The Jewish Question
Ask not whether I am antisemitic --
ask only whether I am right. --John
'Birdman' Bryant
If you want to know where the power
lies, then ask whom you cannot criticize. --Kevin
'Antisemite' used to mean someone
who hates Jews. Now it means someone whom the Jews hate. --LA
Antisemitism is a disease. You
catch it from Jews. --Edgar J Steele
Anti-Semitism is nothing but the
antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish
group. The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism
it has forever met in the world... the root cause is their use of enemies they create in order to
keep solidarity...
--- Albert Einstein, quoted in Collier's Magazine, November 26, 1938
--- Albert Einstein, quoted in Collier's Magazine, November 26, 1938
Every time we do something you tell
me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you
something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on
Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans
know it. - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel
Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol
Yisrael radio.
"I've never seen a President
— I don't care who he is — stand up to the Jews. They
always get what they want. If the American people understood what
a grip these people have got on our government, they would rise
up in arms."— Admiral Thomas
Moorer, Chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1970-74
"The Jewish people as a whole
will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination
by the dissolution
of other races...and by the
establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews
will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order
the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without
encountering opposition..." --Karl
Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review
de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574
"When the National Socialists
and their friends cry or whisper that this [the war] is brought
about by Jews, they are perfectly right."
--The Jewish magazine Sentinal
(Chicago), 8 Oct 1940
"Decent, ordinary Americans are
forced to begin to question whether Jews are bad for this
country. I realize how inflammatory this statement is ... I do
know that I am not alone in this concern ... --
Rabbi Daniel Lapin, "America's Real War," Multnomah
Publishers, Oregon, 1999: 41
One million Arabs are not worth a
Jewish fingernail. -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin,
Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]
The Jews, I find, are very, very
selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns,
Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as
D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment.
Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political
neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or
mistreatment to the under dog. --US
President Harry Truman, who presided over the end of WWII and its
aftermath: From Truman's personal diary, 1947
"Israelis and American Jews fully agree that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon -- one that must be used relentlessly against their common enemy ... Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. In America, the perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a $100-million-a-year enterprise, part of which is government-funded." --Israeli author Moshe Leshem, Balaam's Curse, p. 228
Much of the literature on Hitler's Final Solution is worthless as scholarship. Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not sheer fraud. ... Given the nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics. --Norman Finklestein, The Holocaust Industry, pp 55 & 68
Hitler's worst mistake is that he did NOT gas the Jews. --James von Braunn,
"I do not believe that telling the truth about Jews -- even the ugly truths -- is something that 'promotes hatred' of Jews -- at least not among intelligent people. If, for example, we point out that most Jews believe in and promote the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust, we are not claiming that they are evil any more than the many non-Jews who believe and promote the same story -- we are only saying that they are misguided and need to be properly informed. This, of course, does not keep believers in the Orthodox Jewish Version -- whether Jews or gentiles -- from hating US when we point out its falsity, and indeed, this is what they often do; but that only means that the worst we could be accused of is that, in telling the truth, we promote hatred of OURSELVES." --JBR Yant
"Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate-healthy, virile hate-for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German." -- Jewish Nobel Peace Prize Recipient ELIE WIESEL, Legends of Our Time, Chap. 12: "Appointment with Hate,"Avon Books, New York, 1968, pp.177-178
The Holocaust may be the biggest single tool that the Jews have used to rob, roust and ruin the gentiles, but it is also the biggest single weapon that gentiles have to use against the Jews. What I mean is that the Holocaust is a provable lie, and the more that people become educated about this fact, the deeper it will dig the Jewish grave. The Jews will try to survive it, but they simply cannot. I say this not merely because it is such a powerful weapon, but also -- and especially -- because it cuts to the heart of what the Jews think of themselves. It absolutely kills the notion that they are morally superior, and it kills this notion in the very place where it does the most harm, namely, in the Jewish soul. Oscar Wilde said that each one kills the thing he loves, and we see that Jews are killing the thing they love most -- themselves. More power to them! --JBR Yant, Mortal Words v 12
Every writer, who, like yourself, is oppressed by the subject of the present and embarrassed by his anxiety for the future, MUST try to elucidate the Jewish Question and its bearing upon our Age.
For the question of the Jews and their influence on the world - past and present - cuts to the root of all things, and should be discussed by every honest thinker, however bristling with difficulties it is, however complex the subject as well as the individuals of this Race may be. ...
There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that cannot be traced back to the Jews. ...
There is no doubt that the Jews regularly go one better or worse than the Gentile in whatever they do, there is no further doubt that their influence today justifies a very careful scrutiny, and cannot possibly be viewed without serious alarm.
The great question, however, is whether the Jews are conscious or unconscious malefactors. I myself am firmly convinced that they are unconscious ones, but please do not think that I wish to exonerate them on that account. ...
We (Jews) have erred, my friend; we have most grievously erred. And if there was truth in our error 3,000, 2,000, nay, 100 years ago, there is now nothing but falseness and madness... a madness that will produce an even greater misery and an even wider anarchy.
I confess it to you, openly and sincerely, and with a sorrow whose depth and pain an ancient Psalmist, and only he, could moan into this burning universe of ours. . .
We who have posed as the saviours of the world; we who have even boasted of having given it "the" Saviour; we are today nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners.
We who have promised to lead you to a new Heaven, we have finally succeeded in leading you into a new Hell. . .
There has been no progress, least of all moral progress. . . And it is just our Morality, which has prohibited all real progress, and -- what is worse -- which even stands in the way of every future and natural reconstruction in this ruined world of ours. . .
I look at this world, and I shudder at its ghastliness; I shudder all the more as I know the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness. . .
--Dr Oscar Levy, Dearborn Independent, 30 April 1921;
They are all of them born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people [Jews] some day became deadly to the human race. --Voltaire
There’s a Jewish cabal, you know, running through this, working with people like [Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur] Burns and the rest. And they all—they all only talk to Jews. --Richard M Nixon, July 24, 1971
"These Holocaust deniers are very slick people," says Steven Some, Chairman of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, "They justify everything they say with facts and figures." (Newark Star-Ledger, Oct 23, 1996, p 15; quoted in Journal of Historical Review, July/August 1997)
In spite of their shortcomings, the Jews have one important virtue: Their exploitation of whites has shown white men their vulnerabilities. Accordingly, the removal of Jews from the white racial sphere will not solve the fundamental problem besetting whites: It will only open the field to white men who wish to exploit the very same vulnerabilities. The solution, then, is to stop blaming Jews for the white man's problems, and instead to strengthen ourselves so we will not be vulnerable to exploitation by either Jew or gentile. As I have said before, "Our fault, dear Brutes, lies not in our Jews, but in ourselves". --Birdman
Open Letter to the President of Iran
By John "Birdman" Bryant
Open Letter to the President of Iran (But It's Really to You, Jocko, So Read It While You Still Can!)
To: Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
From John 'Birdman' Bryant (;
Date: 5 Oct 2006
Dear Mr President:
There is good evidence to believe that my country, the United States, will attack your country within the next month, details of which have been posted in the Daily Reads section of my website,, over the last week or so. There is also good evidence -- in fact, overwhelming evidence -- that the so-called leaders of our country -- the Bush administration and the Congress in particular -- are in the thrall of Organized Jewry (more on this matter shortly) -- by which I mean the small number of wealthy and influential Jews who direct the policies of the major Jewish organizations, including (in the words of the French ambassador to Great Britain) 'that shitty little country Israel' -- and that the intended attack on your country is part of a larger plan to destroy both Western civilization and Islam, in order that the world may be brought under their control in what is often called the New World Order (NWO), or, among more knowledgeable people, the Jew World Order. I am well aware that my saying all this will subject me in many quarters to the tired old smears of 'antisemite', 'hater', 'neo-nazi' and the like, as well as the equally tired smear of 'krazy konspiracy theorist', to which I can only respond that those who make such accusations are either liars, or else are simply ignorant of the facts. Such facts, I should add, are cited in abundance by the many articles from a wide variety of sources posted on my website (see especially the Articles of Others section -- the subsections on Jews and Conspiracy Theory are the ones most relevant here; and also the Jewish Question section). To this I would add that I do not make these accusations lightly; rather I make them as a longtime student of Jewish behavior, and as someone who has known and liked many individual Jews to the point of being very prejudiced -- if that is the correct word -- IN FAVOR of Jews. And in a sense I still retain this feeling -- this prejudice in favor of things Jewish -- but after long study, my eyes have been opened, and I can see quite clearly from the Jewish behavior of the last century (see details below) which continues into the present, that Jews are killing our people and our culture, and right now they are trying to do it by attacking your country, creating a world war, and watching the Great Powers destroy themselves, from the embers of which they expect the International Jewish Nation to arise and dominate the wreckage that remains.
One observation which significantly bolsters my view of Organized Jewry is the fact that Jews have been behind VIRTUALLY EVERY MAJOR CATACLYSM OF THE LAST CENTURY. I am going to say that again for emphasis: JEWS HAVE BEEN BEHIND VIRTUALLY EVERY MAJOR CATACLYSM OF THE LAST CENTURY. And furthermore, I can PROVE it, or at least prove it in the only sense in which proof can be offered, namely, by citing strong evidence. Let me begin by naming these cataclysms (or at least the ones I can currently think of). Documentation for Jewish participation for most of these events will be found on my website in the sections mentioned earlier:
* Panic of 1907 and other panics (to prepare the ground for the Federal Reserve)
* Defeat of Russia by Japan, 1905 (funded by Jacob Schiff)
* 1906 attempted Russian Revolution (Lenin was involved)
* Engineering of the election of Woodrow Wilson to get rid of Taft, who was blocking the Federal Reserve Act (1912)
* Federal Reserve (1913) - Paul Warburg & friends
* Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent regimes, especially Stalin, who was Jewish - 60 million killed (Robert Conquest)
* Getting America into WW1 (Balfour declaration)
* 1919 depression
* 1929 stock market crash (via contraction of credit)
* Great Depression (maintaining contraction of credit)
* Armenian Holocaust (by Judeo-Turks)
* Deliberate fostering of American racial strife - Policy of CPUSA, which was mostly Jewish, and took its orders from Moscow - continued thru the Civil Rights era, where most of the Freedom Riders were Jews
* Nazism - The rise of Hitler was a reaction to the abuses of the Versailles Treaty (written by Jews according to Benjamin Freedman) and to Jewish revolutionary activity in Germany in the wake of WW1 (Rosa Luxembourg, et al) - The Jews also financed Hitler (Warburgs etc), declared war on him (1933), and Hitler himself was 1/4 Jew
* American entry into WW2 (Jew Roosevelt was eager to enter, and made Pearl Harbor a sitting duck)
* Creation of the Soviet atomic bomb (see The Diaries of Major Jordan)
* Atomic and other spying - practically all were Jews, from the Rosenbergs downward - the problem continues, with Jonathan Pollard, Larry Franklin, the 'Pentagon memo' concerning Jews, etc etc etc
* The Holocaust Lie and sequelae, including all the laws against Holo denial, the prosecution of 100,000 persons in Germany alone for the 'crime' of historical inquiry, including several of my friends, the funnelling of billions of dollars to the rogue state of Israel by the US and Germany
* Founding of Israel - Throwing Arabs out of their ancient homelands, making the US an enemy of Arabs, creating an unending series of wars and conflicts via Jewish terrorism (bombing of King David Hotel, assassination of Folk Bernadotte, Deir Yassin, etc which continues to the present) - And don't forget the role of Jew Hitler and his Jewish regime which negotiated the Ha'avara (Transfer Agreement) (See Kardel's Hitler: Founder of Israel)
* The creation of a Zionist Occupation Government in the US and most other Western countries ("Congress is Israeli-occupied territory")
* Attack on the USS Liberty
* Assassination of JFK (see Michael Collins Piper's books)
* Nonwhite immigration (1965 immigration 'reform')
* Antiwhite discrimination (1964 'Civil Rights' act et seq)
* Hate crime laws (ADL)
* Anti-militia statutes (ADL)
* Feminism (Most major feminists are Jewish)
* US attack on Libya (Ostrovsky's By Way of Deception)
* Gulf Wars 1 and 2
* Hiring of KGB and Stasi chiefs for Homeland Security (Jew Chertoff = 'Devil')
* Judaization of America and the world (all major media are in Jewish hands)
* 911 and subsequent coverup (see my extensive collection of articles)
* White slavery (Israel)
The fact that Jews have been major players in all these events does not of course prove that, in the words of JBR Yant, 'all Jews are created evil', but it does show that there is a constant procession of evil coming from the Jewish quarter, and that, even if we reject the 'final solution' of the gas-all-Jews-now crowd, it is essential to consider the possibility of at least isolating this community from which so much trouble comes, and this for the simple reason that our survival may depend on doing so.
I stated earlier that the Bush regime appears to be in the thrall of Organized Jewry -- a force which apparently seeks the destruction of both the West and Islam as part of a plan for world domination. My reason for saying this is that there is simply no other reasonable explanation for the egregiously destructive behavior of Bush and his henchmen, unless we wish to invoke an even more exotic explanation, such as that Bush is under the control of hostile space aliens. We can, however, strengthen our argument that Bush's behavior stems from an effort in behalf of the NWO/JWO by citing the research of author Texe Marrs, who has uncovered documentary evidence that the Bush family is Jewish -- a conclusion which is supported by numerous other observations including the kosherization of the kitchen at the White House and the large number of Jews who play or have played a major role in the Bush administration -- Wolfowitz, Libby, Feith, Zakim, Fleischer, Bernanke, Chertoff and many many others. But what, you may ask, is the Bush administration's egregiously destructive behavior -- behavior which is wildly contrary to the interests of the American people? Here is a list of some major items:
* Allowing a virtually open border with Mexico which permits Mexicans and other Third-world residents to stream into the country by the millions, lowering Americans' wages by competing with the native population, raising crime rates in a major way, undermining American culture, and 'reconquering' the American Southwest by demographic means. Not only has the Bush administration been guilty of malignant neglect in keeping an adequate border patrol force in place, but has actually undermined citizen efforts to keep the border closed by alerting the Mexican authorities to the locations of these volunteer observers so that illegal border-crossers could avoid them. On top of this, American authorities have actually arrested and prosecuted these volunteers, along with property owners who have taken efforts to secure their land from the ravages of these parasites.
* Adopting 'free trade' policies which force American workers to compete with dollar-a-day Third-world workers and Chinese 'laogai' slave laborers, thereby insuring that American industries would go overseas in search of cheap labor. The result is the evaporation of American jobs, the transferring of American industry and technology to foreign countries, and a kind of genteel Third-world poverty imposed on American workers.
* Arranging to merge America into a 'North American Union' with Canada and Mexico, a little-publicized but formally-acknowledged and rapidly progressing program which will bring an end to the unique American nation, and in the process destroy the tradition of individual freedom which makes America unique among the countries of the world. This is evidently being undertaken because traditional America stands as a significant stumbling block to the efforts of the New World Orderlies to enslave the earth's population in a NWO/JWO dictatorship.
* Enactment of the so-called Patriot Act and similar pieces of legislation which have ignored and thus severely undermined our Constitution and Americans' traditional liberties, even going so far in the most recent legislation as to rescind the ancient tradition of habeas corpus and legalize the use of torture. Indeed, as things now stand, George Bush is effectively a dictator, and those of us who are speaking out against what he and his cronies have done may not have long before the prison doors close behind us.
* Prosecution of an illegitimate war in Iraq which was based on admittedly false information, which was backed by a 'coalition of the willing' put together by threats and payoffs, which is largely irrelevant to American interests while enormously relevant to Israeli interests, which continues apace in spite of its irrelevance and the exposure of its baselessness, which is irreversibly polluting the region with depleted uranium, and which is permanently sickening our entire soldiery with irreversible diseases from exposure not only to depleted uranium, but to dangerous chemical cocktails forced upon the troops in the guise of 'vaccinations' and other forms of 'protection'.
* Responsibility for causing the attacks of September 11, 2001, better known as 911, an operation which clearly had the cooperation and participation of the highest levels of the American and Israeli governments and which, like the hoo-ha over the so-called war on terror, the so-called threat of the probably-nonexistent Al Qaeda, the probably-long-dead CIA operative Osama bin Laden, and similar phenomena, had the purpose of whipping America into a frenzy of hatred for the Islamic/Arabic world so that war could be justified and civil liberties curtailed.
In short, no matter whether the behavior of the Bush administration and the Congress -- and for that matter, the behavior of the several administrations before the present one -- is the result of subversion by Organized Jewry (or Organized Jewry in collusion with other groups), or whether it is the result of something more exotic such as the destructive influence of space aliens who are using Jews and others as their tools, the fact remains that it is part of a clearly and obviously deliberate program to destroy this nation, and in this sense is wildly contrary to the interests of American citizens, to say nothing of the population of the Islamic world. And yet, in spite of all this, Americans will probably do little or nothing to oppose this madness until it is too late -- too late because they are too psychologically disarmed by the lies of the Jew-controlled mass media, too late because their guns and ammunition will have been taken away 'for their own good', too late because the Cassandras and other troublesome people like me will have been permanently confined in one of the 600 currently-empty-but-staffed-and-ready secret prisons that make up the American gulag, and too late because we will have all been microchipped and can be controlled by punishment and reward signals generated by a computer at Homeland Insecurity, currently headed by Jew-devil Michael Chertoff ('Chertoff' means 'devil' in Russian) and his two 'advisors', one a former officer of the Soviet Union's secret police (KGB), and the other a former officer of the East German secret police (Stasi).
But why won't Americans do anything? Why isn't there outrage all over America, and why aren't there millions of Americans marching on Washington armed to the teeth and ready to put an end to this administration and stop the gathering clouds of WW3? There is no one single answer, but I think the matter can be traced to the following facts:
* Control of information: Except for the Internet, Jews control the mass media, and it has become a sort of psychological truism that 'if you didn't see it on TV, then it didn't happen'. (Needless to say, not much of the information which I have cited here has appeared on TV.) More than this, at the behest of the liberal (and ultimately Jew-controlled) education establishment, in just the last half-century government schools have managed to dumb down entire generations to the point that most graduates possess little real information, virtually no critical faculties, and generally cannot even find Iran on a map -- if, indeed, they know what a map is. Certainly Americans have forgotten our history, and particularly that the liberty we have enjoyed for the last 200 years was paid for in blood, toil, tears and sweat by our patriotic forefathers, and is a pact with those heroes which we violate by our failure to take action.
* Dependence on the government: As little as a hundred years ago, most Americans were farmers or artisans who were not dependent on the government for much of anything. Today, the myriad array of government programs, from Social Insecurity, welfare and unemployment insurance to corporate welfare, student loans and government grants, has created a network of dependence that makes many people unwilling to disturb the status quo lest they suffer financial harm.
* Loss of religion: Among most of mankind, religion has provided a basis for morality. Only a hundred years ago, Americans were largely Christian, and Christian faith provided a moral self-confidence that would not have tolerated the present Washington outrages. More particularly, Christianity taught its followers to fear guilt and shame rather than death because there was life after death, and guilt or shame for failure to act rightly would result in an eternity of damnation. This not only made Christians willing to fight and die for their principles, but demanded that they be responsible for righting the wrongs of the world. Today, however, Christianity is on the skids, and even those who call themselves Christian do not seem to take their religion seriously, but only regard their church as a sort of social club primarily useful for meeting girls.
* Assault on America's white population: One of the great Jewish-led assaults against Western civilization is the promotion of what is called 'political correctness', ie, a pathological sensitivity and deference to the 'disadvantaged', among whom are numbered racial minorities (except whites, which are increasingly in the minority), women, homosexuals and the handicapped, and where the underlying assumption is that all people are equal, and that if it were not for the 'oppression' forced upon others by sexually-normal white males, this equality would be realized in fact. Political correctness, whose major instrument of implementation has been the Jewish-controlled media, has undermined America by making whites, and especially normal white men, feel guilty for the failure of blacks, a failure which is wrongly attributed to 'racial discrimination' (all other American minorities have been 'discriminated against' -- eg, Chinese, Irish, Jews -- but have succeeded within a generation or two), but never to the real cause, which is simply that black IQ trails white IQ by a substantial amount, ie, that blacks are in no way, shape or form equal to whites. Likewise, white men have been made to feel guilty about the inability of women to be men, a fact presumably caused not by women being unequal to men, but rather by women being 'discriminated against'. The result of the guilt trip laid on whites is that they have accepted legal discrimination as a remediation for their guilt in the form of affirmative action, quotas, set-asides and similar programs, leading to fewer jobs, lowered income, and psychological trauma for the creative force of Western civilization.
* Manliness: An important part of the policy of political correctness is feminism, which is basically a special deference to women, and which has been especially deleterious to our culture because it has attempted to blur the lines between men and women, and in particular has attempted to make men into women and women into men. Besides being the acme of absurdity, this has served to take away from both men and women the uniqueness of their gender, with the result that men have failed to learn how to 'be men' -- a difficult enuf thing to learn in normal times, but one which has become difficult in the extreme in the context of hysterical feminist claims that the traditions of manliness are somehow morally wrong. Accordingly, while men under normal circumstances would recognize that it was their duty to act against the tyranny centered in Washington -- at the risk of their lives if necessary -- the result of political correctness is that men have been turned into pantywaists by feminist propaganda which has effectively castrated them and removed them from the political equation. One can perhaps best appreciate the situation by considering the fact that women have for some years been admitted to the service academies: Their presence in the most masculine of masculine environments has resulted in the dumbing down (so to speak) of the rigors which officer trainees need to experience in order to properly prepare for their role as warriors, with the consequence that the very instrument that protects America from foreign wrong has been seriously weakened, thus completing yet another part of the NWO program to destroy America and the West.
As I suggested above, normal men who have received instruction in manliness in the normal way would know how to deal with the abuses of George Bush and Company: There would be a spontaneous multi-million-man march on Washington, and the president and his henchmen, along with most members of the criminally-complicit congress, would all be in prison or -- more likely -- hanging by their balls from DC lampposts. I say this not on the basis of speculation, but on the basis of how things actually worked in this country before about 1950. In those days, lawbreakers whose deeds were particularly egregious would be visited in the middle of the night by a posse of the leading citizens and summarily lynched. As most people know, this happened to blacks, but it also happened to whites, and in fact, as I have determined from historical statistics, the ratio of whites to blacks who were lynched was proportional to the ratio of per capita white to black crime that we see in the present day, meaning simply that lynching, tho outside the normal channels of justice, was at least racially fair. The problem today, however, is that the men who are willing to take the law into their own hands in cases of necessity have disappeared as a result of men failing to learn how to be men, and the upshot is that the government has ceased to fear the people. In this sense, then, Americans have failed in their responsibility to the rest of the world, and indeed, to themselves: They have not gathered in Washington for a lynching party because they have collectively forgotten how to be men. As author JB Campbell has pointed out, while we are armed to the teeth physically, we are completely disarmed mentally, with the result that we are likely to be disarmed physically in the near future by the drones of the New World Order without a shot being fired. The latter remark calls to mind the observation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn that the communist (read: JEWISH) terror in the Soviet Union would have been quickly extinguished if the population had been armed and those who received the proverbial midnight knock on the door resisted their would-be captors with firepower -- something which the communist authorities kept from happening by disarming the population 'before the Party began'. Solzhenitsyn's observation, however, rested on the assumption that the Russians would have been man enuf to pull the trigger -- an assumption which may have been just as wrong for the Russians then as it is for Americans today because of a forlorn hope that the government is not as evil as the evidence shows it is. But there is no doubt about it: Our government, exactly like the government of the 'Jewish Bolsheviks', as they were known in less politically-correct times, is just as evil as it can be, and getting more and more evil by the day. Somebody is going to have to start doing some shooting, and they are going to have to start soon if WW3 is to be avoided.
In writing this letter to you, Mr President, my purpose has been to explain to you why America, and Americans generally, are not your enemy, in spite of the fact that our so-called leaders seem determined to wage war on you. It is important for you to understand this, because of the temptation I know you must have to bring the war home to Americans by staging attacks like 911. This, however, would be a big mistake, because it would probably have the effect of creating significant political support for a war against your country here in America -- a situation which is not in the best interest of either you or us, but which would play directly into the hands of the traitors and fifth-columnists who rule the roost in Washington. Indeed, it appears that government operatives have tried to stage other 911-like events, and it has only been by virtue of tipoffs by insiders that these incidents have been aborted. Would that we could march on Washington, and we may yet do so if we can get our message out to the couch-potato zombies who have been conditioned by the One-Eyed Jew In The Livingroom to hate themselves, their country, their race and their heritage. But till that time, the fate of the world may rest in your hands, and I only hope you can recognize the grave responsibility which that entails.
But there is another reason that I am writing you, Mr President: By publishing this as an open letter to you on my website, and sending it to my mailing lists with a request that it be sent to all those on the mailing lists of the recipients, etc, I am hoping to help awaken the slumbering American giant which has been hypnotized by absurd government lies and propaganda in service of the NWO/JWO. To this I might add that I am in a very real sense doing this at the risk of my life, for it seems only a matter of time before dissidents like myself are rounded up and dispatched. But it is a risk I feel absolutely obligated to undertake, because I am in a key position to act as a sentinel of the gathering storm, with the hope that others will do their duty to stop the cabal of madmen in Washington and restore the Constitution, by violence if necessary. It is my hope, of course, that violence will not be necessary -- even something as simple as ten thousand pickets surrounding the white house, each with a sign reading "Bush: TRAITOR" or "RESIGN!" or "RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION" or "NO MORE WAR FOR ISRAEL", and all chanting slogans in unison might well bring the administration down after a few days. But whatever it takes, something must be done, and done soon if our nation -- and indeed ourselves -- is to survive.
In closing, it gives me little consolation to note that, just seven years ago I predicted in the pages of the national magazine of Mensa, the international high-IQ society of which I am a member, that the Jewish Question would be the most important issue of the 21st century -- a prediction which cited many instances of devastating Jewish misbehavior, and for which I was roundly excoriated in an unprecedented 3-page denunciation published in the magazine's next issue; and yet only seven years later, the prediction has not only come true, but is on the verge of becoming America's and the world's worst nightmare. I only hope that my fellow citizens, with your cooperation, may help lead America out of this lethal swamp before we are all eaten by alligators.
Respectfully and hopefully,
John 'Birdman' Bryant
The Crimes of Jews: March 2003 Update
By John "Birdman" Bryant
In late March of 2003 the essay below was sent to all the members of the high-IQ society Mensa whose email addresses I have managed to acquire. It has been slightly edited for this posting.
Dear Fellow Mensans:
There is a saying of my own composition that I often quote to those who argue with me: "You can lead a horse's ass to 'oughter' but you can't make him think." In the campaign which I have carried on for the last decade to get Mensans to openly discuss the Jewish Question, that pretty much summarizes my efforts. And that's really a bit of too bad, because now we are in a war that none other than the Jews have gotten us into (I use the phrase 'the Jews' advisedly, but will discuss its inaccuracies in a moment). This is a war that promises an end to freedom, to privacy, to everything that America has stood for -- indeed, to Western civilization itself. It is a war that promises to bring us a new Third Reich, except that it will be run by Jews. To which I might add that Hitler himself was almost certainly one-quarter Jewish (more precisely, the grandson of a Rothschild, the world's richest and most influential Jewish family - documentation below), and that he took many of the ideas for the Third Reich directly from the Jewish-created-and-dominated Bolshevik revolution in Russia -- perhaps the most brutal and inhumane regime the world has ever known, with its estimated death toll of 60 million far exceeding the relatively pitiful (tho greatly exaggerated) numbers of those said to have been killed by Hitler's regime.
There is of course nothing more taboo than to criticize Jews as a group, but the very existence of this taboo is itself proof positive of the enormous power that Jews wield, and not just in America, but virtually everywhere. (As nationally-syndicated columnist Joe Sobran once remarked, Jews are the only group powerful enuf to make you say they are not powerful -- a fact which Congressman Moran recently discovered to his great displeasure.) And it is the existence of this power which virtually cries out for discussion. It is what a recent writer has called 'the elephant in the livingroom' -- everyone knows it is there, but no one wants to mention it. But things are starting to change. The question of whether the hugely-unpopular Iraq war is being fought in the interests of Israel rather than America has been directly put to the President in a press conference, and this is but one of many cracks that are now appearing in a dam which is holding back not merely questions about the war, but about the ill-effects of Jewish power on America and the world. Pat Buchanan is famous for his remark that Congress is 'Israeli-occupied territory', and now we are seeing that it applies not just to Congress, but to the entire government, whose principles of freedom and justice have been subverted for Jewish interests, to say nothing of the billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars shoveled into Israeli and other Jewish pockets.
What I want to do in this letter is to prove to you -- or show you how you can prove to yourself -- exactly how bad the situation is, and hopefully make you recognize that the Jewish Question is not some arid intellectual exercise of political theory which one can take up if no other matters are pressing, but rather an emergency of the first order. This task is complicated, however, by the fact that it is so psychologically difficult for fair-minded people to deal with -- no one wants to condemn (or seem to condemn) an entire people for what only some of its members have done. (This of course is in addition to the fact that no one wants to violate the social taboo of discussing Jews critically.) I understand this difficulty because I myself found it a stumbling block early on; and indeed, it still represents a tricky question, but one which I shall postpone till I have cited precisely what it is that bothers me about 'the Jews', in whatever interpretation we may put on that particular phrase. Please be aware in advance that I am not going to talk about the Protocols ; nor am I going to cite Martin Luther's theological tracts, complain about 'Christ killers', dip into the 'blood libel', rail against 'usury', or involve myself in any of the other silly or dubious charges which have been made against Jews in the past. Rather, my interest is in substantive charges supported by factual evidence, something of which there just so happens to be a great abundance.
To begin, let me say that I have attempted to set forth a detailed, comprehensive and thoroughly-documented account of Jewish historical and contemporary misbehavior in my lengthy essay 'The case against the Jews' which is posted on my website at
While this essay is excellent as far as it goes, it does not cover the watershed events of the last year or so. In particular, it does not cover the one event of the period which set the stage for the present war, and for which the Jews are almost certainly responsible: The 'terrorist' attacks of September 11, 2001, which we shall simply designate 911. Perhaps you will find this statement unbelievable, but the evidence is overwhelming; and while it is equally clear that Washington was also involved (see below), it is helpful to remember that 'Washington' is just another name for Jerusalem-on-the-Potomac, and does the phrase 'Israeli- occupied territory' ring a bell with you? Hello? Hello?
A very complete setting-out of the evidence for Israeli involvement in 911 can be found at the following locations:
[Correction: 10 Jan 2004 - The two URLs below no longer work. A new URL which works as of today for the shorter version is - Other copies of either version can probably be found with a Google search using the title "Stranger Than Fiction" and the author "Dr Albert D. Pastore PhD". If this is unsuccessful, these articles will probably be available by searching the Internet archives.]
(Shorter earlier version)
(Complete later version)
the latter of which treats the subject in near-book-length thoroughness. But because there are some readers who would think the matter so incredible as to never bother to check this file, we present below several points which we think make a fairly decent argument, tho we have omitted footnotes, links and other references which may be found in the longer document cited:
Point: The number of Israelis who died in the WTC was ZERO, and this in spite of the fact that a LOT of Israelis worked there. Beyond that, there were all kinds of advance warnings, which included the Israeli Prime Minister (who canceled a trip to NY on account of it), Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco, (who also canceled a NY trip), and a host of others. Some Israeli firms even moved out of the WTC just before 911. All of which things are obviously random, Dahling.
Point: Israelis were caught filming the WTC collapse, laughing and shouting and having a good time. Beyond this, the biggest spy ring in the nation was exposed shortly after 911, and guess what nationality was involved? (Hint: It wasn't the Bantus, Jack.) Not to mention the Izzies caught with explosives, and caught filming the Sears Tower and other potential attack points. Not to mention the Izzies caught in the Mexican congress with a fuckin' arsenal! But of course none of these gentle folk were put on trial, because Jerusalem-on-the-Potomac, which was complicit with them, didn't want them on trial, lest they expose the Conspiracy (Did I say that? Why I must be crrraaazyy!) Instead, all the perps were 'sent home'. Now why does all this make me think of that Pentagon memo of a few years ago which said that Jews were security risks? Could it have been a fleeting memory of Jonathan Jay Pollard, who was said to have given Israel every American military secret worth having, and who is now an Israeli hero?
Point: Like they say in Rome, Cui bono? And no, that is not a reference to Sonny. It's "Who benefits?" And what was the benefit? Well, maybe you don't remember all the bad press that Israel was getting before 911 for its treatment of the Pals. So, hey, what better thing to do than demonize dem baaaad-ass Towelheads? That way, you can kill the muthas without anybody objecting much -- run them into the sea and finish the job of stealing their land. And, as an added benefit, you can turn the American people against Araby, and get more aid to boot (What is it this year? $14 billion?) And maybe even get those stupid 'Mericans to do yr fighting fer ya! Hey, Groovy!
Point: As we noted above, the American government was also involved in 911 -- almost certainly at the behest of Jewish agents. We can clearly infer government involvement because there has been no serious investigation of 911 (tho much deliberate stalling, hiding of data, etc), or any resolution of the many indications that government agents were involved (failure to scramble air force jets promptly, insider option trading never investigated, the impossibility of the famous cell phone call from the plane, the disappearing black boxes of three different planes, the perfect flying by Arabs who had experience only in small planes, Arabs spending their last night violating their religion in a strip club, the suddenly- appearing identifying passports, the sudden carting-away of the WTC rubble without analysis, etc, etc, etc). But what ethnicity is it that controls Jerusalem-on-the-Potomac, whose central agency is 'Israeli-occupied territory', and whose President is awash in a sea of Jewish advisers and their shabby goy factotums?
But why, you might ask, have the major media not exposed this if it is true? The answer, of course, is that the major media are in Jewish hands (or under heavy Jewish influence thru advertising) -- a fact which often leads to their being referred to as 'the Jewsmedia'. This has been thoroughly documented in Dr William Pierce's extremely important article "Who Rules America", which may be found at
But the importance of 911 has not just been to promote a war for American (and hence Jewish) hegemony. It has also been to provide an excuse for shredding our Constitution, and thereby removing from the world stage the great beacon of freedom which stands in the way of totalitarian world government, referred to by some as the New World Order, and by others more knowledgeable as the Jew World Order. That 911 was an excuse for shredding the Constitution is an inference, but hardly one requiring a rocket scientist. And there is no doubt that the Bush administration is eager to shred it, with the so-called Patriot act, and -- in just the last month or so -- the secret Patriot II, which would finish the job, and which will almost certainly be rushed thru Congress after the next terrorist act, which will probably be staged for just that purpose. And the concentration camps are already ready to receive dissenters -- information on these camps has been available on the Net for some time. A good article on this subject to start with may be found at
It has even been speculated that dissenters will be rounded up by the many foreign troops on our soil which are here for 'training', since American troops might have qualms about doing this particular job but will not be a problem if they are safely overseas fighting the enemy-du-jour.
Earlier I promised to set out briefly my problems with 'the Jews'. I do this by noting that it has been Jews who have been the force majeure behind the following policies -- policies which not merely shred the Constitution, but seem clearly designed to destroy America and Western civilization, and especially its tradition of freedom. While I have not had time to provide links which show the intimate connection between Jews and the implementation of these policies, I have posted on my website various articles on all of these subjects which demonstrate this connection.
** Gun control (it makes totalitarian control easier)
** Anti-militia statutes (ditto)
** Hate-crime laws (ie, thought-crime laws)
** Immigration (ie, taking our country away from its native inhabitants, and filling it with people who have no appreciation of the Constitution or Western values generally)
** Integration (ie, the abolition of freedom of association, and miscegenation, ie, destruction of the (white) race which produced Western civilization)
** Feminism (ie, male castration, which makes totalitarian control easier)
** Civil rights (ie, special privileges for minorities, which replaces legal equality; Jews founded the NAACP and headed it till the 70s; the 'freedom riders' were mostly Jews)
** The Bolshevik Revolution (60 million dead, and guess what law was first to be promulgated by Lenin? Right! A law against antisemitism!)
** America's entry into WW1 (The Balfour Declaration was the payoff to the Zionist Jews for using their influence on President Wilson)
** The abuses of the Versailles treaty (More than 100 Jews were in the American delegation at the conference, and most historians agree that the conditions imposed on Germany virtually guaranteed another world war)
** WW2 (Churchill was paid off by Jews, who saved his Chartwell estate from the auctioneer; Roosevelt was Jewish: His original Dutch family name was Rosenveldt)
** Atomic spies for the Soviets (Rosenbergs, David Greenglass, Theodore Hall, Martin Sobel, and many other Jews)
** The laws against 'racism', 'xenophobia' and -- especially -- questioning the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust (mostly in Europe, but coming soon to a country near and dear to you! And of course if the OJV were true then they wouldn't have to make laws against questioning it, but since it is such a big source of shakedown money -- the Swiss being only the most public example -- it is pretty clear why there is so much effort to keep Big Questions from being put in front of the public about this Jewish Big Lie.) *
* The Federal Reserve (Owned by the Rothschilds and their friends; it has been responsible for all our depressions (by contracting the currency) and inflation (robbing our wealth) as detailed in G Edward Griffin's massive tome, The Creature From Jekyll Island ; Jew Paul Warburg wrote the Federal Reserve Act)
** Control of both political parties (Hey, money talks, and you can take that to the bank!)
** Most major contemporary financial scandals (Need we mention such well- known Jews as Ivan Boesky and Marc Rich? And let us not forget the two major operatives in the Enron scandal, Andy Fastow and Ken Lay, who were responsible for the largest bankruptcy in US history. The historical record is similar: For example, Rothschild agent JP Morgan created the panic of 1907 which led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve; and Rothschild agent Nicholas Biddle, president of the Second Bank of the US, engaged in a long struggle with Andrew Jackson over money power, which Jackson won only barely.)
** Assassination of JFK (Michael Collins Piper has made a strong case for Jewish responsibility in his book Final Judgment - The reason for the hit was JFK's fervent opposition to Israel's nuclear arsenal)
** The Mob (Yes, Italians have been significantly involved, but Jews have long held principal sway, from Meyer Lansky onward, and the problem is now even more acute with the importation of the 'refugees' of the 'Russian mafiya', who are far more brutal than even the domestic Jewish mob)
** Accusations against Libya resulting in the Reagan bombing (the accusations were the result of one of many so-called 'false flag' operations by the Mossad, as described by former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky in his book By Way of Deception .)
** Attack on the USS Liberty
** MLK (His chief handler was communist Jew Stanley Levison)
** White slavery (The Jews love gentile women -- in bed (so much so that the Jewish slang for gentile female -- shiksa -- has moved into standard English slang as chick ), and Israel is the center of trade in the sexual enslavement of white women)
** Kiddie porn (2 big Jewish rings recently exposed -- in Italy and Brazil)
** Torture (It's state policy in Izzyland; it was used with great efficiency on German prisoners at the Nuremberg trials, where dozens of Germans had their testicles beaten to a pulp by members of the overwhelming Jewish presence there; in America, torture is defended by primarily by prominent Jews like Alan Dershowitz and CCNY Prof Michael Levin, and it won't be long before you, too, can experience it if the Jews have their way!)
** MK-Ultra (This infamous CIA mind-control program -- exposed by the Church committee hearings in the 70s -- was headed by Jew Sidney Gottlieb) ** Cruelty (The quarter-Jew Yiddish-speaking Lenin praised Jews for their cruelty, and encouraged it as part of the largely-Jewish Russian revolution)
** Ecstasy (The trade in this drug is dominated by Jews, and experience has shown that rabbis make excellent mules.)
** Destruction of South Africa (The South African Communist Party was headed by Lithuanian Jew Joe Slovo, who was Nelson Mandela's handler, and isn't it wonderful that Johannesburg is now the Rape Capital of the World and that SA is now a Turd-World cesspool?)
** Hitler (He was the grandson of a Rothschild, and very possibly in league with them, as documented in Goldberg's The Jewish Connection and by several other authors (Normal Livergood, Ralph Epperson, etc). Certainly he had no problem with his Jewish bankers, the Warburgs.)
** And on and on, literally. Of course, with the Jewsmedia as your only source of information, you probably haven't had a clue as to what is really going on, but then that is precisely why you should be reading my website,, and similar sites which cover these things. We post piles of documentation every day for this stuff, in addition to the many permanent posts; and while one swallow doesn't make a drunkard, after reading us for awhile, even liberals can start to get the picture -- at least sometimes, if their minds haven't been terminally poisoned.
So what, then, am I getting at? Here is a paragraph I recently wrote on the subject:
It is wrong to assign the blame for the crimes of individual Jews to the Jewish people as a whole. But it is not wrong to notice that the Jewish people are a seething nexus of crime against gentiles -- a locus whose probability of producing any given assault on white Western civilization exceeds randomness by seven leagues and a country mile. The 20th century has been replete with Jewish-led movements which wormed, chipped, chewed, hacked and battered their way across American and European civilization, from the Jewish-led and Jewish-financed Bolshevik revolution thru political correctness, hate crimes and the Holohoax to Palestinian genocide, State- sponsored torture, the shredding of the American Constitution, US and Israeli war crimes and placing the world on the precipice of World War Three. The list could literally go on and on, even as the media -- and indeed the bulk of its dumbed-down thoroughly-conditioned politically- correct citizenry -- are paralyzed by the threat of Jewish wrath and the meaningless yet anaphylactically venemous charge of 'antisemitism', with the result that the few of us who have been screaming that the king has no clothes watch helplessly as our beloved civilization and its traditions of freedom and opportunity disappear with increasing rapidity down the gaping and unforgiving maw of the Orwellian memory hole. Under these circumstances it is no moral crime to be antisemitic; rather it is a moral obligation .
OK, maybe the last sentence is a bit hyperbolic, but the point is that all of us -- both gents and Jews -- must do some serious thinking about the role of Jews in gentile society. There is, of course, at one extreme the 'gas all Jews now' crowd, of which I am not a member; and at the other, the miscegenationist crowd, who believe that intermarriage -- now at a 50% rate, up from only 6% a generation ago -- will take the sting out of the Jewish scorpion and make him sufficiently domesticated to not require a Jewish Star on his sleeve. Another crowd -- the informationist crowd -- is one that seeks to educate both Jews and gentiles on the former's nasty habits, with the hope of reforming and domesticating them while keeping the gents on their guard. In between these extremes there are of course the Zionists, or separationists, who simply desire that Jews be separated from gentiles, as so many countries have wished down thru the ages. As for myself, I have not settled on any of these Final Solutions, but I do believe that they ought to be discussed.
So what then is the matter with Mensa? What is the matter with an organization whose very purpose was to bring together the Best and the Brightest that they might discuss such Big Questions as these? The answer, of course, is that Mensa is significantly Jewish, and the remainder of it is significantly Ignorant; and the combination has attempted to suppress discussion of what is clearly the elephant in the livingroom, as the lengthy collection of files on my site in the Jewish Question section demonstrates, and as I have further documented in my book, Political Correctness, Censorship and Liberal-Jewish Strongarm Tactics in High-IQ/Low-Morals Mensa: A Case Study, Socratic Press, 1997.
Actually, I am not being quite accurate. I have mailed my musings on the Jews during the last 3 years to numerous Mensans, and the statistics show that about 1/3 of them (mostly women) ask to be removed from future mailings, but 2/3 seem content to remain on my list and hear my message. This, then, means that there is a probable majority of Mensans who are interested in my message, but most of them do not have the courage to band together and make the Jewish Question an issue in Mensa.
And there we have it, folks -- courage . Mensans -- brainy as they supposedly are -- simply lack the courage to debate this matter. OK, some of them may simply not be interested, but let's face it folks, this elephant has been in the livingroom now for a loooong time, and can you really say that intelligent people are not interested in all the damage it is doing? Frankly, I don't believe it. I find it much easier to believe that Mensans are just cowards. But go ahead -- prove me wrong.
In conclusion, I would like to briefly make three points.
* First, while I rarely speak about the subject, it is a fact, as Henry Ford noted, that the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are interesting because, while their provenance may be questionable, they certainly seem to describe what the Jews are actually doing. But on the other hand, there seems little point in getting tangled up in a controversy over the Protocols -- after all, one can argue forever about whether the Protocols are 'forgeries', but one can't argue with the news stories that daily confirm the Protocols by fleshing out the image of the Jewish establishment as an 800-pound gorilla on steroids.
* Second, it is interesting to note that the President's announcement of a deadline for Saddam to comply with his 'final demands' came on none other than Purim, the yearly Jewish celebration of revenge which memorializes the tricking of a gentile king into slaughtering the Jews' enemies. (You don't think that could parallel the present situation, do ya? Huh? Huh?) And as a further curiosity, it was on Purim of 1991 when George Bush Sr ended his own little war on Iraq. Do you believe in coincidences? Do ya?
* Just today, an Israeli woman was caught at New York's LaGuardia airport with a gas mask and a cannister of strange white powder which was 'at first' determined to harbor anthrax, but later was declared to be not so, even tho airport employees were required to undergo decontamination. (The woman, if you can believe it, was released.) So tell me, how long do you think it will be before our next 'Ay-rab terrorist incident'? Huh? Huh?
Till next time,
PS: The following letter was written for mailing to Mensans last fall, but did not get mailed for various reasons. Since it contains useful information, I am including it now.
Dear Fellow Mensans:
There have been some new developments on the 'Jewish Question' front which I thought you would like to know about.
First, in reading the Mensa Bulletin , it is hard to keep from noticing that cracks are beginning to appear in the wall of silence that the Powers That Be in Mensa have erected to suppress discussion of the Jewish Question. I refer specifically to three (count 'em: THREE) letters in the most recent Bulletin (August 2002) on 'Anti-Semitism', no fewer than TWO of which took a critical attitude toward the Self-Chosen, or Jews, as I prefer to call them. Oh, sure, they weren't rabidly 'antisemitic', but the point is that the fact that THREE letters were published on this topic almost certainly means that there were quite a few MORE than three received, and that the Bulletin letters editor felt compelled by the pressure of numbers to publish what she did. Obviously we are seeing a lot more consciousness of this issue, and it is hard to believe that my efforts -- including my website, which was put up in direct response to the censorship that Mensa exercised against me -- and my many letters to every Mensan whose email address has been published in the Bulletin -- have not had a critical effect on this consciousness-raising.
But there's more, so don't go away yet! In my last letter to Mensans, I described the fact that my website is now in the top half percent of more than 20 million websites worldwide as rated by, and that this popularity -- due purely to word-of-mouth -- seemed to be because people were hungry for honest discussion of the Jewish Question, and that my site was one of the very few where a forthright yet balanced discussion could be found. This letter, however, seems to have set off a grand mal seizure in the Mensa Censors, who succeeded in getting my ISP account canceled, not by alleging that I had violated any policy of the ISP (I hadn't), but rather that my letter somehow violated the policy of the ISP's phone company , with the result that the phone company was threatening the ISP with cancellation unless my account was closed. Now this is significant not merely by being an obscene exhibition of raw naked Jewish power, but also as a demonstration of the very things which I have been saying, namely, that the Jewish establishment has significant control of our country, that they do not hesitate to use their money or power or connections to strongarm their way to dominance of our institutions and culture, and that this influence extends to the most minute activities, such as my letter to you. But besides this, there is something else of significance that this little vignette shows, namely, that the Jews and their shabby goy censors in Mensa are getting rather desperate in their attempts to shut me up. Do you suppose that they will be able to find another phone company that they can strongarm into pulling another event like the one they pulled last time? I of course have no idea, but I do know that this kind of tactic is guaranteed to generate a truckload of resentment when it is exposed, and that -- one way or another -- I shall continue these letters, and continue to expose this kind of ugly Foreskinner behavior.
As a footnote to the above, the ISP who booted us was Jewish, and actually a rather nice fellow; and my wife had a long discussion of conspiracy theory and the Jewish Question with him over the phone. It was obvious that he, like many Jews who are not affected with the chauvinism of the Jewish Establishment, was not resentful of our message, if for no other reason than that it is as much PRO-JEWISH as it is pro-white. The reason for this is quite simple: As the Jewish Establishment attempts more and more to dominate American and Western society, there will be more and more resentment caused, and more and more people who will become wise to what is happening. And that is not good for Jews as a whole, no matter what their feeling toward gentiles, because it means that this attempt of the tiny elite of a tiny 2 1/2 percent minority to dominate the other 97 1/2 percent might just mean that this time around, somebody will be building some REAL gas chambers.
As a final note, my website,, continues to grow in popularity, and indeed has significantly improved its ranking in only the last month or so. My point is not just that 'antisemitism' is becoming a moral imperative (yes, folks, a MORAL IMPERATIVE), but that the kind of material on my site appeals to a LOT of people, and that we are not going away, not by a long shot. This is stuff of mountain-moving importance, and you ignore it only at your peril. I might add that I have just concluded a correspondence with well-known novelist Tom Clancy on the Race and Jewish questions, and that Mr Clancy ended up like virtually everyone else who debates with me -- with foot-in-mouth and head-up-butt. You can see the complete correspondence by visiting the Net Losses section of my website -- the Clancy correspondence is the last entry of the Missile-Anus section.
The wall of silence is crumbling; the politically (and SEMITICALLY) correct Mensa establishment is beginning to collapse. I shall not cease to inform Mensans of what is happening until the Jewish Question is discussed as freely in Mensa as any other.
Till next time, Birdman.
PS: Some of you undoubtedly knew Mensan Gary Eisler who recently died from cancer. He was author of one of the several letters published in the two- page spread of the March 2000 Bulletin devoted to denouncing me for my views on Jews. Well, not long after the publication of his letter, Gary contacted me, and we had a long and generally friendly correspondence that continued right up until his death (He even subscribed to my Weekly Letter). Gary was one of those truly intelligent Jews who could see that there is another side to the Jewish Question besides the Establishment one; and while we had significant disagreements, there was no hostility between us, nor anything inhibiting our airing of differences. Gary was a unique and specially valuable individual, and I would hope that in death he would serve as a role model for other Jewish Mensans, many of whom desperately need a role model in view of their obscene behavior as recorded in the letters posted on my website. Rest in peace, friend Gary.
The Holocaust Is a Jewish Big Lie:
Birdman's Not-Quite-95 Theses on the Holocaust
A Modern-Day Diet of Worms Intended to Give the Holohoaxers and Their Jewish-Asskissing Retinue of True Believers a Bit of Indigestion
By John "Birdman" Bryant
Note: Recently there has been an essay making the rounds of the Net entitled '95 Theses on the Holocaust'. As JBR Yant remarked, there is nothing so inspiring as to see a good thing done poorly, and for this reason I have created my own list of Holocaust Theses, tho I have chosen not to bore the reader by trying to round out a count of 95 by digging up a bunch of marginal ones. In spite of this, however, I believe that the 55-or-over theses that are found here will keep the reader sufficiently entertained to justify his lucubrative effort during that period while he is trying to get the prunes and bran muffins to work.
Jews accuse Hitler of using, if not inventing, the Big Lie technique, but what Hitler actually did (in Mein Kampf) was to accuse the JEWS of using it. And of course Hitler was right: Not only did the Jews tell a Big Lie when they accused Hitler of doing so, but they told another one when they invented the Holocaust.
Reason 1 the JBL (Jewish Big Lie) continues: The Holocaust is a cash cow for Jews and Israel. False sympathy for Jews has given Israel hundreds of billions of dollars from Germany and the US, and has provided large incomes to individual Jews who have capitalized on the Holocaust with their novels, 'memoirs', films, plays, speaking tours and the like. It may be truly said that the Holocaust is the golden calf on the gentile leg that the Jews have been pulling for more than 60 years.
Reason 2 the JBL continues: Many countries in Europe, as well as Canada and Australia, have laws against denying the OJV (Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust). There can be only one reason for these laws: Supporting a lie that is a cash cow for Jews, and preventing criticism of Jews. If the OJV were true, it would not need legislative support. Only lies need such support.
Reason 3 the JBL continues: The Holocaust is a secular religion in a secular age that keeps Jews drawn together and makes them easier for the Big Jews to manipulate.
Reason 4 the JBL continues: Once you start lying, you can't stop without admitting that you were lying, and if the Big Jews do that, then Jew-Deism -- the worship of The Chosen -- actually The SELF-Chosen -- by Jews and Christian idiots will collapse, and instead of the Chosen People, the Jews will become the Frozen People.
Reason 5 the JBL continues: Jewish scholars such as Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem, Israel's national Holocaust museum, have admitted that some of the most important features of the OJV are false, including the story that soap was made from the fat of Jewish bodies, and lampshades from Jewish skin. And yet in spite of these grudging admissions, the falsehoods remain firmly in place because Jews suppress the findings of Holocaust revisionists.
The notion that Auschwitz was a 'death camp' is ludicrous #1: You don't build swimming pools, organize orchestras, have a camp hospital, print camp currency and establish a brothel for inmates who are going to be killed.
The notion that Auschwitz was a 'death camp' is ludicrous #2: You don't hang guards for abusing prisoners who are going to be killed, as the nazis did.
The notion that Auschwitz was a 'death camp' is ludicrous #3: High nazi muckamucks don't send around memos, as Himmler did, declaring that the death rate in the camps 'absolutely' must be reduced when the inmates are there to be killed.
The notion that Auschwitz was a 'death camp' is ludicrous #4: Auschwitz was a huge industrial center which manufactured products critical to the German war effort. Shipping people to an industrial center in order to kill them is the height of absurdity.
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #1: The nazis were desperate for labor, so why would they kill the very thing they were desperate for?
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #2: The ashes from such a huge collection of bodies would have inundated the surrounding countryside.
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #3: A calculation of how long it would take to incinerate such a mass of bodies would have made the operation last well into the next century.
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #4: There weren't even 6 million Jews in Europe at the time.
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #5: The World Almanac gives Jewish population figures over the war years which show an INCREASE OF JEWISH NUMBERS. Hey, but it's an old Jewish trick, like the one Jeezez did with the loaves and fishes, right?
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #6: In 1995, the plaque outside Auschwitz was changed to read 1.1 million deaths rather than 4 million, but according to Jewish mathematicians, 6 million minus 3 million is still 6 million. Hey, those big numbers can be tricky!
The notion that the nazis killed 6 million Jews does not pass the smell test #7: On two different occasions long prior to WW2, Organized Jewry claimed that '6 million Jews' had perished due to 'evil gentiles'. Clearly, the Six Million is a notion originating in Jewish mystical texts which has no basis in reality.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #1: Zyklon B could not possibly have been used to gas anyone in the slow-evaporating form that it came in. It would have taken HOURS.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #2: Zyklon B was in a form intended for use in clothing de-lousing chambers. Lice spread typhus, a big killer in war, and this de-lousing saved the lives of many lousy Jews. (Did I say that? I must be an ANTI-SEMITE! Forgive me, O Yahweh!)
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #3: Zyklon B could not possibly have been used safely to gas Jews -- it is an explosive gas, and the spark from a match or cigaret would have blown the 'gas chamber' to smithereens.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #4: The idea that Jewish 'trusties' pulled Jewish bodies apart after gassing is ludicrous -- the gas trapped in the clothing would have killed the trusties in about 30 seconds.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #5: The 'gas chambers' which have been shown to tourists for years were built by the Soviets, and the head of the Auschwitz museum admitted this.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #6: Nothing about 'gas chambers' was ever mentioned in the memoirs of any of the participants in WW2, including Eisenhower, De Gaulle and Churchill.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #7: Arno Mayer, generally accepted by establishment historians as the premier historian of the Holocaust, declared in his book Why Did the Heavens Not Darken that evidence for the existence of gas chambers was both 'rare and unreliable'.
The notion that the nazis killed people in gas chambers does not pass the smell test #8: The pictures of emaciated corpses which we have all seen are not products of gassing, but STARVATION -- starvation which occurred because there was no food for the laborers toward the end of the war. In this context it is notable that, when the camps were 'liberated', Eisenhower insisted that the liberators 'get it all on film' because 'someone in the future would deny that all this happened'. Needless to say, nobody denies the existence of 'all this', namely, the walking (and non-walking) skeletons that populated the Camps -- the revisionists just deny that 'all this' proves that the nazis were in the extermination business. In fact, 'all this' proves that the nazis WEREN'T in the extermination business -- if you are going to exterminate people, you don't build housing for them and then wait for them to starve to death -- instead, you do like Eisenhower did to the surrendered German soldiers, and put them in an open enclosure with no food or water. (Did somebody say that Ike was a war criminal? Why, that's heresy!!!)
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #1: The Nuremberg laws were ex post facto laws, but ex post facto law is not only grossly unfair, but it is specifically banned by the US Constitution, and yet an American Supreme Court justice (Jackson) was the chief prosecutor.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #2: Nazis were treated brutally and often tortured to get 'confessions'. They were not allowed reasonable legal counsel, access to documents, or any of the other amenities that are standard in Anglo-American law. And yet, even in such strained circumstances, they were still sometimes able to put American prosecutors to shame, as Goering did.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #3: Following the trials, the transcripts of the proceedings were often doctored to cover up embarrassments, as proved by the inconsistency of the audiotapes with the transcripts.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #4: A trial is supposed to be unbiased, but there was nothing unbiased about the Nuremberg trials. Most of the 'Americans' were actually European Jews who had gained American citizenship, but returned to Germany in order to get revenge on the nazis.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #5: The nazis were condemned, and many hanged, for acts for which the allies were also guilty, yet no one other than nazis were tried for 'war crimes'. Furthermore, the nazis were not allowed the 'tu quoque' defense, ie, not allowed to defend themselves by bringing up the fact that they did nothing more than what the Allies did.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #6: Julius Streicher was condemned to hang by the Nuremberg tribunal, and yet Streicher was not even a participant in the nazi government. His 'crime' was to publish a crude antisemitic newspaper and be an early supporter of Hitler. But hey, I guess all those cartoons of big noses really get to the Jews after awhile...
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #7: Wood, the hangman who dispatched the condemned nazis and a probable Jew, insured that the hanging would be brutal. Not only did he make the ropes short so that the condemned men would strangle rather than dying by neck-break, but he made the holes in the floor so small that the faces of the hanged men would be mauled as they dropped thru.
The Nuremberg trials were a farce #8: No Hitler order or anything of the kind has ever been found for extermination of the Jews, altho it is well-documented that Hitler said that the final solution to the Jewish Question should be postponed till after the war. The result is that Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg has claimed that there was a 'meeting of the minds' on the Holocaust without there ever being any specific declaration, ie, the Third Reich accomplished its alleged 'extermination' via TELEPATHY!
Jews denounce the presumed genocide of Jews by the nazis, and yet are busy doing exactly that to the Palestinians. It is a psychological truism that guilty parties often accuse others of exactly what they (the guilty) are guilty of. If anyone deserves to be gassed, it is the Jews.
Jews denounce the presumed genocide of Jews by the nazis, and yet Jews practiced genocide on the Germans, as detailed by James Bacque in his chronicle of Jew Eisenhower's postwar internment camps. They also advocated it in the book 'Germany Must Perish', a book written in the WW2 period by a Jew named Kaufman, and popularized by the sycophantic praise of Jewish book reviewers.
Jews denounce the brutality of the nazis, and yet the major acts of brutality in the Camps were carried out by kapos -- Jewish trusties whose position gave them the power of life and death over inmates.
Jews denounce the brutality of the nazis, and yet Israel is the only 'Western' country that permits torture, altho the influence of the Jewish lobby and such 'legal experts' as Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz has virtually legalized it in America.
Jews denounce the brutality of the nazis, but deaths among American POWs held by Germany in WW2 occurred at a lower rate than in the American population as a whole. Hey, a break from all that fatty American food was just what Our Boys needed!
Jews denounce the brutality of the nazis, yet during WW2, Jewish guerrillas sunk a ship which was full of Jews bound for Palestine in order to blame it on the British and create more sympathy for Jewish immigration to Palestine, an area which was then under British control. Several similar cases of Jews killing their own for political purposes in WW2 have been reported.
Jews make much of the 'blood libel' which accuses Jews of killing gentile children and using their blood for cooking -- an accusation which is not without evidence; but Jews have in fact engaged in the greatest of all blood libels by accusing Germany of the Holocaust.
One of the greatest Jewish Holocaust legends of WW2 was the story of Anne Frank, the scion of a rich Dutch Jewish family. As it happens, however, her 'diary' upon which the legend was based was of questionable authenticity -- it was at least partly written by her father -- and in particular disguised the fact that -- far from 'hiding' from the nazis -- Anne's father was actually making a good living by supplying the nazis with food goods. For her part, Anne died in a concentration camp of typhus -- probably one of those lousy Jews.
The books of Elie 'The Weasel' Wiesel provide much of the fodder for the OJV, and yet this slick Jew, whose speaking fee is $25,000 a pop plus limo, is a notorious liar. For example, he claimed to have been liberated from more than one concentration camp, to have walked around Babi Yar where he saw the ground spurt 'geysers of blood', and to have been knocked a full city block by a NY taxicab.
Elie the Weasel denounces the Germans for their behavior, and yet when he was liberated from confinement in a concentration camp, he chose not to wait for the Soviets, but rather to go west in the company of his captors. I guess he must have really loved all that torture.
Elie the Weasel was responsible for the 'Holocaust' moniker as a result of his claim that he saw Jews being thrown into pits and burned alive. Somehow, this story has now been quietly forgotten, along with others about boiling and electrocution, in favor of 'gas chambers'.
Jews are never ending in their condemnation of 'hate', particularly as represented by the Holocaust, and yet Elie the Weasel has claimed in one of his books that every Jew must hate the Germans.
The Third Reich cooperated with Jews to get them to emigrate to Israel. Zionist newspapers were allowed to be published, and under the Ha'avara, or Transfer Agreement, special areas were set aside in Germany to train Jews in the skills they would need in Israel, and Jews were given special financial privileges in the matter of taking their wealth out of Germany.
Jewish zionist guerrillas offered the Third Reich a military alliance during WW2.
Many Jews fought for the Third Reich, including 70 generals and many lesser types. Hitler himself was one-quarter Jewish, and in fact the grandson of a Rothschild.
The Third Reich was the recipient of significant financing by Jews.
The notorious Yellow Star, which Jews were required to wear in Germany, and which supposedly identified Jews for extermination, was actually something proposed to the nazi authorities by the Chief Rabbi of Berlin.
The only nation which has forbidden marriage between Jews and gentiles besides nazi Germany is Israel.
Jews had a significant role in building the atomic bomb, which was then used to create a genuine holocaust of Japenese victims. Isn't it funny that we never hear much about this very real holocaust, but we are subjected to a never-ending stream of weeping and wailing over a false one?
The only real holocaust in Germany was the firebombing of German cities by the British. In particular, 'Bomber' Harris incinerated Dresden, a city of no military importance, but one filled with civilian refugees, which killed upwards of a quarter million people.
Hitler made a good offer of peace to Britain in 1940. If Jew Churchill had accepted, the Holocaust couldn't have happened -- not that it did.
It is essential that the truth about the Holocaust be known, because the Holocaust is both the key and the Achilles heel of Jewish power over gentiles. If the Holocaust Lie collapses, then so does Jewish power.
Gentiles will stop telling unpleasant truths about Jews when Jews stop telling unpleasant lies about gentiles.
History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number
By John "Birdman" Bryant
As everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows, six million is the number of Jews supposedly killed by the nazis in 'gas chambers' during WW2. As it happens, however, this is false, and not merely false, but a deliberate lie, as indeed are all of the essential components of the generally accepted version of the Holocaust, which I refer to as the Orthodox Jewish Verson, or OJV for short. The falsity of the OJV in general, and the six million claim in particular, has been so thoroughly proved by historical and forensic investigation as to barely deserve mention; but for those who are interested, copious discussion of virtually every aspect of this matter is found in the several collections of articles on the Holocaust posted on this website, particularly in the Articles of Others section under the subcategory Jews. Additionally, a good overview of the falsity of the OJV is found HERE. The purpose of the present article, however, is not to review this information, but is rather to investigate the probable origin of the six million number with a view to understanding how and why it became a key point of the Holocaust Big Lie. In particular, we shall show that the origin of this number is probably scriptural, and in fact must have been chosen as a way of seeming to fulfill a prophecy of the Jewish scriptures in order to justify the existence of Israel. The most important point to be understood here, however, is that -- completely apart from, and independent of, other historical and forensic considerations -- the material in this essay demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that the Six Million number is a lie, and thus so is the OJV.
But there is more to the matter than this, because the Holocaust and its 'Six Million' victims has become the central organizing feature of Jewish life in the modern world, in which the Jews are depicted as the Eternal Victims, and where anyone who opposes Jews or the Jewish Establishment becomes identified as a vector of what has come to be regarded as the ultimate evil, 'antisemitism'. In fact, as many have pointed out, the Holocaust has actually become a sort of civil religion, in which heretics -- those who dare to question any aspect of the OJV -- are either shunned as kooks and crazies, anathematized as 'antisemites', or else -- as in most Western countries except America -- simply sent to jail.
But this is still only half the story, because the Holocaust is not merely a religious dogma intended to weld the Jewish community together in much the same way that the old-time Judaic religion once did, but it is also a fabulous cash cow which has placed billions upon billions of guilt-money into the hands of both the Jewish Establishment and individual Jews. ("There's no business like Shoah [Holocaust] business" is a common saying among the Jewish set.) In particular, even 60 years after the end of WW2, the German government is still paying 'reparations' to Jews -- this for a calamity that never happened to a state that did not even exist at the time -- and the United States, whose entry into WW2 sealed Germany's defeat, and whose highest legislative body has often been referred to as 'Israeli-occupied territory' -- has been equally generous to the Jewish state, if not moreso. In short, therefore, the Holocaust lie has been both the spiritual and financial wellspring of modern Jewish power, and for this reason it is clear why the Jewish Establishment holds onto this lie with a tenacity bordering on insanity.
Our proof that the Six Million number is a deliberate lie consists of two parts: First, an explanation of how this number originated in Jewish scripture, and second, a citation of the several places prior to WW2 where the Jewish Establishment claimed that there were 'six million' Jewish victims. To these points will be added observations about several related matters, including (a) the many holocausts for which Jews themselves have been responsible, (b) how Jews themselves were responsible for the Holocaust, and (c) how various historical accounts of attacks on Jews have been wildly exaggerated by Jewish writers -- in fact, exaggerated to the point of ludicrousness -- all of which serve to establish that the leitmotif of 'Jews as Eternal Victims' is really a sort of bizarre comic opera of Wagnerian proportions that has gone on thruout Jewish history.
The quotes below are from unpublished sources whose content I have tried -- so far unsuccessfully -- to have verified by rabbinical scholars. I suspect that their ultimate source is the book The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism by Ben Weintraub, which is discussed HERE. The meaning of these quotes is made clearer if one understands something about Gematria, the Kabbalistic practice of interpreting texts by associating words and numbers, and which is described as follows:
"In Jewish mysticism, [gematria] is a traditional system of associating numbers with Hebrew letters for the purpose of discovering hidden meanings in words. This is accomplished by systematically associating letters with numbers and then finding other words with similar numbers. These latter words are regarded as comments on the original words. Systems related to the Hebrew implementation of gematria are still used." --
Here are the relevant quotes:
[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must "vanish" before the state of Israel can be formed. "You shall return minus 6 million." That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the "6 million" is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in "burning ovens", which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: ". . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State." A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the "burning ovens" (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been "fulfilled" and Israel can become a "legitimate state". --Unknown
[Quote 2] Regarding the 'six million' number you should know the following: In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read "you shall return". In the text the letter "V" or "VAU" is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is '6 million'. The prophesy then reads: You will return, but with 6 million less. See Ben Weintraub: "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism", Cosmo Publishing, Washington 1995, page 3. The missing 6 million must be so before the Jews can return to the Promised Land. Jahweh sees this as a cleaning of the souls of the sinful people. The Jews must, on the return to the Promised Land, be clean -- the cleaning shall be done in burning stokes. --A Correspondent
In short, it appears that the six million number is some kind of scriptural or kabbalistic justification for the establishment of the state of Israel. This is a matter of some importance, because religious Jews are deeply divided on the scriptural legitimacy of Israel, and in fact there are many religious Jews who actively oppose the Israeli state. Obviously the Zionists, whose work in establishing Israel began in earnest at the end of the 19th century, felt a need to attract orthodox Jews to their cause, and perhaps this was the reason why the earliest reference to the 'six million' which has so far been discovered appeared around that time.

Orthodox Jews burning the Israeli flag

Orthodox Jews protesting in Jerusalem

Jews Against Zionism
EARLIER REFERENCES TO 'SIX MILLION' A. On page 482 of the article on 'Antisemitism' in the the 10th Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica (1902) is found the words: "While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded...". As the reader can see, these words appear in the last paragraph of the left hand column of the image reproduced HERE (it takes a while for this file to come up). This reference preceeds references to the Six Million of WW2 by approximately 40 years.
B. In the American Hebrew Magazine of October 31, 1919, p 582, there appeared an article entitled "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!" (note the Christian symbolism) by Martin H Glynn, former governor of the state of New York. This article begins, "From across the sea, six million men and women call to us for help ..." and subsequently tells us that "six million human beings are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate". The article was published approximately 20 years before the outbreak of WW2. An image of the complete article is HERE.
C. The remaining two pre-WW2 references to Six Million are referred to in the following quote, and consist of references to (1) the Herzl diaries, and (2) British and Bolshevik propaganda in WW1. We do not have first-hand references, but we expect that scholars familiar with the literature would have little trouble digging them up:
As a gentile European I may not ask these questions [ie, question
the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust] without penalty,
but Rabbi Moishe Arye Friedman, chief Rabbi of the Orthodox
anti-Zionist Jewish Community in Vienna, Austria, did not prostrate
before the God of Zion and did not hesitate to attend the [2006] Tehran
conference decried by the Muslim American Society as immoral and
motivated by racial hatred. In his address to the conference he
stated that the founder of the Zionism, Theodor Herzl, already spoke
in his first diaries of a number of six million Jews who were
allegedly threatened in Europe and that, according to Herzl, the
so-called Jewish state would only have a chance if there was a
disaster for these six million European Jews, as well as that the
Bolshevists and the British government already used the six million
figure in their war propaganda against Germany during the first
world war. He further talked about the collaboration between the
Nazis and the Zionists, and added that he was sure that the last
word about the real or actual number of the victims had not yet been
spoken, mentioning that in 1990 the number originally specified of
four million victims of Auschwitz had been reduced to approximately
900,000 to 1.1 million whilst the six million figure remained
--Dr. Sahib M. Bleher, "Iran Revolution ends the 'Holocult'",
Mathaba organization, 2006/12/17
Rabbi Friedman's address is also described at, where it is additionally noted that the Bolshevists and the British government already used the six million figure in their war propaganda against Germany during the first world war.
Now in case the logical implications of the above material have managed to escape the reader, let me put it bluntly: If there is a seemingly-factual claim of 'six million Jewish deaths' (or near-deaths) in four entirely different historical contexts, then this is simply too big a coincidence to be believable -- four events within a half century, each of which involves six million Jewish deaths (or near deaths) is wildly improbable; and in fact, even ONE event involving as many as six million deaths is itself difficult to believe without extraordinary proof. Thus it is clear that what we have in the 'six million' claims are not four factual reports of historical events, but rather four cases of people 'crying wolf' in order to gain attention and sympathy. And that, if I may be so bold as to say so, is irrefutable proof of the fact that the 'Six Million' is a lie.
In his book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Prof Arthur Butz cites several victimological exaggerations of Jewish scholars. An article with this material is found HERE.
On my website there is an entire subsction of the section on Jews in Articles of Others devoted to Holocausts Caused By Jews. This is more than simply ironic, because it is a psychological fact that those who make accusations are often guilty of the very crimes of which they accuse others. Perhaps the mechanism at work here is that the accuser is attempting to make himself seem less guilty in the eyes of others; or perhaps he is trying to place on others the blame for his own crimes; but whatever is happening in the case of Jews, it is clear from the historical record that they carry a considerable burden of guilt.
Many commentators have noted that antisemitism does not exist in a vacuum, but instead is a result of the behavior of Jews themselves. This is reinforced by the fact that, at one time or another, Jews have been expelled from virtually every western city, country, state and principality. This, then, suggests strongly -- without consideration of any other historical facts -- that Jews themselves were responsible for the Holocaust. This theme has been elaborated upon by Canadian Jewish Professor Henry Makow, who has argued that the Zionists -- that great cheerleading squad for the promotion of Israel -- were themselves responsible for the Holocaust. Makow's article is HERE (to make the type visible, do an Edit/Select All in Internet Explorer).
From the above considerations, the conclusion is obvious: While the Jewish Establishment spends millions and billions of dollars promoting the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust, the ugly fact is that the Holocaust story is a lie used to promote Jewish interests and pick gentile pockets, and to cover up the fact that -- far from being Eternal Victims -- the Jews are actually ETERNAL VICTIMIZERS.
There is a curious theological aspect to the OJV, which we can only appreciate if we know that religious Jews regard their best rabbis as able to outsmart Yahweh. As Ed Steele put it in one of his essays, 'You really must have a glimmering of the true extent of Jewish hubris in order to appreciate their belief that, if they got the whole world to repeat their 6-million lie, then God would be fooled into allowing them to enter the "Promised Land."' Or in other words, the Jews had no compunctions about pedaling the Six Million lie because it was all for the noble cause of fooling their stupid God. Fooling the stupid Goyim was only a side issue.
Appendix: Birdman
Corresponds With Michael K on the
6 Million Number
6 Million Number
Birdman writes (excerpt):
Now this is the deal: The 'six million' number came from SOMEWHERE. The big question is where. Furthermore, it comes from some AUTHORITY, because it was used THREE SEPARATE TIMES IN MAJOR EXPRESSIONS OF JEWISH ESTABLISHMENT THOUGHT -- 1902, 1919 and 194x. That means that the chances are very good that it is scriptural, possibly kabbalistic. We have confirmation of this theory with Weintraub [The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order by Ben Weintraub], however strange he may be. Since you know Hebrew, and since you have contacts among Jews, you are in a position to investigate this. You just might be able to uncover the Story of the Century if you could crack this nut. Rabbis that wouldn't talk to me might be willing to talk to you, particularly if they see you as a fellow Jew. I have already asked several rabbis for comment, but have either been ignored or have received denials.
michael responds [intervening correspondence was omitted as irrelevant]:
ok, i've made some good progress with the weintraub book.
first you should know that weintraub is a pseudo nym for the real author.
second pp.5-6 entitled "Secrets of Rabbi Benjamin Blech" have the important information. the verse with missing VaW appears in Leviticus 25:10:
é åÀ÷ÄãÌÇùÑÀúÌÆí, àÅú ùÑÀðÇú äÇçÂîÄùÌÑÄéí ùÑÈðÈä, åÌ÷ÀøÈàúÆí ãÌÀøåÉø áÌÈàÈøÆõ, ìÀëÈì-éÉùÑÀáÆéäÈ; éåÉáÅì äÄåà, úÌÄäÀéÆä ìÈëÆí, åÀùÑÇáÀúÌÆí àÄéùÑ àÆì-àÂçËæÌÈúåÉ, åÀàÄéùÑ àÆì-îÄùÑÀôÌÇçÀúÌåÉ úÌÈùÑËáåÌ. 10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. úÌÈùÑËåÌáåÌ.
The relevant word is the last word in the verse. I have enlarged it to explain exactly the analysis.
The four green Hebrew letters spell the word: úÌÈùÑËáåÌ TaSHuVu
The dots form the vowels. The three slanted dots under the ùÑË are pronounced oo. (Normally this sound would be formed by another Hebrew letter Vaw, as in the last letter of the word: åÌ). The missing VaW appears in red as: åÌ this is what a certain Rabbi Benjamin Blech calls the missing Vaw.
[His book, The Secrets of Hebrew Words, appears at the following amazon site:]
He wants to then say that, since the gematria value of the missing VaW is 6, and since the verse in Leviticus 25:10 is speaking about the Jubilee return of men to their possessions, an idea that is considered messianic in both Jewish and Christian theology, then there is a subtle allusion of the idea of some value of 6 Jews “missing” in the return of the Jews to their ancient nation of Israel. This is called an asmachta, or general allusion, to an existing reality. In other words, since they believe the holocaust number of 6 million to be true, they then see in this verse in Leviticus an asmachta or allusion to this in the missing VaW, which must mean a missing 6 million Jews.
[Birdman replies:]
OK, then let me lay out again my concerns to you about why I think more work needs to be done on the matter, and you tell me what you think:
First, while we may have identified a number beginning with 6, we haven't definitely nailed down that it is 6 mil. It could be any number of Jews between the total world population and any number of Jews that haven't yet been 'eliminated'. This could be 6,000, 60,000 or 600,000 rather than 6 mil. Furthermore, the 6 mil number was mentioned twice BEFORE the Holocaust, so it is clear that the 6 mil number was an outside belief imposed on the Holocaust story, and had no relation to what happened in the Holocaust itself. Indeed, if rabbinical scholars were looking for a '6' number that actually had some relation to the Holocaust, 600,000 would have been a lot closer. That, of course, would be the number who DIED, not the number KILLED.
That then means that we are left with the task of identifying WHY some Establishment Jews latched onto 6 mil, how they were able to make this number an icon among all Jews, and who they were.
Furthermore, if we assume that the reason for the number (in all three usages) was ultimately to legitimize Israel, what seems to have happened is that some small group of Jewish scholars was trying to hoodwink a larger group of Jewish scholars who would then have their concerns about the legitimacy of Israel removed. But the information about this hoodwinking has so far not been forthcoming. We need this for a full explanation. It is notable that the first appearance we have so far found of the 6 mil number is in 1902, which was just shortly after the Basel Zionist conference (1898?), the proceedings of which the Protocols are said by some to represent.
In short, there is a lot of info missing from the story, including definitely nailing down the 6 mil number, and the only way I see to get it is to consult with rabbis: My guess is that someone may wish to make a clean breast of it, particularly among the rabbis who were hoodwinked, now that we have come this far in figuring out the fraud. The only person I see capable of that is you. If you grab the opportunity, you could become famous. Or maybe just satisfied that you did your duty.
[michael responds:]
look, you're right about the VaW implying any possible multiple of six. why they insist on 6 million is a good question. why do they have an a priori assumption of 6 million? i dont know. but i can tell you that the head of the yad vashem israeli holocaust museum (the mother of all such museums) is named yehuda bauer, which apparently is the same surname as the rothschilds. so maybe the 6 million number is an illuminati concoction. it would be much more fruitful, in my opinion, to ask illuminists than rabbis. the rabbis wont be able to answer this for you.
another interesting point is that if the number of jewish dead in wwII is really 600,000, this would have great theological significance, because there were 600,000 adult males that left egypt under moses, and in kabala it is accepted that there are 600,000 primary jewish souls. so even to kabalists 600,000 should be much more significant than 6 million and could be the symbolism of the missing VaW.
[End of relevant correspondence]
Exploitation Versus Trust:
The Difference in the Jewish and Gentile Worldviews
By John "Birdman" Bryant
One of the most important concepts to free-market economists is what is known as transaction costs . The transaction cost of a purchase is the cost over and above what is paid for a good or service in order to make the purchase possible. For example, if we wish to buy a used car, we may decide to have a mechanic look it over, and our payment to the mechanic then becomes part of the transaction costs. Likewise, if we have to pay a tax on the purchase of the car, then this also becomes part of the transaction cost.
Because transaction costs can be large, there is an obvious motivation to reduce them. As libertarians have often pointed out, the effect of government is generally to raise transaction costs, as would be the case when government imposes taxes or costly regulations on businesses. (Such costs are often 'hidden' in the price of the goods or services purchased, but in reality they are part of the transaction costs.) But it is within the power of government to reduce transaction costs as well, as happens when government inspection guarantees the healthfulness of foods, and government laws make it unlikely that a businessman will dare to cheat his customers.
One of the most important ways which consumers have to reduce their transaction costs is to deal only with people they trust. Thus a man who buys a car from his brother is unlikely to feel the need to have a mechanic scrutinize it; and a person who has always bought his cocaine from Hernando La Raza without incident is unlikely to want to start dealing with Kwame Mboonga, even if the price is a little lower, since Hernando's stash has never required him to take a trip to the emergency room.
From the last example we can see that transaction costs are not simply out-of-pocket expenses for a transaction, but also are potential costs based upon the likelihood of their being incurred. In the cocaine example, then, the transaction costs for possible emergency room treatment would be figured as the product of the probability that a given batch would send the user there and the cost of the emergency room, represented as P x C. Since Hernando's drugs have never been problematic, our druggie might calculate the probability, and hence the cost, as very small; while in the case of Kwame, he would not have enuf information to make a good calculation; so fearing that the probability is much higher, he would figure the cost is also much higher.
A well-publicized effort to reduce transaction costs for Christians in recent years has been in the emergence of the 'Christian Yellow Pages'. The idea of this effort was to bring Christian businessmen together with Christian consumers, with the idea that each would treat the other in a 'Christian-like' manner, thereby greatly reducing friction, and ultimately, costs. I do not know how well the Christian Yellow pages idea has actually fared, either for their publishers or their patrons, but I do know that it early on evoked claims of discrimination by those who wanted to advertise but who were not Christian.
PT Barnum, the circus impresario, was famous for his saying that "There's a sucker born every minute." The implication he intended was that there were always plenty of suckers around, and that a clever fellow like himself could make a lot of money by exploiting their gullibility, which he certainly did during his lifetime. He was not, of course, the only one to exploit the gullible: Stories abound of such famous cases as the man who passed bad checks written on "The East Bank of the Mississippi" and signed them "U.R. Stuck." In the present day we laugh at such things, finding it hard to believe that anyone could be so gullible; but what we forget is that gullibility is a coin whose flip side is trust , and trust is something which is in short supply in the present day, precisely because the gullibility of people has been exploited 'down to the bone'.
Our situation then, is this: We Americans have moved from a condition in which trust/gullibility was widespread and transaction costs and fear of exploitation were low, to the opposite situation in which trust/gullibility is low and transaction costs and the fear of exploitation are high. One of the best indicators of our situation is that, in the 19th century, lawyers were relatively rare and going to court was relatively simple; while in the present day lawyers swarm like flies around every transaction of moment, and going to court is an affair of extreme complexity and considerable cost. The reason for this change may in part have to do with the decline of Christianity: Believers do not commit wrong because they believe God looks over their shoulder; but as the wrath of God has faded into the wraith of God, people become more willing to exploit any gullibility they perceive.
There is, however, another explanation for the change, and that is that America -- and in fact, the world -- has become besieged by people who are expert in exploitation, namely, the Jews. In saying this, I am not necessarily using the term 'exploitation' in a pejorative sense: I could just as well say, "The Jews are good at seeing opportunities and making the most of them." But if Jews exploit the gullibility of gentiles, it is also true that they do not, as a rule, exploit the gullibility of their own kind, which is to say that the Jews have a high degree of trust among themselves. Accordingly, it might be said that the Jews have the best of all possible worlds: They have trust within their own group (and thus low transaction costs), but are free to use their highly-developed skills of exploitation among outsiders.
But if the problem of the exploitation of gentiles is due to Jewish intelligence and skill, it is also due to another factor: The failure of gentiles to be racially or ethnically aware. That is, for gentiles -- or at least the Christian West -- there is no 'outsider group' because of the Christian-rooted 'universalist' philosophy which declares that 'there is no race but the human race'; whereas for Jews, the outsiders are everyone who is not Jewish. The absence of 'outsiders' for gentiles, then -- something which has resulted from the philosophy of 'multiculturalism' and 'diversity' which has become dominant of late in the West -- has meant that not only Jews, but every other racial and ethnic group has been put in a position to exploit whites, while whites, who know no 'outsiders', are unable to defend themselves against such exploitation. It is of course Jews who have been responsible for imposing multiculturalism, but that is yet another story of the exploitation of whites by Jews.
What I am trying to do in the present discussion is to contrast the time of 50 or 100 years ago with the present: In the older time, a man's word was his bond. A gentleman was a man of honor, and would defend his good name at the risk of his own life if necessary (in a duel). To be a Christian gentleman was the standard to which men aspired. It would besmirch a man's honor to lie or mislead. People could leave their doors unlocked, and they did business on a handshake. The frontier was wide open, and men with vision and energy could find their place in the sun.
In contrast, today no one thinks twice about lying -- former President Bill Clinton can't open his mouth without lying, yet he is welcomed everywhere, and commands huge speaking fees. Honor is a thing of the past. No one would think of doing business without getting it in writing. People are tied up in knots for fear of transgressing some law or bureaucratic regulation. 'Gentleman' is a joke, and 'Christian gentleman' doubly so. Anyone who leaves his door unlocked is simply asking to be burgled. And a handshake has no more meaning than a milkshake.
From the above, we can see that in the earlier days we were in some sense happier, and yet we were also ripe for exploitation -- by Jews and whoever else had the wherewithal to do so. Today we are more sophisticated, but our world is more tense. We would clearly do better by being racially conscious; and yet gentiles are so diverse that we have to wonder if there would actually be much improvement. We can lay the blame at the feet of Jews, but we can also lay it at our own, and that is probably the better place because there is little we can do about the Jews, but much we can do about ourselves.
In a way, what we are experiencing is what could be called an evolutionary cycle: In the struggle between predator and predatee, the predator finds a vulnerability, which then wipes out those with that vulnerability, but leaves those without it to reproduce. Then the cycle starts all over again: First, vulnerability; then, elimination of the vulnerable; and finally, a new generation which is not vulnerable. And so on. It is clearly a warmer and fuzzier world if we can keep from being exploited; but that is nature's way, and we are just going to have to make the best of it. And if Jews have been responsible for speeding up our evolution, let us at least make use of the lesson they have so painfully taught us.
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