Section IV -
Empirical Evidence
In most UFO reports there is nothing tangible to lay
hold of; the evidence consists of the witnesses description of an object
that he says behaves in such-and-such a way. In a small percentage of
reports, however, evidence exists or was reported of something more than
just a sensory impression of an aerial phenomenon. Such evidence includes
reactions by animals to the presence of a UFO; electrical and
electromagnetic effects occurring when UFOs were seen; deposits and traces,
including fragments left by low-hovering or landing objects; and records on
photographic film and radar screens of their presence. These elements,
involving as they do features and circumstances beyond mere visual
observation, are fragmentary; nevertheless, they provide clues to the
character of the phenomena and offer supporting evidence of their actual
existence. A few such cases (except for radar reports) occurred during the
1947 UFO wave.
Animal Reactions
Case 231 -- July 4, Portland, Oregon: Patrolman
McDowell's report of the pigeons reacting to five discs overhead (see
Cases 263 and 350 -- July 4 & 5, Fayetteville,
Arkansas: Henry Seay, a farmer living two miles north of Fayetteville,
reported that on two consecutive nights, just before dark, his livestock
bolted when unidentified flying objects swooped overhead. On July 4, Seay
said, as he was rounding up cattle and horses, three yellow discs "about
the size of pancakes, and whirling around at the same time," flying from 500
to 1,000 feet overhead, frightened the animals. The objects were reported as
flying in a southwesterly path.
The following evening the
same thing took place. The wire service accounts are not clear about
details, but they report that a disc came down to about 300 feet and
"dropped sparks, which were like dust on me," according to Seay. He said he
believed the object had come down near his home, but that it was "nothing
but ashes and dust when it hit." He commented briefly that "the animals sure
do get up and go when they see those things."
Dr. McDonald was able to
interview Seay by phone and clarified a number of points in the news
accounts. He discussed the sighting on the evening of the 5th with Seay,
since it seems to have involved a brief touch-down landing; the events of
the preceding night were not covered, as the witness, now quite elderly, was
quite reluctant to discuss it at all.
Seay told McDonald that he
had been driving his cattle along his road near sunset on the 5th when he
noticed a single object pass overhead. He became aware of its presence when
something like dust fell on him. His arms were bare and although he felt the
dust falling on his skin, it did not burn. The object appeared to be ten or
twelve feet across and "the whole thing glowed." The cattle bolted as Seay
looked up and saw the object. The cows, in front of him, all ran off to the
other side of the pasture and it took him more than ten minutes to get
them all rounded up. He had been driving them up to the barn for evening
The object moved across the
pasture and came down in front of him, on the south side of his barn, as he
recalled. It only touched down momentarily, perhaps for a few seconds, at a
distance of about 200 yards from him. He stated that he saw it on or close
to the ground with the barn behind it. It had been moving to the northeast.
The shape of the object was round and flattened. He heard no noise at any
After several seconds, the
object rose up vertically about 30 or 40 feet and then shot off horizontally
at a speed estimated as 50 miles an hour. It left a shower of yellow sparks
as it took off. It flew over a field of oats, but did not damage the oats,
although the sparks were seen falling to the ground.
The light emitted by the
object was not blinding, but he could not see the shape very well. Dr.
McDonald asked him if there had been any other reports from the area at the
same time and Seay said there were others two or three miles away who saw it
and described it similarly. He had talked to some of them but did not know
their names, except for one man who came over to cut his oats several days
later, and who had seen it. The man is now dead, but Seay would not give his
name. He added that he had found no marks in the barnyard where the object
had appeared to set down.
Case 787 -- July 9, Manchester, New Hampshire:
Mrs. Earl O. Anderson, of 79 Kennard Road, was awakened at 3:50 a.m. EDT by
the barking of dogs in the neighborhood. Looking out her bedroom window to
see what the cause of the commotion was, she saw a "saucer-shaped light"
slightly to the north of the Derryfield reservoir. The object was whirling
about at a fast pace and continued this for a few minutes
-- long enough for
Mrs. Anderson to be certain she was not seeing a shooting star or some kind
of a reflection in the starless sky. After several minutes the object
finally passed beyond her view through the window in a diagonal slant.
Fragments, Ashes, and Traces
Case 19 -- June 21, near Titusville,
Pennsylvania: Mill-worker Donald Bunce, of Troy Center, was driving to work
at his plant in Titusville at an unspecified time of day when, he later
reported, he saw an object "streaking through the sky," He said it hit the
ground in a field nearby and he hurried to the
spot where it came to earth. The object,
glowing white and hot, was half-buried in the ground. Using a shovel that
was in his car, Bunce scooped the object up, brought it to work and showed
it to his fellow workers at the mill. He took it home after work and forgot
about it, until reports of flying objects renewed his interest in having
the object identified.
IV – 1
The object was described as
being about five inches long, was oval in shape, was lightweight, and
resembled a piece of coral. On July 8 Bunce took it to Allegheny College, at
Meadville. At Allegheny, Chemistry Professor H. R. Rhinesmith "admitted he
had never seen anything like it," although no tests of the fragment appear
to have been made. The object was then taken to Gannon College, in Erie,
where R. H. Mitchell, Professor of Geology, examined it. He first ruled out
the possibility of its being a meteorite on the basis that there was no
metallic content in the fragment. He then pronounced it a "scoria" (a type
of volcanic debris). But what it was doing flying through the air near
Titusville, Pennsylvania, some 4,000 miles from the nearest active volcano,
Professor Mitchell, or anybody else for that matter, was unable to explain.
Case 211 -- July 4, Hillsboro, Texas: An object
about the size and shape of an ordinary saucer, that had not been seen in
flight, was found in the garden of Bob Scott, a farmer living two and a half
miles east of Hillsboro. Scott said that when he found it, "it was bright as
a blow-torch, but it didn't burn me when I picked it up. I got to thinking
about all these new inventions now-days, and it scared me. So I put it
down. It sure didn't belong in my garden," he added.
He didn't mention the
discovery until he met a friend, W. O. Kissick, and when the two of them
went to investigate the object they found that it was disintegrating.
Another friend, Joe Gerrick, of Hillsboro, also examined it and said that
one of the remaining pieces "looked like tinfoil," but when they picked it
up "it appeared to be celluloid." Whatever it was, most of it seemed to
"have melted," subliming into a gelatinous residue. The men contacted
Hillsboro newsman Dan Shults, who also viewed the remains. "It was a dusty,
silvery substance," he reported. "I picked up some of the pieces and it
wasn't like anything I'd ever seen before." Unfortunately, it seems that
none of the material was given to appropriate authorities for analysis.
Case 685 -- July 7, Omaha, Nebraska: Fred R.
Reibold, of 2315 Himebaugh Avenue, and his motherin-law, Mrs. Gertrude
Sniffen, reported that at 10:30 p.m. CST they had seen "a flaming object"
drop into the street in front of their home. The object was round,
disc-shaped, and about the size of a silver dollar, and it lay in the street
"burning with extreme heat." Newspapers were called and newsmen sent out to
investigate. Before they arrived, however, an intrepid neighborhood boy
kicked at the fragment, after the fire had subsided, and it "fell to
pieces." When the reporters arrived, they scooped up the remaining ashes and
took them away for analysis. The pavement was scorched where the object had
The Omaha World-Herald
reported the next day that chemical analysis, under Dr. C. L. Kenny, head of
the Chemistry Department of the College of Dentistry, Creighton University,
and carried out by two unidentified students, revealed traces of sodium,
potassium, iron, aluminum, carbonate, sulphate, and unburnt carbon.
According to Dr. Kenny, it was nothing more than "ordinary pipe tobacco."
The report is included among those in the Air Force files. Interestingly, it
is probably the only UFO on record that has been explained as "tobacco
Case 768 -- July 8, Boise, Idaho: Oliver
Gregorson, Box 212, Boise, and Vesta Mitchell, of Route 5, Boise, reported
to the Idaho Daily Statesman that they were about a mile and a half
out of the city, on Route 20, at about sunset when they saw a number of
silvery discs "twirling in the sky, large and very high."
(The sun set at
8:28 p.m. MST on July 8.) They said that two of the objects appeared much
larger than the others. They were shiny and reflected the rays of the
setting sun, and as the two witnesses watched them, the two larger objects
appeared to descend closer to the earth. Then, they said, the objects
"turned red and vanished."
A moment or so following the
disappearance of the objects, Gregorson and Miss Mitchell both saw
"fragments of ash" floating toward the ground from the direction in which
they had last seen the objects. They caught several samples of the ash as it
came down, before it touched the ground. It was pearl-grey in color, and one
fragment was of "a shell-like material with bits of ash plastered all over
it." One of the fragments was about the size of "a rose leaf."
According to the news
account, the witnesses gave the ashes to the paper, which in turn
gave them
to "the state chemist" for analysis. On the following day, the Statesman
reported that results of the analysis indicated the fragments were nothing
but ashes, probably from paper. Chemists said definitely that they were "not
of a metallic residue."
Case 802 -- July 9, Midland, Michigan: Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Edward Lane were picking berries shortly after 5:00 p.m. EST
when they heard a kind of "puff" noise nearby. Looking up, they saw a ball
of white, sparkling fire, like a Fourth of July sparkler, about the size of
a bushel basket, no more than a hundred feet away. It was hovering several
feet above a stretch of sand. After about ten or fifteen seconds, the fiery
object "went out," and the object vanished. The only thing remaining was a
peculiar dark substance on the sand, and some metallic fragments. The
report, from the Air Force files, is explained as a "Possible hoax."
IV – 2
The results of the analysis of the fragments and sand
samples were provided by the Air Force. Analysis does not, as such,
constitute any proof of a hoax. On the contrary, it seems to confirm that
something of an unusual nature did occur, although it does not seem on the
face of it to be necessarily connected with UFOs.
The analysts apparently were
given one sample of the metal -- an "irregular somewhat rounded pellet" which
they state is principally silver. Impurities of one-tenth percent silicon
are believed to be from sand picked up from the ground "before the metal
solidified." The presence of molten silver in a berry patch is certainly
odd, and rules out any simple "hoax." A sample of the dark residue in the
sand was also analyzed and its chief constituents were iron, aluminum and
titanium in amounts of one-tenth percent each. Some of the fine powder in
the sand at the site proved to be chiefly thorite, a rare mineral.
According to a letter from
Lt. Colonel Barnett B. Young, dated August 18, 1967, the incident, while
classified as a hoax, "was not initiated by the observer."
Electromagnetic Effects
Case 30 -- June 24, in Cascade Mts., Oregon: On
the morning of the same day that Kenneth Arnold made his sighting, a
Portland prospector, Fred M. Johnson, saw a loose group of five or six
objects in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. He described them as "round,
metallic-looking discs" and said they appeared to have tails, or fins, as
they banked in the sun about 1,000 feet overhead. They were approximately 30
feet in diameter and Johnson turned his telescope on one of the objects for
a closer look. As he did this, he noticed that the needle on his compass was
behaving in an unusual manner, weaving wildly back and forth while the
objects were overhead. This strange reaction stopped as soon as the objects
moved off to the southeast. They had been in view from 45 to 60 seconds. The
Air Force classifies this sighting as Unidentified.
Case 386 -- July 6, Acampo, California:
Residents of Acampo, a residential community just north of Lodi, reported
that they had heard a loud roar and saw a strange glow in the sky just
before dawn. At the same time, the entire town had a power outage. Mrs. W.
C. Smith, wife of a high school physics instructor, said the noise was "like
a four-motored bomber with its props feathered for a take-off." Looking
toward the sky she saw a red glow just as all the power in the community
failed. Neighbors reported having seen the same glow and hearing the same
Erving Newcomb of the
Pacific Gas and Electric Company threw cold water on any connection between
the outage and "flying saucers." He said "a low-flying crop-dusting plane"
had "probably struck a power line" and burned out a transformer. There were
no reports of any damaged power lines and as far as anyone knew, there had
been no crop-dusting going on before dawn on that Sunday morning.
Case 637 -- July 7, Hollywood,
California: Six silver discs "like silver reflections" were
reported by Ralph Whitmore, an advertising man. He saw them at
3:10 p.m. going northeast over Roosevelt Park in the direction
of Mount Wilson (Case
Around the same time, an anonymous man from the
Hollywood area phoned the papers to report that he had just seen six discs
"the size of small plates" hovering over power lines near his home when he
went outside to find out what might be causing "strange noises" on his
Case 13 -- June 18, Eugene, Oregon: E.
Sprinkle was one of a half-dozen Eugene residents who said that they had
spotted a formation of round objects "racing overhead" on a course to the
northeast from a hilltop outside Eugene at an unspecified time during the
day. Sprinkle had with him a $3.50 camera and took a snapshot of the objects
as they raced over. The story was reported following the publication of
Arnold's sighting. Enlargements of the photograph taken by Sprinkle showed
"seven dots" in a formation "shaped like an X or a Y, lined up across the
sky." Newspaper photographers, examining the snapshot, said the dots "might
be a fault in the developing process." They said that such dots sometimes
appear on a negative which has not been agitated while in the developer.
The dots were too small to
show up on ordinary newsprint paper, but were visible on a glossy 8 x 10
print. Under a microscope, reported the Portland Oregonian, "they
showed a similar shape." Associated Press, which briefly carried the report
on June 27 in a roundup of sightings, erroneously stated that Sprinkle's
photograph showed "nothing but empty sky." As far as can be determined, the
photograph has never been published in any UFO literature. Attempts to
obtain copies were fruitless.
Case 257 -- July 4, Lake City, Washington:
Alerted about 5:30 p.m. PST by a group of neighbors who had spotted a
disc-like object approaching the northern Seattle suburb from the south,
Yeoman Frank Ryman, of the Coast Guard Press Information office in Seattle,
dashed into his house at 12321 22nd Street N.E. and grabbed his Speed
Graphic camera. He waited until the disc was directly overhead before taking
a photograph, using Super XX film, shutter speed set at 1/50 and an F 22
lens opening.
Using binoculars, he
observed the object closely. "The disc came over at about 9,000 or 10,000
feet. It was flashing silver in the sun, (and was) about one-tenth the
apparent size of a full moon," he reported later. He said the gleaming disc
appeared to change course slightly in its northern flight. "As the object
hurtled through the sky," he said, "it seemed brighter at certain
times than at others. I believe it was the way the sun hit it." Ryman heard no noise,
no sound of engines. "I am positive there were no wings or fins in sight. It
definitely was not a plane," he asserted. "I looked for wings and other
possible projections as I watched it through the binoculars. I thought it
conceivably could have been a weather balloon being blown along by a high
wind. The Navy told me there was very little wind --about 10 to 12 knots at
most. The object I photographed appeared to be traveling over 500 miles an
IV – 3
Ryman said that the object
was in sight for four or five minutes and was observed by at least 20 others
in the neighborhood. He contacted the Post-Intelligencer immediately,
and the film was developed in the newspaper's darkroom. It showed a small,
blurred white oval against the background of the sky. Enlarged, it is quite
distinct (see reproduction), and the
enlargement was reprinted widely by the wire services. The importance of
this photograph is not so much what is shown on film, but in the
circumstances under which it was taken -- one of the rare cases in which a
photograph is made with numerous eye-witnesses who not only saw the object
in the sky, but saw the photograph being taken as well.
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Case 257 - July 4, Lake City,
Washington (Ryman)
In the Air Force files the
Ryman sighting is explained as a "weather balloon," although the speed of
the object, as well as information on the wind at the time, appear to make
such an explanation doubtful. The Air Force report on this sighting gives
the duration of observation as ten minutes. In the newspaper accounts -- both
local and wire service versions -- Ryman specifically says the object was in
view for "four to five minutes." Whether or not Ryman changed his estimate
of the duration in his official report is unknown, but it is perfectly clear
that a ten-minute duration would be more acceptable to the Air Force in
proposing a balloon explanation.
Reports by at least three
people were made in other parts of Seattle about a half an hour before the
Coast Guardsman's sighting. J. H. Oakley reported seeing a group of six
objects at Bow Lake (Case 252) and,
at about the same time, Charles Kamp, a Seattle Transit System driver, with
his wife, saw several discs "over the University district" going west at
high speed (Case 253).
Case 493 -- July 6, Birmingham, Alabama:
Widespread reports of objects seen over Birmingham for more than an hour
from about 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. CST (see III-3,4)
alerted Robert Crossland, Birmingham Age-Herald copy reader. When he
saw objects passing over his residence on 29th Street and Highland Avenue,
he rushed to get his camera. His developed film revealed two round, white
spots close together, against a black background, according to newspaper
reports. One of the spots was larger than the other. Crossland said he took
a 15-second time exposure. He said that five other persons were with him
when he took the photograph. Efforts to obtain copies have not been
Case 683 -- July 7, Louisville, Kentucky: As in
Birmingham on the previous night, numerous reports of aerial objects were
made at Louisville and in other Kentucky areas during the evening and night
hours. Al Hixenbaugh, a Louisville Times photographer, said that
when three bright objects flew over about 10:15 p.m. CST, he took a
five-second exposure of them, capturing two on the exposed plate. Described
in his report as "fiery balls," the objects on film appear as long streaks,
due to the five-second exposure (see reproduction).
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Case 683
- July 7, Louisville, Kentucky (Hixenbaugh)
Hixenbaugh took the
photograph at Preston Street Road and Bickel's Lane. He said that while it
was impossible to tell their shapes, the "fiery balls" did have tails like
meteors. However, the objects traveled parallel to the horizon and did not
fall in arcs, as meteors most often do. He estimated that the objects were
from two to five miles away and about 1,000 to 2,000 feet high. (If his
estimate was even fairly accurate, the objects were flying too low to be
meteors.) Their speed, estimated at approximately 200 miles an hour, was
too slow for meteors.
One of the many reports from
Louisville and other parts of Kentucky, at about the same time, came from
Robert Delara, of 2745 West Market, who also described seeing three fiery
objects shooting northward. Delara said they were "too big for falling
stars," but he said he didn't know what else they could be (Case
Case 651 -- July 7, near Pontiac, Michigan:
Albert Weaver, 37-year-old tool and die maker of Pontiac, reported that he
and two unidentified friends had seen three objects come "sailing over
Orchard Lake Country Club" in the evening around sundown. According to
Weaver, who said he had previously scoffed at reports of discs, he and his
companions were "amazed" when three objects came into view over a hill,
"about 150 feet high," and traveling at about 100 miles an hour.
The discs, Weaver said, were about two feet in
diameter, about two inches thick at the edges, and four to six inches thick
in the middle. They appeared to have holes in them, he said. His two
companions disagreed with his size estimates: they thought that the diameter
of the discs had been five feet. One man said "they appeared to have a
control tower on top."
The photograph taken by
Weaver shows only two objects, dark against the bright background of the
sky, and with no reference points showing - at least in the available
reproductions. One of the objects looks suspiciously like a phonograph
record; the other is difficult to visualize as a disc, unless a large
protuberance on one of its lateral surfaces is the "control tower" referred
to. Nothing could be learned from the local papers about the photographer
and local accounts were not available. (See
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Case 651 - July 7, Near Pontiac, Michigan
IV – 4
Case 675 -- July 7, Phoenix, Arizona: William
Rhodes, of 4333 North 14th Street, who described himself as a "free lance
scientist and inventor," was on his way to his laboratory behind his home at
dusk when he heard a "whoosh" overhead. Looking up, he expected to see a
P-80 jet; instead, he saw a dark, heel-shaped object coming in from the
west. It circled and banked at about 1,000 feet over his home. Rhodes
grabbed his camera from the laboratory workbench and as the object banked in
a tight circle for the second time, he took his first photograph. As it
circled once again at moderate speed, he took another shot. Other than the
initial "whoosh," which had caught his attention, there was no sound.
Following its final maneuver the object took off at high speed to the
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Case 675
- July 7, Phoenix, Arizona (Rhodes)
The photographs were reproduced in the July 9 edition
of the Phoenix Arizona Republic, with accompanying details of the
sighting. (The claim by a Chicago publisher that all July 9 issues had been
confiscated in a door-to-door search is completely without any basis in
fact.) A few weeks after the incident, an Army Air Corps Intelligence
Officer and an FBI agent visited Rhodes and asked for copies of the
photographs, as well as the negatives, which Rhodes turned over to them
willingly. He later reported that efforts to get them back were
In the Air Force files, the
Rhodes sighting is termed a "possible hoax." Kenneth Arnold reported,
however, that when he met Intelligence Officer Lt. Frank Brown in Tacoma on
July 31, Brown said that Rhodes' photographs were among several "we consider
to be authentic," explaining that copies had just been received at Hamilton
Field (The Coming of the Saucers, pp. 52-53). It is also interesting
to note that while Rhodes himself had no luck in getting his photographs
back, officers at Hamilton Field willingly gave copies to Arnold on a
subsequent trip he made to that base. Those same photos, given to Dr.
McDonald by Arnold, were lent for the purpose of reproduction in this
report by Dr. McDonald. The drawings below are included to give a clearer
impression of the shapes in the photographs.
Case 734 -- July 8, Avalon, California: At 1:00
p.m. PST, several hundred people on Santa Catalina Island, off Long Beach,
saw a flight of six disc-shaped objects pass over the Island. Among the
witnesses were Army Air Corps veterans Bob Jung, Kenneth Johnson and Alvio
Russo. Jung, a former aerial photographer in the service, was able to
photograph one of the discs. Russo, a pilot who had flown 35 missions over
Europe with the Eighth Air Force, estimated the speed of the objects at 850
miles an hour; Jung compared their speed with that of the Navy 's "Tiny Tim"
"They were in two elements.
of three each," Jung said. "The formation came in from the northeast and
disappeared over the hills to the south of Avalon Bay." Jung, who was a
professional photographer in Avalon, had his camera with him and took two
shots before the objects vanished. The film was flown to the shore for
processing, and as far as can be determined, only one had been printed; it
shows a single oval-shaped, light-colored object of considerable size, with
the superstructure of a ship at the bottom in the foreground. The printed
copy is highly retouched. Efforts to obtain a copy of the print, or the
original report, have not been successful.
Case 790 -- July 9, Morristown, New
Jersey: In an account published in the Morristown Daily Record (7/10)
there is a description of a sighting that presumably took place on the
preceding morning. The witness was John H.
Janssen, of Morristown, identified as "Airport Columnist" on the
He reported that he was on his way to the airport at mid-morning when he
"caught a glint in the sky and, looking up, saw what he first took to be a
group of airplanes. Closer examination revealed a formation of four
disc-like objects floating in the air at about 10,000 feet. Janssen said he
"quickly fitted a filter to his camera lens" and took the photograph printed
with his story. "I had only time for this one picture. While I was turning
the film for the next exposure the lead disc suddenly shot upward and toward
New York City in a dazzling burst of speed. The other three followed and all
were out of sight in a twinkling of the eye. In my brief glimpse of the
discs I did notice that the lead one was of a dull metallic color and the
others appeared to be of a silvery hue.
IV – 5
"From where I stood on the
top of my car watching the strange craft," he said, "I guessed them to be
anywhere from 100 to 300 feet in diameter. The circumference was the
thinnest part of the ships and widened toward the middle where possibly they
could be ten to twenty feet high-enough to provide living and operating
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Case 790 - July 9 or 10, Morristown, N.J.
The photograph shows four
bright objects, three of which are distinct ovals against the clear sky in a
slightly curved line, while the fourth, at the top of the line, is less
distinct. In the lower part of the picture is part of a cloud formation.
Janssen was the second of
two UFO witnesses in the 1947 wave to publicly express belief that the
objects were space ships. "I really believe these craft to be operated by an
intelligence far beyond that developed by we earth-bound mortals and (I) am
inclined to agree with the theory that they are space craft from another
planet." He went on to theorize on possible magnetic and antigravity
methods of propulsion to explain the acceleration of the objects. "In all probability these are
reconnaissance craft and as they have been seen all over the world and not
only in this country, are probably making a thorough study of us and our
terrain and atmosphere before making any overtures."
In the light of subsequent
claims by Mr. Janssen, including a story purportedly taking place several
weeks later and describing how his plane was stopped in mid-air for a number
of minutes while being scrutinized by a pair of discs hovering nearby, the
original sighting report and photograph must be viewed with a certain amount
of suspicion. As the original photograph is no longer available, a drawing
of the reproduction in the Daily Record is included.
IV – 6
Section V -
- Chronology and References
Section V - Case Number
Cross Reference to Section/Page Numbers
(In Case Number Sequence)
(This is a new addition and was
not part of the original report)
Case Num | Date | Hour/TimeZone/GMT | Cross Ref. | Case Num | Date | Hour/TimeZone/GMT | Cross Ref. |
1 | Jun-47 | Sundown/PST/0430 | II-14 | 57 | 25-Jun-47 | 7:30 PM/MST/0230* | |
2 | Jun-47 | 1:00 PM/PST/2100 | 58 | 25-Jun-47 | 7:45 PM/MST/0245 | ||
3 | Ab 1 June 47 | Daytime/PST/2100 | 59 | 25-Jun-47 | Night/(EDT)/0300* | III-17 | |
4 | Ab 1 June 47 | Night/EST/0300* | 60 | 25-Jun-47 | Ab 8:05 PM/MST/0305* | III-8 | |
5 | Ab 2 June 47 | CST | 61 | 25-Jun-47 | 10:00 PM/CST/0400* | ||
6 | 2-Jun-47 | Daytime/EST/1800 | II-16,17 & III-9 | 62 | 25-Jun-47 | Ab 8:15 PM/PST/0415* | |
7 | 10-Jun-47 | Ab 11:00 PM/MST/0600* | 63 | 26-Jun-47 | MST | ||
8 | 12-Jun-47 | 6:15 PM/PST/0315* | II-8 | 64 | 26-Jun-47 | 2:00 AM/(CDT)/0700 | I-5 |
9 | 15-Jun-47 | Daytime/MST/2000 | 65 | 26-Jun-47 | Daytime/MST/2000 | III-8 | |
10 | 17-Jun-47 | Afternoon/PST/2300 | 66 | 26-Jun-47 | 8:30 PM/CST/0230* | ||
11 | 17-Jun-47 | 6:00 PM/PST/0200* | 67 | 26-Jun-47 | 7:43 PM/MST/0243* | III-2 | |
12 | Ab 17 June 47 | Late Night/CST/0500* | III-1&2 | 68 | 26-Jun-47 | Ab 7:45 PM/MST/0245* | III-9 |
13 | 18-Jun-47 | Daytime/PST/2100 | I-6 & IV-3 | 69 | 26-Jun-47 | Ab 7:45 PM/MST/0245* | III-9 |
14 | Ab 18 June 47 | Ab 4:00 PM/CST/2200 | 70 | 26-Jun-47 | Ab 7:45 PM/MST/0245* | III-9 | |
15 | 19-Jun-47 | Night/CST/0400* | 71 | Ab 27 June 47 | CST | ||
16 | 20-Jun-47 | PST | 72 | Ab 27 June 47 | CST | ||
17 | 20-Jun-47 | Daytime/MST/2000 | II-9 | 73 | 27-Jun-47 | 12:30 AM/CST/0630 | |
18 | 20-Jun-47 | 11:00 PM/PST/0700* | 74 | 27-Jun-47 | 9:50 AM/MST/1650 | III-10 | |
19 | 21-Jun-47 | (EDT) | IV-1,2 | 75 | 27-Jun-47 | 9:50 AM/MST/1650 | III- 9 |
20 | 21-Jun-47 | 11:55 AM/PST/1955 | II-18 | 76 | 27-Jun-47 | Ab 10:00 AM/MST/1700 | III-10 |
21 | 22-Jun-47 | Daytime/MST/2000 | 77 | 27-Jun-47 | Ab 10:00 AM/MST/1700 | III-10 | |
22 | 22-Jun-47 | Daytime/(EDT)/1800 | 78 | 27-Jun-47 | 10:30 AM/MST/1730 | ||
23 | 22-Jun-47 | Daytime/CST/1900 | III-8 | 79 | 27-Jun-47 | 10:30 AM/MST/1730 | |
24 | 23-Jun-47 | CST | 80 | 27-Jun-47 | Daytime/CST/1900 | ||
25 | 23-Jun-47 | Noon/PST/2000 | II-3 | 81 | 27-Jun-47 | Daytime/MST/2000 | I-6 |
26 | 23-Jun-47 | 2:15 PM/PST/2215 | II-3 | 82 | 27-Jun-47 | Daytime?/MST/2000? | III-10 |
27 | 23-Jun-47 | Ab 9:30 PM/EST/0230 | III-6 | 83 | 27-Jun-47 | Daytime/MST/2000 | III-9,10 |
28 | 23-Jun-47 | Night/EST/0300* | I-4 & III-6 | 84 | 27-Jun-47 | Daytime/PST/2100 | |
29 | 23-Jun-47 | Night/CST/0400* | I-4 | 85 | 27-Jun-47 | Afternoon/PST/2300 | II-1,2 |
30 | 24-Jun-47 | Morning/PST/1800 | II-13 & IV-3 | 86 | 27-Jun-47 | 10:00 PM/(EDT)/0200* | |
31 | 24-Jun-47 | Ab 10:00 AM/PST/1800 | 87 | 27-Jun-47 | Evening/MST/0300* | ||
32 | 24-Jun-47 | 10:00 AM/PST/1800 | 88 | 27-Jun-47 | 8:00 PM/(PDT)/0400* | ||
33 | 24-Jun-47 | 1:50 PM/(CDT)/1850 | II-2 | 89 | 27-Jun-47 | 8:00 PM/(PDT)/0400* | |
34 | 24-Jun-47 | Afternoon/CST/2100 | II-1 | 90 | 28-Jun-47 | Daytime/EST/1800 | |
35 | 24-Jun-47 | Daytime/PST/2100 | 91 | 28-Jun-47 | Daytime/EST/1800 | ||
36 | 24-Jun-47 | Afternoon/MST/2200 | II-9 | 92 | 28-Jun-47 | 11:30 AM/PST/1930 | |
37 | 24-Jun-47 | 2:30 PM/PST/2230 | 93 | 28-Jun-47 | Daytime/MST/2000 | II-11 | |
38 | 24-Jun-47 | 3:30 PM/MST/2230 | III-16,17 | 94 | NLT 28 June 47 | Daytime/PST/2100 | II-13 |
39 ** | 24-Jun-47 | 2:58 PM/PST/2258 | I-2,3 | 95 | 28-Jun-47 | 1:15 PM/PST/2115 | III-10 |
40 | 24-Jun-47 | Ab 3:00 PM/PST/2300 | I-4 | 96 | 28-Jun-47 | 3:45 PM/CST/2145 | |
41 | 24-Jun-47 | Afternoon/PST/2300 | 97 | 28-Jun-47 | 5:00 PM/CST/2300 | ||
42 | 24-Jun-47 | Ab 4:00 PM/PST/0000* | 98 | 28-Jun-47 | Evening/(EDT)/0100* | ||
43 | 24-Jun-47 | Ab 6:00 PM/PST/0200* | 99 | 28-Jun-47 | 5:05 PM/PST/0105* | ||
44 | 24-Jun-47 | Ab 7:00 PM/PST/0300* | 100 | 28-Jun-47 | Evening/CST/0200* | ||
45 | 24-Jun-47 | 9:00 PM/PST/0500* | II-18 | 101 | NLT 28 June 47 | Night/EST/0300* | |
46 | 24-Jun-47 | 9:15 PM/PST/0515* | 102 | 28-Jun-47 | 9:20 PM/CST/0320* | III- 3 | |
47 | 24-Jun-47 | Ab 10:00 PM/PST0600* | 103 | 29-Jun-47 | CST | ||
48 | 24-Jun-47 | Ab 11:00 PM/PST/0700* | 104 | NLT 29 June 47 | Daytime/(EDT)/1800 | II-17 | |
49 | 24-Jun-47 | Ab 11:00 PM/PST0700* | 105 | 29-Jun-47 | Before noon/MST/1845 | II-12 | |
50 | Ab 25 June 47 | Ab 3:00 AM/(EDT)0700 | II-16 | 106 | 29-Jun-47 | Daytime/(CDT)/1900 | |
51 | 25-Jun-47 | 8:45 AM/(CDT)1345 | 107 | 29-Jun-47 | 11:00 AM/PST/1900 | ||
52 | 25-Jun-47 | Past Noon/CST/1815 | II-1 | 108 | 29-Jun-47 | Daytime/MST/2000 | |
53 | 25-Jun-47 | Afternoon/MST2200 | II-11 | 109 | 29-Jun-47 | Ab 1:15 PM/MST/2015 | III-18 |
54 | 25-Jun-47 | Afternoon/PST/2300 | 110** | 29-Jun-47 | Ab 1:30 PM/MST/2030 | Appendix | |
55 | 25-Jun-47 | Ab 5:30 PM/CST/2330 | 111 | 29-Jun-47 | 1:30 PM/PST/2130 | ||
56 | 25-Jun-47 | Ab 7:00 PM/MST/0200* | 112 | 29-Jun-47 | 4:45 PM/CST/2245 |
Section V - - Chronology and References
Section V - Case Number Cross Reference to Section/Page Numbers(In Date Sequence)(This is a new addition and was not part of the original report)
Date Case Num Hour/TimeZone/GMT Cross Ref. Date Case Num Hour/TimeZone/GMT Cross Ref. Jun-47 1 Sundown/PST/0430 II-14 26-Jun-47 65 Daytime/MST/2000 III-8 Jun-47 2 1:00 PM/PST/2100 26-Jun-47 66 8:30 PM/CST/0230* Ab 1 June 47 3 Daytime/PST/2100 26-Jun-47 67 7:43 PM/MST/0243* III-2 Ab 1 June 47 4 Night/EST/0300* 26-Jun-47 68 Ab 7:45 PM/MST/0245* III-9 Ab 2 June 47 5 CST 26-Jun-47 69 Ab 7:45 PM/MST/0245* III-9 2-Jun-47 6 Daytime/EST/1800 II-16,17 & III-9 26-Jun-47 70 Ab 7:45 PM/MST/0245* III-9 10-Jun-47 7 Ab 11:00 PM/MST/0600* Ab 27 June 47 71 CST 12-Jun-47 8 6:15 PM/PST/0315* II-8 Ab 27 June 47 72 CST 15-Jun-47 9 Daytime/MST/2000 27-Jun-47 73 12:30 AM/CST/0630 17-Jun-47 10 Afternoon/PST/2300 27-Jun-47 74 9:50 AM/MST/1650 III-10 17-Jun-47 11 6:00 PM/PST/0200* 27-Jun-47 75 9:50 AM/MST/1650 III- 9 Ab 17 June 47 12 Late Night/CST/0500* III-1&2 27-Jun-47 76 Ab 10:00 AM/MST/1700 III-10 18-Jun-47 13 Daytime/PST/2100 I-6 & IV-3 27-Jun-47 77 Ab 10:00 AM/MST/1700 III-10 Ab 18 June 47 14 Ab 4:00 PM/CST/2200 27-Jun-47 78 10:30 AM/MST/1730 19-Jun-47 15 Night/CST/0400* 27-Jun-47 79 10:30 AM/MST/1730 20-Jun-47 16 PST 27-Jun-47 80 Daytime/CST/1900 20-Jun-47 17 Daytime/MST/2000 II-9 27-Jun-47 81 Daytime/MST/2000 I-6 20-Jun-47 18 11:00 PM/PST/0700* 27-Jun-47 82 Daytime?/MST/2000? III-10 21-Jun-47 19 (EDT) IV-1,2 27-Jun-47 83 Daytime/MST/2000 III-9,10 21-Jun-47 20 11:55 AM/PST/1955 II-18 27-Jun-47 84 Daytime/PST/2100 22-Jun-47 21 Daytime/MST/2000 27-Jun-47 85 Afternoon/PST/2300 II-1,2 22-Jun-47 22 Daytime/(EDT)/1800 27-Jun-47 86 10:00 PM/(EDT)/0200* 22-Jun-47 23 Daytime/CST/1900 III-8 27-Jun-47 87 Evening/MST/0300* 23-Jun-47 24 CST 27-Jun-47 88 8:00 PM/(PDT)/0400* 23-Jun-47 25 Noon/PST/2000 II-3 27-Jun-47 89 8:00 PM/(PDT)/0400* 23-Jun-47 26 2:15 PM/PST/2215 II-3 28-Jun-47 90 Daytime/EST/1800 23-Jun-47 27 Ab 9:30 PM/EST/0230 III-6 28-Jun-47 91 Daytime/EST/1800 23-Jun-47 28 Night/EST/0300* I-4 & III-6 28-Jun-47 92 11:30 AM/PST/1930 23-Jun-47 29 Night/CST/0400* I-4 28-Jun-47 93 Daytime/MST/2000 II-11 24-Jun-47 30 Morning/PST/1800 II-13 & IV-3 NLT 28 June 47 94 Daytime/PST/2100 II-13 24-Jun-47 31 Ab 10:00 AM/PST/1800 28-Jun-47 95 1:15 PM/PST/2115 III-10 24-Jun-47 32 10:00 AM/PST/1800 28-Jun-47 96 3:45 PM/CST/2145 24-Jun-47 33 1:50 PM/(CDT)/1850 II-2 28-Jun-47 97 5:00 PM/CST/2300 24-Jun-47 34 Afternoon/CST/2100 II-1 28-Jun-47 98 Evening/(EDT)/0100* 24-Jun-47 35 Daytime/PST/2100 28-Jun-47 99 5:05 PM/PST/0105* 24-Jun-47 36 Afternoon/MST/2200 II-9 28-Jun-47 100 Evening/CST/0200* 24-Jun-47 37 2:30 PM/PST/2230 NLT 28 June 47 101 Night/EST/0300* 24-Jun-47 38 3:30 PM/MST/2230 III-16,17 28-Jun-47 102 9:20 PM/CST/0320* III- 3 24-Jun-47 39 ** 2:58 PM/PST/2258 I-2,3 28-Jun-47 304 1:30 AM/CST/0730 II-11 24-Jun-47 40 Ab 3:00 PM/PST/2300 I-4 ab 28 June 47 697a PST 24-Jun-47 41 Afternoon/PST/2300 29-Jun-47 103 CST 24-Jun-47 42 Ab 4:00 PM/PST/0000* NLT 29 June 47 104 Daytime/(EDT)/1800 II-17 24-Jun-47 43 Ab 6:00 PM/PST/0200* 29-Jun-47 105 Before noon/MST/1845 II-12 24-Jun-47 44 Ab 7:00 PM/PST/0300* 29-Jun-47 106 Daytime/(CDT)/1900 24-Jun-47 45 9:00 PM/PST/0500* II-18 29-Jun-47 107 11:00 AM/PST/1900 24-Jun-47 46 9:15 PM/PST/0515* 29-Jun-47 108 Daytime/MST/2000 24-Jun-47 47 Ab 10:00 PM/PST0600* 29-Jun-47 109 Ab 1:15 PM/MST/2015 III-18 24-Jun-47 48 Ab 11:00 PM/PST/0700* 29-Jun-47 110** Ab 1:30 PM/MST/2030 Appendix 24-Jun-47 49 Ab 11:00 PM/PST0700* 29-Jun-47 111 1:30 PM/PST/2130 Ab 25 June 47 50 Ab 3:00 AM/(EDT)0700 II-16 29-Jun-47 112 4:45 PM/CST/2245 25-Jun-47 51 8:45 AM/(CDT)1345 29-Jun-47 113 ab 5:15 PM/CST/2317 25-Jun-47 52 Past Noon/CST/1815 II-1 29-Jun-47 114 9:07 PM/PST/0507* 25-Jun-47 53 Afternoon/MST2200 II-11 30-Jun-47 115 9:10 AM/MST/1610 II-12 & III-10 25-Jun-47 54 Afternoon/PST/2300 30-Jun-47 116 10:00 AM/MST/1700 25-Jun-47 55 Ab 5:30 PM/CST/2330 30-Jun-47 117 Daytime/PST/2100 25-Jun-47 56 Ab 7:00 PM/MST/0200* 30-Jun-47 118 Afternoon/PST/2300 III-14 25-Jun-47 57 7:30 PM/MST/0230* 30-Jun-47 119 Afternoon/PST/2300 III-14 25-Jun-47 58 7:45 PM/MST/0245 30-Jun-47 120** Ab 4:30 PM/MST/2330* II-4,5 25-Jun-47 59 Night/(EDT)/0300* III-17 30-Jun-47 121 Ab 6:00 PM/CST/0000* 25-Jun-47 60 Ab 8:05 PM/MST/0305* III-8 30-Jun-47 122 Evening/(EDT)/0000* 25-Jun-47 61 10:00 PM/CST/0400* 30-Jun-47 123 Ab 5:45 PM/MST/0045* II-6 25-Jun-47 62 Ab 8:15 PM/PST/0415* 30-Jun-47 124 8:00 PM/CST/0200* 26-Jun-47 63 MST 30-Jun-47 125 9:30 PM/CST/0330* II-17 & III- 2 26-Jun-47 64 2:00 AM/(CDT)/0700 I-5 30-Jun-47 126 Night/EST/0300* II-18
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