
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Irish Savant : Let them eat cake.

Let them eat cake.

The Irish Savant


Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Let us now pause a moment and bow our heads in contemplation of celebrity suffering. Specifically those choosing to self-quarantine due to Covid-19. The poor dears, cooped up in their multi-million dollar mansions with everything money can buy. Yet they still take time out to assure us they're ok. Look at this guy (no, I don't know who he is either) earnestly spending ten minutes assuring the world at large that he's ok and not to worry about him. I'm sure that comes as a relief to all those who've just lost their jobs and wondering where the next meal is coming from. I can personally attest to having spent sleepless nights worrying about his condition. Thank God he's ok.

A whole pack of celebrities (almost all unknown to me I confess) have gone further, taking time out from counting their money to give us a rendition of John Lennon's Imagine. Watch and listen. Actually don't. I'm serious, because you run the risk of a burst blood vessel or projectile vomiting. This is so awful it deserves some kind of prize. For what exactly I'm not sure. It beggars belief that the "singers" somehow believe that this makes them look better or that the only rational reaction isn't stomach-churning revulsion. But no, they live gilded lives, in their bubble, narcissism unbounded, unaware, like latter-day Marie Antoinettes, of the rising rage of the common people. (Just read the comments on the multiple sites that published the video if you doubt me.)

And for those of us racked with worry about Serena Williams and the virus (not that virus, naughty!) we are assured that her self-isolation is working. Which if nothing else suggests that this is a discerning virus. Yet all is not well because apparently she's 'under a ton of stress'. Personally I'd say she is a ton of stress but that's by the way. Is she stressed by the thought that millions could die? Well....no. 'It started out with me feeling like: ‘Oh it can’t really affect me.’ How sweet, thoughtful and selfless. 'And then suddenly Indian Wells was cancelled and I was like: ‘Oh, OK, that’s weird but I have a little time off and I’m going to enjoy that time off.’ “And then one cancelation led to another and then led to another and led to all this anxiety that I’m feeling.' As we choked back our tears she continued.“so spending the next 6 weeks in solitude. Being a wife. Being a mom. Cooking. Cleaning. Spring cleaning. Face mask. Makeup tutorials. I’ll let you know how it goes.'

She concludes with a reassurance that has lead to a world-wide outpouring of relief: 'We'll get through this'. Thank God, and what an achievement. Living in a palace, surrounded by everything she could want, lackeys attending to everything. Yet she'll still get through it. What a man. I mean woman. Speaking of which, judging by the picture here she could do with that face mask.

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