
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ron Unz: the JFK Assassination, Comments 1

Ron Unz: the JFK Assassination, Comments 1


Joe Wazzzz says:
June 18, 2018 at 11:29 pm GMT • 500 Words

With respect to ballistics, almost anything is possible. The degree to which a bullet remains intact or the trajectory it takes is not predictable. The number of shots fired and heard in the echo canyon of a downtown area is not reliable.

With respect to Kennedy’s physical reactions, we can predict fluid dynamics. The first bullet to have struck Kennedy was in the back of the neck to which he slightly stiffens and grabs his throat in response. He immediately realizes that he has been shot. He can’t breathe and with the impact so close to his spine, he feels full body pain. His body immediately recognizes the impending danger. The second bullet that hits him strikes him in the back of the head killing him instantly. The cerebellum, unaffected by the bullet’s trajectory responds instantly and his body reacts reflexively by violently stiffening again. The bullet enters his cranium and sucks air in behind it while simultaneously creating tremendous intracranial pressure by pushing non-compressible water in his brain out ahead of it. The water and brain matter escapes through a break through in the forward side of his skull and his head and body are propelled backward in the opposite direction by the same escaping jet of water and brain matter. No frontal shooter, no big mystery there.

One of the earliest books to reveal the probable chain of events leading up to the assassination is Russo’s “Live by the Sword”. His findings appear to be buttressed by recent released documents. Oswald wasn’t an innocent but he could have easily been the patsy he claims to have been. It is well within the realm of possibility that Oswald was the lone shooter and that he could have shot the pattern of inaccuracy and accuracy he is accused of only to be abandoned or appear to be abandoned by his co-conspirators leading to the events at the theater.

With respect to Jack Ruby, everything stinks.

It is well within the realm of possibility, even probable, that Dulles, Hoover and Johnson, just to mention a few, had intelligence of something afoot and deliberately chose to ignore or suppress it. Their disgust for the Kennedys had to be a common topic of mutual disdain. They may have had a running bet. The Kennedy’s had created a huge number of very powerful enemies, people not averse to killing, who could have been complicit in the assassination either by direct or indirect conspiracy or by acquiescence. The copious flow of intelligence between the pro-Castro and anti-Castro factions, the Mafia, the CIA and FBI is well established as is the underhandedness of the Kennedy brothers.

It is even possible that one of the Secret Service officers in the trailing car accidentally fired the fatal shot in the excitement as has been reasonably posited. We can never know but such possibilities go a long way in answering much of the confusing testimony of those close to the event that simply don’t jibe with the official explanation.

renfro says:
June 18, 2018 at 11:38 pm GMT • 300 Words

Pay attention yourself.

You are contending that a former CIA director told the then CIA director what to do.
I doubt that.

Also pay attention and learn how to search for records that uphold your ‘opinions’.

For instance how Dulles got on the Warren Commission to begin with.

Nicholas Katzenbach has been credited with providing advice after the assassination of John F. Kennedy that led to the creation of the Warren Commission.
On November 28 he sent a memo to Johnson’s White House aide Bill Moyers recommending the formation of a Presidential Commission to investigate the assassination. To combat speculation of a conspiracy, Katzenbach said that the results of the FBI’s investigation should be made public.
He wrote, in part: “The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large”.
Johnson initially resisted calls for investigations beyond the FBI report, which was being written that first week – see his phone call with Washington Post columnist Joe Alsop. The long-told story that Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach and Justice Department lawyers were pushing for the “blue ribbon commission” is now shown to be only part of the truth.
The Johnson phone calls reveal that some powerful men outside the government played an important role in the push for a Presidential commission. Besides Alsop, these men include Eugene Rostow, Dean of Yale Law School, and Dean Acheson.

You can find all this in the:

transcripts of Johnson November 1963 phone calls from Nov 22 thru 30th

bj says:
June 18, 2018 at 11:45 pm GMT • 200 Words

“Evidence of Revision (The assassination of America)” is a ten hour documentary of archived footage of the spectacle that fateful day in Dallas, Texas when our nation constitutional heritage was decapitated by public sacrifice of John F. Kennedy the President of the United States of America.

I watched the documentary a few years ago, as I revisited the event which altered the course of my life and the lives of all Americans. The assassination made clear to anyone with intelligence and an open mind that our country and our lives are controlled, manipulated, and discarded by forces of evil in the background of the official narrative and history.

The in your face cover-up makes plain the contempt of the unseen cabal for the well being of humanity. The coup d’état, began a massive social engineering operation to destroy the highest aspirations of mankind and induce apathy and insanity leading to the destruction of human decency and the collapse of Western Civilization.


Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
June 18, 2018 at 11:56 pm GMT • 100 Words

The job in the warehouse wasn’t advertised. The friend with whom Marina stayed asked friends and neighbors if they knew if they knew of any job openings.

A warehouse employee lived right next door and told her about the job. Oswald commuted with him on Friday night and Monday mornings because Oswald lived in the city and spent the weekends with Marina in her friend’s house.

At least the man next door was able to testify that on the morning of the asassination Oswald brought from the house, into the car and into the warehouse a long narrow package wrapped in paper grocery bags just the size to hold a rifle.

Bombercommand says:
June 19, 2018 at 12:00 am GMT • 200 Words
@Jim Christian

Anyone who has ever hunted will recognize the kill shot wound in the back of President Kennedy’s head as an EXIT wound. This wound is at the lower right of the skull. Therefore the rifle could only be in front, and above the target. There is only one place the rifle shootist could have made that shot from: on top of The Triple Underpass. The entrance wound(a small hole as any hunter knows) is on top of President Kennedy’s skull hidden by his hair. The rifle shootist was one very cool operator, the first shot was to the throat to cause Kennedy to look down so the top of his head became the target, otherwise there would be a messy face shot, blowing the whole game. No shots were fired from The Grassy Knoll, only noise makers that sounded like rifle shots. This had two purposes. One, to cause everyone to look at The Grassy Knoll, the wrong direction, and two, as a signal to the driver of the limo to stop briefly, as is known he did, to give the real assassin on The Triple Underpass a still target.


Milton says:
June 19, 2018 at 12:07 am GMT • 200 Words

If we are to believe the Warren Commission, then the high powered Mannlicher Carcano was fired three times above the heads of the bystanders lining Elm Street. Dealey Plaza is a actually a small space, as anyone who as traveled there can attest. After watching the Zapruder film, I see no one reacting to a high powered rifle being fired three times a few stories above their heads. A little girl running suddenly stops and appears startled for a second, but this is the only strange reaction and it certainly does not appear to be the startled reaction of one exposed to high powered gunfire in such close proximity, especially since the adults lining Elm just continue to stand there like nothing is happening. My contention is that if a high powered rifle was being fired on the sixth floor of the TSBD, then we would have seen people hitting the deck just below on Elm Street. We see no such reaction on the Zfilm however. Kennedy and Connally were clearly hit by some sort of projectile behind the Stemmons sign and Kennedy clearly had his head blown off by some sort of projectile, but I highly doubt it was a Mannlicher Carcano firing unsuppressed from the TSBD.

June 19, 2018 at 12:12 am GMT • 100 Words

For a new theory about the JFK assassination, please take a look at this book: Partners in Crime: The Rockefeller, CFR, CIA and Castro Connection to the Kennedy Assassination. Lots of new information and a substantiated hypothesis. The author makes a thorough analysis of both the coverup, launched by the Warren Commission, and what he calls the post-coverup, launched as soon as Oliver Stone’s JFK hit the theaters. He studies the reasons why, even though Castro was the only one among the potential suspects who publicly threatened the Kennedy brothers with assassination, most books about the JFK assassination simply ignore Castro of up front or discards the possibility of him having played a role in the event. The author also analyzes the reasons why David Rockefeller and his Wall Street partners hated JFK so much.

Iris says:
June 19, 2018 at 12:44 am GMT • 100 Words

“The coup d’état, began a massive social engineering operation to destroy the highest aspirations of mankind and induce apathy and insanity leading to the destruction of human decency and the collapse of Western Civilization”.

The assassination of President Kennedy is considered a catastrophe of unprecedented scale by all decent and intelligent people, in Europe, in Africa, in the Middle-East, in Russia. His ethics were universal; his memory is alive and cherished far beyond “Western civilization”.


June 18, 2018 at 1:01 pm GMT

To see who killed JFK get the book "JFK the CIA and Vietnam" by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty can be had on amazon.com and watch his videos on y0utube.

seeing-thru says:
June 19, 2018 at 12:44 am GMT • 100 Words

Indeed. Col Prouty’s book goes way beyond just the JFK assassination, it makes you think about a lot of reported history. Prouty explains the entire political landscape in which JFK’s removal had sort of become almost inevitable. His book does not offer any “whodunit” answers which, he says, is almost impossible and in any case not as important as WHY it happened. Conspiracy theories are not always the result of vivid imaginations of malcontents; conspiracies are nothing but instances of planning. All matters of importance are planned, especially matters of state. His book sheds light on some of the unsavoury types and instances of planning, and shows JFK’s killing as yet another instance of such “planning”.

Completely endorse your recommendation about Col Fletcher Prouty’s book. It is a MUST READ, not only for the light it sheds on the JFK affair but for its overall political educational value.


gp says:
June 19, 2018 at 1:13 am GMT • 300 Words

Carcano 6.5mm runs around 2300fps. That’s high velocity. It’s a powerful round that had exactly the expected terminal effects on JFK’s head. I shoot old milsurp rifles, I know what I’m talking about. What you see at Zapruder frame 313 is precisely what happens when you get hit from behind/left with a 2300fps 162gr projectile. To say “JFK was killed by a High Velocity weapon and Oswald didn’t have one” is complete bilge.

Whether Oswald’s specific scoped rifle was accurate enough depends on the luck of the draw. Some milsurp rifles have good bores, some are terrible. I agree that Z313 was a difficult, extraordinarily good/lucky 1 out of 4 shot at a moving target in a short interval. I’ve seen no evidence that Oswald practiced such a shot ever, not even in Marine training. As other people have pointed out here, there were easier/more certain ways to kill JFK than this risky plan.

The JFK assassination certainly presents an enormous quantity of strange facts and an even stranger cast of characters. How many returned defector veterans lived in the USA in 1963? There can’t have been many to choose from. Did the conspirators say “We need a patsy, but where are we going to find a wacko returned defector commie? Oh wow look at this Oswald guy, what a strange bird!” Did they pick the time and location before the patsy, or was the Dallas parade selected solely because the patsy lived there? It would have taken a long time to recruit/groom the patsy before Nov 1963, without any guarantee JFK would ever tour Dallas.

redmudhooch says:
June 19, 2018 at 1:55 am GMT • 1,500 Words

Israel’s Mossad was a primary (and critical) behind the scenes player in the conspiracy that ended the life of JFK. 

Through its own vast resources and through its international contacts in the intelligence community and in organised crime, Israel had the means, it had the opportunity, and it had the motive to play a major frontline role in the crime of the century – and it did.

Israel’s motive for the assassination was Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion’s outrage at JFK’s opposition to Israel becoming a nuclear power, and that in his final days as Prime Minister Ben-Gurion commanded the Mossad to become involved in a plot to kill America’s president. JFK’s assassination served the dual purpose of eliminating not only the threat to Israel’s nuclear ambitions, but also the need for the AZC to register as a foreign agent. So when Vice President Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) was sworn in as JFK’s successor, he wasted no time in increasing Israel’s arms budget and also turned a blind eye to its nuclear arms development program. A further blow to the integrity and independence of the U.S. Senate occurred in November 1963, when Nicholas Katzenbach replaced RFK as Attorney General with the result that the AZC evaded registration and calculatingly morphed into the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman JW Fulbright became convinced that unregistered Israeli foreign agents were a serious matter in 1961. A classified staff report worried that:

“In recent years there has been an increasing number of incidents involving attempts by foreign governments, or their agents, to influence the conduct of American foreign policy by techniques outside normal diplomatic channels….there have been occasions when representatives of other governments have been privately accused of engaging in covert activities within the United States and elsewhere, for the purpose of influencing United States Policy (the Lavon Affair).”

The Lavon Affair referred to Israeli false-flag terror attacks on US facilities in Egypt, in the interest of preventing the handover of the Suez Canal to Egyptian control. The Israeli spies were caught and prosecuted by Egypt, while the disclosure of the attacks created a diplomatic crisis.

During the course of the 1960s Senate and Justice Department investigations, it was revealed that Israel was funneling millions of dollars to unregistered foreign agents in America to lobby for foreign aid to Israel, set up think tanks, engage in Madison Avenue public relations, fund lobbying newsletters, and establish an umbrella organization called the American Zionist Council (AZC).

Within the AZC was an unincorporated unit that lobbied congress called the “American Israel Public Affairs Committee.”

On November 21, 1962, the Department of Justice ordered the AZC to begin registering as an Israeli foreign agent. This touched off an intense battle between the Justice Department and the AZC which outlasted both JFK and RFK. The bloodied and bruised Justice Department hid away its files on the affair until they were finally declassified and released in 2008.

The effort to register Israel’s foreign agents clearly failed. Just 42 days after the Justice Department order, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee incorporated itself in Washington and took over the AZC’s functions. Since the year it was ordered to register—as part of the AZC—AIPAC has extracted an inflation-adjusted $250 billion from US taxpayers for its foreign principals. Influencing the conduct of US policy “by techniques outside normal diplomatic channels” has never stopped.

If AIPAC had complied with the 1962 FARA order, by now it would have filed 109 required biennial reports (1963-2017) of its activities. It would have had to detail joint efforts with Israeli operatives. These include a 1975 incident in which AIPAC Director Morris Amitay circulated classified information about a proposed US Hawk missile sale to Jordan. AIPAC’s FARA file would have had to detail AIPAC staffers Steven Rosen, Douglas Bloomfield and Ester Kurz 1984 receipt of stolen classified information taken from US industry groups opposed to allowing duty free imports from Israel into the United States. Of course, the FARA disclosure would include details on two AIPAC executives, Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, who from 2002-2004 solicited and received stolen classified national defense information from Colonel Lawrence Franklin about Iran and other matters which they passed to the Israeli embassy. The pair attempted to contextualize and place the stolen classified national defense information in the Washington Post to precipitate a US attack on Iran.

The lobby that Israel and its supporters have built in the United States to make all this aid happen, and to ban discussion of it from the national dialogue, goes far beyond AIPAC, with its $15 million budget, its 150 employees, and its five or six registered lobbyists who manage to visit every member of Congress individually once or twice a year.

AIPAC, in turn, can draw upon the resources of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, a roof group set up solely to coordinate the efforts of some 52 national Jewish organizations on behalf of Israel.

Among them are Hadassah, the Zionist women’s organization, which organizes a steady stream of American Jewish visitors to Israel; the American Jewish Congress, which mobilizes support for Israel among members of the traditionally left-of-center Jewish mainstream; and the American Jewish Committee, which plays the same role within the growing middle-of-the-road and right-of-center Jewish community. The American Jewish Committee also publishes Commentary, one of the Israel lobby’s principal national publications.

Perhaps the most controversial of these groups is B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League. Its original highly commendable purpose was to protect the civil rights of American Jews. Over the past generation, however, the ADL has regressed into a conspiratorial and, with a $45 million budget, extremely well funded hate group.

In the 1980s, during the tenure of chairman Seymour Reich, who went on to become chairman of the Conference of Presidents, ADL was found to have circulated two annual fund-raising letters warning Jewish parents against allegedly negative influences on their children arising from the increasing Arab presence on American university campuses.

More recently, FBI raids on ADL’s Los Angeles and San Francisco offices revealed that an ADL operative had purchased files stolen from the San Francisco police department that a court had ordered destroyed because they violated the civil rights of the individuals on whom they had been compiled. ADL, it was shown, had added the illegally prepared and illegally obtained material to its own secret files, compiled by planting informants among Arab-American, African-American, anti-Apartheid and peace and justice groups.

The ADL infiltrators took notes of the names and remarks of speakers and members of audiences at programs organized by such groups. ADL agents even recorded the license plates of persons attending such programs and then suborned corrupt motor vehicles department employees or renegade police officers to identify the owners.

Most special interests have PACs, as do many major corporations, labor unions, trade associations and public-interest groups. But the pro-Israel groups went wild. To date some 126 pro-Israel PACs have been registered, and no fewer than 50 have been active in every national election over the past generation.

An individual voter can give up to $2,000 to a candidate in an election cycle, and a PAC can give a candidate up to $10,000. However, a single special interest with 50 PACs can give a candidate who is facing a tough opponent, and who has voted according to its recommendations, up to half a million dollars. That’s enough to buy all the television time needed to get elected in most parts of the country.

Even candidates who don’t need this kind of money certainly don’t want it to become available to a rival from their own party in a primary election, or to an opponent from the opposing party in a general election. As a result, all but a handful of the 535 members of the Senate and House vote as AIPAC instructs when it comes to aid to Israel, or other aspects of U.S. Middle East policy.

There is something else very special about AIPAC’s network of political action committees. Nearly all have deceptive names. Who could possibly know that the Delaware Valley Good Government Association in Philadelphia, San Franciscans for Good Government in California, Cactus PAC in Arizona, Beaver PAC in Wisconsin, and even Icepac in New York are really pro-Israel PACs under deep cover?

In fact, the congress members know it when they list the contributions they receive on the campaign statements they have to prepare for the Federal Election Commission. But their constituents don’t know this when they read these statements. So just as no other special interest can put so much “hard money” into any candidate’s election campaign as can the Israel lobby, no other special interest has gone to such elaborate lengths to hide its tracks.

Michael Collins Piper – Final Judgement -The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy

CanSpeccy says: • Website
June 19, 2018 at 2:51 am GMT • 400 Words

Lots of people had reason to want Kennedy dead. But few were in a position to (a) kill Kennedy, and (b) get away with it.

Among those who hated Kennedy was Lyndon Baines Johnson. If Johnson had not been on the ticket with Kennedy, Kennedy would almost certainly have lost, what was a very close election, to Nixon. Yet in office, Kennedy treated Johnson with contempt, or so Johnson complained, and Johnson was not a man to cross.

Others who hated Kennedy were the CIA, which Kennedy is alleged to have promised to “splinter into a thousand pieces and scatter to the wind.” In addition, the CIA operatives responsible for the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba hated Kennedy for his failure to back the operation when the heat was on. And then there was Allen Dulles, the CIA chief Kennedy had just fired.

So there you have LBJ, the greatest beneficiary of the assassination, and the CIA, with both means and motive. In particlular, the CIA almost certainly had control of the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald by way of George H.W. Bush’s friend George De Morhenschildt, and likely Oswald’s killer, Jack Ruby, too.

Once the operation was complete, Johnson, the greatest beneficiary of the killing, was immediately in a position to assist in the cover up. In that connection, Johnson appointed Gerald Ford to the Warren Commission that investigated the assassination, and Gerald Ford, who Johnson once remarked could not find his arse with both hands, was responsible for a rewording of the autopsy report, raising the location of the supposed entry wound in Kennedy’s neck by three inches to more closely conform to the magic bullet theory. In addition, LBJ arranged for Allen Dulles to serve on the Warren Commission, in which capacity Dulles played the principal role in shaping the Report’s dubious conclusions.

As for the Mafia, who had reason to fear the Kennedy’s, they likely did the shooting under contract to the CIA, with Howard Hunt (one time boss of William F. Buckley, Jr.) and friends serving as bench warmers, according to Hunt’s deathbed confession.

So pretty much everything falls into place, which is more than you can say of any other scenario.
    Since the mid-1960s law enforcement and regulatory agencies suspected a small nuclear processing facility in Pennsylvania had illegally diverted U.S. government-owned weapons-grade nuclear material into Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. The Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation received start-up capital organized by a mysterious former smuggler with deep and ongoing ties to Israeli intelligence. FBI investigations revealed NUMEC President Zalman Mordecai Shapiro also had repeated unexplained interactions with Israeli intelligence and organized a joint venture with the primary front organization of the Israeli nuclear weapons program. According to a 2001 US Department of Energy report, NUMEC still holds the record for the highest losses of bomb-grade material of any plant in the United States.


    The office of Sen Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania attempted to obtain a statement from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission according to documents newly released under the Freedom of Information Act. On Aug 27 2009, Arlen Specter wrote to Rebecca Schmidt asking that the NRC “issue a formal public statement confirming that he [constituent Zalman Shapiro] was not involved in any activities related to the diversion of uranium to Israel.” Zalman Shapiro was formerly president of the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation at Apollo, PA.

 Here’s proof on the day it happened. The secret service agents were called off of Kennedys car. Look at the beginning at the handles on the back of the Presidents car. The agents were supposed to hang on to those. Places to stand were on the bumper. They were called off, see for yourself. Then…he was killed.

Anon[271] • Disclaimer says:
June 19, 2018 at 9:22 am GMT • 300 Words
@Dillon Sweeny

The scope mounted on the rifle was found by the FBI to be massively misaligned. Given that the US is a gun-crazed country you would expect the details of all this to be common knowledge, but in fact the details are rare and hard to find.

The FBI tested the rifle and found that it shot 2.5″ to 4″ high at 15 yards. You can easily calculate from basics how far it was misaligned at 90 yards. Given a scope height of 2″ above the barrel, if the rifle is shooting 4″ high at 15 yards the barrel is actually shooting 6″ high. Assuming a straight bullet path to 90 yards, the amount the barrel is shooting high at 90 yards is 90/15 x 6 = 36″ high.

In order to cover this up, the FBI testers then adjusted the scope as much as possible and got it shooting about 2″-5″ high at 100 yards. They then pretended this was the amount it was actually misaligned when Oswald was allegedly shooting it at Kennedy. The Warren Commission happily went along with this pretense.

The rifle scope was eventually fitted with a shim under the front screw to enable correct adjustment. Now you might say that probably the rifle was dropped or something like this which put the scope out.

However, JFK researcher John Lattimer (a believer in the official theory) purchased 4 Carcano rifles and scope sets identical to the alleged murder weapon during the 1960′s and found they all required shims under the scope to obtain correct alignment. (Shim fitting and scope alignment was not done by Kleins the gun dealer).

Using a ballistics program JFK researcher Robert Prudhomme also found that given the figures provided by the FBI, the scope was misaligned by 36″ at 90 yards. There’s some discussion at Deep Politics forum “The FBI’s Fib About the Mannlicher Carcano”



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