
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Sunday, April 8, 2012


By Arnold Leese

LEON GAMBETTA was Minister for the Interior in France after the Commune of 1870 and was later Dictator for three months in 1877.
In his lying propaganda book, The Jewish Contribution to Civilization, the Jew Cecil Roth says (p. 269) there is no ground whatever for believing that Gambetta was a Jew, "as is so often said."
In The Fascist, April 1938, p. 3, we pointed out that the accurate Lady Queenborough had definitely pronounced Gambetta as a Jew in her Occult Theocracy. The leading Jew Adolph Cremieux employed him as private secretary and treated him as an adopted son; whilst Gambetta himself had the Jew Joseph Reinach as his private secretary.
However, further evidence has now come to light of which the authority seems unimpeachable. It is found in a letter from the Archduke Albrecht, uncle of the Emperor of Austria, dated 5th Jan., 1883 quoted by the liberal Crown Prince Rudolph in a letter from him to the political Jew Morris Szeps, dated the 13th of the same month. This, in turn, is quoted in a new book My Life and History by Berta Szeps, daughter of Morris Szeps, published 1938, p. 52.
The letter runs thus about Gambetta "That he owes the fact that he became a dictator at once to his high position as a Freemason, to his Jewish origin, and to his will power, all of which secured him the allegiance of all Freemasons, all Republicans, all Jews, and all those who do not know how to help themselves. But he always remained a Jew through and through. Nearly destitute in 1870, a year later he [was] a multi-millionaire, for he gambled and stole wherever he could."
Further on: "His death freed Europe from the fate of a Franco-Russian alliance and we must thank God for it. The adoration for Gambetta which practically all Liberal and all the Democratic papers of the monarchy openly proposed, after having published bulletins for months about the state of his health as if he were their monarch, would seem very odd indeed unless one knew that practically all journalists are Jews, christened or unchristened, Jews who stick together all over the world, and who are in addition Freemasons."
Note that the Crown Prince Rudolph was notoriously associated with political Jews; that he was addressing one, in fact; that the Archduke Albrecht, whom he was quoting, was a political Jesuit, head of a Union for the Catholicisation of Bosnia, and therefore thoroughly acquainted with the political notables of the time; and that the author of the book from which we obtained the extract is a political Jewess, connected through her sister's marriage with the Clemenceau family. None of these suggest that there is the slightest doubt as to the Jewishness of Gambetta, and they may be considered as four of the highest political (contemporary) authorities in Europe on the origin of Gambetta here: "We are confident Russian Jewry are ready for the greatest sacrifices in support of the present democratic government as the only hope for the future of Russia and all its people. American Jewry holds itself ready to cooperate with their Russian brethren in this great movement: Marshall, Morgenthau, Schiff, Strauss, Rosenwald.
Addressee: Miliukov, Petrograd (or Baron Gunzburg). If sent to Baron Gunzburg, add: May we ask you to submit this to your government.
Signed: Lansing."
As to the individuals mentioned in the above, we remind our readers that Mr. Lansing was U.S. Secretary of State; and that Schiff & Strauss (mentioned in the telegram) were members of the Jewish banking firm Kuhn Loeb & Co. of New York. "The present democratic government" of Russia referred to in the telegram was of course Kerensky's. When Trotsky was arrested by the British on his way from the U.S.A. to Russia, it was by the request of Miliukov, Russian Foreign Minister, that he was released.
Baron Gunzburg was a Jew.

By A. S. Leese.

THE object of this pamphlet is to prove that Bolshevism is Jewish. Bolshevism represents one of the final stages in the deliberate Jewish programme for World Domination. It is not in the scope of this pamphlet to describe the earlier stages of the programme, in which Liberalism, Masonry and Marxism prepared the ground for Bolshevism; that part of the subject is dealt with in our pamphlet, “The Era of Democracy: the Era of World Ruin,” price 2½d, post free.


Communism is not Bolshevism. In Bolshevik Russia, there is no common ownership of land, goods and money; nor is there equal pay for all. These two utterly impracticable ideals have, under the name Communism, been the means through which the Russian people have been duped into accepting something quite different, i.e., Bolshevism.

Then what is Bolshevism?

It is State Capitalism, run by Jews in the Jewish interests. The Jews being a non‑creative and unproductive nation have failed utterly in the grand farce of the Five‑Year‑Plan, because it was never in them to create but only to exploit what has been created by the work of others; in this case, they tried to create, and of course, failed.

The seemingly strange predilection for Bolshevism which is notice­able in unexpected places in Britain to‑day, is explained at once when it is realised that Bolshevism is a Jewish weapon; for the idea of Com­munism which prepares the “underdog” for Bolshevism, is backed by the Jewish Money Power itself, the existence of which as a political power is now becoming known even to the most unsuspecting Briton.


In exposing this alliance, we will quote the Jew Disraeli, in his work of history, “The Life of Lord George Bentinck,” written in 1852, at a time when revolutionary upheavals were convulsing Europe. “The influence of the Jews,” he writes, “may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property. Destruc­tion of the Semitic principle, extirpation of the Jewish religion, whether in the Mosaic or the Christian form, the natural equality of men and the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the Secret Societies which form Provisional Governments, and men of Jewish Race are found at the head of every one of them. The people of God co‑operate with atheists; the most skilful accumulators of property ally themselves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen Race touch the hand of all the scum and low castes of Europe; and all this because they wish to destroy that ungrateful Christendom which owes to them even its name, and whose tyranny they can no longer endure.”

Surely, no higher authority is possible; what was true in 1852 is true to‑day.


The first victim was Russia. The reason she was chosen was that she was the only country which defended herself by laws framed to prevent the Jew from contaminating and controlling her. Bolshevism is revenge on the part of the Jewish nation on Russia, actuated by Asiatic hate and tyranny.

The Jews, chose their ground well. The Slav is by nature not individualistic; he is patient, inured to hardship and fatalistic. He accepted the idea of Communism; and he got the fact of Bolshevism. He accepted the idea of equal wages for all and property held in common; and he got a toll of 20 million lives, double the blood‑bill of the Great War, as the price of his own starvation and slavery under Jews.

The first direct blow was organised by the Jew Parvus, alias Helphand, in conjunction with the German General Staff; the “Sisson Report,” published by the American Committee on Public Information, 1918, conclusively establishes the connection between the Jew Bankers of Germany and the financing of Lenin and Trotsky for the Revolution. Among other items printed in documents published by the U.S.A. Government, is the following letter:—

Stockholm, 21st Sept., 1917.

Mr. Raphael Scholan. Haparanda.

Dear Comrade,

The office of the Banking House M. Warburg has opened in accord­ance with telegram from president of Rheinish‑Westphalian Syndicate an account for the undertaking of Comrade Trotsky. The attorney (agent) purchased arms and has organised their transportation and delivery up to Luleo & Varde. Name to the office of Essen & Son in Luleo, receivers, and a person authorised to receive the money demanded by Comrade Trotsky.

J. Furstenberg.

(Furstenberg was a Jew and later, under the name Ganetsky became a prominent member of the Soviet Government.)

This proves the Bolshevik connections of the Jew Banker, Max Warburg, brother of Paul Warburg, of Kuhn Loeb & Co., New York, who was the brother‑in‑law of Jacob Schiff, the head of that all‑Jewish firm, who hated Russia so virulently that he would not render the Allies any help in raising loans, until Russia was out of the war.

If any further proof of the interworking of Jewish finance with the Bolsheviks is needed, the case of the Bolshevik non‑Jew Krassin (married to a Jewess), can be cited. Krassin had been involved in a revolutionary plot in 1907; he was then employed by Siemens Schuckert which is affiliated to the A.E.G., the big electrical combine, of which the Jew Rathenau was President. In 1909, Krassin became director of the St. Petersburg Branch. In 1917, he was in Stockholm with the Jew Furstenberg (signatory of the letter quoted above) and travelled with him to Berlin, and when the Bolshevik Revolution broke out, he took up his old job with Siemens Schuckert, whilst at the same time, Lenin placed him at the head of five Soviet Government Departments, including transport and food supply. The intermingling of this Soviet official with Jewish financiers outside Russia is thus proved up to the hilt.

So highly did the Soviet Government prize the assistance of Kuhn Loeb & Co., the Jewish Bankers of New York, that they gave royal welcomes to the super‑capitalist representatives of that firm when Felix Warburg visited Russia in 1927, and Mrs. Otto Kahn in 1931. The alliance of Jewish Finance with Bolshevism was as complete as it was when Disraeli wrote in 1852, as above quoted.

A significant statement was made by Lord Apsley in the House of Commons on 23rd March, 1938; after pointing out that Russia was now the second greatest gold‑exporting country in the world, he went on:—

       “The shortage of gold of a few years ago had been overtaken and with the dismissal from office and power of M. Trotsky, who always kept in close co‑operation with those who were interested in the production of gold, Russia reversed her policy of keeping her gold‑mines out of employment, and became a great producer of gold.”                

Who are “those interested in the production of gold”? The answer must be RICH JEW BANKERS. (Trotsky is a Jew, of course.)

Not only was this Bolshevik Jew, then, “in close co‑operation” with rich Jews, but he had acted as a brake upon Russian production of gold to maintain the virtual monopoly of production of that metal under their control.


On 4th April, 1919, this was admitted in “The Jewish Chronicle,” which stated, “There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.”

Israel Zangwill, in an address praised “the race which has produced a Beaconsfield, a Reading, a Montagu, a Klotz, a Kurt Eisner, a Trotsky.”


In Russia, “anti‑semitism” is a crime punishable by death.

On 9th August, 1918, Lenin signed an order of the Council of People's Commissars instructing “all Soviet Deputies to take uncom­promising measures to tear the anti‑Semitic movement out by the roots. Pogromists and pogrom‑agitators are to be placed outside the law.”

All that is because Bolshevism is Jewish.

The Jews, trying to prevent the recognition of this elementary fact, have from time to time published false stories about the hardships endured by the Jews at the hands of the Soviet. Chief Rabbi Gluskin and five other Rabbis, however, denied these tales in an appeal to Jews throughout the world not to support foreign agitation against the Soviet Government of Russia; this appeal was published at Moscow, on 27th February, 1930, and contained the following statements:—“The Soviet Government is the only one conducting an open fight against anti‑semitism”; “it abolished the shameful laws which limited Jewish rights.” The reader is reminded of the Christian persecutions in Russia under the Soviet.

Huge areas in the Crimea and Biro Bidjan have been allotted for exclusive settlement by Jews; these new “Homes for the Jews” have been failures, because the Jew cannot work; but, nevertheless, the intention of the Soviet is clear. The Jews have been specially favoured.

1n February, 1932, the Jew I. Montagu spoke in Manchester on “Russia” under the auspices of the “Friends of Soviet Russia.” He stated that the alleged oppression of the Jews there by the Soviet was an offensive lie. The Soviet had liberated all Jews from the disabilities imposed under the Tsar. Again, speaking before the Jewish Literary Society, 14th October, 1934, he said that Jews were given priority in employment on new works in the Soviet Union.


Every Russian soldier under the Soviet, bears upon his cap the Jewish symbol of control, the five‑pointed star. The same emblem has now replaced the double‑headed eagles on the pinnacles of the towers of the Kremlin at Moscow.


The Secret Council of War of the Bolsheviks, October 1917, con­sisted of seven Jews and five others, and the Jew Sverdlov presided over it. The “others” included Lenin, whose origin is doubtful although Russian authorities consider him to be a Jew.

“The power of the Government lies in the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party and its composition in 1918 was nine Jews and three Russians.” (R. Wilton, Times correspondent, in Les derniers jours des Romanof, Paris 1921, p. 136.)

By 1920, the Government of the Soviet Russia was made up as follows:—­

Council of Commissaries
    of the people                                               22       of     which      17   were Jews

Commissariat of War                                       43        „          „          33        „      

Foreign Affairs                                                16        „          „          13        „          

Finance                                                           30        „          „          24        „         

Justice                                                             21        „          „          20        „         

Public Instruction                                            53        „          „          42        „         

Social Assistance                                              6        „          „           all        „         

Commissariat of Work                                      8        „          „            7        „          

Commissaries of the Provinces                       23        „          „          21        „          

Journalists                                                      41        „          „          all        „          

Among the best‑known Jews of the Soviet Government were Sverdlov, Trotsky, Kamenev, Sokolnikoff, Uritsky, Litvinoff, Zinoviev, Radek and Kaganovitch. Stalin's wife is a Jewess.

In no Department of Government was the proportion of Jews less than 76 per cent., and generally it was much more. This state of things has continued until 1938; Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Commerce, Traffic Control, Food (i.e., the absence of it), and Finance, were entirely under Jewish mis‑management. At the time of writing (Feb. 1939) it is evident that a gradual change is taking place; a large number of Jewish officials have been “liquidated” (executed) and the situation is obscure; the Jew Litvinoff remains at the Foreign Office and the Jew Kaganovitch (Stalin's father‑in‑law) at Stalin's right‑hand. Meanwhile it is obvious that the Red Army has deteriorate to the extent that it can no longer be regarded seriously as a fighting‑force. However, there are plenty of Jewish officials working up front below.

The representatives of the Soviet Government abroad are always Jews; we in Britain have been treated to a succession of these Jews, and at the time of writing the Soviet Ambassador is the Jew Maiski. (1939).

As the Daily Telegraph remarked on 9th April, 1937:—“Since M. Litvinoff ousted Chicherin, no Russian has ever held a high post in the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs.” The newspaper seems to he unaware that, according to the late Russian General Netchvolodow, Chicherin's mother was a Jewess!

When the Soviet Government ceases to be Jewish, it will cease to be Bolshevik!


How is it then, that this plain fact has not been generally known to the British public? Because the Jews have the money to suppress the truth, as they are doing to‑day (1939) about Hitler in Germany.

Judge the extent of this power, and the evil of it, froth the following authoritative statements which have passed the Jewish censorship:—

(1) A British Government White Paper, entitled “Russia. No. 1. A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia,” was published in April, 1919. This contained a Report from M. Oudendyk, the Netherlands Minister at Petrograd during the Bolshevik revolution. This report was dated 6th September, 1918, and was sent by M. Oudendyk to our Minister in Norway, Sir M. Findlay, who passed it on to Mr. Balfour. The report contained these words:—“I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the War, which is still raging, and unless as above stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world, as it is organised and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.” (Our Italics).

So the Foreign Office knew in 1918 that Bolshevism is Jewish; M. Oudendyk at the time of writing his report was acting officially for the protection of British interests, as our own man had been murdered by the Bolsheviks.

But that is not the whole story. There is more.

This White Paper speedily became unobtainable; and an abridged edition was issued in which the passage above quoted, but very little else, was eliminated from the Netherlands Minister's Report. Photo­stats of the page in question can be supplied to order from the I.F.L. at 2s. 6d. post free.

(2) The Jew M. Cohen, writing in “The Communist,” Kharkoff, 12th April, 1919:—“Without exaggeration, it may be said that the great Russian revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands of Jews——It is true that there are no Jews in the ranks of the Red Army as far as Privates are concerned, but in the committees and in the Soviet organisations, as Commissars, the Jews are gallantly leading the masses of the Russian proletariat to victory—the symbol of Jewry has become also the symbol of the Russian proletariat which can be seen in the fact of the adoption of the Red five‑pointed star, which in former times was the symbol of Zionism and Jewry.”

(3) W. Ramsbotham, writing in “The Morning Post,” 24th Sept., 1919, from Odessa, states:—“Some two hundred Bolshevist Commissaries were tried by Court‑martial (by the White Russians, A.S.L.). All of them were Jews.”

(4) Mr. R. Wilton, Russian correspondent of “The Times,” for 17 years, and living in Russia through the revolutionary period, wrote “The Jewish domination is supported by certain Russians. They are all mere screens and dummies behind which the Sverdlovs and the thousand and one Jews of Sovdepia continue their work of destruction.” (The Last Days of the Romanovs, p. 148.)

(5) Quisling, in “Russia and Ourselves,” p. 56, 1931, states “ordinary people in Russia, look upon Jews and Bolshevists as practically synonymous.”

(6) “One of the facts we marked very soon in our adventurous career was the large number of Jews who occupy positions of trust and influence in the Revolutionary Administration.” (Mrs. Philip Snowden in Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 27.)

(7) The “Jewish Chronicle,” 6th January, 1933, p. 19, says:­—“Over one‑third of the Jews (in Russia) have become officials.”

(8) The following are extracts from an address by Major M. Schuyler on 11th January, 1920 at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, New York City, he having just returned from service in the U.S.A. Army in Siberia, where it was supposed to be assisting the White Russian Admiral Kolchak against the Red Army of Revolution:—“The Govern­ment of Russia is almost entirely Jewish, and our U.S.A. Army in Siberia was full of Bolshevist Jews straight from Moscow. They lead entered the U.S. and enlisted in the U.S. Army going to Siberia. General Graves the Commander, had a staff that was almost entirely Jewish.” “Owing to the Bolshevist Jews in our army, all information that should have reached Kolchak went straight to Moscow.” (Major Schuyler was three times Consul‑General for the U.S. during the old regime.)

(9) John Pollock says in his The Bolshevik Adventure (Constable, 1919), p. 27: “The Bolsheviks are for the most part not Russians at all, but Jews who had suffered persecution at the hands of the Russian Government.”

p. 104: “By such means (Bolshevism), the Russian nation has been reduced to a condition of complete subservience to the rule of a com­paratively small number of men of almost exclusively Jewish extraction; aliens, that is, in blood, in education, in ideals, and supported by alien force. The extent to which this is generally recognised is shown by the common gibe in Petrograd: ‘Are you a Commissar, or do you belong to the orthodox religion?’”

(10) “No less than 82 per cent. of the Bolshevik Commissars were known to be Jews.” (Daily Express correspondent, J. E. Hodgson, in With Denikin's Armies, p. 55.)

(11) “When one lives in contact with the officials who are employed by the Bolshevik Government, a remarkable fact strikes one: they are all, or nearly all, Jews. I am far from being an anti‑semite, but I must state what I notice everywhere in Petrograd, in Moscow, in the Provinces, in all the commissariats, in the district offices, at Smolny, in the former ministries, in the soviets, I have met Jews and yet again Jews. The more one studies this second revolution, the more one is convinced that Bolshevism is a Jewish movement . . . “ (L'Enfer Bolchevik à Petrograd, 1919, Paris, by R. Vaucher, correspondent of L'Illustration.)


In the German Marxist Revolutions of 1918, the Jews were the directors and strategists; the Soviet Republic of Munich was led by the Jews Liebknecht, Luxembourg and Eisner; the German Cabinet was dominated by the Jews Haase and Landsberg, assisted by the Jews Kautski, Alzech, Kohn and Hertzfeld, with the Jews Schiffer and Bernstein in charge of Finance, and the Jews Preuss and Freund occupying the Secretariat of the Interior. In Prussia, the Ministry of Justice was all Jewish, headed by Rosenfeld; the Interior and Finance Ministries were held respectively by the Jews Hirsch and Simm. In Saxony, the leading lights of the Government were the Jews Lipinski and Schwartz; in Wurttemberg, the Jews Talheimer and Heimann; in Hesse, the Jew Fulda. The Jew Kurt Eisner boasted that he and ten other Jews had made the revolution; Lowenberg, Rosenfeld, Wollheim, Rothschild, Arnold, Kranold, Rosenhek, Birenbaum, Reis and Kaiser. The chiefs of Police of Berlin, Frankfort, Munich and Essen, and the heads of most of the Soldiers' and Workmen's Councils were Jews.

That is why Hitler cleanses Germany of Jews; but you cannot learn that from our Jew‑controlled Press.


The Hungarian Bolshevik Revolution, too, was Jewish. There were only 1½ million Jews in the population of 22 millions, but 18 out of the 26 Commissaries of the Soviet Government in Hungary were Jews. Bela Kun (Cohen) was the Jewish beast who led them.


The Chinaman is not built for “Communism.” The brigandage which masqueraded under the name of Communism in China, was run from Moscow and the principal agents were the Jews Borodin and Abraham Cohen. Japan will stamp it out; that is why the Jew‑run Press of the world does all it can to discredit Japan in the minds of its readers.


The Spaniard, too, is not built for “Communism.” But the ground for it was prepared under the Republic by the Jews Zamora, Maura and De los Rios, who controlled the Government just as Kerensky, another Jew, prepared the way, financed by Jacob Schiff, head of the Jew banking firm of Kuhn Loeb & Co. of New York, for the Lenin Government in Russia. It was the Jew Bela Kun, already mentioned above in connection with Hungary, that directed the beheading of priests and the raping of young girls in the streets of Madrid; he and other Jews sent from Russia instigated the outrages that made the great patriot General Franco take up arms to save his country's civilisation. The full story will come out when Franco has won all Spain. Hitler, in his speech on 14th September, 1937, said:—“The great Russian Empire fell a victim to a handful of Jews who in Spain are directing the civil war through the Valencia Government usurpers.” Red Spain has been armed by inter­national Jewry, and even the International Brigade Command has been Jewish, General Kleber's real name being Lazar Fekete‑Schwartz. A very large proportion of the Brigade itself is Jewish, and the American Hebrew, 7th January, 1938, admits that there were 3,000 Jews in it and that one‑third of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade on the Madrid front consists of Jews. The Red Government is nicknamed in Spain the “Committee of Wandering Jews.” Finally, the reason why the British reader is hardly ever able to hear a good word about Franco, and why he hears nothing of the Bolshevik bestiality of the Jewish Reds, is itself Jewish; the Jews govern the Press, the ships that Franco bombs are chiefly Jewish, not British, and even our Consuls in Franco's Spain are Jewish as the names connected with the Consular Bag affair indicate. (See our pam­phlet, Jewish Press Control, 2½d. post free.)


That is why Hungary, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Turkey, Poland and other countries have stamped out Masonry. See our pamphlets, Freemasonry (3½d. post free) and The Growing Menace of Freemasonry (4½d. post free).


Bolshevism is Jewish. Its object is to gain world control for Jews, through the combined and allied forces of Jewish Finance and Jewish Marxism. In Russia, revenge has been the moving factor. ----------------------------------------------


By Arnold Leese
By slow, almost imperceptible degrees, the British people have been accustomed, by the Jewish and Judaic Press, Cinema and Radio, to pass as matters of little concern, public and private actions which a generation or two ago would have aroused a national outcry.
But we believe that no Patriot, not even excepting those who have been deluded by the "benevolence" of the Craft into becoming Masons, will view without astonishment the unparalleled insolence of the Freemasonic Order or rather its hidden Grand Masters investiture of HIS MAJESTY THE KING at the hands of one of his subjects, noble as that subject may be. Only the Archbishop of Canterbury as Head of the Established Church has the right to invest the King, and that with Kingship itself.
To the general astonishment which must be felt by all Britons of true blood, is added in our own case consternation for the future of our country and its beloved and revered Monarchy, and a deep and lasting indignation against the unworthy perpetrators of this latest attack upon the functions and prestige of our Sovereign, and upon the Established Church with which they appear to claim, for the United Grand Lodge, equality.
The Monarch only deserves its name while the King is himself the Chief Personage of the State, in all the functions of Government; not merely do we contend that this should be so in fact, but even under our present "democratic" Constitution, it is fully recognized that the Sovereign is still, as throughout our history, the "Fountain of all Honor;" even if he dispenses honors at the advice of a party politician, he still does so in virtue of his own exclusive power; we believe that since the Revolution of 1688 there has been no case of overt usurpation of the Royal Prerogative within the Realm.
Two Sovereigns of Great Britain have in the recent past been Freemasons, but in both cases their working membership was terminated immediately on their accession; obviously membership of the Order (unless, indeed, as Grand Master) was, and is, incompatible with Sovereignty; in spite of their antecedents, it is somewhat remarkable that His Majesty's Constitutional Advisers should not have had something to say to this most unconstitutional action, which might well be expected to raise questions of even greater public importance than those which shook the Empire last December, and which is an affront to every non-Mason, Protestant or Catholic.
It cannot be claimed that this usurpation is but a quibble, for His Majesty, in replying to the Pro-Grand Master, stated, "Today, the pinnacle of my Masonic Life has been reached by my investiture at your hands on behalf of Grand Master."
If the Grand Master can be separated from the remembrance of his existence, why not other lives as well? Are we to see our King reigning as Monarch of Buckingham Palace, like some Pope in the Vatican, while a mob waits to lynch him if he steps outside to take up his "public" life?
The evil wrought by secret societies and "Masonry" has been witnessed before in this country; mobs have howled, pillaged and burned in the streets of Westminster; a King has been foully murdered while civilized Europe looked on; his children hunted like wild animals; through the same bestial agencies the once glorious land of France was stripped of almost all that made life worth living, its Royal Family butchered in cold blood; the World War followed the Masons assassination of the Archduke at Sarajevo; King Carlos and his eldest son were butchered through Masonry in Portugal; Masonry compelled King Alfonso of Spain to fly the country "to prevent bloodshed;" yes, to prevent bloodshed!
We know you love your people; the histories of a century hence may have forgotten that; will they say that your unhappy ignorance of the traps laid for your feet brought down in blood not only yourself and your family, but your Nation and Empire too; or will your Royal hand have steered Britain safely through the greatest crisis in her history, and have earned you a Crown of lasting Remembrance in the hearts of Posterity?


by Arnold S. Leese

THE Turkish revolution which dethroned the Sultans was Jewish. The Jews used Freemasonry as a tool. It has been said with considerable truth that the Young Turks were old Jews.
The active agency of Revolution was the Committee of Union and Progress. This was fostered and manned by Freemasonry while Freemasonry was itself in the hands of the Jews. The center of revolt was at Salonika where a majority of the population was actually Jewish.
The Jew Emmanuele Carasso used the Masonic Lodge "Macedonia Resorta" for the secret meetings of the Committee of Union and Progress and when Sultan Abdul Hamid was deposed Carasso was one of the four men who went to Yildiz to tell the Sultan that his reign was at an end. The Committee of Union and Progress firmly seated itself in the saddle of government with Mahommed V as puppet Sultan.
The Minister for the Interior of this regime was Talaat Bey. De Nogales in his Four Years Beneath the Crescent (Chasles Scribners Sons, 1926 p. 26) reveals Talaat as "the renegade Hebrew (Donme) of Salonika." A "Donme" is a kind of Marrano Jew, a descendant of Jewish refugees in Turkey who pretended to be Muslims. This fact of the Jewishness of Talaat is of great importance and little known. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 12th edition, Vol. XXXI, p. 1222, calls him "the sinister figure largely responsible for the downfall of the Ottoman Empire."
In The Cause of World Unrest he is stated to have been responsible, "perhaps, more than anyone else for handing over Turkey to Germany and thus encompassing her ruin." Talaat had been President of the Committee Party. De Nogales in his work above cited says Talaat was "the principal organizer of the massacres (of Armenian Christians) and deportations." Dr. H. Stuermer in Two War Years in Constantinople (Hodder & Stoughton, 1917), says on p. 72 "Enver, and still more Talaat, who as Minister of Interior and really Dictator of Turkey was principally responsible for the Armenian persecutions . . . ."
Until now Talaat seems to have remained unrecognized by the world as a Jew "patriot" who ruined his country and was responsible for the wholesale slaughterer of Christians.
The German Government made use of the services of a criminal Jew called Nelken to gain control over the Young Turks. He called himself Mehmed Zekki Bey and edited several newspapers in Constantinople. These and other Jew run newspapers in the town did all that was possible to poison the Turkish mind against the British.
Talaat's Finance Minister was another Jew Djavid Bey who arranged the finances of revolution in Turkey with Jewish banks abroad. He had a Jew Messim Russo as 'his chef de cabinet.'
When Djavid Bey was finally hanged by Kamal Ataturk, "a number of great financial concerns including the banking houses of the Rothschilds in Vienna and London tried to persuade the English and French Governments and the leading newspapers in both countries to use all their influence to make a personal appeal for Djavid." (Grey Wolf by H. C. Armstrong published by A. Barker, Ltd.) The French Freemason Sarraut actually visited Kamal in Angora and appealed to him as a fellowmason to spare Djavid's life. He was not successful. Kamal Ataturk who had been a Freemason and a revolutionary, seemed to have changed his nature with his name when he ceased to be Mustapha Kemal and closed the Masonic Lodges. His actions were Aryan. His mother is said to have had Donme blood (Lewis Browne's How Odd of God, 1935) but The Times 1 Nov. 1938, said she was an Albanian who "may have transmitted the Nordic type to her boy." She had fair hair and blue eyes. The Donme blood if present, must have been thin. Kamal's Turkish patriotism was his only decent quality.
Another leading Jew of the Committee of Union and Progress was Refik Bey who in 1939 was Prime Minister of Turkey under the name Refik Saydam.
During the First World War the Jew Carasso became a food controller in Constantinople and as a result many people died of starvation. Meanwhile he amassed a fortune of two million Turkish pounds which was seized from him after the War. He saved some of it by suddenly claiming to be under Italian protection. Another "Turkish patriot!"
In The Cause of The World's Unrest published by Grant Richards, Ltd. in 1920 we learn that even the counter revolutionary forces were controlled and made ineffective by Jews. The Commander being the Jew Renzi Bey. Jews controlled the Revolutionary Press.
Whoever was prominent in the revolution and was not a Jew was a Freemason or "synthetic Jew."


by Arnold Leese
On October 6, 1789, there was seized at the home of Mirabeau's publisher, a number of important documents. One of them, called Croquis ou Projet de Monsieur de Mirabeau, was a statement of the aims and purposes of the Illuminate, supposedly written by Mirabeau; Illuminist, Cabalist and the darling of the Jewish society of Paris (having reported on his trip to Germany--where he received his initiation into Weishaupt's Illuminate--to his Jewish supporters at the home of Henrietta Herz). To please his Jewish friends and supporters of the French Revolution, Mirabeau wrote his great apology for the Jews under the form of a panegyric of Mendelssohn, the father of Jewish Illuminism. Suitable praise of Mirabeau's love of Jewry and his services to the eternal internationalists, can be found in M. Samuel's "Memoirs of Moses Mendelssohn," 1827.
In this document concerning "Mirabeau's Project," after a diatribe against the French Monarchy, the document goes on to say that "in order to triumph over this hydra-headed monster these are my ideas:
"We must overthrow all order, suppress all laws, annul all power, and leave the people in anarchy. The laws we establish will not perhaps be in force at once, but at any rate, having given back the power to the people, they will resist for the sake of their liberty which they will believe they are preserving. We must caress their vanity, flatter their hopes, promise them happiness after our work has been in operation; we must elude their caprices and their systems at will, for the people as legislators are very dangerous, they only establish laws which coincide with their passions, their want of knowledge would besides only give birth to abuses. But as the people are a lever which legislators can move at their will, we must necessarily use them as a support, and render hateful to them everything we wish to destroy and sow illusions in their path; we must also buy all the mercenary pens which propagate our methods and which will instruct the people concerning their enemies whom we attacked The clergy, being the most powerful through public opinion, can only be destroyed by ridiculing religion, rendering its ministers odious, and only representing them as hypocritical monsters, for Mahomet in order to establish his religion first defamed the paganism which the Arabs, the Scythians professed. Libels must at every moment show fresh traces of hatred against the clergy. To exaggerate their riches, to make the sins of an individual appear to be common to all, to attribute to them all vices; calumny, murder, irreligion, sacrilege, all is permitted in times of revolution.
"We must degrade the noblesse and attribute it to an odious origin, establish a germ of equality which can never exist but which will flatter the people, (we must) immolate the most obstinate, burn and destroy their property in order to intimidate the rest, so that if we cannot entirely destroy this prejudice we can weaken it and the people will avenge their vanity and their jealousy by all the excesses which will bring them to submission.
"The writer of this document then describes how the soldiers are to be seduced from their allegiance--thus seducing them from their allegiance to their own nation. After describing the methods for destroying patriotism among the troops, the writer then deals with the magistrates (those invested with executive or judicial power especially Presidents and Governors of States in a Republic Magistrates are to be smeared as despots, "since the people, brutal and ignorant, only see the evil and never the good of things." Of those in public office, the writer says: "Let us beware above all of giving them too much force; their despotism is too dangerous, we must flatter the people by gratuitous justice, promise them a great diminution in taxes and a mere equal division, more extension in fortunes, and less humiliation. These fantasias (vertigines) will fanaticize the people, who will flatten out all resistance. What matter the victims and their numbers? spoliations, burnings destructions, burnings, and all the necessary effects of a revolution. Nothing must be sacred and we can say with Machiavelli: "What matter the means as long as one arrives at the end?"
We reproduce the above quotations from an Illuminate manuscript seized in 1789, because of the similarity it bears to current plans to destroy the Republic. The manner in which people are "used" making the eager to cooperate in their own destruction, makes the worlds of French Illuminist Chamfort, spoken in a conversation with fellow Illuminist Marmontel, as applicable to America of today as they were to Frenchmen in 1790: "The nation is a great herd that only thinks of browsing, and with good sheepdogs the shepherds can lead it as they please ....Money and the hope of plunder are all-powerful with the people .... "
Equally applicable are the words of Mirabeau himself who, in the exuberance of a blood orgy during the Revolution, was heard to cry:
"That canaille well deserves to have us for legislators. These professions of faith, as we see, are not at all democratic; the sect (Illuminate -Ed.) uses the populace as revolution fodder, as prime material for brigandage, after which it (the Illuminate -Ed.) seizes the gold and abandons generations to torture. It is veritably the code of hell."
As the unchallenged authority, Nesta Webster, wrote of this "code of hell" in her "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements":
"It is this 'code of hell' set forth in the 'Projet de Revolution' that we find repeated in succeeding documents throughout the last hundred years--in the correspondence of the 'Alta Vendita,' in the Dialo aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesque by Mauice Joly, in the Revolutionary Catechism of Bakunin, in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and in the writings of the Russian Bolsheviks today.
"Whatever doubts may be cast on the authenticity of any of these documents, the indisputable fact thus remains that as early as 1789 this Machiavellian plan of engineering revolution and using the people as a lever for raising a tyrannical minority to power, had been formulated; further that the methods described in this earliest 'Protocol' have been carried out according to plan from that day to this ....
"It was Adrien Duport, author of the 'Great Fear' that spread over France on July 22, 1789, Duport, the inner initiate of the secret societies, 'holding in his hands all the threads of the masonic conspiracy,' who on May 21, 1790, set forth before the Committee of Propaganda the vast scheme of destruction."


Realizing the dangers of Illuminism to Masonry, the British lodges withdrew completely from all connections with Grand Orient Masonry, and a general order to that effect was issued in 1878. As late as 1923, a fresh injunction was made with regard to the Grand Orient. We quote a -pad of that injunction: "As recognition was withdrawn from that body by the United Grand Lodge of England in 1878,... it is considered necessary to warn all members of lodges that they cannot visit any lodge under the obedience of a jurisdiction unrecognized by the United Grand Lodge of England; and further that under Rule 15C of the Book of Constitutions, they cannot admit visitors there from." (Statement attributed to Chamfort is translated from Oeuvres posthumes de Marmontel, Vol. IV, page 77. Statement of Mirabeau appears in Lombard de Langres' Histoire des Jacobins, page 31 (1820).)

So, British Freemasonry stood aloof, from the very beginning, from all attempts to create an international system of Masonry.
That there was a definite attempt to Illuminize the Lodges in the then newly created United States, is shown by history. However, it is equally shown that little success was achieved by Illuminists until the advent of one Albert Pike, whose activities will be discussed in detail later in this series of Letters.
During the French Revolution, there was great sympathy for that revolution in the United States. It would follow, therefore, that Illuminism made an early bid for dominance in American Lodges.
Meanwhile in Germany, where Weishaupt's "code of hell" was first insinuated into the Rites of Freemasonry, the warning against international Illuminism was given by none other than the Duke of Brunswick, formerly the "Eques a Victoria" of the order of Strict Observance, whose Illuminate name was "Aaron," and who was Grand Master of German Freemasonry. Though a dedicated Illuminist, after seeing what the sect had done to France during the Revolution, and perhaps in fear lest the same fate overtake Germany, the Duke of Brunswick issued a Manifesto to all German lodges in 1794. It seems important to quote a part of this order: "Amidst the universal storm produced by the present revolutions in the political and moral world, at this period of supreme illumination and of profound blindness, it would be a crime against truth and humanity to leave any longer shrouded in a veil things that can provide the only key to past and future events, things that should show to thousands of men whether the path they have been made to follow is the path of folly or of wisdom. It has to do with you, VV.FF. of all degrees and of all secret systems. The curtain must at last be drawn aside, so that your blinded eyes may see that light you have ever sought in vain, but of which you have only caught a few deceptive rays...
"We have raised our building under the wings of darkness; ...the darkness is dispelled, and a light more terrifying than darkness itself strikes suddenly on our sight. We see our edifice crumbling and covering the ground with ruins; we see destruction that our hands can no longer arrest. And that is why we send away the builders from their workshops. With a last blow of the hammer we overthrow the columns of salaries. We leave he temple deserted, and we bequeath it as a great work to posterity which shall raise it again on its ruins and bring it to completion."
In words reminiscent of the scene when Titus destroyed the Temple at Jerusalem-as Jesus had prophesied-in 70 A.D., Brunswick decrees the necessary destruction, of the German Masonic edifice; then explains what has brought ruination to the Order in these words:
"A great sect arose which, taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. This sect is known to everyone: its brothers are known no less than its name. It is they who have undermined the foundations of the Order to the point of complete overthrow; it is by them that all humanity has been poisoned and led astray for several generations. The ferment that reigns amongst the peoples is their work. They founded the plans of their insatiable ambition on the political pride of nations. Their founders arranged to introduce this pride into the heads of the peoples. They began by casting odium on religion ....They invented the rights of man which it is impossible to discover even in the book of Nature, and they used the people to wrest from their princes the recognition of these supposed rights. The plan they had formed for breaking all social ties and of destroying all order was revealed in all their speeches and acts. They deluged the world with a multitude of publications; they recruited apprentices of every rank and in every position; they deluded the most perspicacious men by falsely alleging different intentions. They sowed in the hearts of youth the seed of covetousness, and they excited it with the bait of the most insatiable passions. Indomitable pride, thirst of , power, such were the only motives of this sect: their masters had nothing less in view than the thrones of the earth, and the governments of the nations was to be directed by their nocturnal clubs.
"This is what has been done and is still being done. But we notice that princes and people are unaware how and by what means this is being accomplished. That is why we say to them in all frankness: the misuse of our Order (Freemasonry -Ed.), the misunderstanding of our secret, has produced all the political and moral troubles with which the world is filled today. You who have been initiated, you must join yourselves with us in raising your voices, so as to teach peoples and princes that the sectarians, the apostates of our Order, have alone been and will be the authors of present and future revolutions."
So completely had Illuminism taken over Freemasonry in Germany, that its Grand Master calls for the complete dissolution of Masonry--to be rebuilt later by a future generation after Illuminism had been destroyed!


Grand Orient Freemasons would have the world believe that Illuminism really did expire in 1812. But the evidence supports no such conclusion. It simply went "underground" wherever it became necessary, much as has Communism in our times.

In 1810, Francois Charles de Berckheim, special commissioner of police at Mayence, also a Freemason, had his attention drawn to the activities of the Illuminate, and began an investigation to determine whether or not the sect still was an active movement. He found that there were initiates "all over Europe" and that, instead of dying out, he stated that "Illuminism is becoming a great and formidable power and I fear, in my conscience, that kings and peoples will have much to suffer from it unless foresight and prudence break its frightful mechanisms."
Continuing his investigations the commissioner of police wrote a report (1814) which described the subtle methods by which Illuminism maintained its existence, even when prohibited by governments and proscribed by Masonry. We quote from this report (the original was, at last word, in the French National Archives, index No. F7 6563) the portion which explains how the organization of Illuminate is carried on invisibly, so as to defy the eye of authority:
"The Association had, it is true, assemblies at its birth where receptions (i.e. initiations) took place, but the dangers which resulted from these made them feel the necessity of abandoning them. It was settled that each initiated adept should have the right without the help d anyone else to initiate all those who, after the usual tests, seemed to him worthy.
"Initiations are not accompanied, as in Masonry, by phantas magoric trials, .. . but they are preceded by long moral tests which guarantee in the safest way the fidelity of the catechumen; oaths, a mixture of all that is most sacred in religion, threats and imprecations against traitors, nothing that can stagger the imagination is spared; but the only engagement into which the recipient enters is to propagate the principles with which he has been imbued, to maintain inviolable secrecy on all that pertains to the association, and to work with all his might to increase the number of proselytes.
"It will no doubt seem astonishing that there can be the least accord in the association and that men bound together by no physical tie and who live at great distances from each other can communicate their ideas to each other, make plans of conduct, and give grounds of fear to governments; but there exists an invisible chain which binds together all the scattered members of the association. Here are a few links:
"All the adepts living in the same town usually know each other. unless the population of the town or the number of the adepts is too considerable. In this last case they are divided into several groups, who are all in touch with each other by means of members of the association whom personal relations bind to two or several groups at a time.
"These groups are again subdivided into so many private coteries which the difference of rank, of fortune, of character, tastes, etc., may necessitate: they are always small, sometimes composed of five or six individuals, who meet frequently under various pretexts, sometimes at the house of one member, sometimes at that of another; literature, art, amusements of all kinds are the apparent object of these meetings, and it is nevertheless in these confabulations that the adepts communicate their private views to each other, agree on methods, receive the directions that the intermediaries brie, them, and communicate their own ideas to these same intermediaries, who then go on to propagate them in other coteries. It will be understood that there may be uniformity in the march of all these separated groups, and that one day may suffice to communicate the same impulses to all the quarters of a large town... "These are the methods by which the Iliumines without any apparent organization, without settled leaders, agree together from the Neva of the Rhine to those of the Neva, from the Baltic to the Dardanelles, and advance continually towards the same goal without leaving any trace that might compromise the interests of the association or even bring suspicion on any of its members; the most active police would fail before such a combination ....


"As the principle force of the Illumines lies in the power of opinions, they have set themselves out from the beginning to make proselytes amongst the men who through their professions exercise a direct influence on minds, such as litterateurs, savants, and above all professors. The latter in their chairs, the former in their writings, propagate the principles of the sect by disguising the poison that they circulate under a thousand different forms. These germs, often imperceptible to the eyes of the vulgar, are afterwards developed by the adepts of the Societies they frequent, and the most obscure wording is thus brought to the understanding of the least discerning. It is above all in the Universities that Illuminism has always found and always will find numerous recruits. Those professors who belong to the Association set out from the first to study the character of thir pupils. If a student gives evidence of a vigorous mind, an ardent imagination, the secretaries at once get hold of him, they sound in his ears the words Despotism-Tyranny-Rights of the People, etc., etc. Before he can even attach any meaning to these words, as he advances in age, reading chosen for him, conversations skillfully arranged, develop the germs deposited in his youthful brain; soon his imagination ferments, history, traditions of fabulous times, all are made use of to carry his exaltation to the highest point, and before even he has been told of a secret Association, to contribute to the fall of a sovereign appears to his eyes the noblest and most meritorious act ....

"At last, when he has been completely captivated, when several years of testing guarantee to the society inviolable secrecy and absolute devotion, it is made known to him that millions of individuals distributed in all the States of Europe share his sentiments and his hopes, that a secret link binds firmly all the scattered members of this immense family, and that the reforms he desires so ardently must sooner or later come about ....
"Such, then, is the Association's continual mode of progression from its origins until the present moment; it is by conveying from childhood the germ of poison into the highest classes of society, in feeding the minds of students on ideas diametrically opposed to that order of things under which we have to live ...that Illuminism has recruited the largest number of adepts."
Lest any reader feel that this 19th century description of the methods employed by the Illuminists to gain new adepts in this 20th century; may we point to Harvard University and the strings of Frankfurter "Hot Dogs" which were fed into government posts during the years of the Baruch planned New Deal? Or the similar role played by the London School of Economics?


Before bidding a literary farewell to Professor Robison and his "Proofs of a Conspiracy," we wish to introduce one thread which must be woven into the fabric of conspiracy of the Synagogue of Satan. This thread is called "Economist." In a postscript to his remarkable 18th century book, Professor Robison tells us of the origin of the word. We quote verbatim: "Since the publication of this volume I have seen a very remarkable work indeed, on the same subject, Memoirs pour fervir a l'Histoire du Jacobin, par M l'Abbe Barroul. This author confirms all that I have said of the Enlighteners, whom he very aptly calls Philosophists, and of the abuses of Free Masonry in France. He shows, unquestionably, that a formal and systematic conspiracy against Religion was formed and zealously prosecuted by Voltaire, d'Alembert and Diderot, assisted by Frederic II, King of Prussia; and I see that their principles and their manner of procedure have been the same with those of of the German atheists and anarchists. Like them they hired an Army of Writers; they industriously pushed their writings into every house and every cottage. Those writings were equally calculated for inflaming the sensual appetites of men, and for perverting their judgments. They endeavoured to get the command of the Schools; particularly those for the lower classes; and they erected and managed a prodigious number of Circulating Libraries and Reading Societies. M. Barruel says that this gang of public corrupters have held their meetings for many years in the Hotel d'Holbach at Paris, and that Voltaire was their honorary President. The most eminent members were d'Alembert, Diderot, Condorcet, La Harpe, Tugot, Lamoignon. They took the name of ECONOMISTS, and affected to be continually occupied with plans for improving Commerce, Manufactures, Agriculture, Finance, &tc. and published from time to time respectable performances on those subjects. But their darling project was to destroy Christianity and all Religion, and to bring about a total change of Government.
And that's where ECONOMISTS came from, according to a writer who has often been smeared and ridiculed, his books burned, but his statements never disproved!


YES, but it was JEWISH when it

The following article by Arnold Leese is reprinted from Gothic Ripples, No. 49, dated 28th February, 1949. It shows that the seeds of Bolshevism were planted in China by Jews, who also tended and trained the growth that resulted. The corruption of the regime of Chiang Kai‑Shek caused many of the masses in China to turn to Communism for relief, since Chinese Communism is mixed with Nationalism and discourages the old Chinese curse of official corruption; but Communism in China has the same de­humanising effect on the people as it has elsewhere.


It was the Sassoon family which turned the normal Chinese dislike and distrust of foreigners into hatred. David Sassoon made the Opium Trade in China from 1832 until he died in 1864. His family carried on the Trade under our Flag and made huge fortunes. The British took the blame, and now the Chinese loathe us; just as we took the blame for the Jewish atrocities at Nurem­berg, Spandau and elsewhere in Germany, so that the Germans now hate us.

Backed by the Sassoons, the Shanghai Opium Monopoly existed until 1917 under the Jew Edward Ezra, its Managing Com­mittee being composed entirely of Jews and Indians. Not only did the British Flag protect the Sassoons in this abominable trade which the Manchus did all they could to prevent, even to the extent of war, but also these Jews were welcomed in England instead of being ostracised. Royalty petted them and they intermarried with Aryan aristocrats. Some became Baronets and one a Minister of the Government.

When the Freemason, Sun Yat‑Sen, began his revolutionary movement at Canton, the Jew Morris Cohen, a British subject, be­came his aide‑de‑camp and was sent by Sun around the globe to get military experts for his revolutionary army. On Sun Yat‑Sen's death bed this Jew was commended to Chiang Kai‑Shek and he was employed as liaison officer between the Canton Government and all foreign Consulates‑General. Cohen became known in China as Moi‑Sha, and was made Military Counsellor to the Cantonese Forces, and a General, although still a British subject.

As late as 1939, Cohen was travelling the high seas under the protection of our Flag. The last we heard of him was late in 1945 when he emerged from a Japanese prisoner‑of‑war camp. The South African Sunday Express described him as "the guiding genius behind the War‑Lords of China".

The Soviet Jew, Jacob Borodin (real name M. Grusenberg) was sent by the Kremlin with the Jew Joffe, in 1923, to try and bolshevise Sun Yat‑Sen and became Chief Political Adviser to the Kuomintang. His wife, a Jewess, spied in China for the Soviets. When Sun died, Borodin was left in charge and it was he who appointed Chiang Kai‑Shek to succeed Sun in 1926. However, in 1927 a raid was made by Chang Tso‑Ling on the Soviet Embassy at Pekin, which revealed the scope and extent of the Soviet plot to bolshevise China, and the Borodins were arrested and imprisoned.

In 1923 the notorious Jew, Trebitsch Lincoln, ex‑M.P. in Britain, headed a Chinese mission to get arms for Wu Pei Fu, a War‑Lord with a fine character, but failed, probably purposely, in the attempt. After that, Lincoln drifted about, too mistrusted in China for any other important role.

       The Soviet General, B. K. Galen, who was really a Jew called Chesin, and was nicknamed Blucher, accompanied the "Armenian" Soviet Delegate Karachan to Pekin in 1924 where a treaty was made with Chang Tso‑Ling by which the Chinese Eastern Railway was handed over to the Soviets. This placed the movement of troops at the mercy of the Bolsheviks. The intrigues and bribery by which this surrender by Chang Tso‑Ling was obtained were carried out through the medium of a Jewish timber magnate called S. Skidelski. At once, the Railway was placed in charge of the Jews Gekker, Koslowsky and Snamensky (Zamyensky). To continue with the career of General "Galen", he became Chief Military Adviser to Chiang Kai‑Shek in1926.

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