
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Thursday, August 19, 2010

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson: Pawn of the Jews

Brother Nathanael Kapner – Real Zionist News August 13, 2010

THE ZIONIST PLAN TO DOMINATE AMERICAN LIFE was already in motion by the early 1900s.

A central Bank, legislation for an income tax, and American involvement in a world war, were on the Zionist list of “things to do.”

The key Jewish players, -1- Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn Loeb Bank; -2- Paul Warburg, brother-in-law to Schiff; -3- Bernard Baruch, a leading Wall Street mogul; -4- and Edward Mandell House, (originally “Huis”), who negotiated cotton purchases in the US for the Rothschilds, only needed a pawn in the White House to bring their Zionist plan to fruition.

In 1910, the four Zionist leaders found their man, (a man of compromised morals known as “Peck’s Bad Boy”), in Professor Woodrow Wilson, recently retired as president of Princeton University.

Already established as a “political academic” and with an opening in the Democratic party for the governorship of New Jersey, Wilson was financed by Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and their fellow Jewish associate, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., to seat him as New Jersey’s Governor in 1911.

Amongst the Zionist coterie and acting as the spokesman for Jewry’s political interests, one Rabbi Stephen Wise, founder of the Federation of American Zionists in 1897 and later to become Wilson’s most trusted advisor, with secret knowledge told a New Jersey audience that Woodrow Wilson “would be elected US President” in 1912 and “serve for two terms.”

In his autobiography, “Challenging Years,” Rabbi Wise boasted “that an immensely influential hidden power” — with which he was intimately acquainted — “had chosen Wilson as a major pawn in their political game” even before the president of Princeton University entered politics.


INCUMBENT US PRESIDENT WILLIAM TAFT had rankled the Zionist political manipulators when he refused their request to cancel the Most Favored Nation Treaty with Tsarist Russia.

Although later caving in to the Jews, Taft was seen as an unwilling player in the Zionist game of political maneuverings.

With a plan to get rid of Taft and preparing the way for Wilson’s presidential campaign in 1912, Jacob Schiff and friends formed the Bull Moose Party. They persuaded Theodore Roosevelt, retired from politics, to bleed off Taft’s votes by running for US president as head of their newly formed party. A “split ticket” insuring Wilson’s success was the Zionist design.

The scheme was put into effect by having Felix Warburg finance Taft while Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff provided the funds for Wilson. Roosevelt, by virtue of his popularity, would carry his own votes.

It worked. The Zionists split the Republican vote between Roosevelt and Taft, and Woodrow Wilson became the 28th President of the United States polling only 42 percent of the popular vote.

With their man now in the White House, (a man of compromised morals), the Zionist plan for a central bank; renewed legislation for an income tax - (abolished in 1872 after it had been employed to finance the Civil War ); and American involvement in a global war, was a fait accompli.


UNDER THE CAMOUFLAGE of politically acceptable verbiage so as to avoid the mention of centralization, one of Woodrow Wilson’s first acts as President was to promote a central bank under the appellation, “Federal Reserve Bank.”

On June 23, 1913, Wilson initiated a special session of the 63rd Congress to vote on the “Federal Reserve Act,” a piece of legislation bought and paid for by Zionist intrigues. It was on December 19, 1913 that Wilson pushed the bill through the Senate while most members were home for Christmas.

Operating as agents for “Lord” Nathaniel Rothschild, the monetary resources of America were now in the hands of three Jews: Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb Bank; Paul Warburg, appointed by Wilson as the Fed’s first chairman; and George Blumenthal, a high official of JP Morgan. Henceforth, the “Treasury” of the United States would forever be in the hands of the Jews.

A private Jewish banking consortium that was neither “Federal” nor with any “reserves” was now established in Washington thanks to the Zionist patsy in the White House, Woodrow Wilson.

Printing money with no hard currency backing - along with interest bearing loans to the US government - a means was devised for the federal government to pay off the Jewish loan sharks.

Under his “New Freedom” program, Woodrow Wilson brought the American people under abject slavery with his 1913 Federal Income Tax amendment to the US Constitution. Along with the 16th amendment came the ratification of the IRS, installed as a division of the US Treasury Department.

Prior to Wilson’s robbing of the American people, an “income tax” was declared by the Supreme Court in 1894 as “unconstitutional.”

But being under orders from his Jewish patrons, Wilson cast all constitutional caution to the wind. Usurping the Supreme Court ruling with the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, Wilson imposed a graduated income tax beginning with 1 percent tax on earnings above $3,000 and gradually moving up to 7 percent on higher income levels.

By 1916, the top rate was more than doubled from 7 percent up to 15 percent. The rest is “graduated” Jewish history as we all too very well know.


ALL THAT WAS LEFT FOR WILSON TO ACCOMPLISH for his Zionist enablers was to usher America into a global war, thus creating a central tyranny for the Jews to rule from.

This despotism over the American people began with Wilson’s appointments to the War Finance Corporation, established to control the finances of US corporations essential to the war effort.

The men now wielding power over America’s raw materials and economic life were two Jews (and forever after in the hands of Jews: Eugene Isaac Meyer Jr., an associate of JP Morgan; and Bernard Baruch, Wilson’s inside man.

Underscoring the advent of Jewish tyranny was Wilson’s appointment of the first Jew to the Supreme Court, Louis Brandeis, a fanatical Zionist.

Shortly before his presidential re-election in 1916 under the campaign slogan, “He Kept Us Out Of War,” Woodrow Wilson received a Jewish visitor in the White House by the name of Samuel Untermeyer who helped finance Wilson’s presidential campaigns. Untermeyer was a prominent New York City attorney of the Law Firm, Guggenheim, Untermeyer, & Marshall.

Samuel Untermeyer produced a packet of letters written by Woodrow Wilson to the wife of a Princeton professor named Peck when they were neighbors at the university which established the scenario of an illicit relationship.

The New York lawyer informed Wilson that he had been retained by his former lover to bring a Breach of Promise action against the president.

But in lieu of commencing the law suit, Untermeyer told Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 which would be paid for by “those who wished to prevent seeing the president complicit in a sex scandal.”

Henceforth, Woodrow Wilson was not just a willing puppet of Zionist interests but the sure and certain executor of a global war which was (as it was sold to the American sheeple) to make the world “safe for democracy” — but more assuredly — “safe for the Jews…”

For More See: Jews Blackmailed Wilson Into WW I (BELOW)

And: President Andrew Jackson Vs Jewish Bankers

And: Assassination Of President McKinley Was By Jews! (BELOW)

And: Harry Truman’s Corruption By Jews

Source: http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=537
Last updated 16/08/2010

Jews Blackmailed Wilson Into WW I

WORLD WAR I broke out in the summer of 1914. Within two years Germany had won the war.
The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the British convoys from the Atlantic Ocean and leaving Britain without ammunition and food for her soldiers.
At that time the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting. And the Italian army had collapsed.
Not a shot had been fired on German soil yet Germany was offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis which means: “Let’s call the war off and let everything be as it was before the war started.”
England, in the summer of 1916, was considering Germany’s peace terms. They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was offering them or going on with the war and being totally defeated.
While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, led by the Jew, Chaim Weitzman, who later became the 1st President of Israel, went to the British War Cabinet and said: “Don’t capitulate to Germany. You can win this war if the United States comes in as your ally. We can arrange this. But in return, you must promise us Palestine once the tide turns in your favor.”
THE ZIONIST JEW CHAIM WEITZMAN was a Russian born chemist who moved to England in 1904. By 1915, Weitzman had developed a chemical process of producing acetone from maize. Acetone was a vital ingredient in production of artillery shells which Britain and her allies had a short supply of in the beginning of World War I.
It was during this period that Weitzman, through the mediation of Walter Rothschild, met Sir Arthur James Balfour, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and David Lloyd George, Britain’s Minister of Munitions.
Both of these political figures were under the influence of the Rothschild banking dynasty, of which the Zionist Jew, Walter Rothschild, was the head. It did not hurt Weitzman’s goals when in 1916 Lloyd George became the British Prime Minister and Arthur Balfour the Foreign Secretary.
It was through this connection that the Balfour Declaration granted “a Jewish homeland within Palestine.” The Balfour Declaration was officially written to Walter Rothschild in 1919. The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain’s promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon for getting the United States into the war.
During this time period in America, President Woodrow Wilson was campaigning for his re-election in 1916 on his popular campaign slogan, “He Kept Us out of War.” But on April 2, 1917, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress and pleaded with them to declare war against Germany. What made Wilson change his mind?
SHORTLY BEFORE PRESIDENT WILSON’S RE-ELECTION, he received a Jewish visitor in the White House by the name of Samuel Untermeyer.
The Jew Untermeyer was a prominent New York City attorney of the Law Firm, Guggenheim, Untermeyer, & Marshall.
The Firm had as one of its main clients, Kuhn Loeb Bank, of which Jacob Schiff, an agent of Walter Rothschild, was the head. Both Untermeyer and Schiff contributed generously to the National Democratic Committee that installed President Wilson in the White House in both of his elections.
Untermeyer informed President Wilson that he had been retained to bring a Breach of Promise action against President Wilson. Untermeyer’s client was the former wife of a professor at Princeton University at the same time that Wilson was a professor at Princeton University. Untermeyer informed Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 in lieu of commencing the Breach of Promise action.
Untermeyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket written by President Wilson to his colleague’s wife when they were neighbors at Princeton University. These letters established the fact that an illicit relationship had existed between Wilson and the wife of his Princeton colleague. Wilson immediately acknowledged his authorship of the letters. Untermeyer then informed Wilson that his former sweetheart was in dire need of $40,000.
President Wilson informed Untermeyer that he did not have the $40,000 to pay his blackmailer. Untermeyer then volunteered to give Wilson’s former sweetheart the $40,000 out of his own pocket - but on one condition: that President Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court, the Zionist and Talmudic Jew, Louis Dembitz Brandeis.
Without further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Untermeyer’s generous offer. Then on June 5 1916, nearly one year before Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany, Wilson appointed the Zionist Jew, Louis Brandeis, to the Supreme Court.
Many were surprised that Wilson, the son of a Christian minister, would appoint to the highest court in the land the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice in US history.
President Wilson and Justice Brandeis became unusually intimate friends. Brandeis knew the circumstances behind his appointment by President Wilson and Wilson feared him because of it.
Justice Brandeis, through the advice of his Zionist colleague, Rabbi Stephen Wise, volunteered his opinion to President Wilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English channel with the loss of lives of US citizens justified a US Declaration of War against Germany.
Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, (as well as fear of what Brandeis knew of Wilson’s illicit affair), President Wilson appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany.
This Congress did, on April 6, 1917. The Declaration of War against Germany by the United States guaranteed the Jews throughout the world that Palestine would be turned over to them upon the defeat of Germany even though Britain had already promised it to Trans-Jordan upon the defeat of the Ottoman Empire.
Indeed, Congress declared war against Germany because of Wilson’s assertion that Germany had sunk the S.S. Sussex and that US citizens aboard had perished with the ship. But after General Pershing’s troops were fighting in Europe, the hoax was exposed. The S.S. Sussex had not been sunk and no citizens of the US had lost their lives.
But now the United States was officially at war in Europe. In this war, 115,516 American soldiers were killed and 202,002 were maimed for life.

Assassination Of President McKinley Was By Jews!


By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2010
THE JEWISH HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD had lost a fierce battle with President Jackson with regard to keeping their Central Bank. For in 1834, Jackson removed all government deposits from the Rothschild’s “Second Bank of the United States.”
A new System of National Banks was established in 1862 eliminating the Jew-controlled Central Bank up through 1901. It was on September 6 1901 that President William McKinley was assassinated through the intrigues of the Rothschilds and their hit-men.
With McKinley out of the way, the path to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was easily paved through the pawns of Jewish agents of the House of Rothschild. Two such Rothschild agents were the powerful Jewish bankers Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg.
President William McKinley was known as a “hard money” man. This was because he advocated a gold standard. Unlike his opponent, William Jennings Bryan, McKinley was against “easy money” with no backing — printed by Jewish lenders at interest to the borrower - namely the US government. This was the essence of McKinley’s 1896 & 1900 successful campaign against William Jennings Bryan who advocated for “free and unlimited coinage of silver.”
BUT BY McKINLEY FIGHTING AGAINST “easy money,” (translate Jew-coined & printed-at-interest money) McKinley sealed his death warrant. A death warrant signed, sealed, and delivered by the powerful House Of Rothschild, criminals in bankers’ suits.
THE NEW YORK JEWISH CROWD WANTED Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt to be President. The Roosevelts were a wealthy group of NY socialites. Theodore Roosevelt Sr. (”Teddy” Roosevelt’s father) inherited the multi-million dollar family business, “Roosevelt & Son,” importers of plate glass.
Through his many Jewish business connections, Theodore Roosevelt Sr. founded the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, and the New York Children’s Orthopedic Hospital. All of these institutions were and are Jew-intensive.
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt had been groomed by the powerful NY Jewish political machine to be the Governor of NY and future President of the United States. In 1900, McKinley was forced by Republican partisans of the Jews to appoint “Teddy” Roosevelt as Vice President to get the “Jewish vote.” McKinley’s appointment of Roosevelt soon turned out to be his demise.
JEWS SWARMED OUT OF POLAND AND RUSSIA beginning in the 1880’s.
ON SEPTEMBER 6 1901, a 28 year old Polish Jew, Leon Czolgosz, walked into the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo NY where McKinley was speaking and shot McKinley twice in the abdomen at point blank range. McKinley died a week later and “Teddy” Roosevelt was sworn in as President, much to the delight of the NY Jews.
Prior to the assassination, Leon Czolgosz had fallen in with Emma Goldman’s Jewish anarchist crowd at Sach’s Cafe on Suffolk Street, their headquarters in New York City’s Lower East Side. (NYC’s Lower East Side was where Trotsky, owing to Jacob Schiff’s financial support, had recruited many communist Jews to travel with him to Russia to incite the October Revolution of 1917.)
Emma Goldman’s crowd had broken away from main-line socialists who were “under the eye of a paternal government.” Instead, Goldman’s crowd preached that social change could only be achieved through violence and assassinations. They preached that capitalists would never change on their own volition. Thus it was here at Sach’s Cafe that the assassination plot against President McKinley, a “capitalist,” was hatched.
One member of Emma Goldman’s group, the Jew, Julius Edelson, was quoted by the NY police as saying to them:
— “No matter how much Czolgolz has been damned for his good work, we know that he was a great man. He was a true hero.” — See: “Anarchists Attack Police” Here
And not only this, but the Jew, Emma Goldman, is extolled by Jewry as a “heroine” — even though she preached violence to attain her anarchist aims as recorded in The Jewish Women Archives:
— “Emma Goldman refused to condemn Czolgosz and other like-minded individuals who were driven to acts of violence against representatives of the capitalist system. Emma Goldman admired the sensitivity that led Czolgosz to this extreme.” —
Indeed - in Emma Goldman’s autobiography, Living My Life, when describing her arrest after McKinley’s assassination, she wrote, “My sympathies were with Czolgosz.”
See: Emma Goldman’s Use Of Violence-Tragedy At Buffalo, October 6 1901, Here. (Click On “Full Image” & Scroll Down)
FOUR DAYS AFTER Czolgosz’ assassination of McKinley, on September 10 1901, Emma Goldman was arrested (but released!) in Chicago under suspicion of corroborating in President McKinley’s assassination. She was arrested many times prior to and after this arrest for “inciting to riot and violence.” Here
GOLDMAN’S LOVER WAS ANOTHER Jewish communist-anarchist by the name of Alexander Berkman. Berkman was imprisoned in 1892 for his attempted assassination of the steel magnate, Henry Clay Frick.
Emma Goldman assisted Berkman in his attempted assassination of Frick by obtaining a pistol for him to use Here (1st paragraph) And: Here. But at the trial Berkman refused to testify against his Jewish-communist lover, Emma Goldman.
Goldman visited Berkman in prison where they talked about their future anarchist plans Here. Both Goldman and Berkman were associated with the “Haymarket Anarchists,” a group led by 8 Jewish communists who threw a bomb into a crowd which killed 7 police officers during their Chicago anarchist rally in 1886 Here.
Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, being communists, were most likely funded by the powerful communist-supporter, Jacob Schiff, the renowned Jewish banker of Kuhn Loeb, who funded the burgeoning Bolshevik movement in Russia.
Through Emma Goldman’s association with Schiff, and other powerful Jews, she was *never* charged with her numerous crimes which included her role in the McKinley assassination as well as inciting violence against American police.
Eventually Emma Goldman was finally deported to Russia where she joined the Bolsheviks and later assisted them in inciting the communist rebels against the Christian loyalists in the Spanish Civil War.

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