
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Friday, June 2, 2017

The Irish Savant : Initial thoughts on the Manchester attack

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Initial thoughts on the Manchester attack

Desperate attempts will be made to link Russia to the attack.

The main focus will immediately switch to avoiding Islamophobia and not 'stigmatising' Muslims

We'll learn that the attacker was being tracked by the police. Right up to the time he set off the bomb!

Obama, voice quivering with emotion (/s) will claim that 'the victims are in our thoughts and prayers'

The streets will be thronged with Muslims protesting this outrage (/s)

Firm action will be called for: Like having a candle-lit parade in which everyone holds hands, chanting Peace & Love while wearing Please Don't Kill Me bracelets

In conclusion I see that London Mayor Saddiq Khan says that 'terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city'.  Well that might be true from where you come from boy...

And apart from those directly affected, the crime will be largely forgotten within a few days, Muslims will continue to flood in and the police will resume focusing on purveyors of 'hate' speech. But look on the bright side: Think of what the world would be like if Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi hadn't been overthrown

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