
“The world that awaits us, if our New Masters prevail, will
be a grim dystopia. It will be a spiritual wasteland in which an
unprincipled elite rides roughshod over the teeming masses. It will be a
cruel world of exploitation, moral darkness, and unspeakable
brutality.” — Lasha Darkmoon, America Vanquished
Darkmoon upon America
by Israel Shamir
Response, Pictures and Captions by Lasha Darkmoon
The gifted British poet Lasha Darkmoon recently published a new essay in two parts called America Vanquished, claiming that the US, Germany and Russia were colonised by Jews.
How close to truth is she? Being a Gothic poet, she embellished her essay a lot, but here is the important part. She says:
short, the Jews took over America and turned it into a Jewish colony.
As simple as that. Their American hosts were hoist with their own
But why worry? American Jews are Americans,
are they not? If they’re smart enough to take over America, as they
have demonstrably done, why shouldn’t they proceed to the next logical
step and take over the world—yes, dominate the world through
America? No one denies this is America’s aim: full-spectrum dominance.
So if the Jews control America, and if America controls the world,
doesn’t it follow logically that the Jews control the world? The logic
is irrefutable.
world domination takes on a different perspective when viewed through
this historical prism. No “conspiracy theories” here. No hook-nosed Jews
grasping the globe in their cruel talons. No Illuminati trying to
sodomize your children and drink their blood. Just logic. Just history.
Just America striving for full-spectrum dominance — with Jews leading
the pack.
You could say the wild-eyed dreams of the Protocols have at last been realized, but not in the way their original masterminds intended.
Lasha Darkmoon claims, that if the Jews form an elite in the US, then US world dominance is a form of Jewish world dominance.
Her second claim is that the US has became a colony of Israel. She even claims that “America is now Israel’s slave”.
There is a huge logical leap here: even
if US Jews form an important part of the US elites, why would they give
away their leadership to their cousins and brethren in the Middle East?
DARKMOON: (stepping in)
Good point, Mr Shamir. Now consider my logic and try to refute this: If
the Israeli Jews give the orders to the American Jews, and if the
American Jews control America, then clearly America has become an
Israeli colony. But if, on the contrary, American Jews exercise all the
power and tell the Israeli Jews what to do, then clearly Israel is an
American colony. The logic is inescapable.
Let’s go to the next step.
Once it is admitted that America is
controlled by its Jews, whether Israeli Jews or American Jews, America
becomes in effect a JEWISH colony.
Given that American Jews were former
immigrants to America who have managed to “take over” America, you could
say that Jewry has colonized America. Ergo: no matter which way you
slice it, America is either an Israeli colony or a Jewish colony. The
logic of my argument, I put it to you, is irrefutable.
We can take this therefore as proven:
if America is not an Israeli colony, taking its orders from Israeli
Jews, then it is a Jewish colony, taking its orders from American Jews.
Jewry is a project rather than reality; in real life, Jews of different
countries do not feel themselves a single united body though they do
interact. Compare them with Catholics: these have the Pope and a single
hierarchy, and still they are united in prayer only. Jews have no Pope,
no hierarchy, and are even less united.
DARKMOON: Jews less united
than the goyim? Wow! I never thought any group could be less united
than the goyim, or more united than the Jews in knowing “what is good
for the Jews”. If you are trying to convince us that the Jews are
DISUNITED just because no two Jews think alike, some preferring Buddhism
to Judaism and others preferring kippas to hats, then you are on very
shaky ground indeed! We are well aware that no two individuals, whether
Jewish or non-Jewish, think alike; just as we are aware that no two
individuals have identical fingerprints. It doesn’t follow from this,
however, that people with different opinions are going to be disunited,
any more than it follows that people with different fingerprints are
going to be disunited.
To say that Jews lack unity is almost
like saying America lacks military power. Or the Queen of England is
short of cash. The Jews have far more unity, I put it to you, than any
other other ethnic group in the world. This fundamental cohesion of the
Jews is something I have pointed out in my recent essay America Vanquished:
“The extraordinary success of the Jews,
who make up only 2.5 percent of America’s population, can be attributed
to meticulous organization, coordination and networking. This
advantageous cohesiveness derives from an evolutionary characteristic of
the Jews: an exceptionally strong ethnocentricism which has enabled
them to infiltrate almost every single organization that could possibly
threaten them as a group.” (See here)
Despite the superficial differences
between various types of Jews, the Jews are surely a paradigm of unity
and cohesion compared to other ethnic groups.
You yourself, Mr Shamir, have written:
“Palestine is not the Ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is.” Consider
that statement. Can you seriously tell me that the Jews are likely to
achieve this grandiose goal of world domination by being disunited and
disorganized? by lacking coordination? No, of course not!
One could supply countless arguments to
demonstrate the remarkable unity of the Jews in achieving “what is good
for the Jews”. Pray tell: how did the Jews manage to take over the mass
media, Hollywood, academia, the judiciary, the executive branches of
government, Wall Street, the world’s banking system, the lavishly funded
Think Tanks, even the porn industry, if they were disorganized and
The major Jewish organizations that
crisscross America like a spider’s web—AIPAC being only one of them—can
hardly be accused of ineffective disunity.
You’ve heard of mesira, the
code of honor among Jews that make them stick together through thick and
thin, never betraying an organ-stealing rabbi or even a serial killer
to the goy authorities. Isn’t sticking together the ultimate form of
You’ve heard of the Sayanim, Mossad’s
one million worldwide helpers. How these faceless individuals, all Jews
living in lands outside Israel, work away for Israel in providing “safe
houses”, transportation, access to communications networks and other
facilities for Mossad spies. Full details of the existence of the Mossad
Sayanim network were given in the 1994 book The Other Side of Deception by Victor Ostrovsky, himself a renegade Mossad agent.
The Jewish Sayanim remind me of bees,
all buzzing away for the common good, all united by a common purpose:
to cram the hive full of honey.
One final point, Mr Shamir, which I
know will make you graciously concede victory to me on this vitally
important issue: in saying that “the Jews have no Pope, no hierarchy,
and are even less united” than the goyim, you are guilty of a glaring
contradiction. Wasn’t it only a few years ago that you argued the very
opposite? Far from implying that the Jews were a disunited group, you
stated that they possessed an almost supernatural unity, comparing them
to locusts that moved in ordered formation to achieve their common goal.
“It is hard to swallow that the Jews have a strategy,” you said, “but no strategist. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
are popular precisely because they posit such a supreme strategist.”
And then, to drive home the point, you added the famous quotation from
the Bible: ‘The locusts have no king, yet they attack in formation’ and
devastate whole countries as if by plan.” (Cabbala of Power, p.13)
That last phrase—“and devastate whole
countries as if by plan”—is your own. You are daringly comparing the
Jews to locusts who have an uncanny and almost supernatural ability to
act in unison.

“The locusts have no king, yet they attack in formation” (Proverbs 30:27)
and devastate whole countries as if by plan.
Israel is a very important element of Jewish life, Lasha, but this does
not mean an Israeli Prime Minister can order Jews around.
Granted, politically active Americans
think that one can’t succeed without Jewish support. This much we can
learn from the incredible reception of Netanyahu in the Capitol and from
Obama’s capitulation. And US politicians think that the US Jews love
Israel; that is why they express their love of Israel. However, the
American Jews’ feelings towards Israel are not that straightforward.
Remember a prominent American Jewish politician Henry Kissinger? He
facilitated the greatest Arab attack on Israel in 1973 in order to take
Israel down a notch.
So, US Jews are certainly an important
part of the US elites. Consequently they influence world politics, while
the Israeli Jews are just family and friends of these powerful American
Jews. This is the secret of Israeli influence: without the support of
American Jews, Israel would shrink to its normal size.

“Without the support of American Jews, Israel would shrink to its normal size.” — Israel Shamir
The US Jews’ position in the US is so
strong because US society has been formed and influenced by the Jewish
spirit of predatory capitalism, as expounded by such diverse thinkers as
Karl Marx, Werner Sombart and Milton Friedman. Defeat of financial
predatory capitalism could undo the Jewish hold. It would de-Jewify the Jews and society in general.
And here we come to your second claim,
Lasha: namely, that Russia and Germany are colonised by Jews. Even
granting your poetic licence, this is far from the truth. Germany is not
colonised by Jews; it is still occupied by the US troops.
I’m not disagreeing with you, Mr Shamir, about Germany being under US
occupation. In fact, I quote Eustace Mullins in Part 1 of my essay
saying exactly the same thing. But I certainly never said that Germany
had been “colonized by Jews”. Where did I say that? I would never have
made such a ridiculous statement. I said that about America, but not
about Germany.
Jews play a negligible part in modern German life, Lasha. Even after
the the defeat of the Third Reich, there was no resurgence of the Jewish
spirit. Germany has a strong social security structure. Predatory
financial capitalism has made few inroads. Germany is not a neoliberal
state. The Germans pay tribute to Israel, that’s true; but this is only a
result of American occupation. The West Germans are indeed
indoctrinated in guilt feelings towards Jews, but East Germans have no
guilt feelings whatsoever, and they influence the totality of German
feelings. If and when US troops leave Germany, Germany will reassert
Again, Russia is not colonized by Jews.
Some Jewish oligarchs were expelled, and others were imprisoned by
Putin. Russia usually votes against Israel in the UN and supplied
enemies of Israel with its advanced weaponry. Russia now has fewer Jews
than Scotland: about two hundred thousand altogether by official census,
and twice that much by overblown Jewish organisations’ estimate.
Granted, Russia has no anti-Semitism, and it has some influential Jews,
but the important decisions are not made by them.
Was Russia “colonized by Jews” after
the October 1917 revolution? This is the weakest part of your essay,
Lasha. I’m afraid you know little about this subject and just repeat the
silly claims of others.
Again, Mr Shamir, I must point out with all due respect that at no
time did I ever claim that Russia was “colonized by Jews”, nor did I
even imply it. The same with Germany. However, if that is the impression
I gave you, then I must apologize for not making my meaning clearer.
You tell us that important Bolsheviks used pseudonyms; true, but this
is not always connected with their Jewishness. Lenin’s real name was
Ulyanov, but this is not a Jewish name. The early Bolsheviks were
guerrilla fighters, and they used all sorts of names to evade
surveillance. This is also a part of underground ethos.
DARKMOON: Again, I am in full agreement with you, Mr Shamir. So there’s no point ticking me off for disagreeing with you!
What I said in my article was that
almost every single revolutionary Jew in Bolshevik Russia hid behind a
non-Jewish name. This was either because they were engaged in subversive
activities or because they were anxious to avoid being the victims of
the virulent anti-semitism of those times.
Pseudonyms were adopted by non-Jews
just as frequently if they were involved in seditious activities.
Stalin, whose real name was Joseph Djugashvili, had at least 40
pseudonyms. See Simon Sebag Montefiore’s Young Stalin,
p.395, for a list of his false names. Lenin, who was half Jewish, not
only had over a hundred bogus names, but also went in for glued-on wigs
and giant spectacles!
Abu Jihad, Abu Ammar and Abu Mazen are nicknames, but surely they are
not Jews. You and your readers, Lasha, should read Lindemann’s book Esau’s Tears. This deals extensively with the question of the Bolshevik leaders Jewishness.
These crazy numbers you quote— “66
million Russian Christians killed by Jews”— “out of 388 members of the
new revolutionary government in Russia, only sixteen were real
Russians”—were invented by anticommunists.
Good point, Mr Shamir. I concede that the 66 million figure is probably
a gross exaggeration, just as the SIX MILLION FIGURE is often alleged
to be. (Note, I myself make no comment on this figure, since
mathematics is not my forte.) However, both figures have been advanced
by their respective propagandists. I decided to quote the 66 million
figure for two reasons: (a) because I believe it was mentioned by the
great Solzhenitsyn who was not given to lying; and (b) because the 66
million figure is actually mentioned in the title of Eustace Mullins’
classic essay, “The Secret Holocaust”, which I quoted extensively in my
article. (See here). Since I was quoting from Mullins, I decided to quote his figures also, giving my readers his viewpoint.
The most conservative figure for the
Russian Holocaust, now agreed upon by specialist historians and even
cited in the Times newspaper (UK) is 50 million dead Russians. This
figure was achieved within a 36-year period of mass murder (1917-1953),
initiated by Lenin the quarter-Jew and continued by Stalin, a Georgian
non-Jew, who surrounded himself on all sides by Jewish commissars and
sexy young Jewesses he liked to bed.
If you think fifty million deaths is an inflated figure, I assure you it is not.
One Jew alone, the infamous Lazar
Kaganovich, personally claimed responsibility for killing twenty
million. It was he who stood atop the rubble of a Christian church and
proclaimed, “Mother Russia has been cast down! We have torn away her
Apart from Kaganovich, there were other
Jews who contributed to the massacre of Christians under the cruelest
circumstances: Ilya Ehrenburg, Natalfy Frenkel, Mathias Berman, Genrikh
Yagoda (lingerie pervert), and, last but not least, Lavrenti
Beria—though Beria may or may not have been Jewish. Mainstream
historians assert that he was not. But they would, wouldn’t they? —
given that Beria was not only a mass murderer of peasants, but also a
bloodthirsty sex maniac and pedophile who buried children in his
basement — probably alive. (See here and here, pp. 516-519 ).
At no other time in the history of the
world has a country been so saturated with Jewish influence as it was
between 1917 and 1953 in the Soviet Union: the time of the great gulags
and the merciless slaughter of the peasants.
America now faces a similar
saturation problem. There have been no Soviet-style massacres in America
— not yet, thank God. But who knows what grisly surprises history has
up its sleeve?
If the Jews can kill 50 million
people in Russia and get away with it, they can kill 50 million people
in America too, but maybe they won’t get away with it so easily next
time. If they can do it once, they can do it twice — unless the leopard
changes its spots.
SHAMIR: We know that
imperialist propaganda is able to utilize anti-Jewish prejudice in its
own interests: thus, when the Empire bombed Libya, its propagandists
improbably claimed that Qaddafi is a Jew and a sympathiser of Israel.
When the Empire hunted Julian Assange, its fifth column claimed that he
is a Mossad agent. For this reason one should be cautious at accepting
such claims: they can be done by enemies with subversive purpose.
Jews played an important part in Soviet
Russia’s life, and they paid for that by their obedience and strict
observance of Russia’s interests. If they strayed, they were severely
punished by Stalin; if they played ball, they were allowed to stay in
positions of power.
The lesson of Soviet Russia and Jews
was directly opposite to that read by Lasha: even if Jews play an
important role in the country, a determined ruler can correct and limit
their influence.
This can be done by undoing financial
capitalism. Not in vain, some Jewish pundits describe Occupy Wall Street
as an “anti-Semitic movement”. Though the participants surely harbor no
evil thoughts about the Jews, their goal of destroying the neoliberal
model is at variance with Jewish power structures. Without their money,
the Jews will shrink into mere shadows of themselves, and the nightmare
will be over.
DARKMOON: (summing up):
I am not really in disagreement with you on most important points. Even
though I have accused you of being guilty of a “glaring contradiction” —
your apparent U-turn on the unity of the Jews, once united like a swarm
of locusts flying in ordered ranks, now disunited and split into
several conflicting groups — this need not in fact be a contradiction at
all. It could be a development or new nuance to your views, an added
complexity; indeed, a kind of paradox in which the Jews are united and
disunited at the same time, just as the universe is filled with light
and darkness at the same time, and just as good and evil exist
simultaneously in the same heart.
On one point, however, I am forced to take issue with you: I never said that Germany and Russia were “Jewish colonies”.
America, yes; but not Germany and
Russia. And America only in a metaphorical sense. To all intents and
purposes, America has become a Jewish colony.
Jews did not emigrate to Germany and
Russia en masse as they emigrated to the United States. They were
already well entrenched in Germany and Russia, part of the unassimilated
population of those two nations for several centuries. They sprung to
prominence in Germany, reaching their maximum degree of influence in the
time of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933), just before the ascent of
Hitler to power.
In Russia, the Jews sprung to similar
prominence at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, led on by
the Jew Lenin and his Shabbat goy henchman, Stalin, who was later to
become the world’s greatest mass murderer—aided and abetted by his
closely knit contingent of court Jews.
Never before have I read a biography
with so many Jews in the forefront, all seething like maggots in the
rich soil of Mother Russia, all thirsting like vampires for the blood of
their Christian victims.
Full marks to Simon Sebag Montefiore,
himself a Jew, for having the courage to draw our attention to these
frightening freaks of nature.
They belong in the seventh circle of Dante’s hell.
Dr Lasha Darkmoon (email her) is an academic with higher degrees in Classics. She is also a poet and translator. Her articles can be sampled here, her poems here.
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