3. "USA" nursing Islam to destabilize the "Soviet Union" - construction of WTC - remote controlled airplanes
![]() Boeing for example from American Airlines AA, with remote control as all "American" airplanes from Boeing in the "USA" have | ![]() Mullah Ayatollah Khomenei, a "tool" of the CIA against the Soviet Union |
Andreas von Bülow: CIA and the 11 September. International Terror an The Role Of the Secret Services
[orig.: "Die CIA und der 11. September. Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste"]. Piper edition. Munich/Zurich 2003]
"USA": World dominance in the underground by liquidation of so called communists
The "US" "services" are liquidating the politicians of liberation movements in several countries of the "Third World" because they are rated as potential communists (p.35).
Remote control: GB develops the remote control of airplanes for fighting jets
with remote controlled starts and landings (p.189-190).
1950 approx.
Iran: Minister president Mossadegh has the courage to demand for more oil profit for his country
-- Mossadegh demands the rise of the state's part concerning the oil profits of the international oil companies
-- Mossadegh demands partly even the nationalization of the oil industry
->> the European and "American" industrial powers are alarmed and plan a putsch (p.34)
Iran: The Shah gets to the government
-- in a common action of English and "American" secret services
-- with the protection by the mullahs who are against any democracy
-- minister president Mossadegh is disassembled (S.34).
March 1962
Cuba war plan by General Lemnitzer for Kennedy: Operation Northwoods - Kennedy rejects
-- the plan is made in the name and with the signature of the united chief of staff
-- Kennedy should begin a hidden bloody terror war against the own country with murders in the "USA" in the streets, with hits against fugitive boats from Cuba, with outbreak of terror at Washington C.C., Miami etc., with hijacked airplane, a plane with "American" students on a flight to holiday to Jamaica, Guatemala or Venezuela should be exchanged and the exchanged empty plane should be shoot down etc.
-- by this the mood in the "American" public should be manipulated in favor of an invasion against Cuba
-- for the bomb terror not guilty people should be blamed, and evidence should be faked
-- also possible would be to pretend a launch of an "American" fighting jet by Cuban MIGs over the international Sea
->> Kennedy resigns this plan and by this the plan stays in the list of the CIA (p.230).
In: John W.Whitehead: Operation Northwoods: Déjà vu or Coincidence? ["Operation Northwoods: Already seen somewhere, or coincidence?"]; In: http://www.razormouth.com, 3 March 2003 (2005 not actual any more)
About the planned operation Northwoods against Cuba see e.g.: http://www.newsatelier.de/html/northwoods.html
Remote control: The "American" air defense performs remote controlled starts and landings with remote controlled fighting jets
e.g. from California to Australia and back (p.194)
In: Carol A.Valentine: Operation 911 - No Suicide Pilots; Rense.com
Remote control: "USA": Development of a remote control "Flight Control System" for civil airplanes by DARPA
DARPA in the Pentagon is responsible for the realization of military developments for the civil market. DARPA develops a remote control system also for civil airliners under the pretext that it would be possible to take a hijacked airplane out of the hijackers hands and to land the airplane safe. The system contains:
-- listening operator for cockpit talks
-- the takeover of the whole airplane management and an automatized landing as if it would be a remote controlled model airplane
-- all is going by a code from "super secret" computers
-- the maximum number of airplanes to be remote controlled at the same time is 4
->> misuse is possible when the code of the "super secret" computers is known (p.190).
-- the remote control can operate the hydraulic systems over the sensors of the automatic pilot
-- in the computer all details of the map of the airports are saved ("Avionic"), so a remote controlled landing is also possible when there is no sight (p.191).
in: Joe Vialls: Home Run. Electronically Hijacking the World Trade Center Attack Aircraft; Oct. 2001, latest revision 11.4.2002
The WTC is built - there is not too much profit with it
"The office rooms of the WTC towers never were fully rented, and the business was not at all a huge profit."
(orig.: "Die Büroräume der WTC-Türme waren nie voll ausgelastet, das Geschäft keineswegs übermässig profitabel." (p.212)
since 1972
The air forces of Europe and in the "USA" are prepared to airplane attacks
(p.177), during the opening session of the Olympic games at Munich e.g. has to be caught an airplane from Yugoslavia which comes near to the Olympia site, and defense minister Leber is glad that he had not to give the order to shoot the plane down (p.176-177).
since middle of the 1970s / since 1975 ca.
Remote control: The "flight control system" is implanted in all Boeing airplanes
-- landings without sight are always possible (p.191)
-- there are separate channels planted in the board computers ("back doors"), promoted by the DARPA, with a port to the "flying control system" (p.192)
Remote control: Development of transponders for an automatic contact between cockpit and earth control
The transponders give to the earth control
-- a signal of the number of the airplane
-- a signal of the position of the airplane
-- signals to omit a collision
-- and the transponder can also serve as a directional receiver for a remote control of the airplane (p.192).
-- all functions can be steered by the transponder from outside (p.192)
-- the flight recorder and the voice recorder from the cockpit are not functioning during this time when the remote control is longer than 30 minutes, so after 30 minutes the bands are empty (p.193).
Remote control: European companies do not want the remote control in their airliners
The operators in the board computers are taken out. But up to the year 2000 about 600 "American" airliners have the remote control with their "back doors" in their board computer installed. Other European airlines do not trust to the remote control system and take the remote control operation systems off (p.193).
In: Carol A.Valentine: Operation 911 - No Suicide Pilots; Rense.com
since 1976 approx.
Long time tactics of Zbigniew Brzezinski against the "SU" with support of Islam e.g. in Afghanistan
-- plan of Zbigniew Brzezinski, safety "consultant" of president Carter, and the plan is performed since the 1970s
-- with the aim to install a belt of Islamic states around the "SU" so the Muslim neighbor populations of the "SU" are destabilized, and by this whole "SU" will be destabilized (p.34)
The "USA" manipulates Iran and Iraq one against the other - Israel supports Iran
Iran: Ayatollah revolution: "USA" tolerates the fundamentalist revolution
and accepts the mullahs under Khomeini who is coming from Paris exile: The action should destabilize the "SU" (p.34).
[But the "SU" is financed by "US" banks, so it's only a very destructive play with the world of the stupid "USA"].
"USA"-Iraq: The "US" administration promotes Saddam Hussein
-- Saddam is taking over the whole power with the help of the CIA (p.34-35)
-- the CIA delivers Saddam a list of the persons who should be neutralized, about 5,000 persons who are dangerous concerning the oil policy: Saddam is following the list and lets murder all about 5,000 people (p.35).
"USA"-Iraq: The "US" policy is pushing Saddam to a war against Iran with the promise Iran would be weak because of the Mullahs
The pretended aim is:
-- the spread of the Mullah revolution has to be hindered
-- Iraq should have as compensation for the war some more Iran oil fields and the West is friendly to him and any wish is fulfilled for Saddam (p.35), above all arm's delivery (p.35-36)
-- the "USA" urge the states of the Arab peninsula to support Saddam against Iran with the aim to weaken the fundamentalist regime there, because the "USA" want this kind of regime only on the border to the "SU" (p.35)
-- the "USA" grant Saddam financial aid for weapons with money from the agriculture programs (export support), not authorized by the Congress
-- according to Bülow Iraq becomes a "weapon's Eldorado" and Iraq becomes one of the worldwide meeting centers for the international secret services
-- "USA" deliver to Saddam production resources and raw material for chemical weapons, against any blocking treaty, over the intermediary Barbouti, e.g. machines are produced in Hong Kong and delivered over Germany to Iraq, then the scandal is coming out in Germany, but at the same time the British "American" connections are hardly published in the media, and the media blame Germany to bring Israel's existence in danger by chemical weapons delivered to Saddam, without telling the whole story of the British and "American" activities
-- the weapon producers are discharged
-- the "American" and the British exporters are not mentioned in the press (p.36).
Saddam's war against Iran: Manipulations by CIA for Iraq - and by the Mossad for Iran
The details about this manipulated war are cruel:
-- poison gas is deployed which was produced by machines traded by "American" and British hands
-- Donald Rumsfeld visits Saddam in charge of Reagan and knows of the poison gas attacks
-- the "USA" deliver Saddam biological weapons, underneath is Anthrax (p.36)
-- "US" secret services deliver Iraq satellite fotos of Iran positions, fotos of the Iran forces etc.
-- "US" secret services also deliver the counter part, Iran, with satellite fotos, e.g. together with Mossad, to hinder an Iraqi breakthrough
-- Europe delivers weapons to Iraq, and Israel to Iran
-- Israel itself gets new weapons from the "USA" which are resold to Iran with a 300% price surcharge, and by this operations the secret Israeli party accounts are filled up (p.37).
"USA" ban Iran with an embargo: A project for a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan over Iran and over Turkey is deleted
and the new plan is a gas pipeline over Pakistan and Afghanistan to the Indian Ocean, and for this there is a friendly government in Afghanistan needed (p.47).
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