
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Friday, August 8, 2014

The Mind-Boggling Muslim Hypocrisy With Regards to Israel and Jews

The Mind-Boggling Muslim Hypocrisy With Regards to Israel and Jews

Created on22 MAY 2014, Written by Rebel of Oz


Everyone 'knows' that the Muslims hate Israel, together with the Jews supporting it. We 'know' it because the media are telling us all the time. But where are the media getting that information from? From the Rothschild owned news agencies Reuters and Associated Press as well as Mossad-joints like free disinterpretation service MEMRI. They constantly feed the media with examples of Muslims behaving badly and saying ‘hateful’ things about Israel and Jews.
Sure, there are Muslims who rave against Israel and the Jews. But when it comes to the crunch, they all sit on their hands. 'Successful' Muslims wouldn’t let their misgivings about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians get in the way of making big bucks doing business with the Jews.

Pro-Palestinian lip-services

It’s all just talk. Even the suicide bombers are fake. The poor bastards who blow themselves up are doing bugger all damage. (If I was a suicide bomber I would make sure I'd kill at least 50 Jewish supremacists!) All they do is provide an excuse for more oppression under the pretext of security. They probably didn’t even know that they were about to die. The bombs were planted in their cars or backpacks without them knowing. Those suicide bombers who knew, have been ‘programmed’ by the Israelis with the help of drugs and had no choice but do how they have been told. Exactly the same thing is known to have been going on elsewhere in places such as Iraq.
Educated and wealthy Muslims work together with the Jews all the time, because that’s how they make their money. They prostitute themselves to them, no different from educated and wealthy people in the West. I don’t care, if they do. That’s their conscience. Just spare us the hypocritical lip-services with regards to the plight of the Palestinians.

The Saudis behind the myth of backward, violent and cruel Muslims

I always wondered how Saudi Arabia can get away with treating its population in as bestial ways as they are known to. There hardly goes by a week without some gruesome example of barbaric punishment being reported in the media, even though the West and Saudi Arabia are such close friends. If this happened in any other country, Western politicians and human rights organisations would be all over them. The fact that Saudi Arabia and the West are working so closely together should – if anything – only make it easier to influence them. 
The sad truth is that Western governments want Saudi Arabia to treat its population in the medieval way it does. That way the media can brainwash Western citizen into believing that all Muslims are backwards and cruel, making it easier to rape and pillage their countries. I know many Muslims that are just as modern and open minded as Christians, Agnostics and Atheists. The ones that aren’t, got brainwashed by Saudi-paid radical clerics. The Saudis are behind all Muslim extremism. That's a fact.
The ironic part about this is that the Wahhabi dominating Saudi Arabia aren’t even real Muslims. Their sect has been created and is still controlled by closet-Jews of the smelly-curlie kind. They were sent to the Arabian Peninsula by the Windsor-Rothschild crime family, to seize control over the oil-rich Turkish province. Wahhabi Muslims look, smell and act like those crazy, supremacist Ultra-Orthodox Jews who want to kill or enslave all Goyim, because that's essentially what they are.
The Saudi elite have invested hundreds of billions in Western countries and banks. They wouldn’t put those huge financial interests at risk by supporting terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda and violence promoting fundamentalist Muslim groups if the West wasn’t okay with it. The fact, that the West doesn’t seize all Saudi assets and outlaws doing business with Saudi Arabia is ample proof that the Saudis are acting in accordance with and on behalf of the West.

Muslim support for the Jew World Order

Some Muslims aren’t just hypocrites when it comes to Israel. They are also working closely together with the Jews in their war against Whites. One of the areas where this becomes the most obvious is in the field of ‘hate laws.’ The Jews are using White opposition to the import of Muslim culture into their predominantly Christian countries as a pretext to introduce ‘hate laws’. You must be pretty naïve if you think those laws were about protecting Muslims. In reality, they are about homosexuals and Jews.
Muslims who have lived in Europe since the 1960s know how tolerant the locals have been towards them. The problems only began when the Saudis started sending in the radical preachers, openly condemning Western lifestyle and demanding that Western people convert to Islam and become like them.
These radical demands are so ludicrous that they are obviously done in bad faith. Imagine what would happen to a Christian missionary who went to a country like Egypt and did the same. He would be thrown into a dungeon and brutaly tortured. Compare that to White “intolerance”.


Muslims very urgently need to get their act together. They got to stop helping the Jews establishing Jewish world domination. They must realise that the Jews are playing us out against each other. There is only one real enemy, the common enemy of both Christians and Muslims, and that’s the Jews.

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