
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Thursday, July 3, 2014

Depleted uranium (DU) contaminated Iraq

Monday, September 16, 2013

When would an indiscriminate-civilian-killer weapon be deemed "morally obscene"?

"The World Health Organisation (WHO)  has categorically refused, in defiance of its own mandate, to share evidence uncovered in Iraq that US military use of Depleted Uranium and other weapons have not only killed many civilians, but continue to result in the birth of deformed babies.
This issue was first brought to light in 2004 in a WHO expert report “on the long-term health of Iraq’s civilian population resulting from depleted uranium (DU) weapons”. This earlier report was “held secret”, namely suppressed by the WHO.
Almost nine years later, a joint WHO - Iraqi Ministry of Health Report on cancers and birth defect in Iraq was to be released in November 2012. “It has been delayed repeatedly and now has no release date whatsoever.”

To this date the WHO study remains “classified”."

Dennis Halliday, September 13, 2013
The World Health Organisation (WHO)  has categorically refused in defiance of its own mandate to share evidence uncovered in Iraq that US military use of Depleted Uranium and other weapons have not only killed many civilians, but continue to result in the birth of deformed babies.
This issue was first brought to light in 2004 in a WHO expert report “on the long-term health of Iraq’s civilian population resulting from depleted uranium (DU) weapons”. This earlier report was “held secret”, namely suppressed by the WHO:
The study by three leading radiation scientists cautioned that children and adults could contract cancer after breathing in dust containing DU, which is radioactive and chemically toxic. But it was blocked from publication by the World Health Organization (WHO), which employed the main author, Dr Keith Baverstock, as a senior radiation advisor. He alleges that it was deliberately suppressed, though this is denied by WHO. (See Rob Edwards, WHO ‘Suppressed’ Scientific Study Into Depleted Uranium Cancer Fears in Iraq,  The Sunday Herald, February 24, 2004)
Almost nine years later,  a joint WHO- Iraqi Ministry of Health Report on cancers and birth defect in Iraq was to be released in November 2012. “It has been delayed repeatedly and now has no release date whatsoever.”
To this date the WHO study remains “classified”.
According to Hans von Sponeck, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations,
“The US government sought to prevent the WHO from surveying areas in southern Iraq where depleted uranium had been used and caused serious health and environmental dangers.” (quoted in Mozhgan Savabieasfahani Rise of Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq: World Health Organization Refuses to Release Data, Global Research, July 31, 2013
This tragedy in Iraq reminds one of US Chemical Weapons used in Vietnam. And that the US has failed to acknowledge or pay compensation or provide medical assistance to thousands of deformed children born and still being born due to American military use of Agent Orange throughout the country.
The millions of gallons of this chemical dumped on rural Vietnam were eagerly manufactured and sold to the Pentagon by companies Dupont, Monsanto and others greedy for huge profits.
Given the US record of failing to acknowledge its atrocities in warfare, I fear those mothers in Najaf and other Iraqi cities and towns advised not to attempt the birth of more children will never receive solace or help.
A United Nations that is no longer corrupted by the five Permanent Members of the Security Council is what is needed.

Friday, March 14, 2014

DU contaminated Iraq - "no Iraqi strategy and/or national program" - UPDATE: Not so! Dr. Souad Al-Azzawi

Reference the below paper, we received a letter (in Arabic, kindly open and translate with Google or Bing) from Dr. Souad Al-Azzawi, Associate Professor in Environmental Engineering pointing out that she and her colleagues had completed two of a three stages program, by the end of the 1990's, to locate the nuclear contaminated areas in Iraq and had specified burial sites for their disposal, findings that have been plagiarized by Dr. Al-Ansari in the below paper.
ـ" تحياتي وتقديري 
بعد اطلاعي على المقالة المنشورة على موقعكم للدكتور الانصاري حول التلوث باليورانيوم المنضّب، اود ان اوضح لحضرتكم والآخرين ما يلي:
1. موضوع تحديد افضل مواقع لردم النفايات الصناعية الخطرة والمشعة مُـنجز منه مرحلتين من ثلاث مراحل منذ عام 1998، حيث تم تكليفي لإعداده من خلال قسم الهندسة البيئية في جامعة بغداد بكتاب من مجلس الوزراء، بعد ان انجزنا مع منظمة الطاقة الذرية العراقية تحديد مواقع التلوث الاشعاعي في المناطق الجنوبية بالإحداثيات الدقيقة واقترحنا جمع الاليات الملوّثة وردمها في مناطق عزل خاصة."ـ
ـ14 آذار 2014
Depleted uranium (DU) is a by-product of the enrichment of natural uranium for nuclear reactor-grade or nuclear weapons-grade uranium. DU is chemically identical to natural uranium. Depleted uranium is chemically identical to natural uranium. DU is depleted with isotope of U 235 and its radioactivity is 60% of the natural uranium and increases to 80% after few months and is usually considered as low level radioactive waste (LLW).Iraq experienced two devastating wars in 1991 and 2003, during which massive amounts of new weapons and sophisticated manufactured nuclear weapons were used –called Depleted Uranium (DU).During the second Gulf war in 2003 U.S. and British troops have reportedly used more than five times as many DU bombs and shells as the total number used during the 1991 war for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. It was estimated that more than 1100 to 2200 tons of DU was used. As a consequence the ruminants of wars are affecting the people (30 million) and environment. There are hundreds of sites contaminated with nuclear radiation. There is no Iraqi strategy and/or national program, not even well thought out plans and scientific personnel and technical equipment required to clean Iraq of these wastes. The aim of this work is to high light the environmental implications of the two Gulf wars on Iraq and suggest possible solutions to the problem."
Engineering solution for Radioactive Waste in IRAQ
15 February 2014
DU contaminated sites in southern Iraq
A10 firing DU at the Ministry of Planning inside Baghdad,
April 4, 2003 (Zwijnenburg, 2013)

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