigation to be due to the free radicals formed by the dehydrogenating action of the Carbonyl groups present in the dehydrated unsaturated bodies and the free radicals formed in the peroxides which gave rise to peroxide free radicals. A comparison with the highly efficient curative action of the Reagent used in the Bandeen Experiments, (pages 30-35) bears this conclusion out since in the latter experiments the very highest Carbonyl ability to dehydrogenate was provided whereas in the Louvain Experiments no attempt was made to boost any activity at all. Never theless the latter experiments show that it is impossible to prepare molar peroxides sufficiently clear of free radicals to serve for pure biological tests. The speed with which free radicals are formed by light and by simple rubbing of the dry crystals also shows this trend. This is one of the basic provisions of nature for the continuance of life on our planet.
Protective Action of Diformaldehyde Peroxide
The mice received applications of Benzene solution; 1/200 Benzopyrene three times each week. The peroxide was injected, 1 cc. solution 1/20,000, on the 35th and 65th days.


To account for the Pre-growth Symptoms and Changes would take much experimental work. However, we have a few clinical facts that are so evident that there need be no doubt. One is that the reticulo-endothelial system weakens and atrophies just previous to the appearance of the tumor, and before it goes truly malignant. This happens in natural and in chemically induced cancer as well as in virus produced cancer. The fatigue and the final atrophy of the protective cells of the liver, spleen and lymph glands must result in abnormal products which are atrophy producing. The carcinogen, be it chemical or viral, must be legated with these products as a chemically integrated complex, and wherever such products are carried they must have their effects. Embryos developing under such circumstances must be defective, and adult tissues will undergo the changes that give the picture of cachexia as an end result. But preliminary thereto, there must be functional injuries such as were described in part in the text, — the bone marrow function, the nervous system function, the skin function and what not. In fact every tissue is subject to the action of such poison in varying degrees. Thus a differential diagnosis may be based on the chemical status of the lymph glands even before a tumor is recognized.
Our Postulate provides for the polymerization of the carcinogenic toxin as it develops to the cancer producing stage, and this provision is based upon the chemical and clinical circumstances that stare one straight in the face. Atrophy precedes neoplasia. If one answers that the neoplasia is a reaction to the atrophy stimulus as hay fever is to the pollen stimulus, one must still offer a mechanism for the reaction. The simplest mechanism that could be involved is that the toxin produces both changes, and this mechanism we have already explained as due to a block in energy production and transfer. Recovery from the states caused by the carcinogenic agent, be it viral or chemical, is therefore a satisfactory support to our contention, since this same agency accomplishes the corrections in all such states as atrophy, pre-growth toxic state, cachexia, and tumefactions.
The best proof of the correctness or practicability of any postulate in medicine is doubtless the curative value of its application. So to check up on the correctness of our Thesis on the atomic bondings and electronic dispositions responsible for the integration of the pathogen with the host cell’s functional mechanism, we developed an additional step for demonstrating the presence of the double bond that activates the production of the free radical in the pathogen, which makes the pathogenic addition. Likewise the double bond that activates the condensation of the pathogen’s amine group with the Carbonyl of the host cell can be demonstrated. As we showed, these additions depend upon anoxia.
By starting out with the contribution of an atom of hydrogen from the Reagent to one pole of this double bond or of any other double bond in the pathogen whose exposure and high polarity invites the addition, a free radical is produced at the other pole of the bond which simultaneously adds to the free radical formed in the Reagent when its hydrogen atom was lost to the path ogen. By synthesis, the hydrogen atom concerned was made most active by receiving electrons from the double bond system with which its position was conjugated, and the free radical left in the Reagent that adds to the other pole, brings to the pathogen a moiety that is a great electron donor and hence invites ready oxidation (dehydrogenation) even by the weaker of the tissues’ oxidation agents. Thus the integrated pathogen is left at the mercy of the ordinary tissue reagents that can accomplish its progressive oxidation away from the host cell’s functional mechanism leaving its FCG activated by conjugation with a Carbonyl group, the advantage of which we explained earlier.
The first step then is a reduction, which opens the way for the burning of the pathogen off from the host cell by ordinary cellular dehydrogenators. The advantage of this means of attack is quite evident, and our next edition will report the clinical results. These have been most gratifying so far. In fact, hog cholera and dog distemper, which required different Reagents, are both quickly cured in the highest percentage on the one Reagent discussed here.
One has seen that the reversal of pathogenesis of microorganisms follows much the same pattern as the reversal of neoplasia in tissue cells. Virulence is proportional to pathogenicity in both, and their parasitism is a necessary property depending on the degree of deficiency against which survival is attempted. It is also an economic provision that normal tissue survival arises in the successful performance of the specific function of any form of life in its contribution to the Great Biological Economy. Under this circumstance, parasitism, pathogenicity and their virulences are utterly impossible, as the pattern of activity is determined by functional procedure and restoration of function eliminates all three.
One has also seen that normal function depends on normal structure, the key to which is the unhindered Carbonyl group in the presence of molecular oxygen. Energy production in any form of aerobic life can then proceed by dehydrogenation, free radical production, peroxide free radical production and the rest of the oxidative progression.
It is axiomatic therefore, that where any one of the three features, virulence, pathogenicity or parasitism is eliminated by this basic corrective provision, all three are eliminated as well. Clinical demonstrations were given in the testimony of many physicians and veterinarians in the 1942 and 1946 Federal Court Trials by the Veterinarian Department of the University of British Columbia, Canada, as well as by the Ministry of Agriculture of that same province. Their testimony showed that highly virulent hemolytic staphylococci lost their toxicity and hemolytic properties together with the restoration of the normal calcium balance and the restorative healing of the parenchyma of seriously infected mammary gland structures instead of by scar tissue. At the same time, a rapid return of health followed after the Therapy of the text was given, and most important of all, the rate of recuperation was proportional to the rate of increase in the germs that had formerly produced the disease. One concludes that the normal function of bacteria cleaning out dead tissue debris had been restored by the action of the activated Carbonyl group. The same effects were observed in the healing of huge tubercular cavities, the healing of fulminating and chronic terminal Osteomyelitis, as well as, other infections. Toxicity tests done before and after Treatment, of gangrenous mastitis in dairy cows, showed that filtrates from the bacterial cultures taken from untreated animals were fatally toxic, while those taken from treated animal lesions were non-toxic.
To test the above principles, Dr. Dieter Reinstorff ran various bacterial cultures of which the photographic plate pictures an example. It served as a test for virulence. The inoculum was a highly virulent hemolytic strepto coccus taken from a child. At two weeks after the inoculation of the test and the control cultures, the latter showed rich growth while the test plate showed no growth at all. The test plate was treated with 2 milliliters of the 10-(12) concentration of the Reagent. This test for virulency is in accord with the loss of pathogenicity after Treatment as reported above.

Treated culture at left, Control culture at right after two weeks incubation.
It is also evident that the data shows that the pathogenicity was not removed by a destructive reagent, but rather by the corrective function of the activated Carbonyl group. There was no longer any necessity for parasitism to win survival and no forced effort at reproduction was necessary to try to overcome a deficiency, for the correction was already made by supplying the normal source of energy for its created function and hence, pathogenicity could not result. Similar patterns of recuperation are observed clinically.
The delay in the occurrence of the first reaction to Treatment, be it 24 hours, 36, 72 or more hours, or even days and weeks or months (as in the case on Multiple Sclerosis of Mrs. R. P.) after the Remedy is injected, presents the characteristics of the induction period to a chain reaction, a free radical affair, and hence shows that fundamentally the result of the activated Carbonyl to be not an equimolecular affair, but an inductive affair. It resembles the refractory period following a toxic drug when sub-fatal, but when the tissues fail to respond to a second or third dose all of which together are more than fatal in amount, is given at the start all at once. The culture plate is also an example, for the adaptation of the parasite to the medium took two weeks to reach full bloom while the test plate showed no growth. So the parasitic survival effort is likewise a chain affair, another instance of the universality of free radical phenomena in life processes. One should therefore observe the response to the Treatment with the Carbonyl groups of the text with careful attention before deciding that a dose is inactive when visible changes of recovery do not show up immediately.
Ever since 1920, treated cancer patients in transit from Western parts of the country to Detroit reported that they felt much better after passing East of Ypsilanti, Michigan. The reports were too numerous to ignore, so we investi gated the district between Detroit, Ypsilanti, Wayne and Redford. After eliminating alpha, beta, gamma, and cosmic rays, we settled on the magnetic flux of the district as responsible. The dip-needle did not vary as much as 20 degrees from the horizontal but the flux was stronger than that in unfav orable places.
We found many residents of the district who made rapid easy recoveries from widespread neoplastic invasions of the vital organs had reversals that were permanent and complete. So the recovery process was favored as well as the feeling of well being of the patients in transit. The soil was a rich, sandy, black, shiny, loam with rich vegetation and many earthworms and grubs, so we figured that the magnetic flux favored soil building by the flora and fauna of that function. Centuries of fertilization by animal excreta and decay ing organic matter, that supplied iron-porphyrin compounds from bile, blood and flesh, with paramagnetic oxygen profited by the magnetic flux to accelerate its soil building reactions. Foods raised here were therefore the very best.
The cancer incidence was just as high and the neoplasms just as malignant as ones found elsewhere. But the recoveries from cancer by the Therapy of this text were exceptionally rapid and easy. Both carcinogenesis and its reversal are free radical affairs. The former is anoxic while the reversal stages use paramagnetic oxygen and peroxide free radicals as its principle actors. So, since oxygen is 4,000 times more magnetically susceptible, like iron with which it coordinates, than most other elements in the tissues, it concentrates with other paramagnetic materials as calcium and iron in the activated spots of the mitochondria to boost the reaction rates of function and detoxicative oxidations.
Confirmatory are the boosting effects of magnetic storms that occur with the sun’s rotation every 27 days, on both the rates of neoplastic activity and the reversals to normal. Here again the recoveries are boosted far beyond the pathogenic rates, and no doubt for the same reasons, for in addition to the paramagnetic oxygen and trace elements, the mitochondria hold the activated Carbonyls and quinones and the necessary calcium in their activated spots. These claims included in our Postulate were opposed decades ago, but are now being confirmed by modern microbiologists even those including the blocking effects of guanidin. We hold that the electron mechanics of the double bond of the Carbonyl and its activating ethylenic linkage are also magnetically susceptible whereby their dehydrogenations are also hastened. An tagonistic are mercuric salts, amines, and sulphides, against which cyanide protects, though antagonizing the cytochrome system, and tends to prevent neoplastic change. This indicates that the primary pathology of cancer follows proton withdrawal and blocks electron transport for it depends on hypoxia. The curative progression depends on vigorous proton withdrawal in the presence of oxygen and is aided by the magnetic activation of free radicals.
In reality, the ethylenic linkage is not an electron donor, but a weak withdrawer of electrons. When conjugated with a Carbonyl group which is an active electron attractor, the ethylenic electrons are mobilized toward the Carbonyl group, and such substituents as CH(3) CH2CH3 CH(CH(3))2and C(CH(3))3 which are active releasers of electrons will, when located at the opposite end of the double bond, supply their quota for attraction to the Carbonyl group of the FCG system. In addition, the Carbonyl group is nega tively polarized with an oxygen atom rating 3.5 electronegative units and a carbon atom of 2.5 electronegative units. Only fluorine exceeds the electro negativity of oxygen. Therefore, the Carbonyl group of the FCG system as conjugated with an ethylenic linkage serves as an active dehydrogenator of fuels and pathogens that enter its field and the ethylenic linkage serves as the bridge for the electronic migrations toward the Carbonyl group. Where two or more Carbonyl group double bonds are conjugated in series, the orbital mechanics determine so heavy a concentration of electrons and electro negativity at one of the groups, that it becomes a most active dehydrogenator and, as in Triquinoyl, the strain becomes so great that one group even becomes expellable to form the more stable five member ring.
In addition, fuels and pathogens are especially equipped to mobilize their critical hydrogen atoms. In glycogen and the polysaccharides, the Carbonyl groups are inactivated and in the monosaccharides the lactone structure alters the activity. When the Carbonyl group is free; however, it attracts the electrons away from the hydroxyl groups so that the hydrogen atoms tend to be liberated with ease as protons. This mobilization is seen when glucose or fructose are dissolved in heavy water. Here it is found that the hydrogen atoms trade places freely at random with the deuterium of the heavy water. Such mobility is surprising in view of the fact that the bond energy of the OH group is one of the highest for a covalent bond; namely, 110.2 Kilo-Calories and the bond length is one of the shortest, namely 0.95 A units. Thus one sees the power of mesomeric induction to bring about reactivity without causing ionization. The same applies to the C-H linkage.
Pathogens, like unsaturated fats, also invite dehydrogenations in various degrees. Here we Postulate that a methylenic group positioned alpha to a double bond of an ethylenic linkage offers two activated hydrogen atoms; one is important for the integration with the FCG system during the anoxia and the other invites removal from the integrated pathogen by the Carbonyl group of the curative Reagent. (This dehydrogenation can also be accomplished by an appropriate free radical). The activation of the pathogen’s hydro gen atom is secured by withdrawing electrons from the alpha placed methy lene group by the substituents placed at the other end of the double bond. Those that withdraw electrons are halogens, methoxyl, hydroxyl, aldehyde, carbonyl, vinyl, phenyl, cyano and sulphydryl as well as the imide groups. Here one sees the possible place of iodine in activating the initiation of physiologi cal oxidation. The withdrawal of electrons from the alpha positioned carbon-hydrogen or oxygen-hydrogen bond weakens it to facilitate dehydrogenation. The stage is thus set intrinsically in the pathogenesis for its oxidative reversal. The pathology actually provides for its correction. The philosophic implications deserve thought.
The basic pathology in endocrine, viral and neoplastic disease is; therefore, of the same pattern and depends upon the electron passing powers of an ethylenic linkage to activate the position alpha to it. The Carbonyl group is an electron accumulator and the alpha methylene group an electron donor.
Recently, Prof. Cheves Walling of Columbia University stated: “Twenty-five years ago free radical chemistry interested only a few gas-phase kineticists... It is remarkable that one set of simple principles is basic to such a diverse group of processes and products.” As our investigations show, the service of free radical products and processes made it possible to understand and reverse the pathogenesis of cancer and liberate the host cell from fatal viral integration decades earlier than 25 years ago, and in fact, concomitant with the develop ment of the plastic industry. Thus the free radical occupies an important field in biological processes as well.
(It is interesting to note that Dow Chemical Company and Dr. Willard H. Dow first became aware of Dr. Koch’s free radical research due to their independent study of the free radical as it related to the development of plastics).
The free radical made possible an explanation of the Pasteur Effect, and its reverse the Crabtree Effect, which in our opinion is a means of measuring the contents of respiring elements that conduct cell functions. Crabtree (1929) showed that when glucose was added to cancer slices, the use of oxygen was inhibited in favor of glycolysis, which was not the case with normal tissues as liver and kidney cortex. Here addition of glucose stimulated respiration. It was also shown that such metabolically inert tissues as cartilage and kidney medulla exhibited the Crabtree Effect much like cancer tissue. Natal retina did also, until it matured and could function as an oxidation mechanism. Thus, where and to what extent that respiration is possible, addition of glucose will stimulate oxygen use, and where this function is limited, glycolysis is used to dispose of the added glucose, and the use of oxygen is depressed to the extent that common factors engage in both respiration and glycolysis. Thus cancer tissue has a limited oxidation rate or capacity that it cannot increase under stimu lation, and is using to the limit all the time, thus revealing the inability to supply further oxidative facilities. What is the cause of this deficiency?
Aisenberg (1961) offered the two explanations that are supported by data given in this text, (a) the diminished amount of mitochondria in tumor cells, as Warburg also suggested; and (b) the statement forwarded by Chance and Hess (1959) that the respiratory elements are still present in normal amount, but are under a restraining influence which blocks the oxidation ability proportionately. This is exactly what our text has demonstrated together with an explanation of both the hindering mechanism’s chemistry and that of the liberation of the oxidation mechanism. Thus our Thesis is supported again.
Not only the FCG’s of the various specific functions may be concerned, but also the Carbonyl groups of the accessory factors to the oxidation process, and the electron or hydrogen acceptors as the quinones so recently discovered to exist in all living cells. Their structures are essentially Carbonyl groups activated by conjugation with double bonds of ethylenic linkages. Similarly we find activated Carbonyl groups in the keto-steroids, and the spent products of all such structures, are hydrogenated and reduced to hydroxyl. In the case of the keto steroids the double bonds are also inactivated, and so the molecule cannot be reversed to function again, but in the case of the quinones the double bonds are not altered and reversal with return of function is possible. Thus Coenzyme Q can function as a co-enzyme over and over again as an electron trans fer agent.
The quinone structure is also admirably adapted to such function so as to meet the requirements of specificity in oxidation-reduction potential and for selecting the specific materials it will react with in each particular cell activity. The substituents placed about the quinone’s double bonds give the steric advantages and hindrances required for specific reactions and for elevated or depressed negativity and oxidation-reduction potentials of the Carbonyl groups. Twenty years ago the most celebrated biochemists testified that the quinone structure had no place in biological processes in opposition to our Thesis. Today, we know otherwise and the position of the free radical, which can now be proven by electron spin resonance techniques, is demonstrated as funda mental to all living processes. The present writer’s Professor of Chemistry was the discoverer of the Free Radical, Moses Gomberg. He developed his thesis as a pure piece of philosophy, but he lived long enough to see it become the basis of the plastic industry, and even learned of the first adven tures of this writer’s application of the free radical in the interpretation and correction of pathologic states. We join Prof. Walling in saluting the glorious work of Gomberg.
In our early work we found that polymerizing unsaturated free radicals of low molecular weight stimulated cancer development decidedly, whereas large inert polymers blocked cancer growth and involution soon followed. Our conclusion was that the carcinogen integrated with the host cell nucleus by a co-polymerization process of free radical double bond additions, whether the carcinogen is a polymerizing bacterial toxin or a vegetating provirus, whose units were largely host cell nuclear products; the symbiosis held through the mitotic act. The small polymers offered more double bonds and free radicals for hastening the mitosis point; whereas, the large inert polymer blocked further additions as a terminator of the chain. Moreover, the energy for the mitotic act was provided by the polymerization and was not dependent on usual sources as glycolysis or oxidation. Hence, the small free radical additions provided more energetic cell division. Dehydrogenated synthetic carcinogens initiate the integration of either pathogen with the mitotic mechanism’s FCG activating double bond when during anoxia the free radical formed adds to one pole of this double bond. The free radical formed thus at the other pole adds to the critical ethylenic linkage of the pathogen producing a free radical at the other pole that continues the polymerization process that supplies the energy for uncontrolled mitosis. This is why the synthetic carcinogen is lost track of when the malignant change sets in. Such is our explanation.
As we have seen, the cause of cancer is a multiple affair in which anoxia and two pathogens are the principal actors, and the same pattern holds for the production of allergies. The only difference is that in cancer the basic functional cell unit attacked is the mitotic mechanism for cell reproduction. In respiratory allergies, the secreting mechanism, the contractile mechanism, and the energy producing and receiving FCG’s as well as their activating double bonds are involved. Where as in neurological allergies like epilepsy, compulsory neuroses, and fixed ideas, the conductile energy producing and receiving FCG systems of the activating double bonds are attacked. We have classified cancer as an allergy of the cell’s mitotic mechanism decades ago (Natural Immunity, 1934, Christo pher Publ. Co. - Koch).
The energy for excessive action of an allergy or neoplasia is not received from the normal sources of oxidation nor even glycolysis as Warburg sug gested, for the FCG of energy production and acceptance is blocked by the pathogenic additions. We conclude that the energy comes from the polymeriza tion of one of the pathogens integrated with one terminal of the FCG activat ing double bond as a free radical addition. In the case of cancer and any other allergies, the pathogen is a virus or a polymerizing toxin produced by bacteria trapped in the scar of an old infection where ischaemia protects it from oxida tion.This pathogen is the sustaining toxin that may be difficult to differ entiate from a virus, or bacteriophage living in symbiosis with the germ and paralyzing its activity, instead of causing its lysis. When it gains entrance into the blood stream and into the host cell, its critical double bond adds to the distal pole of the FCG activating double bond which has become a free radical through addition of the free radical offered by the exciting or sensitizing pathogen to the proximal pole. The sensitizing or initiating pathogen may be a synthetic carcinogen that has been dehydrogenated by the FCG during anoxia or the free radical of an incompletely combusted metabolite, a dehydro genated sulfhydryl bacterial product, or a free radical produced by sunrays in the polymerizing units of a maturing pollen. The latter would be the initiating pathogen in hay fever or asthma. When it adds to the distal pole of the FCG activating double bond, the free radical formed at the other pole can co-poly merize with the sustaining pathogen as just stated whose energy liberated by polymerization forces the excessive uncontrolled mitosis or other functions as an allergy. The smaller the molecule, the greater the content of double bonds, the more rapid the polymerization, and the greater the amount of energy produced, and hence the more intense the pathogenic action, be it an allergic affair or a neoplasm. Also the smaller the molecule, the more energy is shown by the free radical wandering in its domain, to force the polymerizations.
The initiating toxin could be one of the sulfhydryl products of certain bacteria trapped in occluded tonsilar crypts, the apical infection of teeth, or some occluded scarred sinus of long standing. Sulfhydryl readily forms free radicals on dehydrogenation by the FCG, and it also has the ability to add to double bonds of ethylenic linkages conjugated with Carbonyl groups. It can thus interfere with oxidations in several ways for it can inactivate the quinone type co-enzymes as Co-enzyme Q-10, which is an electron carrier or transfer agent. When one closes a culture of such bacteria taken from a focus of infection just mentioned, it soon shows the development of malodorous mer captans. In like manner it may add to the FCG activating system to initiate the pathogenesis.
To show that the focal infection of long standing is a factor in carcino genesis, a typical case history will suffice. This woman was then 56 years of age and her case history was included in the Testimony before the Federal Trade Commission in 1943, as a demonstration of the nature of the recovery process after the Koch Reagent was given. The uterus and most of the pelvis and lower abdomen were involved by a biopsy proven cancer of the uterus, and the right breast also presented a massive cancer of the simplex type which extended into the axilla. There were numerous metastases to the skin as well when she received the Koch Reagent in 1938. Recovery was in evidence within three weeks and continued with reactions at the twelfth and twenty-fourth weeks. At the end of the twenty-fourth week the absorption of all growths was complete and an acute violent inflammation of the tonsil and lymphatics of the neck on the right side set in. She could neither swallow nor speak for about a week, then it quickly subsided and she felt very well in all respects. When describing her symptoms, she stated that she had the very same symptoms some 20 years earlier, and her health was never good after wards. During that attack she could not speak nor swallow. It was determined that both symptomatologies were identical, except that in the recent attack the symptoms left rapidly leaving her in exceptionally good health.
Here we have an example of the reversal of the pathogenesis as the essence of the recovery process. The first symptom in the initiation of the disease was the last symptom to be brought to light and its causative pathology cleared away at the wind-up of the correction process. The interpretation is what we have offered since 1926. During the recovery, the de-polymerization of the sustaining pathogen was going on and finally when the growth was gone the monomeric form of the toxin only was present to produce the same symptoms as it did when the germ (and its virus) infected the tonsilar area and produced the original inflammation and its subsequent cicatrization. Both inflammatory reactions to the monomeric form of the toxin were identical except that the recovery reaction induced by the corrective Reagent burned the infection away completely including the toxins adsorbed in the protective scar tissue. Since these were also burned away, the scar tissue became obsolete and was absorbed like the neoplasms themselves. The correction was therefore complete for no scar tissue was needed after the toxin was burned away. The completion of the recovery from diabetes with its gangrene conforms to the same pattern. Here the block to FCG function of energy production and acceptance left the islet cells unable to produce insulin and the evolution of the pathology that followed included bacterial infection of the ischaemic bones, which then under went necrosis. The recovery process removed the basis for this infection and the infection left so the bones could be restored in minute detail. The radiographs demonstrate this. The pathogenesis patterns as outlined here need not be rigid and must conform to the attending circumstances. They are in har mony with clinical experience and the established facts of physiology and chemistry, and are a guide to successful Treatment, which after all was the goal of 50 years of investigation.

1,2,3, and 6 are cases that had no previous insulin or other treatment. The rest are cases of longer standing that had insulin and other anti-diabetic remedies, but could not tolerate them and were not helped by them except transiently.

These cases show the immediate return of function of the islet cells that still remain after the inhibiting toxin is removed, and a slower return as reconstruction of islet cells are being rebuilt as in Case No. 5 and 9.
Some cases await further blood tests to show this reconstruction effect, such as Cases No. 4 and 8.

Before giving the SSR, the diet was changed to unlimited carbo hydrate fruits, vegetables, cereals and bread with all the honey and molasses desired and the animal proteins were all removed, as well as, all medications and insulin. Tea, coffee, tobacco and alcohol were forbidden.

These patients were all sick in many different serious ways, and their health returned fully after the Treatment, and in the late cases the return of full health took plate before the sugar came to its low point or the normal.
One recalls that the conjugated double bond of a Carbonyl group or of an ethylenic linkage activates many physiological processes, pointed out in the text. These activations demonstrate its value as an electron bridge, even in the high energy carrying phosphate esters and especially the enol-phosphate esters. Activation of the function of the Carbonyl group in various capacities, as in the deaminations and decarboxylations co-enzymed by pyridoxal phosphate are demonstrated in their structural formula. However, no attention has been given to this dynamic function of the double bond. Our own Thesis made use of this action long before such ferments were discovered. Thus, one recalls that the mobile electrons of an ethylenic linkage activate both the dehydrogenating and condensation processes of the FCG’s of energy production and energy acceptance. In the pathogen, it activates the position alpha thereto and deter mines its ability to integrate with the host cell FCG’s and with their activating double bonds. And after integration has taken place, it invites the oxidative separation of the pathogen from the host cell. We saw that the various unions were accomplished by azomethine condensations and free radical additions, as mentioned in the text. In Pyridoxal phosphate’s coenzyme services as in some other recently discovered activities, the azomethine condensation is now identi fiable. All such activations depend on the ability of the ethylenic double bond to pass its mobile electrons on to the position alpha to it, of course, as influenced by the substituents present in the molecule. The double bond is therefore identified by the fact that the condensations and cleavages take place at the point alpha to it and it holds a critical value physiologically, patho genically and therapeutically. We can also demonstrate the presence of this double bond in the pathogen after integration has taken place, by causing cleavage of the double bond itself, when we make use of its identifying charac teristics. The cleavage results in the liberation of the host cell’s FCG from the pathogen. This is demonstrated biologically by the cure of the disease.
The identifying characteristics are: (a) the greater rigidity of the double bond against steric rotation, as compared to the greater ease of rotation of the single covalent bond in response to environmental influences; (b) the ability to add a radical or atom at one pole or at both poles in response to the number of atoms or radicals supplied; and (c) when an addition is made at one pole, a free radical is formed at the other pole. In the presence of molecular oxygen, peroxide free radical formation and cleavage of the bond follows with separa tion of the pathogen from the host cell’s FCG system by forming two terminal Carbonyl groups. The biological evidence is the rescue of the host cell with return of its normal functional status. The pathogen is no longer found.
The double bond is further identified since its characteristic rigidity against rotation provides that the distal pole will hold the same steric relation to the plane of the double bond of the functional Carbonyl group (FCG) in any particular disease or pathogenic integration. Whereas if the bond were single, easy rotation in response to various influences would place this pole in positions where attacking atoms or radicals could not always reach it. There fore, the number of successful attacks would not be predictable because of steric hindrance. The number of successful attacks on the other hand, is predictable where the bond is double because the steric advantage holds throughout any particular pathogenic category. In other words, where the double bond is concerned, if a successful attack is made once in any disease category, it can be expected to be successful in all other instances of the same disease, other things being equal.
Different pathogens would be judged to present the distal pole in the same steric relation to the FCG double bond, if a predictable response is had in each of a series of diseases caused by different pathogens. This fact has been realized. So we conclude, that the Least Common Denominator both in the pathogenesis and in its correction depends upon this ethylenic linkage of the pathogen, and nature provides for the cure right in the pathogenesis. It is easy to conclude on this basis that animal life was originally free from disease. Only one protective atomic value was needed. We have shown in the text what it is, the SSR. Now we will show by an alternate procedure what the curative process is and thus corroborate our Postulate, and also the standard status of the pathogen’s activating double bond.
For this demonstration, we used the following procedure, which differs from the procedure used throughout the text. The latter, one will recall, was the use of a highly activated DEHYDROGENATOR CARBONYL GROUP, the SSR, which brought about a free radical alpha to this double bond of activation of the pathogen after integration. The sequence was peroxide free radical production and cleavage alpha to the double bond. Now instead of an oxidizing agent, a HYDROGENATOR, a reducing agent of high activity is used to add hydrogen to the distal pole of this double bond by preference, when given in sufficiently high dilution and which adds to both poles when given in adequate or saturating concentration. For steric reasons, Hydrogen is a better carrier of the free radical that makes the additions than any complex group of atoms.
When a dilution of one part to a billion or higher is given, only one pole, the distal pole, is reduced and a free radical is formed at the other pole. This free radical goes through the regular sequence of adding molecular oxygen to become a peroxide free radical that causes cleavage of the double bond itself with production of two Carbonyl groups, one belonging to the FCG and the other being terminal in the pathogen, as an activator of further oxidation. Biologically the results are restored FCG function and cure.
Further as the double bond can add two atoms of hydrogen, one at each pole, and thus become resistant to oxidative attack when sufficient reducing Reagent is given, the integration with the host cell is made permanent and the disease remains. In serious vital diseases, in animals as Hog Cholera, fatality resulted in 100% of cases treated with concentrations of one part to a million. The same was true in Aftosa, dog distemper, and some bacterial infections after poisoning with a tetanus toxin. In animals and man with the high dilution of one part to a trillion and higher, rapid corrections were had in all diseases treated, predictably. These include anterior poliomyelitis, malaria, cancer, and the acute crises of coronary occlusion with infarction, chicken pox and in some hereditary degenerations of serious degree.
Thus by steric and bi-pole evidences, the double bond of activation of the pathogen is demonstrated after integration has taken place and its part played, in both the pathogenesis and in the restoration of normalcy, are also seen.
It is helpful to contrast this action with that of the SSR of the text, since the latter is a dehydrogenator and directly an Oxidizing Agent, while the action of the reducing agent is indirectly an oxidation, but only when used in very high dilution. The SSR shows corrective effects in every dilution from one to a million up to one to a trillion and higher. Here only one action can take place and that is the removal of a hydrogen atom alpha to the activating double bond. This dehydrogenation is followed by the usual sequence of peroxide free radical formation and cleavage alpha to the double bond, and liberation of the host cell. Thus only a curative action can be had when the concentration is needlessly high, as one part per million, the recovery reactions are uselessly too uncomfortably vigorous, without anything being gained over the recovery had by a reasonably dilute dose. The recovery gained by the reducing agent requires an appreciation of the basic chemistry involved. When correctly conducted, it is just the same as when the Oxidizing Agent, the SSR, is used. A few cases will show this. They will be greatly condensed to give the main facts.
Miss N. L., trained nurse, age 33, took ill August 16, 1947 with the prodromal symptoms, headache, nausea, terrible leg and back pains and leg stiffness. On August 19, at 4 p.m., both legs from hips to toes were paralyzed, could not support her, and the pains were worse. I saw her at 11:30 that night. There were no tendon reflexes in the legs, no knee jerk. When a pencil point was jabbed forcefully into the soles of her feet, there was no effort at withdrawal, and no muscle contractions could be felt. This is the best test of all. The fever was only 102.5°F. The spine was getting stiffer and the neck also, so the disease was spreading. The injection of 2 cc. of the one to a trillion dilution of the Reducing Agent was given in the right triceps muscle. Results: On the next morning at 8, the mother phoned that the girl could move her legs, slept some and ate a little. At midnight, I saw her again. She could walk, felt pretty well, and was hungry. In two more days, she was ready to work. All reflexes were normal.
Mr. L.M., age 36, gas station attendant, World War II veteran, contracted malaria in the Pacific area, treated in Veteran’s hospitals for many months, but without results. Attacks still came. After one on June 13, 1947 he was given an injection of 2 cc. of the one to a trillion solution of the Reducing agent. Result: No more attacks in the two years that followed under our observation. His health returned very nicely. The history states this was a falciform infection.
Mrs. F., age 58. The history claimed full diagnosis of cancer at the Henry Ford Hospital, with hopeless prognosis. Examination showed a weak cachectic woman with an abdomen greatly enlarged with hard irregular tumefaction and a pelvis so involved the landwarks were completely obliterated. Hemor rhage and drainage from vagina and rectum and the enormous involvement, with the great anemia, indicated she could not survive many days. We did not wait for the biopsy report, as we considered the situation hopeless and made a clinical diagnosis only. The Reducing A gent was given 2 cc of the one to a trillion dilution on August 17, 1947. In a month’s time drainage, pain, bleeding and functions had improved. She gradually recovered accord ing to reports. She moved to California. The last report came in August 1961, stating that she fully regained her health and is still well.
Mrs. S., age 74, with a long history of arterial sclerosis and aortic insufficiency, usually carrying a blood pressure of 200/100, had a severe coronary attack in June 1960. The SSR was given before true infarction could happen and the recovery was immediate. The ECG showed no infarction. The following year on June 27, 1961 she had a very severe attack. She was hospitalized and given every possible aid while under the oxygen tent, but without favorable response. The situation rapidly deteriorated, B.P. 190/100, great pulmonary edema, thin weak pulse at 130 P/M, great dyspnoea, general cyanosis, chest pain and she was at the point of collapse when the Reagent was injected in the triceps muscle, 2 cc. of the one to a trillion dilution. The response was immediate. The house physician took the pulse while the injec tion was being given to check the change that followed. The needle was a No. 12 bore, one inch long, to accommodate the rapid injection. Just after the needle was withdrawn, a part of a minute after the injection was made, the pulse immediately changed to 60 per minute, the dyspnoea ceased, the cyanosis faded away, and as fast as the blood pressure could be taken it was found to be 140/80. She was comfortable in a minute. The house physician was “shocked.” The next morning the ECG was taken, amid showed nodal fibrillation, extensive infarction of the Septum, and ischaemia extending over the lateral wall of the left ventricle. Another ECG taken a week later showed marked improvement with diminution of the area of infarction. The day following the crisis the Blood Pressure was back to its normal for her, 180/100. Her health remains what is considered good for her.
During the first attack the blood was extremely jelled so that the ischaemia of the heart muscle gave the same symptoms as a thrombosis, since the blood was not flowing. But on receiving the SSR, the blood colloids were quickly charged and good dispersion restored the fluidity for normal move ment. Infarction was prevented. During the second attack, the jelling of the colloids went on long enough to injure the vessel intimae and true clot ting took place over a wide area and besides, a still wider area was ischaemic from extensive blood jelling. Wherever the true clot had not interrupted the circulation, the dispersion was restored and a good flow assured. The periphery of the infracted area showed so much improvement within a week, that one could conclude, that much of the integrated toxin was really removed. The speed of the restoration to normal in both instances was the same and in each instance depended on the separation of the pathogen from the FCG of all the cells concerned. Dr. Jayme Treiger attended her in both attacks.
Dr. Treiger reports on 14 cases of Chicken Pox treated during an epidemic in 1961. Twelve cases gave immediate responses so that the lesions did not progress any further after Treatment with the reducing agent, but started to involute right away. Between 24 to 48 hours, the recoveries were complete. The other two cases recovered between 5 days and a week. Thus the virus was instantaneously removed from the tissue cell’s FCG, in the first 12 cases. The results in the two cases that failed to respond to the Reagent were also predictable, since they did not follow the regime and ate such antagonistic foods as smoked ham. As in measles, where the recoveries require about 12 hours after the patient has been treated, the response is predictable and the scientific basis of the Therapy is thereby established.
A girl of 11 years of age, with the intelligence of a child of one year could walk before she was three years old, but not afterward. Her arms, legs and body were atrophied, but not her head although her brain failed to develop. She had convulsions every day of her life until July 1, 1961 when the Reducing Agent was given. On that day, she had convulsions and was unconscious all day until Dr. J. Treiger injected the Remedy. After the injection, the convulsions stopped and she had no more until during the sixth week reaction, when one mild convulsion took place. There has been a steady improvement in her health during the 2 months that followed the Treatment, up to this date (9/1/61).
Dr. Julian Baldor reports the following case of diabetes with gangrene. Mr. A. C., age 71, had been diabetic for five years. He had had many high blood sugar analyses and insulin injections, but a steady decline in health: On January 5, 1961, he had a severe crisis; blood sugar 375 mgm.%, high fever, much pain in the right foot and was approaching coma. Gangrene of the fifth toe set in. Following toe amputation on February 12, 1961, fever continued and there was a rapid spread of the gangrene to involve the entire foot with numerous fistulae on the dorsum and plantar surface. Further amputation was considered, but because of the virulence of the gangrene, it was considered useless, even though done above the knee.
The Reagent was given on March 18, 1961. Two days later, on March 20, 1961, Radiograph I of the right foot was taken showing bone destruction from diabetic gangrene. After Treatment, improvement followed. On March 30, 1961, without insulin his blood sugar was 124 mgm.%. No medication was required. In eight weeks, the lesions were healed, the edema was gone and healing of the destroyed bone tissue in exact normal detail was observed in the Radiographs. Radiograph II, taken on June 3, 1961, shows bone recon struction where the gangrene had formerly destroyed the bony structures. Only where amputation removed the bone was no reconstruction possible. His foot became normal, all fistulae were healed, function was good and he is able to walk normally. On August 25, 1961, his blood sugar was 80 mgm.% and his health remains good. He is a good demonstration of the reversal of the pathogenesis.
We have fully reviewed the established theoretical chemistry basic to our Postulate, and have seen how it is exemplified in Nature’s biochemical systems. We have seen how the double bond is postulated to serve in the production and correction of ALLERGY AND ESTABLISHES A LEAST COMMON DE NOMINATOR IN DISEASE CONDITIONS.
The reversal of the pathogenesis has been observed many times in the reconstruction of bone that was destroyed by cancer. In this process soft bone is formed first and after its shape and dimensions conform to the normal with the fragments drawn to their normal positions, the soft bone calcifies and is hardened so it can function normally. The original normal structure is thus restored as seen in the Radiographs. Soft tissues as the vocal cords, the uterus and the stomach wall, have also been observed to reconstruct to good, normal functioning. Thus the pathogenesis was reversed in its totality.So it is not unreasonable to suppose that if the FCG of the tissue cells and of the reticulo endothelial system possesses an O/R potential equal to or superior than that of the SSR, disease changes, as we know them today, could never be initiated nor propagated. Was man so equipped when the Creator pronounced him perfect in the beginning? And what has unnaturally produced foods and other features of civilization have to do with our present status?
Without doubt it has to do with the anoxia that makes possible the integration of foreign material with the host cell’s functional mechanism, for the eating of meat was never prescribed by the Creator, and wherever dead animal tissue is found, be it in the ground or in the colon, the germs that putrefy it into fertilizer for plants are there and the toxic amines are one of the products. These cause the jelling of cellular, blood and lymph colloids that block the circulation and combine with and inactivate the Carbonyl groups that should initiate the oxidation progressions and serve the electron transport from substrate to oxygen. Sulfhydryl compounds add to quinones and interfere similarly.
Then how often can the functional mechanism, as we have outlined it, take on a pathogenic free radical and accommodate the oxidative cleavage to get rid of the pathogen and function normally again? In the case at hand, the diabetes has not returned and the leg and foot tissues remain normal, as he lives on a clean vegetable-fruit-cereal diet. Moreover, there are other sequelae to diabetes that offer data that answer this question, for example, diabetic retinitis. Here the basic cellular pathology is the same, which can be esti mated by the delicate sense of vision. Also in myelogenous and demyelinating diseases of the nervous system, the pathology can be estimated as it comes and also as it is caused to leave under the Treatment of this text.
In all cases, the toxic amines, sulphides, etc., produced in the putrid colon, strike the endothelial cells and intima of the small blood vessels first to cause them to swell and multiply while the tissue colloids are jelled to a hyalin substance, all of which tend to shut off the circulation and oxygen to the functional elements and allow the pathogenic integrations that constitute the specific diseases. This can be seen in daily practice and two cases that recently appeared for consultation, illustrate them very well. One is a case of diabetic retinitis, where the pathogen stepped in as supplied by a toxic colon and was separated out when the Oxidation Therapy of the text was employed, again returned upon neglect of colon hygiene and then again responded to additional Treatment. The other is a case of multiple sclerosis, which shows the true course of the pathogenesis as responsive to a putrid colon.
A few pertinent facts will suffice. Mrs. J. C. C., age 39 years, was under good insulin management for 12 years for diabetes discovered after a stillbirth. The vision did not start to deteriorate until a year later when the glycemia was found to be 350 mgm.%. Put on Protamin, zinc insulin and restinon, the glycemia dropped to 280mgms.%. A good cardiologist found the circulation to be grossly normal, the B.P. 14/8, pulse 90 b.p.m.
Blood examination on 9/10/64, showed a glycemia of 216 mgms. % and at this time the distinguish light from dark faintly. She was given a dose of the 6x dilution of Parabenzoquinone and 18 days later, the dose was repeated. In a few days, a reaction set in with vision entirely absent for a day. Thereafter, the vision improved steadily so that at the end of 3 months, she could read large newspaper print and got around very well. She then deserted her vegetarian regime and indulged freely in the animal proteins she enjoyed so well and the retinitis returned, but vision was still practical enough to get around. Treatment was again instituted, as before, and the response was satisfactory to her, she reports. However, she did not return for vision tests.
Demyelization of the pyramidal tracts is the visible pathology, with gliosis and axon degeneration in advanced cases. The case history facts of the following case under Treatment at present shows that the chemical path ology lays primarily in the functional elements and the demyelization, is secondary or concomitant. The course of the recovery process demonstrates this.
Mrs. R. P., age 40, first started to show paralysis of the lower limbs late in the fall of 1963, following an intestinal infection that was diagnosed as typhoid fever but probably was a different infection, as she had typhoid at the age of eleven, followed by falling of the hair during convalescence. This latter “typhoid” attacked her in October 1963, and its terrible headaches kept repeating every day thereafter between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. with a fever of 37.5 to 38, until she was placed on our colon cleansing diet and lavages and given the Parabenzoquinone injection on August 3, 1965. It was during this two years of poisoning that the paralysis developed, and then reversed toward normalcy under our “get rid of the pathogen” system.
The diagnosis, multiple sclerosis, was made by the experts at the Lahey Clinic and at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, with the usual prognosis summed up in a letter by Dr. Chas. Fager and Dr. Norcross as follows: “Spastic type of paraparesis affecting the lower limbs quite symmetrically, worse in the distal segments than proximally, associated with pathological reflexes in the toes and absent abdominal reflexes. For the most part the long sensory tracts testing was normal except for slight impairment of vibra tional sensation in the feet. In the upper extremities and mandible, the reflexes were also hyperactive but from a neurological standpoint, there were no other abnormalities, no evidence of any cranial nerve, optic nerve, cerebel lar or upper extremity dysfunction. I am sorry we have nothing further to offer but this seems clearly to be a case of demyelinating disease of the spinal cord for which, unfortunately, there is no specific treatment.” The cerebrospinal fluid showed a Gamma globulin of 12.25 mgms. % and there was an eosinophils of 17%. They recommended heavy animal protein diet for strength.
The recovery course showed that after the two weeks of colon cleansing on a fruit-vegetable juice diet and the injection of the two cc of a one to a million dilution of Benzoquinone and then a regular vegetarian diet; reversal of the pathogenesis followed the rule of the first to come was the last to go, and vice versa. The headaches and fevers left immediately, only to return during the reaction periods the third day, the third week and the sixth week for an hour or so. But the point, for which we recite this case, is that within one-half hour after the injection of the Reagent, she had a reaction of fibrillation of the muscles that control the toes of the left foot. This lasted for 20 minutes and returned for similar periods several times that day and continued to come for a few days when the reaction also started, in the same way, in the muscles of the right foot. These fibrillations traveled from the feet to the calves and then after the sixth week, to the thighs and slightly to the abdominal muscles and as they left the feet and calves, the use of these muscles lost most of their spasticity, gained much more control so she could walk to the chair, sit down and get up again easily without help, as was previously required by two attendants and her balance became almost normal. After the sixth week reaction, her improvement slowed down so that by the ninth week it was stationary. This meant, that necessary elements to the tissue reconstruction were exhausted and one had to wait until the deficiencies could be overcome. Such recuperation takes time and in one case, had to wait for one and a half years after Treatment in a man whose multiple sclerosis was developing for 15 years and was completely hemiplegic for 4 years before he received his dose of GLYOXYLIDE. Then after a year and a half, restoration set in and in the course of 4 months he could walk across the room with a little support. In this case during the recuperation, his legs jerked every third week for a few days and then improvement set in resembling somewhat the fibrillations referred to above. So in the case of this woman, time must be given to accomplish whatever changes are necessary for further progress.
Time factors cannot be predicted!
It will be recalled that at the beginning of Treatment, the woman was running high fever with intense migraines for many months, until the two weeks of comparative starvation with colon washings, cleansed her system of the load of the debris from the forced meat diet that had stuffed the mitochondrial spaces and covered their surfaces, so that the necessary electric potentials and diffusion facilities were obliterated and normal function was prevented. Then after the Treatment within several hours, she was freed of the headache, the fever disappeared and the toe muscles twitched, etc. To me, this meant that the mitochondria were unloading their metabolic debris and in time they were able to function with improvement, until the period of exhaustion set in. Another fast was recommended along with colon cleansing to prepare her for the further progress, she required. There can be no doubt about the mitochondria being injured by her prolonged toxic condition, as favored by viral and toxic invasions, the extent of which one is not able to estimate.
However, the SALUTARY effect of fasting in all chronic diseases must be emphasized and a brilliant case in mind, will illustrate. It is a woman of about fifty years of age who had an enormous cancer of the right breast, that had metastasized to all quarters of the lungs causing difficult, painful, breathing and also metastasized to the brain so that she was paralyzed, quite generally blind, unable to take nutrition and then proceeded to fall into a coma, for about ten days before the cardiologist was called to strengthen her heart. On seeing the full situation, he gave the Treatment of the text, giving a dose of Parabenzoquinone in one arm and a combined solution of Glyoxal and Methyl Glyoxal (one of the original forms of Glyoxylide) into the other arm. The heart responded immediately and continued to become normal; the breast, lung and brain neoplastic invasions absorbed so that in eleven weeks, when I saw her, she was perfectly normal, up and about and free from all traces of the disease. Soon thereafter, she took a trip to Sao Paulo as any normal person. Subsequent X-ray investiga tions showed she was free of all traces of the disease.
Now then, what was the secret of her brilliant response? It was the prolonged fast she had been forced to follow when she was entirely helpless. This unloaded the mitochondria of their metabolic debris, so that the oxidations instituted by the pathogens and integrated with the mitochondria, could be burned away without further impediment. Never force feed, but fast the patient!
Whether insomnia is an allergy of the waking centers in the mesoceph alon, or an inhibition of the sleeping centers has not been decided, so far as I know. But it makes little difference. For wherever the interfering pathogen is integrated, it has proved subject to oxidative removal and freeing of the center, within a matter of a few days, so that normal sleep became the habit. One case of insomnia lasted twelve years without sleep, in spite of all of the best efforts by the therapists. He recovered, permanently, in less than a week after one dose of Benzoquinone. Another case was of two years standing and also recovered, in a few days, following a dose of the same Reagent. One must conclude, therefore, that sleep is a function in which energy is used and the oxidation mechanism supplies it.
Interference with this energy production, as by toxic amines and sulphides, lead to schizophrenic and paranoid states, hallucinations and compulsions, mentioned only a few times in this text. But there are many others who responded more quickly and with perfect sanity. One therefore concludes, that the integration of the pathogen in nerve tissue is weak and readily ruptured by the high oxidation potential of the Koch Reagents and the pathogens would then be products of bacterial action generated in the colon, as for example, by the Tryptophan changes leading to rearrangements of the pyrrol ring to produce lysergic and reserpine types of products, as well as plenty of others.
Heart muscle has not entirely lost its nerve characteristics in its differen tiation and so its higher tendency to survive oxidation defects influenced the decision to test out heart muscle, as a carrier of the glyoxal derivatives, used in the 1919 Official A.M.A. Investigation. Its cure rate, between (60% to 80%) in terminal cancer, was falsely reported by the A.M.A. The report, published in the Medical Record of October 30, 1920, demonstrated a similar curative action in heart muscle. And on this fact, was built the larger serial systems of Carbonyl groups mentioned in Chapter 13, of this text. Further activation of Carbonyl by conjugation with ethylenic double bonds confirmed the truth that highly negatively charged Carbonyl groups, in correctly constructed molecules, are the guardians of perfect tissue function.
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Radiograph I, taken on March 18, 1961, of the right foot showing bone destruction from diabetic gangrene
(top photo).
Radiograph No. II taken on June 3, 1961, of the same foot showing bone reconstruction where the gangrene had formerly destroyed the bony structures (bottom photo).

Radiograph III, of Mrs. A. C.’s right foot taken in December 1961, about 9 months after Treatment.
A little more discussion should be given to the easy rotation of the single covalent bond and also, its ability to be fixed in one plane by mutual polar attractions and repulsions of component atomic groups, in both the host cell and the integrated pathogen. This rigidity exhibited by each species, in each of its viral infections, has been observed as a constant feature and would be the only explanation available, if we assume that the pathogenic integration takes place by an addition at one position in the host cell’s FCG’s activating double bond.
The additions of the two pathogens, the initiating and the supporting pathogen(s) cannot be formulated with exactness as the chemical structures are not known with exactness; we have arrived as far as we have by Postulates and check-up of each Postulate, all of which were based on sound chemical principles. With this reservation in mind, we may also formulate the integra tion of both pathogens with the critical atomic group of the host cell’s energy producing and receiving mechanisms, as directed by the polarity forces, exhibited by the double bond and its substituents. This cannot be claimed to be absolute for we do not know the atomic groupings sufficiently for an absolute diagram. However, any utility in a conclusion reached by a Postulate is just as good a utility as that reached by cold fact, for it is the utility we need now to face the cancer and viral plagues we fret about or are not willing to tackle. The utility of an explanation is some reward.
We have observed that Hog Cholera fails in 100% of cases, to respond to the serial system of Carbonyl groups that Hog Aftosa, Cow Aftosa and rabies respond to very satisfactorily. Many epidemics of Aftosa in cattle have re sponded 100% to this Reagent. On the other hand, Aftosa does not respond to Benzoquinone nor does rabies respond to diphenoquinone, to which 100% of Hog Cholera has responded to in more than one epidemic. So the species pathogen integration for each disease is set. A diagram in one plane only can be given on paper and will have to be interpreted by the reader with reference to other planes. The substituent groups R, R’ R” cannot be given in detail for they are not known. However, the signs will have to be understood to carry the polarity values that cause the fixation of the single covalent bond that joins the two parties, as we outlined before. What we can show is how the polarity values of the critical atomic groups of the autonomous host and of the para sitic pathogen, favor the pathogenesis and also the separation of the host’s critical atomic group from the pathogen which, undergoes a stepwise oxidation. There is, however, more than one question that is not answered by the diagram. Further data must first be won. The main question answered is how and why the Reducing Agent is successful in all of the pathogenic integra tions, regardless of species or viral type. This, one can see, is due to the firm ness of the double bond against rotation since, the cleavage is had between its two terminals and they remain fixed with reference to each other. The diagram also indicates the fixation of the single covalent bond that combines the pathogen and host cell, in each specific disease integration, so as to offer steric hindrance to successful attack by certain reagents and steric advantage to others; this is confirmed by clinical experience. This fixation is, of course, electrostatic.
The pathogen may integrate with the host cell’s FCG by the condensation via its amine group and block FCG function or pour polymerization energy into it, to force an allergy or a neoplasia. This does not need to be diagramed, as only one pathogen is required. Blocked functions as in diabetes or mental suspen sions following the toxic amine carrying antibiotics, are examples. But neo plasms as caused by butter-yellow and diacetylaminofluorene require a supporting carcinogen to supply the energy for mitosis. Where the amine condenses with the FCG to form an azomethine double bond and initiate neoplasia, a nitrogen free radical would be expected to mediate the carcinogenesis.

The polarity of C(4) is positive like C(6) through withdrawal of electrons by R’ and C(7), which thus become negative. R’could contain halogens, nitrile, etc.

The polarity of the Carbonyl group (12) is strongly negative through the electrons it has withdrawn from the double bond and C(13) is also negative because of lying in the orbit, the Carbonyl electrons that polarizes the electrons to the pole nearest to it and removing them from the distal pole which makes C(14) positive, comparatively. The methyl functions at C(15) contribute electrons via the double bond to the Carbonyl group. R” carries groups like R and R’ of the pathogen that determine the line-up of the two when they integrate and the polarities of the critical atomic groups’ atoms determine which make the unions or additions to the double bonds. C(4) being positive tends to expel H(5) for easy removal by the Carbonyl group (12) forming the free radical that makes the addition of C(4) to the negative pole of the FCG’s activating double bond at C(13). Thereby, a free radical is produced at C(14) which adds to the negative pole C(7) of a fresh mole cule of the pathogen to start the polymerization chain which continues as an end to end addition, yielding the energy that supports the allergy or the neoplasia.

The polymerization continues at C(6) free radical.
To rupture the integration oxidatively, the Therapy dehydrogenator removes H(3) of the initiating pathogen producing a free radical that adds molecular oxygen to become a peroxide free radical that cleaves C(4) from C(6) producing a Carbonyl group at the latter. C(4) also becomes a Carbonyl group and by being positive remains attached to the negative C (13). By gaining a Carbonyl group the pathogen looses its parasitism and becomes autonomous.
The polymerization bond between C(14) of the host’s FCG activating double bond and C(7) of the pathogen invites cleavage as C(14) which is positive in polarity and tends to release its H atom to the action of a dehydrogenator of appropriate qualities, as offered in the Therapy Reagent. A free radical is formed there and a peroxide free radical results in the presence of oxygen that cleaves C(14) from C(7) of the pathogen forming two terminal Carbonyl groups. The Functional System of the host cell thus now holds a cluster of three Car bonyl groups to serve its dehydrogenating function as activators and as dehydrogenators. This is a quite formidable array, via its orbital mechanics. The Carbonyl group won by the pathogen, attracts electrons from the methylene group alpha to it and thus releases its hydrogen atom to any dehydrogenator at hand, as the cytochrome or ferrous-ferric electron acceptor systems and so a new Carbonyl group is formed at each terminal again, a process that can be repeated until the pathogen is burned out of the way.
The Reducing Agent is constructed to yield a hydrogen free atom, which C(7) of the pathogen being of high negative polarity, immediately combines. A free radical is thus formed at the C(6) pole, which being of positive polarity, immediately combines the molecular oxygen in which it is bathed to form a peroxide free radical that splits the double bond to form a Carbonyl group at C(6). The Carbonyl group withdraws electrons from C(4), which is already positive and makes it release H(3) to any ordinary dehydrogenator, as before mentioned. The initiating pathogen is thus removed and the FCG system gains a Carbonyl group joined to its functional mechanism. Another Carbonyl group is gained at C(14) by the progressive oxidation of the integrated sup porting pathogen, starting at the closest C(4) to the newly formed Carbonyl group, which now reinforces the FCG, so it is amply able to remove the H(5), which is already repelled by the positive polarity of C(4). C(4) thus becomes a Carbonyl group as a result of the usual sequence of free radical action. Likewise, so does C(6) that draws off the electrons from C(7) so that it tends to release its hydrogen atom to the ordinary hydrogen acceptors and become a Carbonyl group that, in like manner, causes C(14) to release its hydrogen and become a Carbonyl group. Now the FCG is a triple Carbonyl group affair with properties, as just described, resulting from the action of the oxidation process instituted through the Therapy dehydrogenator. What ever toxin debris is present in the FCG, is readily burned away by the high power of the triple Carbonyl system of the FCG as a dehydrogenator. The rapid action of the recovery process in cases where the Reducing Agent was used in dilutions of one part per trillion, may be explained on the basis of the procedure just outlined. The polio case, the coronary case and the diabetes case being typical examples.
The processes just outlined must be considered in any investigation of cancer, allergy and infection, as they use the most basic of chemical phenomena, as we understand chemistry today. Whether the outlines given are the actual processes that take place is not easy to prove without much work. However, they lay out the paths to be followed in any basic investigations of the subject and they were fruitful to us in our limited approach.The results cannot be overlooked, as such results have never been known before in the whole history of medicine unless, of course, we are scientific enough to factually examine the superior results of Divine Miracle Healing as reported by Nobel Laureate Alexis Carrell, which he compared to his tissue culture data and which yielded some enlightening conclusions that cannot be scientifically brushed aside, though they follow Laws of Nature we are not as yet able to understand. The cases we present follow basic cycles and laws that we have observed whether interpretable or not.
Complicated as the mitochondria are now shown to be by modern methods, the patterns detailed are far too simple to account for their complex performances. And while our observations are made on the intact patient via case history and physical examinations, we were able thereby to outline decades ago what the microbiologists are demonstrating today. The clues gained from our parathyroidectomy experiments were indeed fortunate not only in teaching us the effects of activated amine groups in bringing about anoxia, but also the mechanism whereby they blocked the use of oxygen and the operation of the Pasteur Effect. These clues, followed in a step by step process, led to the Conclusion that the direction of flow of electrons over the double bond bridge, whether to or from an alpha placed Carbonyl, amine or methylene group, determines the resulting normal, pathogenic, or corrective process. Other guides for determining the most likely reaction sites and courses in oxidation reduction substitution affairs, were the loosening up of hydrogen-carbon, hydrogen-oxygen, and hydrogen-nitrogen bonds, by the electron mechanics of neighboring groups, as in the hydroxyl of the phosphate and the exposed amine group of the adenine and the methylene (2) group con jugated with the ring oxygen of the ribose fraction of the ATP. The same earmarks of energy transfer agency admit creatine, phosphate, guanosine criphosphate and the whole series of substituted quinones to the energy trans mission belt, each holding its specific position in each particular function, and the ketosteroids may also be included. Each must be identified with its clinical signs of deficiency, as the basis of a rational therapy.
Another simple principle in chemistry recalled by the clinical events, is that the energy liberated by exergonic reactions, must be disposed of or the reaction will be blocked. It usually passes into and energizes another process or is lost as heat. Intrinsic in the mitochondria is the function-trophic balance whereby the gene pattern of its architecture is maintained. So it appears that the energy, in the working mechanism, is inadequate to use and is shunted into trophic processes that build up the mechanism until it is able to use supplied energy efficiently. In a sense, the need for the function determines the amount of energy offered and the mechanism either uses it, is built up by it, or passes it into the mitotic mechanism in cells that can reproduce. No repro ducing cells, as the anterior horn cells, undergo mitochondrial reconstruction and Nissle substance rebuilding, needed to meet the functional demands after the obstructing virus or carcinogen is oxidatively removed. Thereby, the trophic neurons are enabled to again resume the development of tissues that were destroyed by cancer, or were stopped from developing during a symbiotic polio infection, as the case histories show. Retarded growth of a limb may thus be corrected 20 years after the polio infection took place, even returning to a nearly normal state.
And this leads to the question posed by Warburg as to the irreversibility of cancer which we show exists only so long as the carcinogen is integrated with the cell’s energy producing and receiving mechanisms for function and mitosis, and which is reversed by oxidatively removing the integrated car cinogen, virus, etc. The case histories of the text are good examples.
America’s most noted expert surgeons and pathologists, at our proudest institutions, made the diagnoses utilizing all the facilities for making a firm diagnosis, in the regular course of business. Only a few examples are used here, but they are enough. Besides, the American Medical Association and its Wayne County Medical Society officially, but begrudgingly, proved that cancer is fully and per manently reversible in 1919 when they investigated this Therapy on “five undoubted cases of cancer” treated in the terminal stages, as is fitting for such a test. Three weeks after the Treatments were given, several patients started to improve so rapidly that the Official Committee began to panic and closed the investigation, sending the patients back to their distant homes with the instruction that further Treatments would not be allowed! In spite of the committee’s actions, follow-up medical documentation on three of the five patients showed that they all continued to recover until they were again normal with full reversal of the pathogenesis, and permanently so. A fourth patient made such a rapid recovery from a generalized von Recklinghausen neuro sarcoma that had invaded his entire body, that when the uncountable tumors began to rapidly dissolve away, the Committee warned the patient that if he received another Koch Treatment, he would melt away just like his tumors and so he had better return home for safety’s sake. He lost no time in doing so. It was not possible to follow him personally thereafter, as he lived over 300 miles away. So I cannot personally state that I found him cured like the others. However, five years later, patients continued to come from his hometown because of the good results they observed in his case and unless he were cured, he certainly could not have survived over a few months from the time of Treatment. Certainly a recovery rate of 60% or 80% of cases treated in the terminal stage is not, “nothing came of it”, as was officially reported. Moreover, five years later, when I presented the follow up documentations of the curative results to the Wayne County Medical Society and requested that they correct their misleading report, they persistently refused.
The full and permanent reversibility of far advanced cancer was also firmly, factually and with uncontradictable evidence, proven in two Federal Court Trials of daily sessions, each lasting five months, in 1942 and 1946. And at their conclusions, the Food and Drug Administration was forced to withdraw their false charges stating that the Remedy of this text was ineffective. The answer to the Warburg question is established, “Cancer is fully reversible, permanently and completely so.”
Continuing the discussion from Chapter 9 of the text on Coenzyme Q10, a supplementary statement is required. In 1953 when the first edition was written, nothing was known by the author about the Ubiquinones and in 1959, when the present text was written, all that was known by the writer, was included in Chapter 9. But up to the present day, an enormous amount of literature has been devel oped, contributed to by biochemists in the leading research centers throughout the world. Since they give practical information yielded by precise methods and instruments, not even dreamed of when this Postulate was formulated, they confirm this Thesis throughout and the student will profit by reviewing some of the facts. This is not a review of the entire subject, but only some of the outstanding facts as well as our interpretations, which are helpful to the conduct of the Therapy.
Because of the intriguing nucleophilic properties of Parabenzoquinone, and the facts stated in the early pages of this text regarding the parathyroidectomy experiments, it was chosen with other activated Carbonyl groups, as in the alpha-keto-aldehydes, triquinoyl, and other polymers of O=C=C=O, as a key for investigating and demonstrating the principles whereby patho gens could be dehydrogenated and thus detoxicated before and after they had integrated with the host cell’s energy producing and receiving mechanisms, and of course, to open up the electron transport where a bottle-neck blocked the metabolism. It is of special interest here that the Benzoquinone nucleus now offers a historical background that supports the demonstrations we have made over the past half of a century. For it is the nucleus of the Coenzyme Q series, the Ubiquinones, that are so named because of their universal distribu tion in all aerobic cells, animal, plant, and microbial. Their intensive investiga tions over the past few years show that the chemical properties, we relied upon to develop our Postulate, are actually used biologically by all aerobic cells. This is in contrast to the sworn Testimony of leading biochemists in 1942-1946 who claimed, based upon their broad general knowledge and great education, that the quinone structure, as well as calcium, oxygen and its catalysis, had no significant place in health or in the treatment of disease, of course, in opposition to our Thesis. In the Preface to the 1963 edition of the ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY, Szent Gyorgyi gives biochemists some moral advice they may weigh profitably.
The specific place in metabolism held by the Ubiquinones depends upon the way in which the Benzoquinone nucleus is dressed up by its substituents so as to fit some specific function, as a key in a lock. What we showed was that the properties, so used in a particular position, can be used generally when the dressing is removed, that is, when it is stripped of its steric hindrances. In other words, when the substituents are replaced by hydrogen atoms as in Benzoquinone.
The structural formula of Coenzyme Q10, in Chapter 9, shows a methyl substituent at position 2 of the quinone nucleus, an isoprenoid side chain at position 3 and methoxyl groups at positions 5 and 6. The isoprenoid side-chains of different Ubiquinones have different lengths. Those in man and higher animals have ten carbon atoms and are named Co Q10. Lower forms have from 6 to 9, as the suffix in each case indicates. This side chain gives the quinone greater lipoid solubility and plays a part in the chromanol change made possible by the position of its first double bond. It does not alter the redox potential of 98.8 milivolts, which is to be attributed to electrons received by the Carbonyl group from the other substituents. The coenzyme is therefore a specific dehydrogenator and electron carrier and is placed between the flavoproteins and cytochromes in the electron transport chain on the way to oxygen. It is also agreed that it does not serve on the main transport path, but on a different undetermined pathway. One might suggest also that it acts on a very special substrate as well. It therefore serves the general immunity only in a very restricted way. Other highly activated Carbonyl groups present with it in heart muscle lipids are far more important as we have seen. Since the average human cadaver contains about one gram of Co Q10, but because it is present in the urine in health and disease in amounts far greater than catalytic doses, its high substitution is in agreement with its restricted protective value, in contrast with the general high protection offered by the naked Benzoquinone structure. The same facts hold for the serial systems of Carbonyl groups.
As Coenzyme Q occurs in 5 times the quantity as other members of the electron transporting chain in some tissues, it must have other functions besides the simple electron transport, although it is present in proportion to both the capacity and continuity of oxidation. So with its neat redox potential, one would assume that it serves as a dehydrogenator of a special grade. Since it is known to undergo chromanol change, as does both vitamin K and vitamin E, in order to serve as a phosphorylator, it is shown that this latter function is also tied up with the Car bonyl group. All three substances are known to enhance sperm motility, to serve in blood coagulation, and to serve in the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP.
However, long before these functions were known, this writer used the naked Benzoquinone nucleus, which does not undergo chromanol change, to not only enhance sperm activity in bulls but to restore their total fertility. It was used not only to stop a hemorrhage immediately but also to restore the colloidal dispersion of the blood so it flowed freely after such gelling had been caused by the presence of guanidine bases and other toxic amines. Thus it prevented coronary thrombosis, cerebral apoplexy, etc. The section, “Practical Application of the Former Chapters and Other Essential Information,” illustrates the inexplicable speed by which the blood flow was restored by the more active of the Carbonyl structures, as well as, the reducing substance. Likewise, the naked un-substituted quinone can serve as a phosphorylating agent in a very neat and efficient process, when as it is reduced by its dehydrogenating function, may add phosphoric acid with withdrawal of hydrogen and by losing another elec tron, is thereby re-oxidized to the quinone structure as it hands over its phosphate group to ADP. Thus it prepares to go through another cycle of dehydro genating and phosphorylating as an example of highest efficiency with which nothing in the Krebs Cycle can compare.
Echinochrome-A, a quinone secreted by the Sea Urchin egg’s to mobilize and attract the sperm for fertilization is proven to be active by Kuhn and Wallenfels in dilutions as high as one part for two billion parts of water. Also, Kuhn and Moweus showed, at approximately the same time during the 1940’s, that the female gamete of certain algae mobilized the male gamete by secreting Crocin, a carotenoid which presents a Carbonyl group activated by conjugation with a series of ethylenic double bonds in equally high dilutions. Thus Nature presents a pattern whereby a Carbonyl serves as an initiator and transferor of energy oxidatively in order to serve many functions; the unrestricted “core” of which forms the basis of the Therapy of this text. The Ubiquinones are just one class, and the ketosteroids are another. Coenzyme Q is part of the liver oxidase system that catalyses the burning of certain aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes. It is also present in succinic oxidase and is found in richest amount in the lipid fraction of heart muscle, — all since 1955, while its structure was definitely determined before 1960.
However, this writer had experience with it and other Carbonyl groups as early as 1917 on finding a lipoid soluble agent in the cephalin fraction of heart muscle, which could be inactivated by adding guanidine. So on the basis that cancer cells were lacking in functional capacity, it was used to treat far advanced cases of cancer to learn if it would correct the deficiency. Biopsies from the tumors after parenteral treatment was given, however, showed no return to normal cell structure, but a calcification followed by coagulation in only the tumor cells, which were then invaded by capillaries and absorbed like a blood clot. I therefore named it “Tissue Thrombin” in a paper published by the Medical Record of New York on October 30, 1920. Then at the request of the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Medical Record refused to publish any follow-up papers. The Editor of the Medical Record personally informed this writer that the pressure, which would be brought to bear upon his publication if he disobeyed their directive, would totally incapacitate this scientific magazine. The obvious conclusion was that the medical profession was not free to receive future information, because of the monopolistic impasse imposed by those in control of the American Medical Association.
Forty years later, in the 1964 Annual Review of Biochemistry, Warburg states, in his Preface, that he found quinone to show slight curative value in mice with Ehrlich ascites cell cancer, but it proved too toxic for practical use. He depended on large doses to produce hydrogen peroxide as the destructive agent, instead of utilizing catalytic doses to initiate dehydrogenations and free radical progressions, which we have established in the text and in our Court Testimony to be entirely harmless and efficient in the true cure of cancer and other serious affairs. Warburg also reports the successful use of L and D- glyceraldehyde in the cure of Erlich ascites cell cancer, both with equal effects, in spite of the fact that the L form is more efficient as an inhibitor of fermentation in cancer cells; thus indicating that the effect is not enzymatic, and claiming the mode of action is unknown. In both instances, Warburg overlooks the properties of the Carbonyl group, which we have demonstrated in our literature to be highly curative when activated by conjugation with other Carbonyl groups as in pyruvic aldehyde.
For decades, an intentional blockage to the advancement of cancer research imposed by the American Medical Association and the U.S. Government has resulted in the prevention of valuable scientists, such as Warburg, from learning about and building upon our findings.
A most significant clinical fact is the presence of Co Q10 in the lipoid fraction of the mitochondrial membranes together with cholesterol, lecithin and cephalin. Here with variations, cholesterol occurs in about equal amount to the sum of the other two. In liver, the lecithin and cephalin are each about 40% of the total, while in succinate CoQ Reductase, the cephalin fraction is only half as much as the lecithin fraction, 24% and 48%, respectively. Since it is also known that the reduction of CoQ accounts for only about one third of the oxidized substrate, one concludes, that other dehydrogenators, like our FCG, must carry the major part of this function within as well as outside of the mitochondrial membranes.
The most intriguing fact, however, is that the amine groups of lecithin cho line each carry two substituent methyl groups, while the hydrogen atoms of the cephalin ethanol amines are free and unsubstituted, so they can condense with the Carbonyl groups under discussion, to form labile azomethine bases which are thereby protected from forming permanently, inactivated, condensations with guanidine and other toxic amines. An example of the other value of the Cephalin Schiff Bases, is their ability to carry the coenzyme right to the substrate when the phosphate of cephalin is transferred to ADP followed by the ready liberation of the Carbonyl structure, which is then free to start another cycle. Lecithin, in this respect, would serve in contrast as a vehicle. Here we find the explanation of some clinical facts that assign cephalin a role in the immunity mechanism.
In many years of medical practice, one has seen among members of families with tuberculosis, that those who ate the fat of the meat did not have nor acquire the infection, but those who had the infection, never ate the fat. No doubt, the cephalin in the fat protected the functional Carbonyl groups all the way from the intestinal lumen to the mitochondrial membranes, as stated above, so they could initiate oxidations in the fatty capsules of the tubercle germs, if that be necessary, or at least correct their faulty metabolism as described in Chapter 18. Two additional observations are: the reduction in weight of obese patients following a dose of the Carbonyl structures of the text, and the restoration to normal of the very erratic cholesterol counts found in the blood of cancer patients, by restoring adequate dehydrogenation potentials within the mitochondrial membranes, where fats and cholesterol are burned. Further, the efficient burning of acetate chains prevents the excessive production of cholesterol. It appears that not the eating of fats, but the paralysis of the oxidation facilities here mentioned, is the cause of arterial disease. This was our conclusion in Case 56.
All aerobic germs possess Ubiquinones. This means they have Carbonyl activation through conjugation with ethylenic linkages that serve the dehydrogenation function. They can also be inactivated as described. We Postulated, that such activated Carbonyl groups produce free radicals followed by peroxide free radicals in the substrate to be oxidized; that they actually do produce free radicals, is now proven by electron spin resonance spectroscopy.Our Postulate is thus supported in this respect, so that when a germ’s dehydrogenating power is crippled, it cannot obtain energy for survival in the normal way by making harmless oxidation products, but instead produces such toxic products as toxic amines and hemolysins, which cause disease. It is not surprising, therefore, that after contact with the Reagents of this text, the dehydrogenating power would be restored and is again able to oxidize to harmless materials, the toxic products it had formerly produced. Note the examples in Chapter 9, where gangrenous mastitis of high toxicity in dairy cattle recovered rapidly after a dose of the Reagent, with rapid healing, loss of toxicity and concom itantly, a rapid increase in the number of germs. The same holds true for the rapid cure of terminal cases of fulminating tubercular pneumonia and cases with huge cavitations. Chapter 18 contains cases that reference the above statement. The time element gives the clue and culture studies confirm it.
In line with this explanation, a recent report from a physician in the frozen North, where an epidemic of fulminating pneumonia was raging, sometimes complicated with measles or scarlet fever, states the following, “I had to use five doses to save the lives of five small children with fulminating pneumonia, who certainly would have died without it. The results in these cases were spectacular (about five hours in each case cured them).” Such are the usual experiences. Carbonyl, free radicals and molecular oxygen are the principles. Electron spin resonance techniques show that all aerobic tissues contain free radicals, so long as they are alive. (Schoffa 1964) Cancer cells are shown to contain less free radicals than normal tissues. This is of course in proportion to their anaplasia and inability to function oxidatively. Any increase in free radical content above that of normal tissue must be attributed to the polymerizing of the carcinogen in proportion to its malignancy, and as activated by magnetic influences, magnetic storms, etc.
These techniques show also that gamma rays are able to destroy Carbonyl groups and thus, tend to make the tissue metabolism of the malignant order, as in Warburg’s Oxygen Starvation Techniques and with complete reversibility, for the addition of quinones or other Carbonyl structures (mentioned in the text) restore the normal oxidative progression, when oxygen is also admitted. This is another confirmation of our Thesis that the Pasteur Effect is a function of the Carbonyl group, and unless the functional Carbonyl group is present to dehydrogenate, when oxygen is admitted, the Pasteur Effect will not be observed. Inactivation of bacteria, reduction of inflammation by gamma rays and negative consequences from the use of modern toxic amine antibiotics, may be considered also under this heading.
Intimately connected with the function of Carbonyl groups as activated by conjugation with other Carbonyl groups or ethylenic double bonds stands: copper, zinc and the divalent paramagnetic cations of calcium, magnesium, manganese and iron. Copper is mainly diamagnetic, its oxide being weakly paramagnetic. Still its presence is essential to the action of polyphenol oxidase, vitamin C, the Ubiquinones and for the utilization of iron in hemoglobin and other activities. We found copper, as supplied by the waters of the Great Lakes, as essential to the best success of our Reagents in the treatment of cancer for nearly half a century. Where the tissues held a good quota, such successes as illustrated in, “The Integration of Pathogen and Host Cell Critical Atomic Groups and Their Separations” were the rule. Here we have given a few recent confirmations of our Thesis from leading research centers that certify our Theoretical basis, long established by the clinical results.
Before the historic work of Coris, Lipmann and some others had elucidated the energy carrying phosphate esters during the 1930s, we took interest in the hydrogen attracting powers of the O=P group of phosphoric acid, to compare this double bond with the O=C group, chemically and clini cally. We had observed the dampening effects of hydroxyl and amine groups on Carbonyl action, and by analogy figured that the three hydroxyl groups of phosphoric acid must reduce the dehydrogenating powers of the O=P group. At that time, the electronegative units of neither the Carbonyl nor the oxygen phosphorous double bond had been estimated. But the dehydrogenating facil ity, as hindered by hydroxyl and amine groups, was very evident. Today one can measure their effects mathematically, and it is seen that while the Carbonyl group offers 6 electronegative units, the O=P group runs a close second, with 5.6 such units. The position of the O=P group is therefore to be reckoned in the oxidation process as something more than a passive unit in the phosphorylation energy passing function.
One may appreciate the repelling effect of hydroxyl on the electron attraction power of the O=P group by analogy, when one recalls its effect in maleic acid, as compared with the anhydride on the attracting power of the Carbonyl groups. Similar effects are seen where chlorine replaces hydroxyl as in acetyl chloride. A similar effect should be considered in the increase of energy carrying power of pyrophosphate, by condensing two molecules of orthophosphate. Likewise, the increase in the attracting power of the Carbonyl group produced by conjugation with unsaturated groups, as in maleic acid as compared with malic acid, and by the increase of O/R power of dipheno quinone as compared with paraquinone. The effects of un-saturation and anhydride formation, all of which are dehydration affairs, influence Carbonyl and phosphoryl in affecting their electro-negativity.
To test this proposal, one combines rich, hydroxyl carrying molecules, as glucose or fructose, with phosphoric acid under forceful dehydration and un-saturating conditions to produce their polymeric unions. The resulting increase in oxida tion-reduction potential did not reach that where Carbonyl is involved, still the energy carrying power was tremendously increased in a way that was useful in the reconstruction of injured tissues and in restoring bacteria from their pathogenic states. Bacteria lost their pathogenicity and virulence, as is demonstrated by bacterial plate cultures, similar to that shown in the Supplement,“Practical Application Of The Former Chapters And Other Essential Information,” and by clinical observations in Chapter 15 and Chapter 18. One concludes, that bacteria and tissue cells regained the energy utiliza tion powers required for their normal metabolism and function and thus, their parasitism and pathogenicity was lost. Since the recuperation of tissue cells and of bacteria is accomplished by the Carbonyl structures of the text, as observed in other case reports of the text, it is concluded that energy was produced and transferred into the same functional structures by both the Carbonyl and the phosphoryl double bond structures under similar means of activation. That both groups serve complementary to each other with Carbonyl holding the initial position, is seen in cases where both types were administered to the patient and followed by an increase in the recovery rate. It is also to be noted that the Reagents were given in such high dilution that the amounts repre sented only 10-(12) grams per dose, which obviously is not an injurious dose, but instead could only be a catalytic constructive dose. The conclusion therefore follows that the bacteria and tissue cells are restored to their normal places in the biological economy by these two atomic groups and that disease germs, in active and suppressed focal infection, loose their pathogenicity whether they are arsenic fast, antibiotic resistant, or otherwise unresponsive to medications, like many trypanosomes, thus showing that the position of Carbonyl and phos phoryl action is different from that of the current anti-germ agents and their high position in biology is assured.
As was seen, the origin of tissue intoxication via the decarboxylated amino acids and sulphides, as found in the putrid colon and chronic focal infections, as infected tooth roots, infected sinuses and diverticulae. The colon can be cleansed by the use of pure linseed oil, taken every day at amounts of a soup spoonful once or twice a day or oftener. The oil must be un-oxidized for otherwise it forms irritant peroxides. It offers three sets of double bonds, which probably present free radicals that activate molecular oxygen which detoxicate bacteria and their products. It makes a good salad oil, but must be protected from exposure to air.
Catalase combines with peroxides to form a peroxide complex, which reacts with the toxin substrates, and possibly also with unburned food residues to produce oxidation products, as for example, ethyl alcohol is oxidized to aldehyde. If large amounts of peroxide are at hand, it dehydrogenates hydro gen peroxide to form molecular oxygen, that is when more H(2)O(2) than any toxic substrate, is present to be burned. It should be used first in small doses in such cases as cancer victims, for the catalase content is reduced in such persons and the amount of peroxide used should be increased as the ability to produce more catalase increases, as for example, during the recovery from cancer under the Treatment of the text. Ordinarily, one drop of the 10% solution of H(2)O(2) per 50 kilos of body weight used but once a day, is recommended as a safe procedure. However, one has observed angiospasms of a dangerous type in persons where a dose of ten times as much had been used.
Psychic influences on the recovery process are of utmost importance since the ischemia and its anoxia consequent to sympathetic-adrenal action on blood vessels of neoplastic and infected lesions can block the recovery process. This is because oxygen is essential to it. Therefore, inquiry must be made in every case under Treatment to learn if a subconscious conflict needs to be identified, analyzed, harmonized and eliminated, so that no psychosomatic effect can emerge to hinder the blood supply to any lesion. This is important.
Conscious fear-induced protective vasomotor reflexes are coordinated and controlled to meet the need. Subconscious fear-induced sympathetic-adrenal produced ischemia is not adapted to protection, is uncontrolled, and may strike any area of irritation, injury, or an area associated with a guilt complex. It may produce fatal ischemic crises through anoxia that favors carcinogenic or viral integrations with the tissue cells. Aside from viral agents, the pathogens are generally produced in old scarred-in focal infections, as stated in the text. Being free radical products in anoxic foci, they polymerize through the neuro toxic state and then on to the carcinogenic state after which, the neurotoxic symptoms disappear only to return transiently during the reversal process from the neoplastic state back to the original form of the toxin, as were originally produced during the initial acute state of the infection. Then as the oxidation continues through the action of the Therapy agent, the germ, its toxin and its protective scar are eliminated. The disease is thus cured completely from its very inception when the blood supply is good. However, there are the ischemic psychosomatic effects on existing lesions referred to above as caused bysubmerged concepts of guilt. The vigor of the ischemia so produced and its persistence, are proportional to the depth of the conflict. Persons holding to higher moral standards, show greater depths of the conflict and proportionately greater psychosomatic sequelae. Whereas those who do not carry the negative guilt and are able to excuse, justify or shift culpability, will not submerge negative feelings to the subconscious and set up conflict of sufficient vio lence to bring on the psychosomatic effect, or if they do, the sequel will be de layed and not as violent.
While searching in Nature for plants that present chromophore groups of the order we have proven to be anti-carcinogenic, namely Carbonyl as reinforced by conjugation with ethylenic linkages or by adjacent Carbonyl groups, as stated in the text, three were found, one in Australia and Africa, and two in Brazil. All are naphthoquinones of para and ortho structure existing isomer ically and interchangeably. Energy is gained by the change from para to ortho structure and probably the sun and soil provide the agencies for it. None of the African or Australian pigments have been identified with medicinal activity. And still we may do so simply on the basis of the Carbonyl arrangements in each, as they all conform, including the Brazilian product, to the laws we have identified with anti-carcinogenic activity. The Brazilian pig ment has not been identified as to structure except by ourselves, since we find it to be both the para and ortho forms of a naphthoquinone in isomerism, in two different trees. Here they can be extracted from the inner bark, and are named the Pau d’Arco Amarilo and Roxo, for the paraquinone and orthoquinone forms respectively. Both are proven to be curative in cancer and other diseases, the ortho form being most active in conformance to our Thesis. Both are of lower oxidation-reduction potentials than the Synthetic Agents we offer in the text, and run from 0.3 to 0.9 volts lower than our Reagents including: Glyoxal, Methyl Glyoxal, Rhodizonic acid, Triquinoyl, Compound C and the long straight chains of Carbonyl groups of the text, simple Parabenzoquinone and Dipheno quinone. They hence have a much-limited field of activity and are adapted to continued use over long periods by mouth, in which form they meet the needs of primitive people. However, as civilization has changed disease systems, the Synthetic Products we have used for the past fifty years, which were kept from the sufferer by bureaucratic and commercial interests, must be awaited by present and future generations. It will be of interest also that Rhodizonic acid, being stabilized and though reduced in activity by the two hydroxyl groups, is of use when taken by mouth and will thus serve those who cannot afford professional assistance. The structural patterns of the others can be represented by that of the Australian pigment Lamatol or the African Lapachol with but slight changes in their side-chains.
The Brazilian pigments run very similar and all must have about equal medicinal values, as the others will be found to have.;%20disp(3);
Dr. Koch’s Explanation of the Function of His Reagents:
The compound itself is a chain of carbonyl groups with fairly high molecular weight. Our explanation of its action is that it initiates an oxidation chain reaction by chipping of a hydrogen atom from an exposed carbon atom in the toxin molecule, thus producing a radical, which combines oxygen to form a peroxide radical. This peroxide radical acts upon another toxin molecule in the sane way and it forms another peroxide and so the chain is carried by a peroxide of the toxin and this continues until the poison is all oxidized out of the way.
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