The Hollow Earth
Chapter 7.1: The Subterranean Origin of the Flying SaucersEvidence That They Come From the Hollow Interior of the Earth
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
The conception of a hollow earth presented in this book offers the most reasonable theory of the origin of the flying saucers and far more logical than the belief in their interplanetary origin. For this reason, leading flying saucer experts, as Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine, and Gray Barker, a well known writer on flying saucers, have accepted the theory of their subterranean origin as against the idea that they come from other planets. The theory that flying saucers came from the Earth's interior and not from other planets originated in Brazil and only later was it taken up by American flying saucer experts. In 1957, while browsing in a Sao Paulo, Brazil, bookstore, the author came across a book that struck his attention, entitled, "From the Subterranean World to the Sky: Flying Saucers". The book was devoted to the thesis that flying saucers were not space ships from other planets but were of terrestrial origin and came from a subterranean race dwelling inside the earth. At first, the author could not accept this strange, unorthodox theory concerning the origin of the flying saucers, which seemed improbable and impossible, since it would require the existence of a cavity of tremendous size inside the earth in which they could fly, in view of their tremendous speed. In fact, this cavity would have to be so large that it would make the earth a hollow sphere. At this time the author had not come across the remarkable books of two American scientists, William Reed and Marshall B. Gardner, proving, on basis of evidence from Arctic explorers, that the earth is hollow with openings at the Poles, with a diameter of 5,800 miles in its hollow interior, large enough for flying saucers to fly in. Huguenin's theory of the subterranean origin of the flying saucers, however, was not original. The idea was first put forward by Professor Henruique Jose de Souza, president of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, which has its headquarters in Sao Lourenco in the State of Minas Gerais, where there is an immense temple in Greek style dedicated to "Agharta," the Buddhist name for the Subterranean World. Among the professor's students at Sao Lourenco were Mr. Huguenin and Commander Paulo Justino Strauss, officer of the Brazilian Navy and member of the Diretoria of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, From him they learned about the Subterranean World, and also the idea that flying saucers come from the Earth's interior. It was for this reason that Mr. Huguenin dedicated his book to Prof. de Souza and his wife, D. Helena Jefferson de Souza. While Huguenin incorporated the idea of the subterranean origin of the flying saucers in a book, Commander Strauss presented it in a series of lectures which he held in Rio de Janeiro, in which he affirmed that the flying saucers are of terrestrial origin, but do not come from any known nation on the earth's surface. They originate, he believes, in the Subterranean World, the World of Agharta, whose capital city is known as Shamballah. In his book, Huguenin presents Strauss's views on the subterranean origin of the flying saucers and against the theory that they come from other planets as follows: "The hypothesis of the extra-terrestrial origin of the flying saucers does not seem acceptable. Another possibility is that they are military aircraft belonging to some existing nation on earth. This hypothesis, however, is opposed by the following arguments:After presenting the argument that flying saucers do not come from any existing nation and his view that they are not of interplanetary origin, Huguenin quotes Strauss to the fact that they come from the Subterranean World. On this subject he writes: "Finally, we must consider the most recent and interesting theory that has been offered to account for the origin of the flying saucers: the existence of a great Subterranean World with innumerable cities in which live millions of inhabitants. This other humanity must have reached a very high degree of civilization, economic organization and social, cultural and spiritual development, together with an extraordinary scientific progress, in comparison with whom the humanity that lives on the earth's surface may be considered as a race of barbarians. Huguenin then asks how these marvelous subterranean cities and this advanced civilization in the interior of the earth arose. His answer is that the builders and most of the inhabitants of this Subterranean World are members of an antediluvian race which came from the prehistoric submerged continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, who found refuge there from the flood that destroyed their Motherland. (Lemuria sank under the Pacific Ocean ... while Atlantis was submerged by a series of inundations, the last of which occurred 11,500 years ago, according to Plato's account, derived from ancient Egyptian records. Egypt was a colony of Atlantis to the East, just as the Aztec, Mayan and Inca empires were to the West.)(Huguenin here refers to the views of Professor de Souza and Commander Strauss on the controversial subject of Colonel Fawcett's mysterious disappearance, claiming that he and his son Jack are still living in a subterranean city to which they gained access through a tunnel in the Roncador Mountains of Northeast Matto Grosso, and were not killed by Indians as commonly supposed. Fawcett's wife, who claims to be in telepathic contact with him, is positive that he is still living, so much so that she sent an expedition to Matto Grosso, in charge of her other son, to find him, but in vain, because he was no longer on the earth's surface, but in the Subterranean World.) Huguenin claims that the Atlanteans, who were far in advance of us in scientific development, flew the sky in aircraft utilizing a form of energy obtained directly from the atmosphere, and which were known as "vimanas," which were identical with what we know as flying saucers. Prior to the catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis, the Atlanteans found refuge in the Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the earth, to which they traveled on their "vimanas" or flying saucers, reaching it through the polar openings. Ever since then, their flying saucers remained in the earth's interior atmosphere and were used for purposes of transportation from one point in the interior concave world to another, for in this world, inside the crust of the earth, a straight aerial line is the shortest distance between any two points, no matter how far apart. It was only after the Hiroshima atomic explosion that these Atlantean aircraft rose to the surface for the first time, and were known as flying saucers. As we have pointed out previously, they came as an act of self-defense, to prevent radioactive pollution of the air they receive from the outside. Huguenin is convinced that flying saucers are not space ships from other planets, but Atlantean airships. It seems that throughout history, especially in ancient times, these aircraft occasionally rose to the surface, and some historical figures rode in them. Thus in the Indian epic, "Ramayana," there is a description of a Celestial Car of Rama, the great teacher of Vedic India, known as "vimana," a controlled aerial vehicle. It was capable of flying great distances. Rama's aerial record was a hop from Ceylon to Mount Kailas in Tibet. In the "Mahabharata," we read of Chrishna's enemies having built an aerial chariot with sides of iron and clad with wings. The "Smranagana Sutrahara" says that by means of skyships human beings can fly in the air and "heavenly beings" would come down to earth. That aerial navigation existed long before the making of the first modern airplane by the Wright brothers, the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Investigation at Mysen, India, discovered an ancient treatise on aeronautics, which was written three thousand years ago. It was attributed to the Indu sage Bharadway, who wrote a manuscript called "Vymacrika Shastra," meaning "the Science of Aeronautics." It has eight chapters with diagrams, describing three types of aircraft, including apparatuses that could neither catch on fire nor break, and mentions thirty-one essential parts of these vehicles and sixteen materials from which they are constructed, which absorb light and heat, for which reason they were considered suitable for the construction of airplanes. It is interesting to note the similarity of the word "vymacrika" and "vimanas," indicating that the Hindus obtained their knowledge of aerial navigation from the subterranean Atlanteans who must have visited them in ancient times and taught them. From Brazil, where the theory of the subterranean origin of the flying saucers originated, it spread to the United States, where Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine became its enthusiastic proponent, abandoning his former belief in their interplanetary origin in favor of the new theory that they came from the hollow interior of the earth. In the December, 1959 issue of his magazine, he wrote: "In this issue we have presented the results of years of research, in which we advance the possibility that the flying saucers not only are from our own planet, and not from space, inner or outer, but there is a tremendous mass to evidence to show that there is an UNKNOWN location of vast dimensions which is, insofar as we can safely state at this writing, also unexplored, where the flying saucers can, and most probably do originate."In reference to the claims made by some flying saucer "contactees" that they were taken up on a flying saucer for a trip to Mars and other planets, Palmer says: "We've read all the accounts of such voyages and nowhere, in any of them, can we find positive evidence that space was traversed: In all these accounts, we can see where the passengers could have been taken to this 'unknown land' discovered by Admiral Byrd, and if told they were on Mars, they would not know the difference.In an article, "Saucers From Earth: A Challenge to Secrecy;," in the Dec. 1959 issue of "Flying Saucers," Palmer writes: "Flying Saucers magazine has amassed a large file of evidence which its editors consider unassailable, to prove that the flying saucers are native to the planet Earth: that the governments of more than one nation know this to be a fact; that a concerted effort is being made to learn all about them, and to explore their native land; that the facts already known are considered so important that they are the world's top secret; that the danger is so great that to offer public proof is to risk widespread panic; that public knowledge would bring public demand for action, which would topple governments both helpless and unwilling to comply; that the inherent nature of the flying saucers and their origination area (in the earth's hollow interior, reached through the polar openings - Author) is completely disruptive to political and economic status-quo."As against the theory that flying saucers were made by any existing government, Palmer says, "Flying saucers have been with humanity for centuries, if not thousands of years." Their antiquity, he says, " eliminates contemporary earth governments as the originators of the mysterious phenomenon. After disproving that flying saucers come from any existing nation, Palmer attacks the theory of their interplanetary origin, whose chief proponent is the American flying saucer expert, Keyhoe, also some "contactees" who claim some flying saucers come from Mars, others from Venus, etc. After showing that flying saucers do not come from any existing nation or from other planets, Palmer, America's greatest authority on flying saucers, concludes, in agreement with Commander Strauss and Huguenin, that they come from the earth's hollow interior through the polar opening, so He writes: "In the opinion of the editors of `Flying Saucers,' this Polar origin of the flying saucers will now have to be factually disproved. Any denial must be accompanied with positive proof. `Flying Saucers' suggests that such proof cannot be provided. `Flying Saucers' takes the stand that all flying saucer groups should study the matter from the hollow earth viewpoint, amass all confirmatory evidence available in the last two centuries, and search diligently for any contrary evidence. Now that we have tracked the flying saucers to the most logical origin (the one we have consistently insisted must exist because of the insurmountable obstacles of interstellar origin, which demands factors beyond our imagination), that the flying saucers come from our own Earth, it must be proved or disproved, one way or the other.So ends Ray Palmer's great article, "Flying Saucers From the Earth," which created a sensation, causing certain government secret agencies to confiscate the magazine and stop its distribution, so that it did not reach its 5000 subscribers. Why? Obviously because the government was convinced that such an unclaimed, unknown territory, vast in extent, larger than the entire land surface of the earth, exists and wished its existence to be kept secret, so that no other nation would know about it or reach it before and claim this territory as its own. It was important that the Russians do not learn about it. For this reason it was decided to suppress this issue of "Flying Saucers" of December, 1959, which was mysteriously removed from circulation. Evidently the information contained in this magazine concerning the fact that flying saucers come from the earth's hollow interior through the polar openings, like news concerning Admiral Byrd's flights past the Poles into the new unknown territory beyond them, was considered dangerous to be released to the public and was consequently secretly suppressed by government authorities. Another outstanding American authority on flying saucers is Gray Barker. A month after Palmer published his sensational article expressing his belief that flying saucers do not come from outer space but from the earth's interior, Barker, in his "The Saucerian Bulletin," on January 15, 1960, wrote: "In the December 1951 issue of 'Flying Saucers' Ray Palmer came out with his findings. The theory had been advanced before, many years previously, in a book titled `A Journey to the Earth's Interior, Or Have the Poles Really Been Discovered?' now out of print and very rare. Many occult students, long before flying saucers became widely known about, believed that people lived inside the earth, emerging and entering through secret openings at the North and South Poles.In this connection it is interesting to note that American newspapers, some time back, published a report of a mysterious artificial satellite discovered to encircle the earth in an orbit that passed directly over both Poles and which was sent by no known nation. Did it emerge from one of the Poles and continue to rotate around its point of origin? Gray Barker seems to agree with Palmer that flying saucers come from inside the earth; and in his editorial quoted above, he asks: "What if there could be some unknown race, on some unexplored portion of the earth, which is responsible for the flying saucers? Palmer' s articles started me to thinking along that direction once again. THE INNER EARTH EXPLANATION WOULD FIT INTO MOST, IF NOT ALL THE FACETS OF THE FLYING SAUCER PICTURE. "Various occult schools teach that polar entrances provide the doorways to cities of Agharta, the Subterranean World, such as Shamballah (the capital) and others. Let us accept, for a moment, that such a people has existed inside the earth for thousands of years, even before man - or maybe they seeded the outside with man. Maybe they have constantly watched over him, occasionally assisting him with technology, giving rise to what we now call `legends.' Maybe they built the Great Pyramid; maybe they are responsible for some of the 'miracles' reported in secular and religious histories. Until man, their protege, learned to be morally worthy, they would not wish to give him, suddenly, the knowledge of their existence or secrets of their technology.In his book, "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers," Barker speaks of the "Antarctic Mystery" or the unusual number of flying saucers seen to ascend and descend in the region of the South Pole, which strongly supports the theory of a polar opening through which flying saucers emerge from and enter the hollow interior of the earth. In this book he mentions an Australian and New Zealand investigator, named Bender and Jarrold respectively, who believed that flying saucers originate and are based in the Antarctic and tried to trace their course, when they were suddenly stopped in their research by `three men in black,' who were secret government agents who apparently wished to suppress such research, just as publicity concerning Admiral Byrd's 2,300 mile flight to the new unknown territory not found on any map, that lies beyond the South Pole and inside the opening that leads to the earth's hollow interior, was suppressed in the press. Theodore Fitch is another American writer who believes that flying saucers come from the hollow interior of the earth. In his book, "Our Paradise Inside the Earth;" he writes: "Writers of books on flying saucers believe that they come from other planets. But how can that be? They are too far away. Traveling at terrific speeds it would take a lifetime to make the trip (especially from planets of other solar systems)."Fitch claims, as does Palmer, that the "spacemen" who came to us in flying saucers, who pose to be visitors from other planets, are really members of an advanced civilization in the hollow interior of the earth, who have important reasons for keeping their true place of origin secret, for which reason they purposely foster the false belief that they come from other planets. On this point, Fitch writes: "They say that they come from other planets, but we doubt it." He considers this a white lie in order to prevent militaristic governments from learning that on the opposite side of the earth's crust there exists an advanced civilization whose scientific attainments far surpass our own, which is reached by the polar openings. In this way they protect themselves from molestation or possible war between subterranean and surface races."Fitch agrees with Palmer that flying saucers are not "space ships," as Adamski claims, nor are their pilots "spacemen". Rather they are vehicles for atmospheric travel which come from the hollow interior of the earth in which they fly, connecting each part of the concave subterranean world with the other. As for the little brown men" seen in flying saucers, Fitch believes that they belong to the same subterranean race from which the Eskimos descended. Fitch is in agreement with William Reed and Marshall B. Gardner that the ancestors of the Eskimos came from the hollow interior of the Earth through the polar opening. Describing these little brown men, who are the pilots of the flying saucers, evidently serving a master race (Atlantean) which built them and sent them to us Fitch says: "Though smaller than we, they are stronger. Their grip is like a vice. One of them could quickly overpower a strong man. Their bodies are perfect in build. Both men and women dress neatly. Though not beautiful, they are nice lo·king. Not one of them looks to be over 30 years old. They say that they do not expect to ever die.Fitch describes these people as living under an economic system by which they own all things in common, without private aggrandizement or hoarding, and without class distinctions of rich and poor, capitalist or worker. Also they have an equitable system of distribution free from exploitation and usury; and there is no poverty among them, since all are on a basis of perfect equality through a system of common ownership. They have no private property and work together cooperatively for their mutual welfare. Fitch writes: "They say they know all the secrets of every government. They say they are of higher intelligence and authority. Since they are our superiors they have authority over us. They claim to be experts in mental telepathy. They claim they came from an antediluvian race (Lemurian and Atlantean). They say they know nothing at all about our Jesus, and say our Bible has been mistranslated, misinterpreted and misconstrued. They claim that they are a race which has not fallen as we have... They say we should get rid of nuclear bombs and armaments.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012
R. W. Bernard-The Subterranean Origin of the Flying Saucers
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