
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Sunday, May 14, 2017

Revilo Oliver : THE ENEMY OF OUR ENEMIES: A Critique of Francis Parker Yockey's The Enemy of Europe (2)

A Critique of Francis Parker Yockey's The Enemy of Europe
by Professor Revilo P. Oliver


When Yockey speaks of Europe's colonies, he is thinking of the territories outside Europe inhabited by our race, essentially Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States, of which the latter, in continuing revolt, so to speak, against the mother country, had become its most dangerous enemy. He does not consider separately the future of the others. When Britain attacked Germany in 1939, she was able to count on the whole-hearted support of the English who lived overseas. Everyone knows, of course, that she can no longer do so. If she were attacked today by any nation--the United States, the Soviet, France, Sweden, Ireland--she would find that she had not only kicked South Africa into independence, but has so alienated the three other former dominions that she can hope for no more than a few platitudes in the local newspapers and, if events give an opportunity for them, in kindly obituaries. There is no indication that Yockey foresaw this development.
In 1949, Europe still had extensive possessions overseas. The British not only entertained strange illusions about what they called their Commonwealth and the consequences of their folly in forcing "self-government" on their former subjects of other races, but Britain still possessed very extensive territories in Asia and Africa, and even some in the Western Hemisphere, as crown colonies of which she had not yet been stripped by the traitors in her government. France possessed Indo-China until it was taken from her by American treachery (15) and Communist China, which the Americans had created by stabbing their Chinese allies in the back. France considered Algeria a part of "metropolitan" France. In addition to the numerous minor possessions, she owned Madagascar and half of the Dark Continent north of the British Union of South Africa, while the rest of the territories of the savages were divided between Britain, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain, and the colonies that had been taken from Italy were booty that in a sane world Britain and France would have divided between them. And although the United States had set up a kind of vaudeville show called the "United Nations" to disguise a little its subservience to its enemies in the Soviet and further the subjugation of the American people, there was in 1949 no apparent reason why the European nations, which had not yet realized that they had defeated themselves as catastrophically as they defeated Germany in 1945, should not have retained and ruled their colonial empires.
(15. The nerve center of Communist agitation among the natives was evidently the American embassy, in which inflammatory bulletins urging the natives to get rid of the nasty white men were printed on the embassy's presses. So far as one can determine from the conflicting reports, the Americans promised military aid to the French, should the Chinese invasion become formidable, and then broke their promise at the last minute when the situation at Dienbienphu became critical, thus producing the delightful massacre of the French troops, which had been hopelessly outnumbered by a fresh invasion from China. Americans who dote on Mongoloids naturally reck nothing of the American lives that were squandered in Vietnam, but they should try to calculate the total of all the precious yellow lives that were lost in Annam, Cochin China ("South Vietnam"), Cambodia, Laos, and Tonkin ("North Vietnam") as a direct result of the Americans' racial and diplomatic betrayal of the French to promote lovely "anti-colonialism.")
It is true that in 1949 our race was already showing alarming symptoms of a kind of epidemic lunacy called "anti-colonialism," which was supposedly derived from the prating of a shyster named Woodrow Wilson, whom the Jews had installed as President of the United States in preparation of the First World War. (16) A bigot who had peddled an ostensibly secular theology under the name of "political science," Wilson, when he used the United States to exacerbate the war in Europe and prevent a reasonable peace, had devised a mysticism called "the self-determination of peoples," which, like "theosophy" and "spiritualism," had a great appeal to minds that had been weakened by Christian superstitions. And, oddly enough, Great Britain, which had the most to lose by self-mortification, was the first Western nation to take a morbid pleasure in harming itself. (17) Incidentally, sentimentalists should note that the Western nations that contracted a kind of contagious epilepsy and had masochistic fits in which they forced "self-determination" on their colonies, invariably inflicted great suffering and enormous loss of life on the subjects whom they "liberated."
(16. On the training of Wilson by the Jews, who boasted that their satrap, Baruch, "leading him like [sic] one would a poodle on a string," taught Fido to sit up and bark ideals for political bonbons, see Colonel Curtis B. Dall's F.D.R. (2d ed., Washington, D.C. 1970), especially pp. 134-38. Wilson seems not to have been entirely devoid of conscience, for he is reported to have lamented, "I have ruined my country!" before his mind broke down in 1919, perhaps under the strain of realizing that he, a supreme egotist, had been merely a fantoche in the hands of his masters. His insanity was, of course, concealed from the American boobs, whose government continued to be conducted in his name until 1921. He partly recovered his reason before his death in 1924, but left, so far as is known, no confessions. His election to the presidency in 1912 was, of course, contrived by stimulating the vanity of Theodore Roosevelt and inciting him to form the "Progressive Party" and thus split the Republican vote and punish William Howard Taft for his lack of alacrity in kowtowing to the Jews. As Colonel Dall notes, the Jews laughed over their manipulation of Theodore Roosevelt, their "other candidate" for control of the United States.)
(17. The psychopathology of masochism would require a separate treatise. Such mental alienation in various races, usually as a concomitant of religious mania, but may take a peculiar form in Aryans, beginning with the notion of tapas that appears in India not long after the Aryan conquest and also in the Norse myth of Odin's hanging of himself on the world-tree. The hallucination is, of course, the basis of Christian austerities, appearing in most tales about saints, and particularly conspicuous in Seventeenth-Century Spain, where normally intelligent men had fits in which they lashed their backs with whips weighted with lead until the blood from their excoriated flesh flowed down over their trousers. They imagined that Jesus, if he happened to be watching, would be pleased to see them torture themselves. The same hallucinations are epidemic today in a holy conspiracy called Opus Dei, which was used by "our" C.I.A. to undermine and eventually capture the government of General Franco in Spain, for the members of that Catholic sect regularly torture themselves by wearing sharp-pointed chains next to their flesh and flogging themselves with lead-loaded whips, confident that Jesus will be so pleased that he will assign them specially luxurious quarters in the best apartment house in Heaven and make them members of his own exclusive club. Incredible as it may seem, men who appear outwardly sane secretly indulge in such masochistic perversions. A Catholic Irishman, John Roche, a professor of the History of Science (!) with a doctoral degree from Oxford (!), was bewitched by Opus Dei when he was an undergraduate in an Irish college and acquired an addiction to self-torment that he compared to addiction to narcotics. He did God's Work by torturing himself for fourteen years (and doubtless serving the conspiracy in other ways), and he experienced "withdrawal symptoms" after he came to his senses. See his confession in the Sunday Times (London), 18 January 1981, p. 15. Even now, however, he has not guessed that the godly Opus Dei is partly or entirely financed by the C.I.A.)
In 1949, Great Britain had already begun to destroy herself, and although some mental and moral deficiency in the English must be regarded as the primary cause, it could be argued that the fatal folly was a consequence of the initial blunder that was made when D'Israeli was injected into the British peerage. A Jew named Samuel, who showed his contempt for the English by assuming the illustrious Norman name of Montagu, so enriched himself by his depredations in banking and international finance that his friend, Kind Edward VII, ennobled him with the good Anglo-Saxon name of Baron Swaythling. (Si quid sentiunt Manes, the ghost of the first King Edward, who had tried to run the Jews out of England in 1290, must have gibbered in fury at the act of his namesake.) The "British" Baron's son became Secretary of State for India in 1917 and worked, sometimes slyly, sometimes almost openly, to undermine British rule in India and to arouse among the natives discontent that could be used as a pretext for further sabotage of the Empire. In collaboration with Viscount Chelmsford, who was closely tied by marriage to the Goldmans and may have had Jewish genes himself, and who became Viceroy of India in 1916, "Montagu" prepared in the name of the King's government an official and astounding report on India--astounding because its authors were not attainted for high treason. The crucial section of the long and rambling document is cited by General Hilton in his Imperial Obituary. The report bewailed the deplorable fact that 95% of all the peoples of India were happily content under British rule and hoped for its continuance. It was therefore England's duty, the titled saboteurs said, to "bring about the most radical revolution" in India to enable the 5% of malcontents to terrorize and suppress the "pathetically contented" 95% and thus prepare India for "nationhood," i.e., for perpetual rioting, the venomous racial animosities that always accompany multi-racial societies that are not under foreign rule, large-scale massacres, savage atrocities, and contemptuous hatred of white men.
The work of dismembering the British Empire was carried on by a Jew residing in England, Rufus Isaacs, who was rewarded for his involvement in the malodorous Marconi scandal (18) by being successively created Baron, Viscount Earl, and finally Marquess of Reading, Lord Chief Justice (!) of England, and Viceroy of India, where he made a feint of maintaining British rule while sapping its foundations. (19) His fellow tribesmen ran interference for him in England by a standard ploy, using their increasing control of the English press to publicize shrill protests that he was "brutally" failing to truckle sufficiently to the "aspirations" of babbling babes, whose minds had been stuffed with "democratic" verbiage in British schools. And so, in 1947, the British ignominiously retreated from their largest colonial possession, and the Hindus and Moslems promptly began to massacre each other on a scale that brought joy to the hearts of the apostles of "self-determination." And the "Republic of India" and Pakistan were created as enemies of our race and civilization.
(18. A typical financial operation carried out by artfully depressing the value of Marconi stock in both England and the United States to induce its owners to sell for a fraction of its worth and then artfully inflating its value to sell it to the public for more than it was worth. It involved the bribery of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, an unprincipled opportunist named Lloyd George, by the common device of "selling" him at depressed prices stock for which he would not be expected to pay until it greatly increased in value (it soared suddenly to twelve times its former price). English newspapers that were still in English hands sometimes caricatured Lloyd George as a little boy traveling under the escort of his two Jewish tutors, Isaacs and Samuel.)
(19. See the inadvertent admissions in the laudatory biography by H. Montgomery Hyde, Lord Reading (London, 1967), Chapter 8. For example, he censured and forced the resignation of General Dyer for having restored order in Amritsar after a mob killed five Englishmen, beat an Englishwoman almost to death, looted banks, and otherwise exhibited their idealistic aspiration. The fact that General Dyer had been publicly thanked by the decent Sikhs, who bestowed on him the highest honor in their power, merely proved the need for the "radical revolution" that would teach them "nationhood" and perpetual violence. Another trick was a loud campaign to end "racial discrimination," an infallible means of stirring up trouble and inciting other races to hate ours.)
Yockey certainly understood that the "successful Indian Mutiny in 1947," as he called it in the Proclamation, was a consequence of the First World War, which was itself suicidal and an effect of the "Culture-disease" spread by the Jews, but he does not remark on the curious circumstance that the British retreat from India had been conducted, not by Englishmen, but by aliens with British titles. He comments on the fatal decadence of the British aristocracy and upper class, (20) which he attributed correctly to a spiritual decay, but, perhaps in keeping with the racial theory we noticed above, he does not ask the drastic and fearful question, How British are the British? It is a crucial question that admits of no precise answer, and discussion of it would require an inordinately long excursus. (Cf. note 27 below.)
(20. General Hilton (op. cit.), writing from an entirely different standpoint, also attributes some part of the responsibility for the loss of the Empire to the dilution and demoralization of the upper classes by "democracy" and Jewish ethics. The subject races respected gentlemen (cf. note 6 above), but not the bounders who gradually replaced them in an age in which a Lloyd George could become the King's Prime Minister and harbor several Jews in his Cabinet. The General could have mentioned the most flagrant instance of which I have heard. Around 1925, a certain Charles Arthur, who probably could not have attained a commission in the army before 1914 and certainly could not have held it long, was a Captain in His Majesty's Army and was appointed by His Majesty's Government Aide-de-Camp to Prince Hari Singh, son and heir presumptive to the Maharaja of Kashmir. The up-to-date young captain enlisted several accomplices and worked the old badger-game on the na‹f young prince, whom they successfully blackmailed for the astonishing sum of 125,000 pounds sterling. Their enterprise would have remained unknown, had not Captain Arthur and one or more of his accomplices forged an endorsement on a cheque to cheat the "outraged husband" of his share of the loot.)



For Yockey, both kinds of colonies have only a secondary importance. The attitudes and cultural vitality of Europeans who have established themselves in other continents are determined by the power and vitality of their mother country. European dominion over other races is merely an epiphenomenon, a measure of a European nation's power, a salutary reminder that, as he tells us, power can be maintained only by increasing it.
We return, therefore, to the fundamental fact that new weapons have imposed on Europe a necessary unity. He is aware, of course, of the impediments to such a union: the ethnic differences that seem small only when our race is compared to other races; the corresponding differences in traditions and temperament, producing what Jacques RiviŠre described as discordant nervous rhythms; and the diversity of languages, perhaps the most troublesome barrier of all and one that grows higher, as the major languages deteriorate with the decline of education in the several countries. So great are the differences within Europe that the eminent historian, Geoffrey Barraclough, (21) denies that "European unity" ever existed in the past or the present, rejects all claims for a "common western European tradition," and sees no cultural force that can create "bonds (or potential bonds) of unity between England and France (for example) or France and Spain." Very well, but later in his book he foresees that in the future "the war of 1939-45 will appear...as the decisive conflict in which Europe, committing suicide, surrendered mastery to the coloured peoples." So, in the end, he sees, as does Yockey, a unity imposed on Europe by a common destiny, by the natural and implacable hatred that the other races feel for our own--races that both the Soviet and the United States, in an effective partnership, are inciting and arming against our homeland.
(21. Geoffrey Barraclough, History in a Changing World (Oxford, 1955), pp. 43. 183.)
Yockey urged Europeans to consider the grim realities of the plight they brought upon themselves by their insane and suicidal war for the Jews. He told them bluntly that they must not permit themselves to be narcotized by the endless drivel about "peaceful solutions," "world peace," "one world," and the rest of the gabble to which weak minds are addicted as to opium or cocaine. If they are to have a future, they must deal with both the aliens that drove them to suicide and their own tares, which he, using a German idiom, called the "Michael stratum."
It is a regrettable but undeniable fact that the great mass of the population is interested only in present comfort and gross satisfactions; unwilling to take thought for their class, their nation, or their race and incapable of taking such thought anyway; materialists in Yockey's sense of that word (which has nothing to do with philosophical thought, from which they would instinctively flee as owls from the light) and craving only animal satisfactions, although they frequently have fits of religiosity or hypocritically affect a concern for their "fellow man," if such concern is in vogue and profitable. They are proletarians, regardless of income; they are by nature Untermenschen, the more pernicious the greater their incomes or the higher the positions to which they have climbed in a governmental or industrial bureaucracy. Theirs is the ochlocracy for which the United States made the world safe, while making the world unsafe for civilization. They are, however, a necessary part--a very large part--of every population, and the first task of a statesman is to control that mass in the interest of a civilization it cannot understand.
Yockey reminded Europeans that the only political reality is power, military power, not the twittering of idealists and "Liberals" as they hop from perch to perch on a tree of which they cannot see the roots or understand the life. And he suggested the means whereby Europe might regain at least some of the power that it had insanely thrown away to please its enemies.

Yockey saw Europe as lying, temporarily helpless, between two overwhelmingly powerful antagonists, so that the only choice left to it was a choice between its two enemies, which were fortunately enemies of each other. His thesis depended, therefore, on his belief that the Soviet Empire and the United States were irreconcilable forces. And since the United States was obviously an instrumentality of the Jews, that meant that the Jews had lost control of Russia. Yockey thus proposed a solution to a problem that has been earnestly, sometimes furiously, and in the end inconclusively debated ever since, so that it remains the most urgent problem that is immediately before us. On the truth or falsity of Yockey's solution will depend our foreseeable future.
We are confronted by a total lack of trustworthy data. All of our information concerning conditions inside Russia comes from either Soviet or Jewish sources and is therefore mendacious except insofar as it may, through inadvertence or coincidence, contain some elements of fact. Russia--I speak of Russia because the rest of the vast Soviet Empire is merely its appendage--is, on even the most hopeful assumption, in the hands of men who have mastered the techniques of misinformation and disinformation, and who have virtually absolute and total control over all significant news concerning events in their empire, except what may come through Jewish sources. To be sure, a considerable number of men have defected from the Soviet and found asylum in Western nations, but for each of them we must first try to determine whether or not he is, as some of them undoubtedly are, a Soviet or Jewish agent, sent to increase our perplexity and confusion by providing a superficially different variety of misinformation and disinformation. If we have satisfied ourselves of his bona fides, we have the even more difficult problem of determining whether his reports are misleading because his knowledge of the facts is limited and inadequate, or because he has made his report serve his own resentments or ambitions, or because he conceals some part of the truth to avoid offending the Jews or a corrupt and perfidious government that could at any time return him to Soviet territory and a terrible death.
Our dilemma may be illustrated by a trivial bit of news from Russia, chosen at random. The press recently reported that Brezhnev was being treated by a wonderful "psychic healer," whose photograph shows her to be a not unattractive young woman, white but certainly not Aryan. She is said to have a luxurious apartment in Moscow, complete with servants, to travel in a limousine, complete with chauffeur, and to dress expensively and elegantly.
Our press is apt to be truthful in reporting trivial matters, if one allows for the journalists' normal sensationalism. If the "psychic healer" were said to be ministering to a British Prime Minister or an American President, we would suppose that he either
1) was in fact suffering from some psychosomatic malady, or
2) had found a neat way to maintain a mistress in style.
But the news is about the Soviet President and came through a censorship that is vigilant about even trivialities. So we have to consider other possible explanations:
3) Brezhnev has become senile and feeble-minded, and the rulers of the Soviet are preparing us for his replacement.
4) Brezhnev's sickness is political, and we are being prepared for his removal by sudden death or forced retirement into obscurity.
5) The mention of Brezhnev is merely a trick to secure wide publicity for a story concocted by Russian experts in psychological warfare to further the epidemic of superstition and irrationality that is reducing the American masses to imbecility and thus hastening the national paralysis. This interpretation is supported by the inclusion in the story of a statement from a Russian physician, who certifies the miraculous cures accomplished by the witch's "laying on of hands." The story therefore fits neatly into the long series of stories that have been coming out of the Soviet in recent years to make credulous persons believe that Russian "scientists" are making wonderful discoveries about "extrasensory perception," "telepathy," psi-power," and other occult hocus-pocus.
6) The story was manufactured by the Jews for the same purpose. As everyone knows, their press and boob-tubes in the United States are making a concerted effort to induce hallucinations in the masses by lustily advertising the charlatans, thaumaturges, astrologers, "psychics," evangelists, and other swindlers who are so lucratively preying on the ignorant and simple-minded.
7) There is the last possibility that this and other hokum about "psychic" marvels in Russia, instead of being acts of psychological warfare, more or less accurately reflect a wave of occult superstition in the Soviet that is tolerated either because (a) the rulers think it provides harmless amusement for the masses, or (b) the regime is actually disintegrating and cannot shore up the official Marxian religion. The latter hypothesis will please those who wish to attribute recent disorders in Poland to Russian weakness, and the perennial hopefuls who never tire of assuring us that there is a craving for "freedom" in Russia and that a proletarian revolution there is sure to break out any moment since 1947.
The story about the "psychic healer" is, of course, too trivial to be of interest other than as an example of the kind of questions that we must ask ourselves about every bit of seemingly significant news that comes out of Russia, a territory that is enclosed by a censorship as efficient as the famous border that prevents unauthorized escapes from Soviet territory. No one can be really certain of what goes on behind that barrier. The most brazen lying is commonplace even when there is no official censorship. There is no greater intercourse between two nations that than between Britain and the United States, and thousands of Britons are visiting or travelling in this country at any given time. But nevertheless one of the leading newspapers in London, The Observer, on 8 March 1981 carried a scare-head in large type: "Shadow of Terror Falls on U.S. Jews," and feeble-minded Englishmen were invited to believe that all of the millions of God's Race in this country were cowering in dread of the moment when the American "Nazis" will start popping them into gas chambers and reducing them to holy ashes.
We have been assured so many times that the Jews were losing or had lost control of Russia and the Soviet! The first wave of such hopeful thinking came when Bronstein, alias Trotsky, scuttled out of Russia, having purportedly lost a power-struggle with Dzhugashvili, alias Stalin. One consequence was that the misfits, crackpots, overgrown infants, and mattoids that formed the Communist Parties in civilized countries split into "Trotskyites" and "Stalinists," who quarrelled as furiously as did the Christian Homoousians and Homoeousians. The net result, however, was to accelerate and amplify the diffusion of Communist propaganda, and in the late 1930s the weekly periodical, Time, which was then still largely in American hands, suggested that Bronstein and Dzhugashvili were really co"perating in staging a performance for the suckers. The subsequent murder of Bronstein in Mexico proves nothing, for by that time (1940) he had become an embarrassment and impediment to "Stalin," who needed to reunite his stooges and dupes in the United States in preparation for the day when the American cattle would be stampeded into Europe. The view expressed by Time is not widely held now, but it has never been conclusively refuted.
After Trotsky's exodus from the new Holy Land in 1929, the next onset of propaganda that the Jews were losing control of their Soviet colony came with the "purge trials" of 1936-37, in which a passel of "Old Bolsheviks," most of them Jews, were spectacularly prosecuted and liquidated by Stalin's subordinates, most of them Jews. The trials were a shock to Westerners who na‹vely believed no hair on the head of a Jew could be harmed in a country controlled by his fellow tribesmen, forgetting how savagely Jews slew one another in struggles of power within their race, e.g., when Jesus and Onias slugged it out for the office of High Priest in 170-169 B.C., or the otherwise unrecorded occasion around A.D. 30 that provided the corpses which proved to horrified archaeologists that Jewish ingenuity had found a way to increase even the torments of crucifixion for fellow Jews who were mutinous. No one yet has convincingly explained why Stalin preferred to stage a grandiose show for the civilized world instead of having the selected "Old Bolsheviks" quietly disposed of in convenient lime-pits.
Yockey, however, was convinced by a smaller show in Prague and, as he tells us at the beginning of The Enemy of Europe, he revised its text in 1952 to take into account an event that he had foreseen in 1948. He discussed it in greater detail in an essay, "What is Behind the Hanging of the Eleven Jews in Prague?" It was clearly written for publication by his European Liberation Front, but, so far as I know, never printed. (22)
(22. It may have appeared in the short-lived periodical, The Frontfighter, of which I have seen only one number. I have photostats of a typewritten copy. It is reproduced in Appendix II below.)
Yockey marshals his arguments effectively. When Stalin joined the Jewish Crusade Against Europe, he appealed to Russian nationalism and patriotism to encourage his armies and peoples. That is one of the few verifiable facts before us, but we remember that our great War Criminal used American patriotism to pep up the livestock that he was sending to Europe to slaughter and be slaughtered for Yahweh's Master Race. For that matter, the cannon-fodder were told that wicked Hitler planned to invade the United States, and there were nincompoops so ignorant of military and naval logistics that they believed it. On the other hand, it was Germany's purpose to destroy the Soviet, so there was a genuine basis for Stalin's appeal to his subjects.
It is undoubtedly true that the Slavs feel a deep racial antipathy to the Jews and would gladly purge their territory of them. The question, however, is whether they are or will become sufficiently intelligent and strong to indulge that desire in defiance of the rest of the world, whom the Jews would infallibly incite against them.
It is probably true that the Jews planned to obtain a monopoly of atomic weapons by having them made the exclusive property of the silly vaudeville show in New York City called the "United Nations," which was simply a flimsy screen for their age-old dream of "One World" under their rule. (23) If so, Russia's insistence on using American and British knowledge to equip herself with the feared weapons disappointed them. To that extent, at least, Stalin acted as a Russian Czar, not as a stooge for the Jews.
(23. It would seem that the Jews lost interest in the farce, which now serves to provide, at the expense of American taxpayers, a luxurious life in New Jerusalem-on-the-Hudson for diplomatic riff-raff and savages, whose endless jabbering is as significant as that which may be heard at the monkey house in Bronx Park. Muzzy-headed American women still fancy that the babble has meaning, but the Jews are too intelligent to pay attention to it and probably do not even laugh when some idler calls for a "resolution" against their world-capital in Palestine.)
Yockey believed that the "cold war," proclaimed by the Jews' half-English stooge, Churchill, on a visit to the United States, was really an attempt by the Jews to encircle Russia, rather than a convenient pretext to get more Americans killed, in Korea and elsewhere, and to pump more blood out of the veins of American taxpayers to flush down sewers in Asia and to subsidize, under the guise of "foreign aid," the Communist conquest of one nation after another. It must be remembered that at the time Yockey wrote, the rodomontade manufactured in Washington sounded more convincing than it does now in retrospect, and that the "cold war" did excite intelligent Americans with a hope that they could force their government to action in conformity with its endless jabbering about "saving the Free World."
Yockey also took seriously the Yiddish yelping about "anti-Semitism" in Russia, which may have been no more than a ploy to deaden the hostility toward Russia felt by Americans who still hoped that their nation would someday act in its own interests. It must not be forgotten that the Americans who were most hostile to the Soviet were precisely the ones who would be mollified by reports that the Russians were shaking off their Jewish masters. (24)
(24. A good example is Commander S.M. Riis, a veteran of Naval Intelligence, who was stationed in Russia at the time of the Jewish take-over of that country in 1917-18. In his old age, he succeeded in boarding the ship that had brought Kruschchev to the United States; he conversed with agents of the N.K.V.D. disguised as simple Russian sailors and was assured that Kruschchev was a "real Russian" who was kicking out the alien invaders. Believing that the Jews had at last lost control, he was greatly encouraged. See his Karl Marx, Master of Deceit (New York, Speller, 1962).)
Yockey also noticed that in the United States a pair of Jews, the Rosenbergs, were falsely accused of treason (for they had been strictly loyal to their race) and thrown to the wolves--to appease the Americans who resented the betrayal of their own country by Roosevelt and his successors, and also to facilitate the escape of other spies and saboteurs who had been caught in the act.
Yockey therefore concluded that the "treason trials in Bohemia" were "an unmistakable turning point" and, despite the official piffle in both Russian and Jewish sources, marked an "undeniable reshaping of the world-situation." The fact that "the Russian leadership is killing Jews for treason to Russia" was nothing less than "a war-declaration by Russia on the Jewish-American leadership." Stalin, who, Yockey recognizes, "had been pro-Jewish in his inner- and outer-policy" for thirty-five years, had at last taken the part of Russia against international Jewry, who had to abandon their hopes that they could "replace the Stalin r‚gime." Yockey could not foresee that Stalin would die a year later in circumstances that gave rise to rumors that the Jews had at last succeeded in poisoning him.
To the end of his life, Yockey remained convinced that a war between the Jews' United States and the Soviet was inevitable. That conviction was the basis of his last essay, written shortly before his death in 1960. Its cover is reproduced here on the following page [see original--Ed.].
I do not know whether Yockey saw and approved the vividly symbolical painting, in the manner of Salvador Dali, that is reproduced on that cover or the date that is set beneath it. It he did set the date, 1975, he was in good company, as I shall remark later.
The World in Flames is a concise and lucidly logical conspectus of the situation in 1960, cogent if one accepts the premise that the Russians had liberated themselves from the Jews. On that assumption, the relentless expansion of Soviet power and the establishment of a Soviet outpost in Cuba, at the very doors of the United States, represented a series of defeats for the international race.
Yockey's analysis of the military situation is still valid. The Americans, if they are driven to fight the Soviet, will rely on ballistic missiles, but cannot win a war, since, even if they had an effective army, it could not mount an invasion of Soviet territory with the enormous number of ground troops necessary to occupy it, and Europeans cannot be induced to fight again for the American-Jewish symbiosis. Russia will use ballistic missiles, since the logistic problem of transporting armies across the Atlantic or Pacific is one she cannot solve.
American missiles can inflict a certain amount of damage on a few cities, etc., but Russia is relatively invulnerable to such attacks because she is not really urbanized, her important installations are scattered throughout her vast territory, and her essentially agrarian people have the high morale of imperialism and will not be dismayed by such destruction and losses as it may be possible to inflict on them. Russian missiles, produced by German scientists and technicians and therefore more accurate and effective, will be directed at American cities, the destruction of which will not only paralyze the nation militarily, but will dismay a population already demoralized by peace-lubbers, fatuous females, and youth made derelict and cowardly by the rotting of our culture. The blasting of a few cities will make the panic-stricken rabble eager to surrender. (Yockey probably did not know that Washington was even then making studies of "strategic surrender" in the event of hostilities.)
When the United States surrenders, as it must and will, the situation will be drastically changed. Yockey notes that the British, a relatively civilized people much given to prating about their moral superiority and to the vapid idealism of humanitarians, having obtained the support of Americans crazed by a holy war, induced the Germans to surrender in November 1918, and then, by an act of unprecedented treachery, blockaded the helpless Germans for the express purpose of killing civilians, and did in fact starve to death a million Germans before lifting the blockade in July 1919. Now the Russians are barbarians and have never talked nonsense about the "sanctity of human life" and similar vaporings of sentimentalists. Their leaders, furthermore, are realists and have never shown the slightest inclination to imagine that treaties are more than pieces of soiled paper. Even if the United States does not surrender unconditionally (that would be poetic justice!), the Russians will not be obligated by such terms as they may have granted on paper to spare themselves unnecessary effort. In all probability, therefore, they will proceed, after the surrender, to annihilate forever the United States as a possible source of future trouble. They will, of course, immediately destroy all of the country's remaining industrial capacity. What is uncertain is whether they will elect (a) to occupy the territory with troops, reduce its population by starvation or shooting them as may seem the more entertaining, and spare the rest for use as serfs, at least until the land can be colonized by Russians, a virile and growing people; or (b) to reduce the territory to a lifeless and uninhabitable desert.
Yockey, writing in 1960, believed that the inevitable war might be precipitated at any time and would certainly begin no later than 1975, the date given on the cover of his booklet. He obviously miscalculated, but so did men with access to the secret information accumulated by what was left of American Intelligence services. It was also in 1960 that an American Colonel in Military Intelligence, who had extensive experience during the Korean "War" and had maintained, after his retirement, close connections with the C.I.A., privately assured me that the war was inevitable, that the United States would be quickly vanquished, and that the country would be occupied by Russian troops, who would systematically exterminate all Americans suspected of intelligence and self-respect. That, he was certain, would happen by 1970 at the latest. His calculations thus allowed a shorter term than Yockey's, whose major thesis he did not accept. He believed that when the Russians invaded this country, the Jews would joyously co"perate with them, as they had done everywhere in Europe. He also believed that the Russians would therefore minimize damage to New York City and other Jewish enclaves in the United States.
Other miscalculations, made at the time by men whose experience and knowledge qualified them to judge, gave approximately the same result, with only a difference of a few years in the terminal date. It would take many pages to recapitulate the evidence and logical deductions on which the various estimates were based, and many more to inquire why the expected war did not occur. It will suffice to have made it clear that Yockey, an observer without access to secret information, was no more in error than experienced men who had the great advantage of knowing facts that were concealed from the public.

Yockey was aware of the major objection to his analysis: If the Jews had lost control of Russia, how did it happen that the United States, which saved the Soviet in 1941-45, (25) continued to facilitate the expansion of Russian power? I cannot do better than quote his answer:
'Russian "successes"--except for its German-made rockets--are all the gift of the Washington r‚gime, Jewish-American political stupidity is invincible. But the power-gifts which the Washington r‚gime has made to Russia are not explicable entirely by simple stupidity, simple incapacity. There is a further factor at work that the Zionist Washington r‚gime is on both sides of most power-questions in the world. Its sole firm stand is its fundamental anti-German position: Germany must be destroyed, its young men must be slaughtered. In Algeria, Washington is with both sides: it is with the French Government, as its "ally": it is with the rebels by virtue of its world-program of "freedom" for everybody. In Egypt, the Washington r‚gime told Palestine, England and France to attack, and when Russia rose, it told them to stop. It was, within a week, anti-Nasser and pro-Nasser. It occupied Lebanon, then evacuated it. It held back Chiang when, from his island, he would have attacked China, with whom the Washington r‚gime was then at war. It defended South Korea, but helped the Chinese maintain their supply line to the front. During the Chinese War in Korea, it made war and negotiated peace at the same time, for years. In Cuba, it forbade the exportation of arms to the loyal Batista and thus helped Fidel Castro; now it is committed to the overthrow of Castro. 'It is a psychological riddle, decipherable only thus: the Zionists have two minds, which function independently. As Jews, they are committed to the destruction of Western Civilization, and in this they sympathize with Russia, with China, with Japan, with the Arabs, and as such they anathematize Germany, which is the mind and heart of the Western Civilization. As custodians of the United States, they must half-heartedly retain at least the technical and political domination of that Civilization even while destroying its soul and meaning. In a word, they are working simultaneously for and against the Western Civilization. Quite obviously, they are thus doing more damage than conferring benefit.....
'Thus the newspaper tag of "East versus West" is meaningless. It is East versus East, with the West supplying the lives and treasure for destruction.'
The foregoing analysis is, of course, open to question. Was there ever any change in the policy actually pursued by the government in Washington, as distinct from bleating by Presidents and the like to keep the boobs confused? Was not that policy consistently and uniformly directed to ensuring the maximum disgrace and loss to the Americans and to making them take slow and unperceived steps toward their eventual liquidation? The commitment "to the overthrow of Castro" of which Yockey speaks was, of course, just a spoonful of paregoric for the grown-up moppets. Most recently, as everyone knows, the United States delivered to Castro another possession, Nicaragua.  
(25. In his essay on the hanging of the eleven Jews in Prague, Yockey mentioned a small part of what America, at the behest of its Jewish masters, gave to the Soviet: 14,795 airplanes, 375,883 trucks, and 7,056 tanks. He seems not to have known that the Soviet was also supplied with both the technical information and the materials necessary for the manufacture of atomic bombs. In The World in Flames, he does comment on the thoroughness and ubiquity of Soviet espionage in the United States, in contrast to the nugatory efforts of American Intelligence to penetrate Russia, but he seems not to have asked himself to what extent Soviet espionage depended on Jews in its service and on co"peration with the Jewish espionage system, admittedly by far the best in the world.)
Yockey's attribution of schizophrenia to the Jews is, of course, subject to the basic consideration that we can never understand their mentality: we can only observe the actions of a race generically different from our own and accumulate data which will enable us to say, statistically, that in a given situation the racial collectivity will react in a specific way. It is always hazardous and usually or invariably wrong to describe their conduct or motives in terms of our psychology and morality. What would be schizophrenia in an Aryan or group of Aryans, for example, is such by contrast with the normal mentality of our race. If it is characteristic of another race, it cannot be an anomaly in that race, and what seems abnormal to us must be normal in it. Yockey, however, is right in that those who believe that the Jews no longer control Russia must postulate that their racial mentality functions in a way that is incomprehensible in terms of our standards of rationality.
By far the most thorough, objective, and cogent presentation of the case for the view that the Russians have attained at least a measure of independence is found in Wilmot Robertson's The Dispossessed Majority and its pendant, Ventilations. (26) He assembled all the usual data, and almost every datum is open to doubt. Statistics and statements from Russian and Jewish sources represent what their authors thought it expedient for us to believe at the given time, and the Jews notoriously conceal, so far as possible, their actual numbers in each country they have infiltrated. When we are told, for example, that the percentage of Jewish deputies in the Supreme Soviet dropped from 41.1% to 0.25% between 1939 and 1958, we wonder whether the source is Russian or Jewish; if it is an estimate made by a European, it must be largely based on personal names, and the ingenuity of Jews in masquerading under native names and otherwise concealing their race is notorious, and we have the further and insoluble question of the genetic effects of a tincture of Jewish blood in any individual's ancestry. (27) Furthermore, if the persons holding office are demonstrably non-Jewish, they may nevertheless be mere puppets manipulated from behind the scenes by Jews through wives, financial or political pressure, or deeply implanted superstitions.
(26. The Dispossessed Majority (Cape Canaveral, Florida, 1972), pp. 451-465, cf. pp. 346-353. Ventilations (ibidem, 1973), pp. 9-17. The publisher, Howard Allen Enterprises, announces that completely revised editions, printed from newly set type, of both books will be published in the autumn of 1981.)
(27. See above, p. 27, note 30. If Dr. Nossig is right abut the genetic peculiarity of his race, that opens possibilities far more drastic and terrible than any thus far glimpsed or imagined by even the most vehement anti-Jewish writers. With the exception of a few noble families that have kept archives--it is said that there are in Britain two families that can trace their ancestry back to 1066 with certainty--the genealogical records of most individuals, even those who have attained some prominence, seldom go back more than a very few generations without the help of fantasy, and they quickly reach the point at which ancestors, especially females, are mere names. The names of Jews fall into three categories, viz.: 1) authentically Jewish names, e.g., Isaac, Jesus, Nathan; 2) Western names that have become distinctively Jewish, e.g., Rosenthal, Finkelstein, Oppenheimer; and 3) distinctively Aryan names assumed to conceal the individual's race, e.g., Montagu, Stewart, Brown. Resort to such disguises is an inveterate Jewish habit, probably dating from the time at which the race first developed its techniques for penetrating nations of goyim. And usually when the bearers of such names are not our contemporaries, the deceit can be detected only through the indiscretion of the Jews themselves. For example, the exemplary myth of Esther in its fuller text, preserved in the Septuagint, is warranted "authentic" (!) by pious Jews, and the names given are Dositheos, who is identified as a Jewish priest and Levite, his son, Ptolemaios (=Ptolemy), and the latter's son, Lysimachos. All are good Greek names; the first, we happen to know, was frequently assumed by Jews and so might suggest some suspicions; the second is, of course, the name of the famous Macedonian dynasty; and the third is the honored name of a number of distinguished Greeks. If we saw the names out of the context, we should never doubt but that Ptolemy and Lysimachus were of pure Greek ancestry and, of course, Aryans.)
The cumulative effect of the data taken together is impressive, but it seems to us inconceivable that the Jews, having taken over the whole government of Russia in their Bolshevik revolution (28) and always conscious of their secret and vigilant antagonism toward the races that show a tendency to be less than perfectly docile, could ever have permitted themselves to lose a mastery attained with such long and persistent labor and intrigue. (Note that we instinctively credit the Jews as a race with an order of intelligence higher than that of Aryans, and think them exempt from the fatuity that led our race to throw away its power and revel in its own degradation and impotence.) The only plausible explanation is Robertson's.
(28. Aryan observers who were on the scene in Russia at the time of the Bolshevik take-over assure us that fully 85% of the Bolsheviks in positions of authority were Jews, and we know that the most important of them were sent into Russia from Switzerland by the stupid Germans (who were resorting to what could be described as a species of germ-warfare, probably at the suggestion of Jews high in Kaiser Wilhelm's government) and by Woodrow Wilson, who insisted that the British escort to Russia a shipload of venomous vermin from the East Side of New York City. A secret report to the U.S. State Department in 1919 (released from classification as secret in September 1960) lists the thirty foremost Bolshevik leaders, and identifies twenty-nine of them as Jews and one as a "Russian." That one "Russian" exception was Ulyanov, alias Lenin, who, as is universally admitted, was a mongrel of mixed Jewish and Tatar (Turko-Mongolian) ancestry and without a drop of Russian blood. It is nugatory to inquire anxiously about details and to wonder, for example, whether the real name of "Zinoviev" was Apfelbaum. It would not really matter if all the official heads had been Russian, for credit for the operation must go to its architects. St. Paul's in London is the work of Sir Christopher Wren and the mansion that now houses the Thomas Publishing Co. in Springfield, Illinois, is the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. The identity and race of the stone masons who worked on the former, and of the bricklayers who worked on the latter structure is irrelevant, as is the race of their various foremen.)
This explanation rests on two premises:
1) The Jews have a racial genius for infiltration, subversion, revolution, and destruction.
2) Their race is devoid of ability to organize and direct a viable society, whatever its type and whatever the political theory on which it is based. Having created chaos, the Jews can themselves survive in it only by enlisting the managerial talent of another race, commonly selecting administrators from the surviving (lower class) population of the nation they have just destroyed.
The first of these propositions is beyond question. It is verified by all history, for no nation deeply penetrated by Jews has long survived. It corresponds, furthermore, to their racial psyche, as frankly stated by some highly intelligent and remarkably candid members of the race, as, for example, by Samuel Roth in Jews Must Live (29) and by the eminent Maurice Samuel, (30) in his oft-quoted avowal:
  'We Jews, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own.'

(29. Roth's Jews Must Live (New York, Golden Hind Press, 1934) has--for obvious reasons--disappeared from most or all libraries and become extremely rare. It is a book of 319 pages, including the frontispiece, etc.; about half of it was reprinted, Birmingham, Alabama, 1964, and is available from Liberty Bell Publications. Roth's is by far the most complete description of the quotidian behavior of the great mass of ordinary Jews in business and social relations, and we all owe him gratitude for his honesty and admiration for his courage. Relevant here is the reaction of Jews when the lowly Aryans try to have a club or a hotel or a residential district of their own. The Jews yell about "discrimination" and by bluster and, if need be, secret financial pressure, force their way in, but when they have made it squalid and hideous with their vulgarity, they abandon it and flock back to their own colonies, preferably leaving the Aryan owners bankrupt and dispossessed. Such conduct would show malice in an Aryan, but, if we are objective, we must attribute it to the impulsion of a racial instinct that operates as automatically and as subconsciously as an uncorrupted Aryan's instinctive admiration of certain forms of beauty.
There is an interesting analogy in the behavior of the Jews in ancient Alexandria, where a huge swarm of them, estimated at one million, took over a large part of the city and made it their vast and opulent ghetto, into which no Aryan, naturally, wanted to go. Not content with that, they perpetually swarmed through the rest of the city and were moved by their "righteousness" to break up the Greeks' theatrical performances and athletic contests, harassing the goyim until they finally lost patience, whereupon the Jews rushed wailing to the reigning Ptolemy or Roman governor, complaining of "anti-Semitism" and "persecution," and often, through the intrigues and financial power of wealthy and ostensibly civilized Jews, obtaining some punishment of the "intolerant" Greek population. Since the Jews, so far as is known, reaped no profits from these events and some of their rabble were injured or killed in the riots they provoked almost regularly every few years, their harassment of the Aryans must have been instinctive, rather than the result of some conscious plan or conspiracy.)
(30. See above, p. 45. The reprint is available from Liberty Bell Publications.)
One could corroborate Samuel's statement by citing hundreds of Jewish writings, ancient and modern. An example from the early years of the Christian Era is one of the great Jewish hoaxes, the forged Sibylline Oracles, (31) which were disseminated (naturally with a forged certification that they were authentically Greek) to demoralize and subvert Graeco-Roman civilization by exciting dismaying apprehensions among the ignorant and credulous. No Aryan, I imagine, can read them without being appalled by the nihilistic lusts and venomous hatred of civilization that inspire them. A recent writer has cited, as an example of the innate nihilism of the Jewish soul,
'the Jewish apocalypse that the Fathers of the Church selected for inclusion in their appendix to the "Old Testament." That wild phantasmagoria describes in loving detail all the disasters and torments with which Jesus will afflict and destroy the civilized peoples of the earth when he returns in glory from the clouds with a squad of sadistic angels. One should note the characteristic provision that goyim are not to be merely killed outright: they are to be made to suffer agonies for five months first. But what Lloyd Graham has properly called the "diabolical savagery" of the Jew God is not satisfied with exterminating all the goyim with every kind of torture a lurid imagination could invent. He destroys the land, the mountains, the sea, the whole earth; he destroys the sun and moon; and he rolls up the heavens like a scroll, presumably including even the most remote galaxies...Everything is annihilated. And all for the sake of Jesus's pets, an elite of 144,000 male Jews who despise women. For these, to be sure, he creates a New Jerusalem, in which they will loaf happily for a thousand years.' (32)

One can only stand aghast at the ferocity of that lust to annihilate the whole universe!
(31. There are adequate editions, under the title Oracula Sibyllina, by Al Rzach (Vienna, 1891) and J. Geffcken (Leipzig, 1902, reprinted 1967). I have not seen the edition by A. Kurfess, Sibyllinische Wessagungen (Mnchen, 1951), which is said to contain a German translation. Some portions of the collection have been translated into English in various discussions of early Christianity, but I know of no complete translation of the long and miscellaneous collection. If there were one, persons whose minds are saturated with apocalyptic nonsense would undoubtedly find in it wonderful "prophecies" of the election of Reagan, the Jews' terrorism in Lebanon, and perhaps the latest increase in postal rates. -- A few old Greek reports of oracular statements are inserted here and there in the collection of forgeries to lend an air of authenticity to the hoax, of which the aim was to throw a scare into ignorant and weak-minded goyim, although some items encourage them to hope for a savior of some kind who will make all the earth his kingdom, with brotherhood and oodles of "world peace" for everyone, by teaching the wicked to venerate the living "Sons of the Great God." It is usually difficult to date the various hariolations, but it seems that the earliest forgeries in the collection were perpetrated by Jews in Egypt during the Ptolemaic period: see John J. Collins, The Sibylline Oracles of Egyptian Judaism (Society of Biblical Literature, 1974).)
(32. Ralph Perier in Liberty Bell, August 1980, p. 20.)
Robertson's second proposition is less patently true, but it may be significant that in the apocalypse we have just mentioned, when the New Jerusalem is lowered en bloc from the newly-created sky, it is minutely described with what Frank Harris called "the insane Jew greed, which finds a sensual delight in mention of gold and silver, and diamonds and pearls and rubies," but there is no practical provision for the Chosen Few of the Chosen People who are to spend the next thousand years in it. We may assume that they will be miraculously supplied with food and raiment, perhaps by hard-working angels, and can spend part of their time in swilling down food and drink; but the noble males will have no nasty females around, and we can only guess whether they will find succedaneous amusements. For the rest, they evidently will have nothing to occupy their idle hands and vacant minds--for a thousand years! It looks as though the author of the wild hariolation was intent only on the glorious destruction of the whole universe, and gave no thought to organization of the society that was to follow.
Jewish mythology has much to say about kingdoms and an empire of Solomon in the stolen land of Canaan, but archaeological data is too scanty to permit reconstruction of the historical basis for those tales. It is fairly certain, however, that when the wealthy Jews in Babylon betrayed the city to Cyrus the Great, the only non-Jew whom they ever called their christ, they made a deal with him for special privileges in his empire, for that is securely established by the Elephantine papyri. (33) The privileges seem to have included the establishment of a religious capital in Jerusalem, and a Biblical book called Esdras (Ezra) and Josephus (34) give us a vivid description of the great caravan of rich Jews who set out from Babylon, their chariots loaded with gold and silver, with thousands of their goy slaves trudging along behind, while hundreds of slave musicians went ahead, so that the caravan travelled "to the music of harps and flutes and the clashing of cymbals," while the majority of Jews, who preferred to stay with business in Babylon, rejoiced and made merry. And when the immigrants reached Jerusalem, they began to dispossess the natives and kick them around, and they cunningly made their new Temple a fortress, as Herod was to do much later.
(33. Edited by A. Cowley, Aramaic Papyri of the Fifth Century B.C. (Oxford, 1923). The Jews of Elephantine, who thought of themselves as perfectly orthodox and seem to have been so regarded by the newly-established Temple in Jerusalem, recognized as the chief of their gods one whom they called YW (probably pronounced Yu' , a form that became Ia in the Septuagint) or YWH (thought to have been pronounced Ya'u ) and provided him with a female consort, 'NT (probably identical with the Ugaritic-Canaanite goddess 'Anath). In the fifth century B.C., therefore, the Jews had not yet generally adopted the henotheism which appears in most of the "Old Testament," which they converted into monotheism when they came into contact with Graeco-Roman Stoicism and saw how expedient it would be to kidnap the Stoic's Providence (animus mundi). Of course, the erudite Bezalel Porten, in his Archives from Elephantine (University of California, 1968), labors mightily and learnedly to disclaim the early polytheism of the orthodox Jews, once (p. 175) even going so far as to suggest that the magnanimous Jews subsidized the worship of the gods of Arameans in Elephantine as a "goodwill gesture"!)
(34. Antiq. Iud., XI, i-v, 1-183. There is an excellent edition and translation of this work by H. St. J. Thackeray, completed by Ralph Marcus, in the Loeb Library. Needless to say, the decrees of Cyrus and Darius quoted in the Biblical book and (with variations) by Josephus are forgeries.)
Under Persian protection, the Jews enjoyed autonomy, taxing and oppressing the hapless natives of Palestine (including the Samaritans, the native Jews, who vainly appealed to Persian justice), but when we hear next of them, (35) the high priest, John, murdered Jesus, his brother, right in the inner sanctuary of the temple, evidently as part of a civil disturbance so great that the local Persian governor had to intervene to restore order--and he, of course, was cursed for his pains, ostensibly because he wanted to peek into the sanctuary, where the Jews kept something they did not want goyim to see. (36) A spot of murder in the sanctuary did not seem worth noticing to the Jews of John's faction, for he was undisturbed in the exercise of his pious office.
(35. Antiq. Iud., XI, vii, 297 sqq.)
(36. What the secret was is not known. The soldiers of Pompey reported they had seen in the sanctuary a statue of Yahweh with an ass's head. They are unreliable witnesses, of course, but there is some uncertain corroboration of their report, and such theriomorphic gods were normal in Egypt, whence the Jews claimed to have come. We cannot affirm that the soldiers were right, but what we must do is avoid the knee-jerk reflexes of most historians, who ignore this and all comparable evidence because they know that God's Holy People wouldn't do nothin' wrong. The Jews' talk about the strict piety of their race is a hoax, and false even after they appropriated the monotheism of the Stoics. For a brief summary of some recent archaeological evidence, see the Scientific American, CCXXVIII #1 (Jan, 1973), pp. 80-87. It is uncertain whether the Jews who worshipped Helios and Apollo in their synagogues in the Third Century (A.D.) identified Yahweh with those gods or added them to their ceremonies to ingratiate themselves with the "pagans" among whom they were living.)
John was succeeded by his two sons, who seem to have shared the high priesthood until one brother decided to knock the other out on the grounds that he was married to a Samaritan bitch instead of a nice orthodox Jewess, and that started another smouldering civil war. And so it goes, on and on, endlessly, with the Jews in Palestine unable to keep peace among themselves; with their various factions appealing to the Seleucid Greeks or the Romans to restore order in favor of one faction, while all factions are seemingly united in hatred of the civilized but useful goyim, whom they try to play off against each other through elaborate intrigues; and with the distracted goyim unable to protect the Jews who are friendly to them and are accordingly murdered stealthily by sicarii, experts in the art of plunging daggers into a man's back when he is off his guard.
In contrast to the perpetual disorders and outbreaks in Judaea, where the Jews enjoyed local autonomy, the majority of the Jews, scattered in enclaves throughout the civilized world (with the largest concentration of them probably in Babylon) and thus directly under the laws of the nations in which they had lodged themselves, seem to have lived in comparative peace with each other and with their hosts, except on the rare occasions on which there was an opportunity to betray a city to invaders or on which a self-appointed christ incited the Jewish rabble to insane outbreaks and massacres of the hated goyim.
After A.D. 70, the only autonomous or independent Jewish state that we can take into consideration is modern "Isra‰l." (37) As everyone knows, the Jews extorted the Balfour Declaration from Britain as the price for stampeding American cattle into Europe in 1917, but since the English seemed to have had some scruple about betraying their Arab allies, the Jewish terrorists had to blow up and ambush quite a few stupid goyim before their new Zion was established formally in 1948 and God's People could start oppressing, kicking, and butchering the natives. (38) On this artificial "nation," which is, of course, supported by double taxation (39) of the world's beasts of burden in the United States, see Robertson's comments on it. It has its internal stresses, of which some reports are permitted to reach us, and is obviously held together only by its policy of steadily encroaching on the Semitic peoples around it and expanding its ill-gotten territory with military equipment donated by the American boobs. Living on money from the goyim and terroristic aggression, "Isra‰l" is certainly no proof that the Jews have the ability to organize and govern a state of their own.
(37. Not all Jews in Palestine followed the christ who caught the dozing Greeks and Romans off their guard in 132 and had great success in slaughtering them, but since the Romans were so bigoted that they disapproved of his cleverness, his ephemeral kingdom was quickly reduced to guerrilla bands hiding in the hills, and the christ never really governed any of the territory he claimed. -- The Jews did infiltrate and take over the kingdom of the Khazars in the Eighth Century, but too little is known about its internal government to permit us to use it as an example. (Incidentally, the Khazar-theory, so dear to Christians who want to eat their cookie and have it too, will have to be abandoned, if we accept the elaborate haematological study by Professor A.E. Mourant and his assistants, The Genetics of the Jews (Oxford, 1978). His results show that the Jews, despite the great differences in physical appearance, form a single hybrid race, having an infusion of at least 5% to 10% of Negroid blood, wherever in the world they have taken up residence. ) -- The old Jewish colony in India claims to have penetrated that sub-continent before 175 B.C., since it did not observe the five great Jewish festivals, all of which (despite fabricated claims to greater antiquity) were instituted after that date. Whether or not those Jews reached India so early, it is certain that they never formed a state of their own: Schifra Strizower, The Bene Israel of Bombay (Oxford, 1971). -- Arthur J. Zuckerman's long treatise, A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, 768-900 (Columbia University, 1972), was based on tortuous inferences from illusory evidence, and his mighty Jewish realm in southern France and northern Spain was only a figment of his own imagination; see the review by Professor Bernard Bachrach in the American Historical Review, LXXVIII (1973), pp. 1440-41.)
(38. One wonders whether the British would have been so prejudiced as to become vexed, if the Jews had blown up their Parliament while it was in session. The first bomb planted in the building failed to explode and the Jewish High Command cancelled its orders before a second could be placed; see Avner, Memoirs of an Assassin (New York, 1960), pp. 104-121. His organization of "freedom fighters," he says (p. 64), operated on the principle that "an Englishman would always be a filthy Goy, who could be killed for that reason alone.")
(39. "Double taxation" because, in addition to the enormous subsidies that are openly and secretly sent to "Israel" by the Americans' government, the vast sums that are "privately" remitted by Jews residing in the United States are also taken from the American people. No one dares to protest.)
There is much to be said for Robertson's analysis, and we would accept his conclusion that the Russians have at last emancipated themselves--but reason revolts.
It is true that the Jews, who have always to be "persecuted" to conceal the extent of their actual control and power, are now screeching about "aunt-eye-see-mites" in Russia, but every few days we see the photographs of our real rulers, Kissinger, Armand Hammer, and others of the tribe, cuddling with Brezhnev and other real or supposed masters of Russia; American bankers are eager to supply the Soviet with seemingly unlimited quantities of the counterfeit currency manufactured by the Federal Reserve; and American farmers toil in their fields to supply the Soviets with all the grain and other foodstuffs they want. That, of course, may be just more of the looting to which the American serfs are accustomed. What really matters is the Jews' apparent satisfaction at the results of their sabotage of our armed forces. Since Yockey wrote, our Army has become what he foresaw. Demoralized by the operations carried out in Korea and Vietnam to kill and main as many young Americans as possible while arranging defeats that would show the world how crazy and contemptible Americans are, (40) our remaining military officers are cynically trying to "stick it out" until they can retire on large pensions after twenty years. They are replaced by Jews, mulattos, and uniformed bureaucrats, whose notion of fighting is intriguing for promotion. If we look at our "fighting men," we see a motley horde of louts, perverts, females, and savages sullenly awaiting the day when they can put the hated "honkies" in their place. Do you really think that with that rabble the United States could defeat and occupy Ireland? For that matter, could our ground troops occupy Cuba?
(40. It will be remembered that an American officer was even tried by court-martial and imprisoned for having killed some of the enemy in Vietnam. The court-martial was held by our Army in slavish and shameful obedience to the outcries of journalistic pimps whose employers were engaged in a concerted effort further to demoralize our armed forces, and the campaign involved downright lying about the conditions of warfare in Indo-China. For an understanding of what war is like in such territory with such a population, see William Wilson's The L.B.J. Brigade (Los Angeles, Apocalypse, 1966_. The essential point is that the Vietnamese are naturally and by instinct as barbarous and treacherous as the crazed British and Americans made themselves when they repudiated all the canons of our civilization in the Jews' Crusade Against Europe.)
Russia now has the largest and most modern navy in the world. Our navy, far inferior in equipment, sports mulatto Admirals who strut around in ostentatiously slovenly attire and lord it over their white underlings, who try to conceal their resentment at the degradation imposed on them. The British officers who inspected the Nimitz, our largest carrier, were amazed to discover that parts of the great ship are "off limits" to white officers so that the savages won't kill them. The Nimitz is not a warship; it is a floating slum, on which, as a recent accident showed, the multi-racial warriors can't stay off drugs long enough to perform a perfunctory naval exercise. One hears that on some of our smaller carriers that still have white officers in command, it is thought that the white crew could "get rid of the niggers" and get the ship into fighting trim.
Since the operation of aircraft requires skill and intelligence, our obsolete bombers and comparatively few modern fighting planes could be relied upon, barring sabotage by multi-racial ground crews commanded by such ornaments as a Jewess Major General. But the failure of the maladroit attempt to rescue the "hostages" that we had cravenly abandoned in Iran naturally suggested doubts as to our capabilities even in the air, although the ineptitude may have been ordered in Washington. In the event of a war with the Soviet, we could sacrifice our air force and inflict a small or moderate amount of damage.
As for intercontinental ballistic missiles, the chances are that we are now inferior to the Russians, while our country, as Yockey pointed out, is far more vulnerable than theirs.
At the time of writing, it looks as though the Jews intended to order the Americans to clear the way for a Jewish advance and occupation of the Semitic countries around "Isra‰l." We could undoubtedly destroy the oil fields in Saudi Arabia and thus augment the fake "energy crisis" that is now used to chevy the boobs, and we could create by bombing from the air chaos in the other Semitic or partly Semitic countries--unless Russia intervened. That would mean a war with the Soviet, and, incidentally, if there were such a war, the Russians would certainly have to indulge, in sheer self-defence, their natural racial antipathy to Jews, all of the three million or more of them now in Soviet territory.
Since Yockey wrote, there has been one major alteration in the situation. The natural and inevitable racial hostility between the Russians, who are largely Aryan, and the Mongolian Chinese has evidently converted their original co"peration into active enmity. It is possible that fear of a Chinese invasion would deter the Russians from intervention in the Middle East, but we do not know enough about conditions inside both of the empires that we created as our powerful enemies to calculate the chances of that. The most we can say is that it does not now seem likely that the Russians would abandon a strategically important part of the globe to Zion. And if they do not, that means war with the Jews' vassals, the United States.
In the event of such a war, the stooge in the White House could utter platitudes and talk about "saving the world for democracy," but there is no slightest indication of a will to fight in a nation--if it still is a nation (41)--that has long been lousy with peace-lubbers and the like. The Russians would have all the advantages of a first strike, and could inflict some spectacular damage on our cities, and, as Yockey predicted, our rabble would immediately clamor for surrender and start a furious civil war, if Washington even hesitated to put into effect its cherished plans for a "strategic" capitulation.
(41. In the continuous avalanche of books, most of them worthless and many worse than worthless, that vertiginously descends from the presses these days, the few important works are buried in the mass and often carried to oblivion unnoticed, but I hope no one has overlooked the sagacious analysis of our society by Professor Andrew Hacker, The End of the American Era (New York, 1970). He concludes that the United States has become nothing more than a geographical area, inhabited by incompatible races and individuals who, rootless and bewildered, no longer have a common culture or even a common interest. "What was once a nation," he says, "has become simply an aggregation of self-centered individuals." Our civilization--Aryan civilization, although he does not use that naughty word--has been so eroded and rotted that the American majority has lost all cohesion and has become merely a colluvies of miniature minorities, each composed of no more than half a dozen persons with a common purpose. Therefore, he concludes, "Our history as a nation has reached its end," and we have reached "a juncture at which it becomes pointless to call for rehabilitation or renewal." The only question now is the exact date and form of the final catastrophe. I wish I could refute that conclusion.)
The only alternative is the remote possibility that the United States has some really horrendous secret weapon which has not been betrayed to the Soviet, but that possibility is very remote.
So with all this before us, we are asked to believe that the Russians have become independent? Preposterous! With the example of Germany before us, we all know how terrible is the vengeance that Yahweh's Master Race inflicts on insubordinate goyim. If the Jews had been defied by the Russians, our armed forces would be drastically purged and every able-bodied white American below 40 would be conscripted and trained for the coming war. The Jews and their lackeys in all the media of communication would be frantically pumping a factitiously patriotic sludge in the faces of the boobs. Our holy men would be yelling in their pulpits about our Christian duty to smite the Antichrist in Moscow and help an omnipotent god who obviously cannot help himself. Our automobile plants would be again converted to the production of airplanes and tanks; and all our laboratories would be filled with "crash programmes" to devise more effective missiles and counter-missiles.
You have only to look around you to see how absurd is a suggestion that the Jews' supremacy has been threatened in the Soviet! It's simply unreasonable!
So we say, but we do not know. My only point here is that if the Jews no longer control the Soviet, the only explanation is the one advanced by Yockey and Robertson. Although they differ in their psychological analysis, they agree that the explanation must be some mental peculiarity in Yahweh's Sons that impels them to conduct that would be irrational and insanely improvident in an Aryan.


We have, I think, followed Yockey and Robertson in drawing logical conclusions from the evidence before us. But all of our evidence--what we are told and what we are not told--comes from either Russian or Jewish sources. We do not have even a simple choice between stories told by two habitual liars, for when they disagree, both may still be lying, each in his own interest. And the world's masters of deceit are wily and subtle.
When travelling carnivals toured our country, the yokels were regularly fleeced by what was known as the shell game, which had many variations. In one variation, the sucker was led to believe that he had been given, inadvertently, a glimpse of the obverse of a coin and so could confidently bet on what would appear on the reverse when the shell was lifted, but, of course, when the coin was exposed, one with a different reverse had been substituted by a bit of prestidigitation.
When we ponder the Soviet enigma, one possibility always occurs to us, that internal rot within the empire may have gone much farther than we have been permitted to suspect by our sources--may have gone so far that what seems a monolithic state has some inner and hidden weakness great enough to affect its foreign policy. That speculative conjecture, however, we have always dismissed as gratuitous, since there was no plausible evidence to support it.
The periodical called Fortune, in its issue for 29 June 1981, published an astonishing article, entitled "Russia's Underground Millionaires," by a Jew, Konstantin Simis, formerly a Soviet lawyer and official in the Ministry of Justice, who says that in 1977, when the manuscript of a book that is to be published in this country was found in his apartment, he was invited to leave Russia and join his son, a professor in an American university.
According to this article, the Soviet is as rotten politically as the United States, although, of course, there are superficial differences. Corruption within the Communist Party we naturally take for granted, but here we are told of massive corruption of the Communist administration by bribery from outsiders, almost all of them Jews. There are distinct analogies to the almost universal political corruption that was established in this country in 1917 by the crackpots and mutton-heads who tried to prohibit our people from drinking alcoholic beverages.
We are told that there functions efficiently within the Soviet an enormous black market with its own factories, its own distribution-system, and its own retail outlets, operating comfortably by virtually wholesale bribery of Communist managers and police, and operated by capitalists, almost all of them Jews, who accumulate what are large fortunes by any standard and store their surplus wealth in gold, jewels, and other things that are intrinsically valuable. A typical entrepreneur, who was arrested, through some mischance, by the Secret Police, was found to have in his possession such valuables to the amount of 350,000,000 rubles, which, at current exchange, would equal $546,000,000.
This great essor of Jewish enterprise, according to the author, began "in the mid-1930s" with such talented entrepreneurs and masqueraders as Isaac Bach, who, while officially only a supervisor in a small workshop and paid as such by the state, was secretly a capitalist worth some $135,720,000, "owning at least a dozen factories manufacturing underwear, souvenirs, and notions, and operating a network of stores in all the republics of the Soviet Union." Such surreptitious business flourished, it should be noted, while Lazar Moseevich Kaganovich was Stalin's Deputy Premier in charge of industry, and naturally continued to flourish under his successor in that office, Benjamin Dimschitz, another Jew. (41a) And it has now reached the high financial level shown by the one example mentioned above, which, we are given to understand, was not at all extraordinary, except that the apostle of free enterprise either neglected to bribe all the officers of the Secret Police concerned or was rashly careless in some way that made it too awkward for them to cover up for him.
(41a. Dimschitz (or Dymshits) is the only Soviet official of very high rank whom Wilmot Robertson (op. cit., p. 456, n. 16) recognizes as a Jew. It's evidently a matter of the right man in the right place. What is extremely curious is that he is not even mentioned in the list published by Candour, to which I shall refer in note 48, below.)
The commercial activities of those energetic Jewish businessmen interest us only because they are all categorically prohibited by Soviet law, which provides for the guilty minimum penalties of years of imprisonment in slave labor camps. It necessarily flourishes through a vast system of pay-offs and the like (42) that would do credit to the genius for organization shown by American politicians. There are "tens of thousands of such factories" owned by capitalists of the black market, but almost all of them are actually state factories, operated by managers appointed by the Communist government, who fulfill their quotas and then turn to production for the capitalists, using, of course, the machinery provided by that state, their working staff, and sometimes materials provided by the state, although the production for the black market is usually of better quality and uses better materials. The manager must be given his cut, of course, and so must the workmen, who are often employed on overtime. All government inspectors must be bribed, and so must all local agents of the Secret Police, especially those in the branch that is expressly charged with policing industry. Much of the raw material must be obtained from nominally state establishments, with, of course, a corresponding round of cuts and bribes. The retail outlets are, for the most part, state stores which handle black-market goods surreptitiously, and so managers and bookkeepers and clerks must be given their cuts and massive bribery must keep inspectors and agents of the police in line. And, of course, it is necessary to put the fix on the bureaucrats who preside over the inspectors and agents. In short, the Communist empire must be a seething mass of political corruption. And after all such business expenses, the promoters reap huge profits and become enormously wealthy.
(42. When Franklin Roosevelt was gabbling about the "Four Freedoms" to entertain the boobs during the Jewish Crusade Against Europe, knowledgeable "New Dealers" defined the Four Freedoms as the rake-off, the pay-off, the shakedown, and the fix. There are technical differences between these four aspects of government in a "democracy," but we need not define them here.)
The "tens of thousands of factories," we are told, are chiefly in Moscow, Odessa, Riga, Tiflis, and other major cities in which are concentrated the Jews now in Russia--some three million of them, according to Jewish sources, who are now being "discriminated against" by the Soviet, it not being explained why they are only half as numerous as the Jews who were "discriminated against" by the Czarist r‚gime, under which they owned half the industry of Russia, We may assume that free enterprise is providing good incomes for a large part of the three million, perhaps most of them in one way or another.
Despite the massive bribery of Communist officials, something more is required for this vast clandestine business, which must be conducted without written records, and in which sums that may amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles exchange hands without documents of any kind or witnesses, "in an atmosphere of complete trust," such as could never exist among legitimate business men in this country. The explanation is given by the author: it is "the sense of national identity among Jewish underground businessmen," who may not be eager to migrate to their race's capital in Palestine, but "feel a blood relationship with it" and contribute money (in American currency!) to it. If the commercial honesty that is dictated by a sense of racial solidarity, which Aryans can only envy as they reflect with shame on the egotistic venality and financial opportunism of their own people, is reinforced by Jewish racial courts, the kahal, which some anti-Jewish writers allege to be secretly maintained in Jewish colonies, the writer gives no hint of them. (42a)
(42a. Jews vehemently deny the existence of the kahal and denounce as "anti-Semitic" the Jew, Jacob Brafmann, who wrote the most extensive and detailed description of the quasi-religious racial courts. His work has been translated into German, with a learned commentary by Dr. Siegfried Passarge, Das Buch vom Kahal, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1928. See also the work of the Argentine writer, Hugo Wast, whose essay and novel, El Kahal, is also published in Mexico (Editorial Diana, 6th edition, 1964). Wast describes the operation of the Jewish tribunal in modern Argentina, and says "El Kahal es un soberano invisible y absoluto," which regulates the entire life of Jews, "comercio, pol¡tico, religi¢n, vida privada en sus detalles m s minuciosos." He says that the disciplinary powers are vested in a secret tribunal, Beth Din, which, I gather, operates with the summary powers and secrecy of the Westphalian Vehmgerichte of the Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries, which will be familiar to many readers from the description, doubtless with romantic amplification, in Sir Walter Scott's Anne of Geierstein. The supreme kahal of the Jews, with jurisdiction over all colonies of the international race, sits in New York City, according to Wast. American attorneys who have handled litigation between Jews who have tried to swindle each other are certain no kahal is now in operation, but notice an odd convention in such matters, e.g., a bitterly resentful and injured Jew will not denounce his adversary for smuggling or fraud in income-tax reports, although he has proof in his possession.)
One limitation on the felicity of Jewish capitalists in Russia is the need to observe some discretion in pubic display of their wealth, since too much ostentation has brought some of them to the attention of Communist authorities not on their payroll, with sad results. Prudent financiers limit their public expenditures to what they can pretend was legitimate income, e.g., from winning tickets in a state lottery, and amass their wealth in gold, jewels, and similar articles they can easily hide. Foreign money can be obtained, but would have no advantage in Russia. We may guess that the Rockefeller banks in Russia probably assist capitalists to transfer abroad holdings that they can enjoy when it pleases them to "defect" from Russia. The author suggests that the vast investments in gold and jewels, if not made for a miser's satisfaction in mere possession, may perhaps be held in anticipation of "the downfall of the Soviet régime."
If we accept Simis's account of the vast wealth of Soviet Jewry and the pervasive corruption of Soviet government in all its functions, including the Secret Police, it will be obvious that the ingenuity, secrecy, and bribery that maintains the capitalists' clandestine businesses could also promote a secret and formidable revolutionary underground, capable of striking suddenly and perhaps decisively. And that will alter all our estimates of the probabe future of the Soviet and of its capacity to wage a major war. We accordingly wonder whether some credence may not be due to some reports about efficient and ostensibly Christian "undergrounds" in the Soviet. The reports once put out so industriously by evangelists who pretended to solicit funds for such organizations can be dismissed as mere sucker-bait, but, if Simis is right, such organizations could exist. (42b)
(42b. If we believe Paul R. Vaulin, The Regiment of Kitezh (Mobile, Alabama, 1977), Russia is now honeycombed by a formidable conspiracy of Christians, who have penetrated the Soviet bureaucracy and even the Secret Police, having placed or enlisted secret agents in strategic posts, and counting on exciting a revolt of "a quarter of a billion [Russian] men" when the time comes. Two colleagues of the author on the faculty of the University of South Alabama certify that the narrative "describes actual events," was written by "an American agent" who was dropped by parachute into Soviet territory in May 1972, and was copied from his manuscript, which "was smuggled out of the USSR by an American student." They further certify that Satan prevented the publication of the book by a commercial publisher, so that it had to be published privately "without the permission of Satan." If there is any truth to the story, the Soviet Secret Police have become hopelessly inefficient and stupid. There is an implication that the Christians' god keeps the conspiracy invisible to Communist eyes, and it would seem that Satan hasn't been able to wake up the Politburo.)
We can neither affirm nor deny the accuracy of Simis's story. If that number of Fortune has reached Russia, his report has probably been denounced in Pravda as an "outrageous Fascist lie" and perhaps even as "anti-Semitic," with many "proofs" of its spuriousness; if it hasn't been, it will be, at least when his book is published. All that we can do is say that the story is amazing, and put it down as another question mark around the enigma.

We must grant that the evidence for the Jews' supposed loss of authority in Russia is meager and unsubstantial. Self-appointed "Kremlinologists" (!) expound to us the intentions behind certain Soviet policies, but mind-reading is always a hazardous business. It is true, for example, that Russia has supplied some weapons to the Semitic and largely Semitic countries that are menaced by the Jews' constant aggression and implacable hatred. (The Arabs and their allies, by the way, have always to pay cash to the Soviet, while the Jews have only to requisition all the equipment they want from their Americans serfs.) We are told that Russia clearly intends to impede the plan, of which the Jews openly boast, to make Jerusalem the capital from which Yahweh's Race will rule the whole world; but, for aught we know to the contrary, the subtle minds of Russia's rulers may be cozening the Arabs and planning eventually to betray them, as the Americans, for example, betrayed Chiang Kai-shek.
The nominally American government in Washington is in a fever of anxiety over the supposed plight of the three millions of the Self-Chosen People in Soviet territory, and claims to be squandering American resources as bribes to the Russians to increase the privileges granted to Jews (but no other race), in the hope that soon the whole three millions will follow the 200,000 who have recently flown from the Soviet and, after touching ground in Israel, flocked into the United States, except for a minority, who, after getting a whiff of their tribesmen in Israel, promptly flew back to their Soviet homes. (43) One cannot be impressed by the ostensible reasons for a policy of which the net result is further to augment American subsidies to the Soviet while simultaneously augmenting the saturation of our country with Jews.
(43. It is true that the Russians do not seem eager to welcome them back. The Daily World, 8 January 1979, reported that 300 Jews, who had left the Soviet, fled to Italy after they had a good look at the ant-heap in Israel. They were appealing to the "United Nations," evidently in the hope that the clowns in that circus would intercede and obtain for them permission to return home.)
The other evidence is much noise and very few facts, all of them no better than the facts on which are based the Jews' assurance to the British that in the United States the wicked "Neo-Nazis" are on the verge of stuffing ten or twenty millions of God's persecuted darlings into crematoria. (44) The Americans have had the awful audacity to investigate a rather grandiose, but typical, Jewish hoax and expose its absurdity. (45) What the British may be stupid enough to believe, I do not know, but the imminence of a real "holocaust" in the United States will be considered unlikely by the hapless Americans, who cringe before the Jewish Terror; who see the homes of men who dare disbelieve the hoax besieged by mobs of Jews screaming for their blood and threatening to burn them and their families in their houses; who know that Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States who dared mutter in private some lack of reverence for Jews were hounded from their office and forced to resign; who know that no business man dares offend our masters, not even by subscribing to a journal that does not have kosher approval, for even if it comes to a postoffice box under an assumed name, the spies will learn his identity and the Jews stealthily or openly will destroy his business and perhaps his family... It would be idle to go on enumerating what is known by everyone who ventures to raise his eyes and look about him. My point is that Americans should know that the fact that Professor Butz has not yet been murdered and all copies of his book destroyed by the F.B.I. is not satisfactory proof that the United States is persecuting the People of God. And it may not be amiss to consider Jewish lamentations about Russia with critical intelligence rather than faith.
(44. See above, p. 73.)
(45. On the hoax about the "six million Jews" who are said to have been exterminated in Germany before they migrated to the United States and a few other lands and began to collect for their deaths from the Germany they had ruined, the pioneer work was that of Paul Rassinier, who had been himself an inmate of a German concentration camp and later spent years in touring Europe vainly in search of someone who had actually seen one of the famous "gas chambers," for which the basis, of course, was only the Germans' attempts to control with disinfectants the epidemics of typhus brought into the camps by Jews and their body lice. See Rassinier's Lemensonge d'Ulysse (Paris, 1950) and its sequels, Ulysse trahi par les siens (Paris, 1961), Le v‚ritable proc‚s Eichmann (Paris, 1962), and Le drame des Juifs europaens (Paris, 1961). An English translation of the last of these was published by Steppingstones, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1975, which issued in the following year a translation of the book on the Eichmann trial (which Rassinier had originally intended to entitle aptly, "Les maitre-chanteurs de Nuremberg"), now published by the Historical Review Press, Chapel Ascote, Ladbroke, Southam, Warwickshire. I understand that translations of Rassinier's several books are assembled in Debunking the Genocide Myth, published by the Institute for Historical Review, Torrance, California. The fullest and most systematic demolition of the infamous hoax, which has been used to extort forty billion dollars or more from the helpless people of Germany, is the masterly work of Professor Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, published by Historical Review Press, s.a. (1976), and available from Liberty Bell Publications; an American edition is published by the Institute for Historical Review in California. An especially notable work in German is Der Auschwitz Mythos (Tbingen, Grabert, 1979; available from Liberty Bell Publications) by Judge Wilhelm Stäglich, who thus brought on himself pseudo-legal vengeance by the Jews' puppet government in Bonn, which tried to make him penniless and did succeed in depriving him of half of his meager income. The author of a smaller volume on the same subject is now in prison in Germany for having dared to contradict God's Master Race. A very useful and handsomely illustrated book is William N. Grimstad's The Six Million Reconsidered, s.l.&a. (1977), which has been reprinted by the Historical Review Press in England and in the United States by the Institute for Historical Review. Perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of the "six million" hoax is the hoaxers' contempt for the simple-minded Aryans: they did not take the trouble to make their various fictions plausible or consistent. The point, of course, is that Aryans must be so trained that their minds will freeze and all thought stop whenever one of God's People speaks to the curs.)
One bit of evidence adduced by Wilmot Robertson is the publication of the Ukrainian Academy of Science (in 1963) of a book that spoke of Jews without reverence, and he adds that the Soviet authorities did not suppress the book until after "world opinion," as manufactured by Jewish journalists, began to howl. The suppression, however, does not satisfy the Jews, who now wax indignant that its Satanic author was, after a time, permitted to return to his employment, instead of being liquidated or starved to death. (46)
(46. See, e.g., the article by Dr. Spier that I cite below.)
Although as late as 1979 the Jews were still assuring themselves in some of their racial publications that their tribe was flourishing in the Soviet and that 400,000 of them ensconced in Moscow alone were joyful, (47) they are now telling themselves in their own publications, as well as in "our" press (which they own or otherwise control) that the international people are being "persecuted" by the vile Russians, in whose country they have chosen to reside. The volume of this propaganda is enormous, and it would be a waste of time to notice slight differences in the pitch of what is just one unending screech, but, if we dare be so evil as to look at a few specimens intelligently, we may derive some hints from them.
(47. A clever twist in propaganda was used by Aaron Vergelis, editor of the periodical in Yiddish that is lavishly financed by the Soviet. In his tour of this country in January 1979, he assured his Jewish audiences from coast to coast that "Soviet Jews are building a new and happy life in their [sic!] multi-national homeland," and that propaganda that the Jews are not living high on the hog in the Soviet is really a form of "anti-Semitism" spread by "anti-Communists" to incite hostility to the Soviet and to encourage the nasty "anti-Semitic" elements in the United States. "Anti-Sovietism," he proclaimed with Talmudic subtlety, "is the greatest anti-Semitism." His speeches were widely reported in the frankly Jewish press and summarized in the Daily World, 30 January 1979.)
A yell by Kevin Klose in the Washington Post, 15 July 1979, headed "Soviet Jews are Fearful of Rising Anti-Semitism," brings us the shocking news that many more Russians are now being given positions in the Russian universities and other "institutions of higher learning where Jews have traditionally excelled." A book published in only five hundred copies "calls Zionism 'the worst form of fascism' "--a statement which should be good for a laugh even in Russia. Another, of which 45,000 copies were printed, "alleges that 'Zionist centers' control Western media." One gathers that Russians should not be told of the Jews' virtually total dominion over the press and boob-tubes of the United States, Britain, France, and other Western nations. Chief among the horrors that are giving the three million Jews in Russia nervous palpitations are two letters one or more diabolic Russians may have produced on a mimeograph and are clandestinely circulating to some "members of the Moscow intelligentsia." One of these horrid letters declares that "both in the U.S. Senate and the Central Committee of the Communist Party there is a powerful Zionist lobby." Americans know about the Senate and the rest of "their" government in Washington, where, according to the press of 36 July, Reagan, "personally ordered" everyone to cease and desist from criticizing the Jews' terrorist bombing of Lebanon and slaughter of the Semites who don't understand that the Jews have a right to their homes and lives--acts which some misguided men thought tactless at the very time that the United States was about to rush another big shipment of our best weapons to Israel, for which Reagan has "a very special affection." We wonder, however, whether the mimeographed letter was as accurate about Russia as about the country that once was ours. A second letter, furtively typewritten and copied on a mimeograph, says that Brezhnev's wife is a Jewess--as everyone in and out of Russian has long known--and that there are only three "real Russians" among thirteen members of the ruling Politburo. There is no claim that the second statement is not equally true, but Klose reports a rumor that "Russophiles," persons so wicked that they love their own country, expecting that Brezhnev will soon depart from this world, are manoeuvering "within secret 'higher circles' of the [Communist] party...to heighten traditional Russian antagonism and force Jews from such positions of power and influence as they now hold." Just as though God's People didn't have a prescriptive right to "power and influence" over the lower races!
What interests us is the claim, in the mimeographed sheet that is being clandestinely passed around to a few Russians, that the Russians have only three representatives in the Politburo. The journal founded by the late A.K. Chesterton, Candour, published in its issue for Nov.-Dec. 1978 a list, obtained from Russian sources, of the members of the Politburo. This shows twenty-one men besides Brezhnev, and the score is: Russians, 6; race unascertained, 1; Jews, 14, including the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Chief of the Secret Police, and two others, who are among "the most powerful men in the USSR." (48) Date and place of birth are given and the real names of the Jews, most of whom operate under aliases in public, as is their custom. Candour's informant adds that "90% of the Soviet Ambassadors are Jews," and lists twelve examples. Since I am unfortunately deprived of the revelations from on high that enable so many in the "right wing" to know whatever they want to believe, I cannot affirm either the accuracy of inaccuracy of the list in Candour, but if the list contains no more than a fair percentage of truth, it would seem that the international race has prematurely rushed to its Wailing Wall, perhaps from sheer force of habit.
(48. It is odd that Candour and the clandestine mimeographed sheet that scares the Jews in Russia agree only on Kosygin as a loyal Russian. Candour's source had no information about Romanov, and, what is most remarkable, Suslov, who is one of the three "real Russians" on the mimeographed sheet, is identified in Candour as a Jew, born in 1902 in the principal city of Azerbaijan, whose real name is Suess and who is the principal representative in Russia of the B'nai B'rith that operates in the United States and watches of the Aryan sheep. Cf. note 41a above.)

The most nearly sober of the current lamentations is a long article by Ruben Ainsztein in the well-known and widely influential British periodical, New Statesman. On the cover of the issue for 18 December 1978, where it is illustrated by a photographic montage that shows the evil face of Hitler behind the evil face of Stalin, the article is entitled, "Soviet Union Today: Anti-semitism Institutionalized," but above the article itself appears the apocalyptic title, "The End of Marxism-Leninism." The author naturally does not miss a chance to reiterate the Jews' great "Holocaust" hoax, and he assures us that "Only Stalin's mysterious [!] death saved the Jews who had survived Hitler's Final Solution from annihilation." He then speaks of the awful book that Robertson mentioned, but without quite telling us that it was suppressed in 1963. His featured evidence, however, is a confidential memorandum to certain committees in the Communist Party, allegedly written by Valery Nikolayevich Yemelyanov, and presumably typewritten or mimeographed, of which Jewish agents were able to filch part in January 1977. (49) In that memorandum Yemelyanov reportedly not only said unkind things about the sacrosanct race, but even proposed the formation of an international organization to unite civilized men of the West to oppose and perhaps avert the consolidation of Jewish control over the entire planet.
(49. Further information about the memorandum that Yemelyanov hoped to keep confidential is given in a despatch from Jerusalem published in the Daily Telegraph, Britain's largest conservative newspaper, on 9 March 1978. One of the Ministers in the Israeli government moaned that the stolen memorandum was "an all-out declaration of war against the Jews" by the one man who wrote it.)
I naturally cannot tell whether Yemelyanov did indeed express such evil thoughts, but I note that in a long article in the Jewish Chronicle (London), 25 July 1980, Dr. Howard Spier complacently remarks that the "paranoid" Professor Yemelyanov had been fired from his academic position and incarcerated in a ""psychiatric hospital." (50) That sounds to me as though the Children of God still had influence in the Soviet Union, but it does not prevent Dr. Spier from chattering with fear about the likelihood of pogroms because, although "overt antisemitism" is not feasible in Russia today, there are Russians who regret that it is not and who even dare to write articles with "racial overtones," which are "thinly disguised antisemitism" and therefore offensive to Yahweh's Master Race.
(50. Poor Yemelyanov must have been released from the madhouse after Spier wrote, for a few lines in the Spanish press in January 1981 reported that he had been arrested and imprisoned for "racism," presumably shortly before. Since Yemelyanov is, so far as we know, the only man in the Soviet Union who has dared to suggest (in a confidential memorandum) actual opposition to the Jews, it may be assumed that if he were publicly crucified, the three million tribesmen in Soviet territory, who are now quaking with terror, could sleep o'nights.)
Among the innumerable shrieks of the Jewish Banshee, none is better written or more coherent than Robert Wistrich's article on the wickedness of Stalin in the Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1980. Like Ainsztein, Wistrich identifies Stalin as the serpent who appeared in the Soviet Eden and, after beguiling the Slavic Eve by justly equating disrespect for Jews with cannibalism and making it punishable by death, finally gave effect to the evil thoughts he had secretly harbored in his black soul for a long time and slyly sold her the deadly apple of patriotism. The article is noteworthy for the relative absence of the usual hysteria and for its author's respect for logic, and especially because it identifies, as did Yockey, the hanging of the eleven Jews in Prague as the turning point of Stalin's policy: "for the first time, antisemitism and anti-Zionism openly fused." The trials in Prague were a first step toward "Stalin's own Final Solution of the Jewish question--mass deportations to Siberia....The plan was foiled [sic!]" by the opportune death of Stalin. Stalin's policy was reversed, he is now discredited, and his monuments "have been pulled down," but the terrible thing is that "Stalin's heirs...studiously avoided mentioning antisemitism in the catalogue of his crimes." And that means, oh horrors! that we "must reckon with the return of the pogrom traditions of the Tsarist State under a thin veneer of Marxist-Leninist verbiage."
Two of the best articles, which I have mentioned, and numerous others assert that Stalin intended in his own mind to solve Russia's Jewish problem by either transporting the aliens to Siberia, as Wistrich says, or by exterminating them, as Ainsztein claims, presumably by finding engineers and chemists who could overcome the practical obstacles to constructing and operating "gas chambers," such as are celebrated in the Jews' great hoax about the "six million." (51) The evidence that Stalin had in petto a plan to become the Antichrist (52) is both meager and in conflict with all of his career before he was seventy-three, but we must remember that Dzhugashvili began his career as a theological student and doubtless acquired early the arts of dissimulation and hypocrisy, in which he must have perfected himself. There can be no doubt but that he was a highly intelligent man, so it is out of the question that he could ever have taken seriously the Marxist religion, which he used to manipulate the misfits, simpletons, idealists, and other crackpots over whom he climbed to power, and to outwit his fellow thugs. (53) So talented a man could have concealed even from Jews his opinion of them, but it is also possible that he, like Luther and many other men, trusted the Jews during the greater part of his career and changed his mind only late in life.
(51. The choice of this number may have some special significance. In the early years of this century, and especially during the administration of President Taft, American busybodies were a-twitter over the supposed plight of the six million dear Jews who were "imprisoned" in Czarist Russia because they preferred not to leave it.)
(52. It must be remembered that the term 'antichrist' does not specifically refer to the christ called Jesus who is the hero of the "New Testament." A christ is, of course, a divinely-appointed King of the Jews, who will lead his race to a solution of the Gentile problem by exterminating Aryans and the like, except for some who may be spared for slavery. The apocalyptic fantasies of the Jews call for the appearance of an 'antichrist,' i.e., a particularly disrespectful and wicked goy, before the appearance of the real christ, who will put the lower races in their place. An 'antichrist,' therefore, is a powerful adversary of the Jews, except, of course, in Christian terminology.)
(53. It goes without saying that Communist leaders do not believe in Communism. An acute young American, Duane Thorin, who had been intensively interrogated while a prisoner, stated the facts concisely in A Ride to Pannunjom (Chicago, Regnery, 1956): "Intellects that failed to see through the falsities of communism were so arrested that they were of only limited use in the totalitarian state." Czeslaw Milosz in The Captive Mind (New York, 1953) devotes a chapter to the practice of ketman by the more intelligent Communist professionals as they jostle for places on the ladder: like Moslem and Christian theologians, they feign a belief in the orthodox doctrine of their sect and try to catch each other out by devising Talmudic quibbles as traps to obtain admissions that will justify a charge of heresy.)
The best proof that Stalin was or became inimical to the Self-Chosen People is that a pack of Jewish physicians tried to poison him a few weeks before he died suddenly, reportedly of a "cerebral haemorrhage." They would not have done so without good reason. It is true that some persons believe the story that the physicians were innocent, but they do so on the usual grounds that Jews are "righteous" people, and without reflecting that nothing could be more righteous than killing goyim that get in the way of God's Own. As all Christians well know, that is the lesson that is taught throughout the "Old Testament," which seems such an appalling record of crime to persons who read it without Faith. (54) The virtually infinite superiority of their race is taken for granted and openly avowed by Jews today. (55) The Holy People, for example, did not hesitate to boast over the French radio of their cleverness in poisoning a thousand German officers by slyly putting arsenic in the bread they baked for them. (56) And, as everyone known, Begin, who is now dropping bombs on the civilian population of Lebanon in preparation for conquest and annexation of that helpless country, early distinguished himself by his efficiency in killing goyim, such as the English men, women, and children whom he blew up by planting a bomb in their hotel. For such valiant deeds he is sometimes criticized adversely by "aunt-eye-see-mights," who do not understand that his victims were just English pigs and probably should have been butchered anyway. (57)
(54. Christians, I understand, find especially edifying the tale that is told about Moses in Exodus, 2.11-15, 19; 4.19-20. Seeing an Egyptian treat a Jew harshly, Moses found an opportunity to catch the goy alone and, after looking all around to make sure no one could see them, rubbed him out, probably by stealing up behind him and stabbing him in the back. Moses hid the body in the sand, but when he found that someone had seen him after all and would turn stool-pigeon, his chutzpah failed him and he took it on the lam across the border into a foreign country, where, passing himself off as an Egyptian, he lay low for many years until God came to his hide-out and told him the heat was off in Egypt and the cops were no longer looking for him.)
(55. According to the press, Dr. Michael Wyschogrod, Professor of Philosophy in the City University of New York, frankly told a conference sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews that there was a vast difference between harming a Jew and killing goyim, because "what happens to the Jewish people is not quite the same" as what happens to other people in that there is "an element of the divine" in Jewish history that makes it special. He admitted that "humanists" and other irreligious persons would think the racial distinction "a scandal," but that is because they do not "grasp the uniqueness of Jewish history." Dr. Wyschogrod also told his audience what makes that uniqueness: the fact that a Jew is always a detached limb of his race and only secondarily an individual. "I am first a member of the Jewish people," he declared, "and only secondarily Michael Wyschogrod." That, of course, is something an Aryan can never understand, for while he may feel a loyalty to, or a duty towards, a class or nation, he can do so only as an individual, and even the strongest effort of the imagination will not enable him to think of himself as having the relation to his race that a member of his body bears to him. The conference was reported in The Christian News, 30 April 1981, p. 15.)
(56. See the Toronto Daily Star, 9 March 1968.)
(57. Cf. note 38 above.)
The heroic physicians, like the Lopez who was the personal physician of Queen Elizabeth I and tried to poison her, were caught, but we shall never know whether they had colleagues who were more successful. It is, of course, not unusual for men of Stalin's age to die of natural causes, but a sudden death that occurs so soon after an unsuccessful attempt at assassination, and occurs so opportunely--should we say providentially?--for a man's deadly enemies will always arouse suspicions.
When a great monarch dies, there is always a bitter struggle for power among the diadochi, and from what we know of Communists and given the impossibility of dividing the empire, we may be certain that the contest in Russia was especially vicious, but the essential facts concerning it remain secret. Eventually Khrushchev, whatever his antecedents, (58) came out on top, having pleased his henchmen by vituperating the man who had saved Russia, the Soviet, and Communism from the German invasion. In 1961, he ejected ignominiously from its tomb the body of the architect of Russia's position as a world-power, had his monuments and memorials destroyed, and even carried post-mortem hatred so far as to change the name of Stalingrad, the site of Russia's most celebrated victory. Such spitting on a national hero and the sheer fury of the posthumous vengeance taken on him, must have had a deeper motive than a mere courting of popularity among the serfs, as sometimes happens in "democratic" countries. In fact, the vitriolic denunciation of Stalin for "tyranny" was a somewhat hazardous gambit, since it might encourage discontent with that tyranny, which was continued with only superficial changes. What the motive was, however, we cannot determine: it may have been known only to the inner circle of the Politburo and must remain an enigma for us.
(58. I refuse to debate the vexed question whether or not Khrushchev was really a Jew masquerading as a Slav. The evidence on both sides of the question is suspect.)
In sum, then, the evidence before us warrants the conclusion that for a period of about six months--from early November 1952 until 5 March 1953--Dzhugashvili-Stalin openly showed a certain hostility toward the Jews that he had doubtless meditated for some time before putting it into practice. (59) It is reasonable to conjecture that he may have intended or wished to put into practice the stated principles of Zionism. During those six months or more, the Jews seem to have lost the power to control Russian policy, and it may be they did not subsequently recover their dominance over it. (60) There is evidence that Russians are now permitted to occupy in the universities and bureaucracy positions that Jews want.
(59. The earlier stages of the affair that reached its climax with the hanging of the eleven Jews in Prague are uncertain. The most important of these Jews, Rudolf [nice Germanic name, Gothic hrôth-wulfs!] Slánsky, was arrested on a charge of treason on 27 November 1951, but the Czech executive who had formally ordered the arrest, Kópriva, was himself arrested on 23 January 1952, thus producing a neat confusion to keep everyone puzzled.)
(60. By far the most complete and objective treatment of the whole question known to me is the late Andrey Diky's Jews in Russia and in the USSR, s.l.a. [1978?]. When I last heard, copies could be obtained from L. Volovlikoff, P.O. Box 8082, Ottawa, Ontario. This work is based on Russian and Ukrainian sources not generally available, especially periodicals, and its author makes every effort to be fair and more than fair to the Jews, giving them the benefit of every doubt. In an appendix, pp. 297-319, the author lists the officials of the eleven principal organs of the Soviet government from 1932 to 1939. Here are the totals: Jews, 447; non-Jews, 68; race undetermined, 34.)
For the rest, we can only note that there is not the slightest indication that the present r‚gime in Russia intends to accept the theory of Zionism, as it would surely do, if it wished to rid its territory of Jews. Hitler, to be sure, accepted Zionism and made great efforts to foster it, and the Jews will never forgive him for having taken them at their word, but nevertheless a r‚gime that is really anti-Jewish would not overlook the enormous advantage it would obtain by officially supporting Zionism. (61)
(61. As we all know--or should know--the premise on which the Zionist movement was founded, and on the basis of which support for it (including the Balfour Declaration) was solicited, was that Jews and Europeans represent incompatible races and cultures, and that the presence of the aliens in Europe will always result in irremediable tension and animosities, to the distress of all concerned. The only solution, therefore, was the creation of a "homeland" to which all Jews could emigrate and in which they could form a nation that would have a geographic unity corresponding to its spiritual unity. See the writings of the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, in his Tagebucher (Berlin, 1922-23) and the passages that were suppressed in the German edition but restored by Marvin Lowenthal in his translation of excerpts (New York, 1956). Herzl's diaries record his negotiations with various European monarchs and prime ministers and his reactions to their attitudes, and I can find in his writings no indication that he was not sincere in his purpose. He did obtain from the British government in 1903 the offer of East Africa as the desired homeland, and was bitterly disappointed when the Jewish Congress rejected the offer. As is well known, the National Socialist government of Germany made great efforts to obtain a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, Madagascar, and in a large part of the territory of the former Russian Empire; these efforts were successively frustrated by Great Britain, France, and the defeat of Germany in 1945. -- It is faintly amusing that Kevin Klose, in the article about "Anti-Semitism" in the Soviet that I mentioned above, lists a report that when the Russians grant exit visas to the Jews who wish to emigrate, they maliciously give preference to the ones who will head for the United States instead of remaining in the national ghetto, where they could enjoy "family [i.e., racial] reunification.)
We are here interested in Yockey. From the foregoing it will appear that he, more alert and perspicacious than other observers, was right in his analysis of the situation in Europe and the world in 1948-52, when he wrote The Enemy of Europe. He did not foresee the sudden death of Stalin, and it can be argued that if Stalin had survived for a lustrum after 1953, Yockey's prognosis would have been fully verified and the history of Europe and of the entire world would have taken a far different direction.
Yockey did not live to witness the official denigration and vilification of Stalin that began in 1961. You may wish to determine in your own mind what conclusions he would have drawn from that astonishing reversal of Russian propaganda, and whether or not he would have revised The Enemy of Europe to take it into account.


If Yockey had not been hounded to death by the Jews and were alive today, would he take again, without variation, the oath he took in 1946 when he left Wiesbaden, where he could no longer endure the obscene spectacle of the foul murders that the Americans were committing to please the Jews?
"I will go from one end to the other of my beloved Europe. I know well that I shall be going only to a churchyard, but I know, too, that the churchyard is dear, very dear, to me. Beloved dead lie buried there. Every stone over them, every bomb-crater containing the pulverized bones of these dead, tell me of a life once so ardently lived, so passionate a belief in its own achievements, its own truth, its own battles, its own knowledge, that I know, even now I know, that I shall fall down and kiss those stones, those endless ruins, this blood-drenched, sacred earth, and weep. "But I surely also know that then, despite a convulsive rage at the perpetrators of this crime, I will again stand erect over this European graveyard and swear the solemn oath that to my last breath I will fight tooth and nail against those who attempted, in vain to be sure, to destroy the cradle of our Western Culture, with its unmatched accomplishments, with its deeds unique in the annals of Humanity. This, I, Francis Yockey, do solemnly swear!"

  Do men die of broken hearts?
The physical scars of the Suicide of the West have been effaced. The ruins have been replaced by restorations or new structures that often do not show the grotesquely anti-human vulgarity of Jewish art. The intellectual and spiritual devastation, however, not only remains but grows apace. It reminds us of H. G. Wells' anticipation of nuclear warfare: the atomic bombs he imagined produced a stead chain-reaction, so that their craters constantly grew large and spread wider, gnawing away the countryside, mile after mile. Or perhaps a better analogy would be an endemic disease that slowly but steadily destroys a dwindling and dying race.
Even a cursory survey of Europe today would require a volume, but we may permit ourselves a few hurried glimpses.
In Germany, the Jews did not insist on their original plan, set forth in Theodore Kaufman's Germany Must Perish!, (62) that after their Huns had overwhelmed Germany, the surviving Germans would all be surgically sterilized to ensure the prompt extermination of a nation that had offended the Sons of the Covenant. That Final Solution might have seemed objectionable to "an-tie-see-mites." So the good work was entrusted, in Germany as in other Aryan nations, to the demoralizing and disintegrating effects of what Yockey calls "culture-distortion": "democracy" (i.e., government by organized crime), "education" (i.e., sabotage of children's minds), usury, financial piracy, drug-addiction, promiscuity, miscegenation, mongrelization, promotion of superstition and irrationality, and the other blessings Americans now enjoy. That is working very well in Germany. A statistician has calculated that if all things continue as they now are, in ninety years the only living Germans will be senescent and past the age of reproduction.
(62. Newark, New Jersey, 1941; reprinted s.l.&a., and available from Liberty Bell Publications. Kaufman's book is an excellent and most instructive specimen of Jewish thinking. He wrote before his tribe had invented the Holohoax, and so he can only scream that the Germans are militaristic and have produced such awfully wicked philosophers as Nietzsche; that makes them "an execrable people" and they must be exterminated, one and all. He prides himself on his tender heart, which makes him recommend that instead of having all the Germans massacred at once, the survivors, men, women, and children, should be herded together and sexually mutilated by surgeons (he even computes how many will be needed for the godly work) so that they cannot reproduce their damned species. In Schuld und Schicksal (Munich, 1962), J.G. Burg, a Jew who was born in Germany and lived throughout the war in Germany or adjacent territories, believes that Kaufman's book was part of a concerted effort by the Jews' master minds to exasperate the Germans and thus incite pogroms to help create "world opinion" for a war against Germany and for dispossession of the inhabitants of Palestine in favor of the Jews, and Burg supports his conclusion with photographic reproductions of documents in German and Yiddish. He quotes (p. 72) Chaim Weizmann as having said in 1934, "I would much rather see the annihilation of the Jews in Germany than failure to make Israel a land for the Jews." Weizmann (who became the first president of "Isra‰l" when it was finally established in 1948) in October 1934 mobilized Jewish pressure on the British government to make Britain frustrate Hitler's proposal that Jews who wished to leave Germany should be permitted to go to Palestine or whithersoever they wished, taking with them one thousand pounds sterling and goods to the value of 20,000 marks, the remainder of their holdings (if any) to be paid for in regular installments over a period of years. Several subsequent efforts by Hitler to help the Zionists attain their professed goal were frustrated by Britain and her allies, obviously in obedience to Jewish commands. It was the failure so to exasperate the Germans that they would resort to pogroms that made it necessary to invent the "Holocaust" hoax. It is noteworthy that, with the exception of Burg and a very few others, the Jews do not seem to regard as immoral the efforts of Weizmann and other Elders of Jewry to procure the "annihilation of the Jews in Germany," who numbered about 500,000; presumably the sacrifice of those Jews would have been "good for the Jewish people," and that is all that matters.)
In Germany, as in other Western nations, the Jews are resorting to pseudo-legal terrorism as well as mob violence to enforce belief in their "Holocaust" hoax, and they are more or less committed to the slovenly version of the tale that they used as a pretext for the obscene and savage murders committed by the British and Americans at Nuremberg. That fiction was an improvement on earlier versions, (63) but it relied on the perjury of a German traitor who had been an American spy throughout the war, and was so carelessly contrived that it could not resist critical examination. (64) Since the exposure of the great hoax, there has been a belated attempt to produce "witnesses," who, I estimate, are as numerous as the individuals, many of them Aryans, who have reported their vacations aboard "flying saucers" or their confabulations with little green or cerise men from Mars or elsewhere. The principal burden of the attempts to enforce belief in the incredible, however, is the doctrine that it is an "insult to the Jewish people" to disbelieve whatever they choose to tell the lower races.
(63. According to the Courrier du Continent, a valuable little bulletin published at Lausanne, in its issue for May 1981, a delightful early version of the "Holocaust" hoax was given by a Jew residing in Sweden, Dr. Stefan Szende, in a book published at Zurich in 1944. According to this version, hundreds of thousands of Jews were exterminated by the cruel Germans at Belzec (a small town about twenty-eight miles south-southeast of Lublin), where the Germans had constructed a vast underground installation, including huge halls, built entirely of metal, with floors that could be raised or lowered by machinery. Each floor was a triumph of engineering, so large that several thousands of dear Jews could be packed on it, nude, at one time. The elevator then descended until the Jews were immersed into water to their waists, when a powerful electric current was introduced into the water, electrocuting them instantly. Then the elevator went up to a station at which a further application of electricity incinerated and presumably vaporized all the thousands of corpses, and the machine was ready for a new batch of several thousand. Presumably this version was thought too complimentary to the Germans' famous talent for engineering and applied science, just as the claims that Germans had exterminated 40,000,000 or 12,000,000 Jews were considered a bit hazardous mathematically and the figure was reduced to the 6,000,000 in the current version.)
(64. See the works cited in note 45 supra.)
We should not err, as do so many anti-Jewish writers, by interpreting this Jewish terrorism in terms of our own mentality and so regarding it as a consciously evil fraud. As several Jews told the National Conference of Christians and Jews, "normal [i.e., Aryan] ethical standards" are "irrelevant" in such matters. (65) I do not profess to understand the Jewish mentality, but it may be that one aspect of it was revealed by Professor Eric Goldman of Princeton University, if he was correctly quoted as contending that history is a "weapon" to be employed for "determining people's ideas and attitudes," and that a respectable historian has a "responsiblity...for making sure that he writes history in such a way as will bring about the kind of action that he wants." Professor Goldman even made the frightening claim that his equation of history with propaganda was the view of "most historians [!]." (66) One can imagine no more total contrast to the Aryan conception of history as an effort to recover, as accurately as possible, the absolute truth about what actually happened: Von Ranke's famous standard of a perfectly objective description of the past wie es eigentlich gewesen wäre, and James Harvey Robinson's addendum that history should also determine objectively, if possible, wie es eigentlich geworden wäre. It is quite possible that to the Jewish mentality what actually happened appears completely irrelevant, and our interest in ascertaining historical truth may seem to be just another odd manifestation of our mental inferiority. The only thing that matters is what you can make your subjects believe, including, perhaps, the mass of your own race. To us, that seems reprehensible deception, but it is quite possible that to the Jewish mentality "truth" is whatever is good for God's People. (67) That may be why Jewish forgeries and hoaxes seem to us so amazingly careless, and we wonder why their contrivers disdained the relatively small amount of work that would have been required to make their fabrication consistent and plausible: to them it seemed apodictic that people ought to believe what is good for the Jewish people without thinking about it. The tales in the "Old Testament," for example, are attempts to simulate an historical record, but is seems never to have occurred to the rabbis to make them internally consistent and less absurd. (68) And the nonchalance appears today. When Professor Butz's masterly exposure of the Jews' Holy Hoax about the Germans was first published, Jews residing in the United States and holding professorships in American universities, who must surely have learned from observation of their goy colleagues what we consider to be the academic standards of integrity, began at once to denounce as "an infamous lie" a book of which they had never even seen a copy, and did so without even taking the trouble to ascertain its title, which they gave as "The Fabrication of a Hoax" or "The Holocaust Never Happened," and urging that such disgrace to the academic profession be "rooted out" and presumably exterminated. The venomous hatred is, of course, only natural, but what is significant is that the learned professors did not take the two minutes of time for a phone call by which they could have learned the title of the book they were denouncing so hysterically. To us simple-minded Aryans, that seems amazing.
(65. Reported in The Christian News; see note 55 supra.)
(66. Goldman is quoted by Professor James J. Marin in his section of the impressive biographical monument, Harry Elmer Barnes (Colorado Springs, Myles, 1968), p. 241. That Goldman may be right about the majority of persons who now call themselves historians is suggested by the fact that the once-respected American Historical Association, which turns a penny now and then by renting out its membership list, crawled on its yellow belly in abasement and apology when it found it had rented the list to the Institute for Historical Review in Torrance, California, which wickedly conducts historical research that does not bear the Kosher seal of approval.)
(67. This attitude carries over, of course, into the Judaic religions, such as Christianity with its ostentatious repudiation of the "wisdom of this world" and its exaltation of the believing nitwit above the rational and learned seekers of the truth. A good example is Augustine, who must have known that he was lying (by "pagan" standards, at least) when he assured his open-mouthed congregation that he, as a missionary, had saved the souls of a whole nation of Africans, who had eyes in their chests and mouths where a man's neck would be but no heads, organs for which good Christians would presumably have no use. The same spirit appears in the numerous ecclesiastics who, during the Middle Ages, equipped a cathedral, monastery, or church with one of the many foreskins clipped from the infant Jesus when he was circumcized or a bottle of the Virgin Mary's milk or another Holy Shroud. The contriver of the imposture could tell himself, perhaps sincerely, that he was helping save the souls of many yokels by stimulating the tourist trade and augmenting his revenues.)
(68 It is true that when the "Old Testament" tales, in the form that they had around the beginning of the first century B.C., were translated from Hebrew and Aramaic into the koine dialect of Greek, thus forming the Septuagint, the translators did make some superficial efforts to clean up some absurdities in addition to converting the stories to monotheism. For example, the author of the myth about Esther gave the stupid Persian king the name of Assueras or Ahasuerus or something like that, a purely fictional and non-Persian name. The translators make him Artaxerxes, which was safe enough, since there were three Persian monarchs of that name, who ruled between 484 and 337 B.C., and that sounded plausible to persons who had no real knowledge of Persian history. In the story of God's unsuccessful attempt to murder Moses (Exod. 4.24), the translators reflected that it was undignified for the creator of Heaven and Earth to be lurking about a desert inn, and they accordingly made the terrorist "an agent of the Lord," which is certainly less grotesque. The Hebrew text underwent some censorship after the Septuagint was made; for example, in the tale of Esther there were several deletions, including the passage in which Esther explains to Yahweh how repugnant to a Jewess is coitus with an uncircumcized man, although, of course, she remains faithful to her duty to manipulate in the interests of her race the goy whom she has attracted sexually.)
The continuous rewriting of history, so graphically described in George Orwell's 1984, may seem to the racial mentality of Jews no more that a common-sense provision for ensuring "social justice" and the like. For example, a Jew recently wrote a book to prove that no tribe of savages ever practices anthropophagy: all storIes of cannibalism, except in a few cases of acute hunger (e.g., the Donner Party in California), were invented by the nasty "race prejudice" of the swinish Aryans. (69) I don't know whether that claim is important for Jewish purposes, but if it is, it is surely a proof of the evils of "racism" that it isn't feasible as yet to have all books of history and ethnology that mention cannibals dumped down a "memory hole" into ever-burning incinerators in all the libraries of the world. So far as I know, this attitude toward historical facts has never been systematically investigated, but Samuel Roth, the eminent and courageous Jew to whom we owe so much, touches on it in his references to the "Old Testament." (70) But, I repeat, we must not be misled by the emotional binges of writers who hate Jews and cannot consider the problem objectively. Whatever tampering with facts may seem to us, we must remember that to the Jews it is simply an expression of their righteousness, however little we may be able to comprehend such an attitude. It is strictly comparable to the mentalities, equally alien and mysterious to us, that Professor Haas studied in his fundamental Destiny of the Mind. (71)
(69. Professor W. Arens, The Man-Eating Myth (Oxford University [!], 1980.)
(70. See note 29. Roth discussed the expurgations and falsifications of the stories on pp. 25-51, 57-62 of his book. These chapters and part of a chapter were omitted in the reprint to avoid sending Christian holy men into fits.)
(71. See above, p. 17. n. 19.)
So much has to be said in explanation of the recent imposition of righteousness in Germany. The puppet government in Bonn has ordered its courts to find that it is a criminal offense to doubt even the most impossible parts of the Holohoax, on the grounds that such doubt "denies to every Jew the respect to which he is entitled." (72) Men are now serving long prison sentences for having dared to express such doubts, and recently the Bonn government's Thought Police raided the homes of almost 500 Germans who were suspected of having in their possession books, pamphlets, or leaflets of which the Master Race disapproves. It is also a criminal offense in Germany to doubt the "authenticity" of "Anne Frank's Diary," a hoax contrived with such contempt for the Aryan mind that it contains such blatant internal contradictions that it could not impose on any reader who has even a modicum of critical intelligence. (73) And the exercise of normal intelligence is a criminal offense even though the Bonn government's own criminological laboratory reported that the manuscript was written throughout in the hand of a single author, who made many of his revisions with a pen that had not been manufactured before the supposed "martyrdom" of the young Jewess who is supposed to have written it. And there are rumors that the Jews are demanding that all mail that comes into Germany be opened and censored, lest some vile correspondent abroad say something that might start ratiocination in the dumm Kopf of a cringing German. Such is the plight of Germany today.
(72. The decision of the German Supreme Court is quoted in the Jews' "intellectual" periodical, Patterns of Prejudice, January 1980, pp. 32f. The article goes on to demand more stringent legislation in Germany to "plug the loopholes" in existing laws and make certain that Aryan curs do not even think improper thoughts.)
(73. If you want to make sure that you didn't overlook any of the ridiculous contradictions in the yarn, see Ditlieb Felderer's incisive booklet, Anne Frank's Diary (Torrance, California, Institute for Historical Review, 1979).)
The British have not yet sunk so low, but one has misgivings for the future. They destroyed their empire, sacrificed the lives of 357,000 persons, permanently depleting their racial vitality through the loss of much of their best blood, and inflicted painful and often irremediable wounds on 370,000 more; they disrupted their society and demoralized their whole population; and they impoverished themselves and their descendants, perhaps forever. All this they did to punish the Germans for having wanted to have a country of their own, and I wonder whether many Englishmen expected gratitude from the Jews. If they did, what were their sentiments when they read recently in William R. Perl's The Four Front War that among the dastardly persecutors of God's Race the vile British are second only to the vile Germans? Maurice Samuel was right: nothing that Aryans can do will ever satisfy his insatiable race.
Americans, remembering the old British tradition of gentlemen, are wont to assume that British politicians must be somehow morally superior to the gangsters of the great syndicate of organized crime that rules the United States. That is a mistake: the only difference is that the subordinate gangs, which stage competition on the lower levels, are called "Conservative" and "Labor," instead of "Republican" and "Democratic." Their activities correspond, even in detail, to the treason and looting that James Farrel has clearly described in his new book, The Judas Syndrome. (74)
(74. San Francisco, Fulton-Hall, 1980. The author skirts warily around the edges of the race problem, but he does consider the sheer insanity of importing into our overpopulated land ever growing hordes of black savages, mestizos from Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Mexico, and Mongoloids from southeast Asia in the guise of "refugees." The obvious result will necessarily be a situation like that described in Jean Raspail's "chilling novel about the end of the white world," The Camp of the Saints, of which the English translation, published by Scribner's in 1975, had so large a sale that it is now out-of-print in both cloth-bound and paperback editions. (Guess why!).)
The British, no less than the other Aryan nations, are driven by the death-wish that has been so deeply and perhaps ineradicably implanted in their subconscious minds. Not content with liquidating their empire, they began to import into their already overcrowded and overpopulated island hordes of anthropoid vermin from all over the world, from black savages to turban-wearing Asiatics. Any rational man could have predicted from the very first the inevitable consequence of the wholesale importation of racial enemies, but now, as well-organized mobs, directed by portable radios, surge through large quarters of British cities, burning and looting and killing, the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic boobs are astonished and listen, open-mouthed, to their government betrayers as they chatter about "unemployment" and, with almost incredible effrontery, claim that there are no "racial overtones" to race riots. The solution, of course, will be to surfeit the vermin with yet more blood sucked from the veins of the tax-paying serfs, who do not seem even to remember that they once had a country of their own. No one, so far as I have heard, has even dared to suggest what should be obvious even to schoolboys: the architects of the policy that imported the racial enemies and the loud-mouthed holy men and "humanitarians" who approved and endorsed that policy are either (a) conscious traitors, who intended the consequences of their acts, or (b) so feckless and feeble-minded that they must henceforth be excluded from influencing national policy in any way.
Traitors have imposed on the befuddled British a "Race Relations Act" to make certain that the white population, which is being dispossessed, does not openly resent the hordes of alien invaders. Englishmen are now in prison for having been so bold as to assert that their race is fit to live. And although the British, who are still a majority on what was once their island, are harassed by economic pressures and deafened by the clamor of their dervishes and the rest of the rabble of world-improvers, their bovine acceptance of their degradation makes one wonder whether the imprisoned men were not mistaken in the belief they expressed. Christians, of course, must be expected to obey the command of the Jew they worship: "Love your enemies and slaughter mine" (Luke 6.27 & 19.27). But Christians are a minority in Britain, estimated by competent observers at less than one-fifth of the white population. What of the other minority that should be dominant, the intellectually superior minority that has enjoyed the incomparable advantages of the British public schools and of Oxford or Cambridge? They evince no more comprehension of reality than the religious. The gods first make mad those whom they would destroy. And we can only behold with painful catharsis the tragedy of a nation which once had an empire on which the sun never set, and which, in Herculean madness, reduced itself to a mass of frightened sheep, huddled together on a small island on which the sun will someday set for the last time.
The "Race Relations Act," to be sure, has some loopholes, and Englishmen who hire competent solicitors expert in such matters can still make some appeal to facts and reason without going to gaol, although, of course, they expose themselves to surreptitious chastisement. The Jews, needless to say, are agitating for legislation to "plug the loopholes" in the existing tyranny.
As mere specimens of the English way of life today, we may note the following. The Jews burned the printing establishment in Uckfield, Sussex, that had been printing magazines and books that do not bear the Kosher seal of approval. One of the arsonists, caught by his own arrogant overconfidence, pled the privilege of his race to destroy their enemies, but found that arson, even with such noble motives, was still technically illegal in Britain, and he received, from an apologetic magistrate, the minimum sentence. He was found to be an old hand in Yahweh's service, having been identified as one of the burglars who, equipped with forged credentials as telephone repairmen, "cased" the apartment of David Irving, the author of The Destruction of Dresden, and were later caught red-handed in the burglary, equipped with tools from the British postoffices. The daily press in Britain suppressed mention of the deplorable arrest and trial of the high-minded arsonist. (75)
(75. The trial was concisely reported in the local Sussex Express, 17 April 1981. The newspaper, doubtless hoping to be thrown a bone, interpolated the remark: "To say the publications handed to the judge [to justify the arsonist's pious deed] were 'vile and evil' was a masterly understatement," The incident was also reported in the small weekly publication, Focal Point (London), 30 May, which inter alia observes that since the trail and sentencing took place hurriedly and without the knowledge of the victims of the arson, the purported specimens of their publications that were exhibited to the judge and newspaper may well have been forgeries. That would be only normal! My knowledge of the incident I next mention comes from a document prepared by the victim's solicitor and letters from friends.)
The masters of Britain naturally have their own corps of terrorists, special police, doubtless Englishmen willing to do anything for a small salary, paid by the bovine taxpayers. On 16 April 1981, these goons raided the apartment of an Anglo-Saxon in Brighton who, they said, was suspected of having in his possession a small booklet that did not show proper reverence for God's Race. Since he was at his place of employment, as they doubtless knew, they smashed open the door of his apartment and turned everything upside down, looking vainly for the horrible booklet. Frustrated in their suspicions, they departed with a large package that doubtless contained his expensive camera, the money he had left in a drawer of his desk, and other fenceable property, leaving the broken door open, so that they could claim that someone must have entered the apartment after them. At latest information, the victim, just an Anglo-Saxon, to be sure, has vainly petitioned for redress.
Britain has indeed been blessed with righteousness. An Englishman's home was once his castle; now it is his kennel.
We must cross the Channel to la belle France for the most accurate measure of Europe today. In the historic land of libert‚, Professor Robert Faurisson of the University of Lyons, maintaining the now antiquated tradition of intellectual integrity in academic circles, stated publicly that the Jews' infamous hoax about the "six million" was a preposterous hoax. (76) Squads of Jews attacked him on the campus and burst into his classrooms to make it impossible for him to conduct classes, while the authorities of the university beamed approval. He and his publishers and even newspapers that had printed his replies to their defamation of him were prosecuted in the French courts for "insulting" the Jewish nation by doubting one of the lies by which it most conspicuously exhibits its racial solidarity as a super-organism. He has been beset by multiple prosecutions in the French courts, and he has thus far been sentenced to a public recantation of his veracity and fines that will amount to one million francs in the new currency (one hundred million in the old.) His total savings as a university professor with a family amount, he says, to about two thousand francs. And other prosecutions are still pending. The French system of justice doubtless hopes that it can drive the Aryan dog to suicide, but if that does not work, it will probably be wiser than the Inquisition that permitted Galileo to survive and will have Faurisson doused with gasoline and burned in a public square, while Jews dance merrily about the pyre.
(76. It is said that the Institute for Historical Review will publish English translations of Professor Faurisson's major articles in an issue of its Journal. Presumably it will do so unless the Jews, who have made one attempt to burn down the building in which the Institute is located succeed in a new attempt.)
It is a nice irony that Professor Faurisson's only support, so far as is known, comes from a Jew, who has disobeyed his race, and a few French "leftists." He would doubtless have been supported by Professor Fran‡ois Duprat, if the Jews, as they openly boast, had not preferred to punish that man for his denial of the Holy Hoax by blowing up the automobile in which he and his wife were riding. The "New Right" in France, of which we once entertained some hopes, (77) has been taught a lesson by the Jews, who broke into one of their conferences and clubbed them, permanently crippling one man, while the French police looked on benevolently. The few French champions of Western science and rationality now slip quietly away from their universities or homes to meet, almost furtively, in secluded parts of the countryside, fearing raids by the Jews or the French police; and they are doing their best to pretend they never heard of Professor Faurisson. It's embarrassing, but courage, mon ami, le pauvre diable n'est pas encore mort, mais il le sera bientôt.
It is easy to foresee the future. The simplest way out of the disconcerting fact that so many of the "six million" whom the Germans exterminated are alive and conspicuous in such capacities as that of the President of the "European Parliament" will be to claim that the Germans did indeed kill them, but they, being Yahweh's pets, naturally arose from the dead after three days or some other appropriate period of time.
The next step is easy. As Douglas Reed observed in The Controversy of Zion, to the Jews "the world is still flat and Judah, its inheritant, is the center of the universe." (78) Surely, there can be no greater insult to the Jewish nation that to doubt the word of its god, who made the world a flat cake of mud and placed above it the sun and moon, balls of fire floating in the upper atmosphere, so that he could stop them whenever he wanted to help his Holy People massacre the inhabitants of a country they wanted to steal. French courts of justice will surely repress the vile "racists" who cast doubt on Yahweh's words, and a few million-franc fines, supplemented by burning a few incorrigibly sane Frenchmen at the stake, will establish righteousness throughout the beautiful land oû l'oui résonne.
(78. See above, note 4. The passage I have quoted occurs on p. 105 and continues, "The ruling sect has been able, in great measure, to impose this theory of life on the great nations of the West, as it originally inflicted The Law on the Judahites themselves." Reed goes on to point out that Jews' mission in this world is based on the promise Yahweh made to Isra‰l: "I will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come," (Exod. 23.27). Reed's is, on the whole, an excellent book, marred only by some charitable efforts to temper the wind for Jesus's lambs. Incidentally, he makes the interesting suggestion (p. 207) that Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism (see note 51 supra) whom Samuel Roth described as "probably the first honest Jew in the pubic life of the world in two thousand years," may have been eliminated by Jews who wanted to take over and pervert his Zionist movement.)
And then one more step. Yahweh told Moses, "I have made thee a god to Pharaoh [i.e., the unnamed king of the Egyptian goyim]." Now it is only proper that the "Sons of the Living God" should be the gods of the lower races and be worshipped by them. It requires no great effort of the imagination to picture thousands of French men and women assembled in Notre Dame, in obedience to the orders of their courts and government, to worship bare-footed rabbis seated on the alters. (79) And the choir will sing the inspired words of the prophecy: "And Israel shall rule the world forever."
(79. Ralph Perier in Liberty Bell, November 1980, p. 22, has called attention to the extraordinary emotional fixation of the Jews, as shown in passages he cites from both the "Old Testament" and the Dead Sea Scrolls, which demands not only that other races, and especially Aryans, shall become their abject slaves, but shall demonstrate their submission by using their tongues to lick the dirt from the Jews' bare feet. No other race, so far as I know, has ever shown that bizarre lust. Perier also quotes, "Israel shall rule the world forever," from Gaster's translation of the Dead Sea Scriptures, where it is the climax of an imagined war in which the Greeks and Romans (i.e., Aryans) are totally exterminated, but also survive to do the desired licking.)
Fantastic? Less so than what has now actually happened in Germany, Britain, and France would have seemed before the Suicide of Europe.
Such is a hurried bird's-eye view of the continent that was, for Yockey, "the sacred soil of Europe," the homeland of our civilization. He was young when he was hounded to death, and he did not live to see the Europe of today. Perhaps we should say of him, as Tacitus said of Agricola, felix opportunitate mortis.

Yockey's hopes and his striving seem vain and futile in the desolation of today. He appealed to a manhood and an intelligence that had died on a thousand battlefields and have become bodiless wraiths, drifting on the shifting mists of time. But he will be remembered--if there are any to remember us--as a man who sought to resurrect Europe and, in the end, gave his life for the dead. His memory will be honored in the future--if we have a future--as that of a man whose lucid mind enabled him to see the vapidity of the verbiage about "world peace," brotherhood," "human rights," and the rest of the hallucinatory fictions that are used by evangelists, politicians, and other swindlers to benumb the minds of their victims. He was a man who had the courage to state the grim truth that a nation's survival depends on its spiritual cohesion and its will to power--to naked, undisguised, unmitigated power, power over others.
A nation, a civilization, a race that has lost the will to conquer and dominate has lost its will to live--has lost the vitality that makes it fit to live in a world in which the inexorable laws of nature provide that only the strong and resolute shall survive. Yockey summoned our race to put down its opium-pipes and look outside its den of dreams to the real world, in which it will soon have no choice but to fight belatedly or perish ignominiously. It was not his fault that the drugged minds could not respond, could not comprehend.
After Imperium was republished by The Truth Seeker (New York) in 1962, Yockey's work, which had been almost completely suppressed and was known only to the few individuals who had the luck to find, and the means to purchase, copies of books that had become extremely rare, became more widely known and accessible to those who wished to know it. It inspired untrammeled minds.
In the late 1960s, some youthful enthusiasts formed the Francis Parker Yockey Society, and, since it was not kept secret, they, few as they were, alarmed the boobherds of more than one local newspaper, ever on the watch for an outbreak of common sense. It was the young men's intention to erect a monument to Yockey, and, after much deliberation, they decided it should bear these words:

Ço sent Rodlanz que la mort l'entreprent, ...
Sour l'erbe vert si s'est colchiez adenz,
Dessoz lui met s'espede e l'olifant.


The lines from the great Chanson may be translated thus:
And then, when Roland felt death coming upon him, he
lay down on the green grass, placing his sword and his horn
beneath his body, and with his face against the earth.  

In 1945, in the devastated and desolate land of a nation of heroes, the American Army forced a German physician to save the life of a captive who had tried to commit suicide. The wretched man, who had surrendered in the mistaken belief that he was surrendering to civilized human beings, had contrived to find a piece of wire and twist it tightly about his throat in the hope of escaping the long, lingering, and exquisite tortures for which the self-righteous sadists reserved him.
The German physician grimly did what he was compelled to do, but he was a man. He looked the commanding officer in the eye and said calmly: "You Americans have done more than violate the law of nations. You have committed hybris. God will punish you, and if there is no god, Nature will."
Yes, Nature will.
To Americans who do not enjoy leading a precarious and degraded existence in the filth and stench of a multi-racial society, it will seem that Nature has already done so. But, in the vernacular phrase, they haven't seen anything yet.
When the syndicate of organized crime that governs the witless and spineless Americans began to tax the serfs for "aid" to "underdeveloped nations," rushing American food and medical skill to accelerate the savages' already prodigious rate of breeding, giving them American equipment and American engineers to industrialize their jungles, and naturally inciting them to rape and murder the Aryans caught in the newly independent "nations," the ineluctable consequences of that policy were obvious to every man who could perform simple arithmetical calculations.
I did no more that state a patent fact, long known to thoughtful observers, when, in an article published in 1963, (80) I wrote: "At the present rate, the globe, sometime between A.D. 2000 and 2005--that is to say, within forty years--will be infested by 5,000,000,000 anatomically human creatures, the maximum number for which food can be supplied by even the most intensive cultivation. And then, to keep the globe inhabitable at that bare subsistence level, it will be necessary to kill every year more people than now live in the United States--kill them with atomic bombs or clubs, as may be most convenient."
It will be less than twenty years now.
(80. American Opinion, December 1963, p. 23. The fact was obvious from the "exponential" increase in the world's population of non-Aryans and the geographic determination of the amount of arable land on the planet. But the ineluctable process of nature could have been, and was, foreseen long before the "population explosion" actually occurred. Sixty-seven years ago, before the First World War and while our race's absolute superiority and dominion over the planet seemed assured forever, the great and forgotten American philosopher, Correa Moylan Walsh, wrote in the first volume of his Climax of Civilization: "A return will set in of the re-active pressure of nature upon mankind.... The struggle for existence will again become sharp and bitter.... But woe to the people which has not men that will stand up and fight without flinching. Those countries where the moral decay shall have gone deepest, where the proved stock shall have died out and given way to poor stock, where the greatest effeminization of men shall have taken place (for the masculinization of women will be no compensation), where the strong and the wise and the shrewd shall gain no more of wealth, power, and influence than the weak, silly, and incompetent, all being equal,--those will go to the wall. And when this fate shall have overtaken most of our western white men's countries, our cycle of civilization will be completed.")
Meanwhile, the Americans, eager to show they have elephant-sized hearts and canary-sized brains, are importing into their already overpopulated and befouled country hordes of racial enemies who quite frankly boast that they will take over for themselves entire states and groups of states, expelling or killing the stupid Aryans, for whose idiotic generosity they have a supreme and justified contempt. For the details, I must again refer you to James Farrell's The Judas Syndrome. (81)
(81. See above, note 74. Since savages are constantly pouring into Florida from Haiti, I cannot forebear to notice a little-known historical fact. Abraham Lincoln, who was not a man without foresight and conscience, although he presided over the fratricidal war of aggression that ended the American Republic, actually began to put into practice his determination to export all Blacks from this country. On 31 December 1862, he approved contracts with entrepreneurs, chiefly from financial circles in New York City, to export 5000 Negroes to Haiti and resettle them there, at a cost to the government of fifty dollars a head. The contracts were carried out, but many of the Blacks were subsequently brought back to this country by "do-gooders" eager to afflict the white population.)
And now the promoters of "aid" to "underdeveloped nations" have discovered what they knew all along, that they hastened a catastrophe from which the opium of superstition and maudlin sentimentality will provide no refuge. The Club of Rome, which had been busy fostering international "understanding" and international looting, hired experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to report on "the predicament of mankind," and published the results in The Limits to Growth (London, 1972). What emerges from the report is a desperate hope that catastrophe can be postponed by de-industrializing the "emergent nations" and finding ways to kill off a large part of the prolific anthropoids, so that global starvation will not begin in 2000. There are many graphs to show the possible effects of miracles: if, for example, the yield of food by arable land were doubled by some inconceivable means, the starvation crisis could be postponed to 2024. The shock to tender minds is cushioned by speculations about the invention of "perfect" means of birth control, which will be made "available" to everyone--"available" being an euphemism for making the use of such means compulsory, which, being impossible, in turn means mandatory abortions, which are equally impossible of application to the most prolific races--and that makes nonsense of the bland assumption that all races are equal and are to be equally reduced. Talk about reducing the birth rate globally is mere verbiage: everyone who knows anything about the non-white races (except Jews) knows that the only practical means of control requires an enormous increase in the death-rate.
The Club of Rome's report also made projections that simply ignored the crucial question of food, and these showed that even if manna showered from the skies, essentially the same crisis and struggle for life would occur at approximately the same time from the exhaustion of the natural resources of our insanely exploited and ravaged earth, and also that if that factor be disregarded, the planet is being so polluted by its anthropoid parasites that, at no distant date, it will cease to sustain their life.
Some glimmering of reality penetrated even the fog in Washington and produced the Global 2000 report which, officially endorsed by the Secretary of State, calls for the elimination of two billion (2,000,000,000) human beings by the year 2000 to avert the otherwise inevitable chaos. The report is naturally evoking screams from the holy men, who like to orate about the day when Jesus will pop out of the clouds and raise Hell, but naturally cannot bear to think about reality, and from a wide variety of others, who find such ideas bad for their businesses. (82) There is much that can be criticized adversely in the report, but not the statistics, and it is the statistics that excite hysterical denials on the grounds that they are unpleasant. The gang in Washington is, of course, trying to use the report for its own purposes, but that is quite another matter.
(82. A particularly odd yell of blind indignation is the booklet, Global 2000, published by the "National Democratic Policy Committee" = the "U.S. Labor Party" = the mysteriously financed operations of one Lyndon LaRouche. The booklet is well worth reading for its sophistries.)
One thing is quite certain: the population of the globe is going to be drastically reduced within the next twenty years as the struggle for life begins in earnest. Christians will, no doubt, go on bleating about "the sanctity of human life," especially the lowest forms of it, but they might as well expound that silly notion, which only our race has ever taken seriously, (83) to a typhoon or an erupting volcano. The forces of nature do not listen to idle talk. Neither do mammals who must kill or be killed--unless they are degenerate and have lost the will to live.
(83. The even more absolute doctrine of the "sanctity of all life" appeared in the "Orthodox" religions of India and Buddhism while the Aryans were still dominant. In polyphyletic India of today, individuals who humanely avoid injuring the lice they remove from their hair associate with individuals who are votaries of Kali and believe that the highest religious merit is obtained by treacherously murdering a man whose confidence they have cleverly won. Such is the charming diversity of a multi-racial society.)
The population of the globe is going to be drastically reduced, and in the course of that reduction, it is virtually certain that the inferior races will become extinct, as Darwin foresaw, although not in the way he anticipated. (84) The only question is which races will not survive the inevitable war for survival.
(84. See above, note 3.)
Every species of mammal capable of conscious thought thinks itself as in some way superior, but a claim to racial superiority is particularly congenial to our race, which for long had proof of it in the mastery of the whole world which it suicidally discarded. Aryans still pride themselves on the superiority of their civilization, and it is undoubtedly superior, aesthetically, morally, intellectually, i.e., in terms of its own values, so that 'superiority' is merely a tautology. We must face the brutal fact that the only real superiority is biological, and is shown by a species' ability to survive and increase at the expense of others.
The colored races naturally multiply as do rabbits. In the coming struggle for survival they may eat each other, if they run out of white meat, but they will breed so rapidly that they will survive, unless a superior power makes an intensive effort to exterminate them.
The Jews, whose racial cohesion has made them a super-organism, are undoubtedly a superior species. Beginning as a wretched gang of marauders, they, in only 2500 years, scattered throughout the world while retaining with undeviating concentration the super-organic unity of their purpose, and achieved virtual mastery of the globe. That you may disapprove of their methods or their character is irrelevant. They have given proof of biological superiority. One wonders whether that superiority will enable them to consummate their total triumph or whether the super-organism is too inflexible, its instincts too fixed and rigid to cope with an entirely novel situation, so that the multiplex organism will perish in the chaos it has created, exulting, perhaps, in the total destruction in which it will also be destroyed.
So far as one can extrapolate from the present, disregarding our pathetic hopes for a psychological and biological miracle, there is one race which, by its own fatuity and degeneracy, seems likely to become extinct less than a century after it was master of the world.


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