Section II -
Patterns of Appearance and Behavior
The following selected sightings incorporate more
details than could be included in the chronology (Section V); for example,
conditions under which an observation was made, information about the
witnesses, etc. A number of these cases have been checked by Dr. McDonald,
and additional data are included in these reports. (This information was
received after the Chronology had been prepared and is not included in the
chronological listing.) The sightings have been classified into various
groups illustrating certain similarities in the descriptions of the objects'
appearance and behavior, such as those of shape, size and external features;
of formations and maneuvers, etc.
Some of the sightings included in this section, as
well as in Sections III and IV, are fragmentary, but they contain details
pertinent to the particular category in question. All available data have
been included from the sources that were examined; it is possible the other
important details may still be obtained from the local news sources in cases
where primary references were not available for examination.
The selection of sightings in Sections II, III, and IV
does not necessarily imply endorsement as verified observations of UFOs. A
number of cases, unfortunately, contain too few details, even in some
primary sources, to be able to draw any final conclusions. Others, as
discovered by Dr. McDonald in his personal cross-checking, contain certain
inaccuracies; these are corrected in the additional information.
Loose Formations
Case 34 -- June 24, near Lonejack, Missouri: On
the same afternoon that Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine discs in
Washington, seven or eight "platter-shaped" objects were seen flying in
loose formation about 30 miles southeast of Kansas City.
Lester Swingleson and his
wife, Wilma, whose home was two miles north of Lonejack on U.S. Highway 50,
saw the group of objects come into view from the southeast at high speed and
pass overhead in a matter of seconds, proceeding in a steady course to the
northwest that would have taken them over Kansas City. The Swinglesons
described seeing white vapor trails streaming from each object. With them at
the time were two young girls, the daughters of neighbor Harold Coy. At the
time of the sighting, Swingleson was an electrician with the Sheffield Steel
Case 52 -- June 25, Kansas City, Missouri: Had
this sighting been made less than 24 hours earlier it would have been an
independent verification of the Swingleson report. If the newspaper accounts
can be considered accurate, however, the sightings occurred on two
consecutive days.
W.I. Davenport, of 4518
Madison Avenue, a carpenter, was working on the roof of a house at 82nd and
Holmes Streets when, shortly after noon, he heard "the faint sound of
motors." Looking up he saw a loose formation of nine objects approach from
the east. "They were flying in a
group, with one a little to one side," he reported. "They were flying so
fast that I barely had time to count them before they were gone." Davenport
described them as "aluminum-colored" and as leaving vapor trails. In their
flight westward, he said, they gave the appearance of being
Case 85 -- June 27, Woodland, Washington: Two
groups of loosely-bunched objects rocking back and forth as they flew over
noiselessly, were reported seen over this small southwest Washington town
during the afternoon. The report was phoned in to the Portland Oregon
Journal late the same afternoon by the witness, Clyde Homan, manager of
Tulips, Inc., a bulb-growing farm two miles south of Woodland, near the
Columbia River.
Homan was sitting at his desk in the office
when his eye was caught, by a bright flash through the window. He looked out
at the sky "and saw these things in two groups, pretty close together. I
didn't get the exact count -- there were four or five in the first bunch, and
the same number in the second, which was behind the first some 400 or 500
yards," he reported in his call.
Homan said it was difficult
to distinguish the shapes because the objects were "very bright, reflecting
the sun like from metal -- not glass mirrors." He said the objects were "very
flat, very very thin, particularly when you saw them on edge as they were
banking." He estimated that they were going about two times as fast as an
ordinary airliner, "maybe 600 miles an hour. There was no particular
formation, except that they were bunched. The peculiar thing was the way
they moved along -- tilting back and forth, tipping up and down,
undulating --and every time they reached the right reflection angle the
flashes came," he said. Homan was reminded by the Journal reporter
that the day had been mostly cloudy, and he replied, "It was partly cloudy
here, with sunshine occasionally through the clouds. And, anyway, the clouds
were high and these things weren't over 1,000 to 2,000 feet up and were
flying under the clouds." By this estimate, the distance between the two
groups was about the same distance above the ground.
Mr. Homan added, "There
wasn't a sound, not a trace of a vapor trail -- just these things sailing
along. As soon as I saw them, I ran to the warehouse and called the foreman,
and he got to the door just in time to see them. They came over the hill
back of us here from the north, and were following straight along the
Pacific Highway. Just south of here they veered sharply to the southeast."
Then they disappeared from view.
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Homan was puzzled by their
silence. He supposed that they might be some novel type of jet aircraft,
but he said he could not figure out why, if they were, there were no jet
trails. "I am not too excitable and I have good eyesight, and I know what I
saw this afternoon," he told the Journal. "I'm surprised," he added, "you
don't have reports from others seeing them today,"
Case 442 -- July 6, Greendale, Virginia: Walter
Broadwell, Jr., of Fordham Road, in the West End section of Richmond, was
driving with his wife at 6:00 p.m. EST to visit relatives in Greendale, a
town a few miles northwest of Richmond. They were discussing news reports
of flying saucers when, according to Broadwell's account in the Richmond Times-Dispatch (7/7), Mrs. Broadwell suddenly exclaimed, "There they
are now!"
"I looked up," Broadwell
reported, "and there they were, ten or fifteen, and not more than a quarter
of a mile away. They definitely could not have been airplanes, because I
have taken flying lessons and I know what a plane looks like." Grouped in a
loose formation, "they were just below the clouds, flying north, and
shining like aluminum. They looked like saucers, although much larger, and
seemed to be undulating and flying on edge most of the time." The Broadwells
reported that they heard of no other reports of the objects from that area.
Checked by Dr. McDonald, the
newspaper report is essentially accurate, except that it failed to mention
that with the Broadwells was their daughter Ann, then seven years old. She
was the one who first spotted the objects, according to Broadwell's
to Dr. McDonald. Broadwell reported that he pulled the car off to the
of the road to watch the objects -- about a dozen in all. He was unable
make a firm estimate of height, but put it at about 500 to 600 feet.
heard no sound, saw no lights, no exhaust. The objects moved lazily
strung out loosely in more or less of a line. They twisted and flipped
in an undulatory manner, but very slowly, reflecting the sun from their
surfaces at times.
Broadwell estimated their
speed to be about that of a small aircraft. Their diameters were about 25
feet, and they moved along most of the time on edge, in the attitude of a
wheel. He saw no markings of any kind. When first seen, they appeared to be
several blocks away, which confirms the newspaper's reference to a
quarter-mile distant. They moved in a northerly direction, towards
Washington. They, disappeared by getting smaller and smaller as they moved
off into the distance in no particular hurry, like "a happy little group,"
as Broadwell put it. McDonald had a favorable impression of the witness.
Case 732 -- July 8, Spokane, Washington: A group
of more than ten people in Spokane reported watching a loose formation of
discs flying over the city about noon. The witnesses, including the J. P.
Tracy family, of E. 365 Third, and Mrs. A. L. Blanc and her son Jerry, as
well as other neighbors, watched one of the discs break loose from
the formation and appear to be "rolling through the air" like a wheel. This
object seemed to be black on one side and silver on the other, according to
the witnesses, and at times appeared to be shaped like a football. The
observation turned the Tracy family from skeptics to believers of flying
saucers, they said.
For other reports of loose
formations, see Case 831 (III-13),
Case 841 (III-13), and Case 850 (III-14).
Straight Line Formations
Kenneth Arnold's sighting
(Case 39) would fall into this category, even though the line of nine discs
he saw "swerved in and out of the peaks” between Mount Rainier and Mount
Adams (I-2,3).
Case 33 -- June 24, near Joliet, Illinois: At
1:50 p.m. CDT, railroad engineer Charles Kastl, of 267 Webster Street,
Joliet, was walking along a highway about ten miles east of Joliet when he
saw a peculiar formation of nine flat, circular objects "going faster than
any planes I ever saw.” These nine discs, like Arnold's, were stretched out
in a straight line at an estimated height of 4,000 feet and were flying in a
direction from north to south.
"I could see no connecting
link between them," Kastl reported, "but they acted as though the leading
disc had a motor in it to power the others, because when it flipped, the
others would, too. When it would right itself, the others would right
Kastl, who had 14 years of
experience with the E. J. and E. Railway as an engineer, said the objects
were "not very large." When asked by newsmen if he had been drinking, he
answered sternly, "I was on my way to work, and you know a railroad man
never touches the stuff on or before duty hours." His friends and neighbors
all agreed that Kastl was not the sort of man given to telling tall stories.
Case 240 -- July 4, near Craig, Montana: Curt Dennis,
Great Falls artist and sculptor, and his wife, were fishing on the Missouri
River a few miles north of Craig at Hardy Bridge, about 38 miles southwest
of Great Falls. During the midafternoon their attention was drawn to the
sky by a brilliant flashing. Dennis looked up and saw a group of
silver-colored objects to the south. Because they had to look into the sun,
the configuration of the objects was difficult for the witnesses to make
out clearly.
"They were flying in a
single-file formation," Mr. Dennis said. "There were about 12 of the
objects and they 'shined-up' like silver and looked like a string of plates
going over." He and Mrs. Dennis watched the formation travel at high speed
in a northwesterly direction until they had disappeared beyond the high and
rugged horizon to the northwest in a matter of seconds.”
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In his follow-up of this
sighting, Dr. McDonald learned that Dennis was no longer alive, but he was
able to get in touch with Mrs. Dennis, who verified the details of the
original news report.
She had been the first one
to notice them and called them to her husband's attention. She described
them as round and disc-like, silvery and flashing in the sun. Their first
impression had been that they were ducks, but the objects were too bright
and too big. She added that it had been her impression that the objects --
at least ten of them, she recalled -- had been tumbling over and over,
although at the time she said her husband was not so certain of this detail.
However, Mrs. Dennis had put on a pair of sunglasses to view them, as they
were first seen in the direction of the sun, and she suggested that this
motion may have been an oscillation, rather than tumbling. She was certain
that they were not moving smoothly, like aircraft. They were high up and, to
her, looked huge. No sound was heard. Mrs. Dennis told McDonald that the
experience came back to her vividly as she spoke of it over the phone. He
was favorably impressed with the results of his conversation with her.
Case 315 -- July 5, Augusta, Maine: Newsman and
program director Dan Kelly, of Station WRDO in Augusta, reported to the
Civil Aeronautics Administration that he and a friend had seen a dozen
disc-like objects flying northward over the city at 1:15 p.m. EDT. He said
they were moving "very fast" and that they were in "a very straight line
like a string of beads."
Kelly described the objects as being greyish in
color and "about as big as a dime," traveling faster than any aircraft he
had ever seen. Bangor officials, alerted by Kelly's telephone call at the
time of the sighting, were on the lookout for the objects, said to have been
traveling in their direction. However, no sightings were made from Bangor.
Case 481 -- July 6, Kankakee,
Illinois: A
formation of five disc-like objects in a row, which appeared to the
witnesses to be "strung together" by invisible wires, was reported seen by
Jesse L. Hendrickson, of Kankakee, as he sat on his front porch with a
friend, Frank Abrogast, at 9:30 p.m. CDT.
The witnesses described the objects as
"rolling along leisurely" on their edges, in the attitude of a wheel.
Their height was estimated to be about 300 or 400 feet. The discs were
luminous, casting a "light blue glow," and they appeared to the two men to
be "about the size of ordinary dinner plates"-- an uncertain estimate,
probably based on a relative comparison. The witnesses heard no sound, and
they were both quite certain that the objects were not balloons.
Case 563 -- July 7, Redlands, California: A
Redlands bread-truck driver, H. J. Stell, reported that he had seen eight disc-shaped objects at 6:12 a.m.
PST, as he was making his deliveries. The objects were "swishing" overhead
in a southwesterly direction, headed toward March Field. Stell described
the formation of discs as appearing "like silvery eggs in a straight line."
Case 580 -- July 7, Dorchester, Massachusetts:
John Stewart, of 197 Talbot Avenue, reported that he had seen four
silvery-white objects sometime during the day. He described the objects as
"flying in a row," and traveling faster than a plane at an estimated
altitude of 5,000 feet. Stewart added that a friend, with him at the time of
the sighting, had also observed the objects but disagreed about their color.
Case 573 -- July 7, Willow Springs, Illinois: A
“buzzing noise" coming from overhead caught the attention of Robert Meegan
and his son John, 14, as the two worked in the fields near their home in
Willow Springs, on the Des Plaines River a few miles east of the Argonne
National Laboratories. Looking up, the Meegans saw "13 round objects all
going east, single file in a straight line." None of these objects "weaved
or wobbled," and the witnesses described them as being "bluish-grey" in
color. The objects, reported as round and flat on bottom, were estimated to
be "probably the size of a house" by the viewers.
V and Triangular Formations
Cases 25 - 26 -- June 23, Bakersfield, California:
Richard Rankin, veteran flier and stunt pilot, was lying on a lawn at
Bakersfield sunbathing at about noon, when he saw a formation of ten flat,
circular objects flying overhead in a northerly direction. Nine of these
disc-like objects were arranged in a V-formation, with a tenth object
trailing along in the rear. He called their appearance to the attention of
a boy working in the yard, and said that they were probably the Navy's
experimental plane, the XF5U-l, or "Flying Flapjack," although he admitted
that he looked in vain for "the number or location of their propellers, and
I couldn't distinguish any wings or tail."
At 2:15 p.m., a second
flight of the same, or similar, objects was seen flying in the opposite
direction by the two witnesses, this time going from north to south. Rankin
counted only seven discs in the second flight; they were still in
V-formation, but this time without the straggler. He assumed that three of
the "planes" had landed at their base, somewhere to the north.
Rankin said he hesitated to
report what he had seen until he began to read of similar observations in
the northwest and elsewhere. On July 1, a week after the sightings, he made
the report public in Portland, Oregon. An official report was made to
Hamilton Field Intelligence Officers Lt. Frank Brown and Captain William
Davidson, and the Air Force explanation for what the pilot saw is "birds."
For some background material, see The Coming of the Saucers,
pp. 69-71.
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Case 825 -- About
June 29, Jacksonville, Oregon: In a sighting report received following the
preparation of the Chronology, NICAP obtained information about a
V-formation of UFOs seen by a group of people on a Sunday either at the end
of June or early in July. The date, believed to be June 29, had not been
definitely established at the time of writing. The report was sent to NICAP
by Paul Cerny, of NICAP's Bay Area Subcommittee.
Early on that Sunday
afternoon, a group of people had gathered at Jacksonville, Oregon, a few
miles west of Medford, just above the California border. The group included
Peter Vogel, M.D., and his wife (now Mrs. Kay G. Kuehnel, of Santa Clara,
California, who recently reported the sighting to Mr. Cerny), eight other
members of the Vogel family, and about ten others. About 1:00 p.m. PST, a
V-formation of oval objects was noticed in the sky above Ashland, 15 to 20
miles southeast of Jacksonville. The formation was traveling northwest
toward Medford, east of the observers. There were nine objects.
According to Mrs. Kuehnel,
when first seen the objects were "as white as snow geese"; as they came
closer they became blue-white, "like a fluorescent-bulb light." They were
sharply outlined and seemed to be solid; "also translucent, like a light,
pebbled, frosted bulb." The size of the individual objects was estimated as
more than twice the diameter of the full moon -- presumably when the objects
were nearest to the witnesses, although this is not stated definitely. There
was no sound, and no vapor trails were emitted as the formation approached
Medford. But when the objects seemed to be over the tower of Medford airport,
they each made a spiral ascent, one after the other, and each went behind a
cloud that had not been there before and which the objects themselves
"seemed to produce."
After the objects had first
been noticed in the direction of Ashland, Dr. Vogel went indoors and
telephoned the Medford airport tower; Mr. Milligan, Airport Manager, said
that he could not see anything. Vogel then ran to his car for his binoculars
and camera, but by the time he returned the objects were already out of
sight in the cloud, which seemed to be directly over the airport tower.
Both Ashland and Medford
were visible from the hillside where the witnesses stood. As the towns are
20 miles apart and the formation had taken about 10 minutes to travel that
distance, Mrs. Kuehnel calculated their speed at about 120 miles an hour.
Asked to compare one of the objects to a common object that would have
appeared similar in the sky, Mrs. Kuehnel answered, "No known object that
large and featureless." The objects did not reappear, but the cloud "stayed
an oval and stationary shape for over an hour."
Case 120 -- June 30, near Hailey, Idaho: Several
observers reported seeing a flight of objects pass over between Hailey
toward Galena Summit, in Idaho, during the afternoon. Walter Nicholson, of
Twin Falls, said he saw "eight to ten" of the objects fly over in a
V-formation, going in a northwest direction over Galena Summit. He said the
left wing, or leg, of the formation contained five disc-shaped objects in
perfect line, but the ones in the right leg "seemed to waver," and he was
uncertain as to exactly how many there were. The objects were "extremely
bright and moved very fast."
Hunter Nelson, a forest
ranger at the Russian John Forest Ranger Station, said he saw seven to nine
of the discs. He was marking timber about three miles from Galena Summit,
according to the news account, when he saw the V-formation of objects
flying directly overhead, at an estimated altitude of 10,000 feet above the
8,000 foot summit he was on. The newspaper report said he heard a "buzz" and
observed vapor trails "not unlike those left by conventional aircraft." He
said "it took the objects but a few seconds" to pass out of view.
In checking this report, Dr. McDonald found a
number of inaccuracies in the newspaper accounts. In these, the sighting was
reported to have taken place in Major Valley -- there is no Major Valley in
Idaho. The sighting took place near Cherry Creek, in the Wood River Basin
southeast of Galena Summit. Hunter Nelson, a State Forest Ranger, was
assisting Nicholson select timber for cutting, for use in the latter's
business as a builder. Their proper identification is not clear in the
accounts. One Glen Brado, referred to in one of the news reports, had
nothing to do with the sighting. The time, given as 4:30 p.m., was felt to
be closer to 2:30 by Nicholson. Nelson specified that the objects were seen
flying northwest, over Galena Summit - not north, as reported in one account.
Although Nicholson's impression now was that the formation was flying
northeast, the original account quotes him as saying the objects were seen
flying northwest, over Galena Summit, which would agree with Nelson's
description. No sound was heard nor any vapor trails seen, in spite of
references in the news accounts.
Both Nelson and Nicholson
agreed that the objects were in a V-formation, point foremost. Both recalled
a momentary change of formation when the right wing began to swing forward
but then fell back into line. The spacing between each of the objects was
estimated as four to five diameters by Nicholson. He told McDonald that
they maintained approximately uniform spacing at all times in a rather rigid
manner. No flutter or swerving was seen. Both emphasized the high speed of
the objects, "much faster than any aircraft of that day."
Neither could discern any
shape of the objects because they were so high and small, like specks of
bright light glinting in the sunlight. Occasionally they would disappear, as
though not reflecting the sun at those moments -- indicating a possible
fluttering motion. As they watched the men had to back up a small hill to
keep the formation in sight as they receded into the distance. Duration was
estimated by Nelson to be about 30 seconds.
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Both Nelson and Nicholson
agreed that the formation passed more or less over Galena Summit. This would tend to confirm Nelson's impression that the
objects were flying towards the northwest. Both witnesses were emphatic in
saying these could not have been aircraft. Both emphasized the vividness of
their recollecting the incident, and Nicholson said he could take Dr.
McDonald to within a few feet of the spot from which the sighting had been
made, even now. Nelson said "I can still see that formation," adding that "I
have never seen anything like it before or since."
Case 237 -- July 4, near Twin Falls, Idaho: A. E. Mitchell, of Goose Creek, Texas, was visiting
relatives in Twin Falls when, during a July 4th outing at Twin Falls Park,
seven miles east of the city, he was one of seven persons who reported
seeing a group of disc-like objects in a rough V-formation flying overhead
to the west, at about 2:50 p.m. MST. They were flying high and at great
speed, Mitchell reported.
About ten minutes later,
Mitchell and a group of others, now totaling more than twenty, saw a second
flight of nine or ten objects circling overhead in a loose formation. The
objects gained altitude rapidly and, when almost out of sight, were seen
proceeding westward, All the witnesses agreed that the objects were not in
any well-defined formation while climbing (Case
At 3:10 p.m., with a
sizeable crowd of now nearly sixty persons peering skywards, a third group
was seen circling and climbing. Mitchell reported that "I distinctly counted
18 before they climbed so high only two or three could be seen." He said
that these objects, too, were last, seen moving westward, putting on a burst
of speed as they departed (Case 243).
Case 290 -- July 4, Denver, Colorado: Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Walgren, of 1574 Eliot Street, were sitting on their lawn
watching the fireworks at the stadium at Denver University during the late
evening when they were startled to see a group of objects fly overhead in an
extended V-formation. The formation disappeared quickly in a northerly
direction at a high rate of speed. The objects were out of sight before the Walgrens could even get to their feet.
The witnesses described the
formation of discs as giving the appearance of a "rippling, V-shaped cloud."
The undersides of the objects appeared to reflect the city lights. As they
passed over, the Walgren's described hearing "a hollow, rustling sound, like
an air blast in an empty barrel."
Case 332 -- July 5, near Auburn, California:
Kjell Qvale, an automobile salesman in Alameda and a former Navy pilot for
five years, reported that he and a group of 50 other witnesses had watched a
triangular formation of disc-like objects near Auburn at 2:30 p.m. PST,
flying south.
Qvale said that the discs,
seen first directly overhead, "appeared to be made of metal and looked like
bright silver." He added that their round outline was clearly
distinguishable. The objects were in view "for three or four minutes," he
"I have seen a lot of
airplanes, and these were not airplanes. The only clue I could get as to
their height, size and speed was the fact that they disappeared one at a
time, high in the sky, and not over the horizon. This effect would be caused
if they were very, very large and very high, and flying at a terrific
speed -- l,000 miles an hour," he said.
Qvale was one of the very
few UFO witnesses in the 1947 wave -- one of two, to be exact -- who openly
expressed the opinion that the objects seen could have been "space ships."
Case 372 -- July 5, Dallas, Texas: Dexter
McEwen, of 4016 McKinney, reported that he had seen three disc-like objects
flying near Dallas at 11:00 p.m.
"They were moving
horizontally," he said, "but very high in the sky, like falling stars, only
they left no streaks. They seemed to be moving in a V-formation," he added.
Case 518 -- July 6, Denver, Colorado: Harold
Wallace, of 11009 East Colfax, reported he saw a group of disc-like objects
"shooting" westward across the sky at 9:05 p.m. MST. He said they were in a
V-formation and "made a dim light."
Two minutes later, Stephen
Witkin, of 1325 Fairfax Street, said he saw two discs, of "a shiny, silver
color," traveling to the southwest.
Case 387 -- July 6, New Orleans, Louisiana: Pvt.
Robert G. Hellman, a Fort Bliss soldier visiting New Orleans, reported that
he was on his way to his hotel early in the morning when he saw a formation
of four discs that "flashed way up in the sky right above me on Canal
Street." He said he wasn't "exactly surprised, for I had been expecting to
see something of the sort. There were four of them, flying in a V-formation,
one side of the V longer than the other; but the fact which struck me was
this: the discs were colored, like colored saucers, pink and silver,
whirling through the sky."
Case 451 -- July 6, New Orleans, Louisiana: At
5:10 p.m. on the same day, while boating on Lake Pontchartrain, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Lee Brady, of 4125 St. Charles Avenue, in company with a party of four
others, reported seeing a V-formation of three disc-like objects "at great
altitude headed north at great speed." The witnesses described the objects
as "round and shiny," and said that after being in view for three or four
seconds, they "disappeared into a cloud." Among the others present were
Allison T. Chenault, of 3231 Asheville Avenue, and Miss Lucille Coons, of
2014 Marengo Street. The other two witnesses were not identified.
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Case 558 -- July 7, near Greensboro, North
Carolina: While driving near the Greensboro-High Point Airport, towards
Greensboro, at 6:30 a.m. EST, Albert Riggs, of Charlotte, reported having
seen a triangular formation of three discs passing rapidly overhead. The
discs, grayish-black in color, had a slight side-to-side motion as they
traveled approximately 200 to 300 feet above the ground. Riggs said that as
they passed overhead, he heard "a zipping noise." He estimated their speed
at 500 miles an hour, and they quickly "lost themselves in the distance."
Riggs, a cadet at The
Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, said he had a companion with him at
the time -- a hitch-hiking soldier he had picked up near Winston-Salem.
Case 662 -- July 7, Milton, Wisconsin: Three
Milton, Wisconsin, college students reported seeing a V-formation of three
objects late in the evening. The formation came out of the northwest and
was described as moving in "a westerly direction." Paul Schroeder, John
Potts, and Harris Buros watched the objects for two minutes before they
disappeared behind some tall buildings. The young men described the objects
as being circular in shape, aluminum-colored, rotating slowly and leaving
vapor trails. Seen at a distance they estimated was about ten miles to the
west, the three witnesses said the objects appeared to be at an altitude of
about 4,000 feet.
Case 641 -- July 7, Des Moines, Iowa: Merle
Steffenson, a 15-year-old high school student of 2327 Maple Street, reported
that he saw three disc-like objects flying north in formation at about 6:00
p.m. CST, while he was riding his motor bike northeast on Avenue Frederick
M. Hubbell. "They looked to me like they were awfully high," he said. "They
must have been big because they were so high and still I could see them."
Young Steffenson said they were silvery in color and that they traveled
northward in a straight course "very fast." At one point "they turned at an
angle and were so thin I couldn't see them," he asserted.
Case 650 -- July 7, Columbus, Ohio: Five summer
students at Ohio State University were batting baseballs around on the
varsity practice diamond at 7:45 p.m. EST
when one of them noticed three
oval objects flying in triangular formation overhead. The objects,
noiseless, appeared to be of a dull, metallic color, were estimated to
about ten feet in diameter, and were moving at a high speed. The
were Charles Williams, 19 of Steubenville; Robert Fish, 19, of Akron;
George Whitacre, 23, of Springfield; Wendell Rice, 20, of North Canton;
and William
Santschi, 22 of Alliance.
Whitacre, an Army veteran,
saw the objects first. They were flying east, over the Glentangy River. He
called them to the attention of the others, and none of the students were
able to make out any apparent means of propulsion. They estimated the
formation was at an altitude of 1,000 feet. The speed of the objects was so
great that they were out of sight within 15 seconds. All five witnesses were
in agreement on the details of the observation, but none of them had any
idea what the objects might be.
Case 652 -- July 7, Manchester, New Hampshire:
Two men made almost identical reports of seeing three yellow disc-like
objects in V-formation moving northwest over the city at high speed about
9:00 p.m. EDT. Roger Plaisant, of 842 Clay Street, and Henry Ray, of 834
Somerville Street, agreed that the objects seemed to be high in the sky, and
Ray added that they appeared "egg-shaped," and were quite bright.
Case 689 -- July 7, Tacoma, Washington: M. C.
Streans, of 913 South L, reported that he had seen three discs from his
bedroom window about 10:45 p.m. PST. They were in V-formation and flying at
terrific speed, and were brightly illuminated.
At about the same time, Sgt.
John Samuelson, of McChord Field, called the Tacoma News Tribune
to report that he and Corporal Peter Walker had seen two discs flying at
high speed and at great height over the Field, emitting vapor trails.
Hovering Objects
Case 123 -- June 30, Boise, Idaho: At about 5:45
p.m. MST, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Donofrio, of 917 East Bannock Street, were
driving westward just outside Boise to play golf when they saw a bright,
silver object ahead of them, stationary in the sky. It appeared to the
witnesses to be a "half-circle" in shape and was "just as bright and
silvery-looking as a mirror caught in the rays of the sun." The witnesses
added that it seemed to be "clinging to the edge of a huge cloud." They
watched it for several minutes until they lost sight of it when driving
under some trees. In the Air Force files this sighting is explained as a
"sun dog."
Case 215 -- July 4, Alexandria, Virginia: Mrs.
Martin Kole, of Valley Drive, Alexandria, was awakened some time after four
in the morning by "something shining in her face" through the bedroom
window. Looking out, Mrs. Kole saw a large, round object floating stationary
in the southwest sky. She watched the "blazing object, about as big as the
sun," for a few minutes, and then went back to sleep. The object did not
move during her observation; it was still there when she went back to bed.
No other reports of unusual objects in that area during the early morning
hours were received.
Case 271 – July 4, Hauser
Lake, Idaho: George Aster, of E. 3607 Fourth, reported
that he and “at least 200 others” watched a disc-like
object for a half an hour at about 7:00 p.m. PST at
Hauser Lake, a few miles northeast of Spokane, just
across the state line. Aster, the first one to see it,
said “I pointed it out to the others and they all stood
around and followed it for about 30 minutes while it
circled overhead.”
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He estimated its height at 20,000 feet. "It was going very fast," he said, in an
account found in the Spokane Daily Chronicle (7/5), "and looked like
a silver dollar as it circled overhead. Then suddenly it shot straight up
into the air and vanished from sight." Others in Aster's party who said they
had watched the object were his wife; Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Daerwold, of S. 665
Helena; and Mr. and Mrs. Noble Hunvlade, of S. 408 Freza, all in Spokane.
Dr. McDonald was able to
contact George Aster and he learned the following: Aster and his party had
been celebrating the holiday at Hauser Lake and were setting off fireworks
when they first saw the object, which he described as plainly disc-shaped.
When first seen, it was hovering, not circling, as reported in the press
account. The sun was still up and they saw it clearly at an altitude they
estimated was from three to four miles. It was shiny, like aluminum, and
Aster thought it must have been at least 30 feet across.
It was not, as described in
the paper, directly overhead, but at an elevation of about 30 degrees above
the horizon. The "circling" motion described in the paper was clarified by
Aster: while it hovered, the witnesses noticed a lateral motion from side to
side by a distance estimated to be about its own diameter. There was no
mistaking this motion, Aster told McDonald. It was not circling. After some
time, the observers noticed a small aircraft heading toward the disc. When
the plane came somewhat near the object, the latter shot up at tremendous
speed and was quickly lost to view in "a fraction of a second."
Aster informed Dr. McDonald
that Orville Daerwold, one of the original party, was now dead. His wife is
alive and has remarried. The Hunvlades, who ran a grocery store in 1947,
subsequently moved to Montana. Aster's recollection was that there were 40
or 50 other witnesses in their immediate area at the time who were also
watching the object. He was emphatic that this could not have been an
aircraft because of its peculiar lateral oscillations. After his
conversation with the witness, Dr. McDonald was confident that Aster had
described as best he could something that had actually happened.
Case 397 -- July 6, Tucson, Arizona: Wallace B.
Magness, of 1132 East Blacklidge, employed at the office of the Air Materiel
Command at Davis Monthan Field, and Miss Fay Edwards, of the same address,
reported seeing a bright object at about 10:00 a.m. When Magness first
observed the object, it was hovering in the eastern sky, stationary except
for a wobbling motion, "like a kite." Magness said that "it did not glitter,
as if made of metal, but looked like snow," and was exceedingly bright.
After a few minutes, the object began moving in a northerly direction at
great speed, "until it disappeared." Magness would not estimate its height
or speed because he did not know the size of the object.
Dr. McDonald was able to
locate Mr. Magness and learned that the details of the news account were
essentially correct. Magness had been out in his yard working the morning of
the sighting when he happened to look up and saw a very bright, round light
in the eastern sky. He recalled it as being brighter than the sun. He told
McDonald "I never saw such a bright light."
The object was stationary,
as reported. It remained in one spot long enough for Magness to summon a
neighbor, Mr. Weirson, who is now dead. He also called Miss Edwards, a
roomer in the Magness home at the time; Miss Edwards has since married and
is no longer in Tucson. Also present was Weirson's grandson, who was seven
at the time.
After several minutes, the
object suddenly moved off to the northeast, through Redding Pass. Magness
described in some detail the amount of kidding he received at the Air Base
where he was in charge of cost accounting in the Air Materiel Command
office. Base personnel went to a good deal of trouble to rig up a mounted
saucer which was presented to Magness by a Base official. With all the fun
and games going on, there apparently was no time left to make out an
official report of the sighting, for the case is not included among those in
the Air Force files.
A possible confirmation of
this report may have occurred with the sighting by the head football coach
of the University of Arizona, made at about the same time. Niles Casteel saw
a disc while driving east along East Speedway; however, Casteel described
the object he saw as moving south at a rapid speed. (Case
Case 385 -- July 6, Newark, New Jersey: A
bright, blue-white object was reported by Mrs. Helene Berard, of 179 North
12th Street. She said the strange, round object hovered at tree-top level
over her back yard during the early morning hours. This close-up observation
unfortunately got no more coverage than this in the account from the Newark
Evening News (7/7).
Case 550 -- July 7, Rutland, Vermont: Early in
the morning Mrs. Albert Steele, of 13 Forest Street, was awakened by a heavy
rainstorm. She noticed that the sky outside was bright and, believing it
was time to get up, checked her watch. It was 2:05 a.m. EDT. Looking out her
bedroom window, she was startled by the appearance of a brilliant object
hovering directly over the Central Vermont Public Service Corporation gas
The object, casting a bright
light all over the immediate neighborhood, was oval in shape, and Mrs.
Steele could see "jagged edges sticking out in all directions. The edges
were of different colors, but the center was like a brilliant white light,"
she said. Because it was so bright, it was difficult for her to watch it
continuously for any length of time. Although she was unable to estimate its
altitude, Mrs. Steele said that it was "not too high." It appeared to her to
be "about the size of a bathtub." She woke up her husband, who glanced out
the window, saw the light, and went back to sleep. The bright object hung
motionless over the gas plant for 15 minutes. When the rain began to let up,
it just "disappeared." Mrs. Steele described it "like nothing I have ever
seen before."
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Case 542 -- July 7, Pittsburg, California: Mrs.
Edward Puckhaber, of Pittsburg, reported watching a disc-like object hover
over her yard for a short time before it moved off rapidly toward the east.
With her were Mrs. William Deaver and Harold Brown, who verified her report.
Local accounts, which were not available, undoubtedly contain further
Case 642 -- July 7, East Peoria, Illinois: In
another report containing few details, Forrest L. Higgenbotham, a
Caterpillar Tractor Company employee, is said to have seen 25 to 30
disc-like objects in a straight line, hanging stationary in the sky about
7:00 p.m.
Case 687 -- July 7, near Wessington Springs,
South Dakota: Emmitt Barta, a farmer living 32 miles northwest of Mitchell,
South Dakota, reported that about 11:00 p.m. CST he had been awakened by an
aerial explosion outside his home. Through the window he could see that the
barnyard area was momentarily lighted, and then two more explosions
occurred, in a matter of seconds. Through the window, Barta said, he saw a
bright red object, "about the size of a bushel basket," hovering over his
farmyard. After a moment, the object disappeared.
Case 704 -- July 8, Chicago, Illinois: Miss
Mabel Winterum, 4036 Western, reported seeing a round object "about the size
of an apple" at 9:05 a.m. CDT. She described the object as spinning while
"standing still" in one spot, before it suddenly took off at a rapid speed
"right over the Martha Washington Hospital" at 2318 West Irving Park.
Abrupt Changes in Elevation
Case 8 -- June 12, Weiser, Idaho: Mrs. Herbert
Erickson, of Route #2, Weiser, and a neighbor, reported that they had seen
two small, round objects brightly glistening in the sun, flying over Weiser
on a southeasterly course at 6:15 p.m. MST. One object followed the other,
both at high speed, after an interval of several seconds. The sky was clear
and the witnesses said the objects emitted vapor trails that held their
shapes and drifted slowly across the sky for the next hour.
As the objects passed over,
each made two rapid descents toward the ground, "shooting up and down," as
Mrs. Erickson explained, before circling back up and resuming their
southeasterly flight. Each of the objects had been in view for several
seconds, according to the witnesses. Included among the sightings in the Air
Force files, the official explanation for this report is "contrails."
Nothing is said about what is was that left them there.
Case 400 -- July 6, Logansport, Indiana:
Fifteen-year-old Robert Miller, of Rural Route 5, had been harrowing a
field six miles northeast of Logansport during the day when he heard a
"whining roar" overhead. Looking up, he saw a disc-shaped object plummet
down through an overcast sky. It hovered there momentarily, whirling on its
lateral axis at high speed, and then suddenly rose up and disappeared into
the clouds. Miller described the object as "plate-like" and grey in color,
and said it moved at "a terrific speed." It "whirled like a top" at an
estimated altitude of 15,000 feet before disappearing again into the sky. He
said the size of the object appeared to be the same as that of a two-motored
plane at about the same altitude.
Case 632 -- July 7, Phoenix, Arizona: Scores of
Phoenicians watched two silver, ball-like objects race across the sky over
the Salt River Valley north of Phoenix at 3:30 p.m. MST. A score of persons
in the upper floors of the Heard Building had an unobstructed view of the
objects as they crossed the sky from west to east.
Witnesses were all agreed on
two main points: first one object was seen, moving in a straight, level
course eastward; this was immediately followed by a second object moving in
the same direction, but at a lower altitude. Both objects were identical in
size and were traveling at very high speed. Toward the eastern side of the
valley passage the lower ball climbed sharply in a sudden ascent to the
level of the upper object and continued its straight, easterly course.
Estimates of the objects put
them at "about 5,000 feet high," and they appeared to most people to be
"about twice as large as an airplane." They were in view for about 25 to 30
seconds, and the estimated distance they traveled while under observation
indicated a speed well in excess of 1,000 miles an hour. A number of the
witnesses commented on the stillness of the air at the time of the sighting,
noting that columns of smoke were seen rising straight up and flags were
hanging limply on poles. This would rule out a possibility of the objects
having been balloons carried rapidly eastward by high winds.
Case 674 -- July 7, Salt Lake City, Utah: "It
was big enough so that when someone said, ‘What's that in the sky?’ no one
had to ask where," said Mrs. Jack Coffey, of 464 Third Avenue, as she
described a maneuvering "ball of fire" she and 14 others saw between 8:30
and 9:00 p.m. MST. Mrs. Coffey had been horseback riding with a group of
friends when they spotted the object from 13th South and 4th West. "We
didn't have to look twice," Mrs. Coffey reported. The object was round,
orange or amber in color, and appeared to be "on fire." Mrs. Coffey said it
was quite bright and seemed to be "twice the size of the spot that appears
on the sky from a searchlight." The object was below the clouds and seen to
the west, moving in a straight line toward the north against the twilight
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"We noticed it first when it
seemed to make a vertical drop of several hundred feet," explained
member of the party, a former anti-aircraft gunner in World War II.
"Then it leveled out and moved rapidly northward. It seemed to be
dropping just
north of the Fairgrounds, as best we could orient it by the searchlight
the Centennial Exposition." The object was too far off to estimate its
size. The group watched it for three or four minutes before it finally
disappeared from view in the northwest sky.
Circling Maneuvers
Case 17 -- June 20, Hot Springs, New Mexico: On
June 30, Mrs. Annabel Mobley traveled from Hot springs (now Truth or
Consequences) to Albuquerque with her daughter, Luanne, to report to the
Albuquerque Journal their sighting of ten days earlier.
She reported that she and
her daughter had seen nine objects crossing the sky toward the northeast.
These objects were in groups of threes and each group was revolving about in
a "wheel-like circle." She said that the discs in each group "seemed to be
fastened together by invisible cords." The three groups were all revolving
at the same rate of speed. The witnesses thought at first that the objects
may have been balloons, but they changed their minds after watching their
weird behavior. Mrs. Mobley then thought that they may have been some kind
of "gas bubble" set off by the earlier atomic explosions in New Mexico,
until she read of similar reports elsewhere.
Case 36 -- June 24, Emmett, Idaho: In a letter
she wrote to the Idaho Daily Statesman, a woman in Emmett said she
had seen a group of objects maneuvering in the sky on the same afternoon
that Kenneth Arnold had made his observation.
Asking that her name not be quoted, the woman
reported that she had seen a group of round, shiny objects in the sky due
east of Emmett "at what appeared to be quite a distance and height." She
said the "shiny objects" were "weaving and circling very rapidly in
formation. . .and after awhile they dispersed in all directions."
Case 228 -- July 4, Portland, Oregon: During
the afternoon, while others were reporting seeing discs all over the city (see
III-15), Frank Cooley, formerly a Marine Corps observer, and
employed by radio station KOIN in Portland, confirmed the numerous reports
of disc-shaped objects.
Cooley reported seeing
twelve of the objects flying overhead at an estimated altitude of 20,000
feet. He flatly declared they were "operated and maneuverable devices," and
believed that they were larger than generally supposed,
"They plainly exercised
maneuvers in the sky," Cooley said. "At one time a number of the discs would
get into formation and fly circles around another disc. It was hard to
follow their behavior exactly because of the great height, their gleaming
surface and their nature." He said that they could only be seen clearly when
"tilted to catch the sun's rays." He was convinced, he added, that the discs
were operated either "by some human or remote control." He quickly
dismissed suggestions that they might be ordinary, lightweight objects
"tossed around by air currents."
At approximately the same
time that Cooley made his observation, a number of similar objects were seen
from the windows of the International News Service office in the Journal
Building (Case 229). INS employees
said that "at first they appeared to he high-flying birds, as their motion
undulated, and it appeared (as if) some kind of wings propelled them," INS
"They banked sharply and
without apparent system of direction. Two objects were so high that reports
of their disc-like appearance could not be verified, but they seemed to move
with high speed. They were last seen heading south after circling sharply
over the west-side area,"
Case 277 -- July 4, Madison, Wisconsin: Mr. and
Mrs. William Ecker, of 2071 Winnebago Street, reported that they had
watched a strangely maneuvering object over Madison at 9:30 p.m. CST. The
object was first seen by Mrs. Ecker, who called her husband out to see it.
According to the witnesses, the object appeared to be flying in circles over
Madison's downtown section, a mile south of their home. "It would fly in a
circle for about five minutes," reported the Ecker's, "then shoot off a mile
to the south, tear back again, stand still for a half a minute, and then
start circling again." The Ecker's said the object, described as "round and
bright," repeated this maneuver three times before it finally disappeared to
the south in a straight course, "going very fast."
Case 373 -- July 5, Janesville, Wisconsin: A
disc-like object performing similar maneuvers to those observed the previous
night in Madison was reported by four people in Janesville. Mr. and Mrs. Al
Sievert and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roth told radio station WCLO that at 11:35
p.m. CST they had seen a disc-shaped object flying northwest "just like a
plate on edge." The object was then said to have circled counter-clockwise
in a wide, oval flight pattern "at terrific speed," stopping abruptly, and
then flying out of sight at great speed. The object then came back into
view, hovered momentarily for two minutes and then resumed the same
counter-clockwise circling as before.
The witnesses described the
color of the object, as varying from yellow to silver. Just before it
disappeared, they noticed it had "three short tails," and when it vanished,
they said it "just popped out." It had been in view for about ten minutes.
Case 742 -- July 9, Sacramento, California: For
a period of 20 minutes, beginning at 1:45 p.m. PST, Mrs. Savina Rosetta,
with her son, Dempsey, and several neighborhood children, watched a shiny,
disc-shaped object maneuver overhead.
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"When I first saw it over Southside Place, it was
moving north at about 1,000 feet up," Mrs. Rosetta reported. "Then it
started to spiral up until I could hardly see it." After making its circular
ascent, the disc leveled off and resumed its northerly flight. Mrs.
Rosetta and the children finally lost sight of it at 2:05 p.m., high in the
northern sky.
Sudden Stops and Reversals of Flight
Case 338 -- July 5, Albany, Oregon: At 3:20
p.m. PST, two Albany men, Ted Tannich and William Lemon, said they saw a
silvery, disc-shaped object flying in a straight course to the south. The
disc made a sudden stop, reversing its course almost instantaneously and
moved back north. The entire maneuver took place in less than 15 seconds,
according to the witnesses.
Case 441 -- July 6, near Greenwood, Missouri:
Miss Helen Chiddix, of 711 Admiral Blvd., Kansas City, had been visiting her
mother at her family's farm home, about one mile east of Greenwood. At 5:00
p.m. CST, as she was preparing to leave for her return trip to Kansas City
by bus, Miss Chiddix said "I saw this object moving from south to north in
the sky. At first I thought it was a shining airplane, for it appeared about
that size and seemed to be moving at about that speed.
“My mother and I got out
into the yard so we could see better, when it turned out not to be a plane.
It was real large and silvery, and sailing along like a plate -- thick in the
middle. It was as large as a big plane, and it sailed along flat, not too
high and not too fast."
As it moved along steadily
to the north, Miss Chiddix reported, it suddenly "turned on edge, returned
south and vanished in the sky." She added that she wouldn't have believed
her own eyes if her mother hadn't been there to confirm what she had seen.
Case 653 -- July 7, near Rome, Maine: Four
members of a fishing party on Great Pond reported watching the maneuvers
of three "weird objects" at 9:00 p.m. EDT. Mr.
and Mrs. Orrin Williams, of
14 Toward Street, Waterville, and their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Grant, of 12 Toward Street, saw something resembling a "spinning rocket"
come out of the southern sky at tremendous speed and abruptly stop
where it remained hovering "like a ball of fire."
Shortly after that, a second
object, similar in appearance, came hurtling out of the east, passing close
by to the first object as it flew westward, disappearing into the clouds.
Then a third object appeared, again coming from the east. This one stopped
near the first object, hovered there motionless for a moment, and then
continued its westerly course. Following the disappearance of this object,
the first one began to move again and it retraced its path to the south at
high speed. The display had lasted several minutes.
Various and General Maneuvers
Case 291 -- July 4, Salt Lake City, Utah: Former
State Treasurer Oliver G. Ellis, his son Richard, and a neighbor boy, Kyle
Sessions, reported that they had seen a group of disc-like objects going
through strange maneuvers in the sky west of the city on the night of the
Mr. Ellis said the luminous
objects behaved like radio-controlled devices as they maneuvered in a
horizontal, circular pattern. Then two of the discs suddenly broke loose
from the group, as if they had been "snapped from the end of a giant
pop-the-whip," and went careening southward at a terrific speed on a gradual
slant toward the earth,
Following the disappearance
of these two objects, the rest of the group reassembled and resumed their
horizontal, circular movement, slowly working into a chain-like line, and
then forming a V-shape, similar to a flock of geese. The formation of
luminous objects then moved off to the southwest at a "terrific speed" until
they disappeared from sight in the distance.
Case 671 -- July 7, Detroit, Michigan: Early on
the night of the 7th, Mrs. Elizabeth Mason, of 1179 Wellington, reported
that she saw two luminous, disc-shaped objects "sweep out of the horizon,"
and "bounce together a few times," before they faded from view, each in
opposite directions. She described the objects as "round, red saucers,
which were definitely not searchlights." According to Mrs. Mason, the discs
made a "sort of splash" as they came together, although they did not appear
to be "harmed by the collisions."
Cases 707-709 -- July 8, Denver, Colorado: From
mid-morning until noon, several groups of UFOs made repeated appearances in
the sky over Denver, in reports similar to those made in Portland, Oregon,
on July 4, but without the same kind of widespread publicity and, typically,
lacking adequate news coverage.
Reporting to the Rocky
Mountain News, Fred Cullins, of 233 Inca Street, said he saw two
groups, one of three and one of ten, dart through the sky from the west,
scatter over the downtown area of Denver, and hover there for minutes
before resuming formation and sweeping back to the west. He added that
sightings of discs were "thick" all morning in his neighborhood.
Mrs. D. E. Marvin, 3432 West Gill Place, also
saw several formations of discs; hers "swooped" out of the area of the sun
at "terrific speed and altitude" and then flew back toward the vicinity of
the sun. One of these objects, she reported, turned flat and "looked like a
half-moon." Her aunt had phoned her from another part of town to let her
know the objects were being seen.
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Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ebert,
of 3375 West Custer Avenue, and three neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Groom,
and Mrs. Ted Dilley, said they, and at least a half-dozen other persons on
the block, had seen the discs from their backyards in the Westwood section
of Denver. Ebert was the first to notice the phenomenon, and called his wife
and others. He reportedly saw only one of the objects, which he described as
"white and very high" and, as Mrs. Marvin had reported, appearing to "come
out of the sun." He described it as "round and flat" and said there was no
noise; it "appeared to leave vapor trails like a high-flying plane."
Others in the group reported
seeing as many as five objects. Mrs. Ebert told of seeing several, which
appeared to "dance in the sky, moving backward and forward and at times
rising and falling." The witnesses in the Westwood area said the objects
were visible for a period of an hour and a half during the morning, before
they finally veered off to the west and disappeared.
Donald Wentee, eight years
old, of 2321 Champa Street, reported that he had seen a disc from the roof
of his apartment building (Case 728). He
described its color as orange, said it was "the size of a quarter," and
looked to him to be about 3,000 to 4,000 feet high. Its speed was much
faster than a plane.
Private First Class Richard
McNulty, and other patients lying on the lawn of Fitzsimmons General
Hospital, saw a number of the objects at noon (Case
723). The discs were coming out of the southwest at high speed at
estimated heights of 10,000 to 12,000 feet, and were visible only briefly
before they disappeared.
Low-swooping and Car-buzzing Reports
Case 53 -- June 25, near Pueblo, Colorado: Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd M. Lowry, of 3405 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, were
returning home by car from a six-week vacation tour. On the afternoon of the
25th, as they drove east near Pueblo, Lowry and his wife "suddenly observed
a strange missile approaching at a high rate of speed." The object was
oval-shaped, seen first at an estimated altitude of 2,000 feet, and
descending rapidly toward the observers' car. It swooped down to 500 feet
above the car. Following this object was another similar one, approaching on
the same course.
"We were alarmed," Mr. Lowry
reported. "As the first one approached, we could see it revolving at
tremendous speed on its axis, even faster than its forward flight." As it
reached a point just above and ahead of the car, "it suddenly veered off
sharply to the right, and at the same time its companion did likewise." The
objects then disappeared to the south in a matter of seconds. Mr. Lowry
hesitated to make known their experience at first because he was afraid it
would not be believed.
Case 93 -- June 28, Appleton, Colorado: H. E.
Soule, of the western Colorado farming community of Appleton, told Grand
Junction authorities that sometime during the day of June 28 he saw a
two-foot disc of "non-shiny aluminum" color sail out of the northwest sky
at an altitude of about 200 feet. The object "swooped" over his home,
narrowly missing the roof, veered eastward and gained altitude quickly as
it followed Highway 6 for about a mile, then turned southeast and
disappeared from sight. Soule described its speed as "amazing," and said he
heard no motor sounds nor saw any vapor trail.
Case 163 -- July 2, near DeKalb, Texas: City and
county officials in the Texarkana area began an investigation of reports
that numerous residents had seen UFOs in the vicinity of the Texas-Arkansas
state line. One of the first sightings was made by Wendell L. Carson, a
farmer near DeKalb, at sunset on the evening of July 2. Carson reported
that he and his small son watched "dumbfounded" as a disc swooped
noiselessly across his tomato patch at an altitude of 100 feet.
In his report, made the next
day, Carson described the disc as "roundish," and said it shone like "a
mirror reflecting the sun." He said that it had been flying "very fast," and
added that he would have reported it sooner but was convinced he and his son
must have been seeing things, until he heard of other reports in the area.
Another DeKalb witness, Mrs.
S. G. Nichols, reported independently that she had seen a disc glide over
her home at about the same time as Carson's observation.
In another report (Case
350) very similar to Carson's, a farmer in Fayetteville, Arkansas
described a low-flying disc that frightened his cattle as it made a brief
touch-down landing near his barn, three days later. (See
Case 304 -- July 5, Waterloo, Iowa: J. E.
Johnston, of Waterloo, reported that at 1:30 a.m. CST a high-speed object
had flown over his home. He described it as a "bright, flat object about 12
feet, in diameter." (AP reported Johnston's description of its size as that
of "a dinner plate.") The disc was flying about 25 feet above the ground and
made a "rocket-like, swishing noise" as it flew directly over his house at
a "terrific speed," Johnston said "It was too close to the ground to be an
airplane. It was a terrible experience," he added. "It numbed me from head
to foot."
Case 853 -- July 30, Tamarack, Idaho: John E.
Ostrom, of Nyssa, Oregon, was driving an Army truck from Council to McCall,
Idaho, on Route 95. At 4:00 p.m. MST, in the vicinity of Tamarack, he
suddenly saw a small, silver, ball-like object approaching his truck head-on
at a downward angle of about 30 degrees. As he instinctively covered his
face with his hands, the baseball-sized object glanced off the roof of the
cab, just above the windshield.
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brought the truck to a halt several hundred yards down
the highway and got out to see what damage had been
done. The point of contact was perfectly clear, and the metal of
the roof of the cab, just above the windshield, appeared to have been
"melted" as if "by some terrific heat." Experts examining the damaged spot
later, about the size of a silver dollar, said that it had the appearance of
having been "welded," but Ostrom denied there had been any welding and
insisted that the damage had been done by a small flying object.
Landings and Take-offs
Case 105 -- June 29, near Cliff, New Mexico: A
rancher near Cliff, named Arthur Howard, reported that he had seen a round,
shining object fall to earth in broken country near his ranch some time
during the day. Later, two pilots, Bud Hagen of Hurley and Ed Nelson of
Cliff, made an aerial search of the location. They found nothing, but they
reported that at one point while flying over the reported landing site their
plane flew through a layer of "stinking air" -- something for which they could
find no explanation.
Case 115 -- June 30, near Grand Canyon, Arizona:
Lt. William G, McGinty, U.S. Navy flight student, was flying out of Williams
Air Base in the vicinity of Grand Canyon at 9:10 a.m. MST when he saw two
circular, light grey objects descending straight down from an altitude of
25,000 feet, one after the other. They were moving at “inconceivable
speeds," and he estimated that each was about eight feet in diameter. The
two objects appeared to have come to earth some 25 miles south of the
southern rim of the canyon. This sighting is among those in the Air Force
files, and it is explained as "probable meteors."
Case 200 -- July 3, near St. Maries, Idaho: Mrs.
Walter Johnson, of Dishman, Washington, a Spokane suburb, reported that she
and her family had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beeman, of
Butler's Bay, on the St. Joe River in northern Idaho, after having spent a
few days camping in the area. About 6:30 p.m. PST, on the 3rd, Ben Beeman,
who had been working in his garden, suddenly "shouted for us to come
outside of. the house," Mrs. Johnson reported. When they had come out, at
least nine members of the family, including Mrs. Johnson's sister and a
niece, saw nine large objects (some counted only eight) flying out of the
southern sky in a loose formation.
"With that mountainside as a
background, we saw the saucers come in very fast, slow down jerkily, then
flutter to the ground like leaves," she told the press, several days later.
"The objects made no sound, Mrs. Johnson said. "Suddenly they stopped in
mid-air, then started again. When they reached a point over a clearing in
the timber, they stopped again and settled down a few at a time until they
were out of sight. The mysterious part was that we could see them flutter
down into the timber, and yet we couldn't see that they did anything to the
The objects, thicker than
discs and looking more like washtubs, were described by Mrs. Johnson as
being "about the size of a five-room house." They glittered with the
brilliance of a mirror in the sunlight, but "they must have given off the
light themselves, because the sun itself was not visible." (Since it was too
early for sunset, this must mean the sky was overcast, and the objects seen
below the clouds.) "The area where they went down was several miles away,"
Mrs. Johnson explained, and darkness prevented any search for the objects
that evening.
Besides having been seen by
Mrs. Johnson's family, the flight and landing was witnessed by at least a
half-dozen neighbors. After an aerial search, three days later, two missions
of the National Guard's 116th fighter group reported no trace of the
objects. Renewah County sheriff's deputies made a land search as well, but
results of this are unknown, although if any traces had been discovered, it
is likely that the findings would have been made known in the papers, since
the sighting had been given such prominent news coverage. Mrs. Johnson
reported the sighting to officials at the Spokane Army Air Base, but no
record of it is found in the Air Force files.
Case 382 -- July 6, near Miami Springs, Florida:
While vacationing in Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walsh of Boston saw three
objects "rise up out of the Everglades like some rare species of bird" from
what may have been a landing site in the sparsely settled area. The couple
were fishing at 6:00 a.m. EST in the canal, several miles north of the
Hialeah Bridge, when they saw two round, silvery objects, followed by a
third, ascend from the trees in the Everglades to a height of about 6,000
feet. Mr. Walsh estimated the size of the objects at ten to fifteen feet in
diameter. He said they flew due south and quickly disappeared from sight.
Case 383 -- July 6, near Pocatello, Idaho: H. C.
McLean, a touring Seattle resident driving through Pocatello, reported by
letter to the local paper that he had seen a small disc float slowly to the
ground in front of his car just after dawn. He described the disc as about
two or three feet in diameter, "about the size of a wagon wheel." It came
down on edge, like a wheel in the road. "Something held it upright," he
reported, and then moved it forward in "a series of short jerks," each move
carrying it a foot or two further. "In the middle of the disc," McLean
wrote, "I could made out a bulge, as if a plate had been welded onto the
disc, and there were two narrow strips of metal running almost parallel to
each other above and below this mid-section." The edge of the disc was
surrounded by a tube that had a funnel-like opening at one end, "set into
the disc's rim so that the latter could roll freely."
After having moved ahead
about 20 yards, the object "rose easily and at once began to climb. I
examined the place where the disc had landed but it touched the ground so
lightly that it left no mark. I am convinced that the disc's flight was
controlled, that it gave out signals indicating its position, and that it is
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Case 431 -- July 6, Tempe, Arizona: During the
afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Howell were in their yard at 317 Ash Street,
with a neighbor couple. Suddenly they all noticed a circular object
northeast of the house, floating down to the ground with a "kite-like
motion." The object appeared to be about two feet in diameter, was flat and
thin, made of some sort of aluminum, and looked "transparent."
The Howells and their
neighbors watched the disc disappear behind a row of trees some distance
away, and they quickly approached the area to get a better look at it. As
they came to within 600 yards of the landing site they saw the disc ascend
slowly into the air at a 45 degree angle, and then take off at a "high rate
of speed" to the northwest, towards Phoenix, nine miles away. The Howells
agreed that the disc was too small to contain a pilot. The Air Force
conclusion about this observation was that there was "insufficient
information" to find an explanation.
Case 803 -- July 9, Spokane, Washington:
Markham, of North 1019 Crestline, Spokane, and members of his crew at
the Layrite Concrete Producing Plant on Trent and Erie Streets, reported
a group of three disc-shaped objects spinning in the sky over the
flour mill at 6:15 p.m. PST. Markham said they estimated the speed of
objects to be 50 or 60 miles an hour. One of the discs left the group
appeared to land on the bank of the Spokane River. Some of the men made
search of the area, but could find no evidence of the disc's having
Protuberances: Domes, Fins or Knobs
The report by Richmond meteorologist Minczewski in
mid-April, describing a domed disc, would come under this catagory (see
I-1), as well as prospector Fred Johnson's report on June 24 (Case
30), near Ukiah, Oregon, who described seeing five or six discs
with fins, or tails (see IV- 3).
Case 94 -- June 23, La Grande, Oregon: On or
about this date, Leland Jones, La Grande high school student, and two
Catholic nuns, saw nine disc-like objects "weaving in and out of formation."
Jones said "They looked bright and round and seemed to have fins."
Case 294 -- July 4, Denver, Colorado: While
driving home at 11:00 p.m. MST from a holiday party, Mrs. John Perrin, of
1852 Wazee Street, saw "an aluminum-colored saucer do a flip-flop over the
Union Depot." She said the object had "a big dome," and "a tail of flame."
She was certain she hadn't mistaken it for a roman candle, or other
Case 313 -- July 5, Denver, Colorado: Less than
twelve hours after Mrs. Perrin's report of a domed disc seen over Denver, Ed
Zimmerman, a veteran and rocket-motor experimenter, of 1354 Elati Street, spotted a disc from his back yard. The object was
directly over the dome of the capitol building, moving in a northeast
direction. Zimmerman was able to observe the disc with binoculars and
described it as being shaped "flat, like a pie-pan," with "a bulge, or knob
on top, like a pilot's cockpit." It was dull-aluminum in color and from it
trailed a cloud of vapor, suggesting to Zimmerman some kind of jet
propulsion or rocket power. He estimated the height of the object at between
5,000 and 6,000 feet, its diameter at about 20 feet, and its speed between
1,100 and 1,200 miles an hour.
Case 413 -- July 6, Hagerstown, Maryland: At
4:30 p.m. EDT, Mrs. Madelyn Ganoe, of 349 South Cannon Avenue, saw a group
of five "saucer-shaped" objects flying eastward at "terrific speed'' through
cloudy skies. She described the flat objects as having "something on the
back end" like a fin. Mrs. Ganoe said the objects emitted a sound "the likes
of which I have never heard before." She described it as "like the roar of a
far away train," but was otherwise unable to compare it with anything
familiar. She said the objects were quickly lost to view when they
disappeared behind trees.
Another report was made at
about the same time, which may provide an explanation for Mrs. Ganoe's
sighting: Park W. T. Loy, of 55 East Irvin Avenue, said he saw five P-80s
flying over the local airfield and verified their peculiar noise. However,
the only report of jets flying over the city was made by the Hansen Flying
Service at the local airfield: two P-30 jets had flown over the field a half
an hour earlier, at 4:00 p.m. No other reports of either jets or UFOs was
made. There was an air show at Martinsburg, West Virginia, some twenty miles
to the southwest, during the afternoon, in which a number of P-80 jets
Case 752 -- July 8, Seattle, Washington: At 3:30
p.m. PST Earl Klenpke, of 9004 17th Avenue S.W., in company with his mother,
saw a "very shiny, ovalshaped" disc with "a glass dome on top of it" flying
over the city in a northwesterly direction. It was flying at a moderately
slow speed, 75 or 80 miles an hour, and "moving in a straight line with an
up-and-down motion." Klenpke estimated its size at about eight feet high and
ten feet long. He and his mother watched it for seven minutes before it
disappeared from view.
Case 786 -- July 9, Chicago, Illinois: At about
1:00 a.m. CDT, after returning home from a movie, William Valetta, of 4328
South Emerald, saw five or six objects streaking eastward as he stood on the
sidewalk in front of his home. He described them as resembling saucers, with
the cups sitting on top (domes). "They made a swishing noise," he said, and
there was a "blue flame" coming from under each object, as well as what
appeared to be smoke coming from the tops.
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Just 15 minutes before,
another report of four or five objects that made "a swishing noise" and
emitted gaseous trails, like a "blue streak," was made by Thomas O'Brian, of
553 West 42nd Place and Timothy Donegon, of 4141 Wallace Street, as they
stood outside O'Brian's house, just a few blocks from Valetta's home (Case
785). However, they described nothing that might have been domes,
and the objects they saw were going southwest at a moderate speed of 180
miles an hour.
Appendages: Antennas, Legs, Propellers & Tails
Case 1 -- June, near Aloha, Oregon: While
driving between Portland and Aloha at sundown, sometime in June, Mrs. August
Krause saw an object making loops in the air. She described it as
saucer-shaped, with the top more rounded than the bottom. She said the
object would execute a loop with a slight hover at the top of each loop.
Attached to this object was
a flexible appendage that bore a resemblance to the tail of a kite, in
length longer than the width of the object, and with "small cross pieces at
regular intervals" along its length. At the top of each loop, as the object
remained momentarily suspended, the tail "did not droop," but remained fixed
in position behind the object; then, as the disc continued its maneuver, the
tail would follow in a flexible arc.
Mrs. Krause had stopped the
car and rolled down the window to be sure she wasn't looking at some kind of
reflection. She watched this strange performance for almost five minutes,
during which time the object came closer and closer. Then it suddenly moved
off in a straight line at high speed and was lost to view. Mrs. Krause had
no idea as to the size or distance of the object, but there were clouds in
the sky, and the object was below these clouds. She had it in view long
enough to be certain of the peculiar behavior of the flexible tail.
Case 242 - July 4, near Pattonville, Missouri:
About 5:00 p.m. CDT, while on a picnic on Old St. Charles Road, four miles
west of Pattonville, Nova Hart, a St. Louis mechanic living at 2969A St.
Ferdinand Avenue, his wife Marveline, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Jackson, of 3906 Kennerly Avenue, St. Louis, saw what appeared to be an
inverted, saucer-shaped object, "ribbed like a parachute canopy," gliding
slowly in a westerly direction no more than 300 feet above the ground.
Hart, a former infantryman trained as an
aircraft spotter, said "I've never seen anything like it. It looked more
like a parachute than anything, though it appeared to have a propeller in
the middle." The propeller, attached to the center of the underside,
appeared to Hart to act "more as a stabilizer than a source of power." The
object made no noise as it floated over the observers. It was silver-grey in
color; one news account describes it as appearing "transparent."
As it moved in the direction
of St. Charles, the observers said it "kept turning in a slow roll." The object was circular, between 20 and 25 feet
in diameter, and had what looked to Mrs. Hart like "a ragged tail" on it
(the propeller). They watched it for three or four minutes before it
disappeared from view.
Dr. McDonald was able to
locate Mr. And Mrs. Hart and interview them by phone. Neither could recall
who first saw the object but Hart said they became aware of it when a shadow
was cast on their party. They saw the curious object drifting slowly toward
them at a speed of about 50 or 60 miles an hour, no more than several
hundred feet off the ground. It was moving from south to north (not east to
west, as reported in the press accounts). The upper surface was
hemispherical, with ribbing, like a parachute canopy. Mrs. Hart compared it
to the top of an umbrella. The object was silver-grey (not "transparent,"
as one press account had it), rather like some dull metallic surface
covering --"like the dull side of aluminum foil," as Mrs. Hart put it.
Hart explained the newspaper
references to the "slow roll" the object performed: as it approached the
viewers from the south, its near edge was tipped upward, exposing the
underside. When it passed over them, it leveled off, and in moving
northward, curiously, it tipped in the opposite direction -- that is, the edge
nearest them was again tipped upward. This puzzled Hart. Aside from the slow
tipping action, there was no irregular motion -- no spinning or undulating.
The underside appeared to
consist of a red conical substructure, point down, and near the bottom of
the cone (which Hart compared to "red plastic") was something like a
propeller -- an appendage likened by Hart to "a rope ladder." Mrs. Hart said
it had the appearance to her of a "tattered edge." It was about five or six
feet in diameter, and was moving too slowly and was too small to be a source
of motive power, in their opinion. The propeller puzzled them a great deal.
It made no noise, they said.
The Harts mentioned a number
of other people in the picnic area who were all watching the object.
Several people came up and asked them what they thought it was. One man, in
a truck, tried to follow it; he was last seen hanging out the door as his
truck went down the road in pursuit of the object. Hart called the paper
primarily to try to identify the object. He received a great deal of kidding
about it and could understand why others were not reporting them. He was
never interrogated by the Air Force.
Case 249 -- July 4, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
Just about sundown, Dr. M. K. Leisy, junior intern at the Pennsylvania
Hospital for Mental Diseases in the western section of Philadelphia (at
Market and 44th Streets), was reading on the west porch of the hospital when
his attention was drawn to the sky by a loud roar. He saw a big transport
plane going over, which may have accounted for the noise, but he also saw
something far more surprising: coming out of the north northwest sky was a
dark, spherical object with a luminous halo around it. The object was flying
below the clouds at a moderate speed, "about the same speed as the wind,"
and appeared to be propelled "by a set of whirling wings, or jets." After
several moments, the object disappeared into the clouds overhead.
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A check with various
agencies disclosed that no balloons had been released over that area at the
time, nor was it possible to confuse the object with anything connected
with the fireworks display scheduled to begin after dark. Independent
reports of the same, or other objects, were made elsewhere in the western
part of town at about the same time.
Case 287 -- July 4, Los Angeles, California:
Herman V. Friede, an aircraft inspector living at 226 West 11th Street,
described seeing an object "shaped like a lima bean" fly over Elysian park
at 8:30 p.m. PST, at an estimated altitude of 5,000 feet. Friede said he
could see what appeared to be two jet pipes sticking out from the rear edge
of the object, with vapor trails coming from them. The leading edge of the
object appeared transparent, Friede reported, and "could have been a
cockpit." Friede's work as an aircraft inspector should certainly insure his
being able to tell a conventional craft from a non-conventional one.
Case 306 -- July 5, Bethesda, Maryland: Jack
LaBous, a Washington artist living in the 3500 block of East Capital Street,
was riding on a Benning bus near Bethesda sometime during the morning when
he saw a flat, disc-shaped object with a small dome-like shape on the
underside, spinning high in the air at an altitude he estimated to be above
15,000 feet. He also noticed a stick-like appendage, like a radio antenna,
protruding downward from the center under the object (see drawing).
Mr. LaBous worked for eight
years as a visual artist for the Civil Aeronautics Administration; when he
saw the object, he quickly made a sketch of it on the back of an envelope he
had in his pocket. The detail of the "antenna-like" appendage is remarkably
similar to the device described by Gregory Zimmer in Sioux Falls the
following day (Case 452).
![]() |
Case 330 -- July 5, Tacoma, Washington: In many
sightings witnesses reported that a group of objects appeared to be
"connected" by unseen wires or string, or by some other invisible means,
because they moved in unison, or in a manner that suggested some kind of
connection between them. In the following report, an actual physical
appendage was reported seen joining two objects together.
Mrs. Lillian Emblem, of 1115
6th Avenue, reported seeing two objects at fairly close range. She said that
the objects "really looked like two spools, joined together by a connecting
rod." For about 30 seconds she and a friend, Mrs. Marie Reed, watched the
objects move silently through the air at about the speed of a plane.
Case 322 -- July 5, Covington, Kentucky: Mrs.
Dorothy Kreve and Mrs. May Lawrence, both of 434 Johnson Street, Covington,
reported that they had seen a circular object "with legs" flying overhead
during the afternoon. This altogether too brief account becomes more
interesting when compared with the following report, almost equally as
Case 401 -- July 6, Chicago, Illinois: This
report is reprinted in its entirety, as it appeared in numerous papers on
July 7. The original account could not be found in the Chicago papers.
Chicago, July 6 (UP)-- An excited woman telephoned a Chicago newspaper Sunday to report that she had seen a "flying saucer" and that "it had legs.""I was standing on the porch," she said, "and I thought for sure it was coming down and slap me in the face."
Case 452 -- July 6, Sioux Falls, South Dakota:
Gregory Zimmer, County Treasurer's assistant, reported that at 5:15 p.m.
CST he saw a "round object resembling a balloon" fly over his house at 1328
West Sioux Street, as he lay in his back yard. The object flew over at high
speed, "traveling faster than the fastest planes," according to Zimmer. It
was described as generally silver colored, "like a Christmas decoration,"
while a part of the top appeared darker in color. The object was flying at
an estimated height of nearly 10,000 feet in a southwesterly direction.
Zimmer said that the object had a "little tail
sticking straight down," similar to the appendage described by Jack LaBous
(Case 306), on the previous day.
This "thread-like tail," instead of trailing behind the object, appeared
more like a rigid projection underneath it.
Marine Ace Joe Foss, head of the Sioux Falls National Guard
unit, sent a pilot aloft to look for the object, but the pilot
reportedly saw nothing unusual. Kenneth Clark, a local
meteorologist, said there had been a garden party for children at
the Veterans Hospital during the afternoon, at which time
helium-filled balloons had been used as decorations.
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He proposed that one of the balloons got loose
and was the culprit responsible for the reported sighting. The hospital is
southwest of Zimmer's home, according to the newspaper accounts. Apparently
meteorologist Clark never considered the fact that for a balloon to be seen
carried southwest by the prevailing winds, it would have to be released at a
point somewhere other than southwest of the reporting witness.
Case 516 -- July 6, near Burlington, Wisconsin:
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nielson, of Waukesha, were returning home on Sunday
night from Lake Geneva, and as they drove between Lake Geneva and
Burlington, they saw a saucer-shaped object "with a propeller on front,
larger than the saucer itself." Following this object, as if in pursuit,
was a small cub plane. Describing the object as "slightly larger than a
regular-sized saucer" (probably a relative comparison, as a "regular-sized
saucer" would scarcely be visible at the height of a plane), Mrs. Nielson
said "a light flashed at least twice from it." The plane pursuing the
object was easily outdistanced by it, according to the witnesses.
Case 526 -- July 6, Minneapolis, Minnesota:
Toward midnight, Mrs. Clarence Lasseson, of 606 West 31st Street, saw a
mysterious object "at close range" outside her home. The disc-shaped object,
which appeared to be about the size "of a ten-inch plate," had a propeller
on its rear edge, and flew over her house at tree-top level, she reported.
(The headline of this brief report says, "Click, Phht"--
whether this is a
reference to some reported but unpublished sound heard by the witness, or
just a headline writer's "sense of humor," is not known.)
Small Objects
The preceding case (Case
526) may also fall into this category, if it can be assumed that
the news account is correct, and the witness did actually see the object at
"close range."
Case 50 -- About June 25, near Connellsville,
Pennsylvania: A Poplar Grove housewife, Mrs. G. Edward Hart, watched a
formation of 13 small disc-like objects, "about the size of breakfast
plates," float overhead and hover above an orchard near her home at about
3:00 a.m. EDT. The objects, seen at fairly close range, remained over the
orchard for about ten seconds and then slowly moved on, Mrs. Hart said.
Case 255 -- July 4, Elliott, North Dakota:
Virgil Been, a farmer near Elliot, reported having seen a small object
"about the size and shape of a dinner plate, but green in color," early in
the evening over his mother's farm, a mile and a half northeast of Elliott.
His mother, Mrs. Glen Been, and his brother, Willard, also saw it as it
passed close to the three witnesses, no more than 30 or 40 feet above the
ground. It was traveling at a "high rate of speed." Been, a Navy veteran,
said he had never seen anything in the service that resembled such an
object, and added that there was no chance of their having mistaken it for
some sort of fireworks.
Case 358 -- July 5, Pond Lake, Michigan: Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Fisk, of 42 Delaware Street, Grand Rapids, were camping on Pond
Lake when, sometime after dark, they saw "a brilliant, dark-red object,
approximately eight inches in diameter, proceeding at an altitude of about
200 feet across the lake." They both described the object as "zigzagging
through the air, dropping once as low as 20 feet above the surface of the
lake." It made no noise and both witnesses saw some sort of light on it that
flashed on and off several times before the object sailed upward and
disappeared from view.
Case 399 -- July 6, Kansas City, Kansas: Miss
Barbara Mehner, of 2309 South Glenwood Avenue, in the Intercity District,
said she was playing baseball on a field near U.S. Highway 24 when a small,
grey disc flew around her.
"I was facing west when
something flew in from the side," she said. "It was dark grayish, about five
inches across and flying two feet from the ground. It flew around me several
times, then flew off south a short distance, came back and circled me three
or four more times. Then it disappeared."
Case 501 -- July 6, Towanda, Pennsylvania: A
close-up observation of two small "objects" was described by Mrs. A. C.
Smith, who saw them hovering 20 feet above the ground. For a period of two
minutes, they "bobbed about, merged together, and separated," she said,
before they finally soared into the sky. According to Mrs. Smith, the discs
were about six to eight inches in diameter and appeared to be "saucers of
intense light." She did not believe they were solid objects.
Case 603 -- July 7, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:
Eight Gettysburg College couples reported seeing two flights of small
objects at low altitude while they were on a Sigma Chi fraternity picnic
near the Pennsylvania Monument on the historic battleground. About 3:30
p.m. EDT, five or six small, grey, shiny discs drifted eastward overhead at
moderate speed, appearing to roll on edge as they flew. A few minutes later
another group of six similar objects flew over in the same direction.
"Each time they were
traveling in two distinct groups," said Frank Toms, a senior at the
College. He estimated the size of the discs at six inches in diameter. They
appeared to be at an altitude of "about 150 to 200 feet above the ground,"
he added. Among the witnesses present was Peter John, a sophomore from
Camden, New Jersey.
Torpedo or Cylindrical Shapes
Case 6 -- June 2, near Lewes, Delaware: Pilot
Forrest Wenyon's report of a "mayonnaise jar shaped object" falls into this category. For details
see Pilots' Reports (III- 9).
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Case 104 -- about June 29, near Ottawa, Ontario:
R. S. Gauthier, of Ottawa, and two companions, were in a boat on Lake
Deschenes, eight miles west of the Canadian capital on the Ottawa River,
when they saw a high-speed object crossing the lake from the north. There
was no sound heard as it passed over at an altitude estimated by the
witnesses to be about 1,200 feet. Mr. Gauthier reported that rather than
looking like a "saucer," the object appeared more like a "flying
stove-pipe" -- that is, cylindrical in shape.
"It was glowing such a
white-hot color, you could almost feel the heat," Gauthier reported. "The
light was blinding, almost like the sun." The object crossed overhead and
passed out of view in 30 seconds, the trio reported.
Case 125 -- June 30, Knoxville, Tennessee: C.E.
Brehm, University of Tennessee professor, sighted a "long cylinder" at night
-- for details see reports by
Educators (III-2).
Case 189 -- July 3, near Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island: Ewen McNeill, a farmer in Village Green, reported that at
5:45 p.m. ADT he had seen an object cross overhead as he worked in his
fields. His attention was attracted to the sky by "a very bright light,"
which McNeill described as "even brighter than the sun."
The light appeared to come
from the rear of a black projectile whose shape resembled that of a rocket,
or a wingless plane. The flame behind this black object was blindingly
white. Behind this white flame there trailed a long plume of smoke, in which
could be seen occasional "puffs, which looked like smoke rings." The smoke
trail appeared to be two miles long. The object was estimated to be at an
altitude of 10,000 feet, and was traveling in an easterly direction at
"tremendous speed." It was in view for 15 seconds.
Two other reports were made
from other parts of Prince Edward Island at exactly the same time (Cases
190, 191). Neither report agreed with McNeill's in direction, or
description of the cylindrical object he had seen.
Cone-shaped Objects
Case 598 -- July 7, Glasgow, Illinois: A
brightly shining object "about a mile up" caught the attention of J. C.
Star, restaurant owner in Scott County, at an unspecified time during the
day. With the aid of a portable telescope he carried in the car, Star said
he saw a "conically-shaped, highly polished object with a round base;" he
estimated the base was 25 or 30 feet in diameter. He said that the object
was oscillating slowly from side to side, and then suddenly "began to move
swiftly toward the west" at about 300 miles an hour.
Case 758 -- July 8, suburban Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania: According to the Philadelphia Inquirer (7/9), "scores"
of Philadelphians had reported UFOs during the preceding
evening. The number of objects reported ranged from one
to a dozen. 'Virtually all sections of the city and many
in the suburbs contained at least one resident or
visitor who reported he viewed the phenomenon," Only
four specific sightings were printed; the descriptions
in each case were exceedingly brief, as shown by the
following report, quoted in its entirety:
Thomas Miller, 17, of 6448 Palmetto street, said he and a group of friends spotted one while playing baseball in Tookenay Park, Cheltenham Township. But when he and his playmates started to chase it, the "saucer" disappeared. Miller said the object resembled a huge lamp-shade, being cone-shaped and colored grey.
Propeller-shaped Objects
Case 340 -- July 5, Neapolis, Ohio: While
ferrying an empty airliner from the east coast to Chicago, TWA pilot
Captain John L. Dobberteen and copilot Frank Corwin, both of Washington,
reported that they saw a strange-looking flying object below them when they
were 20 miles east of Archbold, Ohio (approximately over Neapolis) at about
7:00 p.m. EST. The pilots were flying west at 4,000 feet. They said the
object they saw had "the appearance of a whirling fan blade and was about
the size of a cub plane, with no sign of a body, fuselage, or motor
apparatus. Just a propeller-like whatsit --
wings without a bird," as they put
it. The object was slowly revolving as it moved forward at an estimated
speed of 200 miles an hour.
The pilots flew slightly off
course in an effort to see where the object was going. They watched it make
two complete revolutions below them before it disappeared from view. Captain
Dobberteen said he was certain the object could not have been an auto gyro,
or similar aircraft. He added that it might have had the appearance of a
disc-like object from the ground. "We thought it was a souped-up Fourth of
July spin wheel (sic) when we first saw it," the pilot said. "But we know it
couldn't have been fireworks." The TWA men continued on to Chicago and
reported the whirling object to the air traffic control authorities because
it had been flying in a commercial air lane and was thus a potential hazard
to other planes.
Case 391 -- July 6, Spokane, Washington: Mrs. C.
C. Jenkins, of N. 2201 Columbus, was watering her lawn at 7:10 a.m. PST
when she saw two objects moving out of the northern sky. She described their
speed as "oh, so fast." Mrs. Jenkins said the objects "didn't appear to be
discs, but were more like the toy propellers children run with. They were
aluminum colored, and one was above the other." The objects began to go
straight up, she said, and quickly disappeared from view.
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V and Wing-shaped Objects
Case 227 -- July 14, Troutdale, Oregon: Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Berry, of 915 N.E. Killingsworth Street, Portland, reported that they
and an unidentified friend had seen an object that bore a resemblance to "a
star" to the naked eye, as it traveled in a northeasterly direction over
Troutdale at an unspecified time during the day. They examined the object
through binoculars and said that through the glasses the object appeared to
be V-shaped. It was flying in a straight, level course, but seemed to be
"dipping a bit" as it flew along, and flashing in the sun, according to the
Case 444 -- July 6, Darlington, South
While swimming in the Black Creek late in the afternoon, J. V. Watts,
an attorney with the law firm of State Senator James F. Mozingo III,
that he had seen ten or twelve wing-shaped objects flying in a
and weaving up and down as they moved at a comparatively slow rate of
The objects appeared metallic and bore no resemblance to reported
"discs" or
"saucers," according to Watts; they were clearly wing-shaped. He saw no
propellers or fuselage on them, and he estimated their speed at between
and 200 miles an hour, and their height at about 3,000 feet. He added
shortly after their passage overhead he saw an Army plane following in
same direction. He was of the opinion that the pilot of the plane could
have failed to see the objects ahead off him. However,
no report of such an encounter appears in the official Air Force files.
Satellite Object Reports
Case 20 -- June 21, Spokane, Washington: While
watching a plane fly over at 11:55 a.m. PST, Guy R. Overman, of Spokane,
said his attention was attracted to several flashing objects in the southern
sky, ahead of and below the plane. The flashes came from one silvery object
which appeared as "a more or less distinct line, or slim body," moving on a
course to the south, or a little west of south. This object appeared quite
large, and did not seem to be traveling as fast as the plane. Above this
object and apparently at the same, or possibly higher, altitude as the
plane, were two more smaller, less distinct objects, also moving in the same
direction. These smaller objects, like the larger one, were silver in color
and were also ''flashing." The plane soon outdistanced all three objects,
which disappeared after several minutes to the south. The sighting is among
those in the Air Force files and is explained as "balloons."
Case 45 -- June 24, Portland, Oregon: William
Kamp, of 5115 N.E. 22nd Avenue, a retired gas company employee, reported
having seen a strange sight in the sky across the street from his home as he
stepped out of the house at 9:00 p.m. PST. He saw "a large object which
looked big enough to be a plane" flying in a northwesterly direction.
Just as he noticed the
object, he saw a reddishwhite flare-like object being discharged; this
bright object dropped straight down. Another similar object was discharged
before the larger object disappeared from view in the distance. Kamp said
"the object was flying too high and was too large for a Fourth of July
Case 126 -- June 30, Norwood, Ohio: Mrs. H. W.
Stockwell, of 4000 Floral Avenue, reported that on the night of the 30th she
saw a group of seven disc-like objects in the sky over Norwood. One of the
discs, she said, was much larger than the rest and she estimated its size to
be at least "a mile in diameter." She did not mention the sighting until a
week later because she said she felt "a little silly about it. Now I think
that if they are dangerous, everybody should know about them."
Case 454 -- July 6, Tucson, Arizona: The first
in a series of satellite object sightings that occurred in a little more
than 24 hours, and moved progressively around the perimeter of the
continental United States in a clockwise pattern, took place at Tucson at
5:00 p.m. MST. Three disc-shaped objects --
one larger than the other
two -- were seen by a retired lawyer, Joseph Hendron, and his wife as they
sat outside their home at 521 North Warren Avenue.
"At about five p.m., my wife
and I were sitting on the patio watching the cloud formations. I suddenly
saw what first appeared to be a kite," the lawyer reported. "We then saw two
more. They were coming from the east, in the direction of Davis Monthan
Field, and went north. They appeared very high, and two appeared smaller
than the other. In fact the two small ones seemed to gravitate back and
forth from the larger one."
Mr. Hendron said the larger
of the three objects seemed to be flying in a straight course, while the
small ones "moved up and down and in and out from the larger one." He
described their color as "silver, much the same effect as the sun would
reflect from aluminum." Hendron asserted that after the objects had
disappeared he speculated as to whether or not they might have been sent up
by the weather bureau for "testing the atmosphere." He said "they did not
appear to be going, very fast, but that might be because of the height. They
might have been flying high or low, I couldn't estimate, not knowing their
Dr. McDonald was unable to
locate the Hendrons, but he did interview another witness to a sighting
describing several objects shortly before the Hendrons reported seeing
Walter Laos
(Case 453) had been sitting
in his backyard at 723 East 1st Street at 4:30 p.m. when he saw a group of
from four to six round objects to the northeast, over the Catalina
Mountains. (The news account in the Tucson Arizona Daily Citizen reports the number of objects as two.) Laos told McDonald that the objects seemed to be flying near what
looked like an ordinary cloud. They were moving northeast at a very high
speed and at one point made a sudden descent toward the ground and swooped
back up, disappearing aloft.
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They were dark in color, he told McDonald, but
must have been shiny because they occasionally glinted. He called his family
out, but by the time they got there the objects had disappeared. They had
been in view for no more than 15 seconds. The news account quoted Laos
as having estimated the objects' height at 5,000 to 6,000 feet, their speed
at 200 miles an hour, and their size at about five to six feet. In that
account he described their color as white aluminum. The account confirms
their northeasterly heading, as described to McDonald.
Although the direction is
the same as that described by the Hendrons, the number of objects and exact
time differ, so it cannot be said with certainty that the two reports were
of the same phenomenon.
Case 528 -- July 6, near Palmdale, California:
Mrs. Amy Herdliska, housewife living at Four Points in the Palmdale area,
reported that she had seen a group of objects twice during the late evening
behaving in a most peculiar manner. She reported to Sgt. W. K. Campbell, of
the Lancaster County sheriff's substation that at 10:36 p.m., "over the
mountains south of Palmdale, I saw what looked like a mama disc, with three
to five little baby discs flying around her.
"The little ones would
cavort around for awhile, then they'd fly back and seem to fly into the mama
disc's pouch. Anyway, the mama disc absorbed the baby discs," she
explained. Mrs. Herdliska said that the objects "were luminescent and
clearly visible," and before they had disappeared to the south over the
mountains, they were seen "separating" again. She reported that a second
flight of the same puzzling objects was made again at 11:17 p.m. (Case
Sgt. Campbell and other deputies made a routine
check and said they saw "fleets of mackerel-like clouds 15,000 to
feet in the air." They did not see any of the discs reported by Mrs.
Herdliska, and they wrote off the report by explaining that she may have
seen "reflections of Hollywood arc lights" on the clouds.
The Los Angeles
Herald-Express and the Examiner (both on 7/8) briefly refer to a
sighting in North Hollywood at approximately the same time between ten and
eleven p.m. Mrs. William A. Becker, of 6240 Sunset Avenue, reported that she
had watched "six or eight" discs for an hour from her home. "They were
darting back and forth, crisscrossing the sky very high," she said. "They
looked all of ten or twelve feet in width - I finally got tired of looking at
them and went to bed." There is no indication that Mrs. Becker had seen the
same kind of phenomenon as Mrs. Herdliska reported, but if Mrs. Herdliska's
"mama disc and baby discs" disappeared to the south in the interval between
her two sightings, North Hollywood is where they would be seen.
Case 556 -- July 7, Tacoma, Washington: A little more
than three hours after Mrs. Herdliska had seen the second flight of mama and
baby discs, a similar sighting was made by two Tacoma policemen. At 2:30
a,m. PST, prowl car officers Evan Davies and Stan Johnson were parked at
North 33rd and Adams Streets with their headlights and motor turned off.
Davies' attention was caught by a "streak" in the sky; looking more closely,
he saw a strange spectacle. "I didn't say anything," he reported later.
"Then I noticed Stan was watching it too."
"Do you see anything?" Johnson asked.
"Yeah, do you?" Davies
answered cautiously.
"I thought I was crazy," Johnson remarked with
relief. "I've been watching it for five minutes."
"So have I," his partner admitted.
The cause for this guarded
exchange was the sight of a group of six or seven disc-like objects seen
just below a bright moon in the southern sky. One central object, larger
than the others, seemed to act as a sort of "flagship." The smaller objects
would make repeated movements toward the large disc and then glide away to
the south. The officers said the larger disc appeared to be "spinning like
a top, and throwing off sparks like a bursting sky rocket," and then
attracting the tiny objects back "like a mother hen with her chicks."
The officers estimated that
the objects were at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. The smaller "and more
distinct objects" began to move westward in a loose group, and vanished from
view, while the large disc remained for a brief time in one spot, and then
it too began to move westward. The men decided to give chase, and Davies
radioed the police dispatcher, D. F. Erickson, "Car No. 5, Johnson and
Davies to KGZN. We're chasing a flying saucer towards the Narrows Bridge
As they sped westward, the
officers radioed their course and a running description of the phenomenon.
Johnson said that although it was impossible to judge altitude, size, speed
or distance accurately, the large disc appeared to move at tremendous speed
and was the apparent "size of a softball." One of the smaller discs was seen
flying over South Tacoma; later, another was seen to the west, over Hood
Canal; a third, which flew out of sight in less than a minute, appeared over
Commencement Bay. At one point, the large object made a rapid ascent of an
estimated 5,000 feet above its former altitude at extremely high speed,
"quicker than you could snap your fingers," according to Davies. He said
that the parent disc "seemed a shade of red part of the time, particularly
when it zoomed upward, but most of the time it was a sort of luminous
silver." (AP quoted him as saying its color turned from "brilliant red to
purple to blue-white and back to red.'")
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The officers finally lost
sight of the object over the western horizon. In all, they had observed the
phenomenon for a half an hour. At the police station, officers said an
unnamed caller from South Tacoma had phoned in exactly at the same time to
report seeing the same spectacle, and M. C. Streans, of 913 South L,
reported he had watched the same phenomenon sometime after 2:00 a.m.
Dr. McDonald interviewed
Evan Davies, who is still with the Tacoma police force, on two consecutive
days by phone. Davies recalled that the night of the sighting was very
clear. He and Stan Johnson were parked in Car D-3 near the Tacoma Narrows
Bridge, facing west, when they first saw the objects. Davies compared the
motion of the smaller ones to "sparks that shot out away from the main
object but then would come back to it" like a "sparkler, except for their
reentry." He put their altitude roughly at 10,000 feet.
Davies told McDonald that
the most striking feature of the entire sighting was the way the objects
would suddenly jump from one location to another spot "miles away." At one
point they had shot up suddenly through a substantial vertical distance.
About mid-point during the sighting the objects began moving south, then
west, and they eventually disappeared in the direction of the ocean. Both
Davies and Johnson agreed that these objects could not have been any
conventional aircraft.
Davies added that there was
another patrol car which had been alerted and he said that the officers in
that car had also seen the objects. The name of one of the men he recalled
as George Hager, no longer with the Tacoma police force but still living in
Tacoma. Between Dr. McDonald's first and second interviews with Davies, the
latter had talked with Stan Johnson about the sighting, and Johnson
vividly recalled the way the objects jumped over considerable distances.
Case 597 -- July 7, Cicero, Illinois: At some
unspecified time during the day, Richard Allen, 19, of 2935 South 29th, saw a formation consisting of
one large disc, about the size of a blimp and silver in color, with three or
four smaller discs following it in a straight line. The objects were seen
flying over 29th and Laramie.
Case 660 -- July 7, Manchester, Maine: A report
of an "illuminated galaxy of flying discs" seen by three members of a family
during the evening was made. The objects were seen first by Charles
Crockett, 15, as he was walking toward his home on the highway between
Manchester Four Corners and the Augusta Country Club, at 9:30 p.m. EDT. The
cluster of luminous objects was seen to the west, over the north end of Lake
Cobbosseecontee. They were still there when he arrived home a few minutes
later, so he summoned his mother, Mrs. Doris Crockett, and his grandmother,
Mrs. Abbie Hallowell, who confirmed his observation.
Mrs. Crockett said that the
lighted objects appeared to be just above the treetops at the north end of
the lake. She described one circular, stationary light "that looked
something the way the moon does breaking through a cloud." Bright flashing
lights that appeared and disappeared were seen revolving around the
stationary object. Mrs. Crockett said these lights resembled the "quickly
cast beams of a flashlight." The central spot of light gradually faded, she
reported, and then the whirling spots of light also disappeared.
Charles described what he
saw as "about eight or ten smaller discs revolving around a big disc-shaped
spot of light." The objects remained in view for fifteen minutes before they
faded out of sight.
Spectators at an out-of-door
boxing match in Winthrop, a few miles to the west, saw lights of a similar
description at about the same time, but they were said to have been
reflections of searchlights on clouds (Case 659).
There may also be some connection with the sighting made near Rome, Maine, a
short time before the Manchester appearance (II-10).
One other report that
qualifies as a satellite object case is the sighting made earlier in the
spring of 1947 by Mrs. H. G. Olavick and Mrs. William Down, at Tucson,
Arizona, and reported directly to Dr. McDonald by one of the witnesses.
Details of this report are included in the Introduction.
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