
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Saturday, August 9, 2014

Innocent by definition - Jews behind Stalin

Innocent by definition -Jews behind Stalin

Created on 16 May 2014 Written by Braveheart

“The Germans killed them just because they were Jews.” How often have we heard that tired refrain? Jewish behavior just had nothing to do with why the Germans or Europeans generally turned against the Chosen. The refrain is endless. The facts, however, appear to indicate otherwise. Jewish behavior was deeply implicated in the anti-Semitic German reaction.
When Germany lay prostrate after World War One, cash rich Jews moved in and bought up the country wholesale while the ordinary German on the street starved. Over half the real estate in Berlin was in Jewish hands in the 1920’s. The Weimar culture of free love and prostitution was controlled by Jews who ran the press and theater. The 1969 film “Cabaret” is an eloquent commentary on all this. At the Paris Peace Conference following the war Jewish intrigue lay behind virtually everything that was done. Particularly instructive in this regard were the minorities treaties in Central and Eastern Europe. These guarantees of the Jewish “state-within-the-state” convinced many European statesmen that Jews were indeed a power to be reckoned with. The Jewish success in getting the mighty British Empire to sponsor a Jewish “national home” in Palestine, translated into a British Mandate guaranteed by the League of Nations further reinforced the impression.
But by far the most important factor in turning Europe against the Jews was the overwhelming Jewish involvement in the terrible threat of Communism. Foreign offices in all countries recognized the Jewish control behind the Bolshevik terror. The commissars were anywhere between 30%-50% Jewish; in some countries, like Germany and Hungary, the revolutionaries were 75% to 90% Jewish. The anti-Semitic reaction was both predictable and inevitable. The equation “Jews equal Communism” spread everywhere in Europe.
While it would be an exaggeration to say that all Jews were Communists, it would certainly be correct to say that Jews world-wide were broadly sympathetic to a Communist movement they knew was being run by their brethren. A vast Yiddish Communist publishing industry grew up with major newspapers all over the world spreading the message of Jewish Bolshevism. This terrible, murderous plague convinced millions that no good existed in any Jew. That was certainly not true but as Jews refused to formally dissociate themselves from Communism, the equation stuck. It is also worth mentioning that all these things appeared to confirm the mysterious Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion, then circulating.
Such, in simple terms, are the factors that led to the European, and particularly, Nazi reaction against the Jews. While the reaction was overstated it can hardly be said that Jewish behavior had nothing to do with provoking it. Such an interpretation is tendentious, self-serving and designed to black out from public understanding well documented facts.

Was Shooting Jews A Crime?

Most Americans think the Germans were commiting a crime by shooting Jews in Russia. They were not. It was “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” vengeance for the crimes of the Jewish commissars. Whenever Communism rolled into between the wars Europe, Jews flowed in with it. The Red Army always had its Jewish commissars at every level. When the Communists arrived, Jewish populations everywhere greeted them with wildly cheering crowds. They flourished banners, frequently in Hebrew letters, with Communist slogans. Tears flowed as Jewish locals and Jewish commissars embraced.
And then the blood flowed. Jewish bankers, lawyers, doctors and kosher butchers abandoned their professions and became leading Bolshevik functionaries. They lavished unrestrained terror upon the shocked natives. Piles of corpses mounted with eyes, noses, tongues, ears and genitals hacked off. “Patriotic, loyal Jews”, mild and meek as could be, showed their true nature. The face of Communism and the face of the Jew were identical.
This happened not just in one country in Eastern Europe but in all. Whether it was Finland, Poland, East Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania or anywhere else, always the terror, the murder and the mayhem wore a Jewish face. This is why all Jews, including the non-Communist ones, paid such a terrible price when the German invasion rolled in. The people who had suffered so terribly were in no mood to make fine distinctions. They had seen the Jewish tribal unity in action. The Germans had merely to stand aside as “frontier justice” took its terrible, ruthless revenge.
Let no one deny that innocent Jews were indeed put to death in the anti-Communist reaction. But even more importantly, let everyone clearly understand what the Jews did to provoke the reaction. The original sin was theirs.

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