FATIMA: The Bayside Prophecies on the Third Secret:
"Yes, My words were given in the same vein many earth-years ago, and they, too, were not heeded. Did you act upon them? No! You hid it away from the world. What will you do now? I warned you many years ago that satan would enter My Son's Church, but you did not listen. Now he is there!
"Have pity for all men of sin. Have pity for those who represent My Son and are falling into the web of deceit of satan, for they will be answerable to Us more so, for they were given the graces to fight this.” - Our Lady, June 17, 1971
"Satan, Lucifer in human form, entered into Rome in the year 1972. He cut off the rule, the role of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. Lucifer has controlled Rome and continues this control now.
"And I tell you now, My children, unless you pray and make My counsel known to all of the ruling fathers of the Eternal City of Rome, My Son's Church, His House, will be forced into the catacombs. A great struggle lies ahead for mankind. The eventual outcome is for good of all, for this trial in My Son's Church will be a true proving ground for all the faithful. Many latter-day saints shall rise out of the tribulation." - Our Lady, September 7, 1978
"I gave Lucy the Revelation as a temporary secret—as I revealed [the Third Secret] to you on two occasions. Make a concerted effort to bring its entirety to Our children on earth. The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel—thirty-two years lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." - locution from Our Lady to Veronica Lueken, April 29, 1992
"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents—and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind—sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth.
"At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event, but who cared to listen? Who was interested in listening? Not those who were years—earth-years away. All Heaven was crying in that time, for the Eternal Father had made it known how His message would be received. To this day, to your earth-year of 1986, you have not been given, My children, the full secrets as given to the children at Fatima.
"Therefore, I must make it known at this time to you. If you are perceiving and interested in My Church upon earth, I do not have to explain Myself too fully; for you will already know of the chaos that satan has wrought when he entered My Church. And why did he enter, you say? This I want it made known, My child—and you will not be affrighted as you are now—you will speak out for Me and My Mother, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Spirit; you will speak out and say that satan is in the Church, My Church upon earth. He knows his time is growing short.
"And if you think you have seen carnage now already in the Church, the worst is yet to come, unless you follow the rules, given by My Mother many years ago, of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. By your example you may be able to save others. For soon there will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: the Third World War and, also, the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed. For the good seem to go about their way, perhaps pridefully. We do not seek to accuse or place a stigma on any, but some may pridefully sit back and let others go forth and make these sacrifices and prayers and penance. Because they have become smug, or because they have not the grace to understand, that once you receive this grace much is expected of you. You must even work harder to save your brothers and sisters.
"My child and My children, this message will not be greeted gleefully by your clergy. But since Lucy has been silenced, it is necessary that the world knows the truth. I will also send this message out through one more seer in the world, and if it is not abided by I have nothing to do but to allow the Chastisement to fall upon mankind.” - Jesus, June 18, 1986
"Yes, satan has gone into the highest positions in My House, but he will not triumph. In the final count the victory will be with Us, for he will only proceed as My Father deems." - Jesus, August 15, 1971
"I counseled you at Fatima, and who gave My counsel to the world? Pride and arrogance anew! A secret was to be revealed, and who counseled and prepared the world for the onslaught of satan into My Son's House? No one!" - Our Lady, December 3l, 1977
"Satan was allowed to enter. Man chose to take Michael, the guardian of Faith, from My House; and the doors then swung wide open to admit the prince of darkness and his realm of corruption and evil." - Jesus, September 28, 1977
"You will understand, My child, why satan has entered My Son's home on earth, the Church. Because there was not enough prayer. Man talks, idly talks of worldly matters, when he should concentrate on the spiritual." - Our Lady, December 28, 1974
"I wish at this time, My children, to repeat again the need to write, to speak, to meet with the Holy Father in Rome, and plead with him to have Lucy come forward and tell the Third Secret word for word." - Our Lady, June 18, 1986
"Because you did not prepare for satan, whom I warned you years of earth's time before would enter into My Son's Church to do battle with His clergy—you did not prepare and guard yourselves for this onslaught.
"And now, what are the fruits of your labors: a loss of vocations, My children losing the knowledge of their Faith, all manner of sin, perversion and abominations being committed upon earth." - Our Lady, August 4, 1979
"The institution itself, as set up by Me, remains to be true.... Satan has entered now with his armies in full regalia, appearing as humans. However, they are demons in disguise, and they have one ultimate aim: to try to destroy My Church, the Roman Catholic Church, with the Seat of Peter as the head." - Jesus, March 18, 1989
"Yes, My child, even with Vatican II, it started out with the best resolves, but then satan took over the scene. And with his agents he reached into the highest professions, the highest league of the hierarchy, until it saddens Me to say that many priests now are on the road to perdition and taking many others with them." - Jesus, July 25, 1985
"All human flesh must go into the dust sooner or later.
However, your soul, your spirit, is immortal. That means it cannot die; it will not die. It
continues to live, though known as dead souls upon earth. It is the state of the spirit on earth. If
you allow the light to leave your body, you will succumb to Lucifer, satan; and when your pilgrimage
is over upon earth, you will be given to Lucifer, satan. Is this what you want? You were placed upon
earth to honor your God, to love Him and to serve Him. And now you serve Lucifer, His adversary. For
"Lucifer is the prince of darkness and the father of all heresy and liars. I say this with great anguish, for Lucifer has entered into My Church, My household. The battle is great upon earth, and when the battle reaches into My Church, it will be a testing ground for all of earth and the world. For when My Church and the world become one, know that the end is at hand.” - Jesus, August 5, 1978
"Do not be misled by the outer clothing of man, for there are many wolves in sheep's clothing, wearing the apparel of rank. Know that many have given themselves to satan.
"Pray, pray much for those who wear the highest mitres, for they, too, have set themselves onto the road to hell. Your prayers and your acts of sacrifice and those who hear My voice, pray much for the Red Hats that have gone onto the wide road." - Our Lady, October 2, 1974
"I cry to you, My children, that immorality is the gauge, the measuring point for the fall of a nation. Your country, My children, the United States, has fallen to satan. The great eagle has been plucked by sin. Corruption has entered into the highest places of your government and in My Son's Church. I say unto you, and I say this with counsel from high, the Lord high God in Heaven, the Father of all creation, that as you sow so shall you reap!
"My children, why did you avoid giving My counsel to the world? O you of little faith in the high places of My Son's House, His Church, why did you not give My message to the world as I gave it to you? Pride and arrogance! That is why, My children." - Our Lady, December 31, 1977
"We ask you from Heaven not to leave, not to create a schism from your main body in Rome. You must remain within My Son's Church and pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Satan and his agents have entered in full battle upon My Son's Church. Satan has entered into the highest ranks within My Son's Church and the world. He will manipulate powers, provincials, until he brings about a great chastisement, because man will not listen and mend his ways.” - Our Lady, February 10, 1977
"Your world and your country wallow in a cesspool of error, corruption, and debasement. Satan has set among you in the highest places of rule, giving them power for the destruction of human souls. These agents of hell have been placed in your schools to destroy your young; in your government to bring you to your knees before one who is not of God; and sadly, his agents have entered into the House of God to do battle.
"Michael must be returned to the House of God immediately. Man's free will has cast him aside. He will not be returned unless man asks.” - Our Lady, September 13, 1973
"As I warned you in the past and you did not listen, unless you prayed more, did more penance, sacrifice, communism would go throughout your world, ravishing nations, destroying your Faith, entering into the highest places of My Son's House. Can you deny what is happening now in your world? Remove the blindness from your eyes and look! Come out of the darkness before it is too late, for a House in darkness wears a band of death about it! I repeat: a Church in darkness will close its doors.” - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"Satan, the master of deceit and the prince of darkness, has entered into the highest places of My Son's Church, and into the highest places of the governors of all the earth's kingdoms until those who make the rules for nations have given over the nations to abomination.” - Our Lady, June 16, 1977
"My child, you cannot keep from fulfilling your mission to bring the Message of Heaven by holding back the truth. Go forward, My child, now, and bring this message to the world: satan has entered into the House of God. He rules now from the highest places. The world and the Church of God is in deep darkness. Those who are in command—many have fallen away. Pray, My children, much, for with your prayers and sacrifices they, too, can be recovered.” - Our Lady, April 13, 1974
"There is loosed now upon your earth the man of perdition, 666. He has entered now into the highest places of rank of My Son's Church, and he has entered upon the highest positions in the governments of the world. My children, I say to you now, to guard your souls and the souls of your children. There are the very forces of hell now loosed among you.” - Our Lady, May 30, 1977
"The red forces are on the march. They seek control of the throne of Peter. My children, the man of perdition is among you. Recognize the faces of evil about you; recognize the forces that now ensnare the world, heading it for its own destruction!
"While man cries peace he goes farther from peace. Peace, love and brotherhood! Words, I say unto you! Lip-service from mankind! That is all! What comes from the heart is darkness and evil! Even in the hearts of men in the highest places in My Church, they conspire with enemies of their God. The faith is weak.” - Jesus, May 28, 1977
"Satan has entered into the highest places of the Eternal City. Bishop shall face bishop, and cardinal shall set himself against his brother. In this manner all that is rotten will fall.
"You ask, My child, how this sorrowful state has come to pass. It is, My child, because too few pray, too few know the value of suffering, and too few have sought to do atonement for the offenses committed against My Son and His Immaculate Heart.” - Our Lady, October 2, 1975
"The enemies of God entered into the houses of My Son many earth-years ago. Their plan has been insidious, and with much cunning they came forward, coming into the highest places in power within the houses of My Son. In this manner, My children, have they been able to mislead, misguide, and set many souls onto the road to destruction of their eternal souls.
"We place a great responsibility upon all parents to bring the truth to their children. Many will perish, many will die in the great Chastisement. How many shall be rejected from the Kingdom, My child? Only the time left for mankind shall be the balance.” - Our Lady, August 5, 1974
"Romans, awaken now! 666 has entered among you. The forces of evil are intent upon vanquishing the Eternal City of Rome. Satan has entered into the hearts of those who hold the highest places in My Church. If it were not for the pleadings of My Mother and the many souls who have given themselves as victims, victims that cry out and plead for mercy to an undeserving generation . . . My children, come out of the darkness now! You are plunging to your own destruction. For rejecting the light, for turning aside from the truth, for destroying the Faith in the hearts of the young, you shall receive a chastisement far greater than man has ever known from the beginning of your world. Your world, many nations shall be consumed by fire.” - Jesus, April 9, 1977
"I accept, with a stricken heart, the abominations that are being committed in My House. Satan was allowed to enter. Man chose to take Michael, the guardian of Faith, from My House; and the doors then swung wide open to admit the prince of darkness and his realm of corruption and evil.
"My children, satan has entered into the highest places of government and the highest positions in My Church. They, too, will feel the sword.” - Jesus, September 28, 1977
"Your country, the United States, and most countries in your world have allowed satan to enter into the highest positions of your government, your medias of communication, and even to My House, My Church upon earth. Therefore, there is no other recourse left to Heaven but to cleanse you of your errors.
"As in the past We sent to you voices crying in this wilderness of evil: Straighten yourselves out; make way for the Lord, for the hand of punishment shall come upon you! As in the past you all continue in your lives of pleasure, neither caring nor seeking the truth. Therefore, I say unto you as your God: many will die. Only a few will be saved.” - Jesus, June 18, 1980
PART 4 - There shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst.
"Fatima, My child. And how many sought and acted upon My counsel . . . even keeping hidden the major part of My message. And now it has come about, for it will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal." - Our Lady, December 7, 1978
"The Father has chosen the words Faithful and True for reason. It will be the banner for all children of God who remain in the light. You will pray for your cardinals and bishops. The time is coming, My child, when you will see bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself among them." - Our Lady, October 6, 1974
"The time will come when brother shall fight against brother, cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop, satan setting himself in their midst. But know that the Father will have all under control. It is in this manner that He will separate the sheep from the goats." - Our Lady, November 1, 1974
"The time is now, My child, the forces of evil against the forces of light: father against son, mother against daughter, bishop against bishop, and cardinal against cardinal, with satan setting himself among them!" - Our Lady, May 17, 1975
"My child, in the great trial ahead in My Son's House, Church on earth, there shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst. My warnings at Fatima were cast aside as they are being cast aside now, My children. It is a failing of human nature, My child, that that which does not give pleasure to the carnal nature of man is not accepted. Man shall blind himself to the truth, as he does not wish to face the truth. And those who seek to bring him the truth are cast aside and do much penance, My child." - Our Lady, September 13, 1975
"Come out of the darkness! The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. Cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop! All that is rotten shall fall. Blood shall flow in the streets —revolution upon revolution! Do you not know—have you learned nothing from the past history of mankind—that the Father will chastise those He loves? Awaken! You have fallen asleep, Our pastors! You shall not follow as sheep to the slaughter those pastors who have given themselves to satan, those pastors who have sold themselves to the world of satan. Many will sell their souls to get to the head." - Our Lady, September 27, 1975
"The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats have been misled. The time will come when there must be a separation of the sheep and the goats. There will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in their midst. There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My children, a great delusion. The light has not passed that way. Error upon error is coming forth. The enemies of God have taken the highest positions in My Son's Church. It will be cleansed by trial." - Our Lady, October 6, 1975
"There is great confusion, My child, in the Holy City of Rome. You must pray a constant vigilance for your pastors and hierarchy. It shall be bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal. Satan has set himself in their midst." - Our Lady, November 22, 1975
"There shall be a war in My House: bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal. And why? Because you have allowed satan to play chess with you!" - Jesus, May 26, 1976
"I give fair warning, as your Mother, that the world has set itself upon a course for its own destruction. In My Son's House it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. It shall be mother against daughter, father against son. There shall be discord in the home as the family heads struggle to maintain the Faith." - Our Lady, June 5, 1976
"When I am returned to remain guard at the tabernacles, and my name is returned, you will find the people flocking back into the houses of their God. Instead, now I have been locked out and satan has been invited in. His agents fill the seats of the houses of God. The battle will rage with great ferocity in the House of God-bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal, until the score has been settled in favor of the Eternal Father, your Creator." - St. Michael, August 21, 1974
"Unless you pray more for your bishops, there will be chaos in Rome: bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal, while satan stands in the midst of them. Blood shall flow in the streets of Rome. Your Pastor, the leader of your sheep, shall flee in terror." - Jesus, July 15, 1976
"The Eternal City of Rome shall go through labor pains. The struggle shall lead to blood within the streets. There shall be a war among your clergy. It shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for 666 has entered upon Rome. I repeat, My children: awaken from your slumber! 666, the forces and agents of satan, have entered upon Rome!" - Our Lady, July 24, 1976
"There will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. Bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. All that is rotten shall fall." - Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"My children, long ago I warned you from Fatima, I warned you through many voice-boxes throughout your world that the time will come when you will embark upon a stormy sea, and it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in your midst. He shall maneuver and pit you and play you against each other in his plan to destroy My Son's House. Recognize what is happening now upon your earth. I say unto you, O pastors in My Son's House: if you do not listen, if you continue to proceed upon your present course, you ask for the heavy hand of My Son to come upon you. Your world shall be cleansed with a baptism of fire." - Our Lady, November 20, 1976
"It will be brother against brother and sister against sister; and it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst. Persevere to the end and you will be saved. All who acknowledge My Son before man shall be acknowledged by Him before the Father." - Our Lady, December 28, 1976
"There is in the Vatican, the Eternal City, a force of evil so great that it shall bring great trial upon the good, suffering to those who will stand faithful and true. My children, the time is approaching when it must be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal; for those who should know better, who have been given graces beyond the ordinary man, they have used this power to set themselves against their God. Many are evil consorts of satan sent into My House to destroy. They are not unknown to Us. We will turn all evil to good. However, the ways of the Eternal Father are unknown to mankind. You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer, for without prayer, you cannot have sight; without prayer, you will be unable to recognize the signs of your times. My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Reject Her direction, reject Her counsel, and you shall be rejected before the Father." - Jesus, February 1, 1977
"As I said in the past, a great trial is coming upon mankind. A great trial will enter upon all who remain with My Son in your times of strife. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. I repeat, and I repeat to deafened ears and hardened hearts: modernism in one hand and satanism in the other." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan will set himself in their midst. Like a game of chess, he manipulates for his benefit, not mankind. Like a game of chess, he will play cardinal against cardinal and bishop against bishop. In the Council of Rome, Vatican II, man set out to use his own deviations to promote peace. Look about you, My children, and learn what peace has been brought to mankind. Man cries peace, peace, and he goes farther away from peace. There shall be no peace without faith. There shall be no peace without the plan of God in the hearts of man!" - Our Lady, May 18, 1977
"O My children, Rome is in great danger. There is much deceit throughout the hierarchy. It will be cardinal against cardinal and bishop against bishop, for satan has set himself in their ranks. Prayer is the most powerful force now given in your world to stop the advance of 666. My children, if I could open to you a scene in small measure of the coming Chastisement, I would not have to, as your Mother, beg you to listen and act upon My counsel; you would go to your knees and make your way to My Son in pleading." - Our Lady, May 28, 1977
"My children, listen now and act upon My counsel. The time is growing short. Satan has poisoned many minds. Satan has entered into the highest places of My Son's Church. It will be bishop against bishop, and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself among them. There will be a battle. There is raging, My children, a battle far worse than any battle ever experienced upon earth in the past, or ever will in the future, for it is a battle of the spirits, the battle between good and evil." - Our Lady, July 25, 1977
"Satan has set himself now in Rome. He plans to do great battle in the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal. All that is rotten must fall. Do not be concerned in the outcome, My children, for the eventual victory is with Heaven. This is all allowed, permitted by the Eternal Father, by reason of separating the sheep from the goats. It will be a test for all mankind." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
"My children, I cannot impress you more with the urgency of going faster forward in the time that is left, forward to save your brothers and sisters. I ask you to approach My priesthood. Bishops and cardinals must now accept all of the Message from Heaven, even though it will bring about controversy among them. For it will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal. For all that is rotten will fall and must not be retained." - Jesus, November 20, 1978
"And I do it for a reason, that it goes to the world because this dear Holy Father is the one in Rome who is suffering now at the hands of his own. His bishops will fight bishop against bishop; there will be cardinals against cardinals; and satan has set himself in the midst." - Our Lady, September 27, 1986
"I gave Lucy the Revelation as a temporary secret—as I revealed [the Third Secret] to you on two occasions. Make a concerted effort to bring its entirety to Our children on earth. The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel—thirty-two years* lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." (locution from Our Lady to Veronica Lueken, April 29, 1992)
*Note: This promise to disclose the Third Secret immediately after the death of Sister Lucy or in any case, "in 1960 at the latest," surely corresponds to a request by the Virgin Mary Herself. In fact, when in 1946 Canon Barthas asked Sister Lucy why it would be necessary to wait until 1960, Sister Lucy replied to him in the presence of Bishop da Silva of Fatima: "Because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so."
"My child, they converse of the secret that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple explanation. It could not be fully revealed because of the drastic nature of My message. How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978
"My child, they converse of the secret that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple explanation. It could not be fully revealed because of the drastic nature of My message. How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978
"The true Church of Jesus in Rome is being attacked by the forces of 666. It is a world-wide involvement that cannot be fully described at this time." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976
"The true Church of Jesus in Rome is being attacked by the forces of 666. It is a world-wide involvement that cannot be fully described at this time." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976
"The agents of hell, the forces of six sixty-six, have entered upon the Holy City of Rome. In the past years of earth's time My Mother has warned again and again of these coming days that are now in your present. I do not have to repeat the full Message from Heaven given to you countless times in many places throughout your world by My Mother. She has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man; She has come to you as your Mother to direct you, to bring you through the world of darkness, a darkness that already has claimed for satan the souls of many." - Jesus, July 24, 1976
"The agents of hell, the forces of six sixty-six, have entered upon the Holy City of Rome. In the past years of earth's time My Mother has warned again and again of these coming days that are now in your present. I do not have to repeat the full Message from Heaven given to you countless times in many places throughout your world by My Mother. She has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man; She has come to you as your Mother to direct you, to bring you through the world of darkness, a darkness that already has claimed for satan the souls of many." - Jesus, July 24, 1976
"Russia has great plans for the capture of Rome. I beg unto you as your Mother to listen now while there is time." - Our Lady, November 20, 1978
"Russia has great plans for the capture of Rome. I beg unto you as your Mother to listen now while there is time." - Our Lady, November 20, 1978
"My children, 666, the forces of satan, have accelerated the evil among you. Those who have chosen to sell their souls will gather momentum and run fast into the abyss. The greatest sorrow in Heaven now is the knowledge that 666 has set up his place among the rulers of Rome. I, your God and your Judge eternal, give you in command the direction to turn back and restore My House while there is time. I plan in the near future to come among you and set My House to right." - Jesus, August 5, 1976
"My children, 666, the forces of satan, have accelerated the evil among you. Those who have chosen to sell their souls will gather momentum and run fast into the abyss. The greatest sorrow in Heaven now is the knowledge that 666 has set up his place among the rulers of Rome. I, your God and your Judge eternal, give you in command the direction to turn back and restore My House while there is time. I plan in the near future to come among you and set My House to right." - Jesus, August 5, 1976
"My children, there is a great war of the spirits now, not only throughout your world, but in the Eternal City of Rome. The forces of 666 rage in Rome, and the forces now have spread like an octopus throughout your world. Keep, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, for wars are a punishment for man's sins. The Message from Heaven has not been given, My children, to bring fear to your hearts, but to awaken you from your slumber. Many are being misled; many are accepting error and going like sheep to the slaughter; and many follow like ducks downstream. And what solution, My children, do you have now to your problems of discord, disillusionment, and the turning away from My Son's House, His Church? You must return; you must accept the simple truth which has been given to you. Tradition is part of this firm foundation. The modes of modernism and humanism shall destroy the world." - Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"My children, there is a great war of the spirits now, not only throughout your world, but in the Eternal City of Rome. The forces of 666 rage in Rome, and the forces now have spread like an octopus throughout your world. Keep, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, for wars are a punishment for man's sins. The Message from Heaven has not been given, My children, to bring fear to your hearts, but to awaken you from your slumber. Many are being misled; many are accepting error and going like sheep to the slaughter; and many follow like ducks downstream. And what solution, My children, do you have now to your problems of discord, disillusionment, and the turning away from My Son's House, His Church? You must return; you must accept the simple truth which has been given to you. Tradition is part of this firm foundation. The modes of modernism and humanism shall destroy the world." - Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"The forces of evil are gathering. 666 now controls all the world, and sad to say, My children, 666 has entered upon Rome, and the fight for power has begun. Pray for your Vicar. Pray for all men of sin, and above all, My children, pray for your children, for many parents shall shed tears of great remorse—too late!" - Jesus, September 28, 1976
"The forces of evil are gathering. 666 now controls all the world, and sad to say, My children, 666 has entered upon Rome, and the fight for power has begun. Pray for your Vicar. Pray for all men of sin, and above all, My children, pray for your children, for many parents shall shed tears of great remorse—too late!" - Jesus, September 28, 1976
"There is a satanic attack upon My House. The forces of 666 have entered upon Rome! Heresy, O mournful heresy! Whatever shall become of you? I repeat in warning—and act upon this warning: the Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled." - Jesus, October 2, 1976
"There is a satanic attack upon My House. The forces of 666 have entered upon Rome! Heresy, O mournful heresy! Whatever shall become of you? I repeat in warning—and act upon this warning: the Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled." - Jesus, October 2, 1976
"I caution you in the days ahead to read all periodicals and approach your news medias with a critical eye, for you seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters and those who are seeking to bring about the one-world religion and the one rule of government—a measure of enslaving all of mankind under the forces of Antichrist. The man of perdition, 666, is in Rome. The man of perdition, 666, is in every country of earth now. Every nation is polluted by the errors of the forces of darkness. When the world receives the baptism of fire, there will be few left." - Jesus, November 22, 1976
"I caution you in the days ahead to read all periodicals and approach your news medias with a critical eye, for you seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters and those who are seeking to bring about the one-world religion and the one rule of government—a measure of enslaving all of mankind under the forces of Antichrist. The man of perdition, 666, is in Rome. The man of perdition, 666, is in every country of earth now. Every nation is polluted by the errors of the forces of darkness. When the world receives the baptism of fire, there will be few left." - Jesus, November 22, 1976
"The forces of 666 are doing great battle throughout your world. They have entered fully upon the Eternal City of Rome. The red hats have fallen and the purple hats are being misled." - Our Lady, December 7, 1976
"The forces of 666 are doing great battle throughout your world. They have entered fully upon the Eternal City of Rome. The red hats have fallen and the purple hats are being misled." - Our Lady, December 7, 1976
"No man can understand, in his human nature, the ways of the Eternal Father to govern the battle ahead; but I assure you, My children, the Eternal Father has a hand in all. The final victory shall be with My Son and Heaven. This war of spirits, the fight against the forces of Antichrist, 666, that is loosed now upon your world and the Eternal City of Rome: the forces of evil, the forces of darkness, against the forces of light." - Our Lady, December 31, 1976
"No man can understand, in his human nature, the ways of the Eternal Father to govern the battle ahead; but I assure you, My children, the Eternal Father has a hand in all. The final victory shall be with My Son and Heaven. This war of spirits, the fight against the forces of Antichrist, 666, that is loosed now upon your world and the Eternal City of Rome: the forces of evil, the forces of darkness, against the forces of light." - Our Lady, December 31, 1976
"Shout from the rooftops the Message from Heaven! For if you become lax and go uncaring about your way, I assure you, My children, there will be many tears shed, much gnashing of teeth, and greater woe set upon your world and your earth by the agents of 666, the Antichrist, that is now ravishing My Son's Church, the hearts of the dedicated, poisoning the minds of the dedicated, and destroying the souls of the young." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"Shout from the rooftops the Message from Heaven! For if you become lax and go uncaring about your way, I assure you, My children, there will be many tears shed, much gnashing of teeth, and greater woe set upon your world and your earth by the agents of 666, the Antichrist, that is now ravishing My Son's Church, the hearts of the dedicated, poisoning the minds of the dedicated, and destroying the souls of the young." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
who have the greatest power in My Son's Church for the salvation of souls are using these powers to
destroy. I say unto you:
remove the blindness from your hearts. Awaken
from your slumber, O pastors, and recognize the signs of your times. The Antichrist, known as the 666 forces, are among you.
They now are in full control of the world's nations and peoples." - Our Lady, April 2,
"As I warned through My Mother in the past, 666 is loosed upon your earth. He has entered My Church to do final battle with My clergy." - Jesus, March 18, 1977
"As I warned through My Mother in the past, 666 is loosed upon your earth. He has entered My Church to do final battle with My clergy." - Jesus, March 18, 1977
"Listen, My children. Take the blindness from your hearts and see with knowing eyes; do not be blinded to what is happening about you. The Antichrist, you call 666, is now in Rome doing full battle. The Antichrist, known as 666, is now entered upon your world, your country, and every nation upon earth. Are you so blind, My children, that you cannot recognize this yourself? He sows discord among nations; he takes the knowledge of God and replaces it with an honor to man. Man has set himself up to be a god!" - Our Lady, May 14, 1977
"Listen, My children. Take the blindness from your hearts and see with knowing eyes; do not be blinded to what is happening about you. The Antichrist, you call 666, is now in Rome doing full battle. The Antichrist, known as 666, is now entered upon your world, your country, and every nation upon earth. Are you so blind, My children, that you cannot recognize this yourself? He sows discord among nations; he takes the knowledge of God and replaces it with an honor to man. Man has set himself up to be a god!" - Our Lady, May 14, 1977
"The forces of 666 are gathered throughout the world. They seek to destroy your Vicar in Rome and gain full control of the Seat of Peter. The Message from Heaven is known now in Rome, My children. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your bishops and your cardinals that they will take their heads from the clouds and open their hearts to the truth! The hierarchy has been infiltrated by agents of hell. Many have come posing as angels of light, but with darkness of heart and dark secrets. My children, you must pray more. We will not at this time make public knowledge of names, for now We seek the spirit." - Our Lady, May 30, 1977
"The forces of 666 are gathered throughout the world. They seek to destroy your Vicar in Rome and gain full control of the Seat of Peter. The Message from Heaven is known now in Rome, My children. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your bishops and your cardinals that they will take their heads from the clouds and open their hearts to the truth! The hierarchy has been infiltrated by agents of hell. Many have come posing as angels of light, but with darkness of heart and dark secrets. My children, you must pray more. We will not at this time make public knowledge of names, for now We seek the spirit." - Our Lady, May 30, 1977
"There is loosed now upon your earth the man of perdition, 666. He has entered now into the highest places of rank of My Son's Church, and he has entered upon the highest positions in the governments of the world. My children, I say to you now, to guard your souls and the souls of your children. There are the very forces of hell now loosed among you." - Our Lady, May 30, 1977
"There is loosed now upon your earth the man of perdition, 666. He has entered now into the highest places of rank of My Son's Church, and he has entered upon the highest positions in the governments of the world. My children, I say to you now, to guard your souls and the souls of your children. There are the very forces of hell now loosed among you." - Our Lady, May 30, 1977
"You would do well now, parents, to prepare your household. There will be much woe and gnashing of teeth set upon the earth by the evil one. The agents of hell, known by you as 666 are now loosed in full force upon mankind. And now 666 has entered into Rome, the Eternal City, seeking to set upon the Chair of Peter an agent of hell! My Church, My House upon earth, shall not crumble by the onslaught of satan! It will be a good and just battleground allowed by the Eternal Father for separating the wheat from the chaff. The harvest shall be great, and all that is rotten shall fall! And the chaff shall be gathered and cast into the fires! The numbers to be saved shall be counted in the few, but better, My children, a few with quality than quantity with nothingness!" - Jesus, June 16, 1977
"You would do well now, parents, to prepare your household. There will be much woe and gnashing of teeth set upon the earth by the evil one. The agents of hell, known by you as 666 are now loosed in full force upon mankind. And now 666 has entered into Rome, the Eternal City, seeking to set upon the Chair of Peter an agent of hell! My Church, My House upon earth, shall not crumble by the onslaught of satan! It will be a good and just battleground allowed by the Eternal Father for separating the wheat from the chaff. The harvest shall be great, and all that is rotten shall fall! And the chaff shall be gathered and cast into the fires! The numbers to be saved shall be counted in the few, but better, My children, a few with quality than quantity with nothingness!" - Jesus, June 16, 1977
"My children, what I have warned you of the past is developing fast in Rome. The agents of 666 now are in full control of the curia. O My children, I beg you, as your Mother, to pray and pray for your Vicar. Do much penance and acts of atonement for your bishops. Many shepherds have fallen asleep. Satan has poisoned the minds of many. The doors of the Eternal City of Rome were opened and demons entered to wreck havoc in the House of My Son." - Our Lady, June 18, 1977
"My children, what I have warned you of the past is developing fast in Rome. The agents of 666 now are in full control of the curia. O My children, I beg you, as your Mother, to pray and pray for your Vicar. Do much penance and acts of atonement for your bishops. Many shepherds have fallen asleep. Satan has poisoned the minds of many. The doors of the Eternal City of Rome were opened and demons entered to wreck havoc in the House of My Son." - Our Lady, June 18, 1977
"The agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop, and cardinal against cardinal, till all that remains will come forward out of the cleansing." - Jesus, July 25, 1977
"The agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop, and cardinal against cardinal, till all that remains will come forward out of the cleansing." - Jesus, July 25, 1977
"My children, there are forces now loosed upon your earth. They abyss is wide open now. 666 has entered in full force upon your earth. His agents now are in the Vatican. They have captured some of the highest seats in the hierarchy. They have taken over many governments. They are bringing the nations to the edge of destruction." - Jesus, August 5, 1977
"My children, there are forces now loosed upon your earth. They abyss is wide open now. 666 has entered in full force upon your earth. His agents now are in the Vatican. They have captured some of the highest seats in the hierarchy. They have taken over many governments. They are bringing the nations to the edge of destruction." - Jesus, August 5, 1977
"Your world, mankind, is now developing into a one-world government and a one-world religion that will cast aside My Son. Woe, I say unto you, as I cried before, that unless you pray, unless you act now, 666 shall entrench himself in Rome, the Eternal City, of Rome, and then it shall become the seat of the antichrist forces. My children, remove the blindness from your hearts and your eyes. Can you not recognize what is happening?" - Our Lady, December 7, 1977
"Your world, mankind, is now developing into a one-world government and a one-world religion that will cast aside My Son. Woe, I say unto you, as I cried before, that unless you pray, unless you act now, 666 shall entrench himself in Rome, the Eternal City, of Rome, and then it shall become the seat of the antichrist forces. My children, remove the blindness from your hearts and your eyes. Can you not recognize what is happening?" - Our Lady, December 7, 1977
"I repeat again, My children, what I have tried to tell mankind through countless visitations to your earth in the past, that satan is now loosed upon your world. He walks the earth now! My child and My children, listen well as I repeat to you the meaning of 666. Six demons of special mission have been loosed upon earth: Lucifer and his cohorts; Lucifer—satan and his army, 666; demons, legions of demons from hell entering into the body of any man, woman or child who has fallen away from the light." - Our Lady, December 31, 1977
"I repeat again, My children, what I have tried to tell mankind through countless visitations to your earth in the past, that satan is now loosed upon your world. He walks the earth now! My child and My children, listen well as I repeat to you the meaning of 666. Six demons of special mission have been loosed upon earth: Lucifer and his cohorts; Lucifer—satan and his army, 666; demons, legions of demons from hell entering into the body of any man, woman or child who has fallen away from the light." - Our Lady, December 31, 1977
"My children, the forces of 666, the forces of darkness now are gathering to do full war with all of the children of God in the light. It will be a battle that will call for great spirit, great sacrifice, and one must retain the knowledge of the Faith, for it will give you necessary strength in the battle. In Rome, the Eternal City of the hills, My children, the forces are gathering to bring about the capitulation of the Seat of Peter to communism and atheism, all promoted in the name of humanism. My children, all this is coming about fast because man has neglected sacrifice and prayer." - Our Lady, March 18, 1978
"My children, the forces of 666, the forces of darkness now are gathering to do full war with all of the children of God in the light. It will be a battle that will call for great spirit, great sacrifice, and one must retain the knowledge of the Faith, for it will give you necessary strength in the battle. In Rome, the Eternal City of the hills, My children, the forces are gathering to bring about the capitulation of the Seat of Peter to communism and atheism, all promoted in the name of humanism. My children, all this is coming about fast because man has neglected sacrifice and prayer." - Our Lady, March 18, 1978
"My children, you must understand that man in his human frailties often succumbed to the mores of modernism. Countless times in the past the Spirit of Truth came with the knowledge to man that the day would come when a great delusion shall descend upon mankind and cover the earth in a blanket of spiritual darkness. This day has arrived, My children. Recognize the forces of evil about you now. The man of sin, 666, satan, Lucifer, with all the demons loosed from hell, now are upon earth and do great battle with the children of God. The Holy City of Rome shall stand with the cross. Blood shall flow in the streets. My children, no country now shall be free from the evils of communism. My heart is torn, for I have come to you in countless appearances upon earth to warn you as Our children to avoid compromise with the enemies of God, though they come to you with smooth tongues, rationalizing their behavior. And because man has fallen out of grace, he will accept these lies and become enslaved." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978
"My children, you must understand that man in his human frailties often succumbed to the mores of modernism. Countless times in the past the Spirit of Truth came with the knowledge to man that the day would come when a great delusion shall descend upon mankind and cover the earth in a blanket of spiritual darkness. This day has arrived, My children. Recognize the forces of evil about you now. The man of sin, 666, satan, Lucifer, with all the demons loosed from hell, now are upon earth and do great battle with the children of God. The Holy City of Rome shall stand with the cross. Blood shall flow in the streets. My children, no country now shall be free from the evils of communism. My heart is torn, for I have come to you in countless appearances upon earth to warn you as Our children to avoid compromise with the enemies of God, though they come to you with smooth tongues, rationalizing their behavior. And because man has fallen out of grace, he will accept these lies and become enslaved." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978
"You must pray for your bishops, for the greatest attack now from satan and his agents—the coalition of 666—the greatest attack now is upon My Son's Church! The forces of evil are supernatural now, and as such, My children, human scientific means cannot stop these forces. You must also fight them with your supernatural armor." - Our Lady, May 27, 1978
"You must pray for your bishops, for the greatest attack now from satan and his agents—the coalition of 666—the greatest attack now is upon My Son's Church! The forces of evil are supernatural now, and as such, My children, human scientific means cannot stop these forces. You must also fight them with your supernatural armor." - Our Lady, May 27, 1978
"I ask you again not to abandon your parish churches. You will maintain the papacy in Rome. I tell you anew that 666 now is in Rome." - Our Lady, June 10, 1978
"I ask you again not to abandon your parish churches. You will maintain the papacy in Rome. I tell you anew that 666 now is in Rome." - Our Lady, June 10, 1978
"Doctrines and traditions are being cast aside in the name of modernism and humanism! The present council and the hierarchy of Rome must remove their hardness from their hearts and realize that the armies of hell, satan, Lucifer is loosed now upon earth as 666 now. His major attack shall be upon Rome and the Vatican!" - Our Lady, June 18, 1978
"Doctrines and traditions are being cast aside in the name of modernism and humanism! The present council and the hierarchy of Rome must remove their hardness from their hearts and realize that the armies of hell, satan, Lucifer is loosed now upon earth as 666 now. His major attack shall be upon Rome and the Vatican!" - Our Lady, June 18, 1978
"My children, I have also a great sadness of heart as I watch and wait for my hierarchy in My House, My Church, to awaken and come out of the fog. It is sad that satan, who comes as an angel of light among you, giving you all manner of humanistic theories based on modernism and progression, that satan could blind you to the truth and you will accept error even to the extent of promoting the rise of the forces of Antichrist in My basilica in Rome." - Jesus, July 15, 1978
"My children, I have also a great sadness of heart as I watch and wait for my hierarchy in My House, My Church, to awaken and come out of the fog. It is sad that satan, who comes as an angel of light among you, giving you all manner of humanistic theories based on modernism and progression, that satan could blind you to the truth and you will accept error even to the extent of promoting the rise of the forces of Antichrist in My basilica in Rome." - Jesus, July 15, 1978
"I have come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man, in the will of the Eternal Father, to warn you, O priests in My Son's Church, His House upon earth, that you must turn back and start again. Lucifer is in Rome. His army comes as 666 among you. He has been a murderer from the beginning. My children, man has fallen very low, without grace, even consorting to murder." - Our Lady, October 6, 1978
"I have come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man, in the will of the Eternal Father, to warn you, O priests in My Son's Church, His House upon earth, that you must turn back and start again. Lucifer is in Rome. His army comes as 666 among you. He has been a murderer from the beginning. My children, man has fallen very low, without grace, even consorting to murder." - Our Lady, October 6, 1978
"And majorly, the biggest fault of all to mankind, because man has turned now from his Creator—I must now make known to you, My children. As I told you in the past, Lucifer has been released from hell with many other demons in his legion of demons now loosed upon earth. Lucifer is in Rome and plans to destroy the papacy. My children, pray for your new Pope. He must be given the strength even unto the point of martyrdom if necessary. He must not allow communism to control Rome." - Our Lady, November 20, 1978
"And majorly, the biggest fault of all to mankind, because man has turned now from his Creator—I must now make known to you, My children. As I told you in the past, Lucifer has been released from hell with many other demons in his legion of demons now loosed upon earth. Lucifer is in Rome and plans to destroy the papacy. My children, pray for your new Pope. He must be given the strength even unto the point of martyrdom if necessary. He must not allow communism to control Rome." - Our Lady, November 20, 1978
"My children, I have asked you all to make your homes a fortress against the evil. Lucifer now has control of your world. He has control of all of the world's governments. And, sadly, he sits now in Rome under the name of 666, preparing to bring about a revolution in the streets of the Eternal City." - Our Lady, December 7, 1978
"My children, I have asked you all to make your homes a fortress against the evil. Lucifer now has control of your world. He has control of all of the world's governments. And, sadly, he sits now in Rome under the name of 666, preparing to bring about a revolution in the streets of the Eternal City." - Our Lady, December 7, 1978
"My children—parents—protect your children. You must now assume a great responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls! Do not expect this to come from Rome, for Rome now is under great attack. 666, satan—Lucifer and his hordes of demons—now are in control of Rome. Heaven will allow now the bishops, the cardinals to be tested. The kernels shall be taken from the chaff, and all that is rotten will fall." - Our Lady, May 23, 1979
"My children—parents—protect your children. You must now assume a great responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls! Do not expect this to come from Rome, for Rome now is under great attack. 666, satan—Lucifer and his hordes of demons—now are in control of Rome. Heaven will allow now the bishops, the cardinals to be tested. The kernels shall be taken from the chaff, and all that is rotten will fall." - Our Lady, May 23, 1979
"You will all pray for your clergy, your Cardinals, your Bishops, Pope John Paul II. The forces of 666 are now in command even in the Eternal City of Rome. However, the Eternal Father knows the outcome." - Our Lady, August 14, 1979
"You will all pray for your clergy, your Cardinals, your Bishops, Pope John Paul II. The forces of 666 are now in command even in the Eternal City of Rome. However, the Eternal Father knows the outcome." - Our Lady, August 14, 1979
entered the Church in 1972
"From some fissure the smoke of satan entered into the temple of God." - Pope Paul VI, June 29, 1972 (On the occasion of the Ninth Anniversary of his Coronation)
"My child, they converse of the secret that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple explanation. It could not be fully revealed because of the drastic nature of My message. How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978
"My child, they converse of the secret that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple explanation. It could not be fully revealed because of the drastic nature of My message. How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978
"Yes, My words were given in the same vein many earth-years ago, and they, too, were not heeded. Did you act upon them? No! You hid it away from the world. What will you do now? I warned you many years ago that satan would enter My Son's Church, but you did not listen. Now he is there!
"Have pity for all men of sin. Have pity for those who represent My Son and are falling into the web of deceit of satan, for they will be answerable to Us more so, for they were given the graces to fight this.” - Our Lady, June 17, 1971
"Satan, Lucifer in human form, entered into Rome in the year 1972. He cut off the rule, the role of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. Lucifer has controlled Rome and continues this control now.
"And I tell you now, My children, unless you pray and make My counsel known to all of the ruling fathers of the Eternal City of Rome, My Son's Church, His House, will be forced into the catacombs. A great struggle lies ahead for mankind. The eventual outcome is for good of all, for this trial in My Son's Church will be a true proving ground for all the faithful. Many latter-day saints shall rise out of the tribulation." - Our Lady, September 7, 1978
is a satanic attack upon My House. The forces of 666
have entered upon Rome! Heresy, O mournful heresy!
Whatever shall become of you? I repeat in warning—and act upon this warning:
the Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled." - Jesus,
October 2, 1976
"I gave Lucy the Revelation as a temporary secret—as I revealed [the Third Secret] to you on two occasions. Make a concerted effort to bring its entirety to Our children on earth. The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel—thirty-two years lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." - locution from Our Lady to Veronica Lueken, April 29, 1992
"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents—and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind—sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth.
"At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event, but who cared to listen? Who was interested in listening? Not those who were years—earth-years away. All Heaven was crying in that time, for the Eternal Father had made it known how His message would be received. To this day, to your earth-year of 1986, you have not been given, My children, the full secrets as given to the children at Fatima.
"Therefore, I must make it known at this time to you. If you are perceiving and interested in My Church upon earth, I do not have to explain Myself too fully; for you will already know of the chaos that satan has wrought when he entered My Church. And why did he enter, you say? This I want it made known, My child—and you will not be affrighted as you are now—you will speak out for Me and My Mother, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Spirit; you will speak out and say that satan is in the Church, My Church upon earth. He knows his time is growing short.
"And if you think you have seen carnage now already in the Church, the worst is yet to come, unless you follow the rules, given by My Mother many years ago, of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. By your example you may be able to save others. For soon there will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: the Third World War and, also, the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed. For the good seem to go about their way, perhaps pridefully. We do not seek to accuse or place a stigma on any, but some may pridefully sit back and let others go forth and make these sacrifices and prayers and penance. Because they have become smug, or because they have not the grace to understand, that once you receive this grace much is expected of you. You must even work harder to save your brothers and sisters.
"My child and My children, this message will not be greeted gleefully by your clergy. But since Lucy has been silenced, it is necessary that the world knows the truth. I will also send this message out through one more seer in the world, and if it is not abided by I have nothing to do but to allow the Chastisement to fall upon mankind.” - Jesus, June 18, 1986
"My children, those who in vocation have
dedicated themselves to the priesthood, I ask you as your God to cast away your pride. Admit there
has been error. Listen to your Vicar who stated that the smoke of satan had entered My Church. Did
he have pride when he brought this knowledge to you? No! He asked for help. And what did you do? You
turned away and widened the door for satan to enter!
"You are blinded, My
hierarchy. You seek to bring all into My Church, but this must be by conversion. You are allowing
all manner of heretics and the antichrist forces to enter among you. You are being deceived. Awaken
from your slumber.
"A great battle is taking place now within My Church and in all corners of the earth and countries. If the evil accelerates farther, it will be necessary for divine intervention. Is this what you want, My children?” - Jesus, September 28, 1978
"A great battle is taking place now within My Church and in all corners of the earth and countries. If the evil accelerates farther, it will be necessary for divine intervention. Is this what you want, My children?” - Jesus, September 28, 1978
"Yes, satan has gone into the highest positions in My House, but he will not triumph. In the final count the victory will be with Us, for he will only proceed as My Father deems." - Jesus, August 15, 1971
"I counseled you at Fatima, and who gave My counsel to the world? Pride and arrogance anew! A secret was to be revealed, and who counseled and prepared the world for the onslaught of satan into My Son's House? No one!" - Our Lady, December 3l, 1977
"Satan was allowed to enter. Man chose to take Michael, the guardian of Faith, from My House; and the doors then swung wide open to admit the prince of darkness and his realm of corruption and evil." - Jesus, September 28, 1977
"You will understand, My child, why satan has entered My Son's home on earth, the Church. Because there was not enough prayer. Man talks, idly talks of worldly matters, when he should concentrate on the spiritual." - Our Lady, December 28, 1974
"I wish at this time, My children, to repeat again the need to write, to speak, to meet with the Holy Father in Rome, and plead with him to have Lucy come forward and tell the Third Secret word for word." - Our Lady, June 18, 1986
"Because you did not prepare for satan, whom I warned you years of earth's time before would enter into My Son's Church to do battle with His clergy—you did not prepare and guard yourselves for this onslaught.
"And now, what are the fruits of your labors: a loss of vocations, My children losing the knowledge of their Faith, all manner of sin, perversion and abominations being committed upon earth." - Our Lady, August 4, 1979
"The institution itself, as set up by Me, remains to be true.... Satan has entered now with his armies in full regalia, appearing as humans. However, they are demons in disguise, and they have one ultimate aim: to try to destroy My Church, the Roman Catholic Church, with the Seat of Peter as the head." - Jesus, March 18, 1989
"Forewarning has been given from
Heaven to all cardinals and bishops that the Eternal Father has looked upon them and finds that they
have misled the sheep and are giving, in their blindness, the world's people, mankind, over to satan
and his agents.” - Our Lady, May 3, 1978
"Lucifer and his armies form the massive hand of evil in
the world, known as 666. As I explained to you in the past, My children, I repeat Myself to those
who did not hear My previous message that 666 is the massive full gathering of demons out of hell
with Lucifer as the leader. Lucifer himself, the prince of darkness, is now walking your earth.
Because of reasoning that no human mind could understand, Lucifer has retained power next to the
power of the Eternal Father in the Trinity. Know then how great is his power in these latter days.
His mission upon earth now is to fight the Kingdom of Heaven and to destroy any chance for a soul to
enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He is upon earth now, Lucifer, to claim his own.
"My children, I warn you again to not listen to scoffers who seek to pick apart and demolish the truth of these messages from Heaven given through various seers throughout your world, in various nations throughout your world. I have passed yonder and fro, crying out to you as your Mother to prepare yourselves and your homes. A great Chastisement is coming upon mankind, the Ball of Redemption. Your world shall be baptized anew by fire. How many shall be ready?” - Our Lady, June 10, 1978
"My children, I warn you again to not listen to scoffers who seek to pick apart and demolish the truth of these messages from Heaven given through various seers throughout your world, in various nations throughout your world. I have passed yonder and fro, crying out to you as your Mother to prepare yourselves and your homes. A great Chastisement is coming upon mankind, the Ball of Redemption. Your world shall be baptized anew by fire. How many shall be ready?” - Our Lady, June 10, 1978
"Yes, My child, even with Vatican II, it started out with the best resolves, but then satan took over the scene. And with his agents he reached into the highest professions, the highest league of the hierarchy, until it saddens Me to say that many priests now are on the road to perdition and taking many others with them." - Jesus, July 25, 1985
"As I
warned through My Mother in the past, 666 is loosed upon your earth.
He has entered My Church to do final battle with My clergy." - Jesus, March 18, 1977
"My Son's Church, His House upon earth, is undergoing a
great trial from within. The numbers of Judases are multiplying in Rome, My children. If this
continues there will be a bloodbath in the streets of Rome.” - Our Lady, June 18, 1978
children, I have also a great sadness of heart as I watch and wait for my hierarchy in My House, My
Church, to awaken and come out of the fog. It is sad that satan, who comes as an angel of light
among you, giving you all manner of humanistic theories based on modernism and progression, that
satan could blind you to the truth and you will accept error even to the extent of promoting the
rise of the forces of Antichrist in My basilica in Rome." - Jesus, July 15, 1978
"Lucifer is the prince of darkness and the father of all heresy and liars. I say this with great anguish, for Lucifer has entered into My Church, My household. The battle is great upon earth, and when the battle reaches into My Church, it will be a testing ground for all of earth and the world. For when My Church and the world become one, know that the end is at hand.” - Jesus, August 5, 1978
"My children, My Son's Church is being fired upon by satan. As I warned you in the past, Lucifer has entered My Son's House, His Church, to do battle now, as he knows he has been given but a short time to work his will among mankind—as he is the prince of darkness and the prince of the world now. Each and every soul placed upon earth by the Eternal Father has been given a mission to fight Lucifer and his agents and return victorious to Heaven from whence the Eternal Father has created you.” - Our Lady, August 19, 1978
"My children, My Son's Church is being fired upon by satan. As I warned you in the past, Lucifer has entered My Son's House, His Church, to do battle now, as he knows he has been given but a short time to work his will among mankind—as he is the prince of darkness and the prince of the world now. Each and every soul placed upon earth by the Eternal Father has been given a mission to fight Lucifer and his agents and return victorious to Heaven from whence the Eternal Father has created you.” - Our Lady, August 19, 1978
would do well now, parents, to prepare your household. There
will be much woe and gnashing of teeth set upon the earth by the evil one.
The agents of hell, known by you as 666 are now loosed in full force upon mankind.
And now 666 has entered into Rome, the Eternal City, seeking to set upon the Chair of Peter
an agent of hell! My Church, My House upon earth, shall not crumble by the onslaught of satan!
It will be a good and just battleground allowed by the Eternal Father for separating the
wheat from the chaff. The harvest shall be great, and
all that is rotten shall fall! And the chaff shall be
gathered and cast into the fires! The numbers to be saved shall be counted in the few, but better, My children, a
few with quality than quantity with nothingness!" - Jesus,
June 16, 1977
children, what I have warned you of the past is developing fast in Rome.
The agents of 666 now are in full control of the curia.
O My children, I beg you, as your Mother, to pray and pray for your Vicar.
Do much penance and acts of atonement for your bishops.
Many shepherds have fallen asleep. Satan has
poisoned the minds of many. The doors of the Eternal
City of Rome were opened and demons entered to wreck havoc in the House of My Son." - Our Lady,
June 18, 1977

Veronica - Oh! Oh, he's pointing to the picture. Oh, yes. Oh! Oh, it's Jacinta and Francisco, pointing to the picture. Oh, the little girl—at first I didn't understand her. I don't understand the words, but now I understand. She's saying:
Jacinta - "I wrote your picture. I wrote your picture."
Veronica - And she is saying:
Jacinta - "It is true; it will happen. It is true." - June 8, 1972
Veronica - Oh! Oh, he's pointing to the picture. Oh, yes. Oh! Oh, it's Jacinta and Francisco, pointing to the picture. Oh, the little girl—at first I didn't understand her. I don't understand the words, but now I understand. She's saying:
Jacinta - "I wrote your picture. I wrote your picture."
Veronica - And she is saying:
Jacinta - "It is true; it will happen. It is true." - June 8, 1972
"Jacinta warned you of the affairs of Rome. Now
one remains to be fulfilled, the secret of Heaven and earth. I have entrusted you with this already,
and I have asked you to prepare yourself and those you love for this eventuality." - Our Lady,
December 30, 1972
"Satan has control now of all the medias upon earth. He has entered into the highest places of My Church. He has entered his agents now into the governments of the world, the strategic points for command of humankind.
"Remember, My children, the victory, the final victory shall be with Heaven. It is a time of testing for all mankind, and as you are given a free will of choice, the choice, My children, shall be yours to make.” - Jesus, June 10, 1978
"Satan has control now of all the medias upon earth. He has entered into the highest places of My Church. He has entered his agents now into the governments of the world, the strategic points for command of humankind.
"Remember, My children, the victory, the final victory shall be with Heaven. It is a time of testing for all mankind, and as you are given a free will of choice, the choice, My children, shall be yours to make.” - Jesus, June 10, 1978
children, there are forces now loosed upon your earth. They
abyss is wide open now. 666 has entered in full force
upon your earth. His agents now are in the Vatican.
They have captured some of the highest seats in the hierarchy.
They have taken over many governments. They are
bringing the nations to the edge of destruction." - Jesus, August 5, 1977
Satan entered
into the highest realms of the hierarchy
“The tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world. The darkness of satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church even to its summit. Apostasy, the loss of the faith, is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the Church.” - Pope Paul VI, October 13, 1977
child, they converse of the secret that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple explanation. It could not
be fully revealed because of the drastic nature of My message. How I warned and warned that satan
would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that
satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978
has done his work of folly well. Yes, satan has gone into the highest positions in My House, but he
will not triumph. In the final count the victory will be with Us, for he will only proceed as My
Father deems." - Jesus, August 15, 1971
"Do not be misled by the outer clothing of man, for there are many wolves in sheep's clothing, wearing the apparel of rank. Know that many have given themselves to satan.
"Pray, pray much for those who wear the highest mitres, for they, too, have set themselves onto the road to hell. Your prayers and your acts of sacrifice and those who hear My voice, pray much for the Red Hats that have gone onto the wide road." - Our Lady, October 2, 1974
"I cry to you, My children, that immorality is the gauge, the measuring point for the fall of a nation. Your country, My children, the United States, has fallen to satan. The great eagle has been plucked by sin. Corruption has entered into the highest places of your government and in My Son's Church. I say unto you, and I say this with counsel from high, the Lord high God in Heaven, the Father of all creation, that as you sow so shall you reap!
"My children, why did you avoid giving My counsel to the world? O you of little faith in the high places of My Son's House, His Church, why did you not give My message to the world as I gave it to you? Pride and arrogance! That is why, My children." - Our Lady, December 31, 1977
"My children, you will all recognize the faces of evil. Satan has entered into the highest ranks of My Church. Pray now for your priests: your bishops, your cardinals, your clergy. Many prayers are needed, for many are on now the road to perdition and taking many others with them.
"My children, do not cast aside your sacramentals. They are your armor in the days ahead. Do not desert My Church. Do not judge it by the man who has stood there in ignorance or in pride and changed it until it will almost be unrecognizable. I am still with you, My children. Do not leave. You must stay and fight. In this manner, My children, shall the sheep be separated from the goats. It is a form of cleansing." - Jesus, July 15, 1977
"My children, you will all recognize the faces of evil. Satan has entered into the highest ranks of My Church. Pray now for your priests: your bishops, your cardinals, your clergy. Many prayers are needed, for many are on now the road to perdition and taking many others with them.
"My children, do not cast aside your sacramentals. They are your armor in the days ahead. Do not desert My Church. Do not judge it by the man who has stood there in ignorance or in pride and changed it until it will almost be unrecognizable. I am still with you, My children. Do not leave. You must stay and fight. In this manner, My children, shall the sheep be separated from the goats. It is a form of cleansing." - Jesus, July 15, 1977
"We ask you from Heaven not to leave, not to create a schism from your main body in Rome. You must remain within My Son's Church and pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Satan and his agents have entered in full battle upon My Son's Church. Satan has entered into the highest ranks within My Son's Church and the world. He will manipulate powers, provincials, until he brings about a great chastisement, because man will not listen and mend his ways.” - Our Lady, February 10, 1977
"Your world and your country wallow in a cesspool of error, corruption, and debasement. Satan has set among you in the highest places of rule, giving them power for the destruction of human souls. These agents of hell have been placed in your schools to destroy your young; in your government to bring you to your knees before one who is not of God; and sadly, his agents have entered into the House of God to do battle.
"Michael must be returned to the House of God immediately. Man's free will has cast him aside. He will not be returned unless man asks.” - Our Lady, September 13, 1973
"The octopus of evil having many arms
now is reaching out. The evil and the agents of satan in human form have entered into the highest
places in world governments and in My Son's Church.” - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"As I warned you in the past and you did not listen, unless you prayed more, did more penance, sacrifice, communism would go throughout your world, ravishing nations, destroying your Faith, entering into the highest places of My Son's House. Can you deny what is happening now in your world? Remove the blindness from your eyes and look! Come out of the darkness before it is too late, for a House in darkness wears a band of death about it! I repeat: a Church in darkness will close its doors.” - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"Satan, the master of deceit and the prince of darkness, has entered into the highest places of My Son's Church, and into the highest places of the governors of all the earth's kingdoms until those who make the rules for nations have given over the nations to abomination.” - Our Lady, June 16, 1977
"Satan has entered into the highest places in your civil life, My child, and in the houses of My Son throughout your world. His reign will be short in earth-years. I have not come to your earth to fill you with fear. I have come to prepare you for the days of trial.” - Our Lady, April 13, 1974
"Satan has entered into the highest places in your civil life, My child, and in the houses of My Son throughout your world. His reign will be short in earth-years. I have not come to your earth to fill you with fear. I have come to prepare you for the days of trial.” - Our Lady, April 13, 1974
"My child, you cannot keep from fulfilling your mission to bring the Message of Heaven by holding back the truth. Go forward, My child, now, and bring this message to the world: satan has entered into the House of God. He rules now from the highest places. The world and the Church of God is in deep darkness. Those who are in command—many have fallen away. Pray, My children, much, for with your prayers and sacrifices they, too, can be recovered.” - Our Lady, April 13, 1974
"There is loosed now upon your earth the man of perdition, 666. He has entered now into the highest places of rank of My Son's Church, and he has entered upon the highest positions in the governments of the world. My children, I say to you now, to guard your souls and the souls of your children. There are the very forces of hell now loosed among you.” - Our Lady, May 30, 1977
"My children, if you do not listen to My counsel, you will live in a world in which the living will envy the dead, so great will become the corruption, the murders, the evil, even reaching into the highest places in My Son's Church. Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, I beg you as your Mother.” - Our Lady, August 5, 1977
"My children, if you do not listen to My counsel, you will live in a world in which the living will envy the dead, so great will become the corruption, the murders, the evil, even reaching into the highest places in My Son's Church. Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, I beg you as your Mother.” - Our Lady, August 5, 1977
"The red forces are on the march. They seek control of the throne of Peter. My children, the man of perdition is among you. Recognize the faces of evil about you; recognize the forces that now ensnare the world, heading it for its own destruction!
"While man cries peace he goes farther from peace. Peace, love and brotherhood! Words, I say unto you! Lip-service from mankind! That is all! What comes from the heart is darkness and evil! Even in the hearts of men in the highest places in My Church, they conspire with enemies of their God. The faith is weak.” - Jesus, May 28, 1977
"Satan has entered into the highest places of the Eternal City. Bishop shall face bishop, and cardinal shall set himself against his brother. In this manner all that is rotten will fall.
"You ask, My child, how this sorrowful state has come to pass. It is, My child, because too few pray, too few know the value of suffering, and too few have sought to do atonement for the offenses committed against My Son and His Immaculate Heart.” - Our Lady, October 2, 1975
"All prophecy given to you, My children, is conditional to man's response. Remember this in the days ahead.
"In Rome there are gathering forces of evil. We call them, My children, the red forces. Unless the children of light upon earth can reach into these areas of darkness, there will be a great trial set upon Rome. The forces of 666 are raging throughout your world. They have entered into the highest places of government and in My Son's Church. Do not be deceived by the rank and position of a man upon earth.” - Our Lady, September 28, 1976
"All prophecy given to you, My children, is conditional to man's response. Remember this in the days ahead.
"In Rome there are gathering forces of evil. We call them, My children, the red forces. Unless the children of light upon earth can reach into these areas of darkness, there will be a great trial set upon Rome. The forces of 666 are raging throughout your world. They have entered into the highest places of government and in My Son's Church. Do not be deceived by the rank and position of a man upon earth.” - Our Lady, September 28, 1976
"The enemies of God entered into the houses of My Son many earth-years ago. Their plan has been insidious, and with much cunning they came forward, coming into the highest places in power within the houses of My Son. In this manner, My children, have they been able to mislead, misguide, and set many souls onto the road to destruction of their eternal souls.
"We place a great responsibility upon all parents to bring the truth to their children. Many will perish, many will die in the great Chastisement. How many shall be rejected from the Kingdom, My child? Only the time left for mankind shall be the balance.” - Our Lady, August 5, 1974
"Romans, awaken now! 666 has entered among you. The forces of evil are intent upon vanquishing the Eternal City of Rome. Satan has entered into the hearts of those who hold the highest places in My Church. If it were not for the pleadings of My Mother and the many souls who have given themselves as victims, victims that cry out and plead for mercy to an undeserving generation . . . My children, come out of the darkness now! You are plunging to your own destruction. For rejecting the light, for turning aside from the truth, for destroying the Faith in the hearts of the young, you shall receive a chastisement far greater than man has ever known from the beginning of your world. Your world, many nations shall be consumed by fire.” - Jesus, April 9, 1977
has entered, my sisters and brothers, into the highest ranks of the hierarchy. Therefore, you will
recognize the faces of evil. By their fruits will they be known." - St. Theresa,
October 2, 1975
forces of 666 are firmly entrenched in your government, in the clergy—your pastors, your shepherds, your bishops; even
satan has entered into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. My children, the Council of
Vatican II was started with good intent, but the doors were opened to all manner of heretics,
causing a slow pollution of the Faith. My children, you must now awaken the pastors from their
slumber! They have given themselves over now to a new religion of man." - Our
Lady, July 25, 1977
agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy. It
will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, till all that remains will come forward
out of the cleansing." - Jesus, July 25, 1977
has control now of all the medias upon earth. He has entered into the highest places of My Church.
He has entered his agents now into the governments of the world, the strategic points for command of
humankind. Remember, My children, the victory, the final victory shall be with Heaven. It is a time
of testing for all mankind, and as you are given a free will of choice, the choice, My children,
shall be yours to make." - Jesus, June 10, 1978
children, My heart is torn because too few are listening, so very few are listening to My counsel. I
cannot say that this is caused by the lack of dedication for those who have accepted the role of
disciples of My Son. But I must say that the greatest opposition is coming from Our clergy, who
should know better. But, My children, as I said in the past, I repeat again, that satan and his
agents, the band of 666, has entered into the highest places of the hierarchy; and therefore he has
captured some of Our formerly noble hierarchy to do his bidding." - Our Lady, June 1, 1978
that Lucifer is walking the earth now, Lucifer who has great knowledge. He has intention for
conversions to satanism. He is entering into the highest places of the hierarchy. I ask that My
Church be restored to its former glory. You are destroying it with change. My children, those who in
vocation have dedicated themselves to the priesthood, I ask you as your God to cast away your pride.
Admit there has been error. Listen to your Vicar [Pope Paul VI] who stated that the smoke of satan
had entered My Church. Did he have pride when he brought this knowledge to you? No! He asked for
help. And what did you do? You turned away and widened the door for satan to enter! You are blinded,
My hierarchy. You seek to bring all into My Church, but this must be by conversion. You are allowing
all manner of heretics and the antichrist forces to enter among you. You are being deceived. Awaken
from your slumber." - Jesus, September 28, 1978
"I have
promised you peace, My children, if you will go forth with your Rosary in one hand and the brown
Scapular about your neck. How many have cast aside their armor because they fear or they are afraid
of the mockery of those who have already hardened their hearts to the truth. And their eyes and
hearts are eternally blinded, for many of them shall fall into hell, and many of them shall be
wearing their red birettas. My child, I say this, for satan has entered into the highest realms of
the hierarchy now." - Our Lady, July 1, 1985
child, I wish at this time that you will take three pictures. They are very important, because as I
have made known to you before, and you will repeat again: satan has entered into the highest realms
of the hierarchy. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Better that there be a few
with quality than nothingness. For without the light of God truly shining within My Son's churches
on earth, they will become darkened, as they take with them onto the road to perdition many souls.
Do not judge them, My children, when you come upon these lost souls, but pray for their salvation,
for many have been misled. As I said before, My Son's Church is in great crisis. The enemies of God,
with Russia as the head, now seek to destroy the knowledge of the Eternal Father in the Trinity. My
Son, they seek to take My Son from history and try to defame Him for their own gains." - Our
Lady, July 1, 1985
"Yes, My
child, even with Vatican II, it started out with the best resolves, but then satan took over the
scene. And with his agents he reached into the highest professions, the highest league of the
hierarchy, until it saddens Me to say that many priests now are on the road to perdition and taking
many others with them." - Jesus, July 25, 1985
"I accept, with a stricken heart, the abominations that are being committed in My House. Satan was allowed to enter. Man chose to take Michael, the guardian of Faith, from My House; and the doors then swung wide open to admit the prince of darkness and his realm of corruption and evil.
"My children, satan has entered into the highest places of government and the highest positions in My Church. They, too, will feel the sword.” - Jesus, September 28, 1977
"The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats have been misled. The time will come when there must be a separation of the sheep and the goats. There will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in their midst.
"There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My children, a great delusion. The light has not passed that way. Error upon error is coming forth. The enemies of God have taken the highest positions in My Son's Church. It will be cleansed by trial.” - Our Lady, October 6, 1975
"The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats have been misled. The time will come when there must be a separation of the sheep and the goats. There will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in their midst.
"There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My children, a great delusion. The light has not passed that way. Error upon error is coming forth. The enemies of God have taken the highest positions in My Son's Church. It will be cleansed by trial.” - Our Lady, October 6, 1975
"There is a formation within My House that I give and label as the evil men of the cross. They are impostors. They have entered to destroy. They have reached and attained the highest leadership in My House upon earth. They are recrucifying Me in My House. Your Vicar is a prisoner within My House.
"I caution you in the days ahead to read all periodicals and approach your news medias with a critical eye, for you seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters and those who are seeking to bring about the one-world religion and the one rule of government—a measure of enslaving all of mankind under the forces of Antichrist.” - Jesus, November 22, 1976
"There is a formation within My House that I give and label as the evil men of the cross. They are impostors. They have entered to destroy. They have reached and attained the highest leadership in My House upon earth. They are recrucifying Me in My House. Your Vicar is a prisoner within My House.
"I caution you in the days ahead to read all periodicals and approach your news medias with a critical eye, for you seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters and those who are seeking to bring about the one-world religion and the one rule of government—a measure of enslaving all of mankind under the forces of Antichrist.” - Jesus, November 22, 1976
"Your country, the United States, and most countries in your world have allowed satan to enter into the highest positions of your government, your medias of communication, and even to My House, My Church upon earth. Therefore, there is no other recourse left to Heaven but to cleanse you of your errors.
"As in the past We sent to you voices crying in this wilderness of evil: Straighten yourselves out; make way for the Lord, for the hand of punishment shall come upon you! As in the past you all continue in your lives of pleasure, neither caring nor seeking the truth. Therefore, I say unto you as your God: many will die. Only a few will be saved.” - Jesus, June 18, 1980
PART 4 - There shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst.
“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops.” - Our Lady of Akita, October 13, 1973. (The apparitions of Akita, Japan, were approved by Bishop John Shojiro Ito, Bishop of Niigata Japan, in April 1984.)
"Fatima, My child. And how many sought and acted upon My counsel . . . even keeping hidden the major part of My message. And now it has come about, for it will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal." - Our Lady, December 7, 1978
"The Father has chosen the words Faithful and True for reason. It will be the banner for all children of God who remain in the light. You will pray for your cardinals and bishops. The time is coming, My child, when you will see bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself among them." - Our Lady, October 6, 1974
"The time will come when brother shall fight against brother, cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop, satan setting himself in their midst. But know that the Father will have all under control. It is in this manner that He will separate the sheep from the goats." - Our Lady, November 1, 1974
"The time is now, My child, the forces of evil against the forces of light: father against son, mother against daughter, bishop against bishop, and cardinal against cardinal, with satan setting himself among them!" - Our Lady, May 17, 1975
"My child, in the great trial ahead in My Son's House, Church on earth, there shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst. My warnings at Fatima were cast aside as they are being cast aside now, My children. It is a failing of human nature, My child, that that which does not give pleasure to the carnal nature of man is not accepted. Man shall blind himself to the truth, as he does not wish to face the truth. And those who seek to bring him the truth are cast aside and do much penance, My child." - Our Lady, September 13, 1975
"Come out of the darkness! The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. Cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop! All that is rotten shall fall. Blood shall flow in the streets —revolution upon revolution! Do you not know—have you learned nothing from the past history of mankind—that the Father will chastise those He loves? Awaken! You have fallen asleep, Our pastors! You shall not follow as sheep to the slaughter those pastors who have given themselves to satan, those pastors who have sold themselves to the world of satan. Many will sell their souls to get to the head." - Our Lady, September 27, 1975
"The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats have been misled. The time will come when there must be a separation of the sheep and the goats. There will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in their midst. There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My children, a great delusion. The light has not passed that way. Error upon error is coming forth. The enemies of God have taken the highest positions in My Son's Church. It will be cleansed by trial." - Our Lady, October 6, 1975
"There is great confusion, My child, in the Holy City of Rome. You must pray a constant vigilance for your pastors and hierarchy. It shall be bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal. Satan has set himself in their midst." - Our Lady, November 22, 1975
"There shall be a war in My House: bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal. And why? Because you have allowed satan to play chess with you!" - Jesus, May 26, 1976
"I give fair warning, as your Mother, that the world has set itself upon a course for its own destruction. In My Son's House it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. It shall be mother against daughter, father against son. There shall be discord in the home as the family heads struggle to maintain the Faith." - Our Lady, June 5, 1976
"When I am returned to remain guard at the tabernacles, and my name is returned, you will find the people flocking back into the houses of their God. Instead, now I have been locked out and satan has been invited in. His agents fill the seats of the houses of God. The battle will rage with great ferocity in the House of God-bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal, until the score has been settled in favor of the Eternal Father, your Creator." - St. Michael, August 21, 1974
"Unless you pray more for your bishops, there will be chaos in Rome: bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal, while satan stands in the midst of them. Blood shall flow in the streets of Rome. Your Pastor, the leader of your sheep, shall flee in terror." - Jesus, July 15, 1976
"The Eternal City of Rome shall go through labor pains. The struggle shall lead to blood within the streets. There shall be a war among your clergy. It shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for 666 has entered upon Rome. I repeat, My children: awaken from your slumber! 666, the forces and agents of satan, have entered upon Rome!" - Our Lady, July 24, 1976
"There will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. Bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. All that is rotten shall fall." - Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"My children, long ago I warned you from Fatima, I warned you through many voice-boxes throughout your world that the time will come when you will embark upon a stormy sea, and it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in your midst. He shall maneuver and pit you and play you against each other in his plan to destroy My Son's House. Recognize what is happening now upon your earth. I say unto you, O pastors in My Son's House: if you do not listen, if you continue to proceed upon your present course, you ask for the heavy hand of My Son to come upon you. Your world shall be cleansed with a baptism of fire." - Our Lady, November 20, 1976
"It will be brother against brother and sister against sister; and it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst. Persevere to the end and you will be saved. All who acknowledge My Son before man shall be acknowledged by Him before the Father." - Our Lady, December 28, 1976
"There is in the Vatican, the Eternal City, a force of evil so great that it shall bring great trial upon the good, suffering to those who will stand faithful and true. My children, the time is approaching when it must be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal; for those who should know better, who have been given graces beyond the ordinary man, they have used this power to set themselves against their God. Many are evil consorts of satan sent into My House to destroy. They are not unknown to Us. We will turn all evil to good. However, the ways of the Eternal Father are unknown to mankind. You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer, for without prayer, you cannot have sight; without prayer, you will be unable to recognize the signs of your times. My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Reject Her direction, reject Her counsel, and you shall be rejected before the Father." - Jesus, February 1, 1977
"As I said in the past, a great trial is coming upon mankind. A great trial will enter upon all who remain with My Son in your times of strife. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. I repeat, and I repeat to deafened ears and hardened hearts: modernism in one hand and satanism in the other." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan will set himself in their midst. Like a game of chess, he manipulates for his benefit, not mankind. Like a game of chess, he will play cardinal against cardinal and bishop against bishop. In the Council of Rome, Vatican II, man set out to use his own deviations to promote peace. Look about you, My children, and learn what peace has been brought to mankind. Man cries peace, peace, and he goes farther away from peace. There shall be no peace without faith. There shall be no peace without the plan of God in the hearts of man!" - Our Lady, May 18, 1977
"O My children, Rome is in great danger. There is much deceit throughout the hierarchy. It will be cardinal against cardinal and bishop against bishop, for satan has set himself in their ranks. Prayer is the most powerful force now given in your world to stop the advance of 666. My children, if I could open to you a scene in small measure of the coming Chastisement, I would not have to, as your Mother, beg you to listen and act upon My counsel; you would go to your knees and make your way to My Son in pleading." - Our Lady, May 28, 1977
"My children, listen now and act upon My counsel. The time is growing short. Satan has poisoned many minds. Satan has entered into the highest places of My Son's Church. It will be bishop against bishop, and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself among them. There will be a battle. There is raging, My children, a battle far worse than any battle ever experienced upon earth in the past, or ever will in the future, for it is a battle of the spirits, the battle between good and evil." - Our Lady, July 25, 1977
"Satan has set himself now in Rome. He plans to do great battle in the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal. All that is rotten must fall. Do not be concerned in the outcome, My children, for the eventual victory is with Heaven. This is all allowed, permitted by the Eternal Father, by reason of separating the sheep from the goats. It will be a test for all mankind." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
"My children, I cannot impress you more with the urgency of going faster forward in the time that is left, forward to save your brothers and sisters. I ask you to approach My priesthood. Bishops and cardinals must now accept all of the Message from Heaven, even though it will bring about controversy among them. For it will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal. For all that is rotten will fall and must not be retained." - Jesus, November 20, 1978
"And I do it for a reason, that it goes to the world because this dear Holy Father is the one in Rome who is suffering now at the hands of his own. His bishops will fight bishop against bishop; there will be cardinals against cardinals; and satan has set himself in the midst." - Our Lady, September 27, 1986
“The message of Fatima is a call to conversion, alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the ‘dragon’ whose ‘tail swept a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth.’ (Rev. 12:4)” - Pope John Paul II, May 13, 2000 homily at Fatima, Portugal.“It’s [Third secret] in the Gospel and in the Apocalypse, read them!” - Sister Lucy"The Most Holy Virgin has made me understand that we are in the last times of the world." - Sister Lucy to Fr. Augustine Fuentes, December 26, 1957“It is an apocalyptic hour for the world. These are frightening winds from hell which are blowing, and the elect themselves are allowing themselves to be carried away.” - Cardinal Cerejeira, Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal, April 24, 1959
"You have, My child, received now the full story of
the approach of Antichrist to the Eternal City of Rome. It is a sad fact that the apocalyptic days
are here, and the visions of John will now unfold to completeness. There is much that was not
revealed, but these are the days of the Revelations. You will read the visions of John, the
Apocalypse, and you will find yourself filled with the spirit of knowledge and wisdom. The story of
the end days will unfold as you read. You will not be found without knowledge if you will take the
Book of love and life, your Bible, and read it." - Our Lady, October 2, 1975
"You will read the warnings and the message in the
Book of life, known as the latter days of the Apocalypse. Read it, study it well, and learn by it.
The course of mankind is traveling fast to the conclusion of the book of the Apocalypse."
- Our Lady, November 20, 1974
"I, John, have made it known to you what lies ahead in
the last days of your era. You will all peruse the pages now and know what lies before you. There is
no mystery to the words, for with the light of the Spirit you will be able to understand. All will
be revealed to those who search."
- St. John, September 7, 1972
"My child, we have asked you to send the word to
mankind that they will read in the Book of life, the Bible, the words given to them that will
fulfill the prophecy of the latter days, Apocalypse. You are living the days of the Revelations.
Read them and be knowledgeable, and you will not be caught without the light."
- St. Michael, June 8, 1974
"You have followed My directions well to read the
writings of the good John, Saint John, as I wish him to be known upon earth. The Father used him as
an instrument to give you the knowledge of the end days. I will explain the part, My child, that
puzzled you most. All are in symbolic form, but if you pray to the Spirit for the light, your mind
will be opened to the truth. Know that there will be two phases with the closing of the Book of the
Apocalypse placed on parchment by Saint John, the good John, on the island. There will be great
trial and punishment, tribulation in the House of God, the houses of God throughout the world, and
in the lay life of the human being. The fight will be a war of the spirits. The pages of the
apocalyptic times must turn. All who remain after this time of great trial will join with My Son in
setting up the Kingdom that I promised you, the time of great peace. It will only be with you, this
great peace promised, at the return, the Second Coming of My Son, Jesus. After the great
tribulation, the number saved will be counted in the few. They will join with My Son and continue on
with a life of great joy and glory to the Father as planned in the beginning. Satan will tempt none
ever more unto the time allotted given to him before the great and final judgment. Satan will be
chained, My child, for a number of earth-years. He will no longer roam to tempt mankind. My Son
shall be the Ruler upon earth; and then after this time, satan will be loosed once again to tempt
mankind, as man will then evolve back into his human nature and find himself offending the Father
and sinning once more. Then will come the general, final judgment upon mankind, the end of time. It
will be at this time that there will come unto you a new Heaven and a new earth—the new Jerusalem promised from the beginning of time by
the Father. Your spirit will return to your bodies. United will be the body and the soul. And as
such, you will be set in judgment. That, My child, will give you a condensed knowledge of what lies
in the pages I asked you to read. You must, My child, awaken your brothers and sisters to the fact
that the days ahead have all been in the plan of the Father, knowledgeable to Him, as He knows all
past, future, and present. Read the Book of love and life, your Bible. Do not discard these
apocalyptic days, My children. Try to unravel these symbols and secrets. They are not difficult.
Hidden within the pages you will find the full story of the days ahead. However, the pages will turn
only as mankind deems, slowly or faster. At the present time, My child, it is like a great wind has
taken the Book and blown it away, and the pages are turning faster and faster, bringing man faster
to the end of his time. Do not be afraid, My child, to repeat all that I have made known to you.
They will call you a prophet of doomsday. Ah, but, My child, how sad it will be when they recognize
all that was given to them, the knowledge that they chose to cast aside, caring more for the things
of their world than for the joys and treasures of Heaven that cannot ever by despoiled or removed. A
life eternal with happiness and glory discarded for the pleasures of the world of satan! O My
children, is it not any wonder that My tears fall! They fall as teardrops from Heaven. I am truly a
Mother of great sorrow!"
- Our Lady, September 13, 1974
"The eagle, My child, does not only represent your
country as a symbol, but remember Saint John. Why do I say remember Saint John? Because he rose
high, soaring high like the eagle in his writings of the Father. He gave you the truth. Read what he
has written in the Book of love and life and you will know the path that lies ahead for mankind. He
did not write in error. He wrote in the spirit of truth, Saint John. Read Revelations in the
Apocalypse." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974
"Wait and watch, My children; pray much, for the Book
of life is unfolding; the pages are turning. You are truly in the days of the Apocalypse. Read the
Revelations, My children, and know what lies ahead. As you were told in the past, much will be
opened to you, for the days of the Armageddon are here. Read the Revelations, your Apocalypse, My
children. Saint John was given the knowledge to reveal to you the days in which you are living.
Recognize the signs of your time." - Our Lady, August 21, 1975
"Through many countless earth-years, My child, I have
wandered preparing mankind for these days. You are living the days of the Apocalypse. You will read
the writings of your John, Saint John. The Eternal Father gave him full knowledge of your
days." - Our Lady, October 6, 1975
"Many do not, My child, understand the signs of their
times. The days, the latter days are here, My children. You are living in the days of the
Apocalypse. The writings of Saint John have been given to you for a reason. You must open your
Bibles and read the directions carefully. They are words of prophecy given for a reason. The time is
at hand." - Our Lady, November 22, 1975
"You are living in the days of trial, the days written
of by Saint John in the Apocalypse, the Revelations to mankind. Do not reject as hearsay, or the
thoughts from the hearts of mere man, these Revelations, My children, for this prophecy was given to
you from the Eternal Father. It is for your knowledge to use in these days. Do you not recognize the
signs of your times? You are approaching fast the day of great chastisement. There will be gnashing
of teeth and much woe set upon the earth by the dark one. Satan has massed his forces among you. All
manner of grave deception is being set before you. Pray much, a constant vigilance of prayer, My
children; even the elect are deluded at this time." - Our Lady, December 6, 1975
"Amen, amen, I say to you, all that has been written
in the Book of life must come to pass. For you who have been given the grace, you will read your
Apocalypse. You are coming to the end. Read and become knowledgeable." - Jesus, January 31, 1976
"I have instructed you, My children, in the past to
read and read again the writings of John, the Apocalypse, the Book of Revelations. Read and open
your hearts to the truth. Read, and you shall not be unaware of what is happening about you. You
will find the confusion being cleared when you understand now that there are two factions in your
world, good and evil, and the great battle for souls is on now. Satan has his armies, and I, My
child, through the manner of the Eternal Father in His providence and great knowledge, I have been
sent to you as a Mediatrix—I
repeat, a Mediatrix between God and man. My Son is beside Me in the battle. We watch and will be
with you until His return to your earth." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976
"Mark well the pages of your Book of life, your Bible.
They are hastened now by man's actions to turn quickly, bringing about the final judgment upon
mankind. Prepare yourselves by reading these pages, the Apocalypse, the Revelations of Saint
John." - St. Michael, August 14, 1976
"Know and learn by this, My children, that you who
have been given the grace to hear My words of warning, brought to you from the Kingdom of your God,
Heaven, you have received every opportunity now to save your souls and the souls of your children.
Do not slacken as apostles of your God. Go forward and await the coming of My Son, which will not be
much longer, My children. I assure you, the time is growing short. Read your Apocalypse, the
Revelations of John, and you will understand the days ahead." - Our Lady, September 7, 1976
"My children, I have cautioned you to watch and
prepare for the days you are living in now, and the days you are going forward into, the time known
as Antichrist. My children, I have cautioned you to read the Apocalypse of Saint John and learn. It
is not a book beyond your knowledge and understanding, if you implore the Eternal Father to allow
you to understand. If you ask, you shall receive the insight to understand what is to come upon
mankind, and what is now here in your time." - Our Lady, November 20, 1976
"My children, prophets of the past were given full
knowledge of the days you live in. Read your Apocalypse, My children. The Eternal Father in Heaven
had a plan to enlighten you in these days. Do not cast it aside as dry reading. Pray for the light
and you will understand what you read." - Our Lady, December 31, 1976
“Have you prepared your household? Are you ready, My
children? Has My Mother come upon you and among you to have you turn and toss off Her warnings and
counsel? I say to you: the day is near at hand! All who are of well spirit at that time will go
through this tribulation with confidence, but woe to the man who has sold his soul to satan. My
children, I do not wish to enlarge upon or add to My Mother's counsel. I say unto you: you are
living now in an age, the age written of, given—the
knowledge given to the prophets of old, left to you by John. You are now living the days of the
Apocalypse. Everything shall unfold; even the scroll that lay hidden shall unfold." - Jesus, May 14, 1977
"All that is written in the Apocalypse of St. John—the
Apocalypse must be read by everyone who is knowledgeable enough to understand."
- Jesus, August 13, 1977
"I warned you in the past, and I warned you again,
that unless you remain in the light, any man, woman, or child of conscionable age will be liable for
the infiltration of satan, the master of deceit, and his agents. Many minds have been poisoned by
satan. What was to happen in the future shall be now. You are passing through the days of the
Apocalypse." - Our Lady, September 7, 1977
"I assure you, My children, My Mother's counsel was
for your defense, for your protection in these days. These are truly the days of the Apocalypse;
these are truly the latter days, and from out of this conflict there will rise many latter day
saints." - Jesus, October 1, 1977
"In the past the demons were loosed upon your world,
but the prince of darkness remained chained. But now he is loosed. My children, in the plan from
Heaven he has been allowed his time. Satan, the supreme master of hell, now walks your earth in a
human body. I do not, as your Mother, seek to fill your heart with fear, but you must now face
reality and the facts. The days given in the Book of life, the Bible, the days spoken of and written
of by your prophets are here. I caution you to read the Book of Revelations, the Apocalypse of Saint
John, My children. Read and learn; read again! For soon there will be darkness and you will be
unable to read. You will store it all in your hearts and your memory." - Our Lady, November 1, 1977
"My children, I counsel you now to read your Bible.
You must read the Apocalypse, the Revelations, and you will understand that all that is transpiring
had to pass, My children, sooner or later." - Our Lady, November 19, 1977
"I have asked you in the past and I ask you again to
read your Bible. Read over and over the writings of John, the Apocalypse, and you will not be lost
in knowledge. As you read, the Holy Ghost will enlighten you and you will know, My children, the
next step in God's plan, the Eternal Father's plan, for your redemption." - Our Lady, December 7, 1977
"I repeat as My Mother counseled you: in the past
there were agents from hell upon earth, but Lucifer had been chained. And now he is loosed! You
cannot understand the plan from the beginning of your existence. It must all come to pass. The pages
of your Bible must turn, but they are fast turning because man does nothing to stop them. The
Apocalypse is upon you. You must read the writings of John. Then you will understand. No man shall
fall into hell unless he wills it." - Jesus, December 31, 1977
"Satan, his army, they are legion now upon earth. He
roams wherever there is darkness. He has entered My Church to destroy My Church, but he cannot, for
I am the foundation! You will find, My children, full knowledge of the advance of your days if you
will follow My Mother's direction to read the Apocalypse of Saint John, the Revelations. Read and
learn, and it will comfort you in the puzzling days ahead. You will see many strange sights come
upon the earth, but you must be careful to not speculate, and discern spirits. Pray a constant
vigilance of prayer." - Jesus, February 10, 1978
"You must read your Bible every day, even a short
verse, My children. Read your Bible and learn by it. The Revelations, the Apocalypse of Saint John,
the scrolls are unfurling. My children, you will all go forward as bearers of the light with My Son.
You will all carry the banner Faithful and True. Do not be dismayed if you cannot understand the
Apocalypse at the first reading. You will pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, and your eyes
and your hearts will be opened to the knowledge." - Our Lady, May 27, 1978
"Bishops and cardinals in My Son's Church, you have
fallen asleep. You go about with your heads in the clouds, dusty clouds, dark clouds that blind you.
Awaken from your slumber while there is time. The time is growing short. How many earth-years do I
come to you to warn you? You cannot hide the truth now, My children and My pastors. It is too late.
The time of the Apocalypse is upon you; your days are numbered. You must save now your soul and the
souls of all under your care. Convert the unbeliever while there is time." - Our Lady, May 30, 1978
"My child and My children, I have asked you to read
your Book of love and life, your Bible, for reason. The scroll is now unfolding for mankind. What
was hidden in the past is now being revealed to you. All who are seeking the truth and the light
must now read the Revelations of Saint John, the Apocalypse." - Our Lady, June 1, 1978
"Many manifestations shall be given in the days ahead,
as there is now a supernatural war in progress. For those with wisdom, listen and understand; for
those who have grace to see, recognize the signs of your times and the war of the spirits you are
engaged in. Read the Apocalypse of Saint John, the Revelations, and you will follow the unwinding of
the scrolls. All who are graced to hear the Message from Heaven, listen, act upon it. Treasure this
grace given to you from the Eternal Father, that you have the opportunity to be redeemed out of this
world of satan." - Jesus, June 18, 1978
"My children, when My Mother warned you of the arrival
of Lucifer upon earth, She prepared you for his advance upon mankind and his plan. You will review
Her counsel and act upon it. And I say unto you all: prayer, penance, and atonement for all! For the
time given in the Book of life, the Bible, is at hand. Read your Apocalypse, the words of Saint John
written in script. Learn by it. Ask for guidance in the Holy Spirit to give you knowledge in
reading." - Jesus, August 5, 1978
"My children, you must read your Bible. I have asked
you to read. You have forgotten the graces you may receive from it, indulgences that have been cast
aside. Read your Bible, My children, and you will understand what is happening in your present
generation. The Apocalypse, the writings of Saint John, must be read several times. Before you
commence, you will pray to the Holy Spirit of life, the Holy Ghost, to enlighten you that your mind
may absorb and understand the writings from Heaven." - Our Lady, September 28, 1978
"The pages of John's writings, the Apocalypse, the
Revelations, are turning faster and faster. Man controls the speed to his destruction. Your country,
My child, the United States, and many countries of the world have become paganized. My Son's Church
upon earth shall go through a great crucible of suffering with chaos." - Our Lady, October 6, 1978
"In the Book of life, your Bible, the pages are
turning fast. The days of the Apocalypse are upon you. Many shall have visions. And a time will come
to pass when a burning ball shall pass through you, and a tail of fire devouring all in its path.
All who laugh, you scoffers upon earth, you will awaken from your blindness too late!" - Jesus, December 7, 1978
"My children, how sad I am that too few have followed
My counsel to read the Revelations of Saint John to the world, the Apocalypse. Read them, My
children. Ask My Son, ask the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, and the pages
will become clear to you. The pages will open up like the scroll, and you will have full
understanding of the days ahead. What was hidden from mankind for many years is being revealed in
order to save the world from its own destruction. Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer.
Pray for your Holy Father in Rome; pray for your bishops, pray for your priests; pray for your
government leaders, for satan has clouded many minds." - Our Lady, June 13, 1981
"My child and My children, there is another matter
that I brought you here this evening for, My child, Veronica. I want you to tell the world again,
and remind them that they must all make it an issue among their cardinals and their bishops that in
order to save the world from communism and its fast gallop of the war-like Mongols down after those
who are innocent of heart—the
fast trod of these hoofs come from, My child, the Apocalypse! The red horse is war! And war is in
the balance next, My child. And what can you do about this? This is My direction from Heaven—and We hope, My children, that you will get this out
to the world: Unless the bishops and the Holy Father in unity with all the bishops of the world,
unless they consecrate Russia to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, the world will be doomed! Because
Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world, rising up wars and carnage and
pestilence and famine. Is this what you want, My children?"
- Jesus, June 17, 1989
"My child and My children, the pages are turning fast
in the Apocalypse. Have you listened to My counsel in the past, My children? Are you making an
effort to study the Book of life and love, your Bible?" - Our Lady, October 6, 1992
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