
Library of Professor Richard A. Macksey in Baltimore



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Alan Cantwell-Is Cancer Contagious?

Is Cancer Contagious?

By Alan Cantwell, M.D.

  • Cancer Mysteries
  • Lymphoma Cancer
  • The Cancer Microbe
  • Death by Cancer
  • Cancer: One Disease or Many?
  • Is Cancer Contagious?
  • Man-Made Viruses
  • Coping with Cancer

Jackie Kennedy's rapid death from "Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" cancer in May I994 shocked and saddened the world. Now officials of the American Cancer Society are hinting that some lymphomas may be caused by viruses. If so, are these viruses contagious? And how can we protect ourselves from them? What do we really know about the origin and cause of cancer? Are these new cancer viruses related to cancer-causing retroviruses like HIV (the AIDS virus)?
As a rich woman, Mrs. Kennedy-Onassis received the best treatment for her disease at one of the most prestigious cancer hospitals in New York. Yet, within 5 months of the discovery of her lymphoma, she was dead. Even in my most paranoid state I cannot conceive of any sinister aspect of her demise. However, it is a well kept secret in medical circles that the required treatment for cancer, particularly chemotherapy and radiation, can sometimes hasten the death of cancer patients. For example, one of my patients had "routine" treatment for Hodgkin's disease, which consisted of extensive surgery followed by radiation to the chest and abdomen. After he re covered from this, he was given an intensive course of chemotherapy. Within a year of his diagnosis, and less than four months after chemotherapy, he died. At autopsy, there was no evidence of cancer. His death was caused by fatal damage to his heart and lungs by the radiation treatment he received. How much of Jackie's death can be attributed to the treatment she underwent for cancer will never be known.
Cancer kills more American women than any other disease. Cancer of the breast is the No1 killer in Anglo, Black, Latina, Chinese and Japanese-American women. No one knows the reason for this. Jackie's cancer, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, is among the top 10 most common forms of cancer in all races, except for Blacks. Again, no one knows why. Why do Chinese-American men have a high risk of liver cancer, when the disease is decidedly uncommon in other Americans? Why is the prostate cancer rate among Blacks in Los Angeles county 60% higher than in Anglos; and 80% higher than Asians? Why do Anglo men have a bladder cancer rate twice that of other groups? No one has an adequate explanation for these cancer occurrences.
Lymphoma Cancer
There are three major types of lymphoma cancer: Hodgkin's disease, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and a type of lymphoma which affects the skin called mycosis fungoides. All lymphoma patients may experience similar symptoms. The exact type of lymphoma requires diagnosis by a pathologist, and depends on the microscopic appearance of the cancerous cells and tissue. The "classification" of lymphoma types is in constant flux and reappraisal. Strangely, the cancer cells of Jackie's Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were reported as a new type called "Ki-1."
Hodgkin's disease is one of the very few forms of cancer that has long been considered as having a possible infectious origin. For decades, epidemiologists have recognized "cluster cases' of Hodgkin's. The actual number of cases was so high in certain communities that it was highly unlikely to be due to statistical chance. Even so, definite proof of a Hodgkin's disease agent has not been forthcoming. Some scientists are now suspecting a possible cancer causing retrovirus.
All this would not surprise my mentor, the late Virginia Livingston MD, who for 40 years claimed that various bacterial and viral forms of "the cancer microbe" were responsible for the infectiousness and possible contagiosity of cancer. Long before the discovery of the AIDS virus, she stressed care in the sexual arena, as well as the importance of hygiene, diet and supplements in the treatment of cancer. Her use of vaccines made from the patient's own cancer bacteria ultimately resulted in the condemnation of her cancer research and her treatment methods for cancer. Robert Gallo MD, the co-discoverer of the AIDS virus, denounced her scientific work as insanity.
Over the past century physicians have refused to believe that an infectious agent could cause cancer. In the 1970s, scientists proved that animal cancer viruses were capable of causing cancer, but there was no proof that viruses caused human cancer. Now with the discovery of cancer-causing retroviruses, such as the AIDS virus, doctors are reconsidering the idea. The history of modem medicine seems to prove Cantwell's law that "Most physicians are wrong in their understanding of most diseases, most of the time."
Why is Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma one of the fastest rising cancers in the U.S.? Is the rise related to drug use (legal and illegal), immunosuppression from environmental sources, or radiation effects? No one knows. My own published research into the cause of all three types of lymphoma indicates that "cancer microbes" are the infectious agent. My studies confirm Livingston's research, as well as the cancer microbe research of dozens of other scientists throughout the world who have implicated bacteria in various forms of cancer. This work is documented in my book The Cancer Microbe (1990). Over thirty of my published papers on AIDS, cancer, and other immunologic diseases, are available in medical libraries. And anyone hooked into a computer network can get abstracts of these papers through "Medlars 11," the National Library of Medicine's computer retrieval service.
The startling cancer microbe discoveries are ignored by the cancer establishment. Undoubtedly the recognition of a heretofore unnoticed infectious agent in cancer and AIDS would provoke havoc in medical science. Thus, cancer bacteria remain "in the closet" and the research "politically incorrect."
So many people have been done in by cancer at a convenient time in history that conspiracy buffs wonder if you can "give" people cancer. I recall the propitious cancer deaths of Jack Ruby, William Casey, Martha Mitchell, the Shah of Iran, Mae Brussell, and others. (Even O.J. Simpson was tested for lymphoma cancer in a swollen lymph node while imprisoned awaiting trial for murder.) Can you kill people by injecting them with cancer viruses and bacteria? Of course! No one in their right mind would want blood from a dying cancer or AIDS patient. Can you give a person cancer? If cancer in animals can be caused by injecting them with cancer viruses and bacteria, it would certainly be possible to do the same with human beings!
The American Cancer Society constantlv reminds us that there are many "different" kinds of cancer. This concept is highly effective in raising money for each type of cancer that the ACS promotes. But in reality there is a close relationship between certain forms of cancer, particularly lymphoma and leukemia (cancer of the blood). In the 1970s, virologists discovered that animal retrovirus infection (similar to the AIDS virus) could cause an increase in lymphoma and leukemia in the animals, as well as immunosuppression. In 1983, a year before the official discovery of HIV, Harvard veterinarian Myron Essex found that 25% of gay AIDS patients had viral antibodies to blood from a case of "human T-cell leukemia," caused by a new retrovirus called "human T-cell leukemia virus-1." When Robert Gallo announced his discovery of the AIDS virus in 1984, he believed the virus was related to this new family of leukemia viruses. Thus, he first named the AIDS virus "Human T-cell leukemia virus-3." Later, the virus was renamed HIV: the human immunodeficiency virus.
When the AIDS virus (HIV) was introduced into the gay community in the late 1970s, the incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma (a previously rare form of cancer), as well as the incidence of Non-Hodgkin's disease, began to skyrocket in HIV-infected gay men. Both types of cancer had previously been associated with immunodepression. For example, in the mid-1970s the normal incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma increased 400 to 500 times in transplant patients who were routinely immunosuppressed with prescribed drugs as part of the procedure. In 1981, the year the AIDS epidemic became official, Bijan Safai and Robert Good, scientists at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, declared a close association between Kaposi's sarcoma, leukemia and lymphoma. They proposed all three cancers be considered "as part of a spectrum of disease affecting the lymphoreticular system."
The American Cancer Society is unlikely to remind its contributors that treatment for one form of cancer can cause the formation of another "different" cancer. For instance, after chemotherapy about three percent of Hodgkin's disease patients go on to develop Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or leukemia. Officially, the reason for these "second cancers" is unknown. Surprisingly, most cancer experts assume two different diseases are involved. They theorize that chemotherapeutic drugs depress the immune system, resulting in the development of "new" cancers.

Physicians now understand that sexually transmitted retroviruses, such as HIV, can cause cancer and immunosuppression. Nevertheless, doctors continue to tell patients (unless they are gay) that cancer isneither infectious or contagious. What about the transmissability of new retroviruses that have been identified in certain human leukemia cases? So far, the cancer establishment is not commenting. Do cancer viruses and the increasing rates of certain forms of cancer, such as Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, have a relationship to the AIDS epidemic? In the absence of a positive HIV test, I would say no. (Both Jackie Kennedy and O.J. Simpson tested negative for HIV.) In my book, Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot (1993), I describe the genetic engineering of animal cancer viruses in the early 1970s that, in my opinion, resulted in the creation the AIDS virus. (Are there any readers who actually believe AIDS comes from African green monkeys?)
Whether one agrees with the idea that AIDS is a man-made epidemic, it is a fact that we now deal with viruses that are "natural" (so-called endogenous viruses); and viruses that are genetically manipulated, man-made, and "unnatural" (exogenous viruses). These laboratory-created viruses are now used as an integral part of the new gene splicing technology. Engineered and altered animal cancer viruses, such as the mouse leukemia virus, have already been used in human genetic experiments. If cancer viruses can be injected into people to make them well, they certainly can be injected into people to make them sick! Can genetically engineered viruses be covertly seeded into select populations for political and genocidal purposes? Was the "introduction" of the AIDS virus into the Black African population, and into the U.S. gay male population, a deliberate attempt to eliminate these groups? Govemment AIDS experts repeatedly tell us that AIDS began as a Black African disease when an African green monkey "jumped species." The U.S. public was initially told AIDS is a "gay" disease, caused by anal sex and drugs. But who can conceive of a Black heterosexual epidemic in Africa that transformed itself into an exclusively young white gay male epidemic in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco?
Recently a physician colleague referred a patient to me with a written diagnosis of "AIDS caused by homosexuality." This indicates how powerful and effective the government’s disinformation program has been in convincing the public (and some physicians) that AIDS is a gay disease. Now that 4 million men and women are infected with HIV worldwide, do people really think most were sodomized?
Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis's death from cancer, despite access to the best treatments and doctors that money could buy, certainly justifies a degree of cancerophobia. Her rapid demise makes us wonder if her treatment killed her quicker that her lymphoma. (Some lymphoma patients live for many years.) But did she have any treatment options? If you had cancer, would you go against the advice and wisdom of a cancer expert? Who would turn down chemotherapy and radiation if they thought it would save their life? How do doctors separate the toxic effects of cancer from the toxic effects of treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs, surgery, radiation and sterids? Will doctors be able to save us if we are diagnosed with cancer? Can we catch cancer-causing viruses from our family, our friends, our lovers? Is this reason for paranoia? You bet it is!"
Doctor Cantwell is the author of The Cancer Microbe, Queer Blood: The Secret AIDSGenocide Plot ($12.95), and AIDS: The Mystery & The Solution ($9.95). All books are available from Aries Rising Press, P0 Box 29532, Los Angeles, CA 90029. (213) 462 6458. Enclose $2.00 s&h for one book; $3.00 s&h for two or more. CA residents must add sales tax.

by Alan Cantwell Jr
Why does the medical establishment ignore "cancer microbe" research that could lead to a cure for mankind's most dreaded disease?
A century ago physicians began to realise that diseases like tuberculosis, leprosy, and syphilis were caused by bacteria. At the time, some scientists believed cancer was also caused by microbes. However, although bacteria were cultured from some cancers, no consistent microbe was found. Because cancer did not act like a contagious and infectious disease scientists finally declared that there was no germ in cancer. After the turn of the century, physicians who continued to believe in the existence of a cancer microbe were considered to be of unsound mind.
Over the past few decades viruses (but not bacteria) have been shown to cause some cancers. Retrovirus infection with HIV (the AIDS virus) can lead to cancer through destruction of the immune system. In the late 1970s, when HIV was first introduced into the U.S. gay population the sudden epidemic of a previously rare cancer called Kaposi's sarcoma made physicians suspect that homosexuals were spreading a cancer-causing virus. Later, it was found that HIV does not directly cause KS, and the exact cause of this cancer is still not known.
Decades before AIDS it was also known (but rarely publicised) that heterosexual activity carried a risk for cancer. Epidemiologists knew that highly promiscuous women had a greater chance of developing cervical cancer, the second most common female cancer. For example, studies clearly showed that prostitutes were at much higher risk for cervical cancer than nuns. Female genital cancer is now blamed on sexually-transmitted penile wart viruses (so called papilloma viruses). According to a Los Angeles Times report (June 7, 1995), cancer researchers now recognise that the vast majority of women worldwide who have cervical cancer develop it from contagious papilloma viruses. Although cancer is considered a chronic disease, cancer can sometimes act like an acute infectious disease. For. example, Jackie Kennedy died rapidly from lymphoma cancer, and Mickey Mantle quickly succumbed to liver cancer.
Although viruses are now accepted as a cause of some cancers a small group of physicians and scientists believe cancer is caused by bacteria. No one has done more to popularize the "cancer microbe" theory of cancer than Virginia Livingston-Wheeler. M.D., who died in 1990.
Livingston first discovered bacteria in an auto-immune disease called scleroderma in 1947. Like the bacteria that caused tuberculosis and leprosythe scleroderma microbes were rod-shaped and stained "acid-fast." Aided by a team of pathologists, dermatologists and microbiologists, Livingston also discovered similar acid-fast bacteria in various forms of cancer.
The bacteria isolated from cancer and scleroderma were most unusual. Depending on their environment in laboratory culture the microbes had a peculiar ability to change size and shape-a biologic characteristic known as pleomorphism. The most common forms resembled round-shaped staphlo coccus bacteria or rod-shaped bacteria. Larger forms of the microbe resembled yeast and fungi. The tiniest forms were virus-like and too small to be seen in an ordinary microscope, but they could be visualized with an electron microscope that magnified the microbes thousands of times.
In scientific publications Livingston and her colleagues showed that the cancer microbe could appear as a bacterium, a virus, a fungus or a yeast-but in actuality they were all growth forms of the same germ. The microbe was found in the blood of normal and healthy people. but in the blood of terminal cancer patients the microbes were greatly increased in number. In Livingston's view, the destruction of red blood cells by cancer microbes causes the anemia that always accompanies the end stage of cancer.
In healthy individuals with normal immune systems, the microbe lived in harmony. However, when the immune system was damaged. the microbe became aggressive. Eventually Livingston named her ubiquitous microbe Progenitor cryptocides, the "hidden killer" in cancer.
The famous psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) spent years studying "orgone energy" and its effects on the body. His cancer research showed that cancerous cells have less orgone energy that normal, healthy cells. When cancer cells broke down and degenerated, he always observed toxic microbes arising out of the cancerous tissue. He called them "T-bacilli," after the German word, "Tod," which means death.
Like Livingston, Reich discovered T-bacilli not only in the cancer tumors, but also in the blood, the body fluids. and the excreta of cancer patients. He originally thought that the T-bacillus was the specific infectious agent of cancer, but these cancer microbes were eventually found in persons with other diseaseand Reich also observed the T-bacilli in the blood and excreta of normal healthy people!
Reich's two most revolutionary books, The Bion Experiments on the Origin of Life "1938) and The Cancer "Biopathy (1948)contain details of his highly controversial biologic experiments and scientific theories, as well as fascinating insights into the origin of the cancer cell and "T" bacteria. "Beyond Psychology: "(Reich's)" Letters and Journals 1934-1939, published in 1994, also provides highly personal information on Reich's struggle to unravel the secrets of cancer and orgone energy. The best and most detailed biography of Reich is Myron Sharaf's "Fuiy on Earth". As an intimate friend and colleague, Sharaf presents a masterful view of Reich's unbelievable life, as well as his scientific achievements." (Beyond Psychology " and "Fury on Earth "are available from Flatland).
In the late 1950s, Reich got into serious legal trouble with the FDA in connection with the manufacture and sale of orgone accumulators. He was jailed and died while imprisoned. Six tons of his books, journals, and papers were burned by FDA officials in an unprecedented scientific holocaust.
Despite a century of cancer microbe research, physicians do not believe bacteria play any role in the cause of cancer, and most doctors have never heard of Reich's T-bacilli or Livingston's Progenitor cryptocides.
Livingston also got in trouble with medical authorities, who tried to stop her from using anti cancer vaccines made from the patient's own cancer microbe. In 1984 her book, "The Conquest of Cancer", caused a scientific furor and she was again labelled a quack.
In an unflattering Los Angeles Times article about Livingston (April 6, 1984), leading AIDS researcher Robert Gallo (who was later accused of stealing the AIDS virus from the Pasteur Institute) condemned Livingston's cancer microbe research by declaring, "What is going on in this country? This is insanity! She can have her theories and what can I say? I don't know of anything to support it. I can't see any basis and I don't know what to say or what analogy to give you."
As a friend and admirer I had confirmed many of Livingston's findings of bacteria in scleroderma and cancer. Published in medical journals are my reports and photos of bacteria discovered in various forms of cancer, including breast cancer and lymphoma. Pertinent to AIDS were published papers showing bacteria in AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma (so-called "gay cancer") and in the swollen lymph glands of patients with AIDS-related complex. My book, The Cancer Microbe (1990), contains photos of this hidden killer in cancer, AIDS, and auto-immune disease, and documents a century of cancer microbe research. It includes the life stories and achievements of Livingston and Reich, and other scientists whose brilliant discoveries helped unlock the mystery of cancer by identifying the germ that causes it.
Scientists on the cutting edge of cancer research now consider cancer to be a genetic disease. According to Richard D. Klausner, the new director of the National Cancer Institute, all the body's cells constantly scan themselves for genetic mistakes and damage caused by environmental factors, such as smoking. These cells are supposedly programmed to kill themselves when they find something wrong. Klausner believes that chemotherapy has worked "not because we gave poisonous agents that killed the cancer cells, but because it triggered the cancer cells to commit suicide."
Billions of dollars have been spent on the so-called War on Cancer. Yet people who have watched friends and family die of cancer know the treatment of advanced cancer is abysmal. Undoubtedly, the recognition of microscopic cancer bacteria at this late date would be an embarrassment to the medical profession. And expensive and questionable cancer therapies, such as radiation and chemotherapy, would have to be re-evaluated in terms of their effect on cancer microbe activity. However, ignoring cancer microbe research does the patient a great disservice because better treatment and a possible cure might result from the recognition of bacteria as causative agents in this disease.
While patiently waiting "for cancer cells to commit suicide", It would seem prudent for physicians and other health providers to become acquainted with cancer microbe research.
[Dr. Cantwell is a dermatologist and AIDS and cancer researcher. He Is the author of "The Cancer Microbe, AIDS: The Mystery & The Solution,.: AIDS &The Doctors of Death, and Queer Blood, all available from Flatland Books. Further information on cancer microbe research can be obtained by writing Aries Rising Press, P0 Box 29532, Los Angeles, CA 90029.]
Cantwell AR Jr, Kelso D.W.: Microbial finding In cancer of the breast and In their metastases to the skin.J Dermatol Surq Oncol 7: 483-491, 1981.<:S+240>
Cantwell AR Jr: Kaposi's sarcoma and variably acid-fast bacteria in vivo in two homosexual men. Cutis 32: 55-64, 1983
Cantwell Jr. AR: AIDS: The Mysterv & The Solution (Ed2). Aries Risinq Press, Los Angeles, 1986
Cantwell Jr. AR: The Cancer Microbe. Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles, 1990
Cimons, Marlene. "Clinton science appointees are beginning to speak out." Los Angeles Times, August 16.1995
Livingston-Wheeler V, Addeo EG: The Conquest of Cancer. Franklin-Watts, New York, 1984
Parachini, Allan. "New 'cure' for cancer stirs controversy". Los Angeles Times, April 6, 1984>
Reich W: The Cancer Biopathy. Ferrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1973.<
Reich W: The Bion Experiments on the Origin of Life. Ferrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1979
W: Beyond Psychology: Letters and Journals 1934-1939. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1994
Scientists link viruses, cervical cancer." The Los Angeles Times, June 7.1995.<
Sharaf M: Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich.. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1983
Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston) V, Alexander-Jackson E, Anderson JA. et al: Cultural properties and pathogenicity of certain microorganisms obtained from various proliferative and neoplastic diseases. Am J Med Sd 220838-648,1950.
Source: http://www2.flatlandbooks.com/flatland/

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