
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Saturday, August 9, 2014

Does Information Make A Difference? - Mass-Psychology

Does Information Make A Difference?

Created on 05 September 2013 Written by Bravehear

There has long been the idea in the right wing that facts – getting out suppressed information to the public – will make the difference. Then there is the Paul Craig Roberts approach – that the Zionists hold the power and that they will do as they please, the facts be damned.
Who is right? Decades of experience strongly suggest that Paul Craig Roberts is right.
At one point it was possible to believe that if the media blackout could be broken, that revolution might occur. Then came the miracle of the internet. At last, truth could circumvent the media blackout. America would awaken. It did not happen, alas. The internet is used mainly to view pornography. The people who publish and read the truth on the internet are mainly those who already know it. The public remains ignorant and unaware.
There is a growing sense of unease among the public because of the Barack Obama administration. Whites feel, correctly, that they are losing control of their country. But they have still not caught on that the Jews are doing it to them. Too many of them subscribe to the Christian-Zionist fantasy that the Bible blesses the Jews and that therefore the Jews must be supported no matter what evil they do. They think that the state of Israel is the fulfillment of some fictional Biblical prophecy, not the creation of Jewish Communists from Russia. This attitude flourishes in rural, mid-West America. It is perhaps the chief impediment to a white awakening. How can the Jews be the problem when “God blesses the Jews”? It might be possible to convince a small minority of these folk that Khazars and Slavs converted to Judaism in the 8th to 10th centuries in south Russia have no right to return to a land they were never in. But that would be a very small minority. It serves to illustrate, once again, that demonstrable facts have no influence on indoctrinated minds.
The American people, circa 1920, had some historical literacy and respect for facts. They had just been suckered by the British Empire in the First World War. They were generally distrustful of politicians and their elected representatives had just refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. Today, the average American accepts or does not seriously question the falsity of contrived incidents like 09/11.
Getting the facts out to the average American today would have no impact. Only something extremely explosive, like proving that Israel committed 09/11, might ignite a revolt. But publishing material proving that Jews created Communism or stole Palestine from the Arabs would not raise an eyebrow.

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